예제 #1
        def compute_traces(aname, acontents, ainfo, tsinfo):
            vi = Miscs.travel(acontents)
            vals = Miscs.getVals(vi)
            idxs = Miscs.getIdxs(vi)
            aname = str(aname)
            newvars = [var(aname + '_' + list_str(idx, '_')) for idx in idxs]

            if aname not in tsinfo:
                tsinfo[aname] = newvars
                assert tsinfo[aname] == newvars
            dVals = dict(zip(newvars,vals)) #{A_0_0_1:'w'}
            for nv,idx in zip(newvars,idxs):
                if nv not in ainfo:
                    idx_ = zip([var('{}{}'.format(aname,li))
                                 for li in srange(len(idx))],idx)
                    ainfo[nv]={'name':aname, 'idx_':idx_}

            return dVals
예제 #2
    def eval_lambda(f, idx_info, tc):
        Evaluate array expression p, e.g. p:  A[i,j,k]=B[2i+3j+k]

        if idx_info is specified then only test p on the idxs from idx_info

        the first array in lambda is the pivot
        lambda A,B,i,j,k: ...  =>  i,j,k  belong to A

        inv = 'lambda B,C,D,i,j: B[i][j]=C[D[2i+3]]'
        returns true if inv is true on tc


        sage: var('a,b,c,i,j')
        (a, b, c, i, j)

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda a,b,c,i,j: a[i][j]==2*b[i]+c[j]', None, {'a':[[4,-5],[20,11]],'b':[1,9],'c':[2,-7]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda c,a,b,xor,i: c[i] == xor(a[i],b[i])', None, {'a': [147, 156, 184, 76], 'b': [51, 26, 247, 189], 'c': [160, 334, 79, 281]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda c,a,b,xor,i1: c[i1] == xor(a[i1],b[i1])', None, {'a': [147, 156, 184, 76], 'b': [51, 26, 247, 189], 'c': [160, 134, 79, 241]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda rvu, t, rvu1, rvu0: (rvu[rvu0][rvu1]) + (-t[4*rvu0 + rvu1]) == 0', None, {'t': [28, 131, 11, 85, 133, 46, 179, 20, 227, 148, 225, 197, 38, 221, 221, 126], 'rvu': [[28, 131, 11, 85], [133, 46, 179, 20], [227, 148, 225, 197], [38, 221, 221, 126]]})

        #The following illustrate the use of idxVals,
        #i.e. p is only true under certain array rages

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda st, rvu, st0, st1: (-st[st0][st1]) + (rvu[4*st0 + st1]) == 0', None, tc = {'rvu': [28, 131, 11, 85, 193, 124, 103, 215, 66, 26, 68, 54, 176, 102, 15, 237], 'st': [[28, 131, 11, 85, 133, 46, 179, 20, 227, 148, 225, 197, 38, 221, 221, 126], [193, 124, 103, 215, 106, 229, 162, 168, 166, 78, 144, 234, 199, 254, 152, 250], [66, 26, 68, 54, 206, 16, 155, 248, 231, 198, 240, 43, 208, 205, 213, 26], [176, 102, 15, 237, 49, 141, 213, 97, 137, 155, 50, 243, 112, 51, 124, 107]]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda st, rvu, st0, st1: (-st[st0][st1]) + (rvu[4*st0 + st1]) == 0', idx_info = [{'st0': 0, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 0, 'st1': 1}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 1}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 0, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 0, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 1}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 1}], tc = {'rvu': [28, 131, 11, 85, 193, 124, 103, 215, 66, 26, 68, 54, 176, 102, 15, 237], 'st': [[28, 131, 11, 85, 133, 46, 179, 20, 227, 148, 225, 197, 38, 221, 221, 126], [193, 124, 103, 215, 106, 229, 162, 168, 166, 78, 144, 234, 199, 254, 152, 250], [66, 26, 68, 54, 206, 16, 155, 248, 231, 198, 240, 43, 208, 205, 213, 26], [176, 102, 15, 237, 49, 141, 213, 97, 137, 155, 50, 243, 112, 51, 124, 107]]})

        Note: sage_eval vs eval
        sage_eval works on str of the format 'lambda x,y: 2*x+y'
        whereas eval works on str of the format 2*x+y directly (no lambda)
        Also, the result of sage_eval can apply on dicts whose keys are str
        e.g.  f(**{'x':2,'y':3})
        whereas the result of eval applies on dict whose keys are variables
        e.g.  f(**{x:2,y:3})

        if __debug__:
            assert is_str(f) and 'lambda' in f, f
            assert (idx_info is None
                    or is_list(idx_info) and all(is_dict(v)
                                                 for v in idx_info)), indx_info
            assert is_dict(tc), tc
            assert all(is_str(k) for k in tc), tc.keys()

        f = sage_eval(f)
        vs = f.func_code.co_varnames

        arrs = [v for v in vs if v in tc]  #A,B
        extfuns = [v for v in vs if v in ExtFun.efdict]
        idxStr = [v for v in vs if v not in arrs + extfuns]  #i,j,k

        d_tc = dict([(v, tc[v]) for v in arrs])
        d_extfun = dict([(v, ExtFun(v).get_fun()) for v in extfuns])
        d_ = merge_dict([d_tc, d_extfun])

        if idx_info is None:  #obtain idxsVals from the pivot array
            pivotContents = tc[arrs[0]]
            idxVals = [idx for idx, _ in Miscs.travel(pivotContents)]
            idx_info = [dict(zip(idxStr, idxV)) for idxV in idxVals]

