def __init__(self, net_params): super().__init__() self.n_layers = 2 self.embedding_h = nn.Linear(net_params.in_dim, net_params.hidden_dim) self.ginlayers = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(net_params.L): mlp = MLP(net_params.n_mlp_GIN, net_params.hidden_dim, net_params.hidden_dim, net_params.hidden_dim) self.ginlayers.append( GINLayer(ApplyNodeFunc(mlp), net_params.neighbor_aggr_GIN, net_params.dropout, net_params.graph_norm, net_params.batch_norm, net_params.residual, 0, net_params.learn_eps_GIN)) pass # Linear function for graph poolings (readout) of output of each layer # which maps the output of different layers into a prediction score self.linears_prediction = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(self.n_layers + 1): self.linears_prediction.append( nn.Linear(net_params.hidden_dim, net_params.n_classes)) pass if net_params.readout == 'sum': self.pool = SumPooling() elif net_params.readout == 'mean': self.pool = AvgPooling() elif net_params.readout == 'max': self.pool = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError pass
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, n_layer): super(GINEncoder, self).__init__() self.n_layer = n_layer self.convs = ModuleList() self.bns = ModuleList() for i in range(n_layer): if i == 0: n_in = in_dim else: n_in = hid_dim n_out = hid_dim block = Sequential(Linear(n_in, n_out), ReLU(), Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim)) conv = GINConv(block, 'sum') bn = BatchNorm1d(hid_dim) self.convs.append(conv) self.bns.append(bn) # sum pooling self.pool = SumPooling()
def __init__(self, in_edge_feats, num_node_types=1, hidden_feats=300, n_layers=5, batchnorm=True, activation=F.relu, dropout=0., gnn_type='gcn', virtual_node=True, residual=False, jk=False): super(GNNOGB, self).__init__() assert gnn_type in ['gcn', 'gin'], \ "Expect gnn_type to be either 'gcn' or 'gin', got {}".format(gnn_type) self.n_layers = n_layers # Initial node embeddings self.node_encoder = nn.Embedding(num_node_types, hidden_feats) # Hidden layers self.layers = nn.ModuleList() self.gnn_type = gnn_type for _ in range(n_layers): if gnn_type == 'gcn': self.layers.append( GCNOGBLayer(in_node_feats=hidden_feats, in_edge_feats=in_edge_feats, out_feats=hidden_feats)) else: self.layers.append( GINOGBLayer(node_feats=hidden_feats, in_edge_feats=in_edge_feats)) self.virtual_node = virtual_node if virtual_node: self.virtual_node_emb = nn.Embedding(1, hidden_feats) self.mlp_virtual_project = nn.ModuleList() for _ in range(n_layers - 1): self.mlp_virtual_project.append( nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(hidden_feats, 2 * hidden_feats), nn.BatchNorm1d(2 * hidden_feats), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(2 * hidden_feats, hidden_feats), nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_feats), nn.ReLU())) self.virtual_readout = SumPooling() if batchnorm: self.batchnorms = nn.ModuleList() for _ in range(n_layers): self.batchnorms.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_feats)) else: self.batchnorms = None self.activation = activation self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.residual = residual self.jk = jk self.reset_parameters()
def __init__(self, embed="gpls", dim=64, hidden_dim=64, num_gaussians=64, cutoff=5.0, output_dim=1, n_conv=3, act=ShiftedSoftplus(), aggregation_mode='avg', norm=False): """ Args: embed: Group and Period embeding to atomic number Embedding dim: dimension of features output_dim: dimension of prediction cutoff: radius cutoff num_gaussians: dimension in the RBF function n_conv: number of interaction layers norm: normalization """ super().__init__() = "SchNet" self._dim = dim self.cutoff = cutoff self.n_conv = n_conv self.norm = norm self.output_dim = output_dim self.aggregation_mode = aggregation_mode if act == None: self.activation = ShiftedSoftplus() else: self.activation = act assert embed in ['gpls', 'atom', 'gp'], \ "Expect mode to be 'gpls' or 'atom' or 'gp', got {}".format(embed) if embed == "gpls": self.embedding_layer = GPLSEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "atom": self.embedding_layer = AtomEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "gp": self.embedding_layer = GPEmbedding(dim) self.rbf_layer = RBFLayer(0, cutoff, num_gaussians) self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([ SchInteraction(self.rbf_layer._fan_out, dim) for i in range(n_conv) ]) self.atom_dense_layer1 = nn.Linear(dim, int(dim / 2)) self.atom_dense_layer2 = nn.Linear(int(dim / 2), output_dim) if self.aggregation_mode == 'sum': self.readout = SumPooling() elif self.aggregation_mode == "avg": self.readout = AvgPooling()
