예제 #1
def run(shape=(50, 50, 50),
        spacing=(20.0, 20.0, 20.0),

    solver = acoustic_setup(shape=shape,

    info("Applying Forward")
    # Whether or not we save the whole time history. We only need the full wavefield
    # with 'save=True' if we compute the gradient without checkpointing, if we use
    # checkpointing, PyRevolve will take care of the time history
    save = full_run and not checkpointing
    # Define receiver geometry (spread across x, just below surface)
    rec, u, summary = solver.forward(save=save, autotune=autotune)
    # print(norm(rec))

    if preset == 'constant':
        # With  a new m as Constant
        v0 = Constant(name="v", value=2.0, dtype=np.float32)
        solver.forward(save=save, vp=v0)
        # With a new vp as a scalar value
        solver.forward(save=save, vp=2.0)

    if not full_run:
        return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]

    # Smooth velocity
    initial_vp = Function(name='v0',
    smooth(initial_vp, solver.model.vp)
    dm = np.float32(initial_vp.data**(-2) - solver.model.vp.data**(-2))

    info("Applying Adjoint")
    solver.adjoint(rec, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Born")
    solver.jacobian(dm, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Gradient")
    return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]
예제 #2
def run(shape=(50, 50, 50), spacing=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0), tn=1000.0,
        space_order=4, nbl=40, full_run=False, autotune=False, **kwargs):

    solver = acoustic_ssa_setup(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, nbl=nbl, tn=tn,
                                space_order=space_order, **kwargs)

    info("Applying Forward")
    # Define receiver geometry (spread across x, just below surface)
    rec, u, summary = solver.forward(save=full_run, autotune=autotune)

    if not full_run:
        return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]

    # Smooth velocity
    initial_vp = Function(name='v0', grid=solver.model.grid, space_order=space_order)
    smooth(initial_vp, solver.model.vp)
    dm = solver.model.vp - initial_vp

    info("Applying Adjoint")
    solver.adjoint(rec, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Born")
    solver.jacobian(dm, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Gradient")
    solver.jacobian_adjoint(rec, u, autotune=autotune)
    return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]
예제 #3
    def test_gradient_checkpointing(self, dtype, opt, space_order, kernel, shape, spacing,
                                    setup_func, time_order):
        This test ensures that the FWI gradient computed with checkpointing matches
        the one without checkpointing. Note that this test fails with dynamic openmp
        scheduling enabled so this test disables it.
        wave = setup_func(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, dtype=dtype,
                          kernel=kernel, space_order=space_order, nbl=40, opt=opt,

        v0 = Function(name='v0', grid=wave.model.grid, space_order=space_order,
        smooth(v0, wave.model.vp)

        # Compute receiver data for the true velocity
        rec = wave.forward()[0]

        # Compute receiver data and full wavefield for the smooth velocity
        rec0, u0 = wave.forward(vp=v0, save=True)[0:2]

        # Gradient: <J^T \delta d, dm>
        residual = Receiver(name='rec', grid=wave.model.grid, data=rec0.data - rec.data,
                            coordinates=wave.geometry.rec_positions, dtype=dtype)

        grad = Function(name='grad', grid=wave.model.grid, dtype=dtype)
        gradient, _ = wave.jacobian_adjoint(residual, u0, vp=v0, checkpointing=True,

        grad = Function(name='grad', grid=wave.model.grid, dtype=dtype)
        gradient2, _ = wave.jacobian_adjoint(residual, u0, vp=v0, checkpointing=False,

        assert np.allclose(gradient.data, gradient2.data, atol=0, rtol=0)
예제 #4
    def test_gradientJ(self, dtype, space_order, kernel, shape, spacing, time_order,
        This test ensures that the Jacobian computed with devito
        satisfies the Taylor expansion property:
        .. math::
            F(m0 + h dm) = F(m0) + \O(h) \\
            F(m0 + h dm) = F(m0) + J dm + \O(h^2) \\
        with F the Forward modelling operator.
        wave = setup_func(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, dtype=dtype,
                          kernel=kernel, space_order=space_order,
                          time_order=time_order, tn=1000., nbl=10+space_order/2)

        v0 = Function(name='v0', grid=wave.model.grid, space_order=space_order)
        smooth(v0, wave.model.vp)
        v = wave.model.vp.data
        dm = dtype(wave.model.vp.data**(-2) - v0.data**(-2))

