def make(self, crystal, r, g, dg=None, meta=None):
        Construct new srfit recipe from CIF structure and PDF data

        crystal : pyobjcryst.Crystal
            The CIF structure to be fitted to the PDF data in-place.
        r : array_like
            The r-grid of the fitted PDF dataset in Angstroms.
        g : array_like
            The fitted PDF values per each `r` point.
        dg : array_like, optional
            The estimated standard deviations at each of `g` values.
            When unspecified, *dg* is assumed 1 leading to underestimated
            standard errors of the refined variables.
        meta : dict, optional
            A dictionary of extra metadata to be used when constructing
            `PDFContribution` in the srfit recipe.  The common recognized
            keys are ``stype`` for radiation type ("X" or "N"), ``qmax``
            for the Q-range used in the experiment, ``delta1``, ``delta2``,
            ``qbroad`` for peak sharpening and broadening factors and
            ``qdamp`` for the Q-resolution related signal dampening.

        recipe : FitRecipe
            The new FitRecipe for in-place fitting of `crystal` to PDF data.
        if not isinstance(crystal, Crystal):
            emsg = "crystal must be of the pyobjcryst.Crystal type."
            raise TypeError(emsg)
        cpdf = PDFContribution('cpdf')
        cpdf.profile.setObservedProfile(r, g, dg)
        m = {} if meta is None else dict(meta)
        cpdf.addStructure('cif', crystal)
        cpdf.setCalculationRange(self.rmin, self.rmax)
        if self.nyquist:
            if not 'qmax' in m:
                emsg = "Nyquist spacing requires 'qmax' metadata."
                raise ValueError(emsg)
            assert m['qmax'] == cpdf.cif.getQmax()
            cpdf.setCalculationRange(dx=numpy.pi / m['qmax'])
        # create FitRecipe
        recipe = FitRecipe()
        # get symmetry allowed structure parameters
        sgpars = cpdf.cif.phase.sgpars
        # constrain available lattice parameters
        for p in sgpars.latpars:
            recipe.addVar(p, tags=['phase', 'lattice'])
        # constrain free atom positions
        for p in sgpars.xyzpars:
            recipe.addVar(p, tags=['phase', 'positions'])
        # constrain adps
        isosymbol = sgpars.isosymbol
        fbbiso = self.fbbiso
        # make a dummy diffpy.structure.Atom with isotropic Biso = fbbiso
        afbiso = _dummyAtomWithBiso(crystal, self.fbbiso)
        tags = ['phase', 'adps']
        for p in sgpars.adppars:
                recipe.addVar(p, value=p.value or fbbiso, tags=tags)
            # we have anisotropic site here, but constrain as isotropic
            # if so requested
            if self.isotropy:
                # extract site index for this sg parameter.  Use it to get
                # the parameter for its Biso value.
                idx = int('_')[-1])
                psite = cpdf.cif.phase.scatterers[idx]
                pbiso = psite.Biso
                n = isosymbol + '_{}'.format(idx)
                v = pbiso.value or fbbiso
                # avoid applying duplicate constrain to pbiso
                if recipe.get(n) is None:
                    recipe.addVar(pbiso, name=n, value=v, tags=tags)
            # here we constrain an anisotropic site.
            # make sure its ADPs are nonzero.
            spa = p.par.obj
            if not all((spa.B11, spa.B22, spa.B33)):
                spa.B11 = afbiso.B11
                spa.B22 = afbiso.B22
                spa.B33 = afbiso.B33
                spa.B12 = afbiso.B12
                spa.B13 = afbiso.B13
                spa.B23 = afbiso.B23
            recipe.addVar(p, tags=tags)
        # constrain delta2, qdamp and qbroad
        p = cpdf.cif.delta2
        v = p.value or self.fbdelta2
        recipe.addVar(p, value=v, tag='phase')
        p = cpdf.qdamp
        v = p.value or self.fbqdamp
        recipe.addVar(p, value=v, tag='experiment')
        p = cpdf.qbroad
        v = p.value or self.fbqbroad
        recipe.addVar(p, value=v, tag='experiment')
        return recipe