예제 #1
        def _(iet):
            # TODO: we need to pick the rank from `comm_shm`, not `comm`,
            # so that we have nranks == ngpus (as long as the user has launched
            # the right number of MPI processes per node given the available
            # number of GPUs per node)

            objcomm = None
            for i in iet.parameters:
                if isinstance(i, MPICommObject):
                    objcomm = i

            devicetype = as_list(self.lang[self.platform])

                lang_init = [self.lang['init'](devicetype)]
            except TypeError:
                # Not all target languages need to be explicitly initialized
                lang_init = []

            deviceid = DeviceID()
            if objcomm is not None:
                rank = Symbol(name='rank')
                rank_decl = LocalExpression(DummyEq(rank, 0))
                rank_init = Call('MPI_Comm_rank', [objcomm, Byref(rank)])

                ngpus = Symbol(name='ngpus')
                call = self.lang['num-devices'](devicetype)
                ngpus_init = LocalExpression(DummyEq(ngpus, call))

                osdd_then = self.lang['set-device']([deviceid] + devicetype)
                osdd_else = self.lang['set-device']([rank % ngpus] +

                body = lang_init + [
                        CondNe(deviceid, -1),
                            body=[rank_decl, rank_init, ngpus_init, osdd_else

                header = c.Comment('Begin of %s+MPI setup' % self.lang['name'])
                footer = c.Comment('End of %s+MPI setup' % self.lang['name'])
                body = lang_init + [
                        CondNe(deviceid, -1),
                        self.lang['set-device']([deviceid] + devicetype))

                header = c.Comment('Begin of %s setup' % self.lang['name'])
                footer = c.Comment('End of %s setup' % self.lang['name'])

            init = List(header=header, body=body, footer=(footer, c.Line()))
            iet = iet._rebuild(body=(init, ) + iet.body)

            return iet, {'args': deviceid}
예제 #2
def test_cse(exprs, expected):
    """Test common subexpressions elimination."""
    grid = Grid((3, 3, 3))
    dims = grid.dimensions

    tu = TimeFunction(name="tu", grid=grid, space_order=2)  # noqa
    tv = TimeFunction(name="tv", grid=grid, space_order=2)  # noqa
    tw = TimeFunction(name="tw", grid=grid, space_order=2)  # noqa
    tz = TimeFunction(name="tz", grid=grid, space_order=2)  # noqa
    ti0 = Array(name='ti0', shape=(3, 5, 7),
                dimensions=dims).indexify()  # noqa
    ti1 = Array(name='ti1', shape=(3, 5, 7),
                dimensions=dims).indexify()  # noqa
    t0 = Scalar(name='t0')  # noqa
    t1 = Scalar(name='t1')  # noqa
    t2 = Scalar(name='t2')  # noqa

    # List comprehension would need explicit locals/globals mappings to eval
    for i, e in enumerate(list(exprs)):
        exprs[i] = DummyEq(indexify(eval(e).evaluate))

    counter = generator()
    make = lambda: Scalar(name='r%d' % counter()).indexify()
    processed = _cse(exprs, make)
    assert len(processed) == len(expected)
    assert all(str(i.rhs) == j for i, j in zip(processed, expected))
예제 #3
def common_subexprs_elimination(exprs, make, mode='default'):
    Perform common sub-expressions elimination, or CSE.

    Note: the output is guaranteed to be topologically sorted.

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions to which CSE is applied.
    make : callable
        Build symbols to store temporary, redundant values.
    mode : str, optional
        The CSE algorithm applied. Accepted: ['default'].

    # Note: not defaulting to SymPy's CSE() function for three reasons:
    # - it also captures array index access functions (eg, i+1 in A[i+1] and B[i+1]);
    # - it sometimes "captures too much", losing factorization opportunities;
    # - very slow
    # TODO: a second "sympy" mode will be provided, relying on SymPy's CSE() but
    # also ensuring some sort of post-processing
    assert mode == 'default'  # Only supported mode ATM

    processed = list(exprs)
    mapped = []
    while True:
        # Detect redundancies
        counted = count(mapped + processed, q_xop).items()
        targets = OrderedDict([(k, estimate_cost(k, True)) for k, v in counted if v > 1])
        if not targets:

        # Create temporaries
        hit = max(targets.values())
        picked = [k for k, v in targets.items() if v == hit]
        mapper = OrderedDict([(e, make()) for i, e in enumerate(picked)])

