예제 #1
def _add_splines(c, b1, d, b2):
    """Construct c*b1 + d*b2."""
    if b1 == S.Zero or c == S.Zero:
        rv = piecewise_fold(d * b2)
    elif b2 == S.Zero or d == S.Zero:
        rv = piecewise_fold(c * b1)
        new_args = []
        n_intervals = len(b1.args)
        if n_intervals != len(b2.args):
            raise ValueError("Args of b1 and b2 are not equal")
        new_args.append((c * b1.args[0].expr, b1.args[0].cond))
        for i in range(1, n_intervals - 1):
            new_args.append((c * b1.args[i].expr + d * b2.args[i - 1].expr,
        new_args.append((d * b2.args[-2].expr, b2.args[-2].cond))
        rv = Piecewise(*new_args)

    return rv.expand()
예제 #2
def test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_kd_add_y_kd():
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        3 * (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 1)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, Eq(i, 1)), (0, True)) + (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, 2, 2)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, Eq(i, 2)), (0, True)) + (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, 3, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, Eq(i, 3)), (0, True)) + (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, k)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= k)), (0, True)) +
        k * (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, k, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, And(k <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) + (4 - k) *
        (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
    assert ds((x + KD(i, k)) * (y + KD(i, j)), (j, k, l)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((KD(i, k) + x, And(k <= i, i <= l)), (0, True)) +
        (l - k + 1) * (KD(i, k) + x) * y)
예제 #3
def test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_kd_add_y_kd():
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        3*(Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, 1, 1)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, Eq(i, 1)), (0, True)) +
        (Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, 2, 2)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, Eq(i, 2)), (0, True)) +
        (Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, 3, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, Eq(i, 3)), (0, True)) +
        (Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, 1, k)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= k)), (0, True)) +
        k*(Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, k, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, And(k <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        (4 - k)*(Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
    assert ds((x + Kd(i, k))*(y + Kd(i, j)), (j, k, l)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((Kd(i, k) + x, And(k <= i, i <= l)), (0, True)) +
        (l - k + 1)*(Kd(i, k) + x)*y)
예제 #4
def test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_y_add_kd_kd():
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= j, j <= 3)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, 1, 1)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(i, 1)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(j, 1)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, 2, 2)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(i, 2)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(j, 2)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, 3, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(i, 3)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(j, 3)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, 1, l)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= l)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= j, j <= l)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, l, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= j, j <= 3)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y)*(Kd(i, k) + Kd(j, k)), (k, l, m)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= i, i <= m)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= j, j <= m)), (0, True)))
예제 #5
def test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_y_add_kd_kd():
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= j, j <= 3)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, 1)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(i, 1)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(j, 1)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 2, 2)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(i, 2)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(j, 2)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 3, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(i, 3)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, Eq(j, 3)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, l)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= i, i <= l)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(Integer(1) <= j, j <= l)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, l, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= j, j <= 3)), (0, True)))
    assert ds((x + y) * (KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, l, m)) == piecewise_fold(
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= i, i <= m)), (0, True)) +
        Piecewise((x + y, And(l <= j, j <= m)), (0, True)))
예제 #6
def simplify(expr, ratio=1.7, measure=count_ops, fu=False):
    Simplifies the given expression.

    Simplification is not a well defined term and the exact strategies
    this function tries can change in the future versions of Diofant. If
    your algorithm relies on "simplification" (whatever it is), try to
    determine what you need exactly  -  is it powsimp()?, radsimp()?,
    together()?, logcombine()?, or something else? And use this particular
    function directly, because those are well defined and thus your algorithm
    will be robust.

    Nonetheless, especially for interactive use, or when you don't know
    anything about the structure of the expression, simplify() tries to apply
    intelligent heuristics to make the input expression "simpler".  For

    >>> from diofant import simplify, cos, sin
    >>> from diofant.abc import x, y
    >>> a = (x + x**2)/(x*sin(y)**2 + x*cos(y)**2)
    >>> a
    (x**2 + x)/(x*sin(y)**2 + x*cos(y)**2)
    >>> simplify(a)
    x + 1

    Note that we could have obtained the same result by using specific
    simplification functions:

    >>> from diofant import trigsimp, cancel
    >>> trigsimp(a)
    (x**2 + x)/x
    >>> cancel(_)
    x + 1

    In some cases, applying :func:`simplify` may actually result in some more
    complicated expression. The default ``ratio=1.7`` prevents more extreme
    cases: if (result length)/(input length) > ratio, then input is returned
    unmodified.  The ``measure`` parameter lets you specify the function used
    to determine how complex an expression is.  The function should take a
    single argument as an expression and return a number such that if
    expression ``a`` is more complex than expression ``b``, then
    ``measure(a) > measure(b)``.  The default measure function is
    :func:`~diofant.core.function.count_ops`, which returns the total number of operations in the

    For example, if ``ratio=1``, ``simplify`` output can't be longer
    than input.


