예제 #1
def image_correlation(a, b):
  a = a.as_1d().as_double()
  b = b.as_1d().as_double()
  sel = (a > 0) & (b > 0)
  _a = a.select(sel)
  _b = b.select(sel)
  return sel.count(True), flex.linear_correlation(x=a, y=b).coefficient()
예제 #2
def correlation(a, b):
    from astrotbx.input_output.loader import load_image_gs
    from dials.array_family import flex
    data_a = load_image_gs(a).as_1d()
    data_b = load_image_gs(b).as_1d()
    c = flex.linear_correlation(data_a, data_b)
예제 #3
def image_correlation(a, b):

    sig_a = extract_signal_mask(a)
    sig_b = extract_signal_mask(b)

    a = a.as_1d().as_double()
    b = b.as_1d().as_double()
    sel = (a > 0) & (b > 0) & sig_a & sig_b
    _a = a.select(sel)
    _b = b.select(sel)
    return sel.count(True), flex.linear_correlation(x=a, y=b).coefficient()
예제 #4
def image_correlation(a, b):

  sig_a = extract_signal_mask(a)
  sig_b = extract_signal_mask(b)

  a = a.as_1d().as_double()
  b = b.as_1d().as_double()
  sel = (a > 0) & (b > 0) & sig_a & sig_b
  _a = a.select(sel)
  _b = b.select(sel)
  return sel.count(True), flex.linear_correlation(x=a, y=b).coefficient()
예제 #5
파일: refiner.py 프로젝트: kmdalton/dials
    def correlation(self, x):
        The correlation of the Jacobian

        J = self.jacobian(x)
        C = flex.double(flex.grid(J.all()[1], J.all()[1]))
        for j in range(C.all()[0]):
            for i in range(C.all()[1]):
                a = J[:, i:i + 1].as_1d()
                b = J[:, j:j + 1].as_1d()
                C[j, i] = flex.linear_correlation(a, b).coefficient()
        return C
예제 #6
def profile_correlation(data, model):
    """Compute CC between reflection profiles data and model."""

    assert data.focus() == model.focus()

    sel = data.as_1d() > 0

    model = model.as_1d().select(sel)
    data = data.as_1d().select(sel).as_double()

    assert len(data) == len(model)

    correlation = flex.linear_correlation(data, model)
    return correlation.coefficient()
예제 #7
def profile_correlation(data, model):
    '''Compute CC between reflection profiles data and model.'''

    from dials.array_family import flex

    assert (data.focus() == model.focus())

    sel = data.as_1d() > 0

    model = model.as_1d().select(sel)
    data = data.as_1d().select(sel).as_double()

    assert (len(data) == len(model))

    correlation = flex.linear_correlation(data, model)
    return correlation.coefficient()
예제 #8
def profile_correlation(data, model):
  '''Compute CC between reflection profiles data and model.'''

  from dials.array_family import flex

  assert(data.focus() == model.focus())

  sel = data.as_1d() > 0

  model = model.as_1d().select(sel)
  data = data.as_1d().select(sel).as_double()

  assert(len(data) == len(model))

  correlation = flex.linear_correlation(data, model)
  return correlation.coefficient()
예제 #9
def compare_pickle_with_mtz(params):
    """Compare intensities in pickle file with the scaled and merged intensities
    provided through the mtz file."""

    from libtbx.utils import Sorry
    from iotbx import mtz
    from dials.array_family import flex
    import cPickle as pickle

    m = mtz.object(params.reference)
    d = pickle.load(open(params.data))

    # fnd the right reference data
    mad = m.as_miller_arrays_dict(merge_equivalents=False)
    i = None
    for k in mad.keys():
        if k[2] == "IMEAN":
            i = mad[k].as_non_anomalous_array().expand_to_p1()
    assert not i is None

    # print reference information

    # clean up - remove non-integrated data - TODO look at just strong spots
    if params.filter_integrated:
        d = d.select(d.get_flags(d.flags.integrated))
    if params.filter_partiality:
        d = d.select(d["partiality"] > params.filter_partiality)

