예제 #1
def test_special_printers():
    class IntervalPrinter(LambdaPrinter):
        """Use ``lambda`` printer but print numbers as ``mpi`` intervals. """
        def _print_Integer(self, expr):
            return "mpi('%s')" % super(IntervalPrinter,

        def _print_Rational(self, expr):
            return "mpi('%s')" % super(IntervalPrinter,

    def intervalrepr(expr):
        return IntervalPrinter().doprint(expr)

    expr = diofant.sqrt(diofant.sqrt(2) + diofant.sqrt(3)) + diofant.Rational(
        1, 2)

    func0 = lambdify((), expr, modules="mpmath", printer=intervalrepr)
    func1 = lambdify((), expr, modules="mpmath", printer=IntervalPrinter)
    func2 = lambdify((), expr, modules="mpmath", printer=IntervalPrinter())

    mpi = type(mpmath.mpi(1, 2))

    assert isinstance(func0(), mpi)
    assert isinstance(func1(), mpi)
    assert isinstance(func2(), mpi)
예제 #2
def test_numpy_numexpr():
    a, b, c = numpy.random.randn(3, 128, 128)
    # ensure that numpy and numexpr return same value for complicated expression
    expr = (sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z)**2 + Abs(z - y)*acos(sin(y*z)) +
            Abs(y - z)*acosh(2 + exp(y - x)) - sqrt(x**2 + I*y**2))
    npfunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numpy')
    nefunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(npfunc(a, b, c), nefunc(a, b, c))
예제 #3
def test_numpy_numexpr():
    a, b, c = numpy.random.randn(3, 128, 128)
    # ensure that numpy and numexpr return same value for complicated expression
    expr = (sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z)**2 + Abs(z - y)*acos(sin(y*z)) +
            Abs(y - z)*acosh(2 + exp(y - x)) - sqrt(x**2 + I*y**2))
    npfunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numpy')
    nefunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(npfunc(a, b, c), nefunc(a, b, c))
예제 #4
def test_diofant_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "diofant")
    assert f(x) == sin(x)
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(Rational(1, 5)).evalf() - Float(str(sin02)) < prec
    # arctan is in numpy module and should not be available
    pytest.raises(NameError, lambda: lambdify(x, arctan(x), "diofant"))
예제 #5
def test_docs():
    f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    assert f(2) == 4
    f = lambdify([x, y, z], [z, y, x])
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == [3, 2, 1]
    f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    assert f(4) == 2.0
    f = lambdify((x, y), sin(x*y)**2)
    assert f(0, 5) == 0
예제 #6
def test_numexpr_userfunctions():
    a, b = numpy.random.randn(2, 10)
    uf = type('uf', (Function, ), {'eval': classmethod(lambda x, y: y**2 + 1)})
    func = lambdify(x, 1 - uf(x), modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(func(a), -(a**2))

    uf = implemented_function(Function('uf'), lambda x, y: 2 * x * y + 1)
    func = lambdify((x, y), uf(x, y), modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(func(a, b), 2 * a * b + 1)
예제 #7
def test_numpy_piecewise():
    pieces = Piecewise((x, x < 3), (x**2, x > 5), (0, True))
    f = lambdify(x, pieces, modules="numpy")
                                     numpy.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 49, 64, 81]))
    # If we evaluate somewhere all conditions are False, we should get back NaN
    nodef_func = lambdify(x, Piecewise((x, x > 0), (-x, x < 0)))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(nodef_func(numpy.array([-1, 0, 1])),
                                     numpy.array([1, numpy.nan, 1]))
예제 #8
def test_diofant_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "diofant")
    assert f(x) == sin(x)
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(Rational(1, 5)).evalf() - Float(str(sin02)) < prec
    # arctan is in numpy module and should not be available
    pytest.raises(NameError, lambda: lambdify(x, arctan(x), "diofant"))  # noqa: F821
예제 #9
def test_docs():
    f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    assert f(2) == 4
    f = lambdify([x, y, z], [z, y, x])
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == [3, 2, 1]
    f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    assert f(4) == 2.0
    f = lambdify((x, y), sin(x*y)**2)
    assert f(0, 5) == 0
예제 #10
def test_bad_args():
    # no vargs given
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: lambdify(1))
    # same with vector exprs
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: lambdify([1, 2]))
    # reserved name
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: lambdify((('__flatten_args__',),), 1))

