예제 #1
def do_factor_stuff(n_old, recursion=0):
    i = 0
    if n_old > 10**8:

    print("n_old: {}".format(n_old))
    if not n_old in n_map:
        n_map[n_old] = []

    factors = list(primefac.primefac(n_old))

    if len(factors) == 1:
        n_new = factors[0]
        print("finished here!")
        if not n_new in p_map:
            p_map[n_new] = 0
        permutation_table = get_permutation_table(len(factors))
        # permutation_table = get_permutation_table(len(factors))[:3]
        factors_arr_str = np.array(list(map(str, factors)))
        lst = n_map[n_old]
        for row in permutation_table:
            n_new = int("".join(factors_arr_str[row]))
            if not n_new in lst:
            if not n_new in n_map and recursion < 21:
                do_factor_stuff(n_new, recursion + 1)
def get_max_cycles_length_for_permutation(n):
    arr = get_permutation_table(n, same_pos=False)

    max_cycles = 0
    cycles_lengths = []
    row_orig = np.arange(0, n)
    for row in arr:
        row_i = row_orig.copy()
        is_full_one_cycle = True
        i = 1
        row_i = row_i[row]
        while not np.all(row_i == row_orig):
            row_i = row_i[row]
            i += 1
        if max_cycles < i:
            max_cycles = i

    return max_cycles
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

from math import factorial as fac

from different_combinations import get_permutation_table

PATH_ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 5
    arr_pt = get_permutation_table(n)
    # print('Hello World!')

    d_stat = {}
    for row1 in arr_pt:
        a1 = row1.copy()

        for row2 in arr_pt:
            a2 = row2.copy()

            t = tuple(a1.tolist()) + tuple(a2.tolist())
            l = [t]
            while True:
                a3 = a1[a2].copy()
                a1 = a2
예제 #4
    # idx2 = np.array([4, 0, 1, 2, 3])
    # idx3 = np.array([2, 0, 1, 3, 4])
    # idxs_tbl = np.vstack((idx1, idx2, idx3))
    # # idxs_tbl = np.vstack((idx1, idx2))

    # amount_functions = idxs_tbl.shape[0]
    # print("amount_functions: {}".format(amount_functions))

    # arr1 = arr[idx1]
    # arr2 = arr[idx2]
    # print("arr1: {}".format(arr1))
    # print("arr2: {}".format(arr2))
    # print("arr1.dtype: {}".format(arr1.dtype))
    # print("arr2.dtype: {}".format(arr2.dtype))

    perm_tbl = get_permutation_table(n)
    l_t_perm_tbl = list(map(tuple, perm_tbl.tolist()))
    s_t_perm_tbl = set(l_t_perm_tbl)

    d_from_to_mapping = dict(
            map(lambda x: (x[0], list(map(tuple, x[1]))),
                zip(l_t_perm_tbl, perm_tbl[:, idxs_tbl].tolist()))))
    # print("d_from_to_mapping: {}".format(d_from_to_mapping))

    d_to_from_mapping = dict(
                lambda x: (x[0], list(map(tuple, x[1]))),
                    perm_tbl[:, np.argsort(idxs_tbl, axis=1)].tolist()))))
예제 #5
    m_amount = int(m_amount_str)

    # n = 4
    arr_1d = np.arange(0, n)
    multiply_mask = n**np.arange(0, n)
    # print("multiply_mask: {}".format(multiply_mask))
    # sys.exit(-1)

    print("arr_1d: {}".format(arr_1d))

    # standard for rotating is 3 places/numbers!
    # m_amount = 2
    idx = np.arange(0, m_amount)
    # rolls = [np.roll(idx, i) for i in range(1, m_amount)]

    rolls = different_combinations.get_permutation_table(m_amount,
    print("rolls.shape: {}".format(rolls.shape))

    rotation_idxs = []
    # rotation_idxs = {}
    for j in range(0, n + 1 - m_amount):
        for i in range(0, len(rolls)):
            rotation_idxs.append((j + 1, i + 1))

    print("len(rotation_idxs): {}".format(len(rotation_idxs)))

