예제 #1
def main():
    with Diagram("Home Network",
        internet = Internet("internet")

        with Cluster(""):
            router = Router("Synology RT2600ac")  # SynologyRouter
            switch = Switch("Netgear R7000")
            raspberrypi = Server("Raspberry Pi 4 8GB")  # raspberrypi
            raspberrypi_docker = Docker("Docker")

            devices = Client("Devices")

            internet >> router
            internet << router

            router >> raspberrypi
            router >> switch

            router >> devices
            switch >> devices

            with Cluster(""):
                service_nginx_proxy = Nginx("nginx-proxy")
                service_grafana = Grafana("Grafana")
                service_pi_hole = DNS("Pi-hole")
                service_portainer = LinuxGeneral("Portainer")
                service_telegraf = LinuxGeneral("Telegraf")
                service_prometheus = Prometheus("Prometheus")
                service_loki = Loki("Loki")
                service_promtail = Loki("Promtail")

                raspberrypi >> raspberrypi_docker

                raspberrypi_docker >> service_nginx_proxy

                service_nginx_proxy >> service_grafana
                service_nginx_proxy >> service_pi_hole
                service_nginx_proxy >> service_portainer
                service_nginx_proxy >> service_telegraf
                service_nginx_proxy >> service_prometheus
                service_nginx_proxy >> service_loki
                service_nginx_proxy >> service_promtail

                service_prometheus >> Edge(label="collect metrics",
                                           style="dashed") >> service_telegraf

                service_promtail >> Edge(label="push logs",
                                         style="dashed") >> service_loki

                service_grafana >> Edge(label="query",
                                        style="dashed") >> service_prometheus
                service_grafana >> Edge(label="query",
                                        style="dashed") >> service_loki
    "fontsize": "12",
    "labelfontsize": "10",
    "height": "200.0",
    "center": "false"

with Diagram("Event Flows - Service proxy",
    with Cluster("Example deployment"):
        with Cluster("Colony Registry Cluster"):
            dns = DNS("registry1")
            dns2 = DNS("registry...")

        with Cluster("Docker Host ..."):
            i2 = Nginx("App proxy")

            with Cluster("Applications"):
                b1 = [Docker("www"), Docker("api"), Docker("mysql2")]

        with Cluster("Docker Host 1"):
            i1 = Nginx("App Proxy")

            with Cluster("Applications"):
                a1 = [Docker("www"), Docker("api"), Docker("mysql1")]

    i1 >> a1
    i2 >> b1
    dns >> Edge(label="DNS Response A host2 IP") >> i2
    dns >> Edge(label="DNS Response A host1 IP") >> i1
예제 #3
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Github
from diagrams.onprem.ci import GithubActions
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker

with Diagram("Flow", show=False, direction="LR"):
    Github("Github") >> GithubActions("GithubActions") >> Docker("Docker")
예제 #4
def main():
    graph_attr = {
        "fontsize": "45",
        'overlap_scaling': '100',
        'size': '24!',
        'ratio': 'expand'

    with Diagram(name='Automation Framework Swarm', direction='LR', graph_attr=graph_attr):
        with Cluster('Docker Cluster'):
            docker = Docker('Docker')

            with Cluster('container1'):
                python_container = Python('APIs\nOther Microservices')

        with Cluster('Kafka Cluster'):
            with Cluster('Zookeeper'):

            with Cluster('REST Proxy'):
                rest_proxy = Custom('REST Proxy\ntcp:8082', 'custom_icons/REST-API.png')

            with Cluster('Control Center'):
                control_center = Kafka('Control Center\ntcp:9021')

            with Cluster('Schema Registry'):
                schema_registry = Storage('Schema Registry\ntcp:8081')

            with Cluster('Brokers'):
                broker_1 = Kafka('Broker 1\ntcp:9092')
                kafka_brokers = [
                    Kafka('Broker 2\ntcp:9093'),
                    Kafka('Broker 3\ntcp:9094')

        with Cluster('Secrets Managers'):
            vault = Vault('HashiCorp Vault\ntcp:8200')
            secrets_managers = [