        # Compute receiver data and full wavefield for the smooth velocity
        rec = wave.forward(vp=v0, save=False)[0]

        # Gradient: J dm
        Jdm = wave.jacobian(dm, vp=v0)[0]
        # FWI Gradient test
        H = [0.5, 0.25, .125, 0.0625, 0.0312, 0.015625, 0.0078125]
        error1 = np.zeros(7)
        error2 = np.zeros(7)
        for i in range(0, 7):
            # Add the perturbation to the model
            def initializer(data):
                data[:] = np.sqrt(v0.data**2 * v**2 /
                                  ((1 - H[i]) * v**2 + H[i] * v0.data**2))
            vloc = Function(name='vloc', grid=wave.model.grid, space_order=space_order,
            # Data for the new model
            d = wave.forward(vp=vloc)[0]
            delta_d = (d.data - rec.data).reshape(-1)
            # First order error F(m0 + hdm) - F(m0)

            error1[i] = np.linalg.norm(delta_d, 1)
            # Second order term F(m0 + hdm) - F(m0) - J dm
            error2[i] = np.linalg.norm(delta_d - H[i] * Jdm.data.reshape(-1), 1)

        # Test slope of the  tests
        p1 = np.polyfit(np.log10(H), np.log10(error1), 1)
        p2 = np.polyfit(np.log10(H), np.log10(error2), 1)
        info('1st order error, Phi(m0+dm)-Phi(m0) with slope: %s compared to 1' % (p1[0]))
        info(r'2nd order error, Phi(m0+dm)-Phi(m0) - <J(m0)^T \delta d, dm>with slope:'
             ' %s compared to 2' % (p2[0]))
        assert np.isclose(p1[0], 1.0, rtol=0.1)
        assert np.isclose(p2[0], 2.0, rtol=0.1)
예제 #5
def run(shape=(50, 50, 50), spacing=(20.0, 20.0, 20.0), tn=1000.0,
        space_order=4, kernel='OT2', nbpml=40, full_run=False,
        autotune=False, preset='layers-isotropic', checkpointing=False, **kwargs):

    solver = acoustic_setup(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, nbpml=nbpml, tn=tn,
                            space_order=space_order, kernel=kernel,
                            preset=preset, **kwargs)

    info("Applying Forward")
    # Whether or not we save the whole time history. We only need the full wavefield
    # with 'save=True' if we compute the gradient without checkpointing, if we use
    # checkpointing, PyRevolve will take care of the time history
    save = full_run and not checkpointing
    # Define receiver geometry (spread across x, just below surface)
    rec, u, summary = solver.forward(save=save, autotune=autotune)

    if preset == 'constant':
        # With  a new m as Constant
        m0 = Constant(name="m", value=.25, dtype=np.float32)
        solver.forward(save=save, m=m0)
        # With a new m as a scalar value
        solver.forward(save=save, m=.25)

    if not full_run:
        return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]

    # Smooth velocity
    initial_vp = Function(name='v0', grid=solver.model.grid, space_order=space_order)
    smooth(initial_vp, solver.model.m)
    dm = np.float32(initial_vp.data**2 - solver.model.m.data)

    info("Applying Adjoint")
    solver.adjoint(rec, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Born")
    solver.born(dm, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Gradient")
    solver.gradient(rec, u, autotune=autotune, checkpointing=checkpointing)
예제 #6
    def test_gradient_equivalence(self, shape, kernel, space_order, preset, nbl, dtype,
                                  tolerance, spacing, tn):
        """ This test asserts that the gradient calculated through the following three
            expressions should match within floating-point precision:
            - grad = sum(-u.dt2 * v)
            - grad = sum(-u * v.dt2)
            - grad = sum(-u.dt * v.dt)

            The computation has the following number of operations:
            u.dt2 (5 ops) * v = 6ops * 500 (nt) ~ 3000 ops ~ 1e4 ops
            Hence tolerances are eps * ops = 1e-4 (sp) and 1e-13 (dp)
        model = demo_model(preset, space_order=space_order, shape=shape, nbl=nbl,
                           dtype=dtype, spacing=spacing)
        m = model.m
        v_true = model.vp
        geometry = setup_geometry(model, tn)
        dt = model.critical_dt
        src = geometry.src
        rec = geometry.rec
        rec_true = geometry.rec
        rec0 = geometry.rec
        s = model.grid.stepping_dim.spacing
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=model.grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order,

        eqn_fwd = iso_stencil(u, model, kernel)
        src_term = src.inject(field=u.forward, expr=src * s**2 / m)
        rec_term = rec.interpolate(expr=u)

        fwd_op = Operator(eqn_fwd + src_term + rec_term, subs=model.spacing_map,

        v0 = Function(name='v0', grid=model.grid, space_order=space_order,
        smooth(v0, model.vp)

        grad_u = Function(name='gradu', grid=model.grid)
        grad_v = Function(name='gradv', grid=model.grid)
        grad_uv = Function(name='graduv', grid=model.grid)
        v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=model.grid, save=None, time_order=2,
        s = model.grid.stepping_dim.spacing

        eqn_adj = iso_stencil(v, model, kernel, forward=False)
        receivers = rec.inject(field=v.backward, expr=rec * s**2 / m)

        gradient_update_v = Eq(grad_v, grad_v - u * v.dt2)
        grad_op_v = Operator(eqn_adj + receivers + [gradient_update_v],
                             subs=model.spacing_map, name='GradientV')

