예제 #1
def main():
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h",
                                       ['help', 'virtual-subnet=', 'domain='])
    except getopt.GetoptError as e:

    profile = ""
    virtual_subnet = ""
    domain = ""

    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif opt == '--profile':
            profile = val
        elif opt == '--virtual-subnet':
            virtual_subnet = val
        elif opt == '--domain':
            domain = val

    dialog = Dialog("TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration")

    if not profile:
        profile = dialog.menu(
            "Wireguard Profile",
            "Choose a profile for this server.\n\n* Server: clients will route traffic through the VPN.",
            [('server', 'Accccept VPN connections from clients*'),
             ('client', 'Initiate VPN connections to a server')])

    if not profile in ('server', 'client'):
        fatal(f'invalid profile: {profile!r}')

    if profile == 'client':

    if not virtual_subnet:
        virtual_subnet = dialog.get_input(
            "Wireguard Virtual Address",
            "Enter IP address in CIDR of server reachable by clients",

    if not domain:
        domain = dialog.get_input(
            "Wireguard Public Address",
            "Used in client configuration as wireguard endpoint",

    cmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    subprocess.run([cmd, virtual_subnet, domain])
예제 #2
        elif opt == '--key-email':
            key_email = val
        elif opt == '--public-address':
            public_address = val
        elif opt == '--virtual-subnet':
            virtual_subnet = val
        elif opt == '--private-subnet':
            private_subnet = val

    dialog = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')

    if not profile:
        profile = dialog.menu(
            "OpenVPN Profile",
            "Choose a profile for this server.\n\n* Gateway: clients will be configured to route all\n  their traffic through the VPN.",
                ('server', 'Accept VPN connections from clients'),
                ('gateway', 'Accept VPN connections from clients*'),
                ('client', 'Initiate VPN connections to a server')

    if not profile in ('server', 'gateway', 'client'):
        fatal('invalid profile: %s' % profile)

    if profile == "client":

    if not key_email:
        key_email = dialog.get_email(
            "OpenVPN Email",
            "Enter email address for the OpenVPN server key.",
예제 #3
            profile = val
        elif opt == '--key-email':
            key_email = val
        elif opt == '--public-address':
            public_address = val
        elif opt == '--virtual-subnet':
            virtual_subnet = val
        elif opt == '--private-subnet':
            private_subnet = val

    dialog = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')

    if not profile:
        profile = dialog.menu(
            "OpenVPN Profile",
            "Choose a profile for this server.\n\n* Gateway: clients will be configured to route all\n  their traffic through the VPN.",
            [('server', 'Accept VPN connections from clients'),
             ('gateway', 'Accept VPN connections from clients*'),
             ('client', 'Initiate VPN connections to a server')])

    if not profile in ('server', 'gateway', 'client'):
        fatal('invalid profile: %s' % profile)

    if profile == "client":

    if not key_email:
        key_email = dialog.get_email(
            "OpenVPN Email", "Enter email address for the OpenVPN server key.",

    inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', key_email)
예제 #4
    variant_cur = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(APP_DEFAULT_PATH))
    variant_avail = map(lambda d: os.path.basename(d), glob.glob(os.path.join(APPS_PATH, 'foodsoft-*')))
    if len(variant_avail) == 1:
        variant = variant_avail[0]
    elif not variant:
        if 'd' not in locals():
            d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')

        # put foodsoft-standard in front of the list
        variant_avail.insert(0, variant_avail.pop(variant_avail.index('foodsoft-standard')))
        # and give all of them titles
        choices = map(lambda c: [c, foodsoft_variant_desc(c)], variant_avail)

        variant = d.menu(
            "Foodsoft variant",
            "Select which version of Foodsoft you'd like to use.",

    print "Please wait ..."

    # need mysql running for these updates
    popen('service mysql status >/dev/null || service mysql start').wait()

    if variant_cur != variant:
	    # use chosen variant
	    os.symlink(variant, APP_DEFAULT_PATH)
	    # since we switched directory, we may need to regenerate the secret key; also restarts webapp
	    popen('bundle exec rake -s db:migrate').wait()
	    popen('bundle exec whenever --user www-data --write-crontab').wait()
예제 #5
파일: foodsoft.py 프로젝트: qq7/foodsoft
    variant_avail = map(lambda d: os.path.basename(d),
                        glob.glob(os.path.join(APPS_PATH, 'foodsoft-*')))
    if len(variant_avail) == 1:
        variant = variant_avail[0]
    elif not variant:
        if 'd' not in locals():
            d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')

        # put foodsoft-standard in front of the list
            0, variant_avail.pop(variant_avail.index('foodsoft-standard')))
        # and give all of them titles
        choices = map(lambda c: [c, foodsoft_variant_desc(c)], variant_avail)

        variant = d.menu("Foodsoft variant",
                         "Select which version of Foodsoft you'd like to use.",

    print "Please wait ..."

