예제 #1
    def parse(self, limit=None):
        if limit is not None:
            logger.info("Only parsing first %s rows of each file", limit)

        if self.version_num is None:
            import os
            logger.info("Figuring out version num for files")
            # probe the raw directory for the WSnumber on
            # the "letter.WS###" file.
            # this is the only one that we keep the version number on
            files = os.listdir(self.rawdir)
            letter_file = next(f for f in files if re.match(r'letter', f))
            vernum = re.search(r'(WS\d+)', letter_file)

        logger.info("Parsing files...")

        if self.testOnly:
            self.testMode = True

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        self.nobnodes = True  # FIXME
        # to hold any label for a given id
        self.id_label_map = {}
        # to hold the mappings between genotype and background
        self.genotype_backgrounds = {}
        self.extrinsic_id_to_enviro_id_hash = {}
        # to hold the genes variant due to a seq alt
        self.variant_loci_genes = {}
        # to hold the parts of an environment
        self.environment_hash = {}
        self.wildtype_genotypes = []
        # stores the rnai_reagent to gene targets
        self.rnai_gene_map = {}

        # self.process_gene_desc(limit)   #TEC imput file is mia 2016-Mar-03
        # TODO add this when when complete
        # self.process_gene_interaction(limit)

        logger.info("Finished parsing.")

        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        gu.loadObjectProperties(g, Genotype.object_properties)

        logger.info("Found %d nodes in graph", len(self.graph))
        logger.info("Found %d nodes in testgraph", len(self.testgraph))

예제 #2
    def _process_genes(self, taxid, limit=None):
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        geno = Genotype(g)

        raw = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files[taxid]['file']))
        line_counter = 0
        logger.info("Processing Ensembl genes for tax %s", taxid)
        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
            for row in filereader:
                if len(row) < 4:
                    logger.error("Data error for file %s", raw)
                (ensembl_gene_id, external_gene_name, description,
                 gene_biotype, entrezgene) = row[0:5]

                # in the case of human genes, we also get the hgnc id,
                # and is the last col
                if taxid == '9606':
                    hgnc_id = row[5]
                    hgnc_id = None

                if self.testMode and entrezgene != '' \
                        and int(entrezgene) not in self.gene_ids:

                line_counter += 1
                gene_id = 'ENSEMBL:'+ensembl_gene_id
                if description == '':
                    description = None
                gene_type_id = self._get_gene_type(gene_biotype)
                gene_type_id = None
                    g, gene_id, external_gene_name, gene_type_id, description)

                if entrezgene != '':
                    gu.addEquivalentClass(g, gene_id, 'NCBIGene:'+entrezgene)
                if hgnc_id is not None and hgnc_id != '':
                    gu.addEquivalentClass(g, gene_id, hgnc_id)
                geno.addTaxon('NCBITaxon:'+taxid, gene_id)

                if not self.testMode \
                        and limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

        gu.loadProperties(g, Feature.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, Feature.data_properties, gu.DATAPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, Genotype.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)

예제 #3
    def _process_orthologs(self, raw, limit=None):
        This method maps orthologs for a species to the KEGG orthology classes.

        Triples created:
        <gene_id> is a class
        <orthology_class_id> is a class

        <assoc_id> has subject <gene_id>
        <assoc_id> has object <orthology_class_id>
        :param limit:


        logger.info("Processing orthologs")
        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph
        line_counter = 0
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="iso-8859-1") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='\"')
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1
                (gene_id, orthology_class_id) = row

                orthology_class_id = 'KEGG:'+orthology_class_id.strip()
                gene_id = 'KEGG:'+gene_id.strip()

                # note that the panther_id references a group of orthologs,
                # and is not 1:1 with the rest

                # add the KO id as a gene-family grouping class
                    self.name, gene_id, None).add_gene_family_to_graph(
                        g, orthology_class_id)

                # add gene and orthology class to graph;
                # assume labels will be taken care of elsewhere
                gu.addClassToGraph(g, gene_id, None)
                gu.addClassToGraph(g, orthology_class_id, None)

                if not self.testMode and \
                        limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

        logger.info("Done with orthologs")
예제 #4
    def parse(self, limit=None):
        MPD data is delivered in four separate csv files and one xml file,
        which we process iteratively and write out as
        one large graph.

        :param limit:
        if limit is not None:
            logger.info("Only parsing first %s rows fo each file", str(limit))

        logger.info("Parsing files...")

        if self.testOnly:
            self.testMode = True
            g = self.testgraph
            self.geno = Genotype(self.testgraph)
            g = self.graph

        # the following will provide us the hash-lookups
        # These must be processed in a specific order

        # mapping between assays and ontology terms
        # this is the metadata about the measurements
        # get all the measurements per strain

        # The following will use the hash populated above
        # to lookup the ids when filling in the graph

        logger.info("Finished parsing.")


        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, GraphUtils.OBJPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, GraphUtils.OBJPROP)
            g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, GraphUtils.ANNOTPROP)

        logger.info("Found %d nodes", len(self.graph))
예제 #5
    def parse(self, limit=None):
        if limit is not None:
            logger.info("Only parsing first %s rows of each file", limit)
        logger.info("Parsing files...")

        if self.testOnly:
            self.testMode = True

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        self.nobnodes = True  # FIXME

        # build the id map for mapping uniprot ids to genes
        uniprot_entrez_id_map = self.get_uniprot_entrez_id_map()

        for s in self.files:

            if s in ['go-references', 'id-map']:

            if not self.testMode and int(s) not in self.tax_ids:

            file = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files.get(s)['file']))
            self.process_gaf(file, limit, uniprot_entrez_id_map)

        logger.info("Finished parsing.")

        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        gu.loadObjectProperties(g, Genotype.object_properties)

        logger.info("Found %d nodes in graph", len(self.graph))
        logger.info("Found %d nodes in testgraph", len(self.testgraph))

예제 #6
파일: OMIM.py 프로젝트: d3borah/dipper
    def _process_all(self, limit):
        This takes the list of omim identifiers from the omim.txt.Z file,
        and iteratively queries the omim api for the json-formatted data.
        This will create OMIM classes, with the label, definition, and some synonyms.
        If an entry is "removed", it is added as a deprecated class.
        If an entry is "moved", it is deprecated and consider annotations are added.

        Additionally, we extract:
        *phenotypicSeries ids as superclasses
        *equivalent ids for Orphanet and UMLS

        If set to testMode, it will write only those items in the test_ids to the testgraph.

        :param limit:
        omimids = self._get_omim_ids()  # store the set of omim identifiers

        omimparams = {
            'format': 'json',
            'include': 'all',
        # you will need to add the API key into the conf.json file, like:
        # keys : { 'omim' : '<your api key here>' }
        omimparams.update({'apiKey': config.get_config()['keys']['omim']})

        # http://api.omim.org/api/entry?mimNumber=100100&include=all

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        it = 0  # for counting

        # note that you can only do request batches of 20
        # see info about "Limits" at http://omim.org/help/api
        groupsize = 20
        if not self.testMode and limit is not None:
            # just in case the limit is larger than the number of records, max it out
            max = min((limit, omimids.__len__()))
            max = omimids.__len__()
        # max = 10 #for testing

        # TODO write the json to local files - make the assumption that downloads within 24 hrs are the same
        # now, loop through the omim numbers and pull the records as json docs
        while it < max:
            end = min((max, it+groupsize))
            # iterate through the omim ids list, and fetch from the OMIM api in batches of 20

            if self.testMode:
                intersect = list(set([str(i) for i in self.test_ids]) & set(omimids[it:end]))
                if len(intersect) > 0:  # some of the test ids are in the omimids
                    logger.info("found test ids: %s", intersect)
                    omimparams.update({'mimNumber': ','.join(intersect)})
                    it += groupsize
                omimparams.update({'mimNumber': ','.join(omimids[it:end])})

            p = urllib.parse.urlencode(omimparams)
            url = '/'.join((self.OMIM_API, 'entry'))+'?%s' % p
            logger.info('fetching: %s', '/'.join((self.OMIM_API, 'entry'))+'?%s' % p)

            # ### if you want to test a specific entry number, uncomment the following code block
            # if ('101600' in omimids[it:end]):  #104000
            #     print("FOUND IT in",omimids[it:end])
            # else:
            #    #testing very specific record
            #     it+=groupsize
            #     continue
            # ### end code block for testing

            # print ('fetching:',(',').join(omimids[it:end]))
            # print('url:',url)
            d = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
            resp = d.read().decode()
            request_time = datetime.now()
            it += groupsize

            myjson = json.loads(resp)
            entries = myjson['omim']['entryList']

            geno = Genotype(g)

            # add genome and taxon
            tax_num = '9606'
            tax_id = 'NCBITaxon:9606'
            tax_label = 'Human'

            geno.addGenome(tax_id, str(tax_num))   # tax label can get added elsewhere
            gu.addClassToGraph(g, tax_id, None)   # label added elsewhere

            for e in entries:

                # get the numbers, labels, and descriptions
                omimnum = e['entry']['mimNumber']
                titles = e['entry']['titles']
                label = titles['preferredTitle']

                other_labels = []
                if 'alternativeTitles' in titles:
                    other_labels += self._get_alt_labels(titles['alternativeTitles'])
                if 'includedTitles' in titles:
                    other_labels += self._get_alt_labels(titles['includedTitles'])

                # add synonyms of alternate labels
                # preferredTitle": "PFEIFFER SYNDROME",
                # "alternativeTitles": "ACROCEPHALOSYNDACTYLY, TYPE V; ACS5;;\nACS V;;\nNOACK SYNDROME",

                # remove the abbreviation (comes after the ;) from the preferredTitle, and add it as a synonym
                abbrev = None
                if len(re.split(';', label)) > 1:
                    abbrev = (re.split(';', label)[1].strip())
                newlabel = self._cleanup_label(label)

                description = self._get_description(e['entry'])
                omimid = 'OMIM:'+str(omimnum)

                if e['entry']['status'] == 'removed':
                    gu.addDeprecatedClass(g, omimid)
                    omimtype = self._get_omimtype(e['entry'])
                    # this uses our cleaned-up label
                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, omimid, newlabel, omimtype)

                    # add the original OMIM label as a synonym
                    gu.addSynonym(g, omimid, label)

                    # add the alternate labels and includes as synonyms
                    for l in other_labels:
                        gu.addSynonym(g, omimid, l)

                    # for OMIM, we're adding the description as a definition
                    gu.addDefinition(g, omimid, description)
                    if abbrev is not None:
                        gu.addSynonym(g, omimid, abbrev)

                    # if this is a genetic locus (but not sequenced) then add the chrom loc info
                    if omimtype == Genotype.genoparts['biological_region']:
                        if 'geneMapExists' in e['entry'] and e['entry']['geneMapExists']:
                            genemap = e['entry']['geneMap']
                            if 'cytoLocation' in genemap:
                                cytoloc = genemap['cytoLocation']
                                # parse the cytoloc.  add this omim thing as a subsequence of the cytofeature
                                # 18p11.3-p11.2
                                # for now, just take the first one
                                # FIXME add the other end of the range, but not sure how to do that
                                # not sure if saying subsequence of feature is the right relationship
                                cytoloc = cytoloc.split('-')[0]
                                f = Feature(omimid, None, None)
                                if 'chromosome' in genemap:
                                    chrom = makeChromID(str(genemap['chromosome']), tax_num, 'CHR')
                                    geno.addChromosomeClass(str(genemap['chromosome']), tax_id, tax_label)
                                    loc = makeChromID(cytoloc, tax_num, 'CHR')
                                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, loc, cytoloc)   # this is the chr band
                                    f.addSubsequenceOfFeature(g, loc)

                    # check if moved, if so, make it deprecated and replaced/consider class to the other thing(s)
                    # some entries have been moved to multiple other entries and use the joining raw word "and"
                    # 612479 is movedto:  "603075 and 603029"  OR
                    # others use a comma-delimited list, like:
                    # 610402 is movedto: "609122,300870"
                    if e['entry']['status'] == 'moved':
                        if re.search('and', str(e['entry']['movedTo'])):
                            # split the movedTo entry on 'and'
                            newids = re.split('and', str(e['entry']['movedTo']))
                        elif len(str(e['entry']['movedTo']).split(',')) > 0:
                            # split on the comma
                            newids = str(e['entry']['movedTo']).split(',')
                            # make a list of one
                            newids = [str(e['entry']['movedTo'])]
                        # cleanup whitespace and add OMIM prefix to numeric portion
                        fixedids = []
                        for i in newids:

                        gu.addDeprecatedClass(g, omimid, fixedids)

                    self._get_phenotypicseries_parents(e['entry'], g)
                    self._get_mappedids(e['entry'], g)

                    self._get_pubs(e['entry'], g)

                    self._get_process_allelic_variants(e['entry'], g)

                ### end iterating over batch of entries

            # can't have more than 4 req per sec,
            # so wait the remaining time, if necessary
            dt = datetime.now() - request_time
            rem = 0.25 - dt.total_seconds()
            if rem > 0:
                logger.info("waiting %d sec", rem)