        # Apply replacements
        processed = [e.xreplace(mapper) for e in processed]
        mapped = [e.xreplace(mapper) for e in mapped]
        mapped = [DummyEq(v, k) for k, v in reversed(list(mapper.items()))] + mapped

        # Prepare for the next round
        for k in picked:
    processed = mapped + processed

    # At this point we may have useless temporaries (e.g., r0=r1). Let's drop them
    processed = _compact_temporaries(processed)

    # Perform topological sorting so that reads-after-writes are honored
    processed = _topological_sort(processed)

    return processed
예제 #4
    def _make_partree(self, candidates, nthreads=None):
        """Parallelize the `candidates` Iterations attaching suitable OpenMP pragmas."""
        assert candidates
        root = candidates[0]

        # Get the collapsable Iterations
        collapsable = self._find_collapsable(root, candidates)
        ncollapse = 1 + len(collapsable)

        # Prepare to build a ParallelTree
        if all(i.is_Affine for i in candidates):
            bundles = FindNodes(ExpressionBundle).visit(root)
            sops = sum(i.ops for i in bundles)
            if sops >= self.dynamic_work:
                schedule = 'dynamic'
                schedule = 'static'
            if nthreads is None:
                # pragma omp for ... schedule(..., 1)
                nthreads = self.nthreads
                body = OpenMPIteration(schedule=schedule,
                # pragma omp parallel for ... schedule(..., 1)
                body = OpenMPIteration(schedule=schedule,
            prefix = []
            # pragma omp for ... schedule(..., expr)
            assert nthreads is None
            nthreads = self.nthreads_nonaffine
            chunk_size = Symbol(name='chunk_size')
            body = OpenMPIteration(ncollapse=ncollapse,

            niters = prod([root.symbolic_size] +
                          [j.symbolic_size for j in collapsable])
            value = INT(Max(niters / (nthreads * self.chunk_nonaffine), 1))
            prefix = [Expression(DummyEq(chunk_size, value, dtype=np.int32))]

        # Create a ParallelTree
        partree = ParallelTree(prefix, body, nthreads=nthreads)

        collapsed = [partree] + collapsable

        return root, partree, collapsed
예제 #5
    def _make_partree(self, candidates, nthreads=None):
        """Parallelize the `candidates` Iterations attaching suitable OpenMP pragmas."""
        assert candidates
        root = candidates[0]

        # Get the collapsable Iterations
        collapsable = self._find_collapsable(root, candidates)
        ncollapse = 1 + len(collapsable)

        # Prepare to build a ParallelTree
        prefix = []
        if all(i.is_Affine for i in candidates):
            if nthreads is None:
                # pragma omp for ... schedule(..., 1)
                nthreads = self.nthreads
                omp_pragma = self.lang['for'](ncollapse, 1)
                # pragma omp parallel for ... schedule(..., 1)
                omp_pragma = self.lang['par-for'](ncollapse, 1, nthreads)
            # pragma omp for ... schedule(..., expr)
            assert nthreads is None
            nthreads = self.nthreads_nonaffine

            chunk_size = Symbol(name='chunk_size')
            omp_pragma = self.lang['for'](ncollapse, chunk_size)

            niters = prod([root.symbolic_size] +
                          [j.symbolic_size for j in collapsable])
            value = INT(Max(niters / (nthreads * self.CHUNKSIZE_NONAFFINE), 1))
                Expression(DummyEq(chunk_size, value, dtype=np.int32)))

        # Create a ParallelTree
        body = root._rebuild(pragmas=root.pragmas + (omp_pragma, ),
                             properties=root.properties +
                             (COLLAPSED(ncollapse), ))
        partree = ParallelTree(prefix, body, nthreads=nthreads)

        collapsed = [partree] + collapsable

        return root, partree, collapsed
예제 #6
파일: cse.py 프로젝트: ofmla/devito
def _cse(maybe_exprs, make, mode='default'):
    Main common sub-expressions elimination routine.

    Note: the output is guaranteed to be topologically sorted.

    maybe_exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like  or Cluster
        One or more expressions to which CSE is applied.
    make : callable
        Build symbols to store temporary, redundant values.
    mode : str, optional
        The CSE algorithm applied. Accepted: ['default'].