    pytest.raises(NameError, lambda: lambdify(x, 1, 'spam'))
예제 #11
def test_numpy_logical_ops():
    and_func = lambdify((x, y), And(x, y), modules="numpy")
    or_func = lambdify((x, y), Or(x, y), modules="numpy")
    not_func = lambdify(x, Not(x), modules="numpy")
    arr1 = numpy.array([True, True])
    arr2 = numpy.array([False, True])
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(and_func(arr1, arr2), numpy.array([False, True]))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(or_func(arr1, arr2), numpy.array([True, True]))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(not_func(arr2), numpy.array([True, False]))
예제 #12
def test_numpy_piecewise():
    pieces = Piecewise((x, x < 3), (x**2, x > 5), (0, True))
    f = lambdify(x, pieces, modules="numpy")
                                     numpy.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 49, 64, 81]))
    # If we evaluate somewhere all conditions are False, we should get back NaN
    nodef_func = lambdify(x, Piecewise((x, x > 0), (-x, x < 0)))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(nodef_func(numpy.array([-1, 0, 1])),
                                     numpy.array([1, numpy.nan, 1]))
예제 #13
def test_numpy_logical_ops():
    and_func = lambdify((x, y), And(x, y), modules="numpy")
    or_func = lambdify((x, y), Or(x, y), modules="numpy")
    not_func = lambdify((x), Not(x), modules="numpy")
    arr1 = numpy.array([True, True])
    arr2 = numpy.array([False, True])
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(and_func(arr1, arr2), numpy.array([False, True]))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(or_func(arr1, arr2), numpy.array([True, True]))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(not_func(arr2), numpy.array([True, False]))
예제 #14
def test_numexpr_userfunctions():
    a, b = numpy.random.randn(2, 10)
    uf = type('uf', (Function, ),
              {'eval': classmethod(lambda x, y: y**2+1)})
    func = lambdify(x, 1-uf(x), modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(func(a), -(a**2))

    uf = implemented_function(Function('uf'), lambda x, y: 2*x*y+1)
    func = lambdify((x, y), uf(x, y), modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(func(a, b), 2*a*b+1)
예제 #15
def test_numpy_matmul():
    xmat = Matrix([[x, y], [z, 1+z]])
    ymat = Matrix([[x**2], [Abs(x)]])
    mat_func = lambdify((x, y, z), xmat*ymat, modules="numpy")
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(mat_func(0.5, 3, 4), numpy.array([[1.625], [3.5]]))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(mat_func(-0.5, 3, 4), numpy.array([[1.375], [3.5]]))
    # Multiple matrices chained together in multiplication
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), xmat*xmat*xmat, modules="numpy")
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(f(0.5, 3, 4), numpy.array([[72.125, 119.25],
                                                                [159, 251]]))
예제 #16
def test_numpy_matmul():
    xmat = Matrix([[x, y], [z, 1+z]])
    ymat = Matrix([[x**2], [Abs(x)]])
    mat_func = lambdify((x, y, z), xmat*ymat, modules="numpy")
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(mat_func(0.5, 3, 4), numpy.array([[1.625], [3.5]]))
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(mat_func(-0.5, 3, 4), numpy.array([[1.375], [3.5]]))
    # Multiple matrices chained together in multiplication
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), xmat*xmat*xmat, modules="numpy")
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(f(0.5, 3, 4), numpy.array([[72.125, 119.25],
                                                                [159, 251]]))
예제 #17
def test_matrix():
    A = Matrix([[x, x*y], [sin(z) + 4, x**z]])
    sol = Matrix([[1, 2], [sin(3) + 4, 1]])
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), A, modules="diofant")
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == sol
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), (A, [A]), modules="diofant")
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == (sol, [sol])
    J = Matrix((x, x + y)).jacobian((x, y))
    v = Matrix((x, y))
    sol = Matrix([[1, 0], [1, 1]])
    assert lambdify(v, J, modules='diofant')(1, 2) == sol
    assert lambdify(v.T, J, modules='diofant')(1, 2) == sol
예제 #18
def test_matrix():
    A = Matrix([[x, x*y], [sin(z) + 4, x**z]])
    sol = Matrix([[1, 2], [sin(3) + 4, 1]])
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), A, modules="diofant")
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == sol
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), (A, [A]), modules="diofant")
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == (sol, [sol])
    J = Matrix((x, x + y)).jacobian((x, y))
    v = Matrix((x, y))
    sol = Matrix([[1, 0], [1, 1]])
    assert lambdify(v, J, modules='diofant')(1, 2) == sol
    assert lambdify(v.T, J, modules='diofant')(1, 2) == sol
예제 #19
def test_lambdify_docstring():
    func = lambdify((w, x, y, z), w + x + y + z)
    assert func.__doc__ == (
        "Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n"
        "func(w, x, y, z)\n\n"
        "w + x + y + z")
    syms = symbols('a1:26')
    func = lambdify(syms, sum(syms))
    assert func.__doc__ == (
        "Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n"
        "func(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15,\n"
        "        a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25)\n\n"
        "a1 + a10 + a11 + a12 + a13 + a14 + a15 + a16 + a17 + a18 + a19 + a2 + a20 +...")
예제 #20
def test_lambdify_docstring():
    func = lambdify((w, x, y, z), w + x + y + z)
    assert func.__doc__ == (
        "Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n"
        "func(w, x, y, z)\n\n"
        "w + x + y + z")
    syms = symbols('a1:26')
    func = lambdify(syms, sum(syms))
    assert func.__doc__ == (
        "Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n"
        "func(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15,\n"
        "        a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25)\n\n"
        "a1 + a10 + a11 + a12 + a13 + a14 + a15 + a16 + a17 + a18 + a19 + a2 + a20 +...")
예제 #21
def test_sqrt():
    f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    assert f(0) == 0.0
    assert f(1) == 1.0
    assert f(4) == 2.0
    assert abs(f(2) - 1.414) < 0.001
    assert f(6.25) == 2.5
예제 #22
def test_diofant_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf('0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020')
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), 'diofant')
    assert f(x) == sin(x)
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(Rational(1, 5)).evalf() - Float(str(sin02)) < prec
예제 #23
def test_own_namespace():
    def myfunc(x):
        return 1