예제 #7
    def process_catalog(self, limit=None):
        :param limit:

        raw = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['catalog']['file']))
        logger.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:      # set the graph to build
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        line_counter = 0
        geno = Genotype(g)

        gu.loadProperties(g, geno.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)

        tax_id = 'NCBITaxon:9606'  # hardcode
        genome_version = 'GRCh38'  # hardcode

        # build a hashmap of genomic location to identifiers,
        # to try to get the equivalences

        loc_to_id_hash = {}

        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="iso-8859-1") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='\"')
            next(filereader, None)  # skip the header row
            for row in filereader:
                if not row:
                    line_counter += 1
                    (date_added_to_catalog, pubmed_num, first_author, pub_date,
                     journal, link, study_name, disease_or_trait,
                     initial_sample_description, replicate_sample_description,
                     region, chrom_num, chrom_pos, reported_gene_nums,
                     mapped_gene, upstream_gene_num, downstream_gene_num,
                     snp_gene_nums, upstream_gene_distance,
                     downstream_gene_distance, strongest_snp_risk_allele, snps,
                     merged, snp_id_current, context, intergenic_flag,
                     risk_allele_frequency, pvalue, pvalue_mlog, pvalue_text,
                     or_or_beta, confidence_interval_95,
                     platform_with_snps_passing_qc, cnv_flag, mapped_trait,
                     mapped_trait_uri) = row

                    intersect = \
                        list(set([str(i) for i in self.test_ids['gene']]) &
                             set(re.split(r',', snp_gene_nums)))
                    # skip if no matches found in test set
                    if self.testMode and len(intersect) == 0:

# 06-May-2015	25917933	Zai CC	20-Nov-2014	J Psychiatr Res	http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/25917933
# A genome-wide association study of suicide severity scores in bipolar disorder.
# Suicide in bipolar disorder
# 959 European ancestry individuals	NA
# 10p11.22	10	32704340	C10orf68, CCDC7, ITGB1	CCDC7
# rs7079041-A	rs7079041	0	7079041	intron	0		2E-6	5.698970
                    if chrom_num != '' and chrom_pos != '':
                        loc = 'chr'+str(chrom_num)+':'+str(chrom_pos)
                        if loc not in loc_to_id_hash:
                            loc_to_id_hash[loc] = set()
                        loc = None

                    if re.search(r' x ', strongest_snp_risk_allele) \
                            or re.search(r',', strongest_snp_risk_allele):
                        # TODO deal with haplotypes
                            "We can't deal with haplotypes yet: %s",
                    elif re.match(r'rs', strongest_snp_risk_allele):
                        rs_id = 'dbSNP:'+strongest_snp_risk_allele.strip()
                        # remove the alteration
                    elif re.match(r'kgp', strongest_snp_risk_allele):
                        # FIXME this isn't correct
                        rs_id = 'dbSNP:'+strongest_snp_risk_allele.strip()
                        # http://www.1000genomes.org/faq/what-are-kgp-identifiers
                        # for some information
                        # They were created by Illumina for their genotyping
                        # platform before some variants identified during the
                        # pilot phase of the project had been assigned
                        # rs numbers.
                    elif re.match(r'chr', strongest_snp_risk_allele):
                        # like: chr10:106180121-G
                        rs_id = ':gwas-' + \
                                r':', '-', strongest_snp_risk_allele.strip())
                    elif strongest_snp_risk_allele.strip() == '':
                        # logger.debug(
                        #    "No strongest SNP risk allele for %s:\n%s",
                        #    pubmed_num, str(row))
                        # FIXME still consider adding in the EFO terms
                        # for what the study measured?
                            "There's a snp id i can't manage: %s",

                    alteration = re.search(r'-(.*)$', rs_id)
                    if alteration is not None \
                            and re.match(r'[ATGC]', alteration.group(1)):
                        # add variation to snp
                        pass  # TODO
                    rs_id = re.sub(r'-.*$', '', rs_id).strip()
                    if loc is not None:

                    pubmed_id = 'PMID:'+pubmed_num

                    r = Reference(
                        pubmed_id, Reference.ref_types['journal_article'])

                    # create the chromosome
                    chrom_id = makeChromID(chrom_num, genome_version, 'CHR')

                    # add the feature to the graph
                    snp_description = None
                    if risk_allele_frequency != '' and \
                            risk_allele_frequency != 'NR':
                        snp_description = \
                            str(risk_allele_frequency) + \
                            ' [risk allele frequency]'

                    f = Feature(
                        rs_id, strongest_snp_risk_allele.strip(),
                        Feature.types[r'SNP'], snp_description)
                    if chrom_num != '' and chrom_pos != '':
                        f.addFeatureStartLocation(chrom_pos, chrom_id)
                        f.addFeatureEndLocation(chrom_pos, chrom_id)
                    f.addTaxonToFeature(g, tax_id)
                    # TODO consider adding allele frequency as property;
                    # but would need background info to do that

                    # also want to add other descriptive info about
                    # the variant from the context
                    for c in re.split(r';', context):
                        cid = self._map_variant_type(c.strip())
                        if cid is not None:
                            gu.addType(g, rs_id, cid)

                    # add deprecation information
                    if merged == 1 and str(snp_id_current.strip()) != '':
                        # get the current rs_id
                        current_rs_id = 'dbSNP:'
                        if not re.match(r'rs', snp_id_current):
                            current_rs_id += 'rs'
                        if loc is not None:
                        current_rs_id += str(snp_id_current)
                        gu.addDeprecatedIndividual(g, rs_id, current_rs_id)
                        # TODO check on this
                        # should we add the annotations to the current
                        # or orig?
                        gu.makeLeader(g, current_rs_id)
                        gu.makeLeader(g, rs_id)

                    # add the feature as a sequence alteration
                    # affecting various genes
                    # note that intronic variations don't necessarily list
                    # the genes such as for rs10448080  FIXME
                    if snp_gene_nums != '':
                        for s in re.split(r',', snp_gene_nums):
                            s = s.strip()
                            # still have to test for this,
                            # because sometimes there's a leading comma
                            if s != '':
                                gene_id = 'NCBIGene:'+s
                                geno.addAlleleOfGene(rs_id, gene_id)

                    # add the up and downstream genes if they are available
                    if upstream_gene_num != '':
                        downstream_gene_id = 'NCBIGene:'+downstream_gene_num
                            g, rs_id,
                    if downstream_gene_num != '':
                        upstream_gene_id = 'NCBIGene:'+upstream_gene_num
                            g, rs_id,

                    description = 'A study of ' + disease_or_trait + \
                        ' in ' + initial_sample_description
                    if replicate_sample_description != '':
                        description = \
                            ' '.join(
                                (description, 'with',
                    if platform_with_snps_passing_qc != '':
                        description = ' '.join(
                            (description, 'on platform',
                    description = ' '.join((description, '(p='+pvalue+')'))

                    # make associations to the EFO terms; there can be >1
                    if mapped_trait_uri.strip() != '':
                        for t in re.split(r',', mapped_trait_uri):
                            t = t.strip()

                            cu = CurieUtil(curie_map.get())
                            tid = cu.get_curie(t)

                            assoc = G2PAssoc(
                                self.name, rs_id, tid,
                            # combinatorial evidence
                            # used in automatic assertion
                            eco_id = 'ECO:0000213'

                            # assoc.set_description(description)
                            # FIXME score should get added to provenance/study
                            # assoc.set_score(pvalue)

                    if not self.testMode and\
                            (limit is not None and line_counter > limit):


        # loop through the location hash,
        # and make all snps at that location equivalent
        for l in loc_to_id_hash:
            snp_ids = loc_to_id_hash[l]
            if len(snp_ids) > 1:
                logger.info("%s has >1 snp id: %s", l, str(snp_ids))
예제 #8
파일: Orphanet.py 프로젝트: d3borah/dipper
    def _process_diseasegene(self, limit):
        :param limit:
        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph
        line_counter = 0
        geno = Genotype(g)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        myfile = "/".join((self.rawdir, self.files["disease-gene"]["file"]))

        for event, elem in ET.iterparse(myfile):
            if elem.tag == "Disorder":
                # get the element name and id
                # id = elem.get('id') # some internal identifier
                disorder_num = elem.find("OrphaNumber").text

                disorder_id = "Orphanet:" + str(disorder_num)

                if self.testMode and disorder_id not in config.get_config()["test_ids"]["disease"]:

                disorder_label = elem.find("Name").text

                # make a hash of internal gene id to type for later lookup
                gene_iid_to_type = {}
                gene_list = elem.find("GeneList")
                for gene in gene_list.findall("Gene"):
                    gene_iid = gene.get("id")
                    gene_type = gene.find("GeneType").get("id")
                    gene_iid_to_type[gene_iid] = gene_type

                gu.addClassToGraph(g, disorder_id, disorder_label)  # assuming that these are in the ontology

                assoc_list = elem.find("DisorderGeneAssociationList")
                for a in assoc_list.findall("DisorderGeneAssociation"):
                    gene_iid = a.find(".//Gene").get("id")
                    gene_name = a.find(".//Gene/Name").text
                    gene_symbol = a.find(".//Gene/Symbol").text
                    gene_num = a.find("./Gene/OrphaNumber").text
                    gene_id = "Orphanet:" + str(gene_num)
                    gene_type_id = self._map_gene_type_id(gene_iid_to_type[gene_iid])
                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, gene_id, gene_symbol, gene_type_id, gene_name)
                    syn_list = a.find("./Gene/SynonymList")
                    if int(syn_list.get("count")) > 0:
                        for s in syn_list.findall("./Synonym"):
                            gu.addSynonym(g, gene_id, s.text)

                    dgtype = a.find("DisorderGeneAssociationType").get("id")
                    rel_id = self._map_rel_id(dgtype)
                    dg_label = a.find("./DisorderGeneAssociationType/Name").text
                    if rel_id is None:
                            "Cannot map association type (%s) to RO for association (%s | %s).  Skipping.",

                    alt_locus_id = "_" + gene_num + "-" + disorder_num + "VL"
                    alt_label = " ".join(
                        ("some variant of", gene_symbol.strip(), "that is a", dg_label.lower(), disorder_label)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        alt_locus_id = ":" + alt_locus_id
                    gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, alt_locus_id, alt_label, geno.genoparts["variant_locus"])
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(alt_locus_id, gene_id)

                    # consider typing the gain/loss-of-function variants like:
                    # http://sequenceontology.org/browser/current_svn/term/SO:0002054
                    # http://sequenceontology.org/browser/current_svn/term/SO:0002053

                    # use "assessed" status to issue an evidence code
                    # FIXME I think that these codes are sub-optimal
                    status_code = a.find("DisorderGeneAssociationStatus").get("id")
                    eco_id = "ECO:0000323"  # imported automatically asserted information used in automatic assertion
                    if status_code == "17991":  # Assessed  # TODO are these internal ids stable between releases?
                        eco_id = "ECO:0000322"  # imported manually asserted information used in automatic assertion
                    # Non-traceable author statement ECO_0000034
                    # imported information in automatic assertion ECO_0000313

                    assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, alt_locus_id, disorder_id, rel_id)

                    rlist = a.find("./Gene/ExternalReferenceList")
                    eqid = None

                    for r in rlist.findall("ExternalReference"):
                        if r.find("Source").text == "Ensembl":
                            eqid = "ENSEMBL:" + r.find("Reference").text
                        elif r.find("Source").text == "HGNC":
                            eqid = "HGNC:" + r.find("Reference").text
                        elif r.find("Source").text == "OMIM":
                            eqid = "OMIM:" + r.find("Reference").text
                            pass  # skip the others for now
                        if eqid is not None:
                            gu.addClassToGraph(g, eqid, None)
                            gu.addEquivalentClass(g, gene_id, eqid)
                elem.clear()  # discard the element

            if self.testMode and limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, G2PAssoc.ANNOTPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, G2PAssoc.DATAPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, G2PAssoc.OBJECTPROP)

예제 #9
파일: NCBIGene.py 프로젝트: d3borah/dipper
    def _get_gene_info(self, limit):
        Currently loops through the gene_info file and creates the genes as classes, typed with SO.  It will add their
        label, any alternate labels as synonyms, alternate ids as equivlaent classes.  HPRDs get added as
        protein products.  The chromosome and chr band get added as blank node regions, and the gene is faldo:located
        on the chr band.
        :param limit:
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        geno = Genotype(g)

        # not unzipping the file
        logger.info("Processing Gene records")
        line_counter = 0
        myfile = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['gene_info']['file']))
        logger.info("FILE: %s", myfile)

        # Add taxa and genome classes for those in our filter
        for tax_num in self.tax_ids:
            tax_id = ':'.join(('NCBITaxon', str(tax_num)))
            geno.addGenome(tax_id, str(tax_num))   # tax label can get added elsewhere
            gu.addClassToGraph(g, tax_id, None)   # label added elsewhere
        with gzip.open(myfile, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:
                # skip comments
                line = line.decode().strip()
                if re.match('^#', line):
                (tax_num, gene_num, symbol, locustag,
                 synonyms, xrefs, chr, map_loc, desc,
                 gtype, authority_symbol, name,
                 nomenclature_status, other_designations, modification_date) = line.split('\t')

