def get_network_visualization(self, **kwargs): """ return visualization of network """ desc = kwargs['desc'] # save network description to temporary file temp_network_handle, temp_network_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.lua') os.write(temp_network_handle, desc) os.close(temp_network_handle) try: # do this in a try..finally clause to make sure we delete the temp file # build command line torch_bin = config_value('torch')['executable'] args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__), 'tools', 'torch', 'main.lua'), '--network=%s' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(temp_network_path))[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % os.path.dirname(temp_network_path), '--subtractMean=none', # we are not providing a mean image '--visualizeModel=yes', '--type=float' ] # execute command p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, ) # TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) # the network description will be accumulated from the command output # when collecting_net_definition==True collecting_net_definition = False desc = [] unrecognized_output = [] while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. # Color codes are appended to beginning and end of line by torch binary # i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ # noqa line = regex.sub('', line) timestamp, level, message = TorchTrainTask.preprocess_output_torch(line.strip()) if message: if message.startswith('Network definition'): collecting_net_definition = not collecting_net_definition else: if collecting_net_definition: desc.append(line) elif len(line): unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) if not len(desc): # we did not find a network description raise NetworkVisualizationError(''.join(unrecognized_output)) else: output = flask.Markup('<pre align="left">') for line in desc: output += flask.Markup.escape(line) output += flask.Markup('</pre>') return output finally: os.remove(temp_network_path)
def create_train_task(self, **kwargs): """ create train task """ return TorchTrainTask(framework_id=self.framework_id, **kwargs)
def get_network_visualization(self, desc): """ return visualization of network """ # save network description to temporary file temp_network_handle, temp_network_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.lua') os.write(temp_network_handle, desc) os.close(temp_network_handle) try: # do this in a try..finally clause to make sure we delete the temp file # build command line if config_value('torch_root') == '<PATHS>': torch_bin = 'th' else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value('torch_root'), 'bin', 'th') args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)),'tools','torch','main.lua'), '--network=%s' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(temp_network_path))[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % os.path.dirname(temp_network_path), '--subtractMean=none', # we are not providing a mean image '--visualizeModel=yes', '--type=float' ] # execute command p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, ) regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) #TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes # the network description will be accumulated from the command output # when collecting_net_definition==True collecting_net_definition = False desc = [] unrecognized_output = [] while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. color codes are appended to beginning and end of line by torch binary i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ line = regex.sub('', line) timestamp, level, message = TorchTrainTask.preprocess_output_torch(line.strip()) if message: if message.startswith('Network definition'): collecting_net_definition = not collecting_net_definition else: if collecting_net_definition: desc.append(line) elif len(line): unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) if not len(desc): # we did not find a network description raise NetworkVisualizationError(''.join(unrecognized_output)) else: output = flask.Markup('<pre>') for line in desc: output += flask.Markup.escape(line) output += flask.Markup('</pre>') return output finally: os.remove(temp_network_path)