    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), {"sin": myfunc})
    assert f(0.1) == 1
    assert f(100) == 1
예제 #24
def test_namespace_order():
    # lambdify had a bug, such that module dictionaries or cached module
    # dictionaries would pull earlier namespaces into themselves.
    # Because the module dictionaries form the namespace of the
    # generated lambda, this meant that the behavior of a previously
    # generated lambda function could change as a result of later calls
    # to lambdify.
    n1 = {'f': lambda x: 'first f'}
    n2 = {'f': lambda x: 'second f', 'g': lambda x: 'function g'}
    f = diofant.Function('f')
    g = diofant.Function('g')
    if1 = lambdify(x, f(x), modules=(n1, "diofant"))
    assert if1(1) == 'first f'
    if2 = lambdify(x, g(x), modules=(n2, "diofant"))
    # previously gave 'second f'
    assert if1(1) == 'first f'
예제 #25
def test_sqrt():
    f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    assert f(0) == 0.0
    assert f(1) == 1.0
    assert f(4) == 2.0
    assert abs(f(2) - 1.414) < 0.001
    assert f(6.25) == 2.5
예제 #26
def test_python_keywords():
    # Test for issue sympy/sympy#7452. The automatic dummification should ensure use of
    # Python reserved keywords as symbol names will create valid lambda
    # functions. This is an additional regression test.
    python_if = symbols('if')
    expr = python_if / 2
    f = lambdify(python_if, expr)
    assert f(4.0) == 2.0
예제 #27
def test_lambdify():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 16
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf('0.198669330795061215459412627')
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), 'numpy')
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(0.2) - sin02 < prec
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
예제 #28
def test_exponentiation():
    f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    assert f(-1) == 1
    assert f(0) == 0
    assert f(1) == 1
    assert f(-2) == 4
    assert f(2) == 4
    assert f(2.5) == 6.25
예제 #29
def test_exponentiation():
    f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    assert f(-1) == 1
    assert f(0) == 0
    assert f(1) == 1
    assert f(-2) == 4
    assert f(2) == 4
    assert f(2.5) == 6.25
예제 #30
def test_numpy_matrix():
    A = Matrix([[x, x*y], [sin(z) + 4, x**z]])
    sol_arr = numpy.array([[1, 2], [numpy.sin(3) + 4, 1]])
    # Lambdify array first, to ensure return to array as default
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), A, ['numpy'])
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(f(1, 2, 3), sol_arr)
    # Check that the types are arrays and matrices
    assert isinstance(f(1, 2, 3), numpy.ndarray)
예제 #31
def test_numpy_matrix():
    A = Matrix([[x, x*y], [sin(z) + 4, x**z]])
    sol_arr = numpy.array([[1, 2], [numpy.sin(3) + 4, 1]])
    # Lambdify array first, to ensure return to array as default
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), A, ['numpy'])
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(f(1, 2, 3), sol_arr)
    # Check that the types are arrays and matrices
    assert isinstance(f(1, 2, 3), numpy.ndarray)
예제 #32
def test_python_keywords():
    # Test for issue 7452. The automatic dummification should ensure use of
    # Python reserved keywords as symbol names will create valid lambda
    # functions. This is an additional regression test.
    python_if = symbols('if')
    expr = python_if / 2
    f = lambdify(python_if, expr)
    assert f(4.0) == 2.0
예제 #33
def test_math_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "math")
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(0.2) - sin02 < prec

