예제 #1
    def test_collapsing_v2(self):
        MFE from issue #1478.
        n = 8
        m = 8
        nx, ny, nchi, ncho = 12, 12, 1, 1
        x, y = SpaceDimension("x"), SpaceDimension("y")
        ci, co = Dimension("ci"), Dimension("co")
        i, j = Dimension("i"), Dimension("j")
        grid = Grid((nx, ny), dtype=np.float32, dimensions=(x, y))

        X = Function(name="xin",
                     dimensions=(ci, x, y),
                     shape=(nchi, nx, ny),
                     space_order=n // 2)
        dy = Function(name="dy",
                      dimensions=(co, x, y),
                      shape=(ncho, nx, ny),
                      space_order=n // 2)
        dW = Function(name="dW",
                      dimensions=(co, ci, i, j),
                      shape=(ncho, nchi, n, m),

        eq = [
                dW[co, ci, i, j], dW[co, ci, i, j] +
                dy[co, x, y] * X[ci, x + i - n // 2, y + j - m // 2])
            for i in range(n) for j in range(m)

        op = Operator(eq, opt=('advanced', {'openmp': True}))

        assert_structure(op, ['co,ci,x,y'])
        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert iterations[0].ncollapsed == 1
        assert iterations[1].is_Vectorized
        assert iterations[2].is_Sequential
        assert iterations[3].is_Sequential
예제 #2
    def test_subdimleft_parallel(self):
        Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension
        defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the
        use of SubDimensions.

        This tests that flow direction is not being automatically inferred
        from whether the subdimension is on the left or right boundary.
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u',

        xl = SubDimension.left(name='xl', parent=x, thickness=thickness)

        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi',

        # Can be done in parallel
        eq = Eq(u[t + 1, xl, yi], u[t, xl, yi] + 1)

        op = Operator([eq])

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations
                   if i.dim in [xl, yi])

        op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0)

        assert np.all(u.data[1, 0:thickness, 0:thickness] == 0)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, 0:thickness, -thickness:] == 0)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, 0:thickness, thickness:-thickness] == 1)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, thickness + 1:, :] == 0)
예제 #3
    def test_avoid_redundant_haloupdate(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(12, ))
        x = grid.dimensions[0]
        t = grid.stepping_dim

        i = Dimension(name='i')
        j = Dimension(name='j')

        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid)

        op = Operator([
            Eq(f.forward, f[t, x - 1] + f[t, x + 1] + 1.),
            Inc(f[t + 1, i],
                f[t + 1, i] + 1.),  # no halo update as it's an Inc
            Eq(g, f[t, j] + 1)
        ])  # access `f` at `t`, not `t+1`!

        calls = FindNodes(Call).visit(op)
        assert len(calls) == 1
예제 #4
파일: analysis.py 프로젝트: yuriyi/devito
def mark_halospots(analysis):
    """Update the ``analysis`` detecting the ``REDUNDANT`` HaloSpots within
    properties = OrderedDict()

    def analyze(fmapper, scope):
        for f, hse in fmapper.items():
            if any(dep.cause & set(hse.loc_indices) for dep in scope.d_anti.project(f)):
                return False
        return True

    for i, scope in analysis.scopes.items():
        mapper = as_mapper(FindNodes(HaloSpot).visit(i), lambda hs: hs.halo_scheme)
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if len(v) == 1:
            if analyze(k.fmapper, scope):
                properties.update({i: REDUNDANT for i in v[1:]})

예제 #5
    def test_collapsing(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)

        op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, u + 1), dle=('blocking', 'openmp'))

        # Does it compile? Honoring the OpenMP specification isn't trivial
        assert op.cfunction

        # Does it produce the right result
        assert np.all(u.data[0] == 10)

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op._func_table['bf0'])
        assert iterations[0].pragmas[
            0].value == 'omp for collapse(2) schedule(static,1)'
        assert iterations[2].pragmas[0].value ==\
            ('omp parallel for collapse(2) schedule(static,1) num_threads(%d)'
             % nhyperthreads())
예제 #6
    def _create_call_graph(self):
        dag = DAG(nodes=['root'])
        queue = ['root']
        while queue:
            caller = queue.pop(0)
            callees = FindNodes(Call).visit(self.efuncs[caller])
            for callee in filter_ordered([i.name for i in callees]):
                if callee in self.efuncs:  # Exclude foreign Calls, e.g., MPI calls
                    except KeyError:
                        # `callee` already in `dag`
                    dag.add_edge(callee, caller)

