예제 #1
    def getGraphStatus(self):
        if self.status not in (SessionStates.RUNNING, SessionStates.FINISHED):
            raise InvalidSessionState("The session is currently not running, cannot get graph status")

        # We shouldn't traverse the full graph because there might be nodes
        # attached to our DROPs that are actually part of other DM (and have been
        # wired together by the DIM after deploying each individual graph on
        # each of the DMs).
        # We recognize such nodes because they are actually not an instance of
        # AbstractDROP (they are DropProxy instances).
        # The same trick is used in luigi_int.RunDROPTask.requires
        statusDict = collections.defaultdict(dict)
        for drop, downStreamDrops in droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots):
            downStreamDrops[:] = [dsDrop for dsDrop in downStreamDrops if isinstance(dsDrop, AbstractDROP)]
            if isinstance(drop, AppDROP):
                statusDict[drop.oid]['execStatus'] = drop.execStatus
            statusDict[drop.oid]['status'] = drop.status

        return statusDict
예제 #2
    def linkGraphParts(self, lhOID, rhOID, linkType, force=False):
        Links together two DROP specifications (i.e., those pointed by
        `lhOID` and `rhOID`) using `linkType`. The DROP specifications
        must both already be part of one of the graph specs contained in this
        session; otherwise an exception will be raised.
        if self.status != SessionStates.BUILDING:
            raise InvalidSessionState("Can't link DROPs anymore since this session isn't in the BUILDING state")

        # Look for the two DROPs in all our graph parts and reporting
        # missing DROPs
        lhDropSpec = self._graph.get(lhOID, None)
        rhDropSpec = self._graph.get(rhOID, None)
        missingOids = []
        if lhDropSpec is None: missingOids.append(lhOID)
        if rhDropSpec is None: missingOids.append(rhOID)
        if missingOids:
            oids = 'OID' if len(missingOids) == 1 else 'OIDs'
            raise InvalidGraphException('No DROP found for %s %r' % (oids, missingOids))

        graph_loader.addLink(linkType, lhDropSpec, rhOID, force=force)
예제 #3
    def addGraphSpec(self, graphSpec):
        Adds the graph specification given in `graphSpec` to the
        graph specification currently held by this session. A graphSpec is a
        list of dictionaries, each of which contains the information of one
        DROP. Each DROP specification is checked to see it contains
        all the necessary details to construct a proper DROP. If one
        DROP specification is found to be inconsistent the whole operation
        fill wail.

        Adding graph specs to the session is only allowed while the session is
        in the PRISTINE or BUILDING status; otherwise an exception will be

        If the `graphSpec` being added contains DROPs that have already
        been added to the session an exception will be raised. DROPs are
        uniquely identified by their OID at this point.

        status = self.status
        if status not in (SessionStates.PRISTINE, SessionStates.BUILDING):
            raise InvalidSessionState("Can't add graphs to this session since it isn't in the PRISTINE or BUILDING status: %d" % (status))

        self.status = SessionStates.BUILDING

        # This will check the consistency of each dropSpec
        graphSpecDict = graph_loader.loadDropSpecs(graphSpec)

        # Check for duplicates
        duplicates = set(graphSpecDict) & set(self._graph)
        if duplicates:
            raise InvalidGraphException('Trying to add drops with OIDs that already exist: %r' % (duplicates,))


        logger.debug("Added a graph definition with %d DROPs", len(graphSpecDict))
예제 #4
파일: replay.py 프로젝트: Joewn/dfms
    def getGraphStatus(self, session_id):

        if self._session_status_reqno < run_step:
            raise InvalidSessionState("Requesting status of graph that is not running yet")

        while True:
            l = self._status_file.readline()
            if not l:
                self._status = SessionStates.FINISHED
                return self._last_graph_status

            content = json.loads(l)

            this_session_id = content['ssid']
            if this_session_id != session_id:

            graph_status = content['gs']
            self._last_graph_status = graph_status

            logger.info("Serving graph status")
            return graph_status
예제 #5
    def deploy(self, completedDrops=[], foreach=None):
        Creates the DROPs represented by all the graph specs contained in
        this session, effectively deploying them.

        When this method has finished executing a Pyro Daemon will also be
        up and running, servicing requests to access to all the DROPs
        belonging to this session

        status = self.status
        if status != SessionStates.BUILDING:
            raise InvalidSessionState("Can't deploy this session in its current status: %d" % (status))

        self.status = SessionStates.DEPLOYING

        # Create the real DROPs from the graph specs
        logger.info("Creating DROPs for session %s", self._sessionId)

        self._roots = graph_loader.createGraphFromDropSpecList(self._graph.values())
        logger.info("%d drops successfully created", len(self._graph))

        for drop,_ in droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots):

            # Register them
            self._drops[drop.uid] = drop

            # Register them with the error handler
            if self._error_status_listener:
                drop.subscribe(self._error_status_listener, eventType='status')
        logger.info("Stored all drops, proceeding with further customization")

        # Start the luigi task that will make sure the graph is executed
        # If we're not using luigi we still
        if self._enable_luigi:
            logger.debug("Starting Luigi FinishGraphExecution task for session %s", self._sessionId)
            task = luigi_int.FinishGraphExecution(self._sessionId, self._roots)
            sch = scheduler.CentralPlannerScheduler()
            w = worker.Worker(scheduler=sch)
            workerT = threading.Thread(None, self._run, args=[w])
            workerT.daemon = True
            leaves = droputils.getLeafNodes(self._roots)
            logger.info("Adding completion listener to leaf drops")
            listener = LeavesCompletionListener(leaves, self)
            for leaf in leaves:
                if isinstance(leaf, AppDROP):
                    leaf.subscribe(listener, 'producerFinished')
                    leaf.subscribe(listener, 'dropCompleted')
            logger.info("Listener added to leaf drops")

        # We move to COMPLETED the DROPs that we were requested to
        # InputFiredAppDROP are here considered as having to be executed and
        # not directly moved to COMPLETED.
        # This is done in a separate iteration at the very end because all drops
        # to make sure all event listeners are ready

        # Foreach
        if foreach:
            logger.info("Invoking 'foreach' on each drop")
            for drop,_ in droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots):
            logger.info("'foreach' invoked for each drop")

        # Append proxies
        logger.info("Creating %d drop proxies", len(self._proxyinfo))
        for nm, host, port, local_uid, relname, remote_uid in self._proxyinfo:
            proxy = DropProxy(nm, host, port, self._sessionId, remote_uid)
            method = getattr(self._drops[local_uid], relname)
            method(proxy, False)

        self.status = SessionStates.RUNNING
        logger.info("Session %s is now RUNNING", self._sessionId)