예제 #1
def test_dx_dxi():
    A Test function to check the dx_xi function in wave_equation module by
    passing nodes of an element and using the LGL points. Analytically, the
    differential would be a constant. The check has a tolerance 1e-7.
    threshold = 1e-8

    params.N_LGL = 8
    params.N_quad = 10
    params.N_Elements = 10
    wave = 'gaussian'

    gv = global_variables.advection_variables(params.N_LGL, params.N_quad,\
                                          params.x_nodes, params.N_Elements,\
                                          params.c, params.total_time, wave,\
                                          params.c_x, params.c_y, params.courant,\
                                          params.mesh_file, params.total_time_2d)

    nodes = np.array([7, 10], dtype=np.float64)
    test_nodes = af.interop.np_to_af_array(nodes)
    analytical_dx_dxi = 1.5
    check_dx_dxi = abs(
        (af.mean(wave_equation.dx_dxi_numerical(test_nodes, gv.xi_LGL)) -
         analytical_dx_dxi)) <= threshold

    assert check_dx_dxi
예제 #2
def test_dx_dxi():
    A Test function to check the dx_xi function in wave_equation module by
    passing nodes of an element and using the LGL points. Analytically, the
    differential would be a constant. The check has a tolerance 1e-7.
    threshold = 1e-9
    change_parameters(8, 10, 11, 'gaussian')
    nodes = np.array([7, 10], dtype=np.float64)
    test_nodes = af.interop.np_to_af_array(nodes)
    analytical_dx_dxi = 1.5

    check_dx_dxi = abs((af.statistics.mean(
        wave_equation.dx_dxi_numerical(test_nodes, params.xi_LGL)) -
                        analytical_dx_dxi)) <= threshold

    assert check_dx_dxi
예제 #3
np_element_array   = np.concatenate((af.transpose(elements),
                                     af.transpose(elements + element_size)))
element_mesh_nodes = utils.linspace(af.sum(x_nodes[0]),
                                    N_Elements + 1)

element_array = af.transpose(af.interop.np_to_af_array(np_element_array))
element_LGL   = wave_equation.mapping_xi_to_x(af.transpose(element_array),

# The minimum distance between 2 mapped LGL points.
delta_x = af.min((element_LGL - af.shift(element_LGL, 1, 0))[1:, :])

# dx_dxi for elements of equal size.
dx_dxi  = af.mean(wave_equation.dx_dxi_numerical((element_mesh_nodes[0 : 2]),\

# The value of time-step.
delta_t = delta_x / (4 * abs(c))

# Array of timesteps seperated by delta_t.
time    = utils.linspace(0, int(total_time / delta_t) * delta_t,
                         int(total_time / delta_t))

# The wave to be advected is either a sin or a Gaussian wave.
# This parameter can take values 'sin' or 'gaussian'.
wave = 'gaussian'

# Initializing the amplitudes. Change u_init to required initial conditions.
예제 #4
def change_parameters(LGL, Elements, quad, wave='sin'):
    Changes the parameters of the simulation. Used only for convergence tests.
    LGL      : int
               The new N_LGL.
    Elements : int
               The new N_Elements.
    # The domain of the function.
    params.x_nodes = af.np_to_af_array(np.array([-1., 1.]))

    # The number of LGL points into which an element is split.
    params.N_LGL = LGL

    # Number of elements the domain is to be divided into.
    params.N_Elements = Elements

    # The number quadrature points to be used for integration.
    params.N_quad = quad

    # Array containing the LGL points in xi space.
    params.xi_LGL = lagrange.LGL_points(params.N_LGL)

    # The weights of the lgl points
    params.weight_arr = lagrange.weight_arr_fun(params.xi_LGL)

    # N_Gauss number of Gauss nodes.
    params.gauss_points  = af.np_to_af_array(lagrange.gauss_nodes\
    # The Gaussian weights.
    params.gauss_weights = lagrange.gaussian_weights(params.N_quad)

    # The lobatto nodes to be used for integration.
    params.lobatto_quadrature_nodes = lagrange.LGL_points(params.N_quad)

    # The lobatto weights to be used for integration.
    params.lobatto_weights_quadrature = lagrange.lobatto_weights\

    #The b matrix
    params.b_matrix = lagrange.b_matrix_eval()

    # A list of the Lagrange polynomials in poly1d form.
    #params.lagrange_product = lagrange.product_lagrange_poly(params.xi_LGL)

    # An array containing the coefficients of the lagrange basis polynomials.
    params.lagrange_coeffs  = af.np_to_af_array(\