    # apply scale factors from input file, if present

    # if requested, scale data to reference using simple kB model
    if params.kb_scale:
        raise Sorry("No can do, implementing kB scaling is on the to do")

    # match data to reference
    from cctbx import miller

    mi = miller.set(
    match = mi.match_indices(i)
    pairs = match.pairs()

    i1 = flex.double()
    i2 = flex.double()
    scl = flex.double()

    # TODO remove outliers here from the paired up list => do not need to
    # worry about them biasing the correlation

    for p0, p1 in pairs:
        if "partiality" in d:
    corr = flex.linear_correlation(i1, i2)
    corr2 = flex.linear_correlation(i1 / scl, i2)
    print("Correlation:", corr.coefficient(), corr2.coefficient(),
          pairs.size(), d.size())

    if params.out:
        with open(params.out, "w") as f:
            for iis in zip(i1, i2, scl):
                f.write("%f %f %f\n" % iis)
예제 #10
  def run(self):
    ''' Parse the options. '''
    from dials.util.options import flatten_experiments, flatten_reflections
    # Parse the command line arguments
    params, options = self.parser.parse_args(show_diff_phil=True)
    self.params = params
    experiments = flatten_experiments(params.input.experiments)

    # Find all detector objects
    detectors = experiments.detectors()

    # Verify inputs
    if len(params.input.reflections) == len(detectors) and len(detectors) > 1:
      # case for passing in multiple images on the command line
      assert len(params.input.reflections) == len(detectors)
      reflections = flex.reflection_table()
      for expt_id in xrange(len(detectors)):
        subset = params.input.reflections[expt_id].data
        subset['id'] = flex.int(len(subset), expt_id)
      # case for passing in combined experiments and reflections
      reflections = flatten_reflections(params.input.reflections)[0]

    detector = detectors[0]

    #from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
    #ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(experiments, force_stills=experiments.all_stills())

    print "N reflections total:", len(reflections)
    if params.residuals.exclude_outliers:
      reflections = reflections.select(reflections.get_flags(reflections.flags.used_in_refinement))
      print "N reflections used in refinement:", len(reflections)
      print "Reporting only on those reflections used in refinement"

    if self.params.residuals.i_sigi_cutoff is not None:
      sel = (reflections['intensity.sum.value']/flex.sqrt(reflections['intensity.sum.variance'])) >= self.params.residuals.i_sigi_cutoff
      reflections = reflections.select(sel)
      print "After filtering by I/sigi cutoff of %f, there are %d reflections left"%(self.params.residuals.i_sigi_cutoff,len(reflections))

    reflections['difference_vector_norms'] = (reflections['xyzcal.mm']-reflections['xyzobs.mm.value']).norms()

    n = len(reflections)
    rmsd = self.get_weighted_rmsd(reflections)
    print "Dataset RMSD (microns)", rmsd * 1000

    if params.tag is None:
      tag = ''
      tag = '%s '%params.tag

    # set up delta-psi ratio heatmap
    p = flex.int() # positive
    n = flex.int() # negative
    for i in set(reflections['id']):
      exprefls = reflections.select(reflections['id']==i)
    plt.hist2d(p, n, bins=30)
    cb = plt.colorbar()
    cb.set_label("N images")
    plt.title(r"%s2D histogram of pos vs. neg $\Delta\Psi$ per image"%tag)
    plt.xlabel(r"N reflections with $\Delta\Psi$ > 0")
    plt.ylabel(r"N reflections with $\Delta\Psi$ < 0")

    self.delta_scalar = 50

    # Iterate through the detectors, computing detector statistics at the per-panel level (IE one statistic per panel)
    # Per panel dictionaries
    rmsds = {}
    refl_counts = {}
    transverse_rmsds = {}
    radial_rmsds = {}
    ttdpcorr = {}
    pg_bc_dists = {}
    mean_delta_two_theta = {}
    # per panelgroup flex arrays
    pg_rmsds = flex.double()
    pg_r_rmsds = flex.double()
    pg_t_rmsds = flex.double()
    pg_refls_count = flex.int()
    pg_refls_count_d = {}
    table_header = ["PG id", "RMSD","Radial", "Transverse", "N refls"]
    table_header2 = ["","(um)","RMSD (um)","RMSD (um)",""]
    table_data = []

