예제 #1
def check_objecttype_overlap (sheets) :
	types = dia.registered_types()
	# remove Standard objects, they do not have or need a sheet
	del types["Group"]
	for s in ["Arc", "Box", "BezierLine", "Beziergon", "Ellipse", "Image", "Line",
		  "Outline", "Path", "Polygon", "PolyLine", "Text", "ZigZagLine"] :
		del types["Standard - %s" % (s,)]
	# got through all the sheets to match against registered types
	missing = []
	for sheet in sheets :
		for ot, descr, fname in sheet.objects :
			if types.has_key (ot.name) :
				if ot == types[ot.name] :
					del types[ot.name]
				else :
					print "Mix-up:", ot.name
			else :
				# sheet referencing a type not available
				missing.append (ot.name)
	# from the dictionary removed every type referenced just once?
	print types
예제 #2
def allprops_cb(data, flags):

    # copied from otypes.py
    if data:
        diagram = None  # we may be running w/o GUI
        diagram = dia.new("All Object Properties.dia")
        data = diagram.data
    layer = data.active_layer

    props_by_name = {}
    otypes = dia.registered_types()
    name_type_clashes = []

    for oname in otypes:
            obj, h1, h2 = dia.get_object_type(oname).create(0, 0)
            print "Huh?", oname
        prop_keys = obj.properties.keys()
        for k in prop_keys:
            p = obj.properties[k]
            if props_by_name.has_key(k):
                # check if it is the same type
                p0, names = props_by_name[k]
                    if p0.type != p.type:
                        # construct a unique name
                        uname = p.name + "<" + p.type + ">"
                        if props_by_name.has_key(uname):
                            props_by_name[uname] = (p, [oname])
                            name_type_clashes.append(oname + "::" + p.name +
                                                     " as " + p0.type +
                                                     " and " + p.type)
                        # remember the origin of the property
                except KeyError:
                    print oname, "::", k, p, "?"
                props_by_name[k] = (p, [oname])
        )  # unsave delete, any method call will fail/crash afterweards
        obj = None

    grid = {}  # one type per row
    dx = 1.0
    dy = 5.0
    ot = dia.get_object_type("UML - Class")

    props_keys = props_by_name.keys()
    # alpha-numeric sorting by type; after by number of users
        lambda a, b: len(props_by_name[b][1]) - len(props_by_name[a][1]))
        lambda a, b: cmp(props_by_name[a][0].type, props_by_name[b][0].type))

    almost_all = 98 * len(otypes) / 100  # 98 %

    for pname in props_keys:

        p, names = props_by_name[pname]

        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        if grid.has_key(p.type):
            x, y = grid[p.type]
            x = 0.0
            y = len(grid.keys()) * dy
        o, h1, h2 = ot.create(x, y)
        o.properties["name"] = pname
        o.properties["template"] = 1
        o.properties["templates"] = [(p.type, '')]
        # coloring depending on use
        if len(names) > almost_all:
            o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightgreen"
        elif len(names) > 100:
            o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightblue"
        elif len(names) > 2:
            o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightcyan"
        elif len(names) > 1:
            o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightyellow"
        # if there is only one user show it
        if len(names) == 1:
            o.properties["comment"] = names[0]
            o.properties["visible_comments"] = 1
            o.properties["comment_line_length"] = 60
            o.properties["comment"] = string.join(names, "; ")
            o.properties["visible_comments"] = 0
            o.properties["comment_line_length"] = 60

        # store position for next in row
        x += (dx + o.properties["elem_width"].value)
        grid[p.type] = (x, y)

    if diagram:
    if len(name_type_clashes) > 0:
            0, "One name, one type?!\n" + string.join(name_type_clashes, "\n"))
    return data
예제 #3
def otypes_cb(data, flags) :

	if data:
		diagram = None # we may be running w/o GUI
	else :
		diagram = dia.new("Object Types.dia")
		data = diagram
	layer = data.active_layer

	otypes = dia.registered_types()
	keys = otypes.keys()

