예제 #1
def test_not_a_dataclass(module):
    """Raises when object is not a dataclass."""
    class A:
        x: int

    with pytest.raises(desert.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassOrDataclass):
예제 #2
def test_raise_unknown_type(module):
    """Raise UnknownType for failed inferences."""
    class A:
        x: list

    with pytest.raises(desert.exceptions.UnknownType):
예제 #3
def test_raise_unknown_generic(module):
    """Raise UnknownType for unknown generics."""
    class A:
        x: t.Sequence[int]

    with pytest.raises(desert.exceptions.UnknownType):
예제 #4
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_raise_unknown_generic(module: DataclassModule) -> None:
    """Raise UnknownType for unknown generics."""

    class A:
        x: UnknownGeneric[int]

    with pytest.raises(desert.exceptions.UnknownType):
예제 #5
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_raise_unknown_type(module: DataclassModule) -> None:
    """Raise UnknownType for failed inferences."""

    class A:
        x: list  # type: ignore[type-arg]

    with pytest.raises(desert.exceptions.UnknownType):
예제 #6
 def build(self, cls):
     schema = desert.schema_class(cls)()
     prepped = self.prep(cls)
         return schema.load(prepped)
     except marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
         raise exceptions.ValidationError(*e.args) from e
예제 #7
def test_optional_present(module):
    """Setting an optional type allows passing None."""
    class A:
        x: t.Optional[int]

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load({"x": None})
    assert data == A(None)
예제 #8
def test_attr_factory():
    """Attrs default factory instantiates the factory type if no value is passed."""
    class A:
        x: t.List[int] = attr.ib(factory=list)

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load({})
    assert data == A([])
예제 #9
def test_dataclasses_factory():
    """Dataclasses default factory instantiates the factory type if no value is passed."""
    class A:
        x: t.List[int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load({})
    assert data == A([])
예제 #10
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_list(module: DataclassModule, annotation_class: type) -> None:
    """Build a generic list *without* setting a factory on the dataclass."""
    cls = type("A", (object,), {"__annotations__": {"y": annotation_class[int]}})  # type: ignore[index]
    A = module.dataclass(cls)

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    data = schema.load({"y": [1]})
    assert data == A([1])
예제 #11
def test_optional(module):
    """Setting an optional type makes the default None."""
    class A:
        x: t.Optional[int]

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load({})
    assert data == A(None)
예제 #12
def test_list(module):
    """Build a generic list *without* setting a factory on the dataclass."""
    class A:
        y: t.List[int]

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    data = schema.load({"y": [1]})
    assert data == A([1])
예제 #13
def test_validation(module):
    """Passing the wrong keys will raise ValidationError."""
    class A:
        x: int

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    with pytest.raises(marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError):
        schema.load({"y": 5})
예제 #14
def test_simple(module):
    """Load dict into a dataclass instance."""
    class A:
        x: int

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load(data={"x": 5})

    assert data == A(x=5)
예제 #15
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_optional(module: DataclassModule) -> None:
    """Setting an optional type makes the default None."""

    class A:
        x: t.Optional[int]

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load({})
    assert data == A(None)  # type: ignore[call-arg]
예제 #16
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_dict(module: DataclassModule, annotation_class: type) -> None:
    """Build a dict without setting a factory on the dataclass."""
    cls = type("A", (object,), {"__annotations__": {"y": annotation_class[int, int]}})  # type: ignore[index]
    A = module.dataclass(cls)

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    data = schema.load({"y": {1: 2, 3: 4}})

    assert data == A({1: 2, 3: 4})
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, api_key: str) -> None:
        """Initialize RawGAPIAsync with api_key.

            api_key: api_key for RawG. See https://rawg.io/apidocs
        self.api_key = api_key
        self._game_schema_class = desert.schema_class(
            Game, meta={"unknown": marshmallow.EXCLUDE})
예제 #18
def test_non_init(module):
    """Non-init attributes are not included in schema"""
    class A:
        x: int
        y: str = module.field(default="can't init this", init=False)

