예제 #1
 def nodeInputComesFromNode(self, dagNode, input):
     Given a node and one of its inputs, return a tuple containing which 
     dagNode and which of its outputs is connected to the input.
     inputString = dagNode.inputValue(input.name)
     (connectedNode, connectedNodeOutput) = depends_data_packet.nodeAndOutputFromScenegraphLocationString(inputString, self)
     return (connectedNode, connectedNodeOutput)
	def dragEnterEvent(self, event):
		If the user is dragging a valid text object (correct DAG path format),
		let QT know it is okay to drop it (also, show a cute icon stating as much)
		if event.mimeData().hasFormat("text/plain"):
			outputType = self.dag.nodeOutputType(*depends_data_packet.nodeAndOutputFromScenegraphLocationString(event.mimeData().text(), self.dag))
			if outputType not in self.dagNode.dataPacketTypesAccepted():
				QtGui.QWidget.dragEnterEvent(self, event)
		QtGui.QWidget.dragEnterEvent(self, event)
 def dragEnterEvent(self, event):
     If the user is dragging a valid text object (correct DAG path format),
     let QT know it is okay to drop it (also, show a cute icon stating as much)
     if event.mimeData().hasFormat("text/plain"):
         outputType = self.dag.nodeOutputType(
                 event.mimeData().text(), self.dag))
         if outputType not in self.dagNode.dataPacketTypesAccepted():
             QtGui.QWidget.dragEnterEvent(self, event)
     QtGui.QWidget.dragEnterEvent(self, event)