def resize( self ): """ compute the postions of all of the components """ max_y,max_x = self.getparent().getmaxyx() min_y,min_x = self.getparent().getbegyx() if del = None = self.getparent().subwin(max_y,max_x,min_y,min_x) pw = (max_x - 4) ph = (max_y - 4) cx = max_x / 2 y = 1 if not self.buddys: self.buddys = ListBox("buddys",1,2,y,ph-3,pw/4,"Buddys", 0) else: self.buddys.setpos(2,y) self.buddys.setsize(ph-3,pw/4) if not self.messages: self.messages = FileEditorComponent("messages",2,(pw/4)+2,y,pw - pw/4,ph-3,"Transcript", DEFAULT_CHAT_FILE, False, True) else: self.messages.setpos((pw/4)+2,y) self.messages.setsize(ph-3,pw-pw/4) y += (ph-2) if not self.reply: self.reply = Prompt("reply",3,3,y,"",pw-2) self.reply_border = Frame( "", 2, y-1, pw, 3 ) else: self.reply.setpos(3,y) self.reply.setsize(1,pw-2) self.reply_border.setpos( 2, y-1 ) self.reply_border.setsize( pw, 3 ) y += 2 if not self.config_button: self.config_button = Button("config",4,20,y,"CONFIG",Component.CMP_KEY_NOP) else: self.config_button.setpos(2,y) if not self.cancel: self.cancel = Button("cancel",5,30,y,"EXIT",Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL) else: self.cancel.setpos(2,y) distribute( [self.config_button,self.cancel], 2, pw ) for c in self.children: c.setparent(
class ChatDialog(Dialog): """ dialog subclass that implements a chat screen with a list of IM buddies, transcript, response field, and send button and a cancel button """ chat_thread = None def __init__(self,scr,title = "Chat"): """ takes the curses window to pop up over, title to display, will dynamically size to parent window """ self.current_buddy = None self.current_server = None self.chat_connection = None = None self.buddys = None self.messages = None self.reply = None self.reply_border = None self.config_button = None self.cancel = None self.config = {} self.status = {} self.children = [] self.myname = None self.event_time = time.clock() self.title = title # load the config right away self.load_config() self.setparent(scr) self.resize() max_y,max_x = self.getparent().getmaxyx() min_y,min_x = self.getparent().getbegyx() Dialog.__init__(self,scr,"ChatDialog", max_y, max_x, [ Frame(title), self.buddys, self.messages, self.reply_border, self.reply, self.config_button, self.cancel], min_y, min_x) self.start_chat_thread() def __copy__(self): """ return a copy of this dialog """ return ChatDialog(self.getparent(), self.title) def __del__(self): """ clean up the chat thread when we go away """ self.stop_chat_thread() def start_chat_thread( self ): """ start the chat thread if we have configuration """ if self.config: if not ChatDialog.chat_thread: ChatDialog.chat_thread = ChatThread(self.config["name"],self.config["password"],self.config["server"],int(self.config["port"])) ChatDialog.chat_thread.start() else: self.connect(self.config["name"],self.config["password"],self.config["server"],int(self.config["port"])) def save_messages( self ): """ save the message list to the chat transcript """ if self.messages.editor: self.messages.editor.workfile.setReadOnly(False) self.messages.editor.workfile.setReadOnly(True) def stop_chat_thread( self ): """ stop the chat thread if one exists """ if ChatDialog.chat_thread: self.handle_chat_events() def render( self ): """ process events whenever render is called """ if time.clock() - self.event_time > 0.5: self.handle_chat_events() self.event_time = time.clock() Dialog.render(self) def resize( self ): """ compute the postions of all of the components """ max_y,max_x = self.getparent().getmaxyx() min_y,min_x = self.getparent().getbegyx() if del = None = self.getparent().subwin(max_y,max_x,min_y,min_x) pw = (max_x - 4) ph = (max_y - 4) cx = max_x / 2 y = 1 if not self.buddys: self.buddys = ListBox("buddys",1,2,y,ph-3,pw/4,"Buddys", 0) else: self.buddys.setpos(2,y) self.buddys.setsize(ph-3,pw/4) if not self.messages: self.messages = FileEditorComponent("messages",2,(pw/4)+2,y,pw - pw/4,ph-3,"Transcript", DEFAULT_CHAT_FILE, False, True) else: self.messages.setpos((pw/4)+2,y) self.messages.setsize(ph-3,pw-pw/4) y += (ph-2) if not self.reply: self.reply = Prompt("reply",3,3,y,"",pw-2) self.reply_border = Frame( "", 2, y-1, pw, 3 ) else: self.reply.setpos(3,y) self.reply.setsize(1,pw-2) self.reply_border.setpos( 2, y-1 ) self.reply_border.setsize( pw, 3 ) y += 2 if not self.config_button: self.config_button = Button("config",4,20,y,"CONFIG",Component.CMP_KEY_NOP) else: self.config_button.setpos(2,y) if not self.cancel: self.cancel = Button("cancel",5,30,y,"EXIT",Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL) else: self.cancel.setpos(2,y) distribute( [self.config_button,self.cancel], 2, pw ) for c in self.children: c.setparent( def load_config(self): """ load the config file """ self.conf_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.pedchat") if not os.path.exists(self.conf_dir): os.mkdir(self.conf_dir) self.conf_path = self.conf_dir+"/config" if os.path.exists(self.conf_path): # load config self.config = json.load(open(self.conf_path,"r")) else: self.config = {} def save_config(self): """ save the config file """ if self.config: conf_file = open(self.conf_path,"w") # save config json.dump(self.config, conf_file) conf_file.close() def write_message( self, message ): """ write a message to the current chat log """ ed = self.messages.editor ed.workfile.setReadOnly(False) nLines = ed.workfile.numLines() for l in message.split("\n"): ed.workfile.insertLine(nLines,l+'\n') nLines += 1 ed.workfile.setReadOnly(True) ed.rewrap(True) ed.goto(nLines-1,0) if ed.scr: ed.scr.refresh() def show_item( self, i ): """ for debugging, drill down into the event """ if hasattr(i,"__dict__"): self.write_message(pprint.pformat(i.