def __init__(self, env_spec, n_agents, encoder_hidden_sizes=(64, 64), embedding_dim=64, lstm_hidden_size=64, state_include_actions=False, hidden_nonlinearity=torch.tanh, hidden_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, hidden_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, output_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, layer_normalization=False, name='CentralizedCategoricalLSTMPolicy'): assert isinstance(env_spec.action_space, akro.Discrete), ( 'Categorical policy only works with akro.Discrete action space.') super().__init__() self.centralized = True self.vectorized = True self._n_agents = n_agents self._obs_dim = env_spec.observation_space.flat_dim # centralized obs_dim self._action_dim = env_spec.action_space.n self._embedding_dim = embedding_dim = name self.state_include_actions = state_include_actions self._prev_actions = None self._prev_hiddens = None self._prev_cells = None if state_include_actions: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim + self._action_dim * n_agents else: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim self.encoder = MLPEncoderModule( input_dim=mlp_input_dim, output_dim=self._embedding_dim, hidden_sizes=encoder_hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=hidden_nonlinearity, hidden_w_init=hidden_w_init, hidden_b_init=hidden_b_init, output_nonlinearity=output_nonlinearity, output_w_init=output_w_init, output_b_init=output_b_init, layer_normalization=layer_normalization) self.categorical_lstm_output_layer = \ CategoricalLSTMModule(input_size=self._embedding_dim, output_size=self._action_dim * n_agents, hidden_size=lstm_hidden_size)
class CentralizedGaussianLSTMPolicy(nn.Module): def __init__(self, env_spec, n_agents, encoder_hidden_sizes=(64, 64), embedding_dim=64, lstm_hidden_size=64, share_std=False, state_include_actions=False, hidden_nonlinearity=torch.tanh, hidden_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, hidden_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, output_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, layer_normalization=False, name='CentralizedGaussianLSTMPolicy'): assert isinstance(env_spec.action_space, akro.Box), ( 'Gaussian policy only works with akro.Box action space.') super().__init__() self.centralized = True self.vectorized = True self._n_agents = n_agents self._obs_dim = env_spec.observation_space.flat_dim # centralized obs_dim self._single_agent_action_dim = env_spec.action_space.shape[0] self._embedding_dim = embedding_dim = name self.state_include_actions = state_include_actions self.share_std = share_std self._prev_actions = None self._prev_hiddens = None self._prev_cells = None if state_include_actions: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim + self._single_agent_action_dim * n_agents else: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim self.encoder = MLPEncoderModule( input_dim=mlp_input_dim, output_dim=self._embedding_dim, hidden_sizes=encoder_hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=hidden_nonlinearity, hidden_w_init=hidden_w_init, hidden_b_init=hidden_b_init, output_nonlinearity=output_nonlinearity, output_w_init=output_w_init, output_b_init=output_b_init, layer_normalization=layer_normalization) self.gaussian_lstm_output_layer = \ GaussianLSTMModule(input_dim=self._embedding_dim, output_dim=self._single_agent_action_dim * n_agents, single_agent_action_dim=self._single_agent_action_dim, hidden_dim=lstm_hidden_size, share_std=self.share_std) def grad_norm(self): return np.sqrt( np.sum([p.grad.norm(2).item() ** 2 for p in self.parameters()])) # Batch forward def forward(self, obs_n, avail_actions_n=None, actions_n=None): obs_n = torch.Tensor(obs_n) n_paths = obs_n.shape[0] max_path_len = obs_n.shape[1] if self.state_include_actions: obs_n = obs_n.reshape(obs_n.shape[:-1] + (self._n_agents, -1)) assert actions_n is not None # actions_n = torch.Tensor(actions_n) # actions_n.shape = (n_paths, max_path_len, n_agents, action_dim) # Shift and pad actions_onehot by one time step actions_shifted = actions_n[:, :-1, :, :] # Use zeros as _prev_actions in the first time step zero_pad = torch.zeros(n_paths, 1, self._n_agents, self._single_agent_action_dim) # Concatenate zeros to the