        with Cluster('Logging and Search'):
            with Cluster('Search and Logging'):
                elastic_search = Elasticsearch('Elastic Search\ntcp:9200')
                kibana = Kibana('Kibana\ntcp:5601')
                logstash = Logstash('Logstash\ntcp:5044')
                search_log = [

        with Cluster('Inventory and Connectivity'):
            with Cluster('Inventory'):
                nautobot = Custom('Nautobot\ntcp:8000', 'custom_icons/Nautobot.jpeg')

        kafka_brokers - python_container

        python_container - vault

        python_container - nautobot

        nautobot - logstash
        python_container - logstash
예제 #5
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.aws.compute import EKS, Lambda
from diagrams.aws.database import Redshift
from diagrams.aws.integration import SQS
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.oci.connectivity import DNS
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client

graph_attr = {
  "pad": "0",
  "fontsize": "10",
  "labelfontsize": "10",
  "height": "200.0",
  "center": "false"

with Diagram("Event Flows - DNS Service Discovery", filename="service-resolution", show=False, graph_attr=graph_attr):
    with Cluster("Example deployment"):
        with Cluster("Docker hosts, Applications"):
            c1 = [Docker("host1"), Docker("...")]

        with Cluster("Colony Registries"):
            r1 = Server("registry1")
            r2 = Server("...")

    e = Edge(label="DNS Query")

    c1[0] >> e >> r1
    c1[0] >> e >> r2
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram

from diagrams.programming.language import Nodejs
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.database import Mongodb
from diagrams.programming.language import Java

from diagrams.generic.storage import Storage
with Diagram("Bot para desarrollo", show=False):
    proxy = Storage("Proxy")
    bot = Nodejs("bot")
    kbase = Java("Kbase")
    mongodb = Mongodb("mongodb")
    docker = Docker("docker")

    proxy >> bot >> mongodb
    proxy >> kbase >> mongodb >> docker
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster, Edge

from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.iac import Terraform, Ansible
from diagrams.custom import Custom

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "45", "bgcolor": "transparent", "dpi": "300"}

with Diagram("", show=False, filename="value_stream", graph_attr=graph_attr):

    image = Docker("Docker Image")
    docker_role = Ansible("Ansible Role Docker")
    app_role = Ansible("Ansible Role App")
    packer_ami = Custom("AMI", "packer.png")

    terrafor_module = Terraform("Module")
    terrafor_stack = Terraform("Deployment")

    image >> app_role >> packer_ami
    docker_role >> packer_ami >> terrafor_module >> terrafor_stack
예제 #8
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.generic.database import SQL
from diagrams.generic.storage import Storage


with Diagram("JWThenticator API Gateway Example Architecture"):

    with Cluster("Service Runtime"):
        api_gateway = Envoy("api-gateway")
        services = []
        with Cluster("Secured Endpoints"):
            for i in range(NUM_SQL_SERVICES + NUM_STORAGE_SERVICES):

        with Cluster("Registry Endpoints"):
            client_registry = Docker("client-registry")

        with Cluster("Unrestricted Endpoints"):
            jwthenticator_external = Docker("external-jwthenticator")

        with Cluster("Internal Services"):
            jwthenticator_internal = Docker("internal-jwthenticator")

        with Cluster("Services Dependencies"):
            jwthenticator_db = SQL("jwthenticator-db")
            services_deps = []
            for i in range(NUM_SQL_SERVICES):
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster

from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx, Tomcat
from diagrams.onprem.database import Postgresql
from diagrams.onprem.client import User
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker

with Diagram("", show=False, filename="infrastructure"):
    user = User("Web Browser")
    nginx = Nginx("Nginx")

    db = Postgresql("PG-DB")
    web = Docker("RedMine")

    user >> nginx >> web >> db

예제 #10
파일: diagram.py 프로젝트: jilgue/diagrams
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server

with Diagram("Nextcloud containerized", show=False):
    Server("Debian") >> Docker("Haproxy") >> Docker("Nextcloud") >> Docker(
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.generic.database import SQL


with Diagram("JWThenticator Direct Validation Example Architecture"):

    with Cluster("Service Runtime"):
        ingress = Ingress("ingress")
        services = []

        jwthenticator = Docker("jwthenticator")
        jwthenticator_db = SQL("jwthenticator-db")

        with Cluster("Secured Endpoints"):
            for i in range(NUM_SECURE_SERVICES):

