def __init__(self, config): super(LesionModel, self).__init__() if config["A"] == "unet": self.model = smp.Unet( encoder_name=config[ "EN"], # choose encoder, e.g. mobilenet_v2 or efficientnet-b7 encoder_weights=config["encoder_weights"], # use `imagenet` pre-trained weights for encoder initialization in_channels= 3, # model input channels (1 for gray-scale images, 3 for RGB, etc.) classes=config[ "OC"], # model output channels (number of classes in your dataset) ) elif config["A"] == "DeepLabV3Plus": self.model = smp.DeepLabV3Plus( encoder_name=config[ "EN"], # choose encoder, e.g. mobilenet_v2 or efficientnet-b7 encoder_weights=config["encoder_weights"], # use `imagenet` pre-trained weights for encoder initialization in_channels= 3, # model input channels (1 for gray-scale images, 3 for RGB, etc.) classes=config[ "OC"], # model output channels (number of classes in your dataset) ) self.model_cfg = config self.loss_function = DiceLoss() self.save_hyperparameters() self.iou_function = IOU() self.checkpoint_path = ""
def train(img_path, ori_seg_path, label_path, ckpt_path, xls_path): wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('dice loss') model = UNet(channels_in=4, channels_out=1) model.apply(init_weight) train_set = Dataset4Layers(img_path, ori_seg_path, label_path, 'train') train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=3, shuffle=True) val_set = Dataset4Layers(img_path, ori_seg_path, label_path, 'val') val_loader = DataLoader(val_set, batch_size=3, shuffle=False) opt = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) sch = StepLR(opt, step_size=20, gamma=0.7) loss = DiceLoss() device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') model = model.float().to(device) max_epoch = 151 cnt = 0 stop_count = 15 min_dice_loss = 1. stop_flag = False for i in range(max_epoch): dice_loss_train = epoch_step(train_loader, model, opt, loss, 'train', device) dice_loss_val = epoch_step(val_loader, model, opt, loss, 'val', device) loss_list = [dice_loss_train, dice_loss_val] for j in range(len(loss_list)): ws.write(i, j, loss_list[j]) print( f'in epoch{i}: train dice loss is {dice_loss_train}, val dice loss is {dice_loss_val}' ) if dice_loss_val < min_dice_loss: min_dice_loss = dice_loss_val save_ckpt(ckpt_path, i, model.state_dict()) cnt = 0 else: cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == stop_count: stop_flag = True break sch.step() if not stop_flag: save_ckpt(ckpt_path, max_epoch - 1, model.state_dict()) if not os.path.exists(xls_path): os.mkdir(xls_path), 'seg_of_rectum_unet.xls'))
def train(img_path, label_path, ckpt_path, xls_path, ws, model, model_name, Dataset, vgg_tag): train_set = Dataset(img_path, label_path, 'train') train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=3, shuffle=True) val_set = Dataset(img_path, label_path, 'val') val_loader = DataLoader(val_set, batch_size=3, shuffle=False) opt = Adam(model.parameters(), 1e-4, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) sch = StepLR(opt, step_size=30, gamma=0.8) loss = DiceLoss() device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') model = model.float().to(device) max_epoch = 151 # max_epoch = 2 cnt = 0 stop_count = 15 min_dice_loss = 1. stop_flag = False for i in range(max_epoch): dice_loss_train = epoch_step(train_loader, model, opt, vgg_tag, loss, 'train', device) # dice_loss_train = epoch_step(val_loader, model, opt, vgg_tag, loss, 'train', device) dice_loss_val = epoch_step(val_loader, model, opt, vgg_tag, loss, 'val', device) loss_list = [dice_loss_train, dice_loss_val] for j in range(len(loss_list)): ws.write(i, j, loss_list[j]) print( f'in epoch{i}: train dice loss is {dice_loss_train}, val dice loss is {dice_loss_val}' ) if dice_loss_val < min_dice_loss: min_dice_loss = dice_loss_val save_ckpt(ckpt_path, model_name, i, model.state_dict()) cnt = 0 else: cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == stop_count: stop_flag = True break sch.step() if not stop_flag: save_ckpt(ckpt_path, model_name, max_epoch - 1, model.state_dict()) return ws
def train(self): model = Net_design(self.used_model_list) device = torch.cuda.current_device() dataset = trainSampler(self.data_path) train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=8, pin_memory=True) if self.opreater == 'Adam': optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) elif self.opreater == 'SGD': optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) else: optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, momentum=0.9) if self.loss_func == 'CE': criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: criterion = DiceLoss() with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'train_log.txt'), 'a') as f: for ep in range(self.epoch): model.train() epoch_loss = 0.0 for batch in train_loader: imgs = batch['image'] true_masks = batch['mask'] imgs =, dtype=torch.float32) true_masks =, dtype=torch.float32) masks_pred = model(imgs) loss = criterion(masks_pred, true_masks) f.write("epoch is {}:loss is {}" % {(ep + 1), loss.item()})"epoch is {epoch + 1}:loss is {loss.item()}") epoch_loss += loss.item() optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if ep % 5000 == 0:, self.save_dir + f'CP_epoch{ep + 1}.pth')
def _set_threshold(pred, target, optimize_for: str = "dice"): # set threshold which minimizes hausdorff distance, handles outliers possible_values = np.arange(0.20, 1, 0.05) threshold = False best = 10000000000000 for t in possible_values: tmp_pred = deepcopy(pred) tmp_pred[tmp_pred >= t] = 1 # doesnt matter for hausdorff as all non zeros count tmp_pred[tmp_pred < t] = 0 if optimize_for == "dice": metric = DiceLoss.dice_loss(tmp_pred, target, return_loss=True) # to conform with less is better of hausdorff elif optimize_for == "hausdorff": metric = hausdorff_distance(tmp_pred, target) if metric < best: best = metric threshold = t del tmp_pred return threshold
def _set_threshold(pred, target, optimize_for: str = "dice"): # set threshold which minimizes hausdorff distance, handles outliers if pred.shape[1] == 2: # 2 sturctures use argmax return [None, False ] # doesnt matter isnt used but needs same len of channels possible_values = np.arange(0.20, 1, 0.05) threshold = [False for _ in range(pred.shape[1])] for channel_idx in range(pred.shape[1]): best = 10000000000000 for t in possible_values: tmp_pred = deepcopy( torch.unsqueeze(pred[:, channel_idx], dim=0)) # (1,1,x,y,z) tmp_target = deepcopy( torch.unsqueeze(target[:, channel_idx], dim=0)) # (1,1,x,y,z) tmp_pred[ tmp_pred >= t] = 1 # doesnt matter for hausdorff as all non zeros count tmp_pred[tmp_pred < t] = 0 if optimize_for == "dice": metric = DiceLoss.dice_loss( tmp_pred, tmp_target, return_loss=True ) # to conform with "less is better" of hausdorff elif optimize_for == "hausdorff": metric = hausdorff_distance( np.array(tmp_pred[0, 0].cpu()), np.array(tmp_target[0, 0].cpu())) # (x,y,z) if metric < best: best = metric threshold[channel_idx] = t return threshold