        >>> from diofant import sqrt, simplify, count_ops, oo
        >>> root = 1/(sqrt(2)+3)

    Since ``simplify(root)`` would result in a slightly longer expression,
    root is returned unchanged instead::

       >>> simplify(root, ratio=1) == root

    If ``ratio=oo``, simplify will be applied anyway::

        >>> count_ops(simplify(root, ratio=oo)) > count_ops(root)

    Note that the shortest expression is not necessary the simplest, so
    setting ``ratio`` to 1 may not be a good idea.
    Heuristically, the default value ``ratio=1.7`` seems like a reasonable

    You can easily define your own measure function based on what you feel
    should represent the "size" or "complexity" of the input expression.  Note
    that some choices, such as ``lambda expr: len(str(expr))`` may appear to be
    good metrics, but have other problems (in this case, the measure function
    may slow down simplify too much for very large expressions).  If you don't
    know what a good metric would be, the default, ``count_ops``, is a good

    For example:

    >>> from diofant import symbols, log
    >>> a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    >>> g = log(a) + log(b) + log(a)*log(1/b)
    >>> h = simplify(g)
    >>> h
    log(a*b**(-log(a) + 1))
    >>> count_ops(g)
    >>> count_ops(h)

    So you can see that ``h`` is simpler than ``g`` using the count_ops metric.
    However, we may not like how ``simplify`` (in this case, using
    ``logcombine``) has created the ``b**(log(1/a) + 1)`` term.  A simple way
    to reduce this would be to give more weight to powers as operations in
    ``count_ops``.  We can do this by using the ``visual=True`` option:

    >>> print(count_ops(g, visual=True))
    2*ADD + DIV + 4*LOG + MUL
    >>> print(count_ops(h, visual=True))
    2*LOG + MUL + POW + SUB

    >>> from diofant import Symbol, S
    >>> def my_measure(expr):
    ...     POW = Symbol('POW')
    ...     # Discourage powers by giving POW a weight of 10
    ...     count = count_ops(expr, visual=True).subs(POW, 10)
    ...     # Every other operation gets a weight of 1 (the default)
    ...     count = count.replace(Symbol, type(S.One))
    ...     return count
    >>> my_measure(g)
    >>> my_measure(h)
    >>> 15./8 > 1.7  # 1.7 is the default ratio
    >>> simplify(g, measure=my_measure)
    -log(a)*log(b) + log(a) + log(b)

    Note that because ``simplify()`` internally tries many different
    simplification strategies and then compares them using the measure
    function, we get a completely different result that is still different
    from the input expression by doing this.
    expr = sympify(expr)

        return expr._eval_simplify(ratio=ratio, measure=measure)
    except AttributeError:

    original_expr = expr = signsimp(expr)

    from diofant.simplify.hyperexpand import hyperexpand
    from diofant.functions.special.bessel import BesselBase
    from diofant import Sum, Product

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or not expr.args:  # XXX: temporary hack
        return expr

    if not isinstance(expr, (Add, Mul, Pow, exp_polar)):
        return expr.func(*[
            simplify(x, ratio=ratio, measure=measure, fu=fu) for x in expr.args

    # TODO: Apply different strategies, considering expression pattern:
    # is it a purely rational function? Is there any trigonometric function?...
    # See also https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/185.

    def shorter(*choices):
        '''Return the choice that has the fewest ops. In case of a tie,
        the expression listed first is selected.'''
        if not has_variety(choices):
            return choices[0]
        return min(choices, key=measure)

    expr = bottom_up(expr, lambda w: w.normal())
    expr = Mul(*powsimp(expr).as_content_primitive())
    _e = cancel(expr)
    expr1 = shorter(_e, _mexpand(_e).cancel())  # issue 6829
    expr2 = shorter(together(expr, deep=True), together(expr1, deep=True))

    if ratio is S.Infinity:
        expr = expr2
        expr = shorter(expr2, expr1, expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, Basic):  # XXX: temporary hack
        return expr

    expr = factor_terms(expr, sign=False)