    # Refer corresponding functions.
    params.lagrange_basis_value = lagrange.lagrange_function_value\

    # While evaluating the volume integral using N_LGL
    # lobatto quadrature points, The integration can be vectorized
    # and in this case the coefficients of the differential of the
    # Lagrange polynomials is required
    params.diff_pow = (af.flip(af.transpose(af.range(params.N_LGL - 1) + 1),
    params.dl_dxi_coeffs = (af.broadcast(utils.multiply,
                                         params.lagrange_coeffs[:, :-1],

    # Obtaining an array consisting of the LGL points mapped onto the elements.

    params.element_size    = af.sum((params.x_nodes[1] - params.x_nodes[0])\
                                                        / params.N_Elements)
    params.elements_xi_LGL = af.constant(0, params.N_Elements, params.N_LGL)
    params.elements        = utils.linspace(af.sum(params.x_nodes[0]),
                             af.sum(params.x_nodes[1] - params.element_size),\
    params.np_element_array   = np.concatenate((af.transpose(params.elements),
                                   af.transpose(params.elements +\

    params.element_mesh_nodes = utils.linspace(af.sum(params.x_nodes[0]),
                                               params.N_Elements + 1)

    params.element_array = af.transpose(af.np_to_af_array\
    params.element_LGL   = wave_equation.mapping_xi_to_x(af.transpose\
                                          (params.element_array), params.xi_LGL)

    # The minimum distance between 2 mapped LGL points.
    params.delta_x = af.min(
        (params.element_LGL - af.shift(params.element_LGL, 1, 0))[1:, :])

    # dx_dxi for elements of equal size.
    params. dx_dxi = af.mean(wave_equation.dx_dxi_numerical((params.element_mesh_nodes[0 : 2]),\

    # The value of time-step.
    params.delta_t = params.delta_x / (4 * params.c)

    # Array of timesteps seperated by delta_t.
    params.time = utils.linspace(
        int(params.total_time / params.delta_t) * params.delta_t,
        int(params.total_time / params.delta_t))

    # Initializing the amplitudes. Change u_init to required initial conditions.
    if (wave == 'sin'):
        params.u_init = af.sin(2 * np.pi * params.element_LGL)

    if (wave == 'gaussian'):
        params.u_init = np.e**(-(params.element_LGL)**2 / 0.4**2)

    params.u          = af.constant(0, params.N_LGL, params.N_Elements, params.time.shape[0],\
                                     dtype = af.Dtype.f64)
    params.u[:, :, 0] = params.u_init

예제 #5
    def __init__(self, N_LGL, N_quad, x_nodes, N_elements, c, total_time, wave,
                 c_x, c_y, courant, mesh_file, total_time_2d):
        Initializes the variables using the user parameters.
        N_LGL : int
                Number of LGL points(for both :math:`2D` and :math:`1D` wave
                equation solver).
        N_quad : int
                 Number of the quadrature points to use in Gauss-Lobatto or
                 Gauss-Legendre quadrature.
        x_nodes : af.Array [2 1 1 1]
                  :math:`x` nodes for the :math:`1D` wave equation elements.
        N_elements : int
                     Number of elements in a :math:`1D` domain.
        c : float64
            Wave speed for 1D wave equation.
        total_time : float64
                     Total time for which :math:`1D` wave equation is to be
        wave : str
               Used to set u_init to ``sin`` or ``cos``.
        c_x : float64
              :math:`x` component of wave speed for a :math:`2D` wave.
        c_y : float64
              :math:`y` component of wave speed for a :math:`2D` wave.
        courant : float64
                  Courant parameter used for the time evolution of the wave.
        mesh_file : str
                    Path of the mesh file for the 2D wave equation.
        total_time_2d : float64
                        Total time for which the wave is to propogated.

        self.xi_LGL = lagrange.LGL_points(N_LGL)

        # N_Gauss number of Gauss nodes.
        self.gauss_points = af.np_to_af_array(lagrange.gauss_nodes(N_quad))

        # The Gaussian weights.
        self.gauss_weights = lagrange.gaussian_weights(N_quad)

        # The lobatto nodes to be used for integration.
        self.lobatto_quadrature_nodes = lagrange.LGL_points(N_quad)

        # The lobatto weights to be used for integration.
        self.lobatto_weights_quadrature = lagrange.lobatto_weights(N_quad)

        # An array containing the coefficients of the lagrange basis polynomials.
        self.lagrange_coeffs = lagrange.lagrange_polynomial_coeffs(self.xi_LGL)

        self.lagrange_basis_value = lagrange.lagrange_function_value(
            self.lagrange_coeffs, self.xi_LGL)

        self.diff_pow = af.flip(af.transpose(af.range(N_LGL - 1) + 1), 1)
        self.dl_dxi_coeffs = af.broadcast(utils.multiply,
                                          self.lagrange_coeffs[:, :-1],

        self.element_size = af.sum((x_nodes[1] - x_nodes[0]) / N_elements)
        self.elements_xi_LGL = af.constant(0, N_elements, N_LGL)
        self.elements = utils.linspace(af.sum(x_nodes[0]),
                                       af.sum(x_nodes[1] - self.element_size),

        self.np_element_array = np.concatenate(
             af.transpose(self.elements + self.element_size)))

        self.element_mesh_nodes = utils.linspace(af.sum(x_nodes[0]),
                                                 N_elements + 1)

        self.element_array = af.transpose(
        self.element_LGL = wave_equation.mapping_xi_to_x(
            af.transpose(self.element_array), self.xi_LGL)