def train_unit(): #model = SeTr(image_size=50, patch_size=10, dim=32, depth=4, heads=8, mlp_dim=400, channels=4).to(device) model = UNIT().to(device) #model = UNet(4).to(device) parameter_count = count_parameters(model) print('model parameter count: ' + str(parameter_count)) #criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() criterion = DiceLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.003) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer) epoch = 0 while epoch != 10000: #if(epoch == 500): # criterion = DiceLoss() batch_size = 2 current_batch_index = (int(epoch/1) % (int(340/batch_size))) lower_index = (current_batch_index * batch_size) + 11 upper_index = ((1+current_batch_index) * batch_size) + 11 if epoch < 100: lower_index = 12 upper_index = 14 if epoch == 80: optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.00003) if epoch == 400: optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.000003) #print('lower_index:' + str(lower_index)) #print('upper_index:' + str(upper_index)) chunked_images, chunked_segmented_images = load_data(lower_index, upper_index, chunk_x, chunk_y) for batch_epoch in range(0, 1): running_loss = 0.0 total_size = chunked_images.shape[0] subbatch_size = int(total_size / 1) current_subbatch_index = 0#epoch % 1 model_input = np.copy(chunked_images[current_subbatch_index*subbatch_size:((1 + current_subbatch_index)*subbatch_size)]) model_output = chunked_segmented_images[current_subbatch_index*subbatch_size:((1 + current_subbatch_index)*subbatch_size)] model_input= np.copy(chunked_images) model_output = np.copy(chunked_segmented_images) model_input = model_input.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) model_input = torch.from_numpy(model_input).to(device) model_output = model_output.transpose((0, 1, 2)) model_output = torch.LongTensor(model_output).to(device) outputs = model(model_input) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = criterion(outputs, model_output) loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step(loss) running_loss += loss.item() print('[%d] loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, running_loss)) if (epoch%500 == 3): evaluate(model, True) model.train() elif(epoch % 30 == 2): evaluate(model, False) model.train() elif (epoch%500 == 4): evaluate_train(model, True) model.train() elif (epoch%30 == 5): evaluate_train(model, False) model.train() epoch = epoch + 1 del model_input del model_output del outputs del loss torch.cuda.empty_cache() del chunked_images del chunked_segmented_images torch.cuda.empty_cache() return model
def train_net(net, device, output_dir, train_date='', epochs=20, iters=900, bs=4, lr=0.01, save_cp=True, only_lastandbest=False, eval_freq=5, fold_idx=None, site='A', eval_site=None, gpus=None, save_folder='', aug=False, zoom=False, whitening=True, nonlinear='relu', norm_type='BN', pretrained=False, loaded_model_file_name='model_best', spade_seg_mode='soft', spade_inferred_mode='mask', spade_aux_blocks='', freeze_except=None, ce_weighted=False, spade_reduction=2, excluded_classes=None, dataset_name=None): net.apply(weights_init)'Model Parameters Reset!') if pretrained: pretrained_model_dir = pretrained + f'/Fold_{fold_idx}/{loaded_model_file_name}.pth' pretrained_dict_load = torch.load(pretrained_model_dir) model_dict = net.state_dict() pretrained_dict = {} for k, v in pretrained_dict_load.items(): if (k in model_dict) and (model_dict[k].shape == pretrained_dict_load[k].shape): pretrained_dict[k] = v model_dict.update(pretrained_dict) net.load_state_dict(model_dict) print('Freeze Excluded Keywords:', freeze_except) if freeze_except is not None: for k, v in net.named_parameters(): v.requires_grad = False for except_key in freeze_except: if except_key in k: v.requires_grad = True print(k, ' requires grad') break'Model loaded from {pretrained_model_dir}') pretrain_suffix = '' if pretrained: pretrain_suffix = f'_Pretrained' block_names = [ 'inc', 'down1', 'down2', 'down3', 'down4', 'mid', 'up1', 'up2', 'up3', 'up4' ] spade_blocks_suffix = '' if spade_aux_blocks != '': if spade_inferred_mode == 'mask': spade_blocks_suffix += f'_SPADE_R{spade_reduction}_{spade_seg_mode}_Aux_' else: spade_blocks_suffix += f'_SPADE_R{spade_reduction}_{spade_inferred_mode}_Aux_' for blockname in spade_aux_blocks: block_idx = block_names.index(blockname) spade_blocks_suffix += str(block_idx) excluded_classes_suffix = '' if excluded_classes is not None: excluded_classes_string = [str(c) for c in excluded_classes] excluded_classes_suffix = '_exclude' + ''.join(excluded_classes_string) dir_results = output_dir tensorboard_logdir = dir_results + 'logs/' + f'{save_folder}/' + f'{train_date}_Site_{site}_GPUs_{gpus}/' + \ f'BS_{bs}_Epochs_{epochs}_Aug_{aug}_Zoom_{zoom}_Nonlinear_{nonlinear}_Norm_{norm_type}' + \ excluded_classes_suffix + pretrain_suffix + spade_blocks_suffix + f'/Fold_{fold_idx}' writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorboard_logdir) dir_checkpoint = dir_results + 'checkpoints/' + f'{save_folder}/' + \ f'{train_date}_Site_{site}_GPUs_{gpus}/' + f'Epochs_{epochs}_Aug_{aug}_Zoom_{zoom}_Nonlinear_{nonlinear}_Norm_{norm_type}' + \ excluded_classes_suffix + pretrain_suffix + spade_blocks_suffix + f'/Fold_{fold_idx}' + '/' print(tensorboard_logdir) dir_eval_csv = dir_results + 'eval_csv/' + f'{save_folder}/' + \ f'{train_date}_Site_{site}_GPUs_{gpus}/' + f'Epochs_{epochs}_Aug_{aug}_Zoom_{zoom}_Nonlinear_{nonlinear}_Norm_{norm_type}' + \ excluded_classes_suffix + pretrain_suffix + spade_blocks_suffix + '/' csv_files_prefix = f'{train_date}_Site_{site}_GPUs_{gpus}_' print(dir_eval_csv) if not os.path.exists(dir_eval_csv): os.makedirs(dir_eval_csv) train_list = {} val_list = {} test_list = {} train_list['Overall'] = [] val_list['Overall'] = [] test_list['Overall'] = [] if eval_site is None: sites_inferred = list(site) else: sites_inferred = list(set(site + eval_site)) sites_inferred.sort() print(sites_inferred) for site_idx in sites_inferred: train_list[site_idx] = all_list[site_idx][split_list[site_idx] [fold_idx][0]].tolist() val_list[site_idx] = all_list[site_idx][split_list[site_idx][fold_idx] [1]].tolist() test_list[site_idx] = all_list[site_idx][split_list[site_idx][fold_idx] [1]].tolist() if site_idx in site: train_list['Overall'].append(train_list[site_idx]) val_list['Overall'].append(val_list[site_idx]) test_list['Overall'].append(test_list[site_idx]) print('-----------------------------------------') print('Dataset Info:') for site_key in train_list.keys(): if site_key in ['Overall', 'ABC_mixed']: case_total_train = 0 case_total_test = 0 for site_list_train, site_list_test in zip(train_list[site_key], test_list[site_key]): case_total_train += len(site_list_train) case_total_test += len(site_list_test) print( f'{site_key}: {len(train_list[site_key])} sites ' f'Train: {case_total_train} cases, Test: {case_total_test} cases' ) else: print( f'Site {site_key} Train: {len(train_list[site_key])} cases, Test: {len(test_list[site_key])} cases' ) print('-----------------------------------------') n_train = iters * bs if len(site) > 1: train_set = SiteSet(train_list['Overall'], iters=n_train, training=True, augmentation=aug, source="Overall", zoom_crop=zoom, whitening=whitening, batchsize=bs // len(site), site_num=len(site), n_classes=net.n_classes, excluded_classes=excluded_classes) val_set = SiteSet(val_list['Overall'], iters=n_train, training=True, augmentation=False, source="Overall", zoom_crop=False, whitening=whitening, batchsize=bs // len(site), site_num=len(site), n_classes=net.n_classes, excluded_classes=excluded_classes) else: train_set = SiteSet(train_list[site], iters=n_train, training=True, augmentation=aug, source=site, zoom_crop=zoom, whitening=whitening, batchsize=bs // len(site), site_num=len(site), n_classes=net.n_classes, excluded_classes=excluded_classes) val_set = SiteSet(val_list[site], iters=n_train, training=True, augmentation=False, source=site, zoom_crop=False, whitening=whitening, batchsize=bs // len(site), site_num=len(site), n_classes=net.n_classes, excluded_classes=excluded_classes) train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=bs, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, pin_memory=True) val_loader = DataLoader(val_set, batch_size=bs, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, pin_memory=True) global_step = 0'''Starting training: Output Path: {output_dir} Epochs: {epochs} Iterations: {iters} Batch size: {bs} Learning rate: {lr} Checkpoints: {save_cp} Only_Last_Best: {only_lastandbest} Eval_Frequency: {eval_freq} Device: {device.type} GPU ids: {gpus} Site: {site} Shift+Rotation: {aug} Zoom+Crop: {zoom} Whitening: {whitening} Pretrain: {pretrained} Classes: {net.n_classes} Excluded Clases: {excluded_classes} ''') optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, 'min', factor=0.5, patience=5) criterion = DiceLoss() best_score = 0 csv_header = True for epoch in range(epochs): losses = [] losses_first_forward = [] epoch_loss = 0 with tqdm(total=iters, desc=f'Epoch {epoch + 1}/{epochs}', unit='batch') as pbar: # for batch in train_loader: time.sleep(2) for (train_batch, val_batch) in zip(train_loader, val_loader): net.train() imgs = train_batch[0] all_masks = train_batch[1] site_label = train_batch[2] assert imgs.shape[1] == net.n_channels, \ f'Network has been defined with {net.n_channels} input channels, ' \ f'but loaded images have {imgs.shape[1]} channels. Please check that ' \ 'the images are loaded correctly.' imgs =, dtype=torch.float32) mask_type = torch.float32 if net.n_classes == 1 else torch.long all_masks =, dtype=mask_type) masks_pred = net(imgs) if spade_aux_blocks == '': loss, loss_hard = criterion(masks_pred, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, return_hard_dice=True, softmax=True) writer.add_scalar('Backwarded Loss/Dice_Loss', loss.item(), global_step) if net.n_classes > 2: loss_forward_weighted_ce = Weighted_Cross_Entropy_Loss( )(masks_pred, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, weighted=ce_weighted, softmax=True) loss += loss_forward_weighted_ce writer.add_scalar('Backwarded Loss/Weighted_CE_Loss', loss_forward_weighted_ce.item(), global_step) train_loss = loss_hard.item() else: # start first forward loss_first_forward, loss_first_forward_hard = criterion( masks_pred, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, return_hard_dice=True, softmax=True) referred_mask_loss = loss_first_forward_hard.item() writer.add_scalar('Backwarded Loss/Dice_Loss_First', loss_first_forward.item(), global_step) if net.n_classes > 2: loss_first_forward_weighted_ce = Weighted_Cross_Entropy_Loss( )(masks_pred, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, weighted=ce_weighted, softmax=True) loss_first_forward += loss_first_forward_weighted_ce writer.add_scalar( 'Backwarded Loss/Weighted_CE_Loss_First', loss_first_forward_weighted_ce.item(), global_step) optimizer.zero_grad() loss_first_forward.backward() optimizer.step() # start second forward mask_pred_first_forward = masks_pred.detach() mask_pred_first_forward = torch.softmax( mask_pred_first_forward, dim=1) masks_pred_second_forward = net( imgs, seg=mask_pred_first_forward) loss, loss_hard = criterion(masks_pred_second_forward, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, return_hard_dice=True, softmax=True) writer.add_scalar('Backwarded Loss/Dice_Loss_Second', loss.item(), global_step) if net.n_classes > 2: loss_second_forward_weighted_ce = Weighted_Cross_Entropy_Loss( )(masks_pred_second_forward, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, weighted=ce_weighted, softmax=True) loss += loss_second_forward_weighted_ce writer.add_scalar( 'Backwarded Loss/Weighted_CE_Loss_Second', loss_second_forward_weighted_ce.item(), global_step) train_loss = loss_hard.item() epoch_loss += train_loss optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(net.parameters(), 0.1) optimizer.step() pbar.set_postfix(**{'Dice': train_loss}) pbar.update(1) global_step += 1 net.eval() imgs = val_batch[0] all_masks = val_batch[1] site_label = val_batch[2] imgs =, dtype=torch.float32) mask_type = torch.float32 if net.n_classes == 1 else torch.long all_masks =, dtype=mask_type) with torch.no_grad(): masks_pred = net(imgs) # loss = criterion(masks_pred, all_masks) # val_loss = loss.item() if spade_aux_blocks == '': loss, loss_hard = criterion(masks_pred, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, return_hard_dice=True, softmax=True) val_loss = loss_hard.item() else: mask_pred_first_forward = masks_pred.detach() _, loss_hard_first_forward = criterion( mask_pred_first_forward, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, return_hard_dice=True, softmax=True) mask_pred_first_forward = torch.softmax( mask_pred_first_forward, dim=1) masks_pred_second_forward = net( imgs, seg=mask_pred_first_forward) loss, loss_hard = criterion(masks_pred_second_forward, all_masks, num_classes=net.n_classes, return_hard_dice=True, softmax=True) val_loss = loss_hard.item() val_loss_first_forward = loss_hard_first_forward.item() if spade_aux_blocks == '': writer.add_scalars('Loss/Dice_Loss', { 'train': train_loss, 'val': val_loss }, global_step) else: writer.add_scalars( 'Loss/Dice_Loss', { 'train': train_loss, 'val_first': val_loss_first_forward, 'val_second': val_loss }, global_step) if global_step % (n_train // (eval_freq * bs)) == 0: if net.n_classes == 2: writer.add_images( 'masks/true', (all_masks[:4, ...][:4, ...].cpu().unsqueeze(1)), global_step) writer.add_images( 'masks/pred', torch.softmax(masks_pred[:4, ...], dim=1)[:, 1:2, :, :].cpu(), global_step) elif net.n_classes > 2: writer.add_images( 'masks/true', (all_masks[:4, ...].cpu().unsqueeze(1)), global_step) writer.add_images( 'masks/pred', torch.argmax(torch.softmax(masks_pred[:4, ...], dim=1), dim=1).unsqueeze(1).cpu(), global_step) if spade_aux_blocks != '': losses_first_forward.append(loss_first_forward.item()) losses.append(train_loss) if global_step % 50 == 0 and optimizer.param_groups[0][ 'lr'] > 1e-5: scheduler.step(np.mean(losses[-50:])) if global_step % (n_train // (eval_freq * bs)) == 0: for tag, value in net.named_parameters(): tag = tag.replace('.', '/') writer.add_histogram('weights/' + tag,, global_step) if eval_site is None: eval_site = site test_scores, test_asds = eval_net( net, test_list, device, fold_idx, global_step, dir_eval_csv, csv_files_prefix=csv_files_prefix, whitening=whitening, eval_site=eval_site, spade_aux=(spade_aux_blocks != ''), excluded_classes=excluded_classes, dataset_name=dataset_name) writer.add_scalar('learning_rate', optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], global_step) if epoch >= 0: if len(site) == 1: metric_site = site else: metric_site = 'Overall' if net.n_classes == 2: is_best = test_scores[metric_site] > best_score best_score = max(test_scores[metric_site], best_score) if is_best: try: os.makedirs(dir_checkpoint) 'Created checkpoint directory') except OSError: pass, dir_checkpoint + f'model_best.pth') f'Best model saved ! ( Dice Score:{best_score}) on Site {metric_site})' ) elif net.n_classes > 2: scores_all_classes = 0 for c in test_scores.keys(): scores_all_classes += test_scores[c][ metric_site] scores_all_classes /= len(test_scores.keys()) is_best = scores_all_classes > best_score best_score = max(scores_all_classes, best_score) if is_best: try: os.makedirs(dir_checkpoint) 'Created checkpoint directory') except OSError: pass, dir_checkpoint + f'model_best.pth') f'Best model saved ! ( Dice Score:{best_score} on Site {metric_site})' ) if net.n_classes == 2: if len(eval_site) > 1: sites_print = list(eval_site) + ['Overall'] else: sites_print = list(eval_site) test_performance_dict = {} test_performance_dict['fold'] = fold_idx test_performance_dict['global_step'] = global_step for st in sites_print: print('\nSite: {}'.format(st)) print('\nTest Dice Coeff: {}'.format( test_scores[st])) print('\nTest ASD: {}'.format(test_asds[st])) for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[f'Dice_{st}'] = [ format(test_scores[st], '.4f') ] for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[f'ASD_{st}'] = [ format(test_asds[st], '.2f') ] if spade_aux_blocks != '': for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[ f'Dice_{st}_first_forward'] = [ format( test_scores[st + '_first_forward'], '.4f') ] for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[ f'ASD_{st}_first_forward'] = [ format( test_asds[st + '_first_forward'], '.2f') ] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(test_performance_dict) df.to_csv(dir_eval_csv + csv_files_prefix + f'site_performance.csv', mode='a', header=csv_header, index=False) csv_header = False print('\n' + tensorboard_logdir) # write with tensorboard writer.add_scalars('Test/Dice_Score', test_scores, global_step) writer.add_scalars('Test/ASD', test_asds, global_step) elif net.n_classes > 2: if dataset_name == 'ABD-8': abdominal_organ_dict = { 1: 'spleen', 2: 'r_kidney', 3: 'l_kidney', 4: 'gallbladder', 5: 'pancreas', 6: 'liver', 7: 'stomach', 8: 'aorta' } if excluded_classes is None: organ_dict = abdominal_organ_dict else: print('Original Organ dict') print(abdominal_organ_dict) post_mapping_dict = {} original_classes = list( range(net.n_classes + len(excluded_classes))) remain_classes = [ item for item in original_classes if item not in excluded_classes ] for new_value, value in enumerate( remain_classes): post_mapping_dict[value] = new_value organ_dict = {} for c in remain_classes: if c == 0: continue organ_dict[post_mapping_dict[ c]] = abdominal_organ_dict[c] print('Current Organ dict') print(organ_dict) elif dataset_name == 'ABD-6': abdominal_organ_dict = { 1: 'spleen', 2: 'l_kidney', 3: 'gallbladder', 4: 'liver', 5: 'stomach', 6: 'pancreas' } if excluded_classes is None: organ_dict = abdominal_organ_dict else: print('Original Organ dict') print(abdominal_organ_dict) post_mapping_dict = {} original_classes = list( range(net.n_classes + len(excluded_classes))) remain_classes = [ item for item in original_classes if item not in excluded_classes ] for new_value, value in enumerate( remain_classes): post_mapping_dict[value] = new_value organ_dict = {} for c in remain_classes: if c == 0: continue organ_dict[post_mapping_dict[ c]] = abdominal_organ_dict[c] print('Current Organ dict') print(organ_dict) print(f'Organ Dict:{organ_dict}') test_performance_dict = {} test_performance_dict['fold'] = fold_idx test_performance_dict['global_step'] = global_step for organ_class in range(1, net.n_classes): if len(eval_site) > 1: sites_print = list(eval_site) + ['Overall'] else: sites_print = list(eval_site) for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[ f'{organ_dict[organ_class]}_Dice_{st}'] = [ format(test_scores[organ_class][st], '.4f') ] for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[ f'{organ_dict[organ_class]}_ASD_{st}'] = [ format(test_asds[organ_class][st], '.2f') ] writer.add_scalars( f'Test/Dice_Score_{organ_dict[organ_class]}', test_scores[organ_class], global_step) writer.add_scalars( f'Test/ASD_{organ_dict[organ_class]}', test_asds[organ_class], global_step) test_scores['AVG'] = {} test_asds['AVG'] = {} for st in sites_print: scores_all_classes_avg = 0 asds_all_classes_avg = 0 for c in range(1, net.n_classes): scores_all_classes_avg += test_scores[c][st] asds_all_classes_avg += test_asds[c][st] scores_all_classes_avg /= (net.n_classes - 1) asds_all_classes_avg /= (net.n_classes - 1) test_scores['AVG'][st] = scores_all_classes_avg test_asds['AVG'][st] = asds_all_classes_avg print(f'\nSite:{st}') print(f'Average:') print('Test Dice Coeff: {}'.format( test_scores['AVG'][st])) print('Test ASD: {}'.format(test_asds['AVG'][st])) for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[f'Average_Dice_{st}'] = [ format(test_scores['AVG'][st], '.4f') ] for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[f'Average_ASD_{st}'] = [ format(test_asds['AVG'][st], '.2f') ] writer.add_scalars(f'Test/Dice_Score_Average', test_scores['AVG'], global_step) writer.add_scalars(f'Test/ASD_Average', test_asds['AVG'], global_step) if spade_aux_blocks != '': for organ_class in range(1, net.n_classes): for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[ f'{organ_dict[organ_class]}_Dice_{st}_first_forward'] = [ format( test_scores[organ_class] [st + '_first_forward'], '.4f') ] for st in sites_print: test_performance_dict[ f'{organ_dict[organ_class]}_ASD_{st}_first_forward'] = [ format( test_asds[organ_class] [st + '_first_forward'], '.2f') ] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(test_performance_dict) df.to_csv(dir_eval_csv + csv_files_prefix + f'site_performance.csv', mode='a', header=csv_header, index=False) csv_header = False print('\n' + tensorboard_logdir) if save_cp: try: os.makedirs(dir_checkpoint)'Created checkpoint directory') except OSError: pass if (epoch + 1) < epochs:, dir_checkpoint + f'CP_epoch{epoch + 1}.pth') else:, dir_checkpoint + f'model_last.pth') if only_lastandbest: if os.path.exists(dir_checkpoint + f'CP_epoch{epoch}.pth'): os.remove(dir_checkpoint + f'CP_epoch{epoch}.pth') print(dir_checkpoint)'Checkpoint {epoch + 1} saved !') writer.close()
print("GPU is available") device = torch.device("cuda") else: print("GPU is not available") device = torch.device("cpu") nets = [ UNet(1, 1, final_activation=nn.Sigmoid()), UNet_BatchNorm(1, 1, final_activation=nn.Sigmoid()), UNet_ELU(1, 1, final_activation=nn.Sigmoid()), UNet_Five_Layers(1, 1, final_activation=nn.Sigmoid()) ] n_epochs = 15 for net in nets: for loss_fn in [torch.nn.MSELoss(), DiceLoss(), DiceCoefficient()]: name = net.__class__.__name__ loss_name = loss_fn.__class__.__name__ print(f"\n\nTraining network {name} with loss {loss_name}") logger = SummaryWriter(f'runs/log_{name}_{loss_name}') loss_function = loss_fn # use adam optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1.e-3) # build the dice coefficient metric metric = DiceCoefficient() # train for 25 epochs
def dice_loss(input, target): dice = DiceLoss() loss = dice(input, target) return loss