def __init__(self, features_dim, h_dim, num_rels, num_layers, num_bases=-1, gcn_dropout=0): super(RGCN, self).__init__() self.features_dim, self.h_dim = features_dim, h_dim self.num_layers = num_layers self.p = gcn_dropout self.num_rels = num_rels self.num_bases = num_bases # create rgcn layers self.build_model() self.pool = SumPooling()
def __init__(self, dataset, node_feat_dim, edge_feat_dim, hid_dim, out_dim, num_layers, dropout=0., norm='batch', pooling='mean', beta=1.0, learn_beta=False, aggr='softmax', mlp_layers=1): super(DeeperGCN, self).__init__() self.dataset = dataset self.num_layers = num_layers self.dropout = dropout self.gcns = nn.ModuleList() self.norms = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.num_layers): conv = GENConv(dataset=dataset, in_dim=hid_dim, out_dim=hid_dim, aggregator=aggr, beta=beta, learn_beta=learn_beta, mlp_layers=mlp_layers, norm=norm) self.gcns.append(conv) self.norms.append(norm_layer(norm, hid_dim)) if self.dataset == 'ogbg-molhiv': self.node_encoder = AtomEncoder(hid_dim) elif self.dataset == 'ogbg-ppa': self.node_encoder = nn.Linear(node_feat_dim, hid_dim) self.edge_encoder = nn.Linear(edge_feat_dim, hid_dim) else: raise ValueError(f'Dataset {dataset} is not supported.') if pooling == 'sum': self.pooling = SumPooling() elif pooling == 'mean': self.pooling = AvgPooling() elif pooling == 'max': self.pooling = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{pooling} is not supported.') self.output = nn.Linear(hid_dim, out_dim)
def __init__(self, embed="atom", dim=64, cutoff=5., output_dim=1, num_gaussians=64, n_conv=3, act="ssp", aggregation_mode="avg", norm=False): """ Args: dim: dimension of features output_dim: dimension of prediction cutoff: radius cutoff width: width in the RBF function n_conv: number of interaction layers norm: normalization """ super().__init__() = "NMPEUModel" self._dim = dim self.cutoff = cutoff self.num_gaussians = num_gaussians self.n_conv = n_conv self.norm = norm self.activation = ShiftedSoftplus() self.aggregation_mode = aggregation_mode assert embed in ["atom", "gp", "gpls", "fakeatom"] if embed == "gpls": self.embedding_layer = GPLSEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "gp": self.embedding_layer = GPEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "atom": self.embedding_layer = AtomEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "fakeatom": self.embedding_layer = FakeAtomEmbedding(dim) self.rbf_layer = RBFLayer(0, cutoff, num_gaussians) self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([ NMPEUInteraction(self.rbf_layer._fan_out, dim, act=self.activation) for i in range(n_conv) ]) self.atom_dense_layer1 = nn.Linear(dim, int(dim / 2)) self.atom_dense_layer2 = nn.Linear(int(dim / 2), output_dim) if self.aggregation_mode == 'sum': self.readout = SumPooling() elif self.aggregation_mode == "avg": self.readout = AvgPooling()
def __init__(self, features_dim, h_dim, out_dim , num_rels, num_bases=-1, num_hidden_layers=2, classifier=False): super(Model, self).__init__() self.features_dim, self.h_dim, self.out_dim = features_dim, h_dim, out_dim self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_rels = num_rels self.num_bases = num_bases # create rgcn layers self.build_model() self.attn = GATConv(in_feats=self.out_dim, out_feats=self.out_dim,num_heads=1) self.dense = nn.Linear(self.out_dim,1) self.pool = SumPooling() self.is_classifier=classifier
def __init__(self, embed="gpls", dim=64, hidden_dim=128, output_dim=1, n_conv=3, cutoff=12., num_gaussians=64, aggregation_mode='avg', norm=False): super(CGCNN, self).__init__() = "CGCNN" self.dim = dim self._dim = hidden_dim self.cutoff = cutoff self.n_conv = n_conv self.norm = norm self.num_gaussians = num_gaussians self.activation = nn.Softplus() self.aggregation_mode = aggregation_mode assert embed in ["atom", "gp", "gpls", "fakeatom"] if embed == "gpls": self.embedding_layer = GPLSEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "gp": self.embedding_layer = GPEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "atom": self.embedding_layer = AtomEmbedding(dim) elif embed == "fakeatom": self.embedding_layer = FakeAtomEmbedding(dim) self.rbf_layer = RBFLayer(0, cutoff, num_gaussians) self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([ CGCNNConv(self.dim, self.rbf_layer._fan_out) for i in range(n_conv) ]) assert aggregation_mode in ['sum', 'avg'], \ "Expect mode to be 'sum' or 'avg', got {}".format(aggregation_mode ) if self.aggregation_mode == 'sum': self.readout = SumPooling() elif self.aggregation_mode == "avg": self.readout = AvgPooling() self.conv_to_fc = nn.Linear(dim, hidden_dim) self.conv_to_fc_softplus = nn.Softplus() self.fc_out = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