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()

    assert "y" not in schema.fields
예제 #19
def test_dict(module):
    """Build a dict without setting a factory on the dataclass."""
    class A:
        y: t.Dict[int, int]

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    data = schema.load({"y": {1: 2, 3: 4}})

    assert data == A({1: 2, 3: 4})
예제 #20
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_simple(module: DataclassModule) -> None:
    """Load dict into a dataclass instance."""

    class A:
        x: int

    data = desert.schema_class(A)().load(data={"x": 5})

    assert data == A(x=5)  # type: ignore[call-arg]
예제 #21
def test_ignore_unknown_fields(module):
    """Enable unknown fields with meta argument."""
    class A:
        x: int

    schema_class = desert.schema_class(A,
                                       meta={"unknown": marshmallow.EXCLUDE})
    schema = schema_class()
    data = schema.load({"x": 1, "y": 2})
    assert data == A(x=1)
예제 #22
def test_set_default(module):
    """Setting a default value in the dataclass makes passing it optional."""
    class A:
        x: int = 1

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    data = schema.load({"x": 1})
    assert data == A(1)

    data = schema.load({})
    assert data == A(1)
예제 #23
def test_union(module, value, assert_dump_load):
    """Deserialize one of several types."""
    class A:
        x: t.Union[int, str]

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()

    dumped = {"x": value}
    loaded = A(value)

    assert_dump_load(schema=schema, loaded=loaded, dumped=dumped)
예제 #24
def test_metadata_marshmallow_field_loads(module):
    """Marshmallow field can be specified via metadata dict"""
    class A:
        x: decimal.Decimal = module.field(
                "marshmallow_field": marshmallow.fields.Decimal(as_string=True)

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()

    assert schema.loads('{"x": "1.3"}') == A(decimal.Decimal("1.3"))
예제 #25
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_set_default(module: DataclassModule) -> None:
    """Setting a default value in the dataclass makes passing it optional."""

    class A:
        x: int = 1

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    data = schema.load({"x": 1})
    assert data == A(1)  # type: ignore[call-arg]

    data = schema.load({})
    assert data == A(1)  # type: ignore[call-arg]
예제 #26
def test_nested(module):
    """One object can hold instances of another."""
    class A:
        x: int

    class B:
        y: A

    data = desert.schema_class(B)().load({"y": {"x": 5}})

    assert data == B(A(5))
예제 #27
def test_newtype(module, assert_dump_load):
    """An instance of NewType delegates to its supertype."""

    MyInt = t.NewType("MyInt", int)

    class A:
        x: MyInt

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    dumped = {"x": 1}
    loaded = A(x=1)

    assert_dump_load(schema=schema, loaded=loaded, dumped=dumped)
예제 #28
파일: test_make.py 프로젝트: sveinse/desert
def test_nested(module: DataclassModule) -> None:
    """One object can hold instances of another."""

    class A:
        x: int

    class B:
        y: A

    data = desert.schema_class(B)().load({"y": {"x": 5}})

    assert data == B(A(5))  # type: ignore[call-arg]
예제 #29
def test_tuple(module, assert_dump_load):
    """Round trip a tuple.

    The tuple is converted to list only for dumps(), not during dump().
    class A:
        x: t.Tuple[int, bool]

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    dumped = {"x": (1, False)}
    loaded = A(x=(1, False))

    assert_dump_load(schema=schema, loaded=loaded, dumped=dumped)
예제 #30
def test_forward_reference(module, assert_dump_load):  # pragma: no cover
    """Build schemas from classes that are defined below their containing class."""
    class A:
        x: "B"

    class B:
        y: int

    schema = desert.schema_class(A)()
    dumped = {"x": {"y": 1}}
    loaded = A((B(1)))

    assert_dump_load(schema=schema, loaded=loaded, dumped=dumped)