예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: jgruca/Dinette
def postTopic(request):
    mlogger.info("In post Topic page.....................")
    mlogger.debug("Type of request.user %s" % type(request.user))

    topic = FtopicForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

    if not topic.is_valid():
        d = {"is_valid": "false", "response_html": topic.as_table()}
        json = simplejson.dumps(d)
        if request.FILES:
            json = "<textarea>"+simplejson.dumps(d)+"</textarea>"
            json = simplejson.dumps(d)
        return HttpResponse(json, content_type=json_mimetype)

    #code which checks for flood control
    if (timezone.now()-request.user.get_profile().last_posttime).seconds < settings.FLOOD_TIME:
    #oh....... user trying to flood us Stop him
        d2 = {"is_valid": "flood", "errormessage": "Flood control.................."}
        if request.FILES:
            json = "<textarea>"+simplejson.dumps(d2)+"</textarea>"
        else :
            json = simplejson.dumps(d2)
        return HttpResponse(json, content_type=json_mimetype)

    ftopic = topic.save(commit=False)
    #only if there is any file
    if request.FILES :
        if(request.FILES['file'].content_type.find("image") >= 0 ) :
            ftopic.attachment_type = "image"
        else :
            ftopic.attachment_type = "text"
        ftopic.filename = request.FILES['file'].name

    ftopic.posted_by = request.user

    mlogger.debug("categoryid= %s" %request.POST['categoryid'])
    ftopic.category  = Category.objects.get(pk = request.POST['categoryid'])

    #Assigning user rank
    mlogger.debug("Assigning an user rank and last posted datetime")

    mlogger.debug("what is the message (%s %s) " % (ftopic.message,ftopic.subject))
    payload = {'topic':ftopic}
    response_html = render_to_string('dinette/topic_detail_frag.html', payload,RequestContext(request))
    mlogger.debug("what is the response = %s " % response_html)

    d2 = {"is_valid":"true","response_html":response_html}

    #this the required for ajax file uploads
    if request.FILES :
        json = "<textarea>"+simplejson.dumps(d2)+"</textarea>"
    else :
        json = simplejson.dumps(d2)
    return HttpResponse(json, content_type=json_mimetype)
예제 #2
def postTopic(request) :
    mlogger.info("In post Topic page.....................")
    mlogger.debug("Type of request.user %s" % type(request.user)  )
    topic = FtopicForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
    if topic.is_valid() == False :
        d = {"is_valid":"false","response_html":topic.as_table()}
        json = simplejson.dumps(d)
        return HttpResponse(json, mimetype = json_mimetype)                    
    #code which checks for flood control
    if (datetime.now() -(request.user.get_profile().last_posttime)).seconds <= settings.FLOOD_TIME :
    #oh....... user trying to flood us Stop him
        d2 = {"is_valid":"flood","errormessage":_("Flood control..................")}
        json = simplejson.dumps(d2)  
        return HttpResponse(json, mimetype = json_mimetype)
    ftopic = topic.save(commit=False)     
    #only if there is any file
    if request.FILES :
        if(request.FILES['file'].content_type.find("image") >= 0 ) :
            ftopic.attachment_type = "image"
        else :
            ftopic.attachment_type = "text"
        ftopic.filename = request.FILES['file'].name
    ftopic.posted_by = request.user
    mlogger.debug("categoryid= %s" %request.POST['categoryid'])
    ftopic.category  = Category.objects.get(pk = request.POST['categoryid'])
    #Assigning user rank
    mlogger.debug("Assigning an user rank and last posted datetime")     
    mlogger.debug("what is the message (%s %s) " % (ftopic.message,ftopic.subject))    
    payload = {'topic':ftopic}
    response_html = render_to_string('dinette/topic_detail_frag.html', payload,RequestContext(request))
    mlogger.debug("what is the response = %s " % response_html)
    d2 = {"is_valid":"true","response_html":response_html}
    json = simplejson.dumps(d2) 
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype = json_mimetype)
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: narqo/djbookru
def postTopic(request) :
    topic = FtopicForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
    if topic.is_valid() == False :
        d = {"is_valid":"false","response_html":topic.as_table()}
        json = simplejson.dumps(d)
        if request.FILES :
            json = "<textarea>"+simplejson.dumps(d)+"</textarea>"
            json = simplejson.dumps(d)
        return HttpResponse(json, mimetype = json_mimetype)                    
    #code which checks for flood control
    last_posttime = request.user.last_posttime
    if last_posttime and (datetime.now() - last_posttime).seconds <= settings.FLOOD_TIME:
    #oh....... user trying to flood us Stop him
        d2 = {"is_valid":"flood","errormessage":"Flood control.................."}
        if request.FILES : 
            json = "<textarea>"+simplejson.dumps(d2)+"</textarea>"
        else :
            json = simplejson.dumps(d2)  
        return HttpResponse(json, mimetype = json_mimetype)
    ftopic = topic.save(commit=False)     
    #only if there is any file
    if request.FILES :
        if(request.FILES['file'].content_type.find("image") >= 0 ) :
            ftopic.attachment_type = "image"
        else :
            ftopic.attachment_type = "text"
        ftopic.filename = request.FILES['file'].name
    ftopic.posted_by = request.user
    ftopic.category  = Category.objects.get(pk = request.POST['categoryid'])
    #Assigning user rank
    payload = {'topic':ftopic}
    response_html = render_to_string('dinette/topic_detail_frag.html', payload,RequestContext(request))
    d2 = {"is_valid":"true","response_html":response_html}
    #this the required for ajax file uploads
    if request.FILES : 
        json = "<textarea>"+simplejson.dumps(d2)+"</textarea>"
    else :
        json = simplejson.dumps(d2) 
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype = json_mimetype)