    # need mysql running for these updates
    popen('service mysql status >/dev/null || service mysql start').wait()

    if variant_cur != variant:
        # use chosen variant
        os.symlink(variant, APP_DEFAULT_PATH)
        # since we switched directory, we may need to regenerate the secret key; also restarts webapp
        popen('bundle exec rake -s db:migrate').wait()
        popen('bundle exec whenever --user www-data --write-crontab').wait()
예제 #6
파일: redis.py 프로젝트: JedMeister/redis
def main():
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(
            sys.argv[1:], "h",
            ['help', 'pass='******'ip_bind=', 'protected_mode='])
    except getopt.GetoptError as e:

    password = ""
    bind = ""
    protected_mode = ""
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif opt == '--bind':
            bind = val
        elif opt == '--pass':
            password = val
        elif opt == '--protected_mode':
            protected_mode = val

    if not password:
        d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')
        password = d.get_password(
            "Redis-commander 'admin' password",
            "Enter password for 'addmin' access to redis-commander UI")

    if not bind:
        d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')
        bind = d.menu(
            "Interface(s) for Redis to bind to",
            ("Inteface for Redis to bind to?\n\nIf you wish to securely"
             " allow remote connections using 'all', ensure the system"
             " firewall is enabled & block all traffic on port 6379,"
             " except for the desired remote IP(s).\n\nManually edit the"
             " config file to set a custom interface."),
                      "Redis will not respond to remote computer"),
                     ("all", "Redis will allow all connections")))
    if bind == "all":
        bind_ip = ""
        bind_ip = ""

    if not protected_mode:
        d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')
        protected_mode = d.yesno(
            'Keep protected-mode enabled?',
            "In protected  mode Redis only replies to queries from"
            " localhost. Clients connecting from other addresses will"
            " receive an error, noting why & how to configure Redis.\n"
            "\nUnless you set really good password, this is recommended",
            'Yes', 'No')

    protected_mode_string = {True: "yes", False: "no"}
    conf = "/etc/redis/redis.conf"
    redis_commander_conf = "/etc/init.d/redis-commander"
    subprocess.run(["sed", "-i", "s|^bind .*|bind %s|" % bind_ip, conf])
        "sed", "-i",
        "s|^protected-mode .*|protected-mode %s|" %
        protected_mode_string[protected_mode], conf
        "sed", "-i",
        "s|--http-auth-password=.*|--http-auth-password=%s|" % password,

    # restart redis and redis commander if running so change takes effect
            ["systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "redis-server.service"])
        subprocess.run(["service", "redis-server", "restart"])
    except ExecError as e:

            ["systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "redis-commander.service"])
        subprocess.run(["systemctl", "daemon-reload"])
        subprocess.run(["service", "redis-commander", "restart"])
    except ExecError as e:
예제 #7
def main():
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", [
            'help', 'profile=', 'key-email=', 'public-address=',
            'virtual-subnet=', 'private-subnet='
    except getopt.GetoptError as e:

    profile = ""
    key_email = ""
    public_address = ""
    virtual_subnet = ""
    private_subnet = ""
    redirect_client_gateway = ""
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif opt == '--profile':
            profile = val
        elif opt == '--key-email':
            key_email = val
        elif opt == '--public-address':
            public_address = val
        elif opt == '--virtual-subnet':
            virtual_subnet = val
        elif opt == '--private-subnet':
            private_subnet = val

    dialog = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration')

    if not profile:
        profile = dialog.menu(
            "OpenVPN Profile",
            "Choose a profile for this server.\n\n* Gateway: clients will be configured to route all\n  their traffic through the VPN.",
            [('server', 'Accept VPN connections from clients'),
             ('gateway', 'Accept VPN connections from clients*'),
             ('client', 'Initiate VPN connections to a server')])

    if not profile in ('server', 'gateway', 'client'):
        fatal('invalid profile: %s' % profile)

    if profile == "client":

    if not key_email:
        key_email = dialog.get_email(
            "OpenVPN Email", "Enter email address for the OpenVPN server key.",

    inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', key_email)

    if not public_address:
        public_address = dialog.get_input(
            "OpenVPN Public Address",
            "Enter FQDN or IP address of server reachable by clients",

    auto_virtual_subnet = "10.%d.%d.0/24" % (r(2, 254), r(2, 254))
    if not virtual_subnet:
        virtual_subnet = dialog.get_input(
            "OpenVPN Virtual Subnet",
            "Enter CIDR subnet address pool to allocate to clients. This server will be configured with x.x.x.1. The CIDR must not be in-use on your network.",

    if virtual_subnet.upper() == "AUTO":
        virtual_subnet = auto_virtual_subnet

    if profile == "server":
        if not private_subnet:
            retcode, private_subnet = dialog.inputbox(
                "OpenVPN Private Subnet",
                "Enter CIDR subnet behind server for clients to reach.",
                "", "Apply", "Skip")

    if private_subnet.upper() == "SKIP":
        private_subnet = ""

    cmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'openvpn-server-init.sh')
    subprocess.run([cmd, key_email, public_address, virtual_subnet])

    if profile == "gateway":
        fh = open("/etc/openvpn/server.conf", "a")
            "# configure clients to route all their traffic through the vpn\n")
        fh.write("push \"redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp\"\n\n")

    if private_subnet:
        fh = open("/etc/openvpn/server.conf", "a")
            "# push routes to clients to allow them to reach private subnets\n"
        for _private_subnet in private_subnet.split(','):
            fh.write("push \"route %s\"\n" % expand_cidr(_private_subnet))
    subprocess.run(['systemctl', 'start', 'openvpn@server'])