예제 #1
def convolve_poly_split(A, B, wf=dft.omega2, error=0):
    lenA, lenB = len(A), len(B)
    if lenA != lenB:
        raise Exception('Coefficient arrays must be of the same length')
    ## 1. pad A and B with zeros until their lengths are an integral
    ## power of 2
    padded_A = dft.pad_with_zeros(A)
    padded_B = dft.pad_with_zeros(B)
    ## 2. pad A and B more so that their length is 2*n, where n is
    ## the length of padded_A.
    padded_A = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(padded_A,
                                                    2 * len(padded_A))
    padded_B = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(padded_B,
                                                    2 * len(padded_A))
    ## 3. compute dft of padded A and B
    fft_A = dft.recursive_fft(padded_A, wf=wf, error=error)
    fft_B = dft.recursive_fft(padded_B, wf=wf, error=error)
    ## 4. compute pointwise multiplication of A and B
    C = []
    for a, b in zip(fft_A, fft_B):
        C.append(a * b)
    ## 5. compute inverse dft of A*B and split the output into
    ## real and imaginary numbers.
    reals, imags = dft.recursive_inverse_fft_split(C, wf=wf, error=error)
    ## 6. the degree of A and B is lenA-1. the degree of A*B is
    ## 2*(lenA-1) = 2*lenA - 2.
    return reals[0:2 * lenA - 1], imags[0:2 * lenA - 1]
예제 #2
def convolve_poly_split(A, B, wf=dft.omega2, error=0):
    lenA, lenB = len(A), len(B)
    if lenA != lenB:
        raise Exception('Coefficient arrays must be of the same length')
    ## 1. pad A and B with zeros until their lengths are an integral
    ## power of 2
    padded_A = dft.pad_with_zeros(A)
    padded_B = dft.pad_with_zeros(B)
    ## 2. pad A and B more so that their length is 2*n, where n is
    ## the length of padded_A.
    padded_A = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(padded_A, 2*len(padded_A))
    padded_B = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(padded_B, 2*len(padded_A))
    ## 3. compute dft of padded A and B
    fft_A = dft.recursive_fft(padded_A, wf=wf, error=error)
    fft_B = dft.recursive_fft(padded_B, wf=wf, error=error)
    ## 4. compute pointwise multiplication of A and B
    C = []
    for a, b in zip(fft_A, fft_B):
    ## 5. compute inverse dft of A*B and split the output into
    ## real and imaginary numbers.
    reals, imags = dft.recursive_inverse_fft_split(C, wf=wf, error=error)
    ## 6. the degree of A and B is lenA-1. the degree of A*B is
    ## 2*(lenA-1) = 2*lenA - 2.
    return reals[0:2*lenA-1], imags[0:2*lenA-1]
예제 #3
def convolve_poly(A, B, wf=dft.omega2, error=0):
    ## 1. ensure that coefficient arrays A and B are of the same length
    lenA, lenB = len(A), len(B)
    if lenA != lenB:
        raise Exception('Coefficient arrays must be of the same length')
    ## 2. pad A and B until their lengths are an integral power of 2
    padded_A = dft.pad_with_zeros(A)
    padded_B = dft.pad_with_zeros(B)
    ## 3. pad A and B more so that their lengths are 2n, where n
    ## is the length of padded A
    padded_A = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(A, 2 * len(padded_A))
    padded_B = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(B, 2 * len(padded_A))
    ## 4. compute dft of padded A and B
    fft_A = dft.recursive_fft(padded_A, wf=wf, error=error)
    fft_B = dft.recursive_fft(padded_B, wf=wf, error=error)
    ## 5. compute pointwise multiplication of A and B
    C = []
    for a, b in zip(fft_A, fft_B):
        C.append(a * b)
    ## 6. compute inverse dft and return the first 2*lenA-2 elements.
    return dft.recursive_inverse_fft(C, wf=wf, error=error)[0:2 * lenA - 1]
예제 #4
def convolve_poly(A, B, wf=dft.omega2, error=0):
    ## 1. ensure that coefficient arrays A and B are of the same length
    lenA, lenB = len(A), len(B)
    if lenA != lenB:
        raise Exception('Coefficient arrays must be of the same length')
    ## 2. pad A and B until their lengths are an integral power of 2
    padded_A = dft.pad_with_zeros(A)
    padded_B = dft.pad_with_zeros(B)
    ## 3. pad A and B more so that their lengths are 2n, where n
    ## is the length of padded A
    padded_A = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(A, 2*len(padded_A))
    padded_B = pad_with_zeros_until_required_length(B, 2*len(padded_A))
    ## 4. compute dft of padded A and B
    fft_A = dft.recursive_fft(padded_A, wf=wf, error=error)
    fft_B = dft.recursive_fft(padded_B, wf=wf, error=error)
    ## 5. compute pointwise multiplication of A and B
    C = []
    for a, b in zip(fft_A, fft_B):
    ## 6. compute inverse dft and return the first 2*lenA-2 elements.
    return dft.recursive_inverse_fft(C, wf=wf, error=error)[0:2*lenA-1]