def __init__(self, net_params): super().__init__() num_node_type = net_params['num_node_type'] hidden_dim = net_params['hidden_dim'] n_classes = net_params['n_classes'] dropout = net_params['dropout'] self.n_layers = net_params['L'] n_mlp_layers = net_params['n_mlp_GIN'] # GIN learn_eps = net_params['learn_eps_GIN'] # GIN neighbor_aggr_type = net_params['neighbor_aggr_GIN'] # GIN readout = net_params['readout'] # this is graph_pooling_type batch_norm = net_params['batch_norm'] residual = net_params['residual'] self.pos_enc = net_params['pos_enc'] if self.pos_enc: pos_enc_dim = net_params['pos_enc_dim'] self.embedding_pos_enc = nn.Linear(pos_enc_dim, hidden_dim) else: in_dim = 1 self.embedding_h = nn.Embedding(in_dim, hidden_dim) # List of MLPs self.ginlayers = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(self.n_layers): mlp = MLP(n_mlp_layers, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, hidden_dim) self.ginlayers.append( GINLayer(ApplyNodeFunc(mlp), neighbor_aggr_type, dropout, batch_norm, residual, 0, learn_eps)) # Linear function for graph poolings (readout) of output of each layer # which maps the output of different layers into a prediction score self.linears_prediction = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(self.n_layers + 1): self.linears_prediction.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, n_classes)) if readout == 'sum': self.pool = SumPooling() elif readout == 'mean': self.pool = AvgPooling() elif readout == 'max': self.pool = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, num_node_emb_list, num_edge_emb_list, num_layers=5, emb_dim=300, JK='last', dropout=0.5, readout='mean', n_tasks=1): super(GINPredictor, self).__init__() if num_layers < 2: raise ValueError('Number of GNN layers must be greater ' 'than 1, got {:d}'.format(num_layers)) self.gnn = GIN(num_node_emb_list=num_node_emb_list, num_edge_emb_list=num_edge_emb_list, num_layers=num_layers, emb_dim=emb_dim, JK=JK, dropout=dropout) if readout == 'sum': self.readout = SumPooling() elif readout == 'mean': self.readout = AvgPooling() elif readout == 'max': self.readout = MaxPooling() elif readout == 'attention': if JK == 'concat': self.readout = GlobalAttentionPooling( gate_nn=nn.Linear((num_layers + 1) * emb_dim, 1)) else: self.readout = GlobalAttentionPooling( gate_nn=nn.Linear(emb_dim, 1)) elif readout == 'set2set': self.readout = Set2Set() else: raise ValueError( "Expect readout to be 'sum', 'mean', " "'max', 'attention' or 'set2set', got {}".format(readout)) if JK == 'concat': self.predict = nn.Linear((num_layers + 1) * emb_dim, n_tasks) else: self.predict = nn.Linear(emb_dim, n_tasks)
def __init__(self, dims, device, attributor_dims, num_rels, pool='att', num_bases=-1, pos_weight=0, nucs=True, clustered=False, num_clusts=8): """ :param dims: the embeddings dimensions :param attributor_dims: the number of motifs to look for :param num_rels: the number of possible edge types :param num_bases: technical rGCN option :param rec: the constant in front of reconstruction loss :param mot: the constant in front of motif detection loss :param orth: the constant in front of dictionnary orthogonality loss :param attribute: Wether we want the network to use the attribution module """ super(Model, self).__init__() # self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.dims = dims self.attributor_dims = attributor_dims self.num_rels = num_rels self.num_bases = num_bases self.pos_weight = pos_weight self.device = device self.nucs = nucs self.clustered = clustered self.num_clusts = num_clusts if pool == 'att': pooling_gate_nn = nn.Linear(attributor_dims[0], 1) self.pool = GlobalAttentionPooling(pooling_gate_nn) else: self.pool = SumPooling() self.embedder = Embedder(dims=dims, num_rels=num_rels, num_bases=num_bases) self.attributor = Attributor(attributor_dims, clustered=clustered)
