def __init__(self, fft_size): """ CTOR. @param fft_size FFT Size. WARNING: must be of the size of the pattern used by the WaveformDecision algorithm. @param algorithm A ThresholdAlgorithm. """ self._detector = WaveformDetectorGambi(fft_size=fft_size) # ::TRICKY:: Calls abstract _build method UHDSSArch.__init__(self, name="WaveformSSArch", input_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), output_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_float*fft_size), )
def __init__(self, Np, P, L): """ CTOR @param Np @param P @param L """ self.Np = Np self.P = P self.L = L UHDSSArch.__init__(self, name="CycloSSArch", input_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), output_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex * Np * P) )
def __init__(self, fft_size, mavg_size): """ CTOR @param fft_size FFT Size. @param mavg_size Moving average array size. @param algorithm A ThresholdAlgorithm instance. """ self._detector = EnergyDetectorGambi( fft_size = fft_size, mavg_size = mavg_size, ) # ::TRICKY:: Calls abstract _build method UHDSSArch.__init__(self, name="EnergySSArch", input_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), output_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_float * 1024), )
def __init__(self, max_items_group): """ CTOR. @param device RadioDevice instance. @param detector A SS detector. @param max_items_group Number of ouputs to group. @return A tuple with 3 elements: (final decision, energy, avg energy) """ # self._detector = SimpleRankingDetector(512, 5, 0.3) # Group items self._grouper = GroupInN(max_items_group=max_items_group, callback=None, n_inputs=2) UHDSSArch.__init__( self, name="ranking_arch", input_signature=gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), output_signature=gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0), )