    # General initial flow
    for i in range(NUM_CLIENTS):
        Client(f"client-{i}") >> ingress  # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned

    for i in range(NUM_SECURE_SERVICES):
        ingress >> services[i] >> jwthenticator

    # JWThenticator service
    ingress >> jwthenticator
예제 #12
class Cloudflare(Custom):
    def __init__(self, label):
        super(Cloudflare, self).__init__(label, './img/cloudflare_icon.png')

with Diagram("Provisioning flow",

    controller = Server("Controller")

    with Cluster("./metal") as metal:
        metals = Server("Metal cluster")
        pxe = Docker("PXE server")
        rockies = Rocky('Rocky Linux')
        initial_resources = [metals, pxe]
        k3s = K3s('K3s')

        rockies >> k3s
        metals >> rockies

    controller >> initial_resources

    with Cluster("./bootstrap") as bootstrap:
        nodes = Node('Node(s)')
        argocd = ArgoCD('ArgoCD')
        root_chart = Helm("Root chart")

    k3s >> nodes
예제 #13
                aurora_autoscaling_group_instances = [
                    Aurora("Primary Instance"),
                    Aurora("Aurora Replica"),
                    Aurora("Aurora Replica"),
                aurora_autoscaling_group = AutoScaling("Aurora Autoscaling")

    with Cluster("Container Service"):
        container_service = ECS("Amazon ECS")
        task = ElasticContainerServiceService("Tasks")
        app_container = ElasticContainerServiceContainer("Container (app)")
        nginx_container = ElasticContainerServiceContainer("Container (nginx)")

    with Cluster("Container Registry"):
        registry = EC2ContainerRegistryRegistry("Amazon ECR")
        app_image = Docker("Image (app)")
        nginx_image = Docker("Image (nginx)")

    ci_pipeline = Circleci("CI Pipeline")
    terraform_repo = Terraform("Infra as code")
    remote_state = S3("Remote State")

    ssl_certificate - dns_name
    dns_name - load_balancer
    load_balancer - public_subnets
    public_subnets[0] - nat_gateways[0]
    public_subnets[1] - nat_gateways[1]
    public_subnets[2] - nat_gateways[2]
    nat_gateways[0] - private_subnets[0]
    nat_gateways[1] - private_subnets[1]
    nat_gateways[2] - private_subnets[2]
예제 #14
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.generic.network import Firewall
from diagrams.aws.management import Cloudwatch, ParameterStore
from diagrams.aws.storage import EFS
from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS

with Diagram("AWS ECS Task Definition", show=False, direction="TB"):

    with Cluster("task definition"):
        image = Docker("image")
        ports = Firewall("ports")
        logging = Cloudwatch("logging")
        environment = ECS("environment")
        secrets = ParameterStore("secrets")
        health_check = ECS("health check")
        mount_points = EFS("mount points")
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.programming.framework import Spring

graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "20",
    "bgcolor": "white"  # transparent

with Diagram("",
    users = Users("Integration Tests")
    backend = Spring("Application")
    database = Docker("PostgreSQL database")

    backend >> database
    users >> backend
예제 #16
# diagram.py
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.saas.chat import Discord
from diagrams.custom import Custom

from urllib.request import urlretrieve

pterodactyl_url = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16179146"
pterodactyl_icon = "pterodactyl.png"
urlretrieve(pterodactyl_url, pterodactyl_icon)

with Diagram(filename="second_network", show=True):

    with Cluster("Dedicated Ubuntu Server"):

        with Cluster("Bungee Network 2"):
            proxy2 = Docker("Proxy 2")
            modded = Docker("Modded")
            creative = Docker("Creative")
            minigames = Docker("Minigames")

            proxy2 >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> modded
            proxy2 >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> creative
            proxy2 >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> minigames

    ingamechat = Discord("#modded_ingamechat")
    modded >> ingamechat
예제 #17
backblaze_icon = "backblaze.png"
urlretrieve(backblaze_url, backblaze_icon)

restic_url = "https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/logo.png"
restic_icon = "restic.png"
urlretrieve(restic_url, restic_icon)

with Diagram(filename="restic_backblaze", show=True, direction="TB"):

