def select_unused_subnet(vpc, prompt='Available subnets;', as_instance=False): """ Prompt with subnets not using ngfw bindings :param ec2.Vpc :param boolean as_instance: type to return :return: list ec2.Instance or string choice """ unused_subnets = list_unused_subnets(vpc) lst = [ '{} ({})'.format(x.cidr_block, x.availability_zone) for x in unused_subnets ] if lst: lst.append('all') else: return [] # No remaining choice = custom_choice_menu(prompt, lst).split(' ')[0] if choice == 'all': if as_instance: return unused_subnets else: return [ for subnet in unused_subnets] else: if as_instance: return [ subnet for subnet in unused_subnets if subnet.cidr_block == choice ] else: return [ for subnet in unused_subnets if subnet.cidr_block == choice ]
def select_instance(instances, prompt='Remove NGFW instances;', as_instance=False): """ Instance prompt selection for removals :param list ec2.Instance: call to list_tagged_instances :param boolean as_instance: type to return :return: list ec2.Instance or choice string """ inst = [ '{} ({})'.format(, inst.subnet.availability_zone) for inst in instances ] inst.append('all') choice = custom_choice_menu(prompt, inst).split(' ')[0] if choice == 'all': if as_instance: return instances else: return [ for inst in instances] else: if as_instance: return [inst for inst in instances if == choice] else: return [ for inst in instances if == choice]
def select_delete_vpc(prompt='Enter a VPC to remove: '): """ Prompt for VPC to delete :return: choice string """ vpcs = [ + ' ' + x.cidr_block for x in ec2.vpcs.filter()] return custom_choice_menu(prompt, vpcs).split(' ')[0]
def get_ec2_client(awscfg, prompt_for_region=False): """ Strategy to obtain credentials for EC2 operations (in order): * Check for AWS credentials in YAML configuration * If credentials found in YAML but no region specified, prompt for region * Check for credentials via normal boto3 AWS options, i.e ~/.aws/credentials, etc For more on boto3 credential locations, see: :param AWSConfiguration awscfg: instance of aws configuration :param boolean prompt_for_region: command line call, allow prompt if None :raises: botocore.exceptions.ClientError: various client error during validation :return: ec2 client """ global ec2 # Raises NoRegionError if awscfg.aws_access_key_id and awscfg.aws_secret_access_key: if not awscfg.aws_region and prompt_for_region: aws_session = boto3.session.Session() region = custom_choice_menu( 'Enter a region:', aws_session.get_available_regions('ec2')) else: region = awscfg.aws_region ec2 = boto3.resource( 'ec2', aws_access_key_id=awscfg.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=awscfg.aws_secret_access_key, region_name=region) else: # Resolve AWS credentials using normal boto3 methods s = boto3.session.Session() access_key = s.get_credentials().access_key secret_key = s.get_credentials().secret_key region = s.region_name if not region: region = custom_choice_menu('Enter a region:', s.get_available_regions('ec2')) logger.debug('Connecting to region: {}'.format(region)) ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name=region) logger.debug('Obtained ec2 client: %s' % ec2) return ec2
def select_vpc(prompt='View available VPC configurations:', as_instance=False): """ Prompt for VPC selection :param boolean as_instance: type to return :return: ec2.Vpc or choice string """ vpcs = ['{} ({})'.format(, x.cidr_block) for x in ec2.vpcs.filter()] choice = custom_choice_menu(prompt, vpcs) if not as_instance: return choice.split(' ')[0] else: return ec2.Vpc(choice.split(' ')[0])
def select_deploy_style(prompt='Choose installation style:'): """ Prompt for the deployment method. """ choice = custom_choice_menu(prompt, ['Inline Gateway', 'NAT Gateway']) return choice