예제 #1
        with Cluster("K8s Destroying Pipeline"):
            destroyServersStage = Custom("Destroy Servers", terraform_icon)

    with Cluster("Hetzner Cloud"):
        with Cluster("WireGuard VPN"):
            with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
                masterNodes = Master("N masters")
                workerNodes = Node("N workers")
                with Cluster("System Application"):
                    argoCd = Argocd("Argo CD")
                    sealedSecrets = Custom("Sealed Secrets", bitnami_icon)
                    metallb = Custom("Metal LB", metallb_icon)
                    certManager = Custom("Cert Manager", cert_manager_icon)
                    istio = Istio("Istio")
                    storage = StorageClass("HCloud CSI")
                    loki = Custom("Loki", loki_icon)

    createServersStage >> deployClusterStage >> deployComponentsStage
    createServersStage >> masterNodes
    deployClusterStage >> masterNodes
    deployComponentsStage >> argoCd
    deployComponentsStage >> sealedSecrets
    deployClusterStage >> metallb
    masterNodes - workerNodes
    createServersStage >> cloudFlare
    createServersStage >> wasabi
    destroyServersStage >> cloudFlare
    destroyServersStage >> wasabi
    destroyServersStage >> masterNodes
예제 #2
# kubernetes-diagram.py
# run the cmd: python3 cyri-lan-archi-diagram.py to generate the png file.
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.generic.network import Switch, Router
from diagrams.generic.storage import Storage
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PV, PVC, StorageClass
from diagrams.elastic.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
from diagrams.oci.connectivity import DNS
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server, Nomad

with Diagram("Kubernetes Diagram", show=False):
    synology = DNS("reverse DNS")

    with Cluster("RaspberryPi4 + K3S"):
        ingress = Ingress("cyri.intra")
        svc = Service("services")
        pvc = PVC("pv claim")
        with Cluster("apps"):
            logstash = Logstash("logstash-oss")
            elasticsearch = Elasticsearch("elasticsearch")
            squid = Server("squid")
            elk = [elasticsearch - logstash - Kibana("kibana")]
        with Cluster("local-storage"):
            pv = [StorageClass("storage class") >> PV("persistent volume")]
        k8s = ingress >> svc
        k8s >> squid >> pvc << pv
        k8s >> logstash >> pvc << pv

    synology << ingress
예제 #3
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod, DaemonSet
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PV, PVC, StorageClass

with Diagram("Persistent Storage for a Pod", show=False):

    with Cluster("k8s"):
        pod = Pod("d1")
        pvc = PVC("pvc-1")
        pv = PV("pvc-[uuid]")
        sc = StorageClass("fast")
        ds = DaemonSet("StorageOS")

        pod >> pvc << pv << sc >> ds
예제 #4
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod, StatefulSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Service
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PV, PVC, StorageClass

with Diagram("Stateful Architecture", show=False):
    with Cluster("Apps"):
        svc = Service("svc")
        sts = StatefulSet("sts")

        apps = []
        for _ in range(3):
            pod = Pod("pod")
            pvc = PVC("pvc")
            pod - sts - pvc
            apps.append(svc >> pod >> pvc)

    apps << PV("pv") << StorageClass("sc")
예제 #5
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod, DaemonSet
from diagrams.k8s.storage import PV, PVC, StorageClass

with Diagram("Persistent Storage with replica for a Pod", show=False):

    with Cluster("k8s"):
        pod = Pod("d2")
        pvc = PVC("pvc-2")
        pv1 = PV("pvc-[uuid] (primary)")
        pv2 = PV("pvc-[uuid] (replica)")
        sc = StorageClass("storageos-rep-1")
        ds = DaemonSet("StorageOS")

        pod >> pvc
        pvc << pv1 << sc
        pvc - Edge(color="red", style="dotted") - pv2
        pv2 - Edge(color="brown", style="dotted") - sc
        sc >> ds
                pgpool_replica_set_count = 1
                pgpool_pods = [
                    Pod("Pgpool Pod")
                    for pod in range(0, pgpool_replica_set_count, 1)
                pgpool_svc = Service("Pgpool Service")

                # Relationships
                pgpool_dep >> pgpool_rs >> pgpool_pods << pgpool_svc

                # PostgreSQL
                # Resources
                db_sset = StatefulSet("PostgreSQL StatefulSet")
                db_stateful_set_count = 3
                db_svc = Service("DB Service")
                sc = StorageClass("Storage Class (SSD)")

                db_pods = []
                for _ in range(db_stateful_set_count):
                    db_pod = Pod("DB Pod")
                    db_pvc = PersistentVolumeClaim("DB PVC")
                    db_pv = PersistentVolume("DB PV")
                    # Relationships
                    sc << db_pv << db_pvc << db_pod >> db_sset
                    db_pods.append(db_pod << db_svc)

        # Relationships
        app_pods << app_svc_int << app_lb_int << app_fw
        # app_pods >> pgpool_svc  # Not rendered since the diagram is busy enough

with Diagram("TRM Exercise Overview", show=False):