        # Sanity check
        assert dag.size == len(self.efuncs)

        return dag
예제 #7
 def test_consistency_anti_dependences(self, exprs, axis, expected, visit,
                                       ti0, ti1, ti3, tu, tv, tw):
     Test that anti dependences end up generating multi loop nests, rather
     than a single loop nest enclosing all of the equations.
     eq1, eq2, eq3 = EVAL(exprs, ti0.base, ti1.base, ti3.base, tu.base,
                          tv.base, tw.base)
     op = Operator([eq1, eq2, eq3], dse='noop', dle='noop', time_axis=axis)
     trees = retrieve_iteration_tree(op)
     iters = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
     assert len(trees) == len(expected)
     # mapper just makes it quicker to write out the test parametrization
     mapper = {'time': 't'}
     assert [
         "".join(mapper.get(i.dim.name, i.dim.name) for i in j)
         for j in trees
     ] == expected
     assert "".join(mapper.get(i.dim.name, i.dim.name)
                    for i in iters) == visit
예제 #8
def iet_lower_steppers(iet):
    Replace the :class:`SteppingDimension`s within ``iet``'s expressions with
    suitable :class:`ModuloDimension`s.
    for i in FindNodes(Iteration).visit(iet):
        if not i.uindices:
            # Be quick: avoid uselessy reconstructing nodes
        # In an expression, there could be `u[t+1, ...]` and `v[t+1, ...]`, where
        # `u` and `v` are TimeFunction with circular time buffers (save=None) *but*
        # different modulo extent. The `t+1` indices above are therefore conceptually
        # different, so they will be replaced with the proper ModuloDimension through
        # two different calls to `xreplace`
        groups = as_mapper(i.uindices, lambda d: d.modulo)
        for k, v in groups.items():
            mapper = {d.origin: d for d in v}
            rule = lambda i: i.function._time_size == k
            iet = ReplaceStepIndices(mapper, rule).visit(iet)
    return iet
예제 #9
    def test_grouping(self):
        Test that Clusters over the same set of ConditionalDimensions fall within
        the same Conditional. This is a follow up to issue #1610.
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10))
        time = grid.time_dim
        cond = ConditionalDimension(name='cond', parent=time, condition=time < 5)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=4)

        # We use a SubDomain only to keep the two Eqs separated
        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1, subdomain=grid.interior),
                Eq(u.forward, u.dx.dx + 1., implicit_dims=[cond])]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('advanced-fsg', {'cire-mincost-sops': 1}))

        conds = FindNodes(Conditional).visit(op)
        assert len(conds) == 1
        assert len(retrieve_iteration_tree(conds[0].then_body)) == 2
예제 #10
    def test_consistency_coupled_wo_ofs(self, tu, tv, ti0, t0, t1):
        Test that no matter what is the order in which the equations are
        provided to an Operator, the resulting loop nest is the same.
        None of the array accesses in the equations use offsets.
        eq1 = Eq(tu, tv*ti0*t0 + ti0*t1)
        eq2 = Eq(ti0, tu + t0*3.)
        eq3 = Eq(tv, ti0*tu)
        op1 = Operator([eq1, eq2, eq3], dse='noop', dle='noop')
        op2 = Operator([eq2, eq1, eq3], dse='noop', dle='noop')
        op3 = Operator([eq3, eq2, eq1], dse='noop', dle='noop')

        trees = [retrieve_iteration_tree(i) for i in [op1, op2, op3]]
        assert all(len(i) == 1 for i in trees)
        trees = [i[0] for i in trees]
        for tree in trees:
            assert IsPerfectIteration().visit(tree[0])
            exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(tree[-1])
            assert len(exprs) == 3
예제 #11
    def test_iteration_property_parallel(self, exprs, expected):
        """Tests detection of sequental and parallel Iterations when applying
        equations over different subdomains."""
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions  # noqa
        t = grid.time_dim  # noqa