    # Compute a set of radial and transverse displacements for each reflection
    print "Setting up stats..."
    tmp = flex.reflection_table()
    # Need to construct a variety of vectors
    for panel_id, panel in enumerate(detector):
      panel_refls = reflections.select(reflections['panel'] == panel_id)
      bcl = flex.vec3_double()
      tto = flex.double()
      ttc = flex.double()
      # Compute the beam center in lab space (a vector pointing from the origin to where the beam would intersect
      # the panel, if it did intersect the panel)
      for expt_id in set(panel_refls['id']):
        beam = experiments[expt_id].beam
        s0 = beam.get_s0()
        expt_refls = panel_refls.select(panel_refls['id'] == expt_id)
        beam_centre = panel.get_beam_centre_lab(s0)
        bcl.extend(flex.vec3_double(len(expt_refls), beam_centre))
        obs_x, obs_y, _ = expt_refls['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()
        cal_x, cal_y, _ = expt_refls['xyzcal.px'].parts()
        tto.extend(flex.double([panel.get_two_theta_at_pixel(s0, (obs_x[i], obs_y[i])) for i in xrange(len(expt_refls))]))
        ttc.extend(flex.double([panel.get_two_theta_at_pixel(s0, (cal_x[i], cal_y[i])) for i in xrange(len(expt_refls))]))
      panel_refls['beam_centre_lab'] = bcl
      panel_refls['two_theta_obs'] = tto * (180/math.pi)
      panel_refls['two_theta_cal'] = ttc * (180/math.pi) #+ (0.5*panel_refls['delpsical.rad']*panel_refls['two_theta_obs'])
      # Compute obs in lab space
      x, y, _ = panel_refls['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()
      c = flex.vec2_double(x, y)
      panel_refls['obs_lab_coords'] = panel.get_lab_coord(c)
      # Compute deltaXY in panel space. This vector is relative to the panel origin
      x, y, _ = (panel_refls['xyzcal.mm'] - panel_refls['xyzobs.mm.value']).parts()
      # Convert deltaXY to lab space, subtracting off of the panel origin
      panel_refls['delta_lab_coords'] = panel.get_lab_coord(flex.vec2_double(x,y)) - panel.get_origin()
    reflections = tmp
    # The radial vector points from the center of the reflection to the beam center
    radial_vectors = (reflections['obs_lab_coords'] - reflections['beam_centre_lab']).each_normalize()
    # The transverse vector is orthogonal to the radial vector and the beam vector
    transverse_vectors = radial_vectors.cross(reflections['beam_centre_lab']).each_normalize()
    # Compute the raidal and transverse components of each deltaXY
    reflections['radial_displacements']     = reflections['delta_lab_coords'].dot(radial_vectors)
    reflections['transverse_displacements'] = reflections['delta_lab_coords'].dot(transverse_vectors)

    # Iterate through the detector at the specified hierarchy level
    for pg_id, pg in enumerate(iterate_detector_at_level(detector.hierarchy(), 0, params.hierarchy_level)):
      pg_msd_sum = 0
      pg_r_msd_sum = 0
      pg_t_msd_sum = 0
      pg_refls = 0
      pg_delpsi = flex.double()
      pg_deltwotheta = flex.double()
      for p in iterate_panels(pg):
        panel_id = id_from_name(detector, p.get_name())
        panel_refls = reflections.select(reflections['panel'] == panel_id)
        n = len(panel_refls)
        pg_refls += n

        delta_x = panel_refls['xyzcal.mm'].parts()[0] - panel_refls['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[0]
        delta_y = panel_refls['xyzcal.mm'].parts()[1] - panel_refls['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[1]