def evaluate(config, model, data_iter, test=False): model.eval() loss_total = 0 predict_all = np.array([], dtype=int) # 预测小税号 gather_predict_all = np.array([], dtype=int) # 预测大税号 labels_all = np.array([], dtype=int) gather_labels_all = np.array([], dtype=int) focalLoss = FocalLoss(config.num_classes) diceloss = DiceLoss(config.num_classes) # dice loss with torch.no_grad(): for texts, labels, gather_labels in data_iter: outputs, gather_outputs = model(texts) loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, labels) # loss = focalLoss(outputs, labels) # dic loss # loss = diceloss(outputs, labels) # dice loss loss_total += loss labels = # label gather_labels = # 大分类税号 predic = torch.max(, 1)[1].cpu().numpy() # predic gather_predic = torch.max(, 1)[1].cpu().numpy() # predic_gather labels_all = np.append(labels_all, labels) gather_labels_all = np.append(gather_labels_all, gather_labels) predict_all = np.append(predict_all, predic) gather_predict_all = np.append(gather_predict_all, gather_predic) haiguan_labels_all = [config.class_list[x] for x in labels_all] haiguan_predic_all = [config.class_list[x] for x in predict_all] haiguan_gather_labels_all = [ config.gather_class_list[x] for x in gather_labels_all ] haiguan_gather_predict_labels_all = [ config.gather_class_list[x] for x in gather_predict_all ] acc = metrics.accuracy_score(labels_all, predict_all) if test: # report = metrics.classification_report(labels_all, predict_all, target_names=config.class_list, digits=4) report = metrics.classification_report(labels_all, predict_all, digits=4) # confusion = metrics.confusion_matrix(labels_all, predict_all) # class_map = {} # 大小税号映射表 wrong_number = 0 # 小税号预测错误条数 # ''' # class_map_list = [x.strip().split('\t') for x in open(config.class_map_path, encoding='utf-8').readlines()] # for lin in class_map_list: # class_map[lin[0]] = lin[1] list1, list2, list3, list4, index_list = [], [], [], [], [] # 装结果的5列表 for i, (pre, lab, galab, pre_galab) in enumerate( zip(haiguan_predic_all, haiguan_labels_all, haiguan_gather_labels_all, haiguan_gather_predict_labels_all)): if pre_galab == galab and pre == lab: # 全对 list1.append((pre, lab, pre_galab, galab)) elif pre_galab == galab and pre != lab: # 大对小不对 index_list.append([str(i), pre, lab, galab]) list2.append((pre, lab, pre_galab, galab)) elif pre_galab != galab and pre == lab: # 大不对小对 list3.append((pre, lab, pre_galab, galab)) elif pre_galab != galab and pre != lab: # 大不对小不对 index_list.append([str(i), pre, lab, galab]) list4.append((pre, lab, pre_galab, galab)) print('全对有{}条'.format(len(list1))) print('大对小不对有{}条'.format(len(list2))) print('大不对小对有{}条'.format(len(list3))) print('大不对小不对有{}条'.format(len(list4))) """ with open('./84-85-90/base_wrong.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')as f: f.write('index, prelab, lab, galab') f.write('\n') for line in index_list: line = '\t'.join(line) f.write(line) f.write('\n') print('index_finish') """ wrong_list = list2 + list4 # 小税号预测错误汇总 test_number = 0 for line in wrong_list: if line[3] not in line[0]: # 预测的小税号不在正确的大税号下 test_number += 1 print('预测小税号错误中,小税号不在正确大税号属性下有{}条'.format(test_number)) print('\n') print('\n') print('\n') # ''' wrong_rate1 = test_number / len(wrong_list) # return acc, loss_total / len(data_iter), report, confusion, wrong_list, wrong_number, wrong_rate1 return acc, loss_total / len( data_iter), wrong_list, wrong_number, wrong_rate1, report return acc, loss_total / len(data_iter)
def _test_dataset(self, dataset, same_batch_size=False, unused=False): # mini cubes settting trainer = Trainer(config=self.config, dataset=self.dataset ) # instanciating trainer to load and access model trainer.load_model( from_path=True, path=os.path.join(self.config.model_path_save, ""), phase="sup", ensure_sup_is_completed=False, # one or two timed out at 24h ) self.dataset.reset() dataset.reset() self.model = trainer.model batch_size = 1 if same_batch_size is False else self.config.batch_size_sup print("USING BATCH SIZE {} FOR TESTING".format(batch_size)) dataset_dict = dict() dataset_dict.setdefault("good_metrics", {}) nr_target_classes_map = { "heart": 2, "brain": 4, "lidc_resampled": 2, "hippo": 3 } thresholds = [] jaccard = [] num_target_classes = None for dataset_name, n_target_classes in nr_target_classes_map.items(): if dataset_name.lower() == self.dataset_name.lower(): num_target_classes = n_target_classes assert num_target_classes is not None # per class and global dice_binary = [[] for _ in range(num_target_classes + 1)] dice_logits = [[] for _ in range(num_target_classes + 1)] hausdorff = [[] for _ in range(num_target_classes + 1)] print("LEN CONTAINERS", len(dice_binary)) OCCURENCE_COUNT = 0 break_on_next = False with torch.no_grad(): self.model.eval() count = 0 while True: # print(count) # batch size > 1 plus random shuffle of indexes in Dataset results in no having the exact same # testins result each time as batches are flattened and act "as one" # so you would be giving the metrics different tensors to work with try: x, y = dataset.get_test(batch_size=1, return_tensor=True) except AttributeError: return if x is None: break x, y = x.float().to(self.device), y.float().to(self.device) # if self.config.model.lower() in ("vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls"): # x, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(x, return_pad_tuple=True) # pred = self.model(x) # pred = FullCubeSegmentator._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) if "fcn_resnet18" in self.config.model.lower(): x =, x, x), dim=1) if 86 in x.shape: continue pred = self.model(x) else: pred = self.model(x) # (B,C,x,y,z) if "unet_acs_with_cls" in self.config.model.lower(): pred_, x_cls, targets_cls = pred # x_cls, targets_cls =, pred = pred_ # for segmentation if "fcn_resnet18" not in self.config.model.lower(): y = make_1_hot_mask_for_dice(y) assert ((y == 0) | (y == 1)).all() tmp = DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y, return_loss=False, per_class=True) for idx, dice_score in enumerate(tmp): dice_logits[idx].append(float(dice_score)) else: # match 2 channel output of network y_one_hot = categorical_to_one_hot(y, dim=1, expand_dim=False) # (B,C,x,y,z) dice_logits.append( float( DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y_one_hot, return_loss=False, skip_zero_sum=True))) if "fcn_resnet18" in self.config.model.lower(): pred = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred, threshold=False) else: # print("SHAPE PRE MAKE MASK", pred.shape) # threshold = self._set_threshold(pred, y) # thresholds.append(threshold) pred = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) # print("SHAPE POST MAKE MASK", pred.shape) if pred.shape != y.shape: OCCURENCE_COUNT += 1 print( "SHAPE MISMATCH TEST DATA {}".format(OCCURENCE_COUNT)) continue tmp = DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y, return_loss=False, per_class=True) for idx, dice_score in enumerate(tmp): dice_binary[idx].append(float(dice_score)) h_dist = self.get_hausdorff_distance(pred, y) for idx, hd in enumerate(h_dist): hausdorff[idx].append(hd) if pred.shape[1] == 1: # pred is binary here x_flat = pred[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1) y_flat = y[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1) x_flat = x_flat.cpu() y_flat = y_flat.cpu() jaccard.append(jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat)) else: # multi channel jaccard scenario temp_jac = 0 for channel_idx in range(x.shape[1]): x_flat = pred[:, channel_idx].contiguous().view(-1) y_flat = y[:, channel_idx].contiguous().view(-1) x_flat = x_flat.cpu() y_flat = y_flat.cpu() temp_jac += jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat) jaccard.append(temp_jac / x.shape[1]) count += 1 dataset.reset() zero_len = False for i in dice_binary: if len(i) == 0: zero_len = True if zero_len is True: avg_jaccard = 0 avg_hausdorff = 0 # sum(hausdorff) / len(hausdorff) avg_dice_binary = 0 # sum(dice_binary) / len(dice_binary) else: avg_jaccard = sum(jaccard) / len(jaccard) avg_hausdorff = self.average_metric( hausdorff) # sum(hausdorff) / len(hausdorff) avg_dice_binary = self.average_metric( dice_binary) # sum(dice_binary) / len(dice_binary) avg_dice_soft = self.average_metric( dice_logits) # sum(dice_logits) / len(dice_l#ogits) print("HAUSDORFF INF: {} / {}".format(len(hausdorff[0]), len(dice_logits[0]))) dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["jaccard_test"] = avg_jaccard dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["hausdorff_test"] = avg_hausdorff dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["dice_test_soft"] = avg_dice_soft dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["dice_test_binary"] = avg_dice_binary ############################# jaccard = [] # if hasattr(self.dataset, "nr_target_classes") and isinstance(self.dataset.nr_target_classes, int): dice_binary = [[] for _ in range(num_target_classes + 1)] dice_logits = [[] for _ in range(num_target_classes + 1)] hausdorff = [[] for _ in range(num_target_classes + 1)] # else: # dice_binary = [[]] # dice_logits = [[]] # hausdorff = [[]] # OCCURENCE_COUNT = 0 # with torch.no_grad(): # self.model.eval() # while True: ## x, y = dataset.get_train(batch_size=1, return_tensor=True) ## if x is None: ## break ## x, y = x.float().to(self.device), y.float().to(self.device) ## # if self.config.model.lower() in ("vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls"): ## # x, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(x, return_pad_tuple=True) ## # pred = self.model(x) ## # pred = FullCubeSegmentator._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple)# ## if "fcn_resnet18" in self.config.model.lower(): ## x =, x, x), dim=1) ## if 86 in x.shape: ## continue ## pred = self.model(x) ## else: ## pred = self.model(x) # if "fcn_resnet18" not in self.config.model.lower(): # y = make_1_hot_mask_for_dice(y) # assert ((y == 0) | (y == 1)).all() # # dice_logits.append(float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y, return_loss=False, per_class=True))) # tmp = DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y, return_loss=False, per_class=True) # for idx, dice_score in enumerate(tmp): # dice_logits[idx].append(float(dice_score))# # else: # # match 2 channel output of network # y_one_hot = categorical_to_one_hot(y, dim=1, expand_dim=False) # dice_logits.append(float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y_one_hot, return_loss=False, skip_zero_sum=True))) # if "fcn_resnet18" in self.config.model.lower(): # pred = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred, threshold=False) # else: # # threshold = self._set_threshold(pred, y) # # thresholds.append(threshold) # pred = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) # if pred.shape != y.shape: # OCCURENCE_COUNT += 1 # print("SHAPE MISMATCH TRAIN DATA {}".format(OCCURENCE_COUNT)) # continue # tmp = DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred, y, return_loss=False, per_class=True) # for idx, dice_score in enumerate(tmp): # dice_binary[idx].append(float(dice_score)) # h_dist = self.get_hausdorff_distance(pred, y) # for idx, hd in enumerate(h_dist): # hausdorff[idx].append(hd) # if pred.shape[1] == 1: # x_flat = pred[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1) # y_flat = y[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1) # x_flat = x_flat.cpu() # y_flat = y_flat.cpu() # jaccard.append(jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat)) # else: # # multi channel jaccard scenario # temp_jac = 0 # for channel_idx in range(x.shape[1]): # x_flat = pred[:, channel_idx].contiguous().view(-1) # y_flat = y[:, channel_idx].contiguous().view(-1) # x_flat = x_flat.cpu() # y_flat = y_flat.cpu() # temp_jac += jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat) # jaccard.append(temp_jac / x.shape[1]) # dataset.reset() # avg_jaccard = sum(jaccard) / len(jaccard) # avg_hausdorff = self.average_metric(hausdorff) # sum(hausdorff) / len(hausdorff) # avg_dice_soft = self.average_metric(dice_logits) # sum(dice_logits) / len(dice_l#ogits) # avg_dice_binary = self.average_metric(dice_binary) # sum(dice_binary) / len(dice_binary) """ # print("HAUSDORFF INF: {} / {}".format(len(hausdorff[0]), len(dice_logits[0]))) dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["jaccard_train"] = avg_jaccard dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["hausdorff_train"] = avg_hausdorff dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["dice_train_soft"] = avg_dice_soft dataset_dict["good_metrics"]["dice_train_binary"] = avg_dice_binary dataset.reset() with open(os.path.join(self.test_results_dir, "thresholds.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(thresholds, f) if unused is False: self.metric_dict[self.dataset_name] = dataset_dict else: raise ValueError self.metric_dict_unused[self.dataset_name] = dataset_dict
def save_segmentation_examples(self, nr_cubes=3, inference_full_image=True): # deal with recursion when defaulting to patchign if "lidc" in self.dataset_name: return torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() if hasattr(self.trainer, "model"): del self.trainer.model del self.trainer sleep(15) self.trainer = Trainer(config=self.config, dataset=None) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() sleep(5) if inference_full_image is False: print("PATCHING Will be Done") dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.trainer.load_model(from_path=True, path=self.model_path, phase="sup", ensure_sup_is_completed=True) cubes_to_use = [] cubes_to_use.extend(self.sample_k_full_cubes_which_were_used_for_testing(nr_cubes)) cubes_to_use.extend(self.sample_k_full_cubes_which_were_used_for_training(nr_cubes)) cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_labels_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] for cube_idx, cube_path in enumerate(cubes_to_use_path): np_array = self._load_cube_to_np_array(cube_path) # (x,y,z) self.original_cube_dimensions = np_array.shape if sum([i for i in np_array.shape]) > 550 and self.two_dim is False: inference_full_image = False if self.dataset_name.lower() in ("task04_sup", "task01_sup", "cellari_heart_sup_10_192", "cellari_heart_sup"): if self.tried is False: inference_full_image = True else: inference_full_image = False if inference_full_image is False: print("CUBE TOO BIG, PATCHING") patcher = Patcher(np_array, two_dim=self.two_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() for idx, patch in patcher: patch = torch.unsqueeze(patch, 0) # (1,C,H,W or 1) -> (1,1,C,H,W or 1) if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): patch, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(patch, return_pad_tuple=True) pred = self.trainer.model(patch) assert pred.shape == patch.shape, "{} vs {}".format(pred.shape, patch.shape) # need to then unpad to reconstruct if self.two_dim is True: raise RuntimeError("SHOULD NOT BE USED HERE") pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) pred_mask = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) del pred patcher.predicitons_to_reconstruct_from[ :, idx ] = pred_mask # update array in patcher that will