TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("The CommCare Evidence Base"), highlight_image="managing-devices-ebook-highlights-one", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Aligning responsibilities across stakeholders is key while rolling out a mobile project at scale. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("Managing Data in CommCare"), highlight_image="managing-devices-ebook-highlights-two", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Know what details you should include in your explanation guide for your device. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("Managing Devices at Scale"), highlight_image="managing-devices-ebook-highlights-three", description=ugettext_lazy(""" When should you set up a call center or help desk for support? Our team weighs in. """), ), ])
download_slides="c91aafa4-2489-44da-a89a-4313b5ccb1e2", subnav_cta="611518c2-9635-43fc-a097-ea6cfc285e41", download_slides_cta="1c111606-85b8-45b2-86aa-f43a05e4806f", event_tracking_title="DIIG Workflow Template - Google Slides", ) TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( description=ugettext_lazy(""" Use workflow legends to understand workflow standards. """), highlight_image="diig-digital-workflow-template-highlights-one", ), Highlight( description=ugettext_lazy(""" View example “Current” and “Future State” workflows. """), highlight_image="diig-digital-workflow-template-highlights-two", ), Highlight( description=ugettext_lazy(""" Copy and paste template workflows to create your own workflows in easily editable tools. """), highlight_image="diig-digital-workflow-template-highlights-three", ), ]) TOOLKIT.add_other_toolkits([ summary.COMMCARE_EVIDENCE_BASE, summary.COMMCARE_MANAGING_DATA, summary.MANAGING_DEVICES_EBOOK, summary.MATURITY_MODEL,
TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "The CommCare Evidence Base" ), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Learn how your data requirements and the environmental implications of your program inform your choice of mobile platform. """), highlight_image="mobile-data-collection-highlight-one", ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Data in CommCare" ), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Identify your user stories, design the structure of your system, and develop your content and delivery design. """), highlight_image="mobile-data-collection-highlight-two", ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Devices at Scale" ), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Discover all the different tests to put your application through – from quality assurance, usability testing, and pilot programs. """), highlight_image="mobile-data-collection-highlight-three", ), ])
TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("The CommCare Evidence Base"), highlight_image="total-cost-ownership-highlights-one", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Map out the scale of your operation over time to project how your growth will impact your data collection costs. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("Managing Data in CommCare"), highlight_image="total-cost-ownership-highlights-two", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Consider whether your team will need traning and how that might impact your expenses. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("Managing Devices at Scale"), highlight_image="total-cost-ownership-highlights-three", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Know your monthly operating costs such as your voice and data plan, as well as your equipment. """), ), ])
TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "The CommCare Evidence Base" ), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Learn how to categorize your data requirements, including worker and project performance metrics. """), highlight_image="data-collection-highlight-one", ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Data in CommCare" ), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Read about the different methods of data collection, including surveys, interviews, and observational data collection. """), highlight_image="data-collection-highlight-two", ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Devices at Scale" ), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Understand the basics of information workflow diagrams and data collection plan outlines. """), highlight_image="data-collection-highlight-three", ), ])
) TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("The CommCare Evidence Base"), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Building a business development team at a social enterprise? Use this guide to jump start your planning. """), highlight_image="business-development-highlights-one", ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("Managing Data in CommCare"), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Learn how to project your revenue and opportunities with the help of this guide. """), highlight_image="business-development-highlights-two", ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy("Managing Devices at Scale"), description=ugettext_lazy(""" Understand how your win-rate, total expected value, and other key factors impact estimations. """), highlight_image="business-development-highlights-three", ), ]) TOOLKIT.add_other_toolkits([
TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "The CommCare Evidence Base" ), highlight_image="maturity-model-highlights-one", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Take a 30-minute assessment to see what stage of maturity your project is at across six program areas. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Data in CommCare" ), highlight_image="maturity-model-highlights-two", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Identify opportunities for growth so that you can manage your time and plan accordingly. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Devices at Scale" ), highlight_image="maturity-model-highlights-three", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Set a long-term plan for your project and how you will manage your mobile solution in the coming years. """), ), ])
TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "The CommCare Evidence Base" ), highlight_image="commcare-evidence-base-highlights-one", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Improve data cleanliness for accurate reporting and analysis. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Data in CommCare" ), highlight_image="commcare-evidence-base-highlights-two", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Understand best practices for exporting data. """), ), Highlight( name=ugettext_lazy( "Managing Devices at Scale" ), highlight_image="commcare-evidence-base-highlights-three", description=ugettext_lazy(""" Learn how to inspect and clean raw data. """), ), ])
subnav_cta="4633865c-3c47-4370-8874-740c49bd75db", event_tracking_title="DHIS2 Integration ", language="french", ) TOOLKIT.add_highlights([ Highlight( description=ugettext_lazy(""" Understand how CommCare and DHIS2 work together to create an end-to-end data pipeline for your digital health system. """), highlight_image="digital-health-systems-highlights-one", ), Highlight( description=ugettext_lazy(""" Compare hard and soft costs associated with the DHIS2 and CommCare platforms. """), highlight_image="digital-health-systems-highlights-two", ), Highlight( description=ugettext_lazy(""" Evaluate the key differences between CommCare and DHIS2 mobile applications. """), highlight_image="digital-health-systems-highlights-three", ), ]) TOOLKIT.add_other_toolkits([ summary.COMMCARE_EVIDENCE_BASE, summary.COMMCARE_MANAGING_DATA, summary.MANAGING_DEVICES_EBOOK,