        tmp = flex.sum((delta_x**2)+(delta_y**2))
        pg_msd_sum += tmp

        r = panel_refls['radial_displacements']
        t = panel_refls['transverse_displacements']
        pg_r_msd_sum += flex.sum_sq(r)
        pg_t_msd_sum += flex.sum_sq(t)

        pg_deltwotheta.extend(panel_refls['two_theta_obs'] - panel_refls['two_theta_cal'])

      bc = col(pg.get_beam_centre_lab(s0))
      ori = get_center(pg)
      pg_bc_dists[pg.get_name()] = (ori-bc).length()
      if len(pg_deltwotheta) > 0:
        mean_delta_two_theta[pg.get_name()] = flex.mean(pg_deltwotheta)
        mean_delta_two_theta[pg.get_name()] = 0

      if pg_refls == 0:
        pg_rmsd = pg_r_rmsd = pg_t_rmsd = 0
        pg_rmsd = math.sqrt(pg_msd_sum/pg_refls) * 1000
        pg_r_rmsd = math.sqrt(pg_r_msd_sum/pg_refls) * 1000
        pg_t_rmsd = math.sqrt(pg_t_msd_sum/pg_refls) * 1000
      pg_refls_count_d[pg.get_name()] = pg_refls
      table_data.append(["%d"%pg_id, "%.1f"%pg_rmsd, "%.1f"%pg_r_rmsd, "%.1f"%pg_t_rmsd, "%6d"%pg_refls])

      refl_counts[pg.get_name()] = pg_refls
      if pg_refls == 0:
        rmsds[p.get_name()] = -1
        radial_rmsds[p.get_name()] = -1
        transverse_rmsds[p.get_name()] = -1
        ttdpcorr[pg.get_name()] = -1
        rmsds[pg.get_name()] = pg_rmsd
        radial_rmsds[pg.get_name()]     = pg_r_rmsd
        transverse_rmsds[pg.get_name()] = pg_t_rmsd

        lc = flex.linear_correlation(pg_delpsi, pg_deltwotheta)
        ttdpcorr[pg.get_name()] = lc.coefficient()

    r1 = ["Weighted mean"]
    r2 = ["Weighted stddev"]
    if len(pg_rmsds) > 1:
      stats = flex.mean_and_variance(pg_rmsds, pg_refls_count.as_double())
      stats = flex.mean_and_variance(pg_r_rmsds, pg_refls_count.as_double())
      stats = flex.mean_and_variance(pg_t_rmsds, pg_refls_count.as_double())
    table_data.append(["Mean", "", "", "", "%8.1f"%flex.mean(pg_refls_count.as_double())])

    from libtbx import table_utils
    print "Detector statistics.  Angles in degrees, RMSDs in microns"
    print table_utils.format(table_data,has_header=2,justify='center',delim=" ")

    self.histogram(reflections, '%sDifference vector norms (mm)'%tag)

    if params.show_plots:
      if self.params.tag is None:
        t = ""
        t = "%s "%self.params.tag
      self.image_rmsd_histogram(reflections, tag)

      # Plots! these are plots with callbacks to draw on individual panels
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, '%sOverall positional displacements (mm)'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_obs_colored_by_deltas)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, '%sRadial positional displacements (mm)'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_obs_colored_by_radial_deltas)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, '%sTransverse positional displacements (mm)'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_obs_colored_by_transverse_deltas)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, r'%s$\Delta\Psi$'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_obs_colored_by_deltapsi, colorbar_units=r"$\circ$")
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, r'%s$\Delta$XY*%s'%(tag, self.delta_scalar), show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_deltas)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, '%sSP Manual CDF'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_cdf_manually)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, r'%s$\Delta$XY Histograms'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_histograms)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, r'%sRadial displacements vs. $\Delta\Psi$, colored by $\Delta$XY'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_radial_displacements_vs_deltapsi)
      self.detector_plot_refls(detector, reflections, r'%sDistance vector norms'%tag, show=False, plot_callback=self.plot_difference_vector_norms_histograms)