    # if this succeeds, it can't be a python math function
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(x))
예제 #34
def test_namespace_order():
    # lambdify had a bug, such that module dictionaries or cached module
    # dictionaries would pull earlier namespaces into themselves.
    # Because the module dictionaries form the namespace of the
    # generated lambda, this meant that the behavior of a previously
    # generated lambda function could change as a result of later calls
    # to lambdify.
    n1 = {'f': lambda x: 'first f'}
    n2 = {'f': lambda x: 'second f',
          'g': lambda x: 'function g'}
    f = diofant.Function('f')
    g = diofant.Function('g')
    if1 = lambdify(x, f(x), modules=(n1, "diofant"))
    assert if1(1) == 'first f'
    if2 = lambdify(x, g(x), modules=(n2, "diofant"))
    assert if2(1) == 'function g'
    # previously gave 'second f'
    assert if1(1) == 'first f'
예제 #35
def test_imps():
    # Here we check if the default returned functions are anonymous - in
    # the sense that we can have more than one function with the same name
    f = implemented_function('f', lambda x: 2*x)
    g = implemented_function('f', lambda x: math.sqrt(x))
    l1 = lambdify(x, f(x))
    l2 = lambdify(x, g(x))
    assert str(f(x)) == str(g(x))
    assert l1(3) == 6
    assert l2(3) == math.sqrt(3)
    # check that we can pass in a Function as input
    func = diofant.Function('myfunc')
    assert not hasattr(func, '_imp_')
    my_f = implemented_function(func, lambda x: 2*x)
    assert hasattr(func, '_imp_') and hasattr(my_f, '_imp_')
    # Error for functions with same name and different implementation
    f2 = implemented_function("f", lambda x: x + 101)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: lambdify(x, f(f2(x))))
예제 #36
def test_mpmath_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "mpmath")
    prec = 1e-49  # mpmath precision is around 50 decimal places
    assert -prec < f(mpmath.mpf("0.2")) - sin02 < prec

    # if this succeeds, it can't be a mpmath function
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(x))
예제 #37
def test_imps():
    # Here we check if the default returned functions are anonymous - in
    # the sense that we can have more than one function with the same name
    f = implemented_function('f', lambda x: 2*x)
    g = implemented_function('f', lambda x: math.sqrt(x))
    l1 = lambdify(x, f(x))
    l2 = lambdify(x, g(x))
    assert str(f(x)) == str(g(x))
    assert l1(3) == 6
    assert l2(3) == math.sqrt(3)
    # check that we can pass in a Function as input
    func = diofant.Function('myfunc')
    assert not hasattr(func, '_imp_')
    my_f = implemented_function(func, lambda x: 2*x)
    assert hasattr(func, '_imp_')
    # Error for functions with same name and different implementation
    f2 = implemented_function("f", lambda x: x + 101)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: lambdify(x, f(f2(x))))
예제 #38
def test_piecewise_lambdify():
    p = Piecewise((x**2, x < 0), (x, Interval(0, 1, False, True).contains(x)),
                  (2 - x, x >= 1), (0, True))

    f = lambdify(x, p)
    assert f(-2.0) == 4.0
    assert f(0.0) == 0.0
    assert f(0.5) == 0.5
    assert f(2.0) == 0.0
예제 #39
def test_math_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "math")
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(0.2) - sin02 < prec

    # if this succeeds, it can't be a python math function
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(x))
예제 #40
def test_mpmath_lambda():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 50
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "mpmath")
    prec = 1e-49  # mpmath precision is around 50 decimal places
    assert -prec < f(mpmath.mpf("0.2")) - sin02 < prec

    # if this succeeds, it can't be a mpmath function
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(x))
예제 #41
def sample_iter_lambdify(expr, condition=None, numsamples=S.Infinity, **kwargs):
    See sample_iter

