def run(args): ''' main script after arguments ''' from deployer import Deployer # This script expects that the following environment vars are set: # # AZURE_TENANT_ID: with your Azure Active Directory tenant id or domain # AZURE_CLIENT_ID: with your Azure Active Directory Application Client ID # AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: with your Azure Active Directory Application Secret msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: {}, resource group: {}" \ "\nand public key located at: {}...\n\n" msg = msg.format(args.my_subscription_id, args.my_resource_group, args.my_pub_ssh_key_path) # Initialize the deployer class deploy = Deployer(subscription_id=args.my_subscription_id, location=args.location) ##"Beginning the deployment... \n\n") # Deploy the template args.dns_label_prefix = args.vmName.lower( ) ##re ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$ deploy.deploy(vars(args)) logging.warn( "Done deploying!!\n\nYou can connect via: `ssh {}@{}`" .format(args.adminUserName, args.dns_label_prefix)) logging.debug(str(deploy))
def deploy(slug, testing_url, production_url, theme_url, production_server, production_dir): build_dir = os.path.join(SETTINGS.BUILD_DIR, slug) archive_dir = os.path.join(SETTINGS.ARCHIVE_DIR, slug) compiler = Compiler(build_dir, testing_url, production_url, theme_url) compiler.compile() archiver = Archiver(slug, build_dir, archive_dir) archive = archiver.archive() deployer = Deployer(production_server, SETTINGS.SSH_KEY, archive_dir, production_dir) deployer.deploy(archive) return True
def run_example(config): try: my_subscription_id = config[ 'subscriptionId'] # your Azure Subscription Id my_resource_group = 'azure-python-deployment-sample' # the resource group for deployment my_pub_ssh_key_path = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ssh/') # the path to your rsa public key file msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: {}, resource group: {}" \ "\nand public key located at: {}...\n\n" msg = msg.format(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print(msg) # Initialize the deployer class deployer = Deployer(config, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print("Beginning the deployment... \n\n") # Deploy the template my_deployment = deployer.deploy() print("Done deploying!!") finally: print("Cleaning up the deployment... \n\n") #Destroy the resource group which contains the deployment deployer.destroy() print("Clean up the deployment sucessfully. \n")
def main(): config = get_config() name = img_name = "deploy_data/" + name + ".tif" data = print data.shape data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=3) data = (data / 255.).astype(np.float32) print data.shape with tf.Session() as sess: deployer = Deployer(sess, data, config) deployer.deploy()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pyginate - static web site generator') parser.add_argument('action', help='Action to perform', choices=['build', 'deploy', 'process']) parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help='Web site base directory', default=os.getcwd()) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_file_name', help='Configuration file name', default='pyginator.json') parser.add_argument('-s', '--processing_script', help='Procesing script to apply', default='') parser.add_argument('-dr', '--dry_run', action='store_true', help='Do not apply any changes, just report') args = parser.parse_args() conf_file = os.path.join(args.dir, args.config_file_name) configuration = Configuration(args.dir, json.load(open(conf_file))) if args.action == 'build': builder = Builder(configuration) elif args.action == 'deploy': deployer = Deployer(configuration) deployer.deploy() elif args.action == 'process': if args.dry_run: configuration.dry_run = True processor = Processor(configuration, args.processing_script) processor.process()
async def handle(request: Command): namespace = request.namespace command = request.command event = request.event print( f"Received namespace: {namespace}, command: {command}, event: {event}") if not command: return { "message": f":red_circle: No command provided. Try `.{namespace} help`" } cmd_parts = command.split() # slack sends links surrounded by angle brackets (<, >) if it recognizes a URL, so we need to extract the URL substring = SlackFormattedSubstring(cmd_parts[0]) handler_url = substring.get_content_or_none() if substring.is_url_link( ) else substring.get_raw() if not validators.url(handler_url): return { "message": (f":red_circle: `{handler_url}` does not seem to be a valid URL; see: " + "" ) } deployer = Deployer(handler_url) if len(cmd_parts) > 1: if cmd_parts[1] == "to": if len(cmd_parts) == 3: deployer.set_environment(cmd_parts[2]) else: return { "message": f":red_circle: I don't understand that command; try: `.{namespace} help`" } else: return { "message": f":red_circle: I don't understand that command; try: `.{namespace} help`" } elif len(cmd_parts) > 3: return { "message": f":red_circle: I don't understand that command; try: `.{namespace} help`" } return {"message": deployer.deploy()}