      # Plot intensity vs. radial_displacement
      fig = plt.figure()
      panel_id = 15
      panel_refls = reflections.select(reflections['panel'] == panel_id)
      a = panel_refls['radial_displacements']
      b = panel_refls['intensity.sum.value']
      sel = (a > -0.2) & (a < 0.2) & (b < 50000)
      plt.hist2d(a.select(sel), b.select(sel), bins=100)
      plt.title("%s2D histogram of intensity vs. radial displacement for panel %d"%(tag, panel_id))
      plt.xlabel("Radial displacement (mm)")
      ax = plt.colorbar()

      # Plot delta 2theta vs. deltapsi
      n_bins = 10
      bin_size = len(reflections)//n_bins
      bin_low = []
      bin_high = []
      data = flex.sorted(reflections['two_theta_obs'])
      for i in xrange(n_bins):
        bin_low = data[i*bin_size]
        if (i+1)*bin_size >= len(reflections):
          bin_high = data[-1]
          bin_high = data[(i+1)*bin_size]
        refls = reflections.select((reflections['two_theta_obs'] >= bin_low) &
                                   (reflections['two_theta_obs'] <= bin_high))
        a = refls['delpsical.rad']*180/math.pi
        b = refls['two_theta_obs'] - refls['two_theta_cal']
        fig = plt.figure()
        sel = (a > -0.2) & (a < 0.2) & (b > -0.05) & (b < 0.05)
        plt.hist2d(a.select(sel), b.select(sel), bins=50, range = [[-0.2, 0.2], [-0.05, 0.05]])
        cb = plt.colorbar()
        cb.set_label("N reflections")
        plt.title(r'%sBin %d (%.02f, %.02f 2$\Theta$) $\Delta2\Theta$ vs. $\Delta\Psi$. Showing %d of %d refls'%(tag,i,bin_low,bin_high,len(a.select(sel)),len(a)))
        plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta\Psi \circ$')
        plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta2\Theta \circ$')

      # Plot delta 2theta vs. 2theta
      a = reflections['two_theta_obs']#[:71610]
      b = reflections['two_theta_obs'] - reflections['two_theta_cal']
      fig = plt.figure()
      limits = -0.05, 0.05
      sel = (b > limits[0]) & (b < limits[1])
      plt.hist2d(a.select(sel), b.select(sel), bins=100, range=((0,50), limits))
      cb = plt.colorbar()
      cb.set_label("N reflections")
      plt.title(r'%s$\Delta2\Theta$ vs. 2$\Theta$. Showing %d of %d refls'%(tag,len(a.select(sel)),len(a)))
      plt.xlabel(r'2$\Theta \circ$')
      plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta2\Theta \circ$')

      # calc the trendline
      z = np.polyfit(a.select(sel), b.select(sel), 1)
      print 'y=%.7fx+(%.7f)'%(z[0],z[1])

      # Plots with single values per panel
      self.detector_plot_dict(detector, refl_counts, u"%s N reflections"%t, u"%6d", show=False)
      self.detector_plot_dict(detector, rmsds, "%s Positional RMSDs (microns)"%t, u"%4.1f", show=False)
      self.detector_plot_dict(detector, radial_rmsds, "%s Radial RMSDs (microns)"%t, u"%4.1f", show=False)
      self.detector_plot_dict(detector, transverse_rmsds, "%s Transverse RMSDs (microns)"%t, u"%4.1f", show=False)
      self.detector_plot_dict(detector, ttdpcorr, r"%s $\Delta2\Theta$ vs. $\Delta\Psi$ CC"%t, u"%5.3f", show=False)

      self.plot_data_by_two_theta(reflections, tag)

      # Plot data by panel group
      sorted_values = sorted(pg_bc_dists.values())
      vdict = {}
      for k in pg_bc_dists:
        vdict[pg_bc_dists[k]] = k
      sorted_keys = [vdict[v] for v in sorted_values if vdict[v] in rmsds]
      x = [sorted_values[i] for i in xrange(len(sorted_values)) if pg_bc_dists.keys()[i] in rmsds]