        ds = [merge_dict([d_, idx_info_]) for idx_info_ in idx_info]

            return all(f(**d) for d in ds)
        except IndexError:
            return False
        except TypeError:
            return False
        except NameError as msg:
            return False
예제 #3
    def eval_lambda(f, idx_info, tc):
        Evaluate array expression p, e.g. p:  A[i,j,k]=B[2i+3j+k]

        if idx_info is specified then only test p on the idxs from idx_info

        the first array in lambda is the pivot
        lambda A,B,i,j,k: ...  =>  i,j,k  belong to A

        inv = 'lambda B,C,D,i,j: B[i][j]=C[D[2i+3]]'
        returns true if inv is true on tc


        sage: var('a,b,c,i,j')
        (a, b, c, i, j)

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda a,b,c,i,j: a[i][j]==2*b[i]+c[j]', None, {'a':[[4,-5],[20,11]],'b':[1,9],'c':[2,-7]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda c,a,b,xor,i: c[i] == xor(a[i],b[i])', None, {'a': [147, 156, 184, 76], 'b': [51, 26, 247, 189], 'c': [160, 334, 79, 281]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda c,a,b,xor,i1: c[i1] == xor(a[i1],b[i1])', None, {'a': [147, 156, 184, 76], 'b': [51, 26, 247, 189], 'c': [160, 134, 79, 241]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda rvu, t, rvu1, rvu0: (rvu[rvu0][rvu1]) + (-t[4*rvu0 + rvu1]) == 0', None, {'t': [28, 131, 11, 85, 133, 46, 179, 20, 227, 148, 225, 197, 38, 221, 221, 126], 'rvu': [[28, 131, 11, 85], [133, 46, 179, 20], [227, 148, 225, 197], [38, 221, 221, 126]]})

        #The following illustrate the use of idxVals,
        #i.e. p is only true under certain array rages

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda st, rvu, st0, st1: (-st[st0][st1]) + (rvu[4*st0 + st1]) == 0', None, tc = {'rvu': [28, 131, 11, 85, 193, 124, 103, 215, 66, 26, 68, 54, 176, 102, 15, 237], 'st': [[28, 131, 11, 85, 133, 46, 179, 20, 227, 148, 225, 197, 38, 221, 221, 126], [193, 124, 103, 215, 106, 229, 162, 168, 166, 78, 144, 234, 199, 254, 152, 250], [66, 26, 68, 54, 206, 16, 155, 248, 231, 198, 240, 43, 208, 205, 213, 26], [176, 102, 15, 237, 49, 141, 213, 97, 137, 155, 50, 243, 112, 51, 124, 107]]})

        sage: InvArray.eval_lambda('lambda st, rvu, st0, st1: (-st[st0][st1]) + (rvu[4*st0 + st1]) == 0', idx_info = [{'st0': 0, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 0, 'st1': 1}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 1}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 3, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 0, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 0, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 1}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 2}, {'st0': 1, 'st1': 3}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 0}, {'st0': 2, 'st1': 1}], tc = {'rvu': [28, 131, 11, 85, 193, 124, 103, 215, 66, 26, 68, 54, 176, 102, 15, 237], 'st': [[28, 131, 11, 85, 133, 46, 179, 20, 227, 148, 225, 197, 38, 221, 221, 126], [193, 124, 103, 215, 106, 229, 162, 168, 166, 78, 144, 234, 199, 254, 152, 250], [66, 26, 68, 54, 206, 16, 155, 248, 231, 198, 240, 43, 208, 205, 213, 26], [176, 102, 15, 237, 49, 141, 213, 97, 137, 155, 50, 243, 112, 51, 124, 107]]})


        Note: sage_eval vs eval
        sage_eval works on str of the format 'lambda x,y: 2*x+y'
        whereas eval works on str of the format 2*x+y directly (no lambda)
        Also, the result of sage_eval can apply on dicts whose keys are str
        e.g.  f(**{'x':2,'y':3})
        whereas the result of eval applies on dict whose keys are variables
        e.g.  f(**{x:2,y:3})

        if __debug__:
            assert is_str(f) and 'lambda' in f, f
            assert (idx_info is None or 
                    is_list(idx_info) and all(is_dict(v) for v in idx_info)), indx_info
            assert is_dict(tc), tc
            assert all(is_str(k) for k in tc), tc.keys()

        f = sage_eval(f)
        vs = f.func_code.co_varnames

        arrs    = [v for v in vs if v in tc]        #A,B
        extfuns = [v for v in vs if v in ExtFun.efdict]
        idxStr  = [v for v in vs if v not in arrs+extfuns]  #i,j,k

        d_tc    = dict([(v,tc[v]) for v in arrs])
        d_extfun= dict([(v,ExtFun(v).get_fun()) for v in extfuns])
        d_      = merge_dict([d_tc,d_extfun])

        if idx_info is None: #obtain idxsVals from the pivot array
            pivotContents = tc[arrs[0]]
            idxVals  = [idx for idx,_ in Miscs.travel(pivotContents)]
            idx_info = [dict(zip(idxStr,idxV)) for idxV in idxVals]

        ds = [merge_dict([d_, idx_info_]) for idx_info_ in idx_info]

            return all(f(**d) for d in ds)
        except IndexError:
            return False
        except TypeError:
            return False
        except NameError as msg:
            return False