beginning of actions actions_shifted =, actions_shifted), dim=1) # Combine actions into obs obs_n =, actions_shifted), dim=-1) # Reshape obs_n back to concatenated centralized form obs_n = obs_n.reshape(n_paths, max_path_len, -1) # One giant vector inputs = self.encoder.forward(obs_n) # inputs.shape = (n_paths, max_path_len, n_agents * emb_dim) # Reshape to be compliant with the input shape requirement of LSTM inputs = inputs.transpose(0, 1) # inputs.shape = (max_path_len, n_paths, n_agents * emb_dim) mean, std, _, _ = self.gaussian_lstm_output_layer.forward(inputs) # dists_n.loc.shape = (max_path_len, n_paths * n_agents, action_dim) # Need to reshape back dists_n mean = mean.reshape(max_path_len, n_paths, self._n_agents, self._single_agent_action_dim).transpose(0, 1) if self.share_std: std = std.reshape(max_path_len, n_paths, self._n_agents, self._single_agent_action_dim).transpose(0, 1) dists_n = Independent(Normal(mean, std), 1) else: dists_n = MultivariateNormal(mean, std) return dists_n def step_forward(self, obs_n, avail_actions_n=None): """ Single step forward for stepping in envs """ # obs_n.shape = (n_envs, n_agents * obs_dim) obs_n = torch.Tensor(obs_n) n_envs = obs_n.shape[0] if self.state_include_actions: obs_n = obs_n.reshape(obs_n.shape[:-1] + (self._n_agents, -1)) if self._prev_actions is None: self._prev_actions = torch.zeros(n_envs, self._n_agents, self._single_agent_action_dim) obs_n =, self._prev_actions), dim=-1) # Reshape obs_n back to concatenated centralized form obs_n = obs_n.reshape(n_envs, -1) # One giant vector # obs_n.shape = (n_envs, n_agents * (obs_dim + action_dim)) inputs = self.encoder.forward(obs_n) # input.shape = (n_envs, n_agents * emb_dim) inputs = inputs.reshape(1, n_envs, -1) # seq_len = 1 mean, std, next_h, next_c = self.gaussian_lstm_output_layer.forward( inputs, self._prev_hiddens, self._prev_cells) # dists_n.mean.shape = (1, n_envs, n_agents * action_dim) self._prev_hiddens = next_h self._prev_cells = next_c # Need to reshape dists_n back mean = mean.squeeze(0).reshape(n_envs, self._n_agents, self._single_agent_action_dim) if self.share_std: std = std.squeeze(0).reshape(n_envs, self._n_agents, self._single_agent_action_dim) dists_n = Independent(Normal(mean, std), 1) else: dists_n = MultivariateNormal(mean, std) return dists_n def get_actions(self, obs_n, avail_actions_n=None, greedy=False): """Independent agent actions (not using an exponential joint action space) Args: obs_n: list of obs of all agents in ONE time step [o1, o2, ..., on] E.g. 3 agents: [o1, o2, o3] """ with torch.no_grad(): dists_n = self.step_forward(obs_n) if not greedy: actions_n = dists_n.sample().numpy() else: actions_n = dists_n.mean.numpy() agent_infos_n = {} agent_infos_n['action_mean'] = [dists_n.mean[i].numpy() for i in range(len(actions_n))] agent_infos_n['action_std'] = [dists_n.stddev[i].numpy() for i in range(len(actions_n))] if self.state_include_actions: # actions_n.shape = (n_envs, self._n_agents, self._action_dim) self._prev_actions = torch.Tensor(actions_n) return actions_n, agent_infos_n def reset(self, dones): if all(dones): # dones is synched self._prev_actions = None self._prev_hiddens = None self._prev_cells = None def entropy(self, observations, avail_actions=None, actions=None): dists_n = self.forward(observations, avail_actions, actions) entropy = dists_n.entropy() entropy = entropy.mean(axis=-1) # Asuming independent actions return entropy def log_likelihood(self, observations, avail_actions, actions): avail_actions = None if self.state_include_actions: dists_n = self.forward(observations, avail_actions, actions) else: dists_n = self.forward(observations, avail_actions) llhs = dists_n.log_prob(actions) # llhs.shape = (n_paths, max_path_length, n_agents) # For n agents action probability can be treated as independent # Pa = prob_i^n Pa_i # log(Pa) = sum_i^n log(Pa_i) llhs = llhs.sum(axis=-1) # Asuming independent actions # llhs.shape = (n_paths, max_path_length) return llhs @property def recurrent(self): return True
