예제 #1
def rotation_list_stereographic(structure, corner_a, corner_b, corner_c,
                                inplane_rotations, resolution):
    """Generate a rotation list covering the inverse pole figure specified by
    three corners in cartesian coordinates.

    structure : diffpy.structure.Structure
        Structure for which to calculate the rotation list.
    corner_a, corner_b, corner_c : tuple
        The three corners of the inverse pole figure, each given by a
        three-dimensional coordinate. The coordinate system is given by the
        structure lattice.
    inplane_rotations : list
        List of angles in radians for in-plane rotation of the diffraction
        pattern. This corresponds to the third Euler angle rotation. The
        rotation list will be generated for each of these angles, and combined.
        This should be done automatically, but by including all possible
        rotations in the rotation list, it becomes too large.

        To cover all inplane rotations, use e.g. np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 360).
    resolution : float
        Angular resolution in radians of the generated rotation list.

    rotation_list : numpy.array
        Rotations covering the inverse pole figure given as an array of Euler
        angles in degrees.
    # Convert the crystal directions to cartesian vectors and normalize
    if len(corner_a) == 4:
        corner_a = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_a)
    if len(corner_b) == 4:
        corner_b = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_b)
    if len(corner_c) == 4:
        corner_c = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_c)

    lattice = structure.lattice

    corner_a = np.dot(corner_a, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_b = np.dot(corner_b, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_c = np.dot(corner_c, lattice.stdbase)

    corner_a /= np.linalg.norm(corner_a)
    corner_b /= np.linalg.norm(corner_b)
    corner_c /= np.linalg.norm(corner_c)

    angle_a_to_b = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_b)
    angle_a_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_c)
    angle_b_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_b, corner_c)
    axis_a_to_b = np.cross(corner_a, corner_b)
    axis_a_to_c = np.cross(corner_a, corner_c)

    # Input validation. The corners have to define a non-degenerate triangle
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_b) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and b are parallel')
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_c) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and c are parallel')

    rotations = []

    # Generate a list of theta_count evenly spaced angles theta_b in the range
    # [0, angle_a_to_b] and an equally long list of evenly spaced angles
    # theta_c in the range[0, angle_a_to_c].
    # Ensure that we keep the resolution also along the direction to the corner
    # b or c farthest away from a.
    theta_count = math.ceil(max(angle_a_to_b, angle_a_to_c) / resolution)
    for i, (theta_b, theta_c) in enumerate(
            zip(np.linspace(0, angle_a_to_b, theta_count),
                np.linspace(0, angle_a_to_c, theta_count))):
        # Define the corner local_b at a rotation theta_b from corner_a toward
        # corner_b on the circle surface. Similarly, define the corner local_c
        # at a rotation theta_c from corner_a toward corner_c.

        rotation_a_to_b = axangle2mat(axis_a_to_b, theta_b)
        rotation_a_to_c = axangle2mat(axis_a_to_c, theta_c)
        local_b = np.dot(rotation_a_to_b, corner_a)
        local_c = np.dot(rotation_a_to_c, corner_a)

        # Then define an axis and a maximum rotation to create a great cicle
        # arc between local_b and local_c. Ensure that this is not a degenerate
        # case where local_b and local_c are coincident.
        angle_local_b_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(local_b, local_c)
        axis_local_b_to_c = np.cross(local_b, local_c)
        if np.count_nonzero(axis_local_b_to_c) == 0:
            # Theta rotation ended at the same position. First position, might
            # be other cases?
            axis_local_b_to_c = corner_a
        axis_local_b_to_c /= np.linalg.norm(axis_local_b_to_c)

        # Generate points along the great circle arc with a distance defined by
        # resolution.
        phi_count_local = max(math.ceil(angle_local_b_to_c / resolution), 1)
        for j, phi in enumerate(
                np.linspace(0, angle_local_b_to_c, phi_count_local)):
            rotation_phi = axangle2mat(axis_local_b_to_c, phi)

            for k, psi in enumerate(inplane_rotations):
                # Combine the rotations. Order is important. The matrix is
                # applied from the left, and we rotate by theta first toward
                # local_b, then across the triangle toward local_c
                rotation = list(
                    mat2euler(rotation_phi @ rotation_a_to_b, 'rzxz'))
                rotations.append(np.rad2deg([rotation[0], rotation[1], psi]))

    return np.unique(rotations, axis=0)
예제 #2
def test_get_angle_cartesian(vec_a, vec_b, expected_angle):
    angle = get_angle_cartesian(vec_a, vec_b)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(angle, expected_angle)