예제 #1
class DicomParser:
    """Class for parsing DICOM files."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize with url to DICOM server."""
        self.server = DicomServer(**kwargs)

    def get_info(self, patient):
        """Return main DICOM tags from Orthanc."""
        url = os.path.join('patients', patient)
        return self.server.api(url)['MainDicomTags']

    def radiation_total_dose(self, patient_id):
        """Calculate total dose in Gy of treatment plan."""
        # TODO: write method here
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu May 10 22:21:15 2018

@author: Michal

"""Extract data form DICOM server and store in mongo."""
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient
from dicom_server import DicomServer
from dicom_parser import DicomParser

# Instantiate server object
server = DicomServer()

# Check that DICOM server is working
print 'Checking if server is working...'
print 'Should get response 200, got response {}'.format(server.echo())

# Search DICOM server using DicomServer methods

patients = server.api('patients')

# Store data in mongo

# Create connection to database
client = MongoClient(os.getenv('MONGODB_URL'))
db = client.get_default_database()
"""Extract data form DICOM server and store in mongo."""
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient
from dicom_server import DicomServer
from dicom_parser import DicomParser

# Instantiate server object
server = DicomServer()

# Check that DICOM server is working
print 'Checking if server is working...'
print 'Should get response 200, got response {}'.format(server.echo())

# Search DICOM server using DicomServer methods

# Find total number of patients
patients = server.api('patients')
print 'There are {} patients'.format(len(patients))

# Get the DICOM PatientID associated with each Orthanc patient id
for patient in patients:
    url = os.path.join('patients', patient)
    patient_id = server.api(url)['MainDicomTags']['PatientID']
    print 'Orthanc patient id: {}, DICOM PatientID: {}'.format(
        patient, patient_id)

# Find total number of male patients
query = {'PatientSex': 'M'}
print 'Searching for: {}'.format(query)
male_patients = server.find(query, level='Patient')
print 'There are {} male patients'.format(len(male_patients))
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     """Initialize with url to DICOM server."""
     self.server = DicomServer(**kwargs)
예제 #5
class DicomParser:
    """Class for parsing DICOM files."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize with url to DICOM server."""
        self.server = DicomServer(**kwargs)

    def get_info(self, patient):
        """Return main DICOM tags from Orthanc."""
        url = os.path.join('patients', patient)
        return self.server.api(url)['MainDicomTags']

    def radiation_total_dose(self, patient):
        """Calculate total dose in Gy of treatment plan."""
        url = os.path.join('patients', patient)
        PatientID = self.server.api(url)['MainDicomTags']['PatientID']
        studies = self.server.api(url)['Studies']

        BeamDoses = 0
        for study in studies:
            series = []
            flat_series_list = []
            studies_url = os.path.join('studies',study)
            for sublist in series:
                for item in sublist:
            for a_series in flat_series_list:
                instances = []
                flat_instances_list = []
                series_url = os.path.join('series',a_series)
                if self.server.api(series_url)['MainDicomTags']['Modality'] == 'RTPLAN':

                for sublist in instances:
                    for item in sublist:
                for instance in flat_instances_list:
                    instance_tags = self.server.api(os.path.join('instances', instance, 'simplified-tags'))
                    beam_sequences = []
                    if 'FractionGroupSequence' in instance_tags.keys():
                        for i in instance_tags['FractionGroupSequence']:
                        beam_seqs_flattened = []
                        for j in beam_sequences:
                            for item in j:
                        for k in beam_seqs_flattened:
                            BeamDoses = BeamDoses + float(k['BeamDose'])
        return {'PatientID':PatientID,'radiation_total_dose':BeamDoses}
"""Delete all patients store in DICOM server."""
import os
import requests
from dicom_server import DicomServer

# Instantiate server object
server = DicomServer()
# Get patient hashes
patients = server.api('patients')

for patient in patients:
    url = os.path.join(os.getenv('DICOM_URL'), 'patients', patient)
    r = requests.delete(url)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        print 'Successfully deleted: {}'.format(patient)
        print 'Failed to delete: {}'.format(patient)
        print 'Status code: {}'.format(r.status_code)