construct full cube predicted mask dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() pred_mask_full_cube = patcher.get_pred_mask_full_cube() # segmentations.append(patcher.get_pred_mask_full_cube()) else: full_cube_tensor = torch.Tensor(np_array) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H,W) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() if self.two_dim is False: if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): full_cube_tensor, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(full_cube_tensor, return_pad_tuple=True) try: p = self.trainer.model(full_cube_tensor)"cpu") pred = p del p dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.empty_cache() pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) pred_mask_full_cube = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() del pred except RuntimeError as e: if "out of memory" in str(e) or "cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED" in str(e): print("TOO BIG FOR MEMORY, DEFAULTING TO PATCHING") # exit(0) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.tried = True self.save_segmentation_examples(inference_full_image=False) return # segmentations.append(pred_mask_full_cube) else: pred_mask_full_cube = torch.zeros(self.original_cube_dimensions) for z_idx in range(full_cube_tensor.size()[-1]): tensor_slice = full_cube_tensor[..., z_idx] # SLICE : (1,1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H) assert tensor_slice.shape == (1, 1, self.original_cube_dimensions[0], self.original_cube_dimensions[1]) pred = self.trainer.model(tensor_slice) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H) -> (1,C,H) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1,C,H) -> (C,H) pred_mask_slice = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) pred_mask_full_cube[..., z_idx] = pred_mask_slice # segmentations.append(pred_mask_full_cube) # for idx, pred_mask_full_cube in enumerate(segmentations): print(cube_idx) if cube_idx < nr_cubes: if inference_full_image is True: save_dir = os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "testing_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4]) else: save_dir = os.path.join( self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "testing_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_with_patcher" ) else: if inference_full_image is True: save_dir = os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "training_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4]) else: save_dir = os.path.join( self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "training_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_with_patcher" ) make_dir(save_dir) # save nii of segmentation pred_mask_full_cube = pred_mask_full_cube.cpu() # logits mask pred_mask_full_cube_binary = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred_mask_full_cube) # binary mask nifty_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube).astype(np.float32), np.eye(4)), os.path.join(save_dir, cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_logits_mask.nii.gz")) nifty_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube_binary).astype(np.float32), np.eye(4)), os.path.join(save_dir, cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_binary_mask.nii.gz")) # save .nii.gz of cube if is npy original full cube file if ".npy" in cube_path: nifty_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(np_array.astype(np.float32), np.eye(4)), os.path.join(save_dir, cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_cube.nii.gz")) # self.save_3d_plot(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube), os.path.join(save_dir, "{}_plt3d.png".format(cubes_to_use[idx]))) label_tensor_of_cube = torch.Tensor(self._load_cube_to_np_array(label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path[cube_idx])) label_tensor_of_cube = self.adjust_label_cube_acording_to_dataset(label_tensor_of_cube) label_tensor_of_cube_masked = np.array(label_tensor_of_cube) label_tensor_of_cube_masked = label_tensor_of_cube_masked < 0.5, label_tensor_of_cube_masked ) # it's binary anyway pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked = np.array(pred_mask_full_cube_binary) pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked = pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked < 0.5, pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked ) # it's binary anyway pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked = np.array(pred_mask_full_cube) pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked = pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked < 0.3, pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked ) # it's binary anyway make_dir(os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/")) for z_idx in range(pred_mask_full_cube.shape[-1]): # binary fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.imshow(np_array[:, :, z_idx], cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.imshow(pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked[:, :, z_idx], cmap="Accent") plt.axis("off") fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_binary.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) # logits fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.imshow(np_array[:, :, z_idx], cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.imshow(pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked[:, :, z_idx], cmap="Blues", alpha=0.5) plt.axis("off") fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_logits.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) # dist of logits histogram distribution_logits = np.array(pred_mask_full_cube[:, :, z_idx].contiguous().view(-1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.hist(distribution_logits, bins=np.arange(min(distribution_logits), max(distribution_logits) + 0.05, 0.05)) fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_logits_histogram.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) # save ground truth as wel, overlayed on original fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.imshow(np_array[:, :, z_idx], cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.imshow(label_tensor_of_cube_masked[:, :, z_idx], cmap="jet") plt.axis("off") fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_gt.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) dice_score_soft = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube, label_tensor_of_cube, return_loss=False)) dice_score_binary = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube_binary, label_tensor_of_cube, return_loss=False)) x_flat = pred_mask_full_cube_binary.contiguous().view(-1) y_flat = pred_mask_full_cube_binary.contiguous().view(-1) x_flat = x_flat.cpu() y_flat = y_flat.cpu() jaccard_scr = jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat) metrics = {"dice_logits": dice_score_soft, "dice_binary": dice_score_binary, "jaccard": jaccard_scr} # print(dice) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "dice.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(metrics, f) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() sleep(10)