                ##### set filter=None in init if you don't want to have a filter
                #if self.filter is not None:
                #    if ((self.filter == 'taxids' and (int(tax_num) not in self.tax_ids))
                #            or (self.filter == 'geneids' and (int(gene_num) not in self.gene_ids))):
                #        continue
                ##### end filter

                if self.testMode and int(gene_num) not in self.gene_ids:

                if int(tax_num) not in self.tax_ids:

                line_counter += 1

                gene_id = ':'.join(('NCBIGene', gene_num))
                tax_id = ':'.join(('NCBITaxon', tax_num))
                gene_type_id = self._map_type_of_gene(gtype)

                if symbol == 'NEWENTRY':
                    label = None
                    label = symbol

                # TODO might have to figure out if things aren't genes, and make them individuals
                gu.addClassToGraph(g, gene_id, label, gene_type_id, desc)

                # we have to do special things here for genes, because they're classes not individuals
                # f = Feature(gene_id,label,gene_type_id,desc)

                if name != '-':
                    gu.addSynonym(g, gene_id, name)
                if synonyms.strip() != '-':
                    for s in synonyms.split('|'):
                        gu.addSynonym(g, gene_id, s.strip(), Assoc.annotation_properties['hasRelatedSynonym'])
                if other_designations.strip() != '-':
                    for s in other_designations.split('|'):
                        gu.addSynonym(g, gene_id, s.strip(), Assoc.annotation_properties['hasRelatedSynonym'])

                # deal with the xrefs
                # MIM:614444|HGNC:HGNC:16851|Ensembl:ENSG00000136828|HPRD:11479|Vega:OTTHUMG00000020696
                if xrefs.strip() != '-':
                    for r in xrefs.strip().split('|'):
                        fixedr = self._cleanup_id(r)
                        if fixedr is not None and fixedr.strip() != '':
                            if re.match('HPRD', fixedr):
                                # proteins are not == genes.
                                gu.addTriple(g, gene_id, self.properties['has_gene_product'], fixedr)
                                # skip some of these for now
                                if fixedr.split(':')[0] not in ['Vega', 'IMGT/GENE-DB']:
                                    gu.addEquivalentClass(g, gene_id, fixedr)

                # edge cases of id | symbol | chr | map_loc:
                # 263     AMD1P2    X|Y  with   Xq28 and Yq12
                # 438     ASMT      X|Y  with   Xp22.3 or Yp11.3    # in PAR
                # 419     ART3      4    with   4q21.1|4p15.1-p14   # no idea why there's two bands listed - possibly 2 assemblies
                # 28227   PPP2R3B   X|Y  Xp22.33; Yp11.3            # in PAR
                # 619538  OMS     10|19|3 10q26.3;19q13.42-q13.43;3p25.3   #this is of "unknown" type == susceptibility
                # 101928066       LOC101928066    1|Un    -         # unlocated scaffold
                # 11435   Chrna1  2       2 C3|2 43.76 cM           # mouse --> 2C3
                # 11548   Adra1b  11      11 B1.1|11 25.81 cM       # mouse --> 11B1.1
                # 11717   Ampd3   7       7 57.85 cM|7 E2-E3        # mouse
                # 14421   B4galnt1        10      10 D3|10 74.5 cM  # mouse
                # 323212  wu:fb92e12      19|20   -                 # fish
                # 323368  ints10  6|18    -                         # fish
                # 323666  wu:fc06e02      11|23   -                 # fish

                # feel that the chr placement can't be trusted in this table when there is > 1 listed
                # with the exception of human X|Y, i will only take those that align to one chr

                # FIXME remove the chr mapping below when we pull in the genomic coords
                if str(chr) != '-' and str(chr) != '':
                    if re.search('\|', str(chr)) and str(chr) not in ['X|Y','X; Y']:
                        # this means that there's uncertainty in the mapping.  skip it
                        # TODO we'll need to figure out how to deal with >1 loc mapping
                        logger.info('%s is non-uniquely mapped to %s.  Skipping for now.', gene_id, str(chr))
                        # X|Y	Xp22.33;Yp11.3

                    # if (not re.match('(\d+|(MT)|[XY]|(Un)$',str(chr).strip())):
                    #    print('odd chr=',str(chr))
                    if str(chr) == 'X; Y':
                        chr = 'X|Y'  # rewrite the PAR regions for processing
                    # do this in a loop to allow PAR regions like X|Y
                    for c in re.split('\|',str(chr)) :
                        geno.addChromosomeClass(c, tax_id, None)  # assume that the chromosome label will get added elsewhere
                        mychrom = makeChromID(c, tax_num, 'CHR')
                        mychrom_syn = makeChromLabel(c, tax_num)  # temporarily use the taxnum for the disambiguating label
                        gu.addSynonym(g, mychrom,  mychrom_syn)
                        band_match = re.match('[0-9A-Z]+[pq](\d+)?(\.\d+)?$', map_loc)
                        if band_match is not None and len(band_match.groups()) > 0:
                            # if tax_num != '9606':
                            #     continue
                            # this matches the regular kind of chrs, so make that kind of band
                            # not sure why this matches? chrX|Y or 10090chr12|Un"
                            # TODO we probably need a different regex per organism
                            # the maploc_id already has the numeric chromosome in it, strip it first
                            bid = re.sub('^'+c, '', map_loc)
                            maploc_id = makeChromID(c+bid, tax_num, 'CHR')  # the generic location (no coordinates)
                            # print(map_loc,'-->',bid,'-->',maploc_id)
                            band = Feature(maploc_id, None, None)  # Assume it's type will be added elsewhere
                            # add the band as the containing feature
                            gu.addTriple(g, gene_id, Feature.object_properties['is_subsequence_of'], maploc_id)
                            # TODO handle these cases
                            # examples are: 15q11-q22, Xp21.2-p11.23, 15q22-qter, 10q11.1-q24,
                            ## 12p13.3-p13.2|12p13-p12, 1p13.3|1p21.3-p13.1,  12cen-q21, 22q13.3|22q13.3
                            logger.debug('not regular band pattern for %s: %s', gene_id, map_loc)
                            # add the gene as a subsequence of the chromosome
                            gu.addTriple(g, gene_id, Feature.object_properties['is_subsequence_of'], mychrom)

                geno.addTaxon(tax_id, gene_id)

                if not self.testMode and limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

            gu.loadProperties(g, Feature.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)
            gu.loadProperties(g, Feature.data_properties, gu.DATAPROP)
            gu.loadProperties(g, Genotype.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)

예제 #10
    def _process_data(self, raw, limit=None):
        This function will process the data files from Coriell.
        We make the assumption that any alleles listed are variants
        (alternates to w.t.)

        Triples: (examples)

        :NIGMSrepository a CLO_0000008 #repository
        label : NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository
        foaf:page https://catalog.coriell.org/0/sections/collections/NIGMS/?SsId=8

            line_id a CL_0000057,  #fibroblast line
                derives_from patient_id
                part_of :NIGMSrepository
                RO:model_of OMIM:disease_id

            patient id a foaf:person,
                label: "fibroblast from patient 12345 with disease X"
                member_of family_id  #what is the right thing here?
                SIO:race EFO:caucasian  #subclass of EFO:0001799
                in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606
                dc:description Literal(remark)
                RO:has_phenotype OMIM:disease_id
                GENO:has_genotype genotype_id

            family_id a owl:NamedIndividual
                foaf:page "https://catalog.coriell.org/0/Sections/BrowseCatalog/FamilyTypeSubDetail.aspx?PgId=402&fam=2104&coll=GM"

            genotype_id a intrinsic_genotype
                GENO:has_alternate_part allelic_variant_id
                we don't necessarily know much about the genotype,
                other than the allelic variant. also there's the sex here

            pub_id mentions cell_line_id

        :param raw:
        :param limit:
        logger.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:      # set the graph to build
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        line_counter = 0
        geno = Genotype(g)
        du = DipperUtil()

        gu.loadProperties(g, geno.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)

        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="iso-8859-1") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            next(filereader, None)  # skip the header row
            for row in filereader:
                if not row:
                    line_counter += 1

                    (catalog_id, description, omim_number, sample_type,
                     cell_line_available, dna_in_stock, dna_ref, gender, age,
                     race, ethnicity, affected, karyotype, relprob, mutation,
                     gene, family_id, collection, url, cat_remark, pubmed_ids,
                     family_member, variant_id, dbsnp_id, species) = row

                    # example:
                    # GM00003,HURLER SYNDROME,607014,Fibroblast,Yes,No,,Female,26 YR,Caucasian,,,,
                    # parent,,,39,NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository,
                    # http://ccr.coriell.org/Sections/Search/Sample_Detail.aspx?Ref=GM00003,
                    # 46;XX; clinically normal mother of a child with Hurler syndrome; proband not in Repository,,
                    # 2,,18343,H**o sapiens

                    if self.testMode and catalog_id not in self.test_lines:
                        # skip rows not in our test lines, when in test mode

                    # ###########    BUILD REQUIRED VARIABLES    ###########

                    # Make the cell line ID
                    cell_line_id = 'Coriell:'+catalog_id.strip()

                    # Map the cell/sample type
                    cell_type = self._map_cell_type(sample_type)

                    # Make a cell line label
                    line_label = \
                        collection.partition(' ')[0]+'-'+catalog_id.strip()

                    # Map the repository/collection
                    repository = self._map_collection(collection)

                    # patients are uniquely identified by one of:
                    # dbsnp id (which is == an individual haplotype)
                    # family id + family member (if present) OR
                    # probands are usually family member zero
                    # cell line id
                    # since some patients have >1 cell line derived from them,
                    # we must make sure that the genotype is attached to
                    # the patient, and can be inferred to the cell line
                    # examples of repeated patients are:
                    #   famid=1159, member=1; fam=152,member=1

                    # Make the patient ID

                    # make an anonymous patient
                    patient_id = '_person'
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        patient_id = ':'+patient_id
                    if family_id != '':
                        patient_id = \
                            '-'.join((patient_id, family_id, family_member))
                        # make an anonymous patient
                        patient_id = '-'.join((patient_id, catalog_id.strip()))

                    # properties of the individual patients:  sex, family id,
                    # member/relproband, description descriptions are
                    # really long and ugly SCREAMING text, so need to clean up
                    # the control cases are so odd with this labeling scheme;
                    # but we'll deal with it as-is for now.
                    short_desc = (description.split(';')[0]).capitalize()
                    if affected == 'Yes':
                        affected = 'affected'
                    elif affected == 'No':
                        affected = 'unaffected'
                    gender = gender.lower()
                    patient_label = ' '.join((affected, gender, relprob))
                    if relprob == 'proband':
                        patient_label = \
                            ' '.join(
                                (patient_label.strip(), 'with', short_desc))
                        patient_label = \
                            ' '.join(
                                (patient_label.strip(), 'of proband with',

                    # #############    BUILD THE CELL LINE    #############

                    # Adding the cell line as a typed individual.
                    cell_line_reagent_id = 'CLO:0000031'

                        g, cell_line_id, line_label, cell_line_reagent_id)

                    # add the equivalent id == dna_ref
                    if dna_ref != '' and dna_ref != catalog_id:
                        equiv_cell_line = 'Coriell:'+dna_ref
                        # some of the equivalent ids are not defined
                        # in the source data; so add them
                            g, equiv_cell_line, None, cell_line_reagent_id)
                        gu.addSameIndividual(g, cell_line_id, equiv_cell_line)

                    # Cell line derives from patient
                    geno.addDerivesFrom(cell_line_id, patient_id)
                    geno.addDerivesFrom(cell_line_id, cell_type)

                    # Cell line a member of repository
                    gu.addMember(g, repository, cell_line_id)

                    if cat_remark != '':
                        gu.addDescription(g, cell_line_id, cat_remark)

                    # Cell age_at_sampling
                    # TODO add the age nodes when modeled properly in #78
                    # if (age != ''):
                        # this would give a BNode that is an instance of Age.
                        # but i don't know how to connect
                        # the age node to the cell line? we need to ask @mbrush
                        # age_id = '_'+re.sub('\s+','_',age)
                        # gu.addIndividualToGraph(
                        #   g,age_id,age,self.terms['age'])
                        # gu.addTriple(
                        #   g,age_id,self.properties['has_measurement'],age,
                        #   True)

                    # #############    BUILD THE PATIENT    #############

                    # Add the patient ID as an individual.
                    gu.addPerson(g, patient_id, patient_label)
                    # TODO map relationship to proband as a class
                    # (what ontology?)

                    # Add race of patient
                    # FIXME: Adjust for subcategories based on ethnicity field
                    # EDIT: There are 743 different entries for ethnicity...
                    # Too many to map?
                    # Add ethnicity as literal in addition to the mapped race?
                    # Adjust the ethnicity txt (if using)
                    # to initial capitalization to remove ALLCAPS

                    # TODO race should go into the individual's background
                    # and abstracted out to the Genotype class punting for now.
                    # if race != '':
                    #    mapped_race = self._map_race(race)
                    #    if mapped_race is not None:
                    #        gu.addTriple(
                    #           g,patient_id,self.terms['race'],mapped_race)
                    #        gu.addSubclass(
                    #           g,self.terms['ethnic_group'],mapped_race)

                    # #############    BUILD THE FAMILY    #############

                    # Add triples for family_id, if present.
                    if family_id != '':
                        family_comp_id = 'CoriellFamily:'+family_id

                        family_label = \
                            ' '.join(('Family of proband with', short_desc))

                        # Add the family ID as a named individual
                            g, family_comp_id, family_label,

                        # Add the patient as a member of the family
                        gu.addMemberOf(g, patient_id, family_comp_id)

                    # #############    BUILD THE GENOTYPE   #############

                    # the important things to pay attention to here are:
                    # karyotype = chr rearrangements  (somatic?)
                    # mutation = protein-level mutation as a label,
                    # often from omim
                    # gene = gene symbol - TODO get id
                    # variant_id = omim variant ids (; delimited)
                    # dbsnp_id = snp individual ids = full genotype?

