예제 #1
    def _load_contents_data(self, arch_name, component):
        contents_basename = "Contents-%s.gz" % (arch_name)
        contents_fname = os.path.join(self._mirror_dir, "dists", self._suite_name, component, contents_basename)

        # Ubuntu does not place the Contents file in a component-specific directory,
        # so fall back to the global one.
        if not os.path.isfile(contents_fname):
            path = os.path.join(self._mirror_dir, "dists", self._suite_name, contents_basename)
            if os.path.isfile(path):
                contents_fname = path

        # load and preprocess the large file.
        # we don't show mercy to memory here, we just want the icon lookup to be fast,
        # so we need to cache the data.
        f = gzip.open(contents_fname, 'r')
        for line in f:
            line = _decode_contents_line(line)
            if line.startswith("usr/share/icons/hicolor/") or line.startswith("usr/share/pixmaps/"):

            # allow Oxygen icon theme, needed to support KDE apps
            if line.startswith("usr/share/icons/oxygen"):

            # in rare events, GNOME needs the same treatment, so special-case Adwaita as well
            if line.startswith("usr/share/icons/Adwaita"):


        new_pkgs = read_packages_dict_from_file(self._mirror_dir, self._suite_name, component, arch_name)
예제 #2
    def update_html(self):
        dep11_hintsdir = os.path.join(self._export_dir, "hints")
        if not os.path.exists(dep11_hintsdir):
        dep11_minfodir = os.path.join(self._export_dir, "data")
        if not os.path.exists(dep11_minfodir):

        export_dir = self._html_export_dir
        media_dir = os.path.join(self._export_dir, "media")
        noimage_url = os.path.join(self._html_url, "static", "img", "no-image.png")

        # Render archive suites index page
        self.render_template("suites_index.html", export_dir, "index.html", suites=self._suites_data.keys())

        # TODO: Remove old HTML files
        for suite_name in self._suites_data:
            suite = self._suites_data[suite_name]
            export_dir = os.path.join(self._export_dir, "html", suite_name)

            suite_error_count = 0
            suite_warning_count = 0
            suite_info_count = 0
            suite_metainfo_count = 0

            for component in suite['components']:
                issue_summaries = dict()
                mdata_summaries = dict()
                export_dir_section = os.path.join(self._export_dir, "html", suite_name, component)
                export_dir_issues = os.path.join(export_dir_section, "issues")
                export_dir_metainfo = os.path.join(export_dir_section, "metainfo")

                error_count = 0
                warning_count = 0
                info_count = 0
                metainfo_count = 0

                hint_pages = dict()
                cpt_pages = dict()

                for arch in suite['architectures']:
                    h_fname = os.path.join(dep11_hintsdir, suite_name, component, "DEP11Hints_%s.yml.gz" % (arch))
                    hints_data = None
                    if os.path.isfile(h_fname):
                        f = gzip.open(h_fname, 'r')
                        hints_data = yaml.safe_load_all(f.read())

                    d_fname = os.path.join(dep11_minfodir, suite_name, component, "Components-%s.yml.gz" % (arch))
                    dep11_data = None
                    if os.path.isfile(d_fname):
                        f = gzip.open(d_fname, 'r')
                        dep11_data = yaml.safe_load_all(f.read())

                    pkg_index = read_packages_dict_from_file(self._archive_root, suite_name, component, arch)

                    if hints_data:
                        for hdata in hints_data:
                            pkg_name = hdata['Package']
                            pkg_id = hdata.get('PackageID')
                            if not pkg_id:
                                pkg_id = pkg_name
                            pkg = pkg_index.get(pkg_name)
                            maintainer = None
                            if pkg:
                                maintainer = pkg['maintainer']
                            if not maintainer:
                                maintainer = "Unknown"
                            if not issue_summaries.get(maintainer):
                                issue_summaries[maintainer] = dict()

                            hints_raw = hdata.get('Hints', list())

                            # expand all hints to show long descriptions
                            errors = list()
                            warnings = list()
                            infos = list()