def deploy(): deployer = Deployer() print("\nDeploying contract...") (contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy( compiled_path, contract_name, { "from": sender_account, "value": 0, "nonce": 1642, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price }, ) print("\nDeployment transaction hash: ", tx_hash.hex(), "\nCrowdsale address: ", contract.address) write_to_address_log(contract) return contract
def random_receiver(): return eth.accounts[random.randint(0, len(eth.accounts) - 1)] tx = {"from": owner, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} def tx_from(tx_sender): return {"from": tx_sender, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} (token, deployment_hash) = deployer.deploy( "./build/", "ReleasableToken", tx, ) #EXAMPLE succeeds("Unhalt succeeds", haltable_contract.functions.unhalt().transact(tx)) succeeds("ReleasableToken construction shouldn't fail.", deployment_hash) assert token.functions.released().call() == False, "Shouldn't start released" fails( "Shouldn't allow transfers from a non transfer agent", token.functions.transfer(random_receiver(), random_contribution()).transact( tx_from(non_transfer_agent)))
def restore(slug, archive, production_server, production_dir): archive_dir = os.path.join(SETTINGS.ARCHIVE_DIR, slug) deployer = Deployer(production_server, SETTINGS.SSH_KEY, archive_dir, production_dir) deployer.deploy(archive)
groupnames.append( print(groupnames) x = template["Deployed_Region"] for item in x: my_location = str(item) deployement_status = str(x[item]) my_resource_group = template["ResourceGroup"] + "_" + my_location print(my_location + " : " + deployement_status) print(my_resource_group) deployer = Deployer(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_location, my_pub_ssh_key_path) if my_resource_group in groupnames: if deployement_status == "False": msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: {}, resource group: {}" \ "\nand public key located at: {}...\n\n" msg = msg.format(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print(msg) deployer.destroy() if deployement_status == "True": msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: {}, resource group: {}" \ "\nand public key located at: {}...\n\n" msg = msg.format(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print(msg) deployer.deploy() #"{'properties': <azure.mgmt.resource.resources.models.resource_group_properties.ResourceGroupProperties object at 0x7c5802963c50>, 'name': 'AZ300', 'id': '/subscriptions/2a5752bf-ed9d-456e-830e-e398e97d9c7b/resourceGroups/AZ300', 'location': 'uksouth', 'tags': {'Owner': 'Piers', 'Environemnt': 'Test'}}"
sys.path.append("../deployment") from deployer import Deployer from web3_interface import Web3Interface from tx_checker import fails, succeeds from test_config import config_f from generic_crowdsale_mock_checker import GenericCrowdsaleChecker web3 = Web3Interface().w3 config = config_f() web3.miner.start(1) deployer = Deployer() accounts = web3.eth.accounts sender = accounts[0] gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx = {"from": sender, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} (generic_crowdsale_mock_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy( "./build/", "GenericCrowdsaleMock", tx, ) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = generic_crowdsale_mock_contract.functions generic_crowdsale_mock_interface = GenericCrowdsaleChecker( config, "GenericCrowdsaleMock", contract_addr=generic_crowdsale_mock_contract.address)
from tx_checker import fails, succeeds from test_config import config_f web3 = Web3Interface().w3 web3.miner.start(1) deployer = Deployer() accounts = web3.eth.accounts sender = accounts[0] gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx = {"from": sender, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} config = config_f() to_mint = 100000 address_zero = web3.toChecksumAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000") (mintable_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "MintableTokenMock", tx, config['multisig_supply'], address_zero, True) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 0 (mintable_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "MintableTokenMock", tx, 0, config['MW_address'], False) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 0 (mintable_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "MintableTokenMock", tx, config['multisig_supply'], config['MW_address'], True) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = mintable_token_contract.functions