        interior = grid.interior  # noqa

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=10, time_order=1)  # noqa

        # List comprehension would need explicit locals/globals mappings to eval
        for i, e in enumerate(list(exprs)):
            exprs[i] = eval(e)

        op = Operator(exprs)
        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_Sequential for i in iterations
                   if i.dim.name != expected)
        assert all(i.is_Parallel for i in iterations if i.dim.name == expected)
예제 #12
    def test_consistency_coupled_w_ofs(self, exprs, ti0, ti1, ti3):
        Test that no matter what is the order in which the equations are
        provided to an Operator, the resulting loop nest is the same.
        The array accesses in the equations may or may not use offsets;
        these impact the loop bounds, but not the resulting tree
        eq1, eq2, eq3 = EVAL(exprs, ti0.base, ti1.base, ti3.base)
        op1 = Operator([eq1, eq2, eq3], dse='noop', dle='noop')
        op2 = Operator([eq2, eq1, eq3], dse='noop', dle='noop')
        op3 = Operator([eq3, eq2, eq1], dse='noop', dle='noop')

        trees = [retrieve_iteration_tree(i) for i in [op1, op2, op3]]
        assert all(len(i) == 1 for i in trees)
        trees = [i[0] for i in trees]
        for tree in trees:
            assert IsPerfectIteration().visit(tree[0])
            exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(tree[-1])
            assert len(exprs) == 3
예제 #13
def make_grid_accesses(node, yk_grid_objs):
    Construct a new Iteration/Expression based on ``node``, in which all
    :class:`types.Indexed` accesses have been converted into YASK grid

    def make_grid_gets(expr):
        mapper = {}
        indexeds = retrieve_indexed(expr)
        data_carriers = [i for i in indexeds if i.base.function.from_YASK]
        for i in data_carriers:
            args = [ListInitializer([INT(make_grid_gets(j)) for j in i.indices])]
            mapper[i] = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-grid-get'], args,
        return expr.xreplace(mapper)

    mapper = {}
    for i, e in enumerate(FindNodes(Expression).visit(node)):
        if e.is_ForeignExpression:

        lhs, rhs = e.expr.args

        # RHS translation
        rhs = make_grid_gets(rhs)

        # LHS translation
        if e.write.from_YASK:
            args = [rhs]
            args += [ListInitializer([INT(make_grid_gets(i)) for i in lhs.indices])]
            call = namespace['code-grid-add' if e.is_Increment else 'code-grid-put']
            handle = make_sharedptr_funcall(call, args, yk_grid_objs[e.write.name])
            processed = ForeignExpression(handle, e.dtype, is_Increment=e.is_Increment)
            # Writing to a scalar temporary
            processed = e._rebuild(expr=e.expr.func(lhs, rhs))

        mapper.update({e: processed})

    return Transformer(mapper).visit(node)
예제 #14
    def process(self, iet):
        def key(s):
            # The SyncOps are to be processed in the following order
            return [WaitLock, WithLock, Delete, FetchWait,

        callbacks = {
            WaitLock: self._make_waitlock,
            WithLock: self._make_withlock,
            FetchWait: self._make_fetchwait,
            FetchWaitPrefetch: self._make_fetchwaitprefetch,
            Delete: self._make_delete

        sync_spots = FindNodes(SyncSpot).visit(iet)

        if not sync_spots:
            return iet, {}

        pieces = namedtuple('Pieces', 'init finalize funcs threads')([], [],
                                                                     [], [])

        subs = {}
        for n in sync_spots:
            mapper = as_mapper(n.sync_ops, lambda i: type(i))
            for _type in sorted(mapper, key=key):
                subs[n] = callbacks[_type](subs.get(n, n), mapper[_type],
                                           pieces, iet)

        iet = Transformer(subs).visit(iet)

        # Add initialization and finalization code
        init = List(body=pieces.init, footer=c.Line())
        finalize = List(header=c.Line(), body=pieces.finalize)
        iet = iet._rebuild(body=(init, ) + iet.body + (finalize, ))

        return iet, {
            'efuncs': pieces.funcs,
            'includes': ['pthread.h'],
            'args': [i.size for i in pieces.threads if not is_integer(i.size)]
예제 #15
    def test_redo_haloupdate_due_to_antidep(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(12,))
        x = grid.dimensions[0]
        t = grid.stepping_dim