    Uses lambdify for computation. This is fast but does not always work.
    if condition:
        ps = pspace(Tuple(expr, condition))
        ps = pspace(expr)

    rvs = list(ps.values)
    fn = lambdify(rvs, expr, **kwargs)
    if condition:
        given_fn = lambdify(rvs, condition, **kwargs)

    # Check that lambdify can handle the expression
    # Some operations like Sum can prove difficult
        d = ps.sample()  # a dictionary that maps RVs to values
        args = [d[rv] for rv in rvs]
        if condition:
    except Exception:
        raise TypeError("Expr/condition too complex for lambdify")

    def return_generator():
        count = 0
        while count < numsamples:
            d = ps.sample()  # a dictionary that maps RVs to values
            args = [d[rv] for rv in rvs]

            if condition:  # Check that these values satisfy the condition
                gd = given_fn(*args)
                if gd not in (True, False):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Conditions must not contain free symbols")
                if not gd:  # If the values don't satisfy then try again

            yield fn(*args)
            count += 1
    return return_generator()
예제 #42
def test_trig():
    f = lambdify([x], [cos(x), sin(x)], 'math')
    d = f(pi)
    prec = 1e-11
    assert -prec < d[0] + 1 < prec
    assert -prec < d[1] < prec
    d = f(3.14159)
    prec = 1e-5
    assert -prec < d[0] + 1 < prec
    assert -prec < d[1] < prec
예제 #43
def test_trig():
    f = lambdify([x], [cos(x), sin(x)])
    d = f(pi)
    prec = 1e-11
    assert -prec < d[0] + 1 < prec
    assert -prec < d[1] < prec
    d = f(3.14159)
    prec = 1e-5
    assert -prec < d[0] + 1 < prec
    assert -prec < d[1] < prec
예제 #44
def test_lambdify_matrix_multi_input():
    M = diofant.Matrix([[x**2, x * y, x * z], [y * x, y**2, y * z],
                        [z * x, z * y, z**2]])
    f = lambdify((x, y, z), M, [{'ImmutableMatrix': numpy.array}, "numpy"])

    xh, yh, zh = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
    expected = array([[xh**2, xh * yh, xh * zh], [yh * xh, yh**2, yh * zh],
                      [zh * xh, zh * yh, zh**2]])
    actual = f(xh, yh, zh)
    assert numpy.allclose(actual, expected)
예제 #45
def test_lambdify():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 16
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.198669330795061215459412627")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "numpy")
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(0.2) - sin02 < prec
        f(x)  # if this succeeds, it can't be a numpy function
        assert False
    except AttributeError:
예제 #46
def test_lambdify():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 16
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf('0.198669330795061215459412627')
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), 'numpy')
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(0.2) - sin02 < prec
    if distutils.version.LooseVersion(
            numpy.__version__) >= distutils.version.LooseVersion('1.17'):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
예제 #47
def test_piecewise_lambdify():
    p = Piecewise(
        (x**2, x < 0),
        (x, Interval(0, 1, False, True).contains(x)),
        (2 - x, x >= 1),
        (0, True)

    f = lambdify(x, p)
    assert f(-2.0) == 4.0
    assert f(0.0) == 0.0
    assert f(0.5) == 0.5
    assert f(2.0) == 0.0
예제 #48
def test_lambdify_matrix_vec_input():
    X = DeferredVector('X')
    M = Matrix([[X[0]**2, X[0] * X[1], X[0] * X[2]],
                [X[1] * X[0], X[1]**2, X[1] * X[2]],
                [X[2] * X[0], X[2] * X[1], X[2]**2]])
    f = lambdify(X, M, [{'ImmutableMatrix': numpy.array}, "numpy"])

    Xh = numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    expected = numpy.array([[Xh[0]**2, Xh[0] * Xh[1], Xh[0] * Xh[2]],
                            [Xh[1] * Xh[0], Xh[1]**2, Xh[1] * Xh[2]],
                            [Xh[2] * Xh[0], Xh[2] * Xh[1], Xh[2]**2]])
    actual = f(Xh)
    assert numpy.allclose(actual, expected)
예제 #49
def test_special_printers():
    class IntervalPrinter(LambdaPrinter):
        """Use ``lambda`` printer but print numbers as ``mpi`` intervals. """

        def _print_Integer(self, expr):
            return "mpi('%s')" % super()._print_Integer(expr)

        def _print_Rational(self, expr):
            return "mpi('%s')" % super()._print_Rational(expr)

