예제 #1
    def validate_draft(cls, draftstring, configstring):
        draft = json.loads(draftstring)
        config = json.loads(configstring)

        cls.validate_dict(draft, DraftValidationError, {
            'values': list,
            'feedback': basestring
        cls.validate_gradeeditor_key(draft, 'commentform')

        gradeeditor = draft['gradeeditor']
        draftval = draft['values']
        confval = config['formValues']
        for i in xrange(0, len(draftval)):
            if confval[i][0] == 'check':
                if not isinstance(draftval[i], bool):
                    errormsg = 'the field labled "' + confval[i][
                        3] + '" has to contain a boolean-value'
                    raise ConfigValidationError(errormsg)

            elif confval[i][0] == 'number':
                if not isinstance(draftval[i], int):
                    errormsg = 'the field labled "' + confval[i][
                        3] + '" has to contain a number 0 or higher'
                    raise ConfigValidationError(errormsg)
예제 #2
    def validate_config(cls, configstring):
        config = cls.decode_configstring(configstring)

        form = config['formValues']
        approvedLimit = config['approvedLimit']

        if len(form) == 0:
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                'You have to specify at least one form-field')

        pointSum = 0
        for entry in form:
            if len(entry) != 4:
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'You have to specify fieldtype, points, default and label. For text and label fields you may skip these by typing ::'

            if not isinstance(entry[0], basestring):
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'You have to specify fieldtype as either "number" or "check"'
            if entry[0] != 'number' and entry[0] != 'check' and entry[
                    0] != 'text' and entry[0] != 'label':
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'You have to specify fieldtype as either "number", "text", "label" or "check"'

            if entry[1] == '' and entry[0] != 'text' and entry[0] != 'label':
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'You have to enter points as a number 0 or higher')

            #if int(entry[1])<0:
            #    raise ConfigValidationError('You have to enter points as a number 0 or higher')

            if not isinstance(entry[2], basestring):
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'You have to enter the field-label as plain text')

            if entry[2] == '' and entry[0] != 'text' and entry[0] != 'label':
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'You have to enter a default value')

            if entry[3] == '':
                raise ConfigValidationError('You have to enter a field-label')
            if entry[0] != 'text' and entry[0] != 'label':
                pointSum += int(entry[1])

        if not isinstance(approvedLimit, int):
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                'You have to enter points to pass as a number 0 or higher')

        #if approvedLimit < 0:
        #        raise ConfigValidationError('You have to enter points to pass as a number 0 or higher')

        if approvedLimit > pointSum:
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                'Points to pass has to be equal to, or smaller than, the sum of available points'
예제 #3
    def validate_config(cls, configstring):
        config = cls.decode_configstring(configstring)

        if config['maxpoints'] < 0:
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                'Maximum points must be a number higher than 0')

        if config['approvedlimit'] < 0:
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                'Points to pass must be a number higher than 0')

        if config['approvedlimit'] > config['maxpoints']:
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                'Maximum points must be smaller than points to pass')

        if len(config['grades']) == 0:
            raise ConfigValidationError('You have to enter at least one grade')

        hasZeroGrade = False

        for grade in config['grades']:
            if grade[0] == '':
                raise ConfigValidationError('Grade-name cannot be empty')

            if grade[1] == '':
                raise ConfigValidationError('Grade-value cannot be empty')

            if int(grade[1]) > config['maxpoints']:
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    "Grade-value cannot be higher than maxpoints, grade-value = '{}' , maxpoints = '{}' "
                    .format(grade[1], config['maxpoints']))

            if grade[1] < 0:
                raise ConfigValidationError(
                    'Grade-value cannot be smaller than 0')

            if int(grade[1]) == 0:
                hasZeroGrade = True

        if not hasZeroGrade:
            raise ConfigValidationError(
                "You have to enter a grade with pointlimit 0")