    backblaze = Custom("Backblaze B2 Storage", backblaze_icon)

    with Cluster("Dedicated Ubuntu Server"):

        with Cluster("Game Servers"):
            proxy1 = Docker("Proxy 1")
            proxy2 = Docker("Proxy 2")
            survival = Docker("Survival")
            resource = Docker("Resource")
            creative = Docker("Creative")
            modded = Docker("Modded")
            minigames = Docker("Minigames")
            snapshot = Docker("Snapshot")
            gamenight = Docker("Gamenight")
            misc = Docker("Misc. Servers")

        restic = Custom("Restic", restic_icon)

        servers = [
            misc, snapshot, gamenight, minigames, modded, creative, resource,
            survival, proxy2, proxy1
예제 #18
from diagrams.onprem.ci import Jenkins
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.database import MySQL, MongoDB
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Github
from diagrams.programming.framework import Django, Backbone

with Diagram("CFO-Architecture", show=False):
    user = User('User')
    dns = DNS("DNS")

    with Cluster('Toast Single Instance'):
        web_server = Nginx('Nginx')

        with Cluster('Docker'):
            was = Docker('Docker Container')
            was - Django('Django')

        with Cluster('Database'):
            database = MySQL('MySQL 8.0')

    with Cluster('CI/CD'):
        with Cluster('NHN'):
            nhn_jenkins = Github('NHN Github')
            nhn_jenkins - Jenkins('NHN Jenkins')
        with Cluster('Accommate'):
            acm_jenkins = Jenkins('Accommate Jenkins')

    user >> dns >> web_server >> was >> database
    nhn_jenkins >> acm_jenkins >> was
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client

graph_attr = {
    "pad": "0",
    "fontsize": "10",
    "labelfontsize": "10",
    "height": "200.0",
    "center": "false"

with Diagram("Example Service Registration",
    with Cluster("Example deployment"):
        with Cluster("Docker Hosts, Colony Agents"):
            other = [Docker("...")]
            master = Docker("host1")

        with Cluster("Colony Registries"):
            r2 = Server("...")
            r1 = Server("registry1")

    e = Edge(label="Service registration")

    master >> Edge(label="Service registration",
                   label_scheme="0") >> r1
    master >> r2
    other[0] >> [r1, r2]
예제 #20
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.client import User
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker

with Diagram("System Diagram", show=False):
    user = User("User camera")
    with Cluster("Shared network"):
        cont_ffmpeg = Docker('ffmpeg server')
        with Cluster("Processing"):
            cont_inference = Docker('inference')
        with Cluster("App and stats"):
            cont_webapp = Docker('ui')
            cont_mqtt = Docker('mqtt server')
            app = (cont_inference >> [cont_mqtt, cont_webapp])

    user >> cont_ffmpeg >> cont_inference
    "fontsize": "20",
    "bgcolor": "white"  #transparent

with Diagram("Application Architecture",
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb") >> S3("store")
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb") << EC2("stat")
    (ELB("lb") >> EC2("web")) - EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb")

    with Cluster("Application Context"):
        app = EC2("Spring Boot")

    ELB("lb") >> app

    metrics = Prometheus("metric")
    metrics << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Grafana("monitoring")

    client = Client("A")
    client >> User("B") >> Users("S")
    client >> PostgreSQL("Database")
    client >> Internet("Remote API")
    client >> Docker("Docker")
    client >> Server("Server")
    client >> SQS("Sync Books")
    client >> Spring("Backend")
    client >> React("React")
예제 #22
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.custom import Custom

from urllib.request import urlretrieve

pterodactyl_url = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16179146"
pterodactyl_icon = "pterodactyl.png"
urlretrieve(pterodactyl_url, pterodactyl_icon)

with Diagram(filename="bots", show=True, direction="TB"):
    with Cluster("Dedicated Ubuntu Server"):

        pterodactyl = Custom("Pterodactyl", pterodactyl_icon)

        with Cluster("Bots"):
            emojirolesbot = Docker("Emoji Roles Bot")
            modbot = Docker("Modbot")
            applicationbot = Docker("Application Bot")
            playerlistbot = Docker("Playerlist Bot")
            snackerinactivitybot = Docker("Snacker/Inactvity Bot")
            musicbot = Docker("Music Bot")
            chester = Docker("Chester")
            ergobot = Docker("ErGoBot")