        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        g = TimeFunction(name='g', grid=grid)

        op = Operator([Eq(f.forward, f[t, x-1] + f[t, x+1] + 1.),
                       Eq(g.forward, f[t+1, x-1] + f[t+1, x+1] + g)])

        calls = FindNodes(Call).visit(op)
        assert len(calls) == 2

        assert np.all(f.data_ro_domain[1] == 1.)
        glb_pos_map = f.grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x]:
            assert np.all(g.data_ro_domain[1, 1:] == 2.)
            assert np.all(g.data_ro_domain[1, :-1] == 2.)
예제 #16
    def test_simd_space_invariant(self):
        Similar to test_space_invariant_v3, testing simd vectorization happens
        in the correct place.
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10, 10))
        x, y, z = grid.dimensions

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
        eq = Inc(f, cos(x * y) + cos(x * z))

        op = Operator(eq, opt=('advanced', {'openmp': True}))
        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)

        assert 'omp for collapse(1) schedule(static,1)' in iterations[
        assert 'omp simd' in iterations[1].pragmas[0].value
        assert 'omp simd' in iterations[3].pragmas[0].value

        assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(f.data), 37.1458, rtol=1e-5)
예제 #17
    def _make_parallel_tree(self, root, candidates):
        """Return a mapper to parallelize the Iterations within ``root``."""
        ncollapse = self._ncollapse(root, candidates)
        parallel = self.lang['for'](ncollapse)

        pragmas = root.pragmas + (parallel,)
        properties = root.properties + (COLLAPSED(ncollapse),)

        # Introduce the `omp for` pragma
        mapper = OrderedDict()
        if root.is_ParallelAtomic:
            # Introduce the `omp atomic` pragmas
            exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(root)
            subs = {i: List(header=self.lang['atomic'], body=i)
                    for i in exprs if i.is_Increment}
            handle = Transformer(subs).visit(root)
            mapper[root] = handle._rebuild(pragmas=pragmas, properties=properties)
            mapper[root] = root._rebuild(pragmas=pragmas, properties=properties)

        return mapper
예제 #18
def mark_halospot_useless(analysis):
    Update the ``analysis`` detecting the USELESS HaloSpots within ``analysis.iet``.
    properties = OrderedDict()
    for i, scope in analysis.scopes.items():
        for hs in FindNodes(HaloSpot).visit(i):
            # A HaloSpot is USELESS if *all* reads along the HaloSpot's `loc_indices`
            # pertain to an increment expression
            test = False
            for f, hse in hs.fmapper.items():
                for d, v in hse.loc_indices.items():
                    readat = v.origin if d.is_Stepping else v
                    reads = [r for r in scope.reads[f] if r[d] == readat]
                    if any(not r.is_increment for r in reads):
                        test = True
            if not test:
                properties[hs] = USELESS

예제 #19
    def test_scheduling(self):
        Affine iterations -> #pragma omp ... schedule(dynamic,1) ...
        Non-affine iterations -> #pragma omp ... schedule(dynamic,chunk_size) ...
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=2, save=5, space_order=0)
        sf1 = SparseTimeFunction(name='s', grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=5)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1)]
        eqns += sf1.interpolate(u)

        op = Operator(eqns, dle='openmp')

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert len(iterations) == 4
        assert iterations[1].is_Affine
        assert 'schedule(dynamic,1)' in iterations[1].pragmas[0].value
        assert not iterations[3].is_Affine
        assert 'schedule(dynamic,chunk_size)' in iterations[3].pragmas[0].value
예제 #20
    def test_affiness(self):
        Test for issue #1616.
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=(nt+factor-1)//factor,

