def make_deb(dest_dir): '''Make a '.deb' package :param dest_dir: path to the directory that contains the 'release' directory with the programme's files and where to put the package at ''' print("Making '.deb' package...") dest_dir = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) release_dir = dest_dir / 'release' if not release_dir.exists(): raise RuntimeError('Package cannot be made if app is not built yet') pkg_name = f'{md.NAME.lower()}_{md.VERSION}-1_{architecture()}' pkg_dir = dest_dir / pkg_name if pkg_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) pkg_dir.mkdir() pkg_exe, installed_exe_dir = _copy_exe(release_dir, pkg_dir) _copy_licenses(release_dir, pkg_dir) _copy_icon(release_dir, pkg_dir) _generate_desktop_file(pkg_dir, installed_exe_dir) generate_control(pkg_dir, pkg_exe) make_pkg_cmd = f'fakeroot dpkg-deb --build {pkg_name}' # If dpkg-deb is fresh enough, use the command below #make_pkg_cmd = f'dpkg-deb --build --root-owner-group {pkg_name}', cwd=dest_dir) shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) print('Done.')
def make_zst(dest_dir): '''Make a '.zst' package :param dest_dir: path to the directory that contains the 'release' directory with the programme's files and where to put the package at ''' print("Making '.zst' package...") dest_dir = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) release_dir = dest_dir / 'release' if not release_dir.exists(): raise RuntimeError('Package cannot be made if app is not built yet') exe_name = md.NAME.lower() version = md.VERSION pkg_name = f'{exe_name}-{version}' pkg_dir = dest_dir / pkg_name if pkg_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) shutil.copytree(release_dir, pkg_dir) bundle.generate_desktop(release_dir, '/usr/bin', '', True) generate_PKGBUILD(pkg_dir)'makepkg', cwd=pkg_dir) zst_file_name = f'{exe_name}-{version}-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' shutil.copy(pkg_dir / zst_file_name, dest_dir / zst_file_name) shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) print('Done.')
def check_package(pkg_dir): '''Run the 'lintian' command to check the package for sanity :param pkg_dir: directory containing the built package ''' print('Checking the package...') pkg_name = f'{md.NAME.lower()}_{md.VERSION}-1_{architecture()}.deb' cmd = f'lintian {pkg_name}', cwd=pkg_dir) print('Done.')
def check_package(pkg_dir): '''Run the 'namcap' command to check the package for sanity :param pkg_dir: directory containing the built package ''' print('Checking the package...') pkg_name = f'{md.NAME.lower()}-{md.VERSION}-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' cmd = f'namcap {pkg_name}', cwd=pkg_dir) print('Done.')
def source(setup_file): '''Make "Source Distribution" :param setup_file: path to the '' file, :raise ImportWarning: 'setuptools' is not installed ''' print('Source Distribution...') _check_package_installed('setuptools') cmd = f'python {setup_file} sdist'
def run(cmd, src_dir, cwd=None): '''Run a command in the shell :param cmd: command to run, :param src_dir: folder with Qt5 source (to set environment variables in Windows), :param cwd: set the current working directory (optional, default - None) ''' if not utils.is_linux(): set_vars_cmd = set_vars_msvc_cmd(src_dir) cmd = f'{set_vars_cmd} && {cmd}', cwd=cwd)
def wheel(setup_file): '''Make "Pure Python Wheel" :param setup_file: path to the '' file, :raise ImportWarning: 'setuptools' or/and 'wheel' are not installed ''' print('Pure Python Wheel...') _check_package_installed('setuptools') _check_package_installed('wheel') cmd = f'python {setup_file} bdist_wheel'
def make_msi(dest_dir, wix_dir): '''Make a '.msi' package (installer) :param dest_dir: path to the directory that contains the 'release' directory with the programme's files and where to put the package at, :param wix_dir: path to the 'Wix#' directory ''' print("Making '.msi' package...") dest_dir = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) release_dir = dist_dir / 'release' if not release_dir.exists(): raise RuntimeError('Package cannot be made if app is not built yet') exe_name = md.NAME.lower() version = md.VERSION pkg_dir = dest_dir / f'{exe_name}-{md.VERSION}' if pkg_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) pkg_dir.mkdir() files_dir = pkg_dir / 'Files' files_dir.mkdir() _copy_exe(release_dir, files_dir) _copy_licenses(release_dir, files_dir) _copy_wix(wix_dir, pkg_dir) _copy_setup(pkg_dir) cmd = f'{set_env_vars(wix_dir)} && cscs.exe setup.cs', cwd=pkg_dir) shutil.copyfile(pkg_dir / f'{md.NAME}.msi', dist_dir / f'{exe_name}-{version}-x64.msi') shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) print('Done.')
def make_rpm(dest_dir): '''Make a '.rpm' package :param dist_dir: path to the directory that contains the 'release' directory with the programme's files and where to put the package at ''' print("Making '.rpm' package...") dest_dir = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) release_dir = dest_dir / 'release' if not release_dir.exists(): raise RuntimeError('Package cannot be made if app is not built yet') pkg_name = f'{md.NAME.lower()}-{md.VERSION}' pkg_dir = dest_dir / pkg_name if pkg_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) pkg_dir.mkdir() pkg_BUILD_dir = pkg_dir / 'BUILD' _, installed_exe_dir = _copy_exe(release_dir, pkg_BUILD_dir) _copy_licenses(release_dir, pkg_BUILD_dir) _copy_icon(release_dir, pkg_BUILD_dir) _generate_desktop_file(pkg_BUILD_dir, installed_exe_dir) spec_file = generate_spec(pkg_dir) make_pkg_cmd = (f'rpmbuild {spec_file} -bb ' f'--define "_topdir {pkg_dir}" ' f'--define "_rpmdir {dest_dir}"'), cwd=dest_dir) shutil.rmtree(pkg_dir) print('Done.')
def dependencies(executable): '''Return the external dependencies of the executable (in dpkg's terms) :param executable: path to the executable file ''' cwd = project_dir / 'dist' # The command need 'debian/control' to work, for some reason debian_dir = cwd / 'debian' debian_dir.mkdir() with open(debian_dir / 'control', 'x'): pass # pylint:disable=multiple-statements cmd = f'dpkg-shlibdeps -O {executable}' output =, cwd=cwd, stdout=False) shutil.rmtree(debian_dir) return output.split('Depends=')[-1].rstrip()
def architecture(): '''Return the system architecture (in dpkg's terms)''' cmd = 'dpkg --print-architecture' output =, stdout=False) return output.rstrip()