def test_filelist_standard(self): # filename replicate batch injectionOrder classLabel fm_dict = validate_metadata( to_test_data("filelist_csl_MTBLS79_mzml_triplicates.txt")) self.assertEqual(fm_dict['filename'], [ 'batch04_B02_rep01_301.mzML', 'batch04_B02_rep02_302.mzML', 'batch04_B02_rep03_303.mzML', 'batch04_QC17_rep01_262.mzML', 'batch04_QC17_rep02_263.mzML', 'batch04_QC17_rep03_264.mzML', 'batch04_S01_rep01_247.mzML', 'batch04_S01_rep02_248.mzML', 'batch04_S01_rep03_249.mzML' ]) self.assertEqual(fm_dict['replicate'], [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(fm_dict['batch'], [1] * 9) self.assertEqual(fm_dict['injectionOrder'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) self.assertEqual(fm_dict['classLabel'], [ 'blank', 'blank', 'blank', 'QC', 'QC', 'QC', 'sample', 'sample', 'sample' ])
def test_filelist_replicate_error_zero_value(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: validate_metadata(to_test_data("filelist_replicate_error_2.txt")) self.assertTrue( "Incorrect numbering for replicates" in str(context.exception))
def test_filelist_class_label_error(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: validate_metadata(to_test_data("filelist_class_label_error.txt")) self.assertTrue("class names do not match with number of replicates" in str(context.exception))
def test_filelist_injection_order_error(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: validate_metadata( to_test_data("filelist_injection_order_error.txt")) self.assertTrue("samples not in order" in str(context.exception))
def test_filelist_multilist_error(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: validate_metadata(to_test_data("filelist_multi_error.txt")) self.assertTrue("Column 'multilist' values should be integers" in str( context.exception))
def test_filename_error(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: validate_metadata(to_test_data("filelist_filename_error.txt")) self.assertTrue("Duplicate filename in list" in str(context.exception))
def test_filelist_multi(self): fm_dict = validate_metadata(to_test_data("filelist_multi.txt")) self.assertEqual(fm_dict['multilist'], [1, 1, 2])
def main(): # Create ArgumentParser object parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Python package for processing acoustic mist ionisation-mass spectrometry -based metabolomics and lipidomics data', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) # subparsers subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='step') parser_scans = subparsers.add_parser( 'process-scans', help='Process and align scans within samples.') parser_samples = subparsers.add_parser('process-samples', help='Process and align samples.') parser_hpmt = subparsers.add_parser( 'hdf5-pm-to-txt', help='Write HDF5 output (peak matrix) to text format.') parser_hplt = subparsers.add_parser( 'hdf5-pls-to-txt', help='Write HDF5 output (peak lists) to text format.') ##################### # Process Scans ##################### parser_scans.add_argument( "-i", "--input", type=str, nargs='+', required=True, metavar='source', help= "Absolute or relative path to the *.mzml file(s). Must be in same order as 'metascans *txt files'" ) parser_scans.add_argument( '-ms', '--metascans', type=str, nargs='+', required=True, metavar='source', help= "Absolute or relative path to the comma-delimited *.txt metadata file. Must be in same order and 'input' *mzml files. Header names must contain and be in the following order names =['barcode', 'date/time', 'row', 'col', 'scan', 'ejection time', 'NA'] as output by MS-Parser tool" ) parser_scans.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="Absolute or relative path to the output file", action="store", type=str, required=True) parser_scans.add_argument( "-f", "--failed-wells", help= "Absolute or relative path to the *.txt output of which well failed", action="store", type=str, required=True) parser_scans.add_argument( "-pr", "--processed_scans", help= "Absolute or relative path to the *.txt output of which well failed", action="store", type=str, required=True) parser_scans.add_argument( "-m", "--method", help= "Method to define which scans to extract data from. DEFAULT = on_scans_no_edge", action="store", type=str, choices=["all_scans", "on_scans", "off_scans", "on_scan_no_edge"], default="on_scans_no_edge") parser_scans.add_argument( "-d", "--id-snr", help= "For identifying on/off scans: Hard SNR threshold for differentiating between on/off scans. DEFAULT = 15", action="store", type=int, default=15) parser_scans.add_argument( "-t", "--id-tol", help= "For