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(usave, u)]

        op = Operator(eqns)

        iterations = [i for i in FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op) if i.dim is not time]
        assert all(i.is_Affine for i in iterations)
예제 #21
def test_cache_blocking_structure_optrelax():
    grid = Grid(shape=(8, 8, 8))

    u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grid, space_order=2)
    src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src",
                             coordinates=np.array([(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)]))

    eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u.dx)]
    eqns += src.inject(field=u.forward, expr=src)

    op = Operator(eqns, opt=('advanced', {'blockrelax': True}))

    bns, _ = assert_blocking(op, {'x0_blk0', 'p_src0_blk0'})

    iters = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(bns['p_src0_blk0'])
    assert len(iters) == 2
    assert iters[0].dim.is_Block
    assert iters[1].dim.is_Block
예제 #22
def test_cache_blocking_structure_optpartile(par_tile, expected):
    grid = Grid(shape=(8, 8, 8))

    u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grid, space_order=4)
    v = TimeFunction(name="v", grid=grid, space_order=4)

    eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u.dx), Eq(v.forward, u.forward.dx)]

    op = Operator(eqns,
                  opt=('advanced', {
                      'par-tile': par_tile,
                      'blockinner': True

    bns, _ = assert_blocking(op, {'x0_blk0', 'x1_blk0'})
    assert len(bns) == len(expected)
    for root, v in zip(bns.values(), expected):
        iters = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(root)
        iters = [i for i in iters if i.dim.is_Block and i.dim._depth == 1]
        assert len(iters) == len(v)
        assert all(i.step == j for i, j in zip(iters, v))
예제 #23
def test_loops_collapsed(fe, t0, t1, t2, t3, exprs, expected, iters):
    scope = [fe, t0, t1, t2, t3]
    node_exprs = [Expression(DummyEq(EVAL(i, *scope))) for i in exprs]
    ast = iters[6](iters[7](iters[8](node_exprs)))

    ast = iet_analyze(ast)

    nodes = transform(ast, mode='openmp').nodes
    iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(nodes)
    assert len(iterations) == len(expected)

    # Check for presence of pragma omp
    for i, j in zip(iterations, expected):
        pragmas = i.pragmas
        if j is True:
            assert len(pragmas) == 1
            pragma = pragmas[0]
            assert 'omp for collapse' in pragma.value
            for k in pragmas:
                assert 'omp for collapse' not in k.value
예제 #24
    def _hoist_prodders(self, iet):
        Move Prodders within the outer levels of an Iteration tree.
        mapper = {}
        for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(iet):
            for prodder in FindNodes(Prodder).visit(tree.root):
                if prodder._periodic:
                        key = lambda i: isinstance(i.dim, BlockDimension)
                        candidate = filter_iterations(tree, key)[-1]
                    except IndexError:
                        # Fallback: use the outermost Iteration
                        candidate = tree.root
                    mapper[candidate] = candidate._rebuild(
                        nodes=(candidate.nodes + (prodder._rebuild(), )))
                    mapper[prodder] = None

        iet = Transformer(mapper, nested=True).visit(iet)

        return iet, {}
예제 #25
파일: test_ir.py 프로젝트: speglich/devito
    def test_iteration_parallelism_2d(self, exprs, atomic, parallel):
        """Tests detection of PARALLEL_* properties."""
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10))
        time = grid.time_dim  # noqa
        t = grid.stepping_dim  # noqa
        x, y = grid.dimensions  # noqa

        p = Dimension(name='p')
        d = Dimension(name='d')
        rx = Dimension(name='rx')
        ry = Dimension(name='ry')

        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid)  # noqa
        v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid, save=None)  # noqa
        w = TimeFunction(name='w', grid=grid, save=None)  # noqa

        cx = Function(name='coeff_x', dimensions=(p, rx), shape=(1, 2))  # noqa
        cy = Function(name='coeff_y', dimensions=(p, ry), shape=(1, 2))  # noqa

        gp = Function(name='gridpoints', dimensions=(p, d),
                      shape=(1, 2))  # noqa
        src = Function(name='src', dimensions=(p, ), shape=(1, ))  # noqa
        rcv = Function(name='rcv',
                       dimensions=(time, p),
                       shape=(100, 1),
                       space_order=0)  # noqa