                    # note GM00633 is a good example of chromosomal variation
                    # - do we have enough to capture this?
                    # GM00325 has both abnormal karyotype and variation

                    # make an assumption that if the taxon is blank,
                    # that it is human!
                    if species is None or species == '':
                        species = 'H**o sapiens'
                    taxon = self._map_species(species)

                    # if there's a dbSNP id,
                    # this is actually the individual's genotype
                    genotype_id = None
                    genotype_label = None
                    if dbsnp_id != '':
                        genotype_id = 'dbSNPIndividual:'+dbsnp_id.strip()

                    omim_map = {}
                    gvc_id = None

                    # some of the karyotypes are encoded
                    # with terrible hidden codes. remove them here
                    # i've seen a <98> character
                    karyotype = du.remove_control_characters(karyotype)
                    karyotype_id = None
                    if karyotype.strip() != '':
                        karyotype_id = \
                            '_'+re.sub('MONARCH:', '', self.make_id(karyotype))
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            karyotype_id = ':'+karyotype_id
                        # add karyotype as karyotype_variation_complement
                            g, karyotype_id, karyotype,
                        # TODO break down the karyotype into parts
                        # and map into GENO. depends on #77

                        # place the karyotype in a location(s).
                        karyo_chrs = \
                        for c in karyo_chrs:
                            chr_id = makeChromID(c, taxon, 'CHR')
                            # add an anonymous sequence feature,
                            # each located on chr
                            karyotype_feature_id = '-'.join((karyotype_id, c))
                            karyotype_feature_label = \
                                'some karyotype alteration on chr'+str(c)
                            f = Feature(
                                karyotype_feature_id, karyotype_feature_label,
                            f.addFeatureStartLocation(None, chr_id)
                                karyotype_feature_id, karyotype_id,

                    if gene != '':
                        vl = gene+'('+mutation+')'

                    # fix the variant_id so it's always in the same order
                    vids = variant_id.split(';')
                    variant_id = ';'.join(sorted(list(set(vids))))

                    if karyotype.strip() != '' \
                            and not self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                        mutation = mutation.strip()
                        gvc_id = karyotype_id
                        if variant_id != '':
                            gvc_id = '_' + variant_id.replace(';', '-') + '-' \
                                    + re.sub(r'\w*:', '', karyotype_id)
                        if mutation.strip() != '':
                            gvc_label = '; '.join((vl, karyotype))
                            gvc_label = karyotype
                    elif variant_id.strip() != '':
                        gvc_id = '_' + variant_id.replace(';', '-')
                        gvc_label = vl
                        # wildtype?

                    if gvc_id is not None and gvc_id != karyotype_id \
                            and self.nobnodes:
                        gvc_id = ':'+gvc_id

                    # add the karyotype to the gvc.
                    # use reference if normal karyotype
                    karyo_rel = geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part']
                    if self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                        karyo_rel = \
                    if karyotype_id is not None \
                            and not self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype) \
                            and gvc_id is not None and karyotype_id != gvc_id:
                        geno.addParts(karyotype_id, gvc_id, karyo_rel)

                    if variant_id.strip() != '':
                        # split the variants & add them as part of the genotype
                        # we don't necessarily know their zygosity,
                        # just that they are part of the genotype variant ids
                        # are from OMIM, so prefix as such we assume that the
                        # sequence alts will be defined in OMIM not here
                        # TODO sort the variant_id list, if the omim prefix is
                        # the same, then assume it's the locus make a hashmap
                        # of the omim id to variant id list;
                        # then build the genotype hashmap is also useful for
                        # removing the "genes" from the list of "phenotypes"

                        # will hold gene/locus id to variant list
                        omim_map = {}

                        locus_num = None
                        for v in variant_id.split(';'):
                            # handle omim-style and odd var ids
                            # like 610661.p.R401X
                            m = re.match(r'(\d+)\.+(.*)', v.strip())
                            if m is not None and len(m.groups()) == 2:
                                (locus_num, var_num) = m.groups()

                            if locus_num is not None \
                                    and locus_num not in omim_map:
                                omim_map[locus_num] = [var_num]
                                omim_map[locus_num] += [var_num]

                        for o in omim_map:
                            # gene_id = 'OMIM:' + o  # TODO unused
                            vslc_id = \
                                '_' + '-'.join(
                                    [o + '.' + a for a in omim_map.get(o)])
                            if self.nobnodes:
                                vslc_id = ':'+vslc_id
                            vslc_label = vl
                            # we don't really know the zygosity of
                            # the alleles at all.
                            # so the vslcs are just a pot of them
                                g, vslc_id, vslc_label,
                            for v in omim_map.get(o):
                                # this is actually a sequence alt
                                allele1_id = 'OMIM:'+o+'.'+v
                                geno.addSequenceAlteration(allele1_id, None)

                                # assume that the sa -> var_loc -> gene
                                # is taken care of in OMIM
                                    vslc_id, allele1_id, None,

                            if vslc_id != gvc_id:
                                geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)

                    if affected == 'unaffected':
                        # let's just say that this person is wildtype
                        gu.addType(g, patient_id, geno.genoparts['wildtype'])
                    elif genotype_id is None:
                        # make an anonymous genotype id
                        genotype_id = '_geno'+catalog_id.strip()
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            genotype_id = ':'+genotype_id

                    # add the gvc
                    if gvc_id is not None:
                            g, gvc_id, gvc_label,

                        # add the gvc to the genotype
                        if genotype_id is not None:
                            if affected == 'unaffected':
                                rel = \
                                rel = \
                            geno.addParts(gvc_id, genotype_id, rel)
                        if karyotype_id is not None \
                                and self._is_normal_karyotype(karyotype):
                            if gvc_label is not None and gvc_label != '':
                                genotype_label = \
                                    '; '.join((gvc_label, karyotype))
                                genotype_label = karyotype
                            if genotype_id is None:
                                genotype_id = karyotype_id
                                    karyotype_id, genotype_id,
                            genotype_label = gvc_label
                            # use the catalog id as the background
                        genotype_label += ' ['+catalog_id.strip()+']'

                    if genotype_id is not None and gvc_id is not None:
                        # only add the genotype if it has some parts
                            genotype_id, genotype_label,
                        geno.addTaxon(taxon, genotype_id)
                        # add that the patient has the genotype
                        # TODO check if the genotype belongs to
                        # the cell line or to the patient
                            g, patient_id,
                            geno.properties['has_genotype'], genotype_id)
                        geno.addTaxon(taxon, patient_id)

                    # TODO: Add sex/gender  (as part of the karyotype?)

                    # #############    DEAL WITH THE DISEASES   #############

                    # we associate the disease to the patient
                    if affected == 'affected':
                        if omim_number != '':
                            for d in omim_number.split(';'):
                                if d is not None and d != '':
                                    # if the omim number is in omim_map,
                                    # then it is a gene not a pheno
                                    if d not in omim_map:
                                        disease_id = 'OMIM:'+d.strip()
                                        # assume the label is taken care of
                                        gu.addClassToGraph(g, disease_id, None)

                                        # add the association:
                                        #   the patient has the disease
                                        assoc = G2PAssoc(
                                            self.name, patient_id, disease_id)

                                        # this line is a model of this disease
                                        # TODO abstract out model into
                                        # it's own association class?
                                            g, cell_line_id,
                                            'removing %s from disease list ' +
                                            'since it is a gene', d)

                    # #############    ADD PUBLICATIONS   #############

                    if pubmed_ids != '':
                        for s in pubmed_ids.split(';'):
                            pubmed_id = 'PMID:'+s.strip()
                            ref = Reference(pubmed_id)
                                g, pubmed_id, gu.properties['mentions'],

                    if not self.testMode \
                            and (limit is not None and line_counter > limit):


예제 #11
class Monochrom(Source):
    This class will leverage the GENO ontology and modeling patterns to build
    an ontology of chromosomes for any species. These classes represent major
    structural pieces of Chromosomes which are often universally referenced,
    using physical properties/observations that remain constant over different
    genome builds (such as banding patterns and arms). The idea is to create a
    scaffold upon which we can hang build-specific chromosomal coordinates,
    and reason across them.

    In general, this will take the cytogenic bands files from UCSC, and create
    missing grouping classes, in order to build the partonomy from a very
    specific chromosomal band up through the chromosome itself and enable
    overlap and containment queries.  We use RO:subsequence_of as our
    relationship between nested chromosomal parts. For example,
    13q21.31 ==>  13q21.31,  13q21.3,  13q21,  13q2,  13q, 13

    At the moment, this only computes the bands for
    Human, Mouse, Zebrafish, and Rat
    but will be expanding in the future as needed.

    Because this is a universal framework to represent the chromosomal
    structure of any species, we must mint identifiers for each chromosome
    and part. We differentiate species by first creating a species-specific
    genome, then for each species-specific chromosome we include the NCBI taxon
    number together with the chromosome number, like:
    ```<species number>chr<num><band>```.  For 13q21.31, this would be
    We then create triples for a given band like:
    CHR:9606chr1p36.33 rdf[type] SO:chromosome_band
    CHR:9606chr1p36 subsequence_of :9606chr1p36.3
    where any band in the file is an instance of a chr_band
    (or a more specific type), is a subsequence of it's containing region.

    We determine the containing regions of the band by parsing the band-string;
    since each alphanumeric is a significant "place", we can split it with the
    shorter strings being parents of the longer string

    Since this is small, and we have not limited other items in our test set to
    a small region, we simply use the whole graph (genome)
    for testing purposes, and copy the main graph to the test graph.

    Since this Dipper class is building an ONTOLOGY,
    rather than instance-level data, we must also include domain and range
    constraints, and other owl-isms.

    TODO: any species by commandline argument

    We are currently mapping these to the **CHR idspace**,
    but this is NOT YET APPROVED and is subject to change.

    files = {
        '9606': {
            'file': '9606cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/hg19/database/cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'hg19',
            'genome_label': 'Human'
        '10090': {
            'file': '10090cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/mm10/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'mm10',
            'genome_label': 'Mouse'
        # Note that there are no bands, arms or staining components
        # for the following genomes at the moment
        '7955': {
            'file': '7955cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/danRer10/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'danRer10',
            'genome_label': 'Zebrafish'
        '10116': {
            'file': '10116cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/rn6/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'rn6',
            'genome_label': 'Rat'
        '9913': {
            'file': 'bosTau7cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/bosTau7/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'bosTau7',
            'genome_label': 'cow'
        '9031': {
            'file': 'galGal4cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/galGal4/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'galGal4',
            'genome_label': 'chicken'
        '9823': {
            'file': 'susScr3cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/susScr3/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'susScr3',
            'genome_label': 'pig'
        '9940': {
            'file': 'oviAri3cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/oviAri3/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'oviAri3',
            'genome_label': 'sheep'
        '9796': {
            'file': 'equCab2cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': MCDL + '/equCab2/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'equCab2',
            'genome_label': 'horse'

    region_type_map = {
        'acen': Feature.types['centromere'],
        'gvar': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'stalk': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gneg': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gpos100': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gpos25': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gpos33': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gpos50': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gpos66': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'gpos75': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'chromosome': Feature.types['chromosome'],
        'chromosome_arm': Feature.types['chromosome_arm'],
        'chromosome_band': Feature.types['chromosome_band'],
        'chromosome_part': Feature.types['chromosome_part']

    def __init__(self, tax_ids=None):

        self.tax_ids = tax_ids
        self.gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        # Defaults
        if self.tax_ids is None:
            self.tax_ids = [
                9606, 10090, 7955, 10116, 9913, 9031, 9823, 9940, 9796]


        # TODO add license
        self.dataset = Dataset(
            'monochrom', 'Monarch Chromosome Ontology',
            'http://monarchinitiative.org', None,


    def fetch(self, is_dl_forced=False):


    def parse(self, limit=None):

        if limit is not None:
            logger.info("Only parsing first %d rows", limit)

        logger.info("Parsing files...")

        if self.testOnly:
            self.testMode = True

        for taxon in self.tax_ids:
            self._get_chrbands(limit, str(taxon))


        # using the full graph as the test here
        self.testgraph = self.graph
        logger.info("Found %d nodes", len(self.graph))
        logger.info("Done parsing files.")


    def _get_chrbands(self, limit, taxon):
        For the given taxon, it will fetch the chr band file.
        We will not deal with the coordinate information with this parser.
        Here, we only are concerned with building the partonomy.
        :param limit:

        line_counter = 0
        myfile = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files[taxon]['file']))
        logger.info("Processing Chr bands from FILE: %s", myfile)
        geno = Genotype(self.graph)

        # build the organism's genome from the taxon
        genome_label = self.files[taxon]['genome_label']
        taxon_id = 'NCBITaxon:'+taxon

        # add the taxon as a class.  adding the class label elsewhere
        self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.graph, taxon_id, None)
        self.gu.addSynonym(self.graph, taxon_id, genome_label)

        self.gu.loadObjectProperties(self.graph, Feature.object_properties)

        genome_id = geno.makeGenomeID(taxon_id)
        geno.addGenome(taxon_id, genome_label)
            self.graph, genome_id, Genotype.object_properties['in_taxon'],

        with gzip.open(myfile, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:
                # skip comments
                line = line.decode().strip()
                if re.match(r'^#', line):

                # chr13	4500000	10000000	p12	stalk
                (chrom, start, stop, band, rtype) = line.split('\t')
                line_counter += 1

                # NOTE
                # some less-finished genomes have placed and unplaced scaffolds
                # * Placed scaffolds:
                #    Scaffold has an oriented location within a chromosome.
                # * Unlocalized scaffolds:
                #     scaffold 's chromosome  is known,
                #     scaffold's position, orientation or both is not known.
                # *Unplaced scaffolds:
                #   it is not known which chromosome the scaffold belongs to.