    # hyperexpand automatically only works on hypergeometric terms
    expr = hyperexpand(expr)

    expr = piecewise_fold(expr)

    if expr.has(BesselBase):
        expr = besselsimp(expr)

    if expr.has(TrigonometricFunction) and not fu or expr.has(
        expr = trigsimp(expr, deep=True)

    if expr.has(log):
        expr = shorter(expand_log(expr, deep=True), logcombine(expr))

    if expr.has(CombinatorialFunction, gamma):
        expr = combsimp(expr)

    if expr.has(Sum):
        expr = sum_simplify(expr)

    if expr.has(Product):
        expr = product_simplify(expr)

    short = shorter(powsimp(expr, combine='exp', deep=True), powsimp(expr),
    short = shorter(short, factor_terms(short),
    if (short.has(TrigonometricFunction, HyperbolicFunction, exp_polar)
            or any(a.base is S.Exp1 for a in short.atoms(Pow))):
        short = exptrigsimp(short, simplify=False)

    # get rid of hollow 2-arg Mul factorization
    hollow_mul = Transform(
        lambda x: Mul(*x.args), lambda x: x.is_Mul and len(x.args) == 2 and x.
        args[0].is_Number and x.args[1].is_Add and x.is_commutative)
    expr = short.xreplace(hollow_mul)

    numer, denom = expr.as_numer_denom()
    if denom.is_Add:
        n, d = fraction(radsimp(1 / denom, symbolic=False, max_terms=1))
        if n is not S.One:
            expr = (numer * n).expand() / d

    if expr.could_extract_minus_sign():
        n, d = fraction(expr)
        if d != 0:
            expr = signsimp(-n / (-d))

    if measure(expr) > ratio * measure(original_expr):
        expr = original_expr

    return expr
예제 #7
def deltasummation(f, limit, no_piecewise=False):
    """Handle summations containing a KroneckerDelta.

    The idea for summation is the following:

    - If we are dealing with a KroneckerDelta expression, i.e. KroneckerDelta(g(x), j),
      we try to simplify it.

      If we could simplify it, then we sum the resulting expression.
      We already know we can sum a simplified expression, because only
      simple KroneckerDelta expressions are involved.

      If we couldn't simplify it, there are two cases:

      1) The expression is a simple expression: we return the summation,
         taking care if we are dealing with a Derivative or with a proper

      2) The expression is not simple (i.e. KroneckerDelta(cos(x))): we can do
         nothing at all.

    - If the expr is a multiplication expr having a KroneckerDelta term:

      First we expand it.

      If the expansion did work, then we try to sum the expansion.

      If not, we try to extract a simple KroneckerDelta term, then we have two

      1) We have a simple KroneckerDelta term, so we return the summation.

      2) We didn't have a simple term, but we do have an expression with
         simplified KroneckerDelta terms, so we sum this expression.


    >>> from diofant import oo, symbols
    >>> from diofant.abc import k
    >>> i, j = symbols('i, j', integer=True, finite=True)
    >>> from diofant import KroneckerDelta, Piecewise
    >>> deltasummation(KroneckerDelta(i, k), (k, -oo, oo))
    >>> deltasummation(KroneckerDelta(i, k), (k, 0, oo))
    Piecewise((1, 0 <= i), (0, true))
    >>> deltasummation(KroneckerDelta(i, k), (k, 1, 3))
    Piecewise((1, And(1 <= i, i <= 3)), (0, true))
    >>> deltasummation(k*KroneckerDelta(i, j)*KroneckerDelta(j, k), (k, -oo, oo))
    j*KroneckerDelta(i, j)
    >>> deltasummation(j*KroneckerDelta(i, j), (j, -oo, oo))
    >>> deltasummation(i*KroneckerDelta(i, j), (i, -oo, oo))

    See Also

    from diofant.concrete.summations import summation
    from diofant.solvers import solve

    if ((limit[2] - limit[1]) < 0) is S.true:
        return S.Zero

    if not f.has(KroneckerDelta):
        return summation(f, limit)

    x = limit[0]

    g = _expand_delta(f, x)
    if g.is_Add:
        return piecewise_fold(
            g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))

    # try to extract a simple KroneckerDelta term
    delta, expr = _extract_delta(g, x)

    if not delta:
        return summation(f, limit)

    solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
    if len(solns) == 0:
        return S.Zero
    elif len(solns) != 1:
        return Sum(f, limit)
    value = solns[0]
    if no_piecewise:
        return expr.subs(x, value)
    return Piecewise(
        (expr.subs(x, value), Interval(*limit[1:3]).as_relational(value)),
        (S.Zero, True))