예제 #1
    def process(self):
        n = self.setting('n')
        lexer_alias = file_ext_to_lexer_alias_cache[self.input_data.ext]

        for section_name, section_input in self.input_data.items():
            with_spaces = indent(section_input, n)
            section_output = ".. code:: %s\n\n%s" % (lexer_alias, with_spaces)
            self.output_data[section_name] = section_output

예제 #2
파일: pyg.py 프로젝트: GWhized/dexy
    def process(self):
        n = self.setting('n')
        lexer_alias = file_ext_to_lexer_alias_cache[self.input_data.ext]

        for section_name, section_input in self.input_data.iteritems():
            with_spaces = indent(section_input, n)
            section_output = ".. code:: %s\n\n%s" % (lexer_alias, with_spaces)
            self.output_data[section_name] = section_output

예제 #3
def datas_command(
        alias=False,  # Alias of data type to print detaile dinfo for.
        source=False,  # Whether to print source code for methods.
        nocolor=False,  # If printing source, whether to colorize it.
    Prints list of data types.
    wrapper = dummy_wrapper()
    settings = {'canonical-name': 'foo'}

    nodoc_methods = ('clear_cache', 'clear_data', 'copy_from_file', 'data',
                     'has_data', 'initialize_settings',
                     'initialize_settings_from_raw_kwargs', 'is_active',
                     'is_cached', 'args_to_data_init', 'json_as_dict',
                     'as_text', 'load_data', 'save', 'setup', 'setup_storage',
                     'storage_class_alias', 'transition',
                     'add_to_lookup_sections', 'add_to_lookup_nodes')

    print ""

    if not alias:
        for d in dexy.data.Data.__iter__("foo", ".txt", "foo", settings,
            print d.alias

        print ""
        print "For more information about a particular data type,"
        print "use the -alias flag and specify the data type alias."
        print ""
        d = dexy.data.Data.create_instance(alias, "foo", ".txt", "foo",
                                           settings, wrapper)

        print alias
        print ""
        print d.setting('help')
        print ""

        print "Methods:"
        for k, v in inspect.getmembers(d):
            if k.startswith('_'):

            if inspect.ismethod(v) and not k in nodoc_methods:
                print "    %s" % k

                docs = inspect.getdoc(v)
                if not docs:
                    raise dexy.exceptions.InternalDexyProblem(
                        "Must provide docstring for %s" % k)

                print ""
                print indent(docs, 8)
                print ""

                args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(v)

                if not source and len(args) > 1:
                    print "        Takes arguments. Run with -source option to see source code."

                if source:
                    source_code = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(v))
                    if nocolor:
                        print indent(source_code, 8)
                        formatter = pygments.formatters.TerminalFormatter()
                        lexer = PythonLexer()
                        print indent(highlight(source_code, lexer, formatter),

                print ""
예제 #4
파일: standard.py 프로젝트: GWhized/dexy
 def process(self):
     n = self.setting('n')
     for section_name, section_input in self.input_data.iteritems():
         self.output_data[section_name] = indent(section_input, n)
예제 #5
파일: standard.py 프로젝트: stephenhay/dexy
 def process(self):
     n = self.setting('n')
     for section_name, section_input in self.input_data.iteritems():
         self.output_data[section_name] = indent(section_input, n)
예제 #6
def datas_command(
        alias=False, # Alias of data type to print detaile dinfo for.
        source=False, # Whether to print source code for methods.
        nocolor=False, # If printing source, whether to colorize it.
    Prints list of data types.
    wrapper = dummy_wrapper()
    settings = {
            'canonical-name' : 'foo'

    nodoc_methods = ('clear_cache', 'clear_data', 'copy_from_file', 'data', 'has_data',
            'initialize_settings', 'initialize_settings_from_other_classes',
            'initialize_settings_from_parents', 'initialize_settings_from_raw_kwargs',
            'is_active', 'is_cached', 'args_to_data_init', 'json_as_dict', 'as_text',
            'load_data', 'save', 'setup', 'setup_storage', 'storage_class_alias',
            'transition', 'add_to_lookup_sections' ,'add_to_lookup_nodes'

    print ""

    if not alias:
        for d in dexy.data.Data.__iter__("foo", ".txt", "foo", settings, wrapper):
            print d.alias

        print ""
        print "For more information about a particular data type,"
        print "use the -alias flag and specify the data type alias."
        print ""
        d = dexy.data.Data.create_instance(alias, "foo", ".txt", "foo", settings, wrapper)

        print alias
        print ""
        print d.setting('help')
        print ""

        print "Methods:"
        for k, v in inspect.getmembers(d):
            if k.startswith('_'):

            if inspect.ismethod(v) and not k in nodoc_methods:
                print "    %s" % k

                docs = inspect.getdoc(v)
                if not docs:
                    raise dexy.exceptions.InternalDexyProblem("Must provide docstring for %s" % k)

                print ""
                print indent(docs, 8)
                print ""

                args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(v)

                if not source and len(args) > 1:
                    print "        Takes arguments. Run with -source option to see source code."

                if source:
                    source_code = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(v))
                    if nocolor:
                        print indent(source_code, 8)
                        formatter = pygments.formatters.TerminalFormatter()
                        lexer = PythonLexer()
                        print indent(highlight(source_code, lexer, formatter), 8)

                print ""