	# property keys w/o overlap
	object_props = ["obj_pos", "obj_bb", "meta"]
	element_props = ["elem_corner", "elem_width", "elem_height"]
	orthconn_props = ["orth_points", "orth_orient", "orth_autoroute"]
	shape_props = ["flip_horizontal", "flip_vertical"]
	# the following are not exclusuve to any objects type
	line_props = ["line_width", "line_style", "line_colour"]
	fill_props = ["fill_colour", "show_background"]
	text_props = ["text_colour", "text_font", "text_height", "text"] # "text_alignment", "text_pos"

	packages = {}
	for s in keys :
		kt = string.split(s, " - ")
		if len(kt) == 2 :
			if len(kt[0]) == 0 :
				sp = "<unnamed>"
			else :
				sp = kt[0]
			st = kt[1]
		else :
			sp = "<broken>"
			st = kt[0]
		if packages.has_key(sp) :
		else :
			packages[sp] = [st]

	dtp = dia.get_object_type("UML - LargePackage")
	dtc = dia.get_object_type("UML - Class")
	cy = 0
	maxy = 0
	maxx = 0

	for sp in packages.keys() :
		pkg = packages[sp]
		op, h1, h2 = dtp.create(0.0, cy + 1.0)
		op.properties["name"] = sp
		cx = 0
		for st in pkg :
			if st == "Group" :
				continue # too special to handle
			oc, h3, h4 = dtc.create(cx + 1.0, cy + 4.0)
			oc.properties["name"] = st
			attrs = []
			# we detect inheritance by common props
			n_object = 0
			n_element = 0
			n_orthconn = 0
			n_shape = 0
			n_line = 0
			n_fill = 0
			n_text = 0
			if otypes.has_key(st) :
				o_real, h5, h6 = dia.get_object_type(st).create(0,0)
			elif otypes.has_key(sp + " - " + st) :
				o_real, h5, h6 = dia.get_object_type(sp + " - " + st).create(0,0)
			else :
				o_real = None
				print "Failed to create object", sp, st
			formal_params = []
			if not o_real is None :
				for p in o_real.properties.keys() :
					if p in object_props : n_object = n_object + 1
					elif p in orthconn_props : n_orthconn = n_orthconn + 1
					elif p in element_props : n_element = n_element + 1
					elif p in shape_props : n_shape = n_shape + 1
					elif p in line_props : n_line = n_line + 1
					elif p in text_props : n_text = n_text + 1
					elif p in fill_props : n_fill = n_fill + 1
					else : # don't replicate common props
						attrs.append((p, o_real.properties[p].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
				if n_line == len(line_props) :
					formal_params.append(('Line', ''))
				else : # need to add the incomplete set
					for pp in line_props :
						if o_real.properties.has_key(pp) :
							attrs.append((pp, o_real.properties[pp].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
				if n_fill == len(fill_props) :
					formal_params.append(('Fill', ''))
				else :
					for pp in fill_props :
						if o_real.properties.has_key(pp) :
							attrs.append((pp, o_real.properties[pp].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
				if n_text == len(text_props) :
					formal_params.append(('Text', ''))
				else :
					for pp in text_props :
						if o_real.properties.has_key(pp) :
							attrs.append((pp, o_real.properties[pp].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
			if n_orthconn == len(orthconn_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "OrthConn"
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "light blue"
			elif n_shape == len(shape_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "Shape"
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "light cyan"
			elif n_element == len(element_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "Element"
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "light yellow"
			elif n_object == len(object_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "Object"
			else :
				print "Huh?", st
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "red"
			oc.properties["attributes"] = attrs
			if len(formal_params) > 0 :
				oc.properties["template"] = 1
				oc.properties["templates"] = formal_params
			# XXX: there really should be a way to safely delete an object. This one will crash:
			# - when the object got added somewhere
			# - any object method gets called afterwards
			if not o_real is None :
				del o_real
			cx = oc.bounding_box.right
			if maxy < oc.bounding_box.bottom :
				maxy = oc.bounding_box.bottom
			if maxx < cx :
				maxx = cx
			# wrapping too long lines
			if cx > 300 :
				cx = 0
				cy = maxy
		h = op.handles[7]
		# adjust the package size to fit the objects
		op.move_handle(h,(maxx + 1.0, maxy + 1.0), 0, 0)
		cy = maxy + 2.0
		maxx = 0 # every package a new size
	if diagram :
	# make it work standalone
	return data
예제 #4
def aobjects_cb(data, flags):

