def _get_developer_token(self) -> str: """Gets developer token from connection configuration. Returns: dev_token: Developer token of Google Ads API. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError: If connection is not available or if password is missing in the connection. """ conn = self.get_connection(self.http_conn_id) if not conn: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Cannot get connection {id}.'.format(id=self.http_conn_id)) if not conn.password: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Missing dev token. Please check connection {id} and its password.' .format(id=self.http_conn_id)) return conn.password
def _validate_init_params(self, user_list_name: str, membership_lifespan: int) -> None: """Validate user_list_name and membership_lifespan parameters. Args: user_list_name: The name of the user list to add members to. membership_lifespan: Number of days a user's cookie stays. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError if user_list_name is null or membership_lifespan is negative or bigger than 10000. """ if not user_list_name: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'User list name is empty.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if membership_lifespan < 0 or membership_lifespan > 10000: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Membership lifespan is not between 0 and 10,000.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT)
def _validate_required_fields(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Validates all required fields are present in the event JSON. Args: event: Offline Conversion JSON event. Raises: AssertionError: If any any violation is found. """ if not all(field.value in event.keys() for field in RequiredFields): raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( f'Event is missing at least one mandatory field(s)' f' {[field.value for field in RequiredFields]}', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if not event['conversionName'] or len(event['conversionName']) > 100: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Length of conversionName should be <= 100.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if not re.match(_RE_STRING_DATE_TIME, event['conversionTime']): raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'conversionTime should be formatted: yyyymmdd hhmmss [tz]', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if event['conversionValue'] < 0: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'conversionValue should be greater than or equal to 0.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if not event['googleClickId'] or len(event['googleClickId']) > 512: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Length of googleClickId should be between 1 and 512.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT)
def get_user_list_id(self, user_list_name: Text) -> int: """Converts user list name to user list ID. Searches for a ServiceType.AdwordsUserListService list in Google Ads and returns the list's ID if it exists and raises an error if it doesn't exist. Args: user_list_name: The name of the user list to get the ID for. Returns: user_list_id: ID of the user list. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. DataOutConnectorValueError if the list with given user list name doesn't exist. """ user_list_meta_data_selector = { 'fields': ['Name', 'Id'], 'predicates': [{ 'field': 'Name', 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'values': user_list_name }, { 'field': 'ListType', 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'values': 'CRM_BASED' }], } service = self._get_service(ServiceType.ADWORDS_USER_LIST_SERVICE) try: result = service.get(user_list_meta_data_selector) except (googleads_errors.GoogleAdsServerFault, googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError, google_auth_exceptions.RefreshError) as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg='Failed to get user list ID due to authentication error.', error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) if 'entries' in result and len(result['entries']): user_list_id = result['entries'][0]['id'] else: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( msg="""Failed to get user list ID. List doesn't exist""", error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap.ERROR) return user_list_id
def _validate_and_set_upload_key_type( self, upload_key_type: str, app_id: str) -> ads_hook.UploadKeyType: """Validate upload_key_type and the subsequent parameters for each key type. Args: upload_key_type: The upload key type. Refer to ads_hook.UploadKeyType for more information. app_id: An ID required for creating a new list if upload_key_type is MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID. Returns: UploadKeyType: An UploadKeyType object defined in ads_hook. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError in the following scenarios: - upload_key_type is not supported by ads_hook. - app_id is not specificed when create_list = True and upload_key_type is MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID. """ try: validated_upload_key_type = ads_hook.UploadKeyType[upload_key_type] except KeyError: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Invalid upload key type. See ads_hook.UploadKeyType for details', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if (validated_upload_key_type == ads_hook.UploadKeyType.MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID and self.create_list and not app_id): raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'app_id needs to be specified for ' 'MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID when create_list is True.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) return validated_upload_key_type
def _get_service( self, service_type: ServiceType, enable_partial_failure: bool = False) -> common.GoogleSoapService: """Gets AdWords service according to the given service type. Partial failure detailed explanation: Args: service_type: AdWords service to create a service client for. See all available services in ServiceType. enable_partial_failure: A flag to allow request that valid operations be committed and failed ones return errors. Returns: AdWords service object. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. DataOutConnectorValueError if the service can't be created. """ try: adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromString( self.yaml_doc) adwords_client.partial_failure = enable_partial_failure except googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg= ('Please check the credentials in the yml doc, it should contains' ' a top level key named adwords and 5 sub key-value' ' pairs named client_customer_id, developer_token, client_id,' ' client_secret and refresh_token.'), error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) try: service = adwords_client.GetService(service_type.value, self.api_version) except googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( error=error, msg='Couldn\'t get service from Google Adwords API', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap.RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) return service