        gradient_update_u = Eq(grad_u, grad_u - u.dt2 * v)
        grad_op_u = Operator(eqn_adj + receivers + [gradient_update_u],
                             subs=model.spacing_map, name='GradientU')

        gradient_update_uv = Eq(grad_uv, grad_uv + u.dt * v.dt)
        grad_op_uv = Operator(eqn_adj + receivers + [gradient_update_uv],
                              subs=model.spacing_map, name='GradientUV')

        fwd_op.apply(dt=dt, vp=v_true, rec=rec_true)
        fwd_op.apply(dt=dt, vp=v0, rec=rec0)

        residual = Receiver(name='rec', grid=model.grid, data=(rec0.data - rec_true.data),
                            coordinates=geometry.rec_positions, dtype=dtype)
        grad_op_u.apply(dt=dt, vp=v0, rec=residual)

        # Reset v before calling the second operator since the object is shared
        v.data[:] = 0.
        grad_op_v.apply(dt=dt, vp=v0, rec=residual)

        v.data[:] = 0.
        grad_op_uv.apply(dt=dt, vp=v0, rec=residual)

        assert(np.allclose(grad_u.data, grad_v.data, rtol=tolerance, atol=tolerance))
        assert(np.allclose(grad_u.data, grad_uv.data, rtol=tolerance, atol=tolerance))
예제 #7
    def test_gradientFWI(self, dtype, space_order, kernel, shape, ckp, setup_func,
        This test ensures that the FWI gradient computed with devito
        satisfies the Taylor expansion property:
        .. math::
            \Phi(m0 + h dm) = \Phi(m0) + \O(h) \\
            \Phi(m0 + h dm) = \Phi(m0) + h \nabla \Phi(m0) + \O(h^2) \\
            \Phi(m0) = .5* || F(m0 + h dm) - D ||_2^2

        .. math::
            \nabla \Phi(m0) = <J^T \delta d, dm> \\
            \delta d = F(m0+ h dm) - D \\

        with F the Forward modelling operator.
        spacing = tuple(10. for _ in shape)
        wave = setup_func(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, dtype=dtype, kernel=kernel,
                          tn=400.0, space_order=space_order, nbl=40,

        vel0 = Function(name='vel0', grid=wave.model.grid, space_order=space_order)
        smooth(vel0, wave.model.vp)
        v = wave.model.vp.data
        dm = dtype(wave.model.vp.data**(-2) - vel0.data**(-2))
        # Compute receiver data for the true velocity
        rec = wave.forward()[0]

        # Compute receiver data and full wavefield for the smooth velocity
        if setup_func is tti_setup:
            rec0, u0, v0, _ = wave.forward(vp=vel0, save=True)
            rec0, u0 = wave.forward(vp=vel0, save=True)[0:2]

        # Objective function value
        F0 = .5*linalg.norm(rec0.data - rec.data)**2

        # Gradient: <J^T \delta d, dm>
        residual = Receiver(name='rec', grid=wave.model.grid, data=rec0.data - rec.data,

        if setup_func is tti_setup:
            gradient, _ = wave.jacobian_adjoint(residual, u0, v0, vp=vel0,
            gradient, _ = wave.jacobian_adjoint(residual, u0, vp=vel0,

        G = np.dot(gradient.data.reshape(-1), dm.reshape(-1))

        # FWI Gradient test
        H = [0.5, 0.25, .125, 0.0625, 0.0312, 0.015625, 0.0078125]
        error1 = np.zeros(7)
        error2 = np.zeros(7)
        for i in range(0, 7):
            # Add the perturbation to the model
            def initializer(data):
                data[:] = np.sqrt(vel0.data**2 * v**2 /
                                  ((1 - H[i]) * v**2 + H[i] * vel0.data**2))
            vloc = Function(name='vloc', grid=wave.model.grid, space_order=space_order,
            # Data for the new model
            d = wave.forward(vp=vloc)[0]
            # First order error Phi(m0+dm) - Phi(m0)
            F_i = .5*linalg.norm((d.data - rec.data).reshape(-1))**2
            error1[i] = np.absolute(F_i - F0)
            # Second order term r Phi(m0+dm) - Phi(m0) - <J(m0)^T \delta d, dm>
            error2[i] = np.absolute(F_i - F0 - H[i] * G)

        # Test slope of the  tests
        p1 = np.polyfit(np.log10(H), np.log10(error1), 1)
        p2 = np.polyfit(np.log10(H), np.log10(error2), 1)
        info('1st order error, Phi(m0+dm)-Phi(m0): %s' % (p1))
        info(r'2nd order error, Phi(m0+dm)-Phi(m0) - <J(m0)^T \delta d, dm>: %s' % (p2))
        assert np.isclose(p1[0], 1.0, rtol=0.1)
        assert np.isclose(p2[0], 2.0, rtol=0.1)