import sys sys.path.append("../deployment") from deployer import Deployer from web3_interface import Web3Interface from tx_checker import fails, succeeds web3 = Web3Interface().w3 web3.miner.start(1) owner = web3.eth.accounts[0] new_owner = web3.eth.accounts[1] tx = {'from': owner, 'gas': 100000000, 'gasPrice': 20000000000} deployer = Deployer() (haltable_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy( "./build/", "Haltable", tx, ) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = haltable_contract.functions def halted(): return functions.halted().call() def get_owner(): return functions.owner().call()
import sys sys.path.append("../deployment") from deployer import Deployer from web3_interface import Web3Interface from tx_checker import fails, succeeds web3 = Web3Interface().w3 web3.miner.start(1) deployer = Deployer() accounts = web3.eth.accounts sender = accounts[0] gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx = {"from": sender, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} (standard_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "StandardTokenMock", tx,) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = standard_token_contract.functions token_balances = {x : 0 for x in accounts} allowed = {i : {x : 0 for x in accounts} for i in accounts} total_supply = 0 value_transfer = 10000 value_mint = 100000 def get_total_supply(): return functions.totalSupply().call() def balance_of(address): return functions.balanceOf(address).call() def allowance(account, spender): return functions.allowance(account, spender).call()
address_zero = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx0 = {"from": address_zero, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} txmaster = {"from": master, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} txmasterwogas = {"from": master, "value": 0} txnewmaster = { "from": newmaster, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price } original_supply = 525 * (10**3) * (10**18) (upgrade_agent_contract, tx_hash_agent) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "UpgradeAgentMock", txmaster, original_supply) receipt_agent = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash_agent) assert receipt_agent.status == 1 print("Deployed UpgradeAgentMock") (upgradeable_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "UpgradeableTokenMock", txmaster, original_supply) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 print("Deployed UpgradeableTokenMock") functions = upgradeable_token_contract.functions def upgrade_master(): return functions.upgradeMaster().call()
# AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: your subscription id # AZURE_RESOURCE_LOCATION: with your azure stack resource location # this example assumes your ssh public key present here: ~/ my_subscription_id = os.environ.get( 'AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID') # your Azure Subscription Id my_resource_group = 'azure-python-deployment-sample' # the resource group for deployment my_pub_ssh_key_path = os.path.expanduser( '~/') # the path to your rsa public key file # Set Azure stack supported API profile as the default profile KnownProfiles.default.use(KnownProfiles.v2018_03_01_hybrid) msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: {}, resource group: {}" \ "\nand public key located at: {}...\n\n" msg = msg.format(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print(msg) # Initialize the deployer class deployer = Deployer(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print("Beginning the deployment... \n\n") # Deploy the template my_deployment = deployer.deploy() print( "Done deploying!!\n\nYou can connect via: `ssh azureSample@{}.local.cloudapp.azurestack.external`" .format(deployer.dns_label_prefix)) # Destroy the resource group which contains the deployment # deployer.destroy()
from tx_checker import fails, succeeds from test_config import config_f web3 = Web3Interface().w3 config = config_f() web3.miner.start(1) deployer = Deployer() accounts = web3.eth.accounts sender = accounts[0] gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx = {"from": sender, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} (crowdsale_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy("./build/", "CrowdsaleToken", tx, config["multisig_supply"], config["token_decimals"], config["MW_address"], config["token_retriever_account"]) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = crowdsale_token_contract.functions def can_upgrade(): return functions.canUpgrade().call() def release_token_transfer(tx_args): return functions.releaseTokenTransfer().transact(tx_args) assert == "BurgerKoenig"