                # find out if the thing is a full on chromosome, or a scaffold:
                # ex: unlocalized scaffold: chr10_KL568008v1_random
                # ex: unplaced scaffold: chrUn_AABR07022428v1
                placed_scaffold_pattern = r'chr(\d+|X|Y|Z|W|MT|M)'

                # TODO unused
                # unlocalized_scaffold_pattern = \
                #    placed_scaffold_pattern + r'_(\w+)_random'
                # unplaced_scaffold_pattern = r'chrUn_(\w+)'

                m = re.match(placed_scaffold_pattern+r'$', chrom)
                if m is not None and len(m.groups()) == 1:
                    # the chromosome is the first match of the pattern
                    # ch = m.group(1)  # TODO unused
                    # let's skip over anything that isn't a placed_scaffold
                    # at the class level
                    logger.info("Skipping non-placed chromosome %s", chrom)
                # the chrom class, taxon as the reference
                cclassid = makeChromID(chrom, taxon, 'CHR')

                # add the chromosome as a class
                geno.addChromosomeClass(chrom, taxon_id, genome_label)
                    self.graph, cclassid,
                    self.gu.object_properties['member_of'], genome_id)

                # add the band(region) as a class
                maplocclass_id = cclassid+band
                maplocclass_label = makeChromLabel(chrom+band, genome_label)
                if band is not None and band.strip() != '':
                    region_type_id = self.map_type_of_region(rtype)
                        self.graph, maplocclass_id, maplocclass_label,
                    region_type_id = Feature.types['chromosome']
                # add the staining intensity of the band
                if re.match(r'g(neg|pos|var)', rtype):
                    if region_type_id in [
                        stain_type = Feature.types.get(rtype)
                        if stain_type is not None:
                                self.graph, maplocclass_id,
                        # usually happens if it's a chromosome because
                        # they don't actually have banding info
                        logger.info("feature type %s != chr band",
                    logger.warning('staining type not found: %s', rtype)

                # get the parent bands, and make them unique
                parents = list(self.make_parent_bands(band, set()))
                # alphabetical sort will put them in smallest to biggest

                # print("PARENTS of",maplocclass_id,"=",parents)
                # add the parents to the graph, in hierarchical order
                # TODO this is somewhat inefficient due to
                # re-adding upper-level nodes when iterating over the file
                # TODO PYLINT Consider using enumerate
                # instead of iterating with range and len
                for i in range(len(parents)):
                    pclassid = cclassid+parents[i]  # class chr parts
                    pclass_label = \
                        makeChromLabel(chrom+parents[i], genome_label)

                    rti = getChrPartTypeByNotation(parents[i])

                        self.graph, pclassid, pclass_label, rti)

                    # for canonical chromosomes,
                    # then the subbands are subsequences of the full band
                    # add the subsequence stuff as restrictions
                    if i < len(parents) - 1:
                        pid = cclassid+parents[i+1]   # the instance
                            self.graph, pclassid,
                            self.graph, pid,

                        # add the last one (p or q usually)
                        # as attached to the chromosome
                            self.graph, pclassid,
                            self.graph, cclassid,

                # connect the band here to the first one in the parent list
                if len(parents) > 0:
                        self.graph, maplocclass_id,
                        self.graph, cclassid+parents[0],

                if limit is not None and line_counter > limit:


        # TODO figure out the staining intensities for the encompassing bands


    def make_parent_bands(self, band, child_bands):
        this will determine the grouping bands that it belongs to, recursively
        13q21.31 ==>  13, 13q, 13q2, 13q21, 13q21.3, 13q21.31

        :param band:
        :param child_bands:

        m = re.match(r'([pq][A-H\d]+(?:\.\d+)?)', band)
        if len(band) > 0:
            if m:
                p = str(band[0:len(band)-1])
                p = re.sub(r'\.$', '', p)
                if p is not None:
                    self.make_parent_bands(p, child_bands)
            child_bands = set()
        return child_bands

    def map_type_of_region(self, regiontype):
        Note that "stalk" refers to the short arm of acrocentric chromosomes
        chr13,14,15,21,22 for human.
        :param regiontype:

        so_id = Feature.types['chromosome_part']

        if regiontype in self.region_type_map.keys():
            so_id = self.region_type_map.get(regiontype)
                "Unmapped code %s. Defaulting to chr_part 'SO:0000830'.",

        return so_id

    def _check_tax_ids(self):
        for taxon in self.tax_ids:
            if str(taxon) not in self.files:
                raise Exception("Taxon " + str(taxon) +
                                " not supported by source Monochrom")

    def getTestSuite(self):
        # import unittest
        # from tests.test_ucscbands import UCSCBandsTestCase
        test_suite = None
        # test_suite = \
        #   unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(UCSCBandsTestCase)

        return test_suite
예제 #12
    def _process_phenotype_data(self, limit):
        NOTE: If a Strain carries more than one mutation,
        then each Mutation description,
        i.e., the set: (
            Mutation Type - Chromosome - Gene Symbol -
            Gene Name - Allele Symbol - Allele Name)
        will require a separate line.

        Note that MMRRC curates phenotypes to alleles,
        even though they distribute only one file with the
        phenotypes appearing to be associated with a strain.

        So, here we process the allele-to-phenotype relationships separately
        from the strain-to-allele relationships.

        :param limit:

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        line_counter = 0
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        fname = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['catalog']['file']))

        self.strain_hash = {}
        self.id_label_hash = {}
        genes_with_no_ids = set()
        stem_cell_class = 'CL:0000034'
        mouse_taxon = 'NCBITaxon:10090'
        geno = Genotype(g)
        with open(fname, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1
                # skip the first 3 lines which are header, etc.
                if line_counter < 4:

                (strain_id, strain_label, strain_type_symbol, strain_state,
                 mgi_allele_id, mgi_allele_symbol, mgi_allele_name,
                 mutation_type, chrom, mgi_gene_id, mgi_gene_symbol,
                 mgi_gene_name, sds_url, accepted_date, mp_ids, pubmed_nums,
                 research_areas) = row

                if self.testMode and (strain_id not in self.test_ids):

                # strip off stuff after the dash -
                # is the holding center important?
                # MMRRC:00001-UNC --> MMRRC:00001
                strain_id = re.sub(r'-\w+$', '', strain_id)

                self.id_label_hash[strain_id] = strain_label

                # get the variant or gene to save for later building of
                # the genotype
                if strain_id not in self.strain_hash:
                    self.strain_hash[strain_id] = {'variants': set(),
                                                   'genes': set()}

                # clean up the bad one
                if mgi_allele_id == 'multiple mutation':
                    logger.error("Erroneous gene id: %s", mgi_allele_id)
                    mgi_allele_id = ''

                if mgi_allele_id != '':
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_allele_id] = mgi_allele_symbol

                    # use the following if needing to add the
                    # sequence alteration types
                    # var_type =
                    #   self._get_variant_type_from_abbrev(mutation_type)
                    # make a sequence alteration for this variant locus,
                    # and link the variation type to it
                    # sa_id = '_'+re.sub(r':','',mgi_allele_id)+'SA'
                    # if self.nobnodes:
                    #     sa_id = ':'+sa_id
                    # gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, sa_id, None, var_type)
                    # geno.addSequenceAlterationToVariantLocus(sa_id,
                    #                                          mgi_allele_id)

                # scrub out any spaces
                mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'\s+', '', mgi_gene_id)
                if mgi_gene_id.strip() != '':
                    if re.match(r'Gene\s*ID:', mgi_gene_id, re.I):
                        mgi_gene_id = re.sub(r'Gene\s*ID:\s*', 'NCBIGene:',
                    elif not re.match(r'MGI', mgi_gene_id):
                        logger.info("Gene id not recognized: %s", mgi_gene_id)
                        if re.match(r'\d+$', mgi_gene_id):
                            # assume that if it's all numbers, then it's MGI
                            mgi_gene_id = 'MGI:'+str(mgi_gene_id)
                            logger.info("Assuming numerics are MGI.")
                    self.id_label_hash[mgi_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol

                # catch some errors -
                # some things have gene labels, but no identifiers - report
                if mgi_gene_symbol.strip() != '' and mgi_gene_id == '':
                        "Gene label with no identifier for strain %s: %s",
                        strain_id, mgi_gene_symbol)
                    # make a temp id for genes that aren't identified
                    # tmp_gene_id = '_'+mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.id_label_hash[tmp_gene_id] = mgi_gene_symbol
                    # self.strain_hash[strain_id]['genes'].add(tmp_gene_id)

                # split apart the mp ids
                # ataxia [MP:0001393] ,hypoactivity [MP:0001402] ...
                # mp_ids are now a comma delimited list
                # with MP terms in brackets
                phenotype_ids = []
                if mp_ids != '':
                    for i in re.split(r',', mp_ids):
                        i = i.strip()
                        mps = re.search(r'\[(.*)\]', i)
                        if mps is not None:
                            mp_id = mps.group(1).strip()

                # pubmed ids are space delimited
                pubmed_ids = []
                if pubmed_nums.strip() != '':
                    for i in re.split(r'\s+', pubmed_nums):
                        pmid = 'PMID:'+i.strip()
                        r = Reference(pmid,

                # https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/sds.php?mmrrc_id=00001
                # is a good example of 4 genotype parts

                gu.addClassToGraph(g, mouse_taxon, None)
                if research_areas.strip() == '':
                    research_areas = None
                    research_areas = 'Research Areas: '+research_areas
                strain_type = mouse_taxon
                if strain_state == 'ES':
                    strain_type = stem_cell_class
                    g, strain_id, strain_label, strain_type,
                    research_areas)  # an inst of mouse??
                gu.makeLeader(g, strain_id)

                # phenotypes are associated with the alleles
                for pid in phenotype_ids:
                    # assume the phenotype label is in the ontology
                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, pid, None)
                    if mgi_allele_id is not None and mgi_allele_id != '':
                        assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, mgi_allele_id, pid,
                        for p in pubmed_ids:
                        logger.info("Phenotypes and no allele for %s",

                if not self.testMode and (
                        limit is not None and line_counter > limit):

            # now that we've collected all of the variant information, build it
            # we don't know their zygosities
            for s in self.strain_hash:
                h = self.strain_hash.get(s)
                variants = h['variants']
                genes = h['genes']
                vl_set = set()
                # make variant loci for each gene
                if len(variants) > 0:
                    for v in variants:
                        vl_id = v
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[vl_id]
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        if len(variants) == 1 and len(genes) == 1:
                            for gene in genes:
                                geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)
                            geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol)
                else:  # len(vars) == 0
                    # it's just anonymous variants in some gene
                    for gene in genes:
                        vl_id = '_'+gene+'-VL'
                        vl_id = re.sub(r':', '', vl_id)
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            vl_id = ':'+vl_id
                        vl_symbol = self.id_label_hash[gene]+'<?>'
                        self.id_label_hash[vl_id] = vl_symbol
                        geno.addAllele(vl_id, vl_symbol,
                        geno.addGene(gene, self.id_label_hash[gene])
                        geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene)

                # make the vslcs
                vl_list = sorted(vl_set)
                vslc_list = []
                for vl in vl_list:
                    # for unknown zygosity
                    vslc_id = '_'+re.sub(r'^_', '', vl)+'U'
                    vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        vslc_id = ':' + vslc_id
                    vslc_label = self.id_label_hash[vl] + '/?'
                    self.id_label_hash[vslc_id] = vslc_label
                        vslc_id, vl, None, geno.zygosity['indeterminate'],
                        geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part'], None)
                        g, vslc_id, vslc_label,
                if len(vslc_list) > 0:
                    if len(vslc_list) > 1:
                        gvc_id = '-'.join(vslc_list)
                        gvc_id = re.sub(r':', '', gvc_id)
                        if self.nobnodes:
                            gvc_id = ':'+gvc_id
                        gvc_label = \
                            '; '.join(self.id_label_hash[v] for v in vslc_list)
                            g, gvc_id, gvc_label,
                        for vslc_id in vslc_list:
                            geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, gvc_id)
                        # the GVC == VSLC, so don't have to make an extra piece
                        gvc_id = vslc_list.pop()
                        gvc_label = self.id_label_hash[gvc_id]

                    genotype_label = gvc_label + ' [n.s.]'
                    bkgd_id = \
                        '_' + re.sub(r':', '', '-'.join(
                    genotype_id = '-'.join((gvc_id, bkgd_id))
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        bkgd_id = ':'+bkgd_id
                    geno.addTaxon(mouse_taxon, bkgd_id)
                        bkgd_id, 'unspecified ('+s+')',
                        "A placeholder for the " +
                        "unspecified genetic background for "+s)
                        bkgd_id, genotype_id,
                        gvc_id, genotype_id,
                    geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_label)
                        g, s, geno.object_properties['has_genotype'],
                    # logger.debug(
                    #   "Strain %s is not making a proper genotype.", s)

                g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, G2PAssoc.OBJECTPROP)
                g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, G2PAssoc.DATAPROP)
                g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, G2PAssoc.ANNOTPROP)

                "The following gene symbols did not list identifiers: %s",

예제 #13
파일: KEGG.py 프로젝트: d3borah/dipper
    def _process_kegg_disease2gene(self, limit=None):
        This method creates an association between diseases and their associated genes.
        We are being conservative here, and only processing those diseases for which there
        is no mapping to OMIM.

