def dih_timehist2(dirname,histname): indata = tlm.dih_timelistmaker(dirname) y, binedges = np.histogram(indata,bins=10)#create hist data bincenters = .5*(binedges[1:]+binedges[:-1])#create bin centers width = 3 list1 = [i for i, j in enumerate(y) if j != 0.0]#find indices of non zero bin values list2 = [0]*len(y) for num in list1:#populate error list list2[num] = 2.0,y,width=width, color ='r',yerr=list2)#create bar plot with errors plt.xlabel("Time of Peak") plt.ylabel("# of peaks") plt.title("Time Distribution of Peaks") (mu,sigma) = fitting raw data plotline = mlab.normpdf(bincenters,mu,sigma)#creates the gaussian #alternative method for fitting #p0 = [1.,0.,1.] #coeff,var_matrix = curve_fit(gauss,bincenters,y,p0=p0) #hist_fit = gauss(bincenters, *coeff) #plt.plot(bincenters,hist_fit) plt.plot(bincenters,plotline) plt.savefig(histname) #create chi squared value residuals = plotline - y weighted = sp.sqrt(residuals**2/2.0**2) return sum(weighted)
def dih_basictimehist(dirname,histname): indata = tlm.dih_timelistmaker(dirname) P.figure n, bins, patches = P.hist(indata,12,normed = 1, histtype = "stepfilled") plt.xlabel("Time of Peak") plt.ylabel("Fraction of total peaks") plt.title("Time Distribution of Peaks") plt.savefig(histname) return indata