    # moves = list(rotation_idxs.keys())
    # moves = list(rotation_idxs.keys())
    moves = list(rotation_idxs)
    print("len(moves): {}".format(len(moves)))
    for j in range(0, len_idxs_ident - 1):
        idxs_roll = np.argsort(sbox1_prev_part[j:j + len_idxs_ident])
        if np.any(idxs_roll == idxs_ident_ident):

        sbox[idxs_ident] = sbox[idxs_ident[idxs_roll]]
        return sbox

    sbox[idxs_ident] = sbox[np.roll(idxs_ident, 1)]
    return sbox

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 5
    sbox_ident = np.arange(0, n)
    perm_tbl = get_permutation_table(n, is_same_pos=False)

    s_t_cycles = set()
    s_t_cycles_tpl = set()
    s_t_no_cylces = set()
    for perm in perm_tbl:
        for perm_prev in perm_tbl:
            sbox1 = perm_prev.copy()
            sbox2 = perm.copy()

            t = (tuple(sbox1.tolist()), tuple(sbox2.tolist()))
            if t in s_t_no_cylces or t in s_t_cycles:
            l_perms = [t]
            s_perms = set()
            is_finished_earlier = False
PATH_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + "/"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    m = 5
    a, b = np.random.randint(0, m, (2, ))
    l = []
    for x in range(0, m):
        l.append(a + b * x + x)


    n = 2
    print("n: {}".format(n))

    xs = np.arange(0, n)
    choosen_fs_base = get_permutation_table(n)[1:]
    perm_parts_tbl = different_combinations.get_all_permutations_parts(
        choosen_fs_base.shape[0], 1)

    # TODO: fix this whole process with a recursion search for the smallest amount
    # of needed functions to create a whole loop of distinct permutations with length n!

    # def mix_choosen_fs():
    #     choosen_fs[:] = choosen_fs[np.random.permutation(np.arange(0, factorial(n)-1))]

    def get_perm_parts_gen():
        for row in perm_parts_tbl:
            yield row

    different_working_tpls = []
from utils_math_numbers import convert_n_to_other_base, convert_base_n_to_num

from different_combinations import get_permutation_table

PATH_ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/"

if __name__=='__main__':
    found_cyclic_numbers_in_base = {}

    # for n in range(3, 4):
    for n in range(5, 6):
        print("n: {}".format(n))
        arr = get_permutation_table(n)
        for b in range(n, 1000):
            for row in arr:
                num = convert_base_n_to_num(row, b)
                if num > 10000 or num < 2:
                if not num in found_cyclic_numbers_in_base:
                    found_cyclic_numbers_in_base[num] = []
                found_cyclic_numbers_in_base[num].append((b, n, row.tolist()[::-1]))

    print("len(found_cyclic_numbers_in_base): {}".format(len(found_cyclic_numbers_in_base)))

    arr = np.array(sorted(found_cyclic_numbers_in_base.keys()))
    idxs = np.where((arr[1:]-arr[:-1])>1)[0]
    print("idxs: {}".format(idxs))
        print("i_iter: {}".format(i_iter))
        lst_amount_stacks = []
        lst_max_amount_per_stack = []
        lst_max_amount_stacks_count = []
        lst_max_amount_stacks = []
        lst_i = []

        for i in range(11, n_max + 1):
            # print("i: {}".format(i))

            # arr = get_stacked_runways(i, i)
            # print("- arr: {}".format(arr))

            lst_arrs_amount_stack = []
            permutation_tbl = get_permutation_table(i) + 1
            # for j in range(0, i**3):
            # for j in range(0, factorial(i)//i):
            for i_s in permutation_tbl:
                arr_perm = get_stacked_runways(i, i_s)
                # arr_perm = get_stacked_runways(i, i, permutate=True)
                lst_arrs_amount_stack.append(np.sum(arr_perm > 0))
                # print("- j: {}, arr_perm: {}".format(j, arr_perm))
            # print("j: {}, lst_arrs_amount_stack: {}".format(j, lst_arrs_amount_stack))
            arr_arrs_amount_stacks = np.array(lst_arrs_amount_stack)
            max_amount_stack = np.max(arr_arrs_amount_stacks)
                np.sum(arr_arrs_amount_stacks == max_amount_stack))
            print("lst_i: {}".format(lst_i))
            print("lst_max_amount_stacks: {}".format(lst_max_amount_stacks))