        Triples created:
        <alternate_locus> is an Individual
        <alternate_locus> has type <variant_locus>
        <alternate_locus> is an allele of  <gene_id>

        <assoc_id> has subject <disease_id>
        <assoc_id> has object <gene_id>
        :param limit:

        logger.info("Processing KEGG disease to gene")
        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph
        line_counter = 0
        geno = Genotype(g)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        rel = gu.object_properties['is_marker_for']
        noomimset = set()
        raw = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['disease_gene']['file']))
        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="iso-8859-1") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='\"')
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1
                (gene_id, disease_id) = row

                if self.testMode and gene_id not in self.test_ids['genes']:

                gene_id = 'KEGG-'+gene_id.strip()
                disease_id = 'KEGG-'+disease_id.strip()

                # only add diseases for which there is no omim id and not a grouping class
                if disease_id not in self.kegg_disease_hash:
                    # add as a class
                    disease_label = None
                    if disease_id in self.label_hash:
                        disease_label = self.label_hash[disease_id]
                    if re.search('includ', str(disease_label)):
                        # they use 'including' when it's a grouping class
                        logger.info("Skipping this association because it's a grouping class: %s", disease_label)
                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, disease_id, disease_label, 'DOID:4')  # type this disease_id as a disease
                    alt_locus_id = self._make_variant_locus_id(gene_id, disease_id)
                    alt_label = self.label_hash[alt_locus_id]
                    gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, alt_locus_id, alt_label, geno.genoparts['variant_locus'])
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(alt_locus_id, gene_id)
                    # Add the disease to gene relationship.
                    assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, alt_locus_id, disease_id, rel)

                if (not self.testMode) and (limit is not None and line_counter > limit):

        logger.info("Done with KEGG disease to gene")
        logger.info("Found %d diseases with no omim id", len(noomimset))

예제 #14
    def _process_diseasegene(self, limit):
        :param limit:
        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph
        line_counter = 0
        geno = Genotype(g)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        myfile = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['disease-gene']['file']))

        # PYLINT complains iterparse deprecated,
        # but as of py 3.4 only the optional & unsupplied parse arg is.
        for event, elem in ET.iterparse(myfile):
            if elem.tag == 'Disorder':
                # get the element name and id, ignoreS element name
                # id = elem.get('id') # some internal identifier
                disorder_num = elem.find('OrphaNumber').text

                disorder_id = 'Orphanet:'+str(disorder_num)

                if self.testMode and \
                        disorder_id not in \

                disorder_label = elem.find('Name').text

                # make a hash of internal gene id to type for later lookup
                gene_iid_to_type = {}
                gene_list = elem.find('GeneList')
                for gene in gene_list.findall('Gene'):
                    gene_iid = gene.get('id')
                    gene_type = gene.find('GeneType').get('id')
                    gene_iid_to_type[gene_iid] = gene_type

                # assuming that these are in the ontology
                gu.addClassToGraph(g, disorder_id, disorder_label)

                assoc_list = elem.find('DisorderGeneAssociationList')
                for a in assoc_list.findall('DisorderGeneAssociation'):
                    gene_iid = a.find('.//Gene').get('id')
                    gene_name = a.find('.//Gene/Name').text
                    gene_symbol = a.find('.//Gene/Symbol').text
                    gene_num = a.find('./Gene/OrphaNumber').text
                    gene_id = 'Orphanet:'+str(gene_num)
                    gene_type_id = \
                        g, gene_id, gene_symbol, gene_type_id, gene_name)
                    syn_list = a.find('./Gene/SynonymList')
                    if int(syn_list.get('count')) > 0:
                        for s in syn_list.findall('./Synonym'):
                            gu.addSynonym(g, gene_id, s.text)

                    dgtype = a.find('DisorderGeneAssociationType').get('id')
                    rel_id = self._map_rel_id(dgtype)
                    dg_label = \
                    if rel_id is None:
                            "Cannot map association type (%s) to RO " +
                            "for association (%s | %s).  Skipping.",
                            dg_label, disorder_label, gene_symbol)

                    alt_locus_id = '_'+gene_num+'-'+disorder_num+'VL'
                    alt_label = \
                        ' '.join(('some variant of', gene_symbol.strip(),
                                  'that is a', dg_label.lower(),
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        alt_locus_id = ':'+alt_locus_id
                    gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, alt_locus_id, alt_label,
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(alt_locus_id, gene_id)

                    # consider typing the gain/loss-of-function variants like:
                    # http://sequenceontology.org/browser/current_svn/term/SO:0002054
                    # http://sequenceontology.org/browser/current_svn/term/SO:0002053

                    # use "assessed" status to issue an evidence code
                    # FIXME I think that these codes are sub-optimal
                    status_code = \
                    # imported automatically asserted information
                    # used in automatic assertion
                    eco_id = 'ECO:0000323'
                    # Assessed
                    # TODO are these internal ids stable between releases?
                    if status_code == '17991':
                        # imported manually asserted information
                        # used in automatic assertion
                        eco_id = 'ECO:0000322'
                    # Non-traceable author statement ECO_0000034
                    # imported information in automatic assertion ECO_0000313

                    assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, alt_locus_id,
                                     disorder_id, rel_id)

                    rlist = a.find('./Gene/ExternalReferenceList')
                    eqid = None

                    for r in rlist.findall('ExternalReference'):
                        if r.find('Source').text == 'Ensembl':
                            eqid = 'ENSEMBL:'+r.find('Reference').text
                        elif r.find('Source').text == 'HGNC':
                            eqid = 'HGNC:'+r.find('Reference').text
                        elif r.find('Source').text == 'OMIM':
                            eqid = 'OMIM:'+r.find('Reference').text
                            pass  # skip the others for now
                        if eqid is not None:
                            gu.addClassToGraph(g, eqid, None)
                            gu.addEquivalentClass(g, gene_id, eqid)
                elem.clear()  # discard the element

            if self.testMode and limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

            g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, G2PAssoc.ANNOTPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, G2PAssoc.DATAPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, G2PAssoc.OBJECTPROP)

예제 #15
    def _process_data(self, raw, limit=None):
        logger.info("Processing Data from %s", raw)
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        geno = Genotype(g)
        line_counter = 0
        gu.loadObjectProperties(g, geno.object_properties)

        # Add the taxon as a class
        taxon_id = 'NCBITaxon:10090'  # map to Mus musculus
        gu.addClassToGraph(g, taxon_id, None)

        # with open(raw, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
        with gzip.open(raw, 'rt') as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='\"')
            next(filereader, None)  # skip the header row
            for row in filereader:
                line_counter += 1

                (marker_accession_id, marker_symbol, phenotyping_center,
                 colony, sex, zygosity, allele_accession_id, allele_symbol,
                 allele_name, strain_accession_id, strain_name, project_name,
                 project_fullname, pipeline_name, pipeline_stable_id,
                 procedure_stable_id, procedure_name, parameter_stable_id,
                 parameter_name, top_level_mp_term_id, top_level_mp_term_name,
                 mp_term_id, mp_term_name, p_value, percentage_change,
                 effect_size, statistical_method, resource_name) = row

                if self.testMode and marker_accession_id not in self.test_ids:

                # ##### cleanup some of the identifiers ######
                zygosity_id = self._map_zygosity(zygosity)

                # colony ids sometimes have <> in them, spaces,
                # or other non-alphanumerics and break our system;
                # replace these with underscores
                colony_id = '_'+re.sub(r'\W+', '_', colony)
                if self.nobnodes:
                    colony_id = ':'+colony_id

                if not re.match(r'MGI', allele_accession_id):
                    allele_accession_id = \
                        '_IMPC-'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        allele_accession_id = ':'+allele_accession_id
                if re.search(r'EUROCURATE', strain_accession_id):
                    # the eurocurate links don't resolve at IMPC
                    strain_accession_id = '_'+strain_accession_id
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        strain_accession_id = ':'+strain_accession_id
                elif not re.match(r'MGI', strain_accession_id):
                        "Found a strange strain accession...%s",
                    strain_accession_id = 'IMPC:'+strain_accession_id

                # first, add the marker and variant to the graph as with MGI,
                # the allele is the variant locus.  IF the marker is not known,
                # we will call it a sequence alteration.  otherwise,
                # we will create a BNode for the sequence alteration.
                sequence_alteration_id = variant_locus_id = None
                variant_locus_name = sequence_alteration_name = None

                # extract out what's within the <> to get the symbol
                if re.match(r'.*<.*>', allele_symbol):
                    sequence_alteration_name = \
                        re.match(r'.*<(.*)>', allele_symbol).group(1)
                    sequence_alteration_name = allele_symbol

                if marker_accession_id is not None and \
                        marker_accession_id == '':
                        "Marker unspecified on row %d", line_counter)
                    marker_accession_id = None

                if marker_accession_id is not None:
                    variant_locus_id = allele_accession_id
                    variant_locus_name = allele_symbol
                    variant_locus_type = geno.genoparts['variant_locus']
                    geno.addGene(marker_accession_id, marker_symbol,
                    geno.addAllele(variant_locus_id, variant_locus_name,
                                   variant_locus_type, None)
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(variant_locus_id, marker_accession_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = \
                        '_seqalt'+re.sub(r':', '', allele_accession_id)
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        sequence_alteration_id = ':'+sequence_alteration_id
                        sequence_alteration_id, variant_locus_id)

                    sequence_alteration_id = allele_accession_id

                # IMPC contains targeted mutations with either gene traps,
                # knockouts, insertion/intragenic deletions.
                # but I don't really know what the SeqAlt is here,
                # so I don't add it.

                # #############    BUILD THE COLONY    #############
                # First, let's describe the colony that the animals come from
                # The Colony ID refers to the ES cell clone
                #   used to generate a mouse strain.
                # Terry sez: we use this clone ID to track
                #   ES cell -> mouse strain -> mouse phenotyping.
                # The same ES clone maybe used at multiple centers,
                # so we have to concatenate the two to have a unique ID.
                # some useful reading about generating mice from ES cells:
                # http://ki.mit.edu/sbc/escell/services/details

                # here, we'll make a genotype
                # that derives from an ES cell with a given allele.
                # the strain is not really attached to the colony.