    # copied from otypes.py
    if data:
        diagram = None  # we may be running w/o GUI
        diagram = dia.new("All Objects.dia")
        data = diagram
    layer = data.active_layer

    otypes = dia.registered_types()
    keys = otypes.keys()

    packages = {}
    for s in keys:
        kt = string.split(s, " - ")
        if len(kt) == 2:
            if len(kt[0]) == 0:
                sp = "<unnamed>"
                sp = kt[0]
            st = kt[1]
            sp = "<broken>"
            st = kt[0]
        if packages.has_key(sp):
            packages[sp] = [s]

    for sp in packages.keys():
        # add a layer per package
        layer = data.add_layer(sp)

        cx = 0.0
        cy = 0.0
        n = 0  # counting objects
        my = 0.0
        pkg = packages[sp]
        for st in pkg:
            if st == "Group":
                continue  # can't create empty group
            #print st
            o, h1, h2 = dia.get_object_type(st).create(cx, cy)
            # to make the resulting diagram more interesting we set every sting property with it's name
            w = o.bounding_box.right - o.bounding_box.left
            h = o.bounding_box.bottom - o.bounding_box.top
            o.move(cx, cy)
            cx += w * 1.5
            if h > my: my = h
            n += 1
            if n % 10 == 0:
                cx = 0.0
                cy += my * 1.5
                my = 0
    if diagram:
    return data
예제 #5
파일: aobjects.py 프로젝트: AmiGanguli/dia
def aobjects_cb(data, flags) :

	# copied from otypes.py
	if data :
		diagram = None # we may be running w/o GUI
	else :
		diagram = dia.new("All Objects.dia")
		data = diagram.data
	layer = data.active_layer

	otypes = dia.registered_types()
	keys = otypes.keys()

	packages = {}
	for s in keys :
		kt = string.split(s, " - ")
		if len(kt) == 2 :
			if len(kt[0]) == 0 :
				sp = "<unnamed>"
			else :
				sp = kt[0]
			st = kt[1]
		else :
			sp = "<broken>"
			st = kt[0]
		if packages.has_key(sp) :
		else :
			packages[sp] = [s] 

	for sp in packages.keys() :
		# add a layer per package
		layer = data.add_layer (sp)

		cx = 0.0
		cy = 0.0
		n = 0 # counting objects
		my = 0.0
		pkg = packages[sp]
		for st in pkg :
			if st == "Group" :
				continue # can't create empty group
			#print st
			o, h1, h2 = dia.get_object_type(st).create (cx, cy)
			# to make the resulting diagram more interesting we set every sting property with it's name
			set_object_string (o)
			w = o.bounding_box.right - o.bounding_box.left
			h = o.bounding_box.bottom - o.bounding_box.top
			o.move (cx, cy)
			cx += w * 1.5
			if h > my : my = h
			n += 1
			if n % 10 == 0 :
				cx = 0.0
				cy += my * 1.5
				my = 0
			layer.add_object (o)
	if diagram :
	return data
예제 #6
파일: allprops.py 프로젝트: AmiGanguli/dia
def allprops_cb(data, flags) :

