예제 #1
 def test_tractor_columns(self):
     # ADM Gaia columns that get added on input.
     from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaiadatamodel
     from desitarget.gaiamatch import pop_gaia_coords, pop_gaia_columns
     # ADM have to remove the GAIA_RA, GAIA_DEC columns used for matching.
     gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_coords(gaiadatamodel)
     # ADM prior to DR8, we're also missing some other Gaia columns.
     #        gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_columns(
     #            gaiadatamodel,
     #            ['REF_CAT', 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR',
     #        )
     # ADM PHOTSYS gets added on input.
     tscolumns = list(io.tsdatamodel.dtype.names)     \
         + ['PHOTSYS']                                \
         + list(gaiadatamodel.dtype.names)
     tractorfile = io.list_tractorfiles(self.datadir)[0]
     data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile)
     self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(tscolumns))
     #        columns = ['BX', 'BY']
     columns = ['RA', 'DEC']
     data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, columns=columns)
     self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(columns))
     data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, columns=tuple(columns))
     self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(columns))
예제 #2
    def test_tractor_columns(self):
        # ADM Gaia columns that get added on input.
        from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaiadatamodel
        from desitarget.gaiamatch import pop_gaia_coords, pop_gaia_columns
        # ADM remove the GAIA_RA, GAIA_DEC columns used for matching.
        gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_coords(gaiadatamodel)
        tractorfile = io.list_tractorfiles(self.datadir)[0]
        data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile)
        # ADM form the final data model in a manner that maintains
        # ADM backwards-compatability with DR8.
        if "FRACDEV" in data.dtype.names:
            tsdatamodel = np.array(
                [], dtype=io.basetsdatamodel.dtype.descr +
            tsdatamodel = np.array(
                [], dtype=io.basetsdatamodel.dtype.descr +
        # ADM PHOTSYS gets added on input.
        tscolumns = list(tsdatamodel.dtype.names)           \
            + ['PHOTSYS']                                   \
            + list(gaiadatamodel.dtype.names)
        self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(tscolumns))
#        columns = ['BX', 'BY']
        columns = ['RA', 'DEC']
        data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, columns=columns)
        self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(columns))
        data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, columns=tuple(columns))
        self.assertEqual(set(data.dtype.names), set(columns))
예제 #3
def add_gaia_columns(indata):
    """Add columns needed for MWS targeting to a sweeps-style array.

    indata : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        Numpy structured array to which to add Gaia-relevant columns.

        Input array with the Gaia columns added.

        - Gaia columns resemble the data model in :mod:`desitarget.gaiamatch`
          but with "GAIA_RA" and "GAIA_DEC" removed.
    # ADM remove the Gaia coordinates from the Gaia data model as they aren't
    # ADM in the imaging surveys data model.
    from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaiadatamodel, pop_gaia_coords
    gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_coords(gaiadatamodel)

    # ADM create the combined data model.
    dt = indata.dtype.descr + gaiadatamodel.dtype.descr

    # ADM create a new numpy array with the fields from the new data model...
    nrows = len(indata)
    outdata = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=dt)

    # ADM ...and populate them with the passed columns of data.
    for col in indata.dtype.names:
        outdata[col] = indata[col]

    # ADM set REF_ID to -1 to indicate nothing has a Gaia match (yet).
    outdata['REF_ID'] = -1

    return outdata
예제 #4
def read_tractor(filename, header=False, columns=None):
    """Read a tractor catalogue file.

    filename : :class:`str`
        File name of one Tractor or sweeps file.
    header : :class:`bool`, optional
        If ``True``, return (data, header) instead of just data.
    columns: :class:`list`, optional
        Specify the desired Tractor catalog columns to read; defaults to

        Array with the tractor schema, uppercase field names.

    fx = fitsio.FITS(filename, upper=True)
    fxcolnames = fx[1].get_colnames()
    hdr = fx[1].read_header()

    if columns is None:
        readcolumns = list(tsdatamodel.dtype.names)
        # ADM if RELEASE doesn't exist, then we're pre-DR3 and need the old data model.
        if (('RELEASE' not in fxcolnames) and ('release' not in fxcolnames)):
            readcolumns = list(oldtscolumns)
        readcolumns = list(columns)

    # - tractor files have BRICK_PRIMARY; sweep files don't
    if (columns is None) and \
       (('BRICK_PRIMARY' in fxcolnames) or ('brick_primary' in fxcolnames)):

    # ADM if BRIGHTSTARINBLOB exists (it does for DR7, not for DR6) add it and
    # ADM the other DR6->DR7 data model updates.
    if (columns is None) and \
       (('BRIGHTSTARINBLOB' in fxcolnames) or ('brightstarinblob' in fxcolnames)):
        for col in dr7datamodel.dtype.names:
    # ADM if BRIGHTBLOB exists (it does for DR8, not for DR7) add it and
    # ADM the other DR6->DR8 data model updates.
        if (columns is None) and \
           (('BRIGHTBLOB' in fxcolnames) or ('brightblob' in fxcolnames)):
            for col in dr8datamodel.dtype.names:

    # ADM if Gaia information was passed, add it to the columns to read.
    if (columns is None):
        if (('REF_ID' in fxcolnames) or ('ref_id' in fxcolnames)):
            # ADM remove the Gaia coordinates as they aren't in the imaging data model.
            from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaiadatamodel, pop_gaia_coords, pop_gaia_columns
            gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_coords(gaiadatamodel)
            # ADM the DR7 sweeps don't contain these columns, but DR8 should.
            if 'REF_CAT' not in fxcolnames:
                gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_columns(
                    ['REF_CAT', 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR',
            gaiacols = gaiadatamodel.dtype.names
            readcolumns += gaiacols

    if (columns is None) and \
       (('RELEASE' not in fxcolnames) and ('release' not in fxcolnames)):
        # ADM Rewrite the data completely to correspond to the DR4+ data model.
        # ADM we default to writing RELEASE = 3000 ("DR3, or before, data")
        data = convert_from_old_data_model(fx, columns=readcolumns)
        data = fx[1].read(columns=readcolumns)

    # ADM add Gaia columns if not passed.
    if (columns is None) and \
       (('REF_ID' not in fxcolnames) and ('ref_id' not in fxcolnames)):
        data = add_gaia_columns(data)

    # ADM add DR8 data model updates (with zero/False) columns if not passed.
    if (columns is None) and \
       (('BRIGHTBLOB' not in fxcolnames) and ('brightblob' not in fxcolnames)):
        data = add_dr8_columns(data)

    # ADM Empty (length 0) files have dtype='>f8' instead of 'S8' for brickname.
    if len(data) == 0:
        log.warning('WARNING: Empty file>', filename)
        dt = data.dtype.descr
        dt[1] = ('BRICKNAME', 'S8')
        data = data.astype(np.dtype(dt))

    # ADM To circumvent whitespace bugs on I/O from fitsio.
    # ADM need to strip any white space from string columns.
    for colname in data.dtype.names:
        kind = data[colname].dtype.kind
        if kind == 'U' or kind == 'S':
            data[colname] = np.char.rstrip(data[colname])

    # ADM add the PHOTSYS column to unambiguously check whether we're using imaging
    # ADM from the "North" or "South".
    data = add_photsys(data)

    if header:
        return data, hdr
        return data