예제 #1
class Test(object):

  def __init__(self):
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import MosflmOutlierRejector
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
    from os.path import join
    import libtbx.load_env
      dials_regression = libtbx.env.dist_path('dials_regression')
    except KeyError, e:
      print 'SKIP: dials_regression not configured'

    # The directory path
    path = join(

    # The input files
    self.reflection_filename = join(path, "mosflm_reflections.pickle")
    self.shoebox_filename = join(path, "shoeboxes.pickle")
    self.fraction = 1.0
    self.n_sigma = 4
    self.outlier_rejector = MosflmOutlierRejector(self.fraction, self.n_sigma)
    self.linear_modeller = Linear2dModeller()
    self.background_creator = Creator(
예제 #2
    def __init__(self,
    Initialise the algorithm.

    :param experiments: The list of experiments
    :param outlier: The outlier rejection algorithm
    :param model: The background model algorithm

        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import TruncatedOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import NSigmaOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import NormalOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import MosflmOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import TukeyOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Constant2dModeller
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Constant3dModeller
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear3dModeller

        def select_modeller():
            if model == 'constant2d':
                return Constant2dModeller()
            elif model == 'constant3d':
                return Constant3dModeller()
            elif model == 'linear2d':
                return Linear2dModeller()
            elif model == 'linear3d':
                return Linear3dModeller()
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected background model: %s" % model)

        def select_rejector():
            if outlier == 'null':
                return None
            elif outlier == 'truncated':
                return TruncatedOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("lower", 0.01),
                                                kwargs.get("upper", 0.01))
            elif outlier == 'nsigma':
                return NSigmaOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("lower", 3),
                                             kwargs.get("upper", 3))
            elif outlier == 'normal':
                return NormalOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("min_pixels", 10))
            elif outlier == 'plane':
                return MosflmOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("fraction", 1.0),
                                             kwargs.get("n_sigma", 4.0))
            elif outlier == 'tukey':
                return TukeyOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("lower", 1.5),
                                            kwargs.get("upper", 1.5))
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected outlier rejector: %s" % outlier)

        # Get the minimum number of pixels
        min_pixels = kwargs.get("min_pixels", 10)

        modeller = select_modeller()
        rejector = select_rejector()
        self._creator = Creator(modeller, rejector, min_pixels=min_pixels)
예제 #3
    def run(self):
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Constant2dModeller
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import TruncatedOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import NSigmaOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import NormalOutlierRejector

        modeller = Constant2dModeller()

        outlier_rejector = [
            TruncatedOutlierRejector(0.01, 0.01),
            NSigmaOutlierRejector(3.0, 3.0),

        for rejector in outlier_rejector:
            self.tst(Creator(modeller, rejector))
def test_run(dials_regression):
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import MosflmOutlierRejector
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller

    # The directory path
    path = os.path.join(dials_regression, "integration_test_data",
                        "i04-weak-data", "jmp_mosflm_test")

    # The input files
    reflection_filename = os.path.join(path, "mosflm_reflections.pickle")
    shoebox_filename = os.path.join(path, "shoeboxes.pickle")
    fraction = 1.0
    n_sigma = 4
    outlier_rejector = MosflmOutlierRejector(fraction, n_sigma)
    linear_modeller = Linear2dModeller()
    background_creator = Creator(linear_modeller, outlier_rejector)

    from dials.array_family import flex
    from math import sqrt
    from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
    # Read the data
    rtable = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle(reflection_filename)
    with open(shoebox_filename, "rb") as fh:
        shoeboxes, masks = pickle.load(fh)
    assert len(rtable) == len(shoeboxes)
    assert len(rtable) == len(masks)

    # Compute the background for each reflection and check against the values
    # read from the mosflm.lp file. Currently this fails for 1 strange
    # reflection whose pixel values in the mosflm file do not match those
    # extracted from the images.
    count = 0
    VAR1 = []
    VAR2 = []
    DIFF = []
    for i in range(len(rtable)):
        xdet, ydet = rtable[i]["xy"]
        nx = rtable[i]['nx']
        ny = rtable[i]['ny']
        nc = rtable[i]['nc']
        nrx = rtable[i]['nrx']
        nry = rtable[i]['nry']
        bbox = rtable[i]['bbox']
        I = rtable[i]['intensity.sum.value']
        Ivar = rtable[i]['intensity.sum.variance']
        lp = rtable[i]['lp']
        data = shoeboxes[i].as_double()
        mask = masks[i]
        fraction = 1.0
        nsigma = 4
            # model = PlaneModel(data, mask, fraction, nsigma)
            assert len(data.all()) == 2
            assert len(mask.all()) == 2
            data.reshape(flex.grid(1, *data.all()))
            mask.reshape(flex.grid(1, *mask.all()))
            outlier_rejector(data, mask)
            mask2 = (mask.as_1d() & int(MaskCode.BackgroundUsed)) != 0
            model = linear_modeller.create(data, mask2)
        except Exception:
            count += 1
        # n = model.noutlier()
        assert (len(model.params()) == 3)
        hy = data.all()[1] // 2
        hx = data.all()[2] // 2
        c1 = model.params()[0]
        a1 = model.params()[1]
        b1 = model.params()[2]
        c3 = c1 + a1 * (0.5 + hx) + b1 * (0.5 + hy)
        # a1 = model.a()
        # b1 = model.b()
        # c1 = model.c()
        a2 = rtable[i]['background'][0]
        b2 = rtable[i]['background'][1]
        c2 = rtable[i]['background'][2]

