예제 #1
def estimation(fid, f):  # @UnusedVariable
    shape = [50, 50]
    diffeo = diffeomorphism_from_function(shape, f)

    K = 50
    epsilon = 1
    de = DiffeomorphismEstimator([0.2, 0.2], MATCH_CONTINUOUS)
    for y0, y1 in generate_input(shape, K, diffeo, epsilon=epsilon):
        de.update(y0, y1)

    diff2d = de.summarize()
    diffeo_learned = diff2d.d

    from reprep import Report

    name = f.__name__
    r = Report(name)
    fig = r.figure(cols=4)

    diffeo_learned_rgb = diffeomorphism_to_rgb_cont(diffeo_learned)
    diffeo_rgb = diffeomorphism_to_rgb_cont(diffeo)
    r.data_rgb('diffeo_rgb', diffeo_rgb).add_to(fig)
    r.data_rgb('diffeo_learned_rgb', diffeo_learned_rgb).add_to(fig)
    L = r.data('diffeo_learned_uncertainty', diff2d.variance)
    L.display('scale').add_to(fig, caption='uncertainty')
    r.data('last_y0', y0).display('scale').add_to(fig, caption='last y0')
    r.data('last_y1', y1).display('scale').add_to(fig, caption='last y1')

    cs = [(0, 25), (10, 25), (25, 25), (25, 5)]
    for c in cs:
        M25 = de.get_similarity(c)
        r.data('cell-%s-%s' % c,
                                            caption='Example similarity field')

    filename = 'out/diffeo_estimation_suite/%s.html' % name
    print('Writing to %r.' % filename)
예제 #2
def estimation(fid, f):  # @UnusedVariable
    shape = [50, 50]
    diffeo = diffeomorphism_from_function(shape, f)

    K = 50
    epsilon = 1
    de = DiffeomorphismEstimator([0.2, 0.2], MATCH_CONTINUOUS)
    for y0, y1 in generate_input(shape, K, diffeo, epsilon=epsilon):
        de.update(y0, y1)

    diff2d = de.summarize()
    diffeo_learned = diff2d.d

    from reprep import Report

    name = f.__name__
    r = Report(name)
    fig = r.figure(cols=4)

    diffeo_learned_rgb = diffeomorphism_to_rgb_cont(diffeo_learned)
    diffeo_rgb = diffeomorphism_to_rgb_cont(diffeo)
    r.data_rgb('diffeo_rgb', diffeo_rgb).add_to(fig)
    r.data_rgb('diffeo_learned_rgb', diffeo_learned_rgb).add_to(fig)
    L = r.data('diffeo_learned_uncertainty', diff2d.variance)
    L.display('scale').add_to(fig, caption='uncertainty')
    r.data('last_y0', y0).display('scale').add_to(fig, caption='last y0')
    r.data('last_y1', y1).display('scale').add_to(fig, caption='last y1')

    cs = [(0, 25), (10, 25), (25, 25), (25, 5)]
    for c in cs:
        M25 = de.get_similarity(c)
        r.data('cell-%s-%s' % c, M25).display('scale').add_to(fig,
                                         caption='Example similarity field')

    filename = 'out/diffeo_estimation_suite/%s.html' % name
    print('Writing to %r.' % filename)
예제 #3
def dd_get(id_diffeo):
    shape = (64, 64)
    func = DiffeoLibrary.diffeos[id_diffeo]
    D = diffeomorphism_from_function(shape, func)
    return (id_diffeo, D)