예제 #1
Create Product

This example demonstrates how to create a product
in our Catalog and upload an example scene.

from descarteslabs.ext.catalog import catalog
import descarteslabs as dl

# Create a product entry in our Catalog
product = catalog.add_product(
    title="Simple Product Creation",
    "An example of creating a product, adding the visible band range, and ingesting a single scene.",

# Maintain the product id to upload scenes
product_id = product['data']['id']

# Add band information to the product
# This is a necessary step, and requires the user
# to know a bit about the data to be ingested
bands = ['red', 'green', 'blue']

i = 0
# Get info from catalog or from file
for band in bands:
    i += 1
"""In this example I will show you how to create a new imagery set
with some custom metadata that you supply. This example builds on the
hello_catalog.py example.

import geojson
import arrow
import os
from time import sleep
import descarteslabs as dl
from descarteslabs.ext.catalog import catalog

product_id = catalog.add_product(
    title='OSM Building Mask v1',
    description='Rasterized OSM building footprints from vector data.'
    ' Quality varies regionally. This product has user supplied'
    ' geometry and aquired date.')['data']['id']

band_id = catalog.add_band(
    product_id=product_id,  # id of the product we just created.
    name='footprint',  # this is a unique name to describe what the band encodes.
    srcband=1,  # src band is always a 1-based index (counting starts at 1)
    data_range=[0, 2**8 - 1],
예제 #3
some bands and imagery. We will use the included file `building_mask.tif`
as an example of some imagery you might want to upload with the catalog.

from descarteslabs.ext.catalog import catalog
import descarteslabs as dl
import os
from random import randint
from time import sleep

# First step, create a product, which is a descriptive document you use to
# group related images.

product_id = catalog.add_product(
    title='OSM Building Mask',
    'Rasterized OSM building footprints from vector data. Quality varies regionally'

# Next we need to add bands. The core function of a band is to tell us how data
# is encoded in the imagery that you are going to upload. For these building
# masks there is only one file per scene, and each scene has one 8 bit band.

band_id = catalog.add_band(
    product_id=product_id,  # id of the product we just created.
    name='footprint',  # this is a unique name to describe what the band encodes.
    srcband=1,  # src band is always a 1-based index (counting starts at 1)
예제 #4
"""This example demonstrates how to upload an imagery product where each scene
has more than one data file associated with it. To upload many images at at time
use the `descarteslabs-catalog upload` script.
import os
import descarteslabs as dl
from descarteslabs.ext.catalog import catalog
from time import sleep
import arrow

# As always we will instantiate a product and some bands. If you are not
# familiar with how to do that, refer to the `hello_catalog.py` example first.

product_id = catalog.add_product(
        title='Multi File OSM Building Mask Test',
        description='Rasterized OSM building footprints from vector data. '
                    'Quality varies regionally. Multi file scene test.'

band0_id = catalog.add_band(
        product_id=product_id,  # id of the product we just created.
        name='footprint_file0',  # this is a unique name to describe what the band encodes.
        srcband=1,  # src band is always a 1-based index (counting starts at 1)
        data_range=[0, 2**8 - 1],