                            for hint in hints_raw:
                                ehint = self._expand_hint(hint)
                                severity = ehint['severity']
                                if severity == "info":
                                elif severity == "warning":

                            if not hint_pages.get(pkg_name):
                                hint_pages[pkg_name] = list()

                            # we fold multiple architectures with the same issues into one view
                            pkid_noarch = pkg_id
                            if "/" in pkg_id:
                                pkid_noarch = pkg_id[:pkg_id.rfind("/")]

                            pcid = ""
                            if hdata.get('ID'):
                                pcid = "%s: %s" % (pkid_noarch, hdata.get('ID'))
                                pcid = pkid_noarch

                            page_data = {'identifier': pcid, 'errors': errors, 'warnings': warnings, 'infos': infos, 'archs': [arch]}
                                l = hint_pages[pkg_name]
                                index = next(i for i, v in enumerate(l) if equal_dicts(v, page_data, ['archs']))
                            except StopIteration:

                                # add info to global issue count
                                error_count += len(errors)
                                warning_count += len(warnings)
                                info_count += len(infos)

                                # add info for global index
                                if not issue_summaries[maintainer].get(pkg_name):
                                    issue_summaries[maintainer][pkg_name] = {'error_count': len(errors), 'warning_count': len(warnings), 'info_count': len(infos)}

                    if dep11_data:
                        for mdata in dep11_data:
                            pkg_name = mdata.get('Package')
                            if not pkg_name:
                                # we probably hit the header
                            pkg = pkg_index.get(pkg_name)
                            maintainer = None
                            if pkg:
                                maintainer = pkg['maintainer']
                            if not maintainer:
                                maintainer = "Unknown"
                            if not mdata_summaries.get(maintainer):
                                mdata_summaries[maintainer] = dict()

                            # ugly hack to have the screenshot entries linked
                            #if mdata.get('Screenshots'):
                            #    sshot_baseurl = os.path.join(self._dep11_url, component)
                            #    for i in range(len(mdata['Screenshots'])):
                            #        url = mdata['Screenshots'][i]['source-image']['url']
                            #        url = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (os.path.join(sshot_baseurl, url), url)
                            #        mdata['Screenshots'][i]['source-image']['url'] = Markup(url)
                            #        thumbnails = mdata['Screenshots'][i]['thumbnails']
                            #        for j in range(len(thumbnails)):
                            #            url = thumbnails[j]['url']
                            #            url = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (os.path.join(sshot_baseurl, url), url)
                            #            thumbnails[j]['url'] = Markup(url)
                            #        mdata['Screenshots'][i]['thumbnails'] = thumbnails

                            mdata_yml = dict_to_dep11_yaml(mdata)
                            mdata_yml = self._highlight_yaml(mdata_yml)
                            cid = mdata.get('ID')

                            # try to find an icon for this component (if it's a GUI app)
                            icon_url = None
                            if mdata['Type'] == 'desktop-app' or mdata['Type'] == "web-app":
                                icon_name = mdata['Icon'].get("cached")
                                cptgid = build_cpt_global_id(cid, mdata.get('X-Source-Checksum'))
                                if icon_name and cptgid:
                                    icon_fname = os.path.join(component, cptgid, "icons", "64x64", icon_name)
                                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(media_dir, icon_fname)):
                                        icon_url = os.path.join(self._dep11_url, icon_fname)
                                        icon_url = noimage_url
                                    icon_url = noimage_url
                                icon_url = os.path.join(self._html_url, "static", "img", "cpt-nogui.png")

                            if not cpt_pages.get(pkg_name):
                                cpt_pages[pkg_name] = list()

                            page_data = {'cid': cid, 'mdata': mdata_yml, 'icon_url': icon_url, 'archs': [arch]}
                                l = cpt_pages[pkg_name]
                                index = next(i for i, v in enumerate(l) if equal_dicts(v, page_data, ['archs']))
                            except StopIteration:

                                # increase valid metainfo count
                                metainfo_count += 1

                            # check if we had this package, and add to summary
                            pksum = mdata_summaries[maintainer].get(pkg_name)
                            if not pksum:
                                pksum = dict()

                            if pksum.get('cids'):
                                if not cid in pksum['cids']:
                                pksum['cids'] = [cid]

                            mdata_summaries[maintainer][pkg_name] = pksum

                    if not dep11_data and not hints_data:
                        log.warning("Suite %s/%s/%s does not contain DEP-11 data or issue hints.", suite_name, component, arch)

                # now write the HTML pages with the previously collected & transformed issue data
                for pkg_name, entry_list in hint_pages.items():
                    # render issues page
                    self.render_template("issues_page.html", export_dir_issues, "%s.html" % (pkg_name),
                            package_name=pkg_name, entries=entry_list, suite=suite_name, section=component)

                # render page with all components found in a package
                for pkg_name, cptlist in cpt_pages.items():
                    # render metainfo page
                    self.render_template("metainfo_page.html", export_dir_metainfo, "%s.html" % (pkg_name),
                            package_name=pkg_name, cpts=cptlist, suite=suite_name, section=component)

                # Now render our issue index page
                self.render_template("issues_index.html", export_dir_issues, "index.html",
                            package_summaries=issue_summaries, suite=suite_name, section=component)

                # ... and the metainfo index page
                self.render_template("metainfo_index.html", export_dir_metainfo, "index.html",
                            package_summaries=mdata_summaries, suite=suite_name, section=component)

                validate_result = "Validation was not performed."
                if dep11_data:
                    # do format validation
                    validator = DEP11Validator()
                    ret = validator.validate_file(d_fname)
                    if ret:
                        validate_result = "No errors found."
                        validate_result = ""
                        for issue in validator.issue_list:
                            validate_result += issue.replace("FATAL", "<strong>FATAL</strong>")+"<br/>\n"

                # sum up counts for suite statistics
                suite_metainfo_count += metainfo_count
                suite_error_count += error_count
                suite_warning_count += warning_count
                suite_info_count += info_count

                # calculate statistics for this component
                count = metainfo_count + error_count + warning_count + info_count
                valid_perc = 100/count*metainfo_count if count > 0 else 0
                error_perc = 100/count*error_count if count > 0 else 0
                warning_perc = 100/count*warning_count if count > 0 else 0
                info_perc = 100/count*info_count if count > 0 else 0

                # Render our overview page
                self.render_template("section_overview.html", export_dir_section, "index.html",
                            suite=suite_name, section=component, valid_percentage=valid_perc,
                            error_percentage=error_perc, warning_percentage=warning_perc, info_percentage=info_perc,
                            metainfo_count=metainfo_count, error_count=error_count, warning_count=warning_count,
                            info_count=info_count, validate_result=validate_result)

            # calculate statistics for this suite
            count = suite_metainfo_count + suite_error_count + suite_warning_count + suite_info_count
            valid_perc = 100/count*suite_metainfo_count if count > 0 else 0
            error_perc = 100/count*suite_error_count if count > 0 else 0
            warning_perc = 100/count*suite_warning_count if count > 0 else 0
            info_perc = 100/count*suite_info_count if count > 0 else 0

            # Render archive components index/overview page
            self.render_template("sections_index.html", export_dir, "index.html",
                            sections=suite['components'], suite=suite_name, valid_percentage=valid_perc,
                            error_percentage=error_perc, warning_percentage=warning_perc, info_percentage=info_perc,
                            metainfo_count=suite_metainfo_count, error_count=suite_error_count, warning_count=suite_warning_count,

        # Copy the static files
        target_static_dir = os.path.join(self._export_dir, "html", "static")
        shutil.rmtree(target_static_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._template_dir, "static"), target_static_dir)
예제 #3
 def _get_packages_for(self, suite, component, arch):
     return read_packages_dict_from_file(self._archive_root, suite, component, arch).values()