        bots = [
            ergobot, musicbot, playerlistbot, emojirolesbot,
            snackerinactivitybot, chester, modbot, applicationbot
        pterodactyl >> Edge(color="#004da4") >> bots
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.network import Apache
from diagrams.gcp.network import VPC
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.gcp.network import Routes

with Diagram("Stack", show=False):
    with Cluster("GCP"):
        dns1 = Routes("app1.com.br")
        dns2 = Routes("app2.com.br")
        dns3 = Routes("app3.com.br")

        with Cluster("VPC"):
            google_vpc = VPC("VPC Google Cloud")
            nginx = Nginx("Virtualhosts - Proxy_Pass")
            docker_app1 = Docker("app1")
            docker_app2 = Docker("app2")
            docker_app3 = Docker("app3")
            apache_app1 = Apache("index.html")
            apache_app2 = Apache("index.html")
            apache_app3 = Apache("index.html")

            dns3 >> google_vpc >> nginx >> docker_app1 >> apache_app3
            dns2 >> google_vpc >> nginx >> docker_app2 >> apache_app2
            dns1 >> google_vpc >> nginx >> docker_app3 >> apache_app1
예제 #24
def main():
    graph_attr = {
        "fontsize": "45",
        'overlap_scaling': '100',
        'size': '24!',
        'ratio': 'expand'

    with Diagram(name='Automation Framework Compose',
        with Cluster('Docker Cluster'):
            docker = Docker('Docker')

            with Cluster('container1'):
                python_container = Python('APIs\nOther Microservices')

            with Cluster('Docker Registry'):
                docker_registry_container = Docker('Docker Registry\ntcp:5000')

            with Cluster('Docker Registry Browser'):
                docker_registry_browser_container = Python(
                    'Docker Registry Browser\ntcp:8088')

            with Cluster('BatFish'):
                batfish_container = Custom(

        with Cluster('Kafka Cluster'):
            with Cluster('Zookeeper'):

            with Cluster('REST Proxy'):
                rest_proxy = Custom('REST Proxy\ntcp:8082',

            with Cluster('Control Center'):
                control_center = Kafka('Control Center\ntcp:9021')

            with Cluster('Schema Registry'):
                schema_registry = Storage('Schema Registry\ntcp:8081')

            with Cluster('Brokers'):
                broker_1 = Kafka('Broker 1\ntcp:9092')
                kafka_brokers = [
                    Kafka('Broker 2\ntcp:9093'),
                    Kafka('Broker 3\ntcp:9094')

        with Cluster('Secrets Managers'):
            vault = Vault('HashiCorp Vault\ntcp:8200')
            secrets_managers = [

        with Cluster('Logging and Search'):
            with Cluster('ELK Stack'):
                elastic_search = Elasticsearch('Elastic Search\ntcp:9200')
                kibana = Kibana('Kibana\ntcp:5601')
                logstash = Logstash('Logstash\ntcp:5044')
                search_log = [elastic_search, kibana, logstash]

            with Cluster('Influxdb'):
                infulxdb = Influxdb('Influxdb\ntcp:8086')

            with Cluster('Grafana'):
                grafana = Grafana('Grafana\ntcp:3000')

        with Cluster('Inventory and Connectivity'):
            with Cluster('Inventory'):
                nautobot = Custom('Nautobot\ntcp:8000',

        with Cluster('Database'):
            with Cluster('Mongo dB'):
                mongodb = Mongodb('MongoDb\ntcp:27017')
                mongodb_express = Mongodb('MongoDb Express\ntcp:8181')
                mongo_group = [mongodb, mongodb_express]

        with Cluster('CI/CD'):
            team_city = TC('TeamCity')

        kafka_brokers - python_container

        python_container - vault

        python_container - nautobot

        nautobot - logstash
        python_container - logstash

        nautobot - infulxdb
        python_container - infulxdb

        python_container - mongodb
예제 #25
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from diagrams.generic.blank import Blank

with open("icons.json", "r") as fd:
    icons = json.load(fd)

for k in icons:
    i = icons[k]
    if i["url"] is not None and not os.path.isfile(i["icon"]):
        urlretrieve(i["url"], i["icon"])