from test_config import config_f import time web3 = Web3Interface().w3 web3.miner.start(1) deployer = Deployer() owner = web3.eth.accounts[0] gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx = {"from": owner, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} config = config_f() tokens_sold_example = 34 * 10**23 (token_tranche_pricing_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy( "./build/", "TokenTranchePricingMock", tx, ) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = token_tranche_pricing_contract.functions def get_tranches_length(): return functions.getTranchesLength().call() assert get_tranches_length() == 0 succeeds( "Configuration of TokenTranchePricing succeeds.", functions.configurateTokenTranchePricingMock(
import time web3 = Web3Interface().w3 web3.miner.start(1) deployer = Deployer() accounts = web3.eth.accounts sender = accounts[0] gas = 50000000 gas_price = 20000000000 tx = {"from": sender, "value": 0, "gas": gas, "gasPrice": gas_price} agent_to_approve = accounts[2] tokens_to_approve = 100000 (standard_token_mock_contract, tx_hash_standard_token) = deployer.deploy( "./build/", "StandardTokenMock", tx, ) time.sleep(1.4) (lost_and_found_token_contract, tx_hash) = deployer.deploy( "./build/", "LostAndFoundTokenMock", tx, ) receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) assert receipt.status == 1 functions = lost_and_found_token_contract.functions
def deploy(is_test): deployer = Deployer(is_test) deployer.deploy() pass
import os.path from deployer import Deployer # This script expects that the following environment vars are set: # # AZURE_TENANT_ID: with your Azure Active Directory tenant id or domain # AZURE_CLIENT_ID: with your Azure Active Directory Application Client ID # AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: with your Azure Active Directory Application Secret my_subscription_id = os.environ.get('AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID', '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111') # your Azure Subscription Id my_resource_group = 'azure-python-deployment-sample' # the resource group for deployment my_pub_ssh_key_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/') # the path to your rsa public key file msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: {}, resource group: {}" \ "\nand public key located at: {}...\n\n" msg = msg.format(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print(msg) # Initialize the deployer class deployer = Deployer(my_subscription_id, my_resource_group, my_pub_ssh_key_path) print("Beginning the deployment... \n\n") # Deploy the template my_deployment = deployer.deploy() print("Done deploying!!\n\nYou can connect via: `ssh azureSample@{}`".format(deployer.dns_label_prefix)) # Destroy the resource group which contains the deployment # deployer.destroy()
def build(config: dict, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: model = args.model group = pipeline = args.pipeline if group: models = config['model_groups'].get(group) if not models: print(f'Group {group} does not exist or empty') return elif model: models = [model] else: print('Please, specify group or model full name') return absent_models = set(models) - set(config['models'].keys()) if len(absent_models) > 0: absent_models = ', '.join(absent_models) print(f'Unknown model full names: {absent_models}') return if pipeline and pipeline not in preset_pipelines.keys(): print(f'Unknown pipeline name: {pipeline}') return elif pipeline: for model in models: config['models'][model]['pipeline'] = pipeline else: absent_pipeline_models = [] for model in models: if config['models'][model].get( 'pipeline') not in preset_pipelines.keys(): absent_pipeline_models.append(model) if absent_pipeline_models: absent_pipeline_models = ', '.join(absent_pipeline_models) print( f'Incorrect or absent pipeline names for: {absent_pipeline_models}' ) return # Test Docker Hub authentication dockerhub_password = args.dockerhub_pass if not dockerhub_password: prompt_text = 'Docker Hub password was not entered, would you like for proceed without Docker Hub login?' if not prompt_confirmation(prompt_text): return else: try: client: DockerClient = DockerClient( base_url=config['docker_base_url']) client.login(config['dockerhub_registry'], dockerhub_password) except APIError as e: print(e) prompt_text = 'Docker Hub login error occurred, would you like for proceed without Docker Hub login?' if not prompt_confirmation(prompt_text): return config['dockerhub_password'] = dockerhub_password deployer = Deployer(config) deployer.deploy(models)
def deploy(self): deployer = Deployer(self.project) deployer.deploy() return self.project