    # Note: not defaulting to SymPy's CSE() function for three reasons:
    # - it also captures array index access functions (eg, i+1 in A[i+1] and B[i+1]);
    # - it sometimes "captures too much", losing factorization opportunities;
    # - very slow
    # TODO: a second "sympy" mode will be provided, relying on SymPy's CSE() but
    # also ensuring some form of post-processing
    assert mode == 'default'  # Only supported mode ATM

    # Just for flexibility, accept either Clusters or exprs
    if isinstance(maybe_exprs, Cluster):
        cluster = maybe_exprs
        processed = list(cluster.exprs)
        scope = cluster.scope
        processed = list(maybe_exprs)
        scope = Scope(maybe_exprs)

    # Some sub-expressions aren't really "common" -- that's the case of Dimension-
    # independent data dependences. For example:
    # ... = ... a[i] + 1 ...
    # a[i] = ...
    # ... = ... a[i] + 1 ...
    # `a[i] + 1` will be excluded, as there's a flow Dimension-independent data
    # dependence involving `a`
    exclude = {i.source.indexed for i in scope.d_flow.independent()}

    mapped = []
    while True:
        # Detect redundancies
        counted = count(mapped + processed, q_xop).items()
        targets = OrderedDict([(k, estimate_cost(k, True)) for k, v in counted
                               if v > 1])

        # Rule out Dimension-independent data dependencies
        targets = OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in targets.items()
                               if not k.free_symbols & exclude])

        if not targets:

        # Create temporaries
        hit = max(targets.values())
        picked = [k for k, v in targets.items() if v == hit]
        mapper = OrderedDict([(e, make()) for i, e in enumerate(picked)])

        # Apply replacements
        processed = [uxreplace(e, mapper) for e in processed]
        mapped = [uxreplace(e, mapper) for e in mapped]
        mapped = [DummyEq(v, k)
                  for k, v in reversed(list(mapper.items()))] + mapped

        # Update `exclude` for the same reasons as above -- to rule out CSE across
        # Dimension-independent data dependences
        exclude.update({i for i in mapper.values()})

        # Prepare for the next round
        for k in picked:
    processed = mapped + processed

    # At this point we may have useless temporaries (e.g., r0=r1). Let's drop them
    processed = _compact_temporaries(processed)

    return processed
예제 #7
    def _make_partree(self, candidates, nthreads=None):
        """Parallelize `root` attaching a suitable OpenMP pragma."""
        assert candidates
        root = candidates[0]

        # Get the collapsable Iterations
        collapsable = []
        if ncores() >= Ompizer.COLLAPSE_NCORES and IsPerfectIteration().visit(
            for n, i in enumerate(candidates[1:], 1):
                # The OpenMP specification forbids collapsed loops to use iteration
                # variables in initializer expressions. E.g., the following is forbidden:
                # #pragma omp ... collapse(2)
                # for (i = ... )
                #   for (j = i ...)
                #     ...
                # Here, we make sure this won't happen
                if any(j.dim in i.symbolic_min.free_symbols
                       for j in candidates[:n]):

                # Also, we do not want to collapse vectorizable Iterations
                if i.is_Vectorizable:

                # Would there be enough work per parallel iteration?
                    work = prod(
                        [int(j.dim.symbolic_size) for j in candidates[n + 1:]])
                    if work < Ompizer.COLLAPSE_WORK:
                except TypeError:

        ncollapse = 1 + len(collapsable)

        # Prepare to build a ParallelTree
        prefix = []
        if all(i.is_Affine for i in candidates):
            if nthreads is None:
                # pragma omp for ... schedule(..., 1)
                nthreads = self.nthreads
                omp_pragma = self.lang['for'](ncollapse, 1)
                # pragma omp parallel for ... schedule(..., 1)
                omp_pragma = self.lang['par-for'](ncollapse, 1, nthreads)
            # pragma omp for ... schedule(..., expr)
            assert nthreads is None
            nthreads = self.nthreads_nonaffine

            chunk_size = Symbol(name='chunk_size')
            omp_pragma = self.lang['for'](ncollapse, chunk_size)

            niters = prod([root.symbolic_size] +
                          [j.symbolic_size for j in collapsable])
            value = INT(Max(niters / (nthreads * self.CHUNKSIZE_NONAFFINE), 1))
                Expression(DummyEq(chunk_size, value, dtype=np.int32)))

        # Create a ParallelTree
        body = root._rebuild(pragmas=root.pragmas + (omp_pragma, ),
                             properties=root.properties +
                             (COLLAPSED(ncollapse), ))
        partree = ParallelTree(prefix, body, nthreads=nthreads)

        collapsed = [partree] + collapsable

        return root, partree, collapsed