identifying on/off scans: Number of features with SNR > threshold to tolerate in off scans. DEFAULT = 3", action="store", type=int, default=3) parser_scans.add_argument( "-s", "--snr-threshold", help="SNR threshold to remove noise features. DEFAULT = 2", action="store", type=int, default=3) parser_scans.add_argument( "-n", "--min-scans", help= "Minimum number of scans required to be labelled on within a well for sample to be taken forward. DEFAULT = 0", action="store", type=int, default=0) parser_scans.add_argument( "-r", "--rsd-threshold", help= "RSD filter (scan level): Threshold of RSD of features across scans in sample for it to be retained. DEFAULT = None", action="store", type=int, default=None) parser_scans.add_argument( "-fr", "--min-fraction", help= "Minimum fraction a peak has to be present. Use 0.0 to not apply this filter.", action="store", type=float, default=None) parser_scans.add_argument( "-p", "--ppm", help= "Aligning scans: m/z precision (ppm) to align scans in sample - REQUIRED PARAMETER!", action="store", type=int, required=True) parser_scans.add_argument( '-l', '--metalist', type=str, required=False, help= "Absolute or relative path to the tab-delimited *.txt file that include the name of the data files (*.mzml) and meta data. " "Column names: filename, replicate, batch, injectionOrder, classLabel." ) ################################# # Process Samples ################################# parser_samples.add_argument( "-i", "--input", help= "Absolute or relative path to the *.hdf5 file containing all peaklists from process scans", action="store", type=str, required=True) parser_samples.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="Absolute or relative path to the output file", action="store", type=str, required=True) parser_samples.add_argument( "-p", "--ppm", help= "Aligning samples: m/z precision (ppm) to align samples in study - REQUIRED PARAMETER!", action="store", type=int, required=True) parser_samples.add_argument( "-b", "--block-size", help= "Aligning samples: Number peaks in each centre clustering block for alignment of samples. DEFAULT = 5000 (should increase for large studies)", action="store", type=int, default=5000) parser_samples.add_argument( "-fr", "--min-fraction", help="Minimum percentage of samples a peak has to be present.", action="store", type=float, required=False, default=None) parser_samples.add_argument( '-r', '--rsd-threshold', default=None, type=float, required=False, help= "Peaks where the associated QC peaks are above this threshold will be removed." ) parser_samples.add_argument( '-w', '--within', type=bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Apply sample filter within each sample class.") parser_samples.add_argument('-q', '--qc-label', default=None, type=str, required=False, help="Class label for QCs") ################################# # HDF5 peaklists to text ################################# parser_hplt.add_argument( '-i', '--input', type=str, required=True, help= "Absolute or relative path to the HDF5 file that contains a list of peaklist objects from one of the processing steps." ) parser_hplt.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Directory to write to.", action="store", type=str, default=os.getcwd()) parser_hplt.add_argument( '-d', '--delimiter', default="tab", choices=["tab", "comma"], help="Values on each line of the file are separated by this character." ) ################################# # HDF5 peak matrix to text ################################# parser_hpmt.add_argument( '-i', '--input', type=str, required=True, help= "Absolute or relative path to the HDF5 file that contains a peak matrix object from one of the processing steps." ) parser_hpmt.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, required=True, help="Directory to write to.") parser_hpmt.add_argument('-a', '--attribute_name', default="intensity", choices=["intensity", "mz", "snr"], required=False, help="Type of matrix to print.") parser_hpmt.add_argument( '-l', '--class-label-rsd', action='append', required=False, default=(), help="Class label to select samples for RSD calculatons (e.g. QC).") parser_hpmt.add_argument( '-d', '--delimiter', default="tab", choices=["tab", "comma"], help="Values on each line of the file are separated by this character." ) parser_hpmt.add_argument( '-s', '--representation-samples', default="rows", choices=["rows", "columns"], help="Should the rows or columns respresent the