def _validate_sha256_pattern(field_data: str) -> None: """Validates if field_data matches sha256 digest string pattern. The correct patterh is '^[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}$' Note: None is an invalid sha256 value Args: field_data: A field data which is a part of member data entity of Google Adwords API Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError: If the any field data is invalid or None. """ if field_data is None or not re.match(_SHA256_DIGEST_PATTERN, field_data): raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'None or string is not in SHA256 format.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap.NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT)
def _format_mobile_advertising_event(event: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """Format a mobile_advertising_event event. Args: event: A raw mobile_advertising_event event. Returns: A formatted mobile_advertising_event event. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError if mobileId field doesn't exist in the event. """ if 'mobileId' not in event: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'mobileId field doesn\'t exist in the event.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap.NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) member = {'mobileId': event['mobileId']} return member
def _format_crm_id_event(event: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """Format a crm_id event. Args: event: A raw crm_id event. Returns: A formatted crm_id event. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError if userId is not exist in the event. """ if 'userId' not in event: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( """userId doesn't exist in crm_id event.""", error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap.NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) member = {'userId': event['userId']} return member
def send_events(self, blb: blob.Blob) -> blob.Blob: """Sends Customer Match events to Google AdWords API. Args: blb: A blob containing Customer Match data to send. Returns: A blob containing updated data about any failing events or reports. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError when user list with given name doesn't exist and create_list is false. """ user_list_id = None valid_events, invalid_indices_and_errors = ( self._validate_and_prepare_events_to_send( batches = self._batch_generator(valid_events) for batch in batches: if not user_list_id: try: user_list_id = self.get_user_list_id(self.user_list_name) except errors.DataOutConnectorValueError: if self.create_list: user_list_id = self.create_user_list( self.user_list_name, self.upload_key_type, self.membership_lifespan, self.app_id) else: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'user_list_name does NOT exist (create_list = False).' ) try: user_list = [event[1] for event in batch] self.add_members_to_user_list(user_list_id, user_list) except errors.DataOutConnectorSendUnsuccessfulError as error: for event in batch: invalid_indices_and_errors.append( (event[0], error.error_num)) for event in invalid_indices_and_errors: blb.append_failed_event(event[0] + blb.position,[event[0]], event[1].value) return blb
def _format_contact_info_event(event: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """Format a contact_info event. Args: event: A raw contact_info event. Returns: A formatted contact_info event. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError for the following scenarios: - If filed hashedEmail and hashedPhoneNumber not exist in the payload. - hashedEmail or hashedPhoneNumber fields do not meet SHA256 format. """ member = {} if event.get('hashedEmail', None) is not None: _validate_sha256_pattern(event.get('hashedEmail', None)) member['hashedEmail'] = event['hashedEmail'] if event.get('hashedPhoneNumber', None) is not None: _validate_sha256_pattern(event.get('hashedPhoneNumber', None)) member['hashedPhoneNumber'] = event['hashedPhoneNumber'] if 'hashedEmail' not in member and 'hashedPhoneNumber' not in member: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( 'Data must contain either a valid hashed email or phone number.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap.NON_RETRIABLE_ERROR_EVENT_NOT_SENT) if _is_address_info_available(event): hashed_first_name = event['hashedFirstName'] _validate_sha256_pattern(hashed_first_name) hashed_last_name = event['hashedLastName'] _validate_sha256_pattern(hashed_last_name) member['addressInfo'] = { 'hashedFirstName': hashed_first_name, 'hashedLastName': hashed_last_name, 'countryCode': event['countryCode'], 'zipCode': event['zipCode'], } return member
def _validate_app_conversion_payload(self, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Validates payload sent to UAC. Args: payload: The payload to be validated before sending to Google Ads UAC. Raises: DataOutConnectorValueError: If some value is missing or in wrong format. """ for key in _REQUIRED_FIELDS: if payload.get(key) is None: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( """Missing {key} in payload.""".format(key=key)) if payload.get('app_event_type') not in [item.value for item in AppEventType]: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError("""Unsupported app event type in payload. Example: 'first_open', 'session_start', 'in_app_purchase', 'view_item_list', 'view_item', 'view_search_results', 'add_to_cart', 'ecommerce_purchase', 'custom'.""") if (payload.get('app_event_name') and payload.get('app_event_type') != 'custom'): raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( """App event type must be 'custom' when app event name exists.""") match = _RDID_REGEX.match(payload.get('rdid')) if not match: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError("""Wrong raw device id format in payload. Should be compatible with RFC4122.""") if payload.get('id_type') not in [item.value for item in IdType]: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError("""Wrong raw device id type in payload. Example: 'advertisingid', 'idfa'.""") if payload.get('lat') != 0 and payload.get('lat') != 1: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError("""Wrong limit-ad-tracking status in payload. Example: 0, 1.""")