                           [[pg_refls_count_d[k] for k in sorted_keys],
                            ([rmsds[k] for k in sorted_keys],
                             [radial_rmsds[k] for k in sorted_keys],
                             [transverse_rmsds[k] for k in sorted_keys]),
                            [radial_rmsds[k]/transverse_rmsds[k] for k in sorted_keys],
                            [mean_delta_two_theta[k] for k in sorted_keys]],
                           "Panel group distance from beam center (mm)",
                           ["N reflections",
                            ("Overall RMSD",
                             "Radial RMSD",
                             "Transverse RMSD"),
                            "R/T RMSD ratio",
                            "Delta two theta"],
                           ["N reflections",
                            "RMSD (microns)",
                            "R/T RMSD ratio",
                            "Delta two theta (degrees)"],
                           "%sData by panelgroup"%tag)

      if self.params.save_pdf:
        pp = PdfPages('residuals_%s.pdf'%(tag.strip()))
        for i in plt.get_fignums():
예제 #11
def compute_local_cc_vs_ref(reflections, reference, kernel_size):
    Compute the local cc vs a reference set of intrnsities


    H, K, L, I1, I2 = match_reflections(reflections, reference)

    # Get the range of miller indices
    min_H, max_H = min(H), max(H)
    min_K, max_K = min(K), max(K)
    min_L, max_L = min(L), max(L)

    n_H = max_H - min_H + 1
    n_K = max_K - min_K + 1
    n_L = max_L - min_L + 1

    mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(n_L, n_K, n_H))
    data1 = flex.double(mask.accessor())
    data2 = flex.double(mask.accessor())
    H_array = flex.double(mask.accessor())
    K_array = flex.double(mask.accessor())
    L_array = flex.double(mask.accessor())
    for h, k, l, intensity1, intensity2 in zip(H, K, L, I1, I2):
        x = h - min_H
        y = k - min_K
        z = l - min_L
        assert x >= 0 and y >= 0 and z >= 0
        mask[z, y, x] = True
        data1[z, y, x] = intensity1
        data2[z, y, x] = intensity2
        H_array[z, y, x] = h
        K_array[z, y, x] = k
        L_array[z, y, x] = l

    indices = []
    for k in range(mask.all()[0]):
        for j in range(mask.all()[1]):
            for i in range(mask.all()[2]):
                if mask[k, j, i] > 0:
                    indices.append((k, j, i))

    cc_array = flex.double(mask.accessor())
    mask_out = flex.bool(mask.accessor())
    for k, j, i in indices:
        k0 = k - kernel_size
        k1 = k + kernel_size + 1
        j0 = j - kernel_size
        j1 = j + kernel_size + 1
        i0 = i - kernel_size
        i1 = i + kernel_size + 1
        if k0 < 0:
            k0 = 0
        if j0 < 0:
            j0 = 0
        if i0 < 0:
            i0 = 0
        if k1 > mask.all()[0]:
            k1 = mask.all()[0]
        if j1 > mask.all()[1]:
            j1 = mask.all()[1]
        if i1 > mask.all()[2]:
            i1 = mask.all()[2]

        X = flex.double()
        Y = flex.double()
        for kk in range(k0, k1):
            for jj in range(j0, j1):
                for ii in range(i0, i1):
                    if mask[kk, jj, ii]:
                        X.append(data1[kk, jj, ii])
                        Y.append(data2[kk, jj, ii])
        if len(X) > 0.25 * (2 * kernel_size + 1)**3:
            c = flex.linear_correlation(X, Y)
            cc_array[k, j, i] = c.coefficient()
            mask_out[k, j, i] = True

    selection = (mask_out == True).as_1d()
    H_sub = H_array.as_1d().select(selection)
    K_sub = K_array.as_1d().select(selection)
    L_sub = L_array.as_1d().select(selection)
    R_sub = cc_array.as_1d().select(selection)

    return H_sub, K_sub, L_sub, R_sub