            assert (abs(a1 - b2) < 0.01)
            assert (abs(b1 + a2) < 0.01)
            assert (abs(c3 - c2) < 0.1)
        except Exception:
            count += 1
            #print "BG %d:(%.2f, %.2f, %.1f), (%.2f, %.2f, %.1f): %d" % \
            #(i, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, n)
            #print "X, Y: ", xdet, ydet
            #print "NX, NY: ", nx, ny
            #print "NRX, NRY, NC", nrx, nry, nc
            #print int(floor(xdet + 0.5)) - nx // 2, int(floor(ydet + 0.5)) - ny // 2
            #print "BBOX: ", bbox
            #print "N Outliers: ", model.noutlier()
            #print "N Background: ", model.nbackground()
            #print "Max DIff: ", model.maxdiff()
            #print data.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
            #print mask.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]

        background = data.as_double()
        # hy = background.all()[1] // 2
        # hx = background.all()[2] // 2
        for jj in range(background.all()[1]):
            for ii in range(background.all()[2]):
                # x = ii - hx
                # y = jj - hy
                x = ii + 0.5
                y = jj + 0.5
                background[0, jj, ii] = a1 * x + b1 * y + c1

        # Test the summation results. Edge reflections use profile fitted
        # intensity in MOSFLM. Therefore ignore these. There also appears to be a
        # some discrepancy with very low <= 0 reflections where an extra 0.5 is
        # added. Not sure why this is so ignore these reflections as well.
        from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import integrate_by_summation
        intensity = integrate_by_summation(data.as_double(), background, mask)
        I2 = intensity.intensity()
        Ivar2 = intensity.variance()
        I1 = I
        Ivar1 = Ivar
        if mask.count(0) == 0 and mask.count(2) == 0 and I1 > 0:
            DIFF.append(sqrt(Ivar1) - sqrt(Ivar2))
                assert (abs(I1 - I2) < 1.0)
                assert (abs(sqrt(Ivar1) - sqrt(Ivar2)) < 1.0)
            except Exception:
                count += 1
                #import numpy
                #numpy.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=200)
                #print "# %d" % i
                #print "I: %f, %f, %f" % (I2, I1, lp)
                #print "DEBUG: ", c1 * 25
                #print "PF: %f" % rtable[i]['intensity.prf.value']
                #print "BG (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f), (%.2f, %.2f, %.1f): %d" % \
                #(a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, n)
                #print "X, Y: ", xdet, ydet
                #print "NX, NY: ", nx, ny
                #print "NRX, NRY, NC", nrx, nry, nc
                #print int(floor(xdet + 0.5)) - nx // 2, int(floor(ydet + 0.5)) - ny // 2
                #print "BBOX: ", bbox
                #print "N Outliers: ", model.noutlier()
                #print "N Background: ", model.nbackground()
                #print "Max DIff: ", model.maxdiff()
                #temp = (mask == MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Foreground).as_1d().as_int()
                #temp = temp.as_double()
                #print data.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
                #print (background * temp).as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
                #print mask.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
                #print ((data.as_double() - background) * temp).as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]

    # Only 1 should fail
    assert (count == 1)
예제 #5
파일: algorithm.py 프로젝트: rjgildea/dials
    def __init__(self,
        Initialise the algorithm.

        :param experiments: The list of experiments
        :param outlier: The outlier rejection algorithm
        :param model: The background model algorithm
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import (

        def select_modeller():
            if model == "constant2d":
                return Constant2dModeller()
            elif model == "constant3d":
                return Constant3dModeller()
            elif model == "linear2d":
                return Linear2dModeller()
            elif model == "linear3d":
                return Linear3dModeller()
            raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected background model: {model}")

        def select_rejector():
            if outlier == "null":
                return None
            elif outlier == "truncated":
                return TruncatedOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("lower", 0.01),
                                                kwargs.get("upper", 0.01))
            elif outlier == "nsigma":
                return NSigmaOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("lower", 3),
                                             kwargs.get("upper", 3))
            elif outlier == "normal":
                return NormalOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("min_pixels", 10))
            elif outlier == "plane":
                return MosflmOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("fraction", 1.0),
                                             kwargs.get("n_sigma", 4.0))
            elif outlier == "tukey":
                return TukeyOutlierRejector(kwargs.get("lower", 1.5),
                                            kwargs.get("upper", 1.5))
            raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected outlier rejector: {outlier}")

        # Get the minimum number of pixels
        min_pixels = kwargs.get("min_pixels", 10)

        modeller = select_modeller()
        rejector = select_rejector()
        self._creator = Creator(modeller, rejector, min_pixels=min_pixels)