	# copied from otypes.py
	if data :
		diagram = None # we may be running w/o GUI
	else :
		diagram = dia.new("All Object Properties.dia")
		data = diagram.data
	layer = data.active_layer

	props_by_name = {}
	otypes = dia.registered_types()
	name_type_clashes = []

	for oname in otypes :
		try :
			obj, h1, h2 = dia.get_object_type(oname).create (0, 0)
		except :
			print "Huh?", oname
		prop_keys = obj.properties.keys()
		for k in prop_keys :
			p = obj.properties[k]
			if props_by_name.has_key(k) :
				# check if it is the same type
				p0, names = props_by_name[k]
				try :
					if p0.type != p.type :
						# construct a unique name
						uname = p.name + "<" + p.type + ">"
						if props_by_name.has_key(uname) :
						else :
							props_by_name[uname] = (p, [oname])
							name_type_clashes.append (oname + "::" + p.name + " as " + p0.type + " and " + p.type)
					else :
						# remember the origin of the property
				except KeyError :
					print oname, "::", k, p, "?"
			else :
				props_by_name[k] = (p, [oname])
		obj.destroy() # unsave delete, any method call will fail/crash afterweards
		obj = None

	grid = {} # one type per row
	dx = 1.0
	dy = 5.0
	ot = dia.get_object_type("UML - Class")

	props_keys = props_by_name.keys()
	# alpha-numeric sorting by type; after by number of users
	props_keys.sort (lambda a,b : len(props_by_name[b][1]) - len(props_by_name[a][1]))
	props_keys.sort (lambda a,b : cmp(props_by_name[a][0].type, props_by_name[b][0].type))
	almost_all = 98 * len(otypes) / 100 # 98 %

	for pname in props_keys :
		p, names = props_by_name[pname]

		x = 0.0
		y = 0.0
		if grid.has_key(p.type) :
			x, y = grid[p.type]
		else :
			x = 0.0
			y = len(grid.keys()) * dy
		o, h1, h2 = ot.create (x,y)
		o.properties["name"] = pname
		o.properties["template"] = 1
		o.properties["templates"] = [(p.type, '')]
		# coloring depending on use
		if len(names) > almost_all :
			o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightgreen"
		elif len(names) > 100 :
			o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightblue"
		elif len(names) > 2 :
			o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightcyan"
		elif len(names) > 1 :
			o.properties["fill_colour"] = "lightyellow"
		# if there is only one user show it
		if len(names) == 1 :
			o.properties["comment"] = names[0]
			o.properties["visible_comments"] = 1
			o.properties["comment_line_length"] = 60
		else :
			o.properties["comment"] = string.join(names, "; ")
			o.properties["visible_comments"] = 0
			o.properties["comment_line_length"] = 60

		# store position for next in row
		x += (dx + o.properties["elem_width"].value)
		grid[p.type] = (x,y)

	if diagram :
	if len(name_type_clashes) > 0 :
		dia.message(0, "One name, one type?!\n" + string.join(name_type_clashes, "\n"))
	return data
예제 #7
파일: otypes.py 프로젝트: AmiGanguli/dia
def otypes_cb(data, flags) :

	if data :
		diagram = None # we may be running w/o GUI
	else :
		diagram = dia.new("Object Types.dia")
		data = diagram.data
	layer = data.active_layer

	otypes = dia.registered_types()
	keys = otypes.keys()

	# property keys w/o overlap
	object_props = ["obj_pos", "obj_bb", "meta"]
	element_props = ["elem_corner", "elem_width", "elem_height"]
	orthconn_props = ["orth_points", "orth_orient", "orth_autoroute"]
	shape_props = ["flip_horizontal", "flip_vertical"]
	# the following are not exclusuve to any objects type
	line_props = ["line_width", "line_style", "line_colour"]
	fill_props = ["fill_colour", "show_background"]
	text_props = ["text_colour", "text_font", "text_height", "text"] # "text_alignment", "text_pos"

