예제 #1
def clusterize(exprs, stencils, atomics=None):
    Derive :class:`Cluster` objects from an iterable of expressions; a stencil for
    each expression must be provided. A list of atomic dimensions (see description
    in Cluster.__doc__) may be provided.
    assert len(exprs) == len(stencils)

    exprs, stencils = aggregate(exprs, stencils)

    Info = namedtuple('Info', 'trace stencil')

    # Build a dependence graph and associate each node with its Stencil
    mapper = OrderedDict()
    g = TemporariesGraph(exprs)
    for (k, v), j in zip(g.items(), stencils):
        if v.is_tensor:
            trace = g.trace(k)
            trace += tuple(i for i in g.trace(k, readby=True) if i not in trace)
            mapper[k] = Info(trace, j)

    # A cluster stencil is determined iteratively, by first calculating the
    # "local" stencil and then by looking at the stencils of all other clusters
    # depending on it. The stencil information is propagated until there are
    # no more updates.
    queue = list(mapper)
    while queue:
        target = queue.pop(0)

        info = mapper[target]
        strict_trace = [i.lhs for i in info.trace if i.lhs != target]

        stencil = Stencil(info.stencil.entries)
        for i in strict_trace:
            if i in mapper:
                stencil = stencil.add(mapper[i].stencil)

        mapper[target] = Info(info.trace, stencil)

        if stencil != info.stencil:
            # Something has changed, need to propagate the update
            queue.extend([i for i in strict_trace if i not in queue])

    clusters = []
    for target, info in mapper.items():
        # Drop all non-output tensors, as computed by other clusters
        exprs = [i for i in info.trace if i.lhs.is_Symbol or i.lhs == target]

        # Create and track the cluster
        clusters.append(Cluster(exprs, info.stencil.frozen, atomics))

    return merge(clusters)
예제 #2
파일: algorithms.py 프로젝트: dalide/devito
def clusterize(exprs, stencils):
    Derive :class:`Cluster` objects from an iterable of expressions; a stencil for
    each expression must be provided.
    assert len(exprs) == len(stencils)

    exprs, stencils = aggregate(exprs, stencils)

    # Create a PartialCluster for each sequence of expressions computing a tensor
    mapper = OrderedDict()
    g = TemporariesGraph(exprs)
    for (k, v), j in zip(g.items(), stencils):
        if v.is_tensor:
            exprs = g.trace(k)
            exprs += tuple(i for i in g.trace(k, readby=True)
                           if i not in exprs)
            mapper[k] = PartialCluster(exprs, j)

    # Update the PartialClusters' Stencils by looking at the Stencil of the
    # surrounding PartialClusters.
    queue = list(mapper)
    while queue:
        target = queue.pop(0)

        pc = mapper[target]
        strict_trace = [i.lhs for i in pc.exprs if i.lhs != target]

        stencil = pc.stencil.copy()
        for i in strict_trace:
            if i in mapper:
                stencil = stencil.add(mapper[i].stencil)

        if stencil != pc.stencil:
            # Something has changed, need to propagate the update
            pc.stencil = stencil
            queue.extend([i for i in strict_trace if i not in queue])

    # Drop all non-output tensors, as computed by other clusters
    clusters = ClusterGroup()
    for target, pc in mapper.items():
        exprs = [i for i in pc.exprs if i.lhs.is_Symbol or i.lhs == target]
        clusters.append(PartialCluster(exprs, pc.stencil))

    # Attempt grouping as many PartialClusters as possible together
    return groupby(clusters)
예제 #3
class Cluster(object):
    A Cluster is an ordered sequence of expressions that are necessary to
    compute a tensor, plus the tensor expression itself.

    A Cluster is associated with a stencil, which tracks what neighboring points
    are required, along each dimension, to compute an entry in the tensor.

    The parameter ``atomics`` allows to specify dimensions (a subset of those
    appearing in ``stencil``) along which a Cluster cannot be fused with
    other clusters. This is for example useful when a Cluster is evaluating
    a tensor temporary, whose values must all be updated before being accessed
    in the subsequent clusters.
    def __init__(self, exprs, stencil, atomics):
        self.trace = TemporariesGraph(exprs)
        self.stencil = stencil
        self.atomics = as_tuple(atomics)

    def exprs(self):
        return self.trace.values()

    def unknown(self):
        return self.trace.unknown

    def tensors(self):
        return self.trace.tensors

    def is_dense(self):
        return self.trace.space_indices and not self.trace.time_invariant()

    def is_sparse(self):
        return not self.is_dense

    def rebuild(self, exprs):
        Build a new cluster with expressions ``exprs`` having same stencil as ``self``.
        return Cluster(exprs, self.stencil, self.atomics)
예제 #4
파일: manipulation.py 프로젝트: nw0/devito
def compact_temporaries(temporaries, leaves):
    Drop temporaries consisting of single symbols.
    exprs = temporaries + leaves
    targets = {i.lhs for i in leaves}

    g = TemporariesGraph(exprs)

    mapper = {k: v.rhs for k, v in g.items()
              if v.is_scalar and
              (q_leaf(v.rhs) or v.rhs.is_Function) and
              not v.readby.issubset(targets)}

    processed = []
    for k, v in g.items():
        if k not in mapper:
            # The temporary /v/ is retained, and substitutions may be applied
            handle, _ = xreplace_constrained(v, mapper, repeat=True)
            assert len(handle) == 1

    return processed
예제 #5
파일: manipulation.py 프로젝트: nw0/devito
def promote_scalar_expressions(exprs, shape, indices, onstack):
    Transform a collection of scalar expressions into tensor expressions.
    processed = []

    # Fist promote the LHS
    graph = TemporariesGraph(exprs)
    mapper = {}
    for k, v in graph.items():
        if v.is_scalar:
            # Create a new function symbol
            data = Array(name=k.name, shape=shape,
                         dimensions=indices, onstack=onstack)
            indexed = Indexed(data.indexed, *indices)
            mapper[k] = indexed
            processed.append(Eq(indexed, v.rhs))
            processed.append(Eq(k, v.rhs))

    # Propagate the transformed LHS through the expressions
    processed = [Eq(n.lhs, n.rhs.xreplace(mapper)) for n in processed]

    return processed
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, exprs, stencil, atomics):
     self.trace = TemporariesGraph(exprs)
     self.stencil = stencil
     self.atomics = as_tuple(atomics)
예제 #7
 def trace(self):
     return TemporariesGraph(self.exprs)