예제 #1
def freesurface(model, eq):
    Generate the stencil that mirrors the field as a free surface modeling for
    the acoustic wave equation.

    model : Model
        Physical model.
    eq : Eq
        Time-stepping stencil (time update) to mirror at the freesurface.
    lhs, rhs = eq.evaluate.args
    # Get vertical dimension and corresponding subdimension
    zfs = model.grid.subdomains['fsdomain'].dimensions[-1]
    z = zfs.parent

    # Functions present in the stencil
    funcs = retrieve_functions(rhs)
    mapper = {}
    # Antisymmetric mirror at negative indices
    # TODO: Make a proper "mirror_indices" tool function
    for f in funcs:
        zind = f.indices[-1]
        if (zind - z).as_coeff_Mul()[0] < 0:
            s = sign(zind.subs({z: zfs, z.spacing: 1}))
            mapper.update({f: s * f.subs({zind: INT(abs(zind))})})
    return Eq(lhs, rhs.subs(mapper), subdomain=model.grid.subdomains['fsdomain'])
예제 #2
    def _add_implicit(cls, expressions):
        Create and add any associated implicit expressions.

        Implicit expressions are those not explicitly defined by the user
        but instead are requisites of some specified functionality.
        processed = []
        for e in expressions:
            if e.subdomain:
                    dims = [
                        d.root for d in e.free_symbols
                        if isinstance(d, Dimension)
                    sub_dims = [d.root for d in e.subdomain.dimensions]
                    dims = [d for d in dims if d not in frozenset(sub_dims)]
                    grid = list(retrieve_functions(e, mode='unique'))[0].grid
                        i.func(*i.args, implicit_dims=dims)
                        for i in e.subdomain._create_implicit_exprs(grid)
                    new_e = Eq(e.lhs,
                except AttributeError:
        return processed
예제 #3
    def _lower_exprs(cls, expressions, **kwargs):
        Expression lowering:

            * Form and gather any required implicit expressions;
            * Evaluate derivatives;
            * Flatten vectorial equations;
            * Indexify Functions;
            * Apply substitution rules;
            * Specialize (e.g., index shifting)
        # Add in implicit expressions, e.g., induced by SubDomains
        expressions = cls._add_implicit(expressions)

        # Unfold lazyiness
        expressions = flatten([i.evaluate for i in expressions])

        # Scalarize tensor expressions
        expressions = [j for i in expressions for j in i._flatten]

        # Indexification
        # E.g., f(x - 2*h_x, y) -> f[xi + 2, yi + 4]  (assuming halo_size=4)
        processed = []
        for expr in expressions:
            if expr.subdomain:
                dimension_map = expr.subdomain.dimension_map
                dimension_map = {}

            # Handle Functions (typical case)
            mapper = {
                f: f.indexify(lshift=True, subs=dimension_map)
                for f in retrieve_functions(expr)

            # Handle Indexeds (from index notation)
            for i in retrieve_indexed(expr):
                f = i.function

                # Introduce shifting to align with the computational domain
                indices = [(a + o)
                           for a, o in zip(i.indices, f._size_nodomain.left)]

                # Apply substitutions, if necessary
                if dimension_map:
                    indices = [j.xreplace(dimension_map) for j in indices]

                mapper[i] = f.indexed[indices]

            subs = kwargs.get('subs')
            if subs:
                # Include the user-supplied substitutions, and use
                # `xreplace` for constant folding
                processed.append(expr.xreplace({**mapper, **subs}))
                processed.append(uxreplace(expr, mapper))

        processed = cls._specialize_exprs(processed)

        return processed
예제 #4
def Gzz(field, costheta, sintheta, cosphi, sinphi, rho):
    3D rotated second order derivative in the direction z
    :param field: symbolic data whose derivative we are computing
    :param costheta: cosine of the tilt angle
    :param sintheta:  sine of the tilt angle
    :param cosphi: cosine of the azymuth angle
    :param sinphi: sine of the azymuth angle
    :param space_order: discretization order
    :return: rotated second order derivative wrt z
    order1 = field.space_order // 2
    func = list(retrieve_functions(field))[0]
    if func.grid.dim == 2:
        return Gzz2d(field, costheta, sintheta, space_order)
    x, y, z = func.space_dimensions
    Gz = -(sintheta * cosphi * first_derivative(field, dim=x, side=centered,
                                                fd_order=order1) +
           sintheta * sinphi * first_derivative(field, dim=y, side=centered,
                                                fd_order=order1) +
           costheta * first_derivative(field, dim=z, side=centered,
    Gzz = (first_derivative(Gz * sintheta * cosphi * rho,
                            dim=x, side=centered, fd_order=order1,
                            matvec=transpose) +
           first_derivative(Gz * sintheta * sinphi * rho,
                            dim=y, side=centered, fd_order=order1,
                            matvec=transpose) +
           first_derivative(Gz * costheta * rho,
                            dim=z, side=centered, fd_order=order1,
    return Gzz
예제 #5
def test_is_on_grid():
    grid = Grid((10,))
    x = grid.dimensions[0]
    x0 = x + .5 * x.spacing
    u = Function(name="u", grid=grid, space_order=2)

    assert u._is_on_grid
    assert not u.subs({x: x0})._is_on_grid
    assert all(uu._is_on_grid for uu in retrieve_functions(u.subs({x: x0}).evaluate))
예제 #6
def lower_exprs(expressions, **kwargs):
    Lowering an expression consists of the following passes:

        * Indexify functions;
        * Align Indexeds with the computational domain;
        * Apply user-provided substitution;

    f(x - 2*h_x, y) -> f[xi + 2, yi + 4]  (assuming halo_size=4)

    processed = []
    for expr in as_tuple(expressions):
            dimension_map = expr.subdomain.dimension_map
        except AttributeError:
            # Some Relationals may be pure SymPy objects, thus lacking the subdomain
            dimension_map = {}

        # Handle Functions (typical case)
        mapper = {
            f: f.indexify(lshift=True, subs=dimension_map)
            for f in retrieve_functions(expr)

        # Handle Indexeds (from index notation)
        for i in retrieve_indexed(expr):
            f = i.function

            # Introduce shifting to align with the computational domain
            indices = [(lower_exprs(a) + o)
                       for a, o in zip(i.indices, f._size_nodomain.left)]

            # Apply substitutions, if necessary
            if dimension_map:
                indices = [j.xreplace(dimension_map) for j in indices]

            mapper[i] = f.indexed[indices]

        subs = kwargs.get('subs')
        # Add dimensions map to the mapper in case dimensions are used
        # as an expression, i.e. Eq(u, x, subdomain=xleft)
        if subs:
            # Include the user-supplied substitutions, and use
            # `xreplace` for constant folding
            processed.append(expr.xreplace({**mapper, **subs}))
            processed.append(uxreplace(expr, mapper))

    if isinstance(expressions, Iterable):
        return processed
        assert len(processed) == 1
        return processed.pop()
예제 #7
    def test_time_subsampling_fd(self):
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        time = grid.time_dim

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=(nt+factor-1)//factor,
                             time_dim=time_subsampled, time_order=2)

        dx2 = [indexify(i) for i in retrieve_functions(usave.dt2.evaluate)]
        assert dx2 == [usave[time_subsampled - 1, x, y],
                       usave[time_subsampled + 1, x, y],
                       usave[time_subsampled, x, y]]
예제 #8
def generate_implicit_exprs(expressions):
    Create and add implicit expressions.

    Implicit expressions are those not explicitly defined by the user
    but instead are requisites of some specified functionality.

    Currently, implicit expressions stem from the following:

        * MultiSubDomains attached to input equations.
    found = {}
    processed = []
    for e in expressions:
        if e.subdomain:
                dims = [
                    d.root for d in e.free_symbols if isinstance(d, Dimension)
                sub_dims = [d.root for d in e.subdomain.dimensions]
                dims = [d for d in dims if d not in frozenset(sub_dims)]
                if e.subdomain not in found:
                    grid = list(retrieve_functions(e, mode='unique'))[0].grid
                    found[e.subdomain] = [
                        i.func(*i.args, implicit_dims=dims)
                        for i in e.subdomain._create_implicit_exprs(grid)
                new_e = Eq(e.lhs,
            except AttributeError:
                # Not a MultiSubDomain
    return processed
예제 #9
def Gxxyy(field, costheta, sintheta, cosphi, sinphi, rho):
    Sum of the 3D rotated second order derivative in the direction x and y.
    As the Laplacian is rotation invariant, it is computed as the conventional
    Laplacian minus the second order rotated second order derivative in the direction z
    Gxx + Gyy = field.laplace - Gzz
    :param field: symbolic data whose derivative we are computing
    :param costheta: cosine of the tilt angle
    :param sintheta:  sine of the tilt angle
    :param cosphi: cosine of the azymuth angle
    :param sinphi: sine of the azymuth angle
    :param space_order: discretization order
    :return: Sum of the 3D rotated second order derivative in the direction x and y
    lap = laplacian(field, rho)
    func = list(retrieve_functions(field))[0]
    if func.grid.dim == 2:
        Gzzr = Gzz2d(field, costheta, sintheta, rho)
        Gzzr = Gzz(field, costheta, sintheta, cosphi, sinphi, rho)
    return lap - Gzzr
예제 #10
def freesurface(model, eq):
    Generate the stencil that mirrors the field as a free surface modeling for
    the acoustic wave equation

    model: Model
        Physical model
    eq: Eq or List of Eq
        Equation to apply mirror to
    fs_eq = []
    for eq_i in eq:
        for p in eq_i._flatten:
            lhs, rhs = p.evaluate.args
            # Add modulo replacements to to rhs
            zfs = model.grid.subdomains['fsdomain'].dimensions[-1]
            z = zfs.parent