        # List comprehension would need explicit locals/globals mappings to eval
        for i, e in enumerate(list(exprs)):
            exprs[i] = eval(e)

        op = Operator(exprs, opt='openmp')

        iters = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_ParallelAtomic for i in iters if i.dim.name in atomic)
        assert all(not i.is_ParallelAtomic for i in iters
                   if i.dim.name not in atomic)
        assert all(i.is_Parallel for i in iters if i.dim.name in parallel)
        assert all(not i.is_Parallel for i in iters
                   if i.dim.name not in parallel)
예제 #26
    def test_subdimmiddle_parallel(self, opt):
        Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension
        defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the
        use of SubDimensions.
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=None, grid=grid, space_order=0, time_order=1)

        xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x,
                                 thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness)

        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y,
                                 thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness)

        # a 5 point stencil that can be computed in parallel
        centre = Eq(u[t+1, xi, yi], u[t, xi, yi] + u[t, xi-1, yi]
                                    + u[t, xi+1, yi] + u[t, xi, yi-1] + u[t, xi, yi+1])

        u.data[0, 10, 10] = 1.0

        op = Operator([centre], opt=opt)

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations if i.dim in [xi, yi])

        op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0)

        assert np.all(u.data[1, 9:12, 10] == 1.0)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, 10, 9:12] == 1.0)

        # Other than those, it should all be 0
        u.data[1, 9:12, 10] = 0.0
        u.data[1, 10, 9:12] = 0.0
        assert np.all(u.data[1, :] == 0)
예제 #27
    def test_subdimmiddle_notparallel(self):
        Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension
        defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the
        use of :class:`SubDimension`s.

        Different from ``test_subdimmiddle_parallel`` because an interior
        dimension cannot be evaluated in parallel.
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=None, grid=grid, space_order=0, time_order=1)

        xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x,
                                 thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness)

        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y,
                                 thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness)

        # flow dependencies in x and y which should force serial execution
        # in reverse direction
        centre = Eq(u[t+1, xi, yi], u[t, xi, yi] + u[t+1, xi+1, yi+1])
        u.data[0, 10, 10] = 1.0

        op = Operator([centre])

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Sequential for i in iterations if i.dim == xi)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations if i.dim == yi)

        op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0)

        for i in range(4, 11):
            assert u.data[1, i, i] == 1.0
            u.data[1, i, i] = 0.0

        assert np.all(u.data[1, :] == 0)
예제 #28
def iet_insert_casts(iet, parameters):
    Transform the input IET inserting the necessary type casts.
    The type casts are placed at the top of the IET.

    iet : Node
        The input Iteration/Expression tree.
    parameters : tuple, optional
        The symbol that might require casting.
    # Make the generated code less verbose: if a non-Array parameter does not
    # appear in any Expression, that is, if the parameter is merely propagated
    # down to another Call, then there's no need to cast it
    exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(iet)
    need_cast = {i for i in set().union(*[i.functions for i in exprs]) if i.is_Tensor}
    need_cast.update({i for i in parameters if i.is_Array})

    casts = [ArrayCast(i) for i in parameters if i in need_cast]
    iet = List(body=casts + [iet])
    return iet
예제 #29
    def test_streaming_postponed_deletion(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10, 10))

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=10)

        eqns = [
            Eq(u.forward, u + usave),
            Eq(v.forward, v + u.forward.dx + usave)

        op = Operator(eqns,
                      opt=('streaming', 'orchestrate'))

        sections = FindNodes(Section).visit(op)
        assert len(sections) == 2
        assert str(sections[1].body[0].body[0].footer[1]) ==\
            ('#pragma acc exit data delete(usave[time:1][0:usave_vec->size[1]]'
예제 #30
    def test_iterations_ompized(self, fa, fb, fc, fd, t0, t1, t2, t3, exprs,
                                expected, iters):
        scope = [fa, fb, fc, fd, t0, t1, t2, t3]
        node_exprs = [Expression(DummyEq(EVAL(i, *scope))) for i in exprs]
        ast = iters[6](iters[7](node_exprs))

        ast = iet_analyze(ast)

        iet, _ = transform(ast, mode='openmp')
        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(iet)
        assert len(iterations) == len(expected)

        # Check for presence of pragma omp
        for i, j in zip(iterations, expected):
            pragmas = i.pragmas
            if j is True:
                assert len(pragmas) == 1
                pragma = pragmas[0]
                assert 'omp for' in pragma.value
                for k in pragmas:
                    assert 'omp for' not in k.value