def compute_metrics_for_all_cubes(self, inference_full_image=True): cubes_to_use = [] dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.empty_cache() if "lidc" in self.dataset_name: return if hasattr(self.trainer, "model"): del self.trainer.model del self.trainer sleep(20) self.trainer = Trainer(config=self.config, dataset=None) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.trainer.load_model(from_path=True, path=self.model_path, phase="sup", ensure_sup_is_completed=True) if inference_full_image is False: print("PATCHING Will be Done") full_cubes_used_for_testing = self.get_all_cubes_which_were_used_for_testing() full_cubes_used_for_training = self.get_all_cubes_which_were_used_for_training() cubes_to_use.extend(full_cubes_used_for_testing) cubes_to_use.extend(full_cubes_used_for_training) cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_labels_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] metric_dict = dict() ( dice_logits_test, dice_logits_train, dice_binary_test, dice_binary_train, jaccard_test, jaccard_train, hausdorff_test, hausdorff_train, ) = ([], [], [], [], [], [], [], []) for idx, cube_path in enumerate(cubes_to_use_path): np_array = self._load_cube_to_np_array(cube_path) # (x,y,z) self.original_cube_dimensions = np_array.shape if sum([i for i in np_array.shape]) > 550 and self.two_dim is False: inference_full_image = False if self.dataset_name.lower() in ("task04_sup", "task01_sup", "cellari_heart_sup_10_192", "cellari_heart_sup"): if self.tried is False: inference_full_image = True else: inference_full_image = False if inference_full_image is False: print("CUBE TOO BIG, PATCHING") patcher = Patcher(np_array, two_dim=self.two_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() for patch_idx, patch in patcher: patch = torch.unsqueeze(patch, 0) # (1,C,H,W or 1) -> (1,1,C,H,W or 1) if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): patch, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(patch, return_pad_tuple=True) pred = self.trainer.model(patch) assert pred.shape == patch.shape, "{} vs {}".format(pred.shape, patch.shape) # need to then unpad to reconstruct if self.two_dim is True: raise RuntimeError("SHOULD NOT BE USED HERE") pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) # pred_mask = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) patcher.predicitons_to_reconstruct_from[ :, patch_idx ] = pred # update array in patcher that will construct full cube predicted mask del pred dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() pred_mask_full_cube = patcher.get_pred_mask_full_cube() else: full_cube_tensor = torch.Tensor(np_array) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H,W) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() if self.two_dim is False: if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): full_cube_tensor, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(full_cube_tensor, return_pad_tuple=True) try: p = self.trainer.model(full_cube_tensor)"cpu") pred = p del p dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.empty_cache() pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) pred_mask_full_cube = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() del pred except RuntimeError as e: if "out of memory" in str(e) or "cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED" in str(e): print("TOO BIG FOR MEMORY, DEFAULTING TO PATCHING") # exit(0) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.tried = True res = self.compute_metrics_for_all_cubes(inference_full_image=False) return res else: pred_mask_full_cube = torch.zeros(self.original_cube_dimensions) for z_idx in range(full_cube_tensor.size()[-1]): tensor_slice = full_cube_tensor[..., z_idx] # SLICE : (1,1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H) assert tensor_slice.shape == (1, 1, self.original_cube_dimensions[0], self.original_cube_dimensions[1]) pred = self.trainer.model(tensor_slice) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H) -> (1,C,H) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1,C,H) -> (C,H) pred_mask_slice = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) pred_mask_full_cube[..., z_idx] = pred_mask_slice full_cube_label_tensor = torch.Tensor(self._load_cube_to_np_array(label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path[idx])) full_cube_label_tensor = self.adjust_label_cube_acording_to_dataset(full_cube_label_tensor) pred_mask_full_cube ="cpu") threshold = self._set_threshold(pred_mask_full_cube, full_cube_label_tensor) pred_mask_full_cube_binary = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred_mask_full_cube, threshold=threshold) dice_score_soft = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube, full_cube_label_tensor, return_loss=False)) dice_score_binary = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube_binary, full_cube_label_tensor, return_loss=False)) hausdorff = hausdorff_distance(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube_binary), np.array(full_cube_label_tensor)) x_flat = pred_mask_full_cube_binary.contiguous().view(-1) y_flat = full_cube_label_tensor.contiguous().view(-1) x_flat = x_flat.cpu() y_flat = y_flat.cpu() jac_score = jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat) if idx < len(full_cubes_used_for_testing): dice_logits_test.append(dice_score_soft) dice_binary_test.append(dice_score_binary) jaccard_test.append(jac_score) hausdorff_test.append(hausdorff) else: dice_logits_train.append(dice_score_soft) dice_binary_train.append(dice_score_binary) jaccard_train.append(jac_score) hausdorff_train.append(hausdorff) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() sleep(10) print(idx) avg_jaccard_test = sum(jaccard_test) / len(jaccard_test) avg_jaccard_train = sum(jaccard_train) / len(jaccard_train) avg_dice_test_soft = sum(dice_logits_test) / len(dice_logits_test) avg_dice_test_binary = sum(dice_binary_test) / len(dice_binary_test) avg_dice_train_soft = sum(dice_logits_train) / len(dice_logits_train) avg_dice_train_binary = sum(dice_binary_train) / len(dice_binary_train) avg_hausdorff_train = sum(hausdorff_train) / len(hausdorff_train) avg_hausdorff_test = sum(hausdorff_test) / len(hausdorff_test) metric_dict["dice_test_soft"] = avg_dice_test_soft metric_dict["dice_test_binary"] = avg_dice_test_binary metric_dict["dice_train_soft"] = avg_dice_train_soft metric_dict["dice_train_binary"] = avg_dice_train_binary metric_dict["jaccard_test"] = avg_jaccard_test metric_dict["jaccard_train"] = avg_jaccard_train metric_dict["hausdorff_test"] = avg_hausdorff_test metric_dict["hausdorff_train"] = avg_hausdorff_train return metric_dict
# Model if lossf == 'contour': model = CleanU_Net(in_channels=1, out_channels=1) wo_mask = False else: model = CleanU_Net(in_channels=1, out_channels=2) wo_mask = False if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = torch.nn.DataParallel( model, device_ids=list(range(torch.cuda.device_count()))).cuda() # Loss function if lossf == 'crossentropy': criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() elif lossf == 'dice': criterion = DiceLoss() elif lossf == 'contour': criterion = ContourLoss() else: raise ValueError('Undefined loss type') # Optimizerd if torch.cuda.is_available(): if opt == 'rmsprop': optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(model.module.parameters(), lr=lr) if opt == 'adam': optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.module.parameters(), lr=lr) else: if opt == 'rmsprop': optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), lr=lr) if opt == 'adam':