            funcs = retrieve_functions(rhs.evaluate)
            mapper = {}
            for f in funcs:
                zind = f.indices[-1]
                if (zind - z).as_coeff_Mul()[0] < 0:
                    s = sign((zind - z.symbolic_min).subs({
                        z: zfs,
                        z.spacing: 1
                    mapper.update({f: s * f.subs({zind: INT(abs(zind))})})
                   sign(lhs.indices[-1] - z.symbolic_min) * rhs.subs(mapper),

    return fs_eq
예제 #11
파일: operator.py 프로젝트: navjotk/devito
    def _lower_exprs(cls, expressions, **kwargs):
        Expression lowering:

            * Form and gather any required implicit expressions;
            * Evaluate derivatives;
            * Flatten vectorial equations;
            * Indexify Functions;
            * Apply substitution rules;
            * Specialize (e.g., index shifting)
        # Add in implicit expressions, e.g., induced by SubDomains
        expressions = cls._add_implicit(expressions)

        # Unfold lazyiness
        expressions = flatten([i.evaluate for i in expressions])

        # Scalarize tensor expressions
        expressions = [j for i in expressions for j in i._flatten]

        # Indexification
        # E.g., f(x - 2*h_x, y) -> f[xi + 2, yi + 4]  (assuming halo_size=4)
        processed = []
        for expr in expressions:
            if expr.subdomain:
                dimension_map = expr.subdomain.dimension_map
                dimension_map = {}

            mapper = {}

            # Handle Functions (typical case)
            for f in retrieve_functions(expr):
                # Get spacing symbols for replacement
                spacings = [i.spacing for i in f.dimensions]

                # Only keep the ones used as indices
                spacings = [
                    s for i, s in enumerate(spacings)
                    if s.free_symbols.intersection(f.args[i].free_symbols)

                # Substitution for each index
                subs = {**{s: 1 for s in spacings}, **dimension_map}

                # Introduce shifting to align with the computational domain,
                # and apply substitutions
                indices = [
                    (a - i + o).xreplace(subs)
                    for a, i, o in zip(f.args, f.origin, f._size_nodomain.left)

                mapper[f] = f.indexed[indices]

            # Handle Indexeds (from index notation)
            for i in retrieve_indexed(expr):
                f = i.function

                # Introduce shifting to align with the computational domain
                indices = [(a + o)
                           for a, o in zip(i.indices, f._size_nodomain.left)]

                # Apply substitutions, if necessary
                if dimension_map:
                    indices = [j.xreplace(dimension_map) for j in indices]

                mapper[i] = f.indexed[indices]

            subs = kwargs.get('subs')
            if subs:
                # Include the user-supplied substitutions, and use
                # `xreplace` for constant folding
                processed.append(expr.xreplace({**mapper, **subs}))
                processed.append(uxreplace(expr, mapper))

        processed = cls._specialize_exprs(processed)

        return processed
예제 #12
def lower_exprs(expressions, **kwargs):
    Lowering an expression consists of the following passes:

        * Indexify functions;
        * Align Indexeds with the computational domain;
        * Apply user-provided substitution;

    f(x - 2*h_x, y) -> f[xi + 2, yi + 4]  (assuming halo_size=4)
    # Normalize subs
    subs = {k: sympify(v) for k, v in kwargs.get('subs', {}).items()}

    processed = []
    for expr in as_tuple(expressions):
            dimension_map = expr.subdomain.dimension_map
        except AttributeError:
            # Some Relationals may be pure SymPy objects, thus lacking the subdomain
            dimension_map = {}

        # Handle Functions (typical case)
        mapper = {
            f: lower_exprs(f.indexify(subs=dimension_map), **kwargs)
            for f in retrieve_functions(expr)

        # Handle Indexeds (from index notation)
        for i in retrieve_indexed(expr):
            f = i.function

            # Introduce shifting to align with the computational domain
            indices = [(lower_exprs(a) + o)
                       for a, o in zip(i.indices, f._size_nodomain.left)]

            # Substitute spacing (spacing only used in own dimension)
            indices = [
                    d.spacing: 1,
                    -d.spacing: -1
                }) for i, d in zip(indices, f.dimensions)

            # Apply substitutions, if necessary
            if dimension_map:
                indices = [j.xreplace(dimension_map) for j in indices]

            mapper[i] = f.indexed[indices]

        # Add dimensions map to the mapper in case dimensions are used
        # as an expression, i.e. Eq(u, x, subdomain=xleft)
        # Add the user-supplied substitutions
        # Apply mapper to expression
        processed.append(uxreplace(expr, mapper))

    if isinstance(expressions, Iterable):
        return processed
        assert len(processed) == 1
        return processed.pop()