def __init__(self, _final_dimension: int, hidden_dimension: int, output_dimension: int, _act: _typing.Optional[str], _dropout: _typing.Optional[float], num_graph_features: _typing.Optional[int]): super(_SumPoolMLPDecoder, self).__init__() if (isinstance(num_graph_features, int) and num_graph_features > 0): _final_dimension += num_graph_features self.__num_graph_features: _typing.Optional[ int] = num_graph_features else: self.__num_graph_features: _typing.Optional[int] = None self._sumpool = SumPooling() self._fc1: torch.nn.Linear = torch.nn.Linear(_final_dimension, hidden_dimension) self._fc2: torch.nn.Linear = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dimension, output_dimension) self._act: _typing.Optional[str] = _act self._dropout: _typing.Optional[float] = _dropout
def __init__(self, g, rel_names, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, type_aggreg, activation, pooling, dropout): super(Classifier, self).__init__() self.g = g self.activation = activation self.layers = nn.ModuleList() # input layer self.layers.append(HeteroGraphConv({ rel:GraphConv(in_feats, n_hidden,allow_zero_in_degree=True,norm='both') for rel in rel_names }, aggregate=type_aggreg )) # hidden layers for i in range(n_layers - 1): self.layers.append(HeteroGraphConv({ rel:GraphConv(n_hidden, n_hidden, allow_zero_in_degree=True,norm='both') for rel in rel_names }, aggregate=type_aggreg )) # output layer self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) if pooling == 'sum': self.pool = SumPooling() elif pooling == 'mean': self.pool = AvgPooling() elif pooling == 'max': self.pool = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError self.classify = nn.Linear(n_hidden,n_classes)
def __init__(self, input_dimensions: _typing.Sequence[int], output_dimension: int, dropout: float, graph_pooling_type: str): super(_JKSumPoolDecoder, self).__init__() self._linear_transforms: torch.nn.ModuleList = torch.nn.ModuleList() for input_dimension in input_dimensions: self._linear_transforms.append( torch.nn.Linear(input_dimension, output_dimension)) self._dropout: torch.nn.Dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout) if not isinstance(graph_pooling_type, str): raise TypeError elif graph_pooling_type.lower() == 'sum': self.__pool = SumPooling() elif graph_pooling_type.lower() == 'mean': self.__pool = AvgPooling() elif graph_pooling_type.lower() == 'max': self.__pool = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, in_edge_feats, num_node_types=1, hidden_feats=300, n_layers=5, n_tasks=1, batchnorm=True, activation=F.relu, dropout=0., gnn_type='gcn', virtual_node=True, residual=False, jk=False, readout='mean'): super(GNNOGBPredictor, self).__init__() assert gnn_type in ['gcn', 'gin'], \ "Expect gnn_type to be 'gcn' or 'gin', got {}".format(gnn_type) assert readout in ['mean', 'sum', 'max'], \ "Expect readout to be in ['mean', 'sum', 'max'], got {}".format(readout) self.gnn = GNNOGB(in_edge_feats=in_edge_feats, num_node_types=num_node_types, hidden_feats=hidden_feats, n_layers=n_layers, batchnorm=batchnorm, activation=activation, dropout=dropout, gnn_type=gnn_type, virtual_node=virtual_node, residual=residual, jk=jk) if readout == 'mean': self.readout = AvgPooling() if readout == 'sum': self.readout = SumPooling() if readout == 'max': self.readout = MaxPooling() self.predict = nn.Linear(hidden_feats, n_tasks)
def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, num_layers, norm): super(GCN, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers self.layers = nn.ModuleList() self.layers.append( GraphConv(in_dim, out_dim, bias=False, norm=norm, activation=nn.PReLU())) self.pooling = SumPooling() for _ in range(num_layers - 1): self.layers.append( GraphConv(out_dim, out_dim, bias=False, norm=norm, activation=nn.PReLU()))
def __init__( self, num_layers, num_mlp_layers, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, final_dropout, learn_eps, graph_pooling_type, neighbor_pooling_type, use_selayer, ): """model parameters setting Paramters --------- num_layers: int The number of linear layers in the neural network num_mlp_layers: int The number of linear layers in mlps input_dim: int The dimensionality of input features hidden_dim: int The dimensionality of hidden units at ALL layers output_dim: int The number of classes for prediction final_dropout: float dropout ratio on the final linear layer learn_eps: boolean If True, learn epsilon to distinguish center nodes from neighbors If False, aggregate neighbors and center nodes altogether. neighbor_pooling_type: str how to aggregate neighbors (sum, mean, or max) graph_pooling_type: str how to aggregate entire nodes in a graph (sum, mean or max) """ super(UnsupervisedGIN, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers self.learn_eps = learn_eps # List of MLPs self.ginlayers = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.batch_norms = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(self.num_layers - 1): if layer == 0: mlp = MLP(num_mlp_layers, input_dim, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, use_selayer) else: mlp = MLP(num_mlp_layers, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, use_selayer) self.ginlayers.append( GINConv( ApplyNodeFunc(mlp, use_selayer), neighbor_pooling_type, 0, self.learn_eps, ) ) self.batch_norms.append( SELayer(hidden_dim, int(np.sqrt(hidden_dim))) if use_selayer else nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_dim) ) # Linear function for graph poolings of output of each layer # which maps the output of different layers into a prediction score self.linears_prediction = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(num_layers): if layer == 0: self.linears_prediction.append(nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim)) else: self.linears_prediction.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)) self.drop = nn.Dropout(final_dropout) if graph_pooling_type == "sum": self.pool = SumPooling() elif graph_pooling_type == "mean": self.pool = AvgPooling() elif graph_pooling_type == "max": self.pool = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self): super(SumReadout, self).__init__() self.sum_pooler = SumPooling()
def __init__(self, args): """model parameters setting Paramters --------- num_layers: int The number of linear layers in the neural network num_mlp_layers: int The number of linear layers in mlps input_dim: int The dimensionality of input features hidden_dim: int The dimensionality of hidden units at ALL layers output_dim: int The number of classes for prediction final_dropout: float dropout ratio on the final linear layer eps: boolean If True, learn epsilon to distinguish center nodes from neighbors If False, aggregate neighbors and center nodes altogether. neighbor_pooling_type: str how to aggregate neighbors (sum, mean, or max) graph_pooling_type: str how to aggregate entire nodes in a graph (sum, mean or max) """ super(GIN, self).__init__() self.args = args missing_keys = list( set( [ "features_num", "num_class", "num_graph_features", "num_layers", "hidden", "dropout", "act", "mlp_layers", "eps", ] ) - set(self.args.keys()) ) if len(missing_keys) > 0: raise Exception("Missing keys: %s." % ",".join(missing_keys)) self.num_graph_features = self.args["num_graph_features"] self.num_layers = self.args["num_layers"] assert self.num_layers > 2, "Number of layers in GIN should not less than 3" if not self.num_layers == len(self.args["hidden"]) + 1: LOGGER.warn("Warning: layer size does not match the length of hidden units") self.eps = True if self.args["eps"]=="True" else False self.num_mlp_layers = self.args["mlp_layers"] input_dim = self.args["features_num"] hidden = self.args["hidden"] neighbor_pooling_type = self.args["neighbor_pooling_type"] graph_pooling_type = self.args["graph_pooling_type"] if self.args["act"] == "leaky_relu": act = LeakyReLU() elif self.args["act"] == "relu": act = ReLU() elif self.args["act"] == "elu": act = ELU() elif self.args["act"] == "tanh": act = Tanh() else: act = ReLU() final_dropout = self.args["dropout"] output_dim = self.args["num_class"] # List of MLPs self.ginlayers = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.batch_norms = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(self.num_layers - 1): if layer == 0: mlp = MLP(self.num_mlp_layers, input_dim, hidden[layer], hidden[layer]) else: mlp = MLP(self.num_mlp_layers, hidden[layer-1], hidden[layer], hidden[layer]) self.ginlayers.append( GINConv(ApplyNodeFunc(mlp), neighbor_pooling_type, 0, self.eps)) self.batch_norms.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden[layer])) # Linear function for graph poolings of output of each layer # which maps the output of different layers into a prediction score self.linears_prediction = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(self.num_layers): if layer == 0: self.linears_prediction.append( nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim)) else: self.linears_prediction.append( nn.Linear(hidden[layer-1], output_dim)) self.drop = nn.Dropout(final_dropout) if graph_pooling_type == 'sum': self.pool = SumPooling() elif graph_pooling_type == 'mean': self.pool = AvgPooling() elif graph_pooling_type == 'max': self.pool = MaxPooling() else: raise NotImplementedError