    def intervalrepr(expr):
        return IntervalPrinter().doprint(expr)

    expr = diofant.sqrt(diofant.sqrt(2) + diofant.sqrt(3)) + diofant.Rational(1, 2)

    func0 = lambdify((), expr, modules="mpmath", printer=intervalrepr)
    func1 = lambdify((), expr, modules="mpmath", printer=IntervalPrinter)
    func2 = lambdify((), expr, modules="mpmath", printer=IntervalPrinter())

    mpi = type(mpmath.mpi(1, 2))

    assert isinstance(func0(), mpi)
    assert isinstance(func1(), mpi)
    assert isinstance(func2(), mpi)
예제 #50
def test_numexpr_printer():
    # if translation/printing is done incorrectly then evaluating
    # a lambdified numexpr expression will throw an exception

    blacklist = ('where', 'complex', 'contains')
    arg_tuple = (x, y, z)  # some functions take more than one argument
    for sym in NumExprPrinter._numexpr_functions:
        if sym in blacklist:
        ssym = sympify(sym)
        if hasattr(ssym, '_nargs'):
            nargs = ssym._nargs[0]
            nargs = 1
        args = arg_tuple[:nargs]
        f = lambdify(args, ssym(*args), modules='numexpr')
        assert f(*(1, )*nargs) is not None
예제 #51
def test_numexpr_printer():
    # if translation/printing is done incorrectly then evaluating
    # a lambdified numexpr expression will throw an exception

    blacklist = ('where', 'complex', 'contains')
    arg_tuple = (x, y, z)  # some functions take more than one argument
    for sym in NumExprPrinter._numexpr_functions:
        if sym in blacklist:
        ssym = sympify(sym)
        if hasattr(ssym, '_nargs'):
            nargs = ssym._nargs[0]
            nargs = 1
        args = arg_tuple[:nargs]
        f = lambdify(args, ssym(*args), modules='numexpr')
        assert f(*(1, ) * nargs) is not None
예제 #52
def test_dummification():
    F = Function('F')
    G = Function('G')
    # "\alpha" is not a valid python variable name
    # lambdify should sub in a dummy for it, and return
    # without a syntax error
    alpha = symbols(r'\alpha')
    some_expr = 2 * F(t)**2 / G(t)
    lam = lambdify((F(t), G(t)), some_expr)
    assert lam(3, 9) == 2
    lam = lambdify(sin(t), 2 * sin(t)**2)
    assert lam(F(t)) == 2 * F(t)**2
    # Test that \alpha was properly dummified
    lam = lambdify((alpha, t), 2*alpha + t)
    assert lam(2, 1) == 5
    pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: lambdify(F(t) * G(t), F(t) * G(t) + 5))
    pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: lambdify(2 * F(t), 2 * F(t) + 5))
    pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: lambdify(2 * F(t), 4 * F(t) + 5))
예제 #53
def test_Min_Max():
    # see sympy/sympy#10375
    assert lambdify((x, y, z), Min(x, y, z))(1, 2, 3) == 1
    assert lambdify((x, y, z), Max(x, y, z))(1, 2, 3) == 3
예제 #54
def test_atoms():
    # Non-Symbol atoms should not be pulled out from the expression namespace
    f = lambdify(x, pi + x, {"pi": 3.14})
    assert f(0) == 3.14
    f = lambdify(x, I + x, {"I": 1j})
    assert f(1) == 1 + 1j
예제 #55
def test_bad_args():
    # no vargs given
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: lambdify(1))
    # same with vector exprs
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: lambdify([1, 2]))
예제 #56
def test_own_module():
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), math)
    assert f(0) == 0.0
예제 #57
def test_own_namespace():
    def myfunc(x):
        return 1
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), {"sin": myfunc})
    assert f(0.1) == 1
    assert f(100) == 1
예제 #58
def test_ITE():
    assert lambdify((x, y, z), ITE(x, y, z))(True, 5, 3) == 5
    assert lambdify((x, y, z), ITE(x, y, z))(False, 5, 3) == 3
예제 #59
def test_sympyissue_2790():
    assert lambdify((x, (y, z)), x + y)(1, (2, 4)) == 3
    assert lambdify((x, (y, (w, z))), w + x + y + z)(1, (2, (3, 4))) == 10
    assert lambdify(x, x + 1, dummify=False)(1) == 2
예제 #60
def test_true_false():
    # We want exact is comparison here, not just ==
    assert lambdify([], true)() is True
    assert lambdify([], false)() is False