samples?") parser_hpmt.add_argument( '-c', '--comprehensive', action='store_true', required=False, help= "Whether to output simple or comprehensive version of the peak matrix. Do not use argument if want simple output, use -c or --comprehensive for comprehensive output" ) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) if args.step == "process-scans": peaklists = [] failed_wells = [] scans_processed = {} for i in range(len(args.input)): print("Acquisition; {}".format(args.input[i])) # Store spectral data run = Mzml(args.input[i]) # Define which wells scans are associated with df = pd.read_csv(args.metascans[i], header=None, names=[ "barcode", "date/time", "row", "col", "scan", "ejection time", "NA" ]) df = df[["barcode", "row", "col", "scan"]] alphabet = list(string.ascii_uppercase) df['well_label'] = df.apply( lambda row: "%s_%s%02d" % (row.barcode, alphabet[row.row - 1], row.col), axis=1) if args.metalist is not None: metadata = validate_metadata(args.metalist) for index, well in df[["well_label"]].drop_duplicates().iterrows(): well_scans = list( df[(df["well_label"] == well["well_label"])]["scan"]) wellInfo = Scans(run, well, well_scans, args.id_snr, args.id_tol) scan_ids = wellInfo.extract(args.method) if isinstance(scan_ids, str): scans_processed[well[0]] = scan_ids else: scans_processed[well[0]] = scan_ids if len(scan_ids) < args.min_scans: line = "Well: {}, failed due to: < {} scans in well taken forward. Scan_ids for well: {}".format( well, args.min_scans, scan_ids) failed_wells.append(line) else: # Regenerates peak lists for each well (pl is individual # scan) with user defined snr, rsd and min fraction # thresholds # pls is the spectral data (mz, intensity, snr, flags) for # all scans pls = run.peaklists(scan_ids, function_noise="median") pls = [ filter_attr( pl, "snr", min_threshold=args.snr_threshold) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls ] # Filters out noise using SNR # dataframe with only extracted scans/peaklists pls = [pl for pl in pls if int(pl.ID) in scan_ids] try: # Forms aligned peak matrix from peakLists pm = align_peaks(pls, ppm=args.ppm, block_size=5000, edge_extend=(2 * args.ppm)) except ValueError as e: line = "Well: {}, failed due to: {}.".format(well, e) failed_wells.append(line) continue # Generates peakLists from aligned peak matrix pl_aligned = pm.to_peaklist( ID="{}".format(well["well_label"])) if "snr" in pm.attributes: pl_aligned.add_attribute("snr", pm.attr_mean_vector("snr"), on_index=2) pl_aligned.add_attribute("rsd", pm.rsd(flagged_only=False), on_index=4) pl_aligned.add_attribute('snr_flag', np.ones(pl_aligned.full_size), flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) if args.rsd_threshold is not None: rsd_flag = map( lambda x: not np.isnan(x) and x < args. rsd_threshold, pl_aligned.get_attribute("rsd", flagged_only=False)) pl_aligned.add_attribute("rsd_flag", rsd_flag, flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) if args.min_fraction is not None: pl_aligned.add_attribute( "internal_fraction_flag", (pm.present / float(pm.shape[0])) >= args.min_fraction, flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) if args.metalist is not None: pl_aligned = update_metadata_and_labels([pl_aligned], metadata) peaklists.append(pl_aligned[0]) else: peaklists.append(pl_aligned) with open(args.failed_wells, "w") as out: for well in failed_wells: out.write("{}\n".format(well)) out_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(scans_processed, orient='index') out_df.to_csv(args.processed_scans, sep='\t') hdf5_portal.save_peaklists_as_hdf5(peaklists, "{}.hdf5".format(args.output)) if args.step == "process-samples": peaklists = hdf5_portal.load_peaklists_from_hdf5(args.input) peakmatrix = align_peaks( peaklists, ppm=args.ppm, block_size=args.block_size, edge_extend=( 2 * args.ppm)) # align peaks into mz bins... ppm = ppm_precision peakmatrix = sample_filter(peakmatrix, min_fraction=args.min_fraction, within=args.within, qc_label=args.qc_label, rsd_thres=args.rsd_threshold) hdf5_portal.save_peak_matrix_as_hdf5(peakmatrix, args.output) if args.step == 'hdf5-pls-to-txt': hdf5_peaklists_to_txt(args.input, path_out=args.output, delimiter=map_delimiter(args.delimiter)) if args.step == 'hdf5-pm-to-txt': if args.representation_samples == "rows": samples_in_rows = True else: samples_in_rows = False hdf5_peak_matrix_to_txt(args.input, path_out=args.output, attr_name=args.attribute_name, delimiter=map_delimiter(args.delimiter), rsd_tags=args.class_label_rsd, samples_in_rows=samples_in_rows, comprehensive=args.comprehensive)