class CentralizedCategoricalLSTMPolicy(nn.Module): def __init__(self, env_spec, n_agents, encoder_hidden_sizes=(64, 64), embedding_dim=64, lstm_hidden_size=64, state_include_actions=False, hidden_nonlinearity=torch.tanh, hidden_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, hidden_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, output_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, layer_normalization=False, name='CentralizedCategoricalLSTMPolicy'): assert isinstance(env_spec.action_space, akro.Discrete), ( 'Categorical policy only works with akro.Discrete action space.') super().__init__() self.centralized = True self.vectorized = True self._n_agents = n_agents self._obs_dim = env_spec.observation_space.flat_dim # centralized obs_dim self._action_dim = env_spec.action_space.n self._embedding_dim = embedding_dim = name self.state_include_actions = state_include_actions self._prev_actions = None self._prev_hiddens = None self._prev_cells = None if state_include_actions: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim + self._action_dim * n_agents else: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim self.encoder = MLPEncoderModule( input_dim=mlp_input_dim, output_dim=self._embedding_dim, hidden_sizes=encoder_hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=hidden_nonlinearity, hidden_w_init=hidden_w_init, hidden_b_init=hidden_b_init, output_nonlinearity=output_nonlinearity, output_w_init=output_w_init, output_b_init=output_b_init, layer_normalization=layer_normalization) self.categorical_lstm_output_layer = \ CategoricalLSTMModule(input_size=self._embedding_dim, output_size=self._action_dim * n_agents, hidden_size=lstm_hidden_size) def grad_norm(self): return np.sqrt( np.sum([p.grad.norm(2).item()**2 for p in self.parameters()])) # Batch forward def forward(self, obs_n, avail_actions_n, actions_n=None): obs_n = torch.Tensor(obs_n) n_paths = obs_n.shape[0] max_path_len = obs_n.shape[1] if self.state_include_actions: obs_n = obs_n.reshape(obs_n.shape[:-1] + (self._n_agents, -1)) assert actions_n is not None actions_n = torch.Tensor(actions_n).unsqueeze(-1).type( torch.LongTensor) # actions_n.shape = (n_paths, max_path_len, n_agents, 1) # Convert actions_n to one hot encoding actions_onehot = torch.zeros(actions_n.shape[:-1] + (self._action_dim, )) # actions_onehot.shape = (n_paths, max_path_len, n_agents, action_dim) actions_onehot.scatter_(-1, actions_n, 1) # Shift and pad actions_onehot by one time step actions_onehot_shifted = actions_onehot[:, :-1, :, :] # Use zeros as _prev_actions in the first time step zero_pad = torch.zeros(n_paths, 1, self._n_agents, self._action_dim) # Concatenate zeros to the beginning of actions actions_onehot_shifted = (zero_pad, actions_onehot_shifted), dim=1) # Combine actions into obs obs_n =, actions_onehot_shifted), dim=-1) # Reshape obs_n back to concatenated centralized form obs_n = obs_n.reshape(n_paths, max_path_len, -1) # One giant vector inputs = self.encoder.forward(obs_n) # inputs.shape = (n_paths, max_path_len, n_agents * emb_dim) # Reshape to be compliant with the input shape requirement of LSTM inputs = inputs.transpose(0, 1) # inputs.shape = (max_path_len, n_paths, n_agents * emb_dim) dists_n = self.categorical_lstm_output_layer.forward(inputs)[0] # Apply available actions mask avail_actions_n = avail_actions_n.reshape(avail_actions_n.shape[:-1] + (self._n_agents, -1)) # Reshape back masked_probs = dists_n.probs.reshape(max_path_len, n_paths, self._n_agents, self._action_dim) masked_probs = masked_probs.transpose(0, 1) masked_probs = masked_probs * torch.Tensor(avail_actions_n) # mask masked_probs = masked_probs / masked_probs.sum( dim=-1, keepdim=True) # renormalize masked_dists_n = Categorical( probs=masked_probs) # redefine distribution return masked_dists_n def step_forward(self, obs_n, avail_actions_n): """ Single step forward for stepping in envs """ # obs_n.shape = (n_envs, n_agents * obs_dim) obs_n = torch.Tensor(obs_n) n_envs = obs_n.shape[0] if self.state_include_actions: obs_n = obs_n.reshape(obs_n.shape[:-1] + (self._n_agents, -1)) if self._prev_actions is None: self._prev_actions = torch.zeros(n_envs, self._n_agents, self._action_dim) obs_n =, self._prev_actions), dim=-1) # Reshape obs_n back to concatenated centralized form obs_n = obs_n.reshape(n_envs, -1) # One giant vector # obs_n.shape = (n_envs, n_agents * (obs_dim + action_dim)) inputs = self.encoder.forward(obs_n) # input.shape = (n_envs, n_agents * emb_dim) inputs = inputs.reshape(1, n_envs, -1) dists_n, next_h, next_c = self.categorical_lstm_output_layer.forward( inputs, self._prev_hiddens, self._prev_cells) self._prev_hiddens = next_h self._prev_cells = next_c # Apply available actions mask avail_actions_n = avail_actions_n.reshape(avail_actions_n.shape[:-1] + (self._n_agents, -1)) masked_probs = dists_n.probs.squeeze(0).reshape( n_envs, self._n_agents, self._action_dim) masked_probs = masked_probs * torch.Tensor(avail_actions_n) # mask masked_probs = masked_probs / masked_probs.sum( axis=-1, keepdims=True) # renormalize masked_dists_n = Categorical( probs=masked_probs) # redefine distribution return masked_dists_n def get_actions(self, obs_n, avail_actions_n, greedy=False): """Independent agent actions (not using an exponential joint action space) Args: obs_n: list of obs of all agents in ONE time step [o1, o2, ..., on] E.g. 3 agents: [o1, o2, o3] """ with torch.no_grad(): dists_n = self.step_forward(obs_n, avail_actions_n) if not greedy: actions_n = dists_n.sample().numpy() else: actions_n = np.argmax(dists_n.probs.numpy(), axis=-1) agent_infos_n = {} agent_infos_n['action_probs'] = [ dists_n.probs[i].numpy() for i in range(len(actions_n)) ] if self.state_include_actions: # actions_onehot.shape = (n_envs, self._n_agents, self._action_dim) actions_onehot = torch.zeros(len(obs_n), self._n_agents, self._action_dim) actions_onehot.scatter_( -1, torch.Tensor(actions_n).unsqueeze(-1).type( torch.LongTensor), 1) self._prev_actions = actions_onehot return actions_n, agent_infos_n def reset(self, dones): if all(dones): # dones is synched self._prev_actions = None self._prev_hiddens = None self._prev_cells = None def entropy(self, observations, avail_actions, actions=None): # print('obs.shape =', observations.shape) dists_n = self.forward(observations, avail_actions, actions) entropy = dists_n.entropy() entropy = entropy.mean(axis=-1) # Asuming independent actions return entropy def log_likelihood(self, observations, avail_actions, actions): if self.state_include_actions: dists_n = self.forward(observations, avail_actions, actions) else: dists_n = self.forward(observations, avail_actions) llhs = dists_n.log_prob(actions) # llhs.shape = (n_paths, max_path_length, n_agents) # For n agents action probability can be treated as independent # Pa = prob_i^n Pa_i # log(Pa) = sum_i^n log(Pa_i) llhs = llhs.sum(axis=-1) # Asuming independent actions # llhs.shape = (n_paths, max_path_length) return llhs @property def recurrent(self): return True
def __init__(self, env_spec, n_agents, encoder_hidden_sizes=(64, 64), embedding_dim=64, lstm_hidden_size=64, share_std=False, state_include_actions=False, hidden_nonlinearity=torch.tanh, hidden_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, hidden_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=nn.init.xavier_uniform_, output_b_init=nn.init.zeros_, layer_normalization=False, name='DecGaussianLSTMPolicy'): assert isinstance(env_spec.action_space, akro.Box), ( 'Gaussian policy only works with akro.Box action space.') super().__init__() self.centralized = True # use centralized sampler self.vectorized = True self._n_agents = n_agents self._obs_dim = int(env_spec.observation_space.flat_dim / n_agents) # dec obs dim self._action_dim = env_spec.action_space.shape[0] self._embedding_dim = embedding_dim = name self.state_include_actions = state_include_actions self.share_std = share_std self._prev_actions = None self._prev_hiddens = None self._prev_cells = None if state_include_actions: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim + self._action_dim else: mlp_input_dim = self._obs_dim self.encoder = MLPEncoderModule( input_dim=mlp_input_dim, output_dim=self._embedding_dim, hidden_sizes=encoder_hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=hidden_nonlinearity, hidden_w_init=hidden_w_init, hidden_b_init=hidden_b_init, output_nonlinearity=output_nonlinearity, output_w_init=output_w_init, output_b_init=output_b_init, layer_normalization=layer_normalization) self.gaussian_lstm_output_layer = \ GaussianLSTMModule(input_dim=self._embedding_dim, output_dim=self._action_dim, hidden_dim=lstm_hidden_size, share_std=self.share_std)