with Diagram("Infrastructure", direction="TB"):
    internet = Custom("", icons["cloudflare"]["icon"])

    with Cluster("Pi Cluster", direction="TB"):
        docker = Docker()

        with Cluster("Pi 1", direction="TB") as pi1:
            controller = Docker("Docker Swarm Manager")
            glusterfs1 = Glusterfs("glusterfs")

        with Cluster("Pi 2", direction="TB") as pi2:
            agent = Docker("Docker Swarm Node")
            glusterfs2 = Glusterfs("glusterfs")

    with Cluster("Containers"):
        with Cluster("External"):
            cloudflared = Custom("cloudflared", icons["cloudflareCloud"]["icon"])
            traefik = Traefik("traefik")

        with Cluster("Internal"):
from diagrams.saas.chat import Discord
from diagrams.custom import Custom

phpmyadmin_url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/PhpMyAdmin_logo.svg"
phpmyadmin_icon = "phpmyadmin.png"
urlretrieve(phpmyadmin_url, phpmyadmin_icon)

with Diagram(filename="proxy_servers", show=True):

    applications = Discord("#applications")

    with Cluster("Dedicated Ubuntu Server"):

        with Cluster("Bots"):
            applicationbot = Docker("Application Bot")

        with Cluster("Game Servers - Bungee Network 2"):
            proxy2 = Docker("Proxy 2")

        with Cluster("Game Servers - Bungee Network 1"):
            proxy1 = Docker("Proxy 1")

        with Cluster("MySQL / MariaDB"):
            maindb = MariaDB("Databases")
            phpmyadmin = Custom("phpMyAdmin", phpmyadmin_icon)

    applications >> Edge(color="#7289DA") >> applicationbot
    applicationbot >> proxy1
    applicationbot >> proxy2
예제 #27
from diagrams import Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker

with Diagram("Monitoring Application", show=False):
    Docker("Monitoring service") >> Edge(color="black", style="bold") >> Kafka(
    ) >> Edge(color="black", style="bold") >> Docker("Consumer service") >> Edge(
        color="black", style="bold"
    ) >> PostgreSQL(
urlretrieve(dynmap_url, dynmap_icon)

with Diagram(filename="main_network", show=True, direction="LR"):

    # applications = Discord("#applications")
    ingamechat = Discord("#ingamechat")

    with Cluster("Dedicated Ubuntu Server"):

        # applicationbot = Docker("Application Bot")

        dynmap = Custom("Dynmap", dynmap_icon)
        paddingdynmap = Blank("") 

        with Cluster("Bungee Network 1"):
            proxy1 = Docker("Proxy 1")
            padding1 = Blank("")
            resource = Docker("Resource")
            survival = Docker("Survival")
            padding2 = Blank("")

            proxy1 - Edge(penwidth="0.0") -  padding1
            proxy1 >> Edge(color="darkgreen") << survival
            proxy1 >> Edge(color="darkgreen") << resource
            proxy1 - Edge(penwidth="0.0") -  padding2

        with Cluster("MySQL / MariaDB"):  
            maindb = MariaDB("Databases")
            phpmyadmin = Custom("phpMyAdmin", phpmyadmin_icon)

    # applications >> Edge(color="#7289DA") >> applicationbot
예제 #29
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment
from diagrams.k8s.compute import ReplicaSet
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker

with Diagram("kubernetes configuration files", show=False):
    depl = Deployment("Deployment")
    rs = ReplicaSet("ReplicaSet")
    pod = Pod("Pod")
    docker = Docker("Container")
    depl >> rs >> pod >> docker
예제 #30
from diagrams.onprem.iac import Terraform, Ansible

graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "transparent", "dpi": "300"}

with Diagram(
        "Example Project",
    with Cluster("Multi-Region"):

        lb = ELB("ELB")

        with Cluster("Services"):
            autoscaling = AutoScaling("autoscaling-group")
            svc_group = [EC2("web-01"), EC2("web-02")]

        lb >> autoscaling >> svc_group

        with Cluster("AMI"):

            docker = Docker("Docker")

            with Cluster("Docker Image"):
                app = Python("App")

        svc_group - docker
        docker - Edge(style="dotted") - app