                # the colony/clone is reflective of the allele,
                # with unknown zygosity
                stem_cell_class = 'ERO:0002002'
                gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, colony_id, colony, stem_cell_class)

                # vslc of the colony has unknown zygosity
                # note that we will define the allele
                # (and it's relationship to the marker, etc.) later
                # FIXME is it really necessary to create this vslc
                # when we always know it's unknown zygosity?
                vslc_colony = \
                vslc_colony = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_colony)
                if self.nobnodes:
                    vslc_colony = ':'+vslc_colony
                vslc_colony_label = allele_symbol+'/<?>'
                # for ease of reading, we make the colony genotype variables.
                # in the future, it might be desired to keep the vslcs
                colony_genotype_id = vslc_colony
                colony_genotype_label = vslc_colony_label
                geno.addGenotype(colony_genotype_id, colony_genotype_label)
                geno.addParts(allele_accession_id, colony_genotype_id,
                    vslc_colony, allele_accession_id, None,
                    g, colony_id,

                # ##########    BUILD THE ANNOTATED GENOTYPE    ##########
                # now, we'll build the genotype of the individual that derives
                # from the colony/clone genotype that is attached to
                # phenotype = colony_id + strain + zygosity + sex
                # (and is derived from a colony)

                # this is a sex-agnostic genotype
                genotype_id = \
                        (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)

                # build the VSLC of the sex-agnostic genotype
                # based on the zygosity
                allele1_id = allele_accession_id
                allele2_id = allele2_rel = None
                allele1_label = allele_symbol
                allele2_label = '<?>'
                # Making VSLC labels from the various parts,
                # can change later if desired.
                if zygosity == 'heterozygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<+>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'homozygote':
                    allele2_label = allele1_label
                    allele2_id = allele1_id
                    allele2_rel = geno.object_properties['has_alternate_part']
                elif zygosity == 'hemizygote':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<0>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                elif zygosity == 'not_applicable':
                    allele2_label = re.sub(r'<.*', '<?>', allele1_label)
                    allele2_id = None
                    logger.warning("found unknown zygosity %s", zygosity)
                vslc_name = '/'.join((allele1_label, allele2_label))

                # Add the VSLC
                vslc_id = '_' + '-'.join((marker_accession_id,
                                          allele_accession_id, zygosity))
                vslc_id = re.sub(r':', '', vslc_id)
                if self.nobnodes:
                    vslc_id = ':'+vslc_id
                    g, vslc_id, vslc_name,
                    vslc_id, allele1_id, allele2_id, zygosity_id,

                # add vslc to genotype
                geno.addVSLCtoParent(vslc_id, genotype_id)

                # note that the vslc is also the gvc
                    g, vslc_id,

                # Add the genomic background
                # create the genomic background id and name
                if strain_accession_id != '':
                    genomic_background_id = strain_accession_id
                    genomic_background_id = None

                genotype_name = vslc_name
                if genomic_background_id is not None:
                        genomic_background_id, strain_name,

                    # make a phenotyping-center-specific strain
                    # to use as the background
                    pheno_center_strain_label = \
                        strain_name + '/' + phenotyping_center
                    pheno_center_strain_id = \
                        '-'.join((re.sub(r':', '', genomic_background_id),
                                  re.sub(r'\s', '_', phenotyping_center)))
                    if not re.match(r'^_', pheno_center_strain_id):
                        pheno_center_strain_id = '_'+pheno_center_strain_id
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        pheno_center_strain_id = ':'+pheno_center_strain_id

                    # Making genotype labels from the various parts,
                    # can change later if desired.
                    # since the genotype is reflective of the place
                    # it got made, should put that in to disambiguate
                    genotype_name = \
                        genotype_name+' ['+pheno_center_strain_label+']'
                        pheno_center_strain_id, genotype_id)
                    geno.addTaxon(pheno_center_strain_id, taxon_id)
                # this is redundant, but i'll keep in in for now
                geno.addSequenceDerivesFrom(genotype_id, colony_id)
                genotype_name += '['+colony+']'
                geno.addGenotype(genotype_id, genotype_name)

                # Make the sex-qualified genotype,
                # which is what the phenotype is associated with
                sex_qualified_genotype_id = \
                        (colony_id + phenotyping_center + zygosity +
                sex_qualified_genotype_label = genotype_name+' ('+sex+')'
                if sex == 'male':
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['male_genotype']
                elif sex == 'female':
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['female_genotype']
                    sq_type_id = geno.genoparts['sex_qualified_genotype']

                    sex_qualified_genotype_label, sq_type_id)
                    genotype_id, sex_qualified_genotype_id,

                if genomic_background_id is not None and \
                        genomic_background_id != '':
                    # Add the taxon to the genomic_background_id
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genomic_background_id)
                    # add it as the genomic background
                    geno.addTaxon(taxon_id, genotype_id)

                # #############    BUILD THE G2P ASSOC    #############
                # from an old email dated July 23 2014:
                # Phenotypes associations are made to
                # imits colony_id+center+zygosity+gender

                phenotype_id = mp_term_id

                # it seems that sometimes phenotype ids are missing.
                # indicate here
                if phenotype_id is None or phenotype_id == '':
                        "No phenotype id specified for row %d: %s",
                        line_counter, str(row))
                # experimental_phenotypic_evidence This was used in ZFIN
                eco_id = "ECO:0000059"

                # the association comes as a result of a g2p from
                # a procedure in a pipeline at a center and parameter tested

                assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, sex_qualified_genotype_id,
                # assoc.set_score(float(p_value))

                # TODO add evidence instance using
                # pipeline_stable_id +
                # procedure_stable_id +
                # parameter_stable_id

                assoc_id = assoc.get_association_id()

                # add a free-text description
                description = \
                    ' '.join((mp_term_name, 'phenotype determined by',
                              phenotyping_center, 'in an',
                              procedure_name, 'assay where',
                              'was measured with an effect_size of',
                              str(round(float(effect_size), 5)),
                              '(p =', "{:.4e}".format(float(p_value)), ').'))

                gu.addDescription(g, assoc_id, description)

                # TODO add provenance information
                # resource_id = resource_name
                # assoc.addSource(g, assoc_id, resource_id)

                if not self.testMode and \
                        limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, gu.ANNOTPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, gu.DATAPROP)

예제 #16
파일: CTD.py 프로젝트: d3borah/dipper
class CTD(Source):
    The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) includes curated data describing cross-species chemical–gene/protein
    interactions and chemical– and gene–disease associations to illuminate molecular mechanisms underlying variable
    susceptibility and environmentally influenced diseases.

    Here, we fetch, parse, and convert data from CTD into triples, leveraging only the associations based on
    DIRECT evidence (not using the inferred associations).  We currently process the following associations:
        * chemical-disease
        * gene-pathway
        * gene-disease

    CTD curates relationships between genes and chemicals/diseases with marker/mechanism and/or therapeutic.
    Unfortunately, we cannot disambiguate between marker (gene expression) and mechanism (causation)
    for these associations.  Therefore, we are left to relate these simply by "marker".

    CTD also pulls in genes and pathway membership from KEGG and REACTOME.  We create groups of these following
    the pattern that the specific pathway is a subclass of 'cellular process' (a go process), and
    the gene is "involved in" that process.

    For diseases, we preferentially use OMIM identifiers when they can be used uniquely over MESH.  Otherwise,
    we use MESH ids.

    Note that we scrub the following identifiers and their associated data:
    * REACT:116125 - generic disease class
    * MESH:D004283 - dog diseases
    * MESH:D004195 - disease models, animal
    * MESH:D030342 - genetic diseases, inborn
    * MESH:D040181 - genetic dieases, x-linked
    * MESH:D020022 - genetic predisposition to a disease

    files = {
        'chemical_disease_interactions': {
            'file': 'CTD_chemicals_diseases.tsv.gz',
            'url': 'http://ctdbase.org/reports/CTD_chemicals_diseases.tsv.gz'
        'gene_pathway': {
            'file': 'CTD_genes_pathways.tsv.gz',
            'url': 'http://ctdbase.org/reports/CTD_genes_pathways.tsv.gz'
        'gene_disease': {
            'file': 'CTD_genes_diseases.tsv.gz',
            'url': 'http://ctdbase.org/reports/CTD_genes_diseases.tsv.gz'
    static_files = {
        'publications': {'file': 'CTD_curated_references.tsv'}

    def __init__(self):
        Source.__init__(self, 'ctd')
        self.dataset = Dataset('ctd', 'CTD', 'http://ctdbase.org', None, 'http://ctdbase.org/about/legal.jsp')

        if 'test_ids' not in config.get_config() or 'gene' not in config.get_config()['test_ids']:
            logger.warn("not configured with gene test ids.")
            self.test_geneids = []
            self.test_geneids = config.get_config()['test_ids']['gene']

        if 'test_ids' not in config.get_config() or 'disease' not in config.get_config()['test_ids']:
            logger.warn("not configured with disease test ids.")
            self.test_diseaseids = []
            self.test_diseaseids = config.get_config()['test_ids']['disease']

        self.gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())


    def fetch(self, is_dl_forced=False):
        Override Source.fetch()
        Fetches resources from CTD using the CTD.files dictionary
            :param is_dl_forced (bool): Force download
            :return None


        # consider creating subsets of the files that only have direct annotations (not inferred)

    def parse(self, limit=None):
        Override Source.parse()
        Parses version and interaction information from CTD
            :param limit (int, optional) limit the number of rows processed
            :return None
        if limit is not None:
            logger.info("Only parsing first %d rows", limit)

        logger.info("Parsing files...")
        # pub_map = dict()
        # file_path = '/'.join((self.rawdir,
        #                       self.static_files['publications']['file']))
        # if os.path.exists(file_path) is True:
        #     pub_map = self._parse_publication_file(
        #         self.static_files['publications']['file']
        #     )

        if self.testOnly:
            self.testMode = True

        if self.testMode:
            self.g = self.testgraph
            self.g = self.graph
        self.geno = Genotype(self.g)
        self.path = Pathway(self.g, self.nobnodes)

        self._parse_ctd_file(limit, self.files['chemical_disease_interactions']['file'])
        self._parse_ctd_file(limit, self.files['gene_pathway']['file'])
        self._parse_ctd_file(limit, self.files['gene_disease']['file'])
        # self.gu.loadProperties(self.g, self.REL_MAP, self.gu.OBJPROP)

        logger.info("Done parsing files.")


    def _parse_ctd_file(self, limit, file):
        Parses files in CTD.files dictionary
            :param limit (int): limit the number of rows processed
            :param file (str): file name (must be defined in CTD.file)
            :return None
        row_count = 0
        version_pattern = re.compile('^# Report created: (.+)$')
        is_versioned = False
        file_path = '/'.join((self.rawdir, file))
        with gzip.open(file_path, 'rt') as tsvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter="\t")
            for row in reader:
                # Scan the header lines until we get the version
                # There is no official version sp we are using
                # the upload timestamp instead
                if is_versioned is False:
                    match = re.match(version_pattern, ' '.join(row))
                    if match:
                        version = re.sub(r'\s|:', '-', match.group(1))
                        # TODO convert this timestamp to a proper timestamp
                        is_versioned = True
                elif re.match('^#', ' '.join(row)):
                    row_count += 1
                    if file == self.files['chemical_disease_interactions']['file']:
                    elif file == self.files['gene_pathway']['file']:
                    elif file == self.files['gene_disease']['file']:

                if not self.testMode and limit is not None and row_count >= limit:


    def _process_pathway(self, row):
        Process row of CTD data from CTD_genes_pathways.tsv.gz
        and generate triples
            :param row (list): row of CTD data
            :return None
        self._check_list_len(row, 4)
        (gene_symbol, gene_id, pathway_name, pathway_id) = row

        if self.testMode and (int(gene_id) not in self.test_geneids):

        entrez_id = 'NCBIGene:'+gene_id

        if re.match('REACT:116125', pathway_id):
            # skipping this one, as it is generic "Disease"

        # convert KEGG pathway ids... KEGG:12345 --> KEGG-path:map12345
        if re.match('KEGG', pathway_id):
            pathway_id = re.sub('KEGG:', 'KEGG-path:map', pathway_id)

        self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.graph, entrez_id, None)  # just in case, add it as a class

        self.path.addPathway(pathway_id, pathway_name)
        self.path.addGeneToPathway(pathway_id, entrez_id)


    def _fetch_disambiguating_assoc(self):
        For any of the items in the chemical-disease association file that have ambiguous association types
        we fetch the disambiguated associations using the batch query API, and store these in a file.
        Elsewhere, we can loop through the file and create the appropriate associations.


        disambig_file = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.static_files['publications']['file']))
        assoc_file = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['chemical_disease_interactions']['file']))

        # check if there is a local association file, and download if it's dated later than the original intxn file
        if os.path.exists(disambig_file):
            dfile_dt = os.stat(disambig_file)
            afile_dt = os.stat(assoc_file)
            if dfile_dt < afile_dt:
                logger.info("Local disambiguating file date < chem-disease assoc file.  Downloading...")
                logger.info("Local disambiguating file date > chem-disease assoc file.  Skipping download.")

        all_pubs = set()
        dual_evidence = re.compile('^marker\/mechanism\|therapeutic$')
        # first get all the unique publications
        with gzip.open(assoc_file, 'rt') as tsvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter="\t")
            for row in reader:
                if re.match('^#', ' '.join(row)):
                self._check_list_len(row, 10)
                (chem_name, chem_id, cas_rn, disease_name, disease_id, direct_evidence,
                 inferred_gene_symbol, inference_score, omim_ids, pubmed_ids) = row
                if direct_evidence == '' or not re.match(dual_evidence, direct_evidence):
                if pubmed_ids is not None and pubmed_ids != '':
                    all_pubs.update(set(re.split('\|', pubmed_ids)))
        sorted_pubs = sorted(list(all_pubs))

        # now in batches of 4000, we fetch the chemical-disease associations
        batch_size = 4000
        params = {
            'inputType': 'reference',
            'report': 'diseases_curated',
            'format': 'tsv',
            'action': 'Download'

        url = 'http://ctdbase.org/tools/batchQuery.go?q'
        start = 0
        end = min((batch_size, len(all_pubs)))  # get them in batches of 4000

        with open(disambig_file, 'wb') as f:
            while start < len(sorted_pubs):
                params['inputTerms'] = '|'.join(sorted_pubs[start:end])
                # fetch the data from url
                logger.info('fetching %d (%d-%d) refs: %s', len(re.split('\|', params['inputTerms'])),
                            start, end, params['inputTerms'])
                data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
                encoding = 'utf-8'
                binary_data = data.encode(encoding)
                req = urllib.request.Request(url, binary_data)
                resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
                start = end
                end = min((start+batch_size, len(sorted_pubs)))


    def _process_interactions(self, row):
        Process row of CTD data from CTD_chemicals_diseases.tsv.gz
        and generate triples.
        Only create associations based on direct evidence (not using the inferred-via-gene),
        and unambiguous relationships.  (Ambiguous ones will be processed in the sister method using the
        disambiguated file). There are no OMIM ids for diseases in these cases, so we associate with only
        the mesh disease ids.
            :param row (list): row of CTD data
            :return None
        self._check_list_len(row, 10)
        (chem_name, chem_id, cas_rn, disease_name, disease_id, direct_evidence,
         inferred_gene_symbol, inference_score, omim_ids, pubmed_ids) = row

        if direct_evidence == '':

        evidence_pattern = re.compile('^therapeutic|marker\/mechanism$')
        # dual_evidence = re.compile('^marker\/mechanism\|therapeutic$')

        # filter on those diseases that are mapped to omim ids in the test set
        intersect = list(set(['OMIM:'+str(i) for i in omim_ids.split('|')]+[disease_id]) & set(self.test_diseaseids))
        if self.testMode and len(intersect) < 1:
        chem_id = 'MESH:'+chem_id
        reference_list = self._process_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids)
        if re.match(evidence_pattern, direct_evidence):
            rel_id = self._get_relationship_id(direct_evidence)
            self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.g, chem_id, chem_name)
            self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.g, disease_id, None)
            self._make_association(chem_id, disease_id, rel_id, reference_list)
            # there's dual evidence, but haven't mapped the pubs
            # logger.debug("Dual evidence for %s (%s) and %s (%s)", chem_name, chem_id, disease_name, disease_id)


    def _process_disease2gene(self, row):
        Here, we process the disease-to-gene associations.
        Note that we ONLY process direct associations (not inferred through chemicals).
        Furthermore, we also ONLY process "marker/mechanism" associations.