__dict__)) elif isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): self.write_message("[\n") for k in i: self.show_item(k) self.write_message("]\n") else: self.write_message(pprint.pformat(i)) def log_item( self, i ): """ for debugging, drill down into the event """ if hasattr(i,"__dict__"): print >>open("./chat.log","a"),pprint.pformat(i.__dict__) elif isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): print >>open("./chat.log","a"),"[" for k in i: self.log_item(k) print >>open("./chat.log","a"),"]" else: print >>open("./chat.log","a"),pprint.pformat(i) def set_buddy_list( self, buddys ): """ rebuild the buddy list """ choice,selection = self.buddys.getvalue() bl = [] for sl in buddys: if isinstance(sl,list) or isinstance(sl,tuple): for b in sl: if isinstance(b,oscar.SSIGroup): for u in b.users: bl.append("%s : %s : %s"%(, self.status.get(,"unknown"), if selection: n,s,g = selection[choice].split(":") for choice in range(0,len(bl)): if bl[choice].startswith(n) and bl[choice].endswith(g): break else: choice = 0 self.buddys.setvalue((choice,bl)) def update_buddy( self, user ): """ update the status of a buddy """ self.status[] = user.icqStatus choice,selection = self.buddys.getvalue() if selection: for i in range(0,len(selection)): n,s,g = selection[i].split(":") if n.startswith( selection[i] = n+": "+ user.icqStatus +" :"+g break self.buddys.setvalue((choice,selection)) def offline_buddy( self, user ): """ update the status of a buddy to offline """ self.status[] = "offline" choice,selection = self.buddys.getvalue() if selection: for i in range(0,len(selection)): n,s,g = selection[i].split(":") if n.startswith( selection[i] = n+": offline :"+g break self.buddys.setvalue((choice,selection)) def receive_message(self, user, multiparts, flags ): """ recieve a message and format it so we can output it """ self.set_current_buddy( ) for p in multiparts: for mp in p: self.write_message( "%s: %s"%(,BeautifulSoup(mp).get_text()) ) def handle_chat_events(self): """ process all pending chat events """ if ChatDialog.chat_thread: empty = False while not empty: try: item = eid = item[0] if eid == "initDone": self.chat_connection = item[1] elif eid == "gotBuddyList": self.set_buddy_list( item[1] ) elif eid == "updateBuddy": self.update_buddy( item[1] ) elif eid == "offlineBuddy": self.offline_buddy( item[1] ) elif eid == "receiveMessage": self.receive_message( item[1], item[2], item[3] ) elif eid == "gotSelfInfo": self.myname = item[1].name # self.log_item(item) except Queue.Empty: empty = True self.save_messages() def start_chat( self, buddy_ref ): """ start new chat by switching to a different transcript and current buddy """ buddy,status,group = buddy_ref.split(":") buddy=buddy.strip() status=status.strip() group=group.strip() self.set_current_buddy( buddy ) def set_current_buddy( self, buddy): """ set a new buddy as the current buddy """ if buddy != self.current_buddy: self.save_messages() self.messages.setfilename(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~/.pedchat","%s.log"%(buddy))),-1) self.messages.render() self.current_buddy = buddy choice,selection = self.buddys.getvalue() if selection: for i in range(0,len(selection)): if selection[i].startswith(buddy): break else: i = 0 self.buddys.setvalue((i,selection)) def send_message( self, user, message ): """ send a message to the user """ self.chat_connection.sendMessage(user,message) self.write_message("%s: %s"%(self.myname,message)) def connect( self, username, password, host, port ): """ connect using different connection settings """ if ChatDialog.chat_thread: if self.chat_connection: self.chat_connection.disconnect() self.messages.setfilename(DEFAULT_CHAT_FILE,0) self.buddys.setvalue((0,[])) ChatDialog.chat_thread.connect( username, password, host, port ) def handle(self,ch): """ handles found file selection, populating the preview window, new searches, and opening a file """ self.handle_chat_events() focus_index = self.current focus_field = self.focus_list[self.current][1] if ch in [keytab.KEYTAB_SPACE,keytab.KEYTAB_CR]: if focus_field == self.buddys: (selection,choices) = self.buddys.getvalue() # make the selected buddy current in chat self.start_chat(choices[selection]) self.current = self.reply.getorder()-1 ch = Component.CMP_KEY_NOP elif focus_field == self.config_button: conf_dialog = ChatConfigDialog(self,"Chat Config Dialog") values = conf_dialog.main() if values: self.config = values self.save_config() self.current = self.buddys.getorder()-1 ch = Component.CMP_KEY_NOP self.connect( values['name'], values['password'], values['server'], int(values['port']) ) elif focus_field == self.reply and ch == keytab.KEYTAB_CR: # type in the reply self.send_message( self.current_buddy, self.reply.getvalue() ) self.reply.setvalue("") self.reply.home() ch = Component.CMP_KEY_NOP elif ch in [keytab.KEYTAB_F04,keytab.KEYTAB_ALTK,keytab.KEYTAB_ALTE]: return ch ret_ch = Dialog.handle(self,ch) if ret_ch in [Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL]: self.stop_chat_thread() ret_ch = keytab.KEYTAB_ALTK return ret_ch