        # The minimum distance between 2 mapped LGL points.
        self.delta_x = af.min(
            (self.element_LGL - af.shift(self.element_LGL, 1, 0))[1:, :])

        # dx_dxi for elements of equal size.
        self.dx_dxi = af.mean(

        # The value of time-step.
        self.delta_t = self.delta_x / (4 * c)

        # Array of timesteps seperated by delta_t.
        self.time = utils.linspace(
            int(total_time / self.delta_t) * self.delta_t,
            int(total_time / self.delta_t))

        # Initializing the amplitudes. Change u_init to required initial conditions.
        if (wave == 'sin'):
            self.u_init = af.sin(2 * np.pi * self.element_LGL)

        if (wave == 'gaussian'):
            self.u_init = np.e**(-(self.element_LGL)**2 / 0.4**2)

        self.test_array = af.np_to_af_array(np.array(self.u_init))

        # The parameters below are for 2D advection
        # -----------------------------------------

        #######################2D Wave Equation#################################

        self.xi_i = af.flat(af.transpose(af.tile(self.xi_LGL, 1, N_LGL)))
        self.eta_j = af.tile(self.xi_LGL, N_LGL)

        self.dLp_xi_ij = af.moddims(
                af.tile(utils.polyval_1d(self.dl_dxi_coeffs, self.xi_i), 1, 1,
                        N_LGL), 1, 2, 0), N_LGL**2, 1, N_LGL**2)
        self.Lp_xi_ij = af.moddims(
                af.tile(utils.polyval_1d(self.lagrange_coeffs, self.xi_i), 1,
                        1, N_LGL), 1, 2, 0), N_LGL**2, 1, N_LGL**2)

        self.dLq_eta_ij = af.tile(
            af.reorder(utils.polyval_1d(self.dl_dxi_coeffs, self.eta_j), 1, 2,
                       0), 1, 1, N_LGL)

        self.Lq_eta_ij = af.tile(
            af.reorder(utils.polyval_1d(self.lagrange_coeffs, self.eta_j), 1,
                       2, 0), 1, 1, N_LGL)

        self.dLp_Lq = self.Lq_eta_ij * self.dLp_xi_ij
        self.dLq_Lp = self.Lp_xi_ij * self.dLq_eta_ij

        self.Li_Lj_coeffs = wave_equation_2d.Li_Lj_coeffs(N_LGL)

        self.delta_y = self.delta_x

        self.delta_t_2d = courant * self.delta_x * self.delta_y \
                        / (self.delta_x * c_x + self.delta_y * c_y)

        self.c_lax_2d_x = c_x
        self.c_lax_2d_y = c_y

        self.nodes, self.elements = msh_parser.read_order_2_msh(mesh_file)

        self.x_e_ij = af.np_to_af_array(
            np.zeros([N_LGL * N_LGL, len(self.elements)]))
        self.y_e_ij = af.np_to_af_array(
            np.zeros([N_LGL * N_LGL, len(self.elements)]))

        for element_tag, element in enumerate(self.elements):
            self.x_e_ij[:, element_tag] = isoparam.isoparam_x_2D(
                self.nodes[element, 0], self.xi_i, self.eta_j)
            self.y_e_ij[:, element_tag] = isoparam.isoparam_y_2D(
                self.nodes[element, 1], self.xi_i, self.eta_j)

        self.u_e_ij = af.sin(self.x_e_ij * 2 * np.pi + self.y_e_ij * 4 * np.pi)

        # Array of timesteps seperated by delta_t.
        self.time_2d = utils.linspace(
            int(total_time_2d / self.delta_t_2d) * self.delta_t_2d,
            int(total_time_2d / self.delta_t_2d))
        self.sqrt_det_g = wave_equation_2d.sqrt_det_g(self.nodes[self.elements[0]][:, 0], \
                        self.nodes[self.elements[0]][:, 1], np.array(self.xi_i), np.array(self.eta_j))

        self.elements_nodes = (af.reorder(
            af.transpose(af.np_to_af_array(self.nodes[self.elements[:]])), 0,
            2, 1))

        self.sqrt_g = af.reorder(wave_equation_2d.trial_sqrt_det_g(self.elements_nodes[:, 0, :],\
                      self.elements_nodes[:, 1, :], self.xi_i, self.eta_j), 0, 2, 1)