	packages = {}
	for s in keys :
		kt = string.split(s, " - ")
		if len(kt) == 2 :
			if len(kt[0]) == 0 :
				sp = "<unnamed>"
			else :
				sp = kt[0]
			st = kt[1]
		else :
			sp = "<broken>"
			st = kt[0]
		if packages.has_key(sp) :
		else :
			packages[sp] = [st] 

	dtp = dia.get_object_type("UML - LargePackage")
	dtc = dia.get_object_type("UML - Class")
	cy = 0
	maxy = 0
	maxx = 0

	for sp in packages.keys() :
		pkg = packages[sp]
		op, h1, h2 = dtp.create(0.0, cy + 1.0)
		op.properties["name"] = sp
		cx = 0
		for st in pkg :
			if st == "Group" :
				continue # too special to handle
			oc, h3, h4 = dtc.create(cx + 1.0, cy + 4.0)
			oc.properties["name"] = st
			attrs = []
			# we detect inheritance by common props
			n_object = 0
			n_element = 0
			n_orthconn = 0
			n_shape = 0
			n_line = 0
			n_fill = 0
			n_text = 0
			if otypes.has_key(st) :
				o_real, h5, h6 = dia.get_object_type(st).create(0,0)
			elif otypes.has_key(sp + " - " + st) :
				o_real, h5, h6 = dia.get_object_type(sp + " - " + st).create(0,0)
			else :
				o_real = None
				print "Failed to create object", sp, st
			formal_params = []
			if not o_real is None :
				for p in o_real.properties.keys() :
					if p in object_props : n_object = n_object + 1
					elif p in orthconn_props : n_orthconn = n_orthconn + 1
					elif p in element_props : n_element = n_element + 1
					elif p in shape_props : n_shape = n_shape + 1
					elif p in line_props : n_line = n_line + 1
					elif p in text_props : n_text = n_text + 1
					elif p in fill_props : n_fill = n_fill + 1
					else : # don't replicate common props
						attrs.append((p, o_real.properties[p].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
				if n_line == len(line_props) :
					formal_params.append(('Line', ''))
				else : # need to add the incomplete set
					for pp in line_props : 
						if o_real.properties.has_key(pp) :
							attrs.append((pp, o_real.properties[pp].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
				if n_fill == len(fill_props) :
					formal_params.append(('Fill', ''))
				else :
					for pp in fill_props : 
						if o_real.properties.has_key(pp) :
							attrs.append((pp, o_real.properties[pp].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
				if n_text == len(text_props) :
					formal_params.append(('Text', ''))
				else :
					for pp in text_props : 
						if o_real.properties.has_key(pp) :
							attrs.append((pp, o_real.properties[pp].type, '', '', 0, 0, 0))
			if n_orthconn == len(orthconn_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "OrthConn"
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "light blue"
			elif n_shape == len(shape_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "Shape"
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "light cyan"
			elif n_element == len(element_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "Element"
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "light yellow"
			elif n_object == len(object_props) :
				oc.properties["stereotype"] = "Object"
			else :
				print "Huh?", st
				oc.properties["fill_colour"] = "red"
			oc.properties["attributes"] = attrs
			if len(formal_params) > 0 :
				oc.properties["template"] = 1
				oc.properties["templates"] = formal_params
			# XXX: there really should be a way to safely delete an object. This one will crash:
			# - when the object got added somewhere 
			# - any object method gets called afterwards
			if not o_real is None :
				del o_real
			cx = oc.bounding_box.right
			if maxy < oc.bounding_box.bottom :
				maxy = oc.bounding_box.bottom
			if maxx < cx :
				maxx = cx
			# wrapping too long lines
			if cx > 300 :
				cx = 0
				cy = maxy
		h = op.handles[7]
		# adjust the package size to fit the objects
		op.move_handle(h,(maxx + 1.0, maxy + 1.0), 0, 0)
		cy = maxy + 2.0
		maxx = 0 # every package a new size
	if diagram :
	# make it work standalone
	return data