        We preferentially utilize OMIM identifiers over MESH identifiers for disease/phenotype.
        Therefore, if a single OMIM id is listed under the "omim_ids" list, we will choose this over any
        MeSH id that might be listed as the disease_id.
        If multiple OMIM ids are listed in the omim_ids column, we toss this for now. (Mostly, we are not sure
        what to do with this information.)

        We associate "some variant of gene X" with the phenotype, rather than the gene directly.

        We also pull in the MeSH labels here (but not OMIM) to ensure that we have them (as they may not be
        brought in separately).
        :param row:

        # if self.testMode:
        #     g = self.testgraph
        # else:
        #     g = self.graph
        # self._check_list_len(row, 9)
        # geno = Genotype(g)
        # gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        (gene_symbol, gene_id, disease_name, disease_id, direct_evidence,
         inference_chemical_name, inference_score, omim_ids, pubmed_ids) = row

        # we only want the direct associations; skipping inferred for now
        if direct_evidence == '' or direct_evidence != 'marker/mechanism':

        # scrub some of the associations... it seems odd to link human genes to the following "diseases"
        diseases_to_scrub = [
            'MESH:D004283',  # dog diseases
            'MESH:D004195',  # disease models, animal
            'MESH:D030342',  # genetic diseases, inborn
            'MESH:D040181',  # genetic dieases, x-linked
            'MESH:D020022'   # genetic predisposition to a disease

        if disease_id in diseases_to_scrub:
            logger.info("Skipping association between NCBIGene:%s and %s", str(gene_id), disease_id)

        intersect = list(set(['OMIM:'+str(i) for i in omim_ids.split('|')]+[disease_id]) & set(self.test_diseaseids))
        if self.testMode and (int(gene_id) not in self.test_geneids or len(intersect) < 1):

        # there are three kinds of direct evidence: (marker/mechanism | marker/mechanism|therapeutic | therapeutic)
        # we are only using the "marker/mechanism" for now
        # TODO what does it mean for a gene to be therapeutic for disease?  a therapeutic target?

        gene_id = 'NCBIGene:'+gene_id

        preferred_disease_id = disease_id
        if omim_ids is not None and omim_ids != '':
            omim_id_list = re.split('\|', omim_ids)
            # If there is only one OMIM ID for the Disease ID or in the omim_ids list,
            # use the OMIM ID preferentially over any MeSH ID.
            if re.match('OMIM:.*', disease_id):
                if len(omim_id_list) > 1:
                    # the disease ID is an OMIM ID and there is more than one OMIM entry in omim_ids.
                    # Currently no entries satisfy this condition
                elif disease_id != ('OMIM:'+omim_ids):
                    # the disease ID is an OMIM ID and there is only one non-equiv OMIM entry in omim_ids
                    # we preferentially use the disease_id here
                    logger.warn("There may be alternate identifier for %s: %s", disease_id, omim_ids)
                    # TODO: What should be done with the alternate disease IDs?
                if len(omim_id_list) == 1:
                    # the disease ID is not an OMIM ID and there is only one OMIM entry in omim_ids.
                    preferred_disease_id = 'OMIM:'+omim_ids
                elif len(omim_id_list) > 1:
                    # This is when the disease ID is not an OMIM ID and there is more than one OMIM entry in omim_ids.

        # we actually want the association between the gene and the disease to be via an alternate locus
        # not the "wildtype" gene itself.
        # so we make an anonymous alternate locus, and put that in the association.
        alt_locus = '_'+gene_id+'-'+preferred_disease_id+'VL'
        alt_locus = re.sub(':', '', alt_locus)  # can't have colons in the bnodes
        if self.nobnodes:
            alt_locus = ':'+alt_locus
        alt_label = 'some variant of '+gene_symbol+' that is '+direct_evidence+' for '+disease_name
        self.gu.addIndividualToGraph(self.g, alt_locus, alt_label, self.geno.genoparts['variant_locus'])
        self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.g, gene_id, None)  # assume that the label gets added elsewhere
        self.geno.addAlleleOfGene(alt_locus, gene_id)

        # not sure if MESH is getting added separately.  adding labels here for good measure
        dlabel = None
        if re.match('MESH', preferred_disease_id):
            dlabel = disease_name
        self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.g, preferred_disease_id, dlabel)

        # Add the disease to gene relationship.
        rel_id = self._get_relationship_id(direct_evidence)
        refs = self._process_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids)

        self._make_association(alt_locus, preferred_disease_id, rel_id, refs)


    def _make_association(self, subject_id, object_id, rel_id, pubmed_ids):
        Make a reified association given an array of pubmed identifiers.

            :param subject_id  id of the subject of the association (gene/chem)
            :param object_id  id of the object of the association (disease)
            :param rel_id  relationship id
            :param pubmed_ids an array of pubmed identifiers
            :return None

        # TODO pass in the relevant Assoc class rather than relying on G2P
        assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, subject_id, object_id, rel_id)
        if pubmed_ids is not None and len(pubmed_ids) > 0:
            eco = self._get_evidence_code('TAS')
            for pmid in pubmed_ids:
                r = Reference(pmid, Reference.ref_types['journal_article'])


    def _process_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids):
        Take a list of pubmed IDs and add PMID prefix
            :param pubmed_ids -  string representing publication
                                 ids seperated by a | symbol
            :return list: Pubmed curies
        if pubmed_ids.strip() == '':
            id_list = []
            id_list = pubmed_ids.split('|')
        for (i, val) in enumerate(id_list):
            id_list[i] = 'PMID:'+val
        return id_list

    def _get_evidence_code(evidence):
        Get curie for evidence class label
            :param evidence (str): evidence label
            :return str: curie for evidence label from ECO
        eco_map = {
            'TAS': 'ECO:0000033'
        return eco_map[evidence]

    def _get_relationship_id(rel):
        Get curie from relationship property label
            :param rel (str): relationship label
            :return str: curie for relationship label
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        rel_map = {
            'therapeutic': gu.object_properties['substance_that_treats'],
            'marker/mechanism': gu.object_properties['is_marker_for'],
        return str(rel_map[rel])

    def _get_class_id(cls):
        Fet curie from CLASS_MAP dictionary
            :param cls (str): class label
            :return str: curie for class label
        class_map = {
            'pathway': 'PW:0000001',
            'signal transduction': 'GO:0007165'

        return class_map[cls]

    def _parse_curated_chem_disease(self, limit):
        line_counter = 0
        file_path = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.static_files['publications']['file']))
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())
        with open(file_path, 'r') as tsvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter="\t")
            for row in reader:
                # catch comment lines
                if re.match('^#', ' '.join(row)):
                line_counter += 1
                self._check_list_len(row, 10)
                (pub_id, disease_label, disease_id, disease_cat, evidence,
                 chem_label, chem_id, cas_rn, gene_symbol, gene_acc) = row

                rel_id = self._get_relationship_id(evidence)
                chem_id = 'MESH:'+chem_id
                gu.addClassToGraph(self.g, chem_id, chem_label)
                gu.addClassToGraph(self.g, disease_id, None)
                if pub_id != '':
                    pub_id = 'PMID:'+pub_id
                    r = Reference(pub_id, Reference.ref_types['journal_article'])
                    pub_id = None
                self._make_association('MESH:'+chem_id, disease_id, rel_id, ['PMID:'+pub_id])

                if not self.testMode and limit is not None and line_counter >= limit:

    def getTestSuite(self):
        import unittest
        from tests.test_ctd import CTDTestCase

        test_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CTDTestCase)
        # test_suite.addTests(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(InteractionsTestCase))

        return test_suite
예제 #17
class UCSCBands(Source):
    This will take the UCSC defintions of cytogenic bands and create the nested
    structures to enable overlap and containment queries. We use
    ```Monochrom.py``` to create the OWL-classes of the chromosomal parts.
    Here, we simply worry about the instance-level values for particular genome

    Given a chr band definition, the nested containment structures look like:
    13q21.31 ==>  13q21.31,  13q21.3,  13q21,  13q2,  13q, 13

    We determine the containing regions of the band by parsing the band-string;
    since each alphanumeric is a significant "place", we can split it
    with the shorter strings being parents of the longer string

    Here we create build-specific chroms, which are instances of the classes
    produced from ```Monochrom.py```.
    You can instantiate any number of builds for a genome.

    We leverage the Faldo model here for region definitions,
    and map each of the chromosomal parts to SO.

    We differentiate the build by adding the build id to the identifier prior
    to the chromosome number.
    These then are instances of the species-specific chromosomal class.

    The build-specific chromosomes are created like:
    <build number>chr<num><band>
    with triples for a given band like:
    :hg19chr1p36.33 rdf[type] SO:chromosome_band, faldo:Region, CHR:9606chr1p36.33
    :hg19chr1p36.33 subsequence_of :hg19chr1p36.3
    :hg19chr1p36.33 faldo:location
        [ a faldo:BothStrandPosition
                faldo:begin 0,
                faldo:end 2300000,
                faldo:reference 'hg19']
    where any band in the file is an instance of a chr_band
    (or a more specific type), is a subsequence of it's containing region, \
    and is located in the specified coordinates.

    We do not have a separate graph for testing.

    TODO: any species by commandline argument


    files = {
        # TODO accommodate multiple builds per species
        '9606': {
            'file': 'hg19cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'hg19',
            'genome_label': 'Human'
        '10090': {
            'file': 'mm10cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'mm10',
            'genome_label': 'Mouse'
        # Note that there are no bands,
        # arms or staining components for the species below at the moment
        '7955': {
            'file': 'danRer10cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/danRer10/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'danRer10',
            'genome_label': 'Zebrafish'
        '9913': {
            'file': 'bosTau7cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/bosTau7/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'bosTau7',
            'genome_label': 'cow'
        '9031': {
            'file': 'galGal4cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/galGal4/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'galGal4',
            'genome_label': 'chicken'
        '9823': {
            'file': 'susScr3cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/susScr3/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'susScr3',
            'genome_label': 'pig'
        '9940': {
            'file': 'oviAri3cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/oviAri3/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'oviAri3',
            'genome_label': 'sheep'
        '9796': {
            'file': 'equCab2cytoBand.txt.gz',
            'url': 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/equCab2/database/cytoBandIdeo.txt.gz',
            'build_num': 'equCab2',
            'genome_label': 'horse'
        # TODO rainbow trout, 8022, when available

    def __init__(self, tax_ids=None):

        self.tax_ids = tax_ids
        self.gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        # Defaults
        if self.tax_ids is None:
            # self.tax_ids = [9606, 10090, 7955]
            self.tax_ids = [9606, 10090, 7955, 9913, 9031, 9823, 9940, 9796]

        # TODO add other species as defaults


        self.dataset = Dataset('ucscbands', 'UCSC Cytogenic Bands',
                               'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu', None,

        # data-source specific warnings
        # (will be removed when issues are cleared)


    def fetch(self, is_dl_forced=False):


    def parse(self, limit=None):

        if limit is not None:
            logger.info("Only parsing first %d rows", limit)

        logger.info("Parsing files...")

        if self.testOnly:
            self.testMode = True

        for taxon in self.tax_ids:
            self._get_chrbands(limit, str(taxon))



        # using the full graph as the test here
        self.testgraph = self.graph
        logger.info("Found %d nodes", len(self.graph))
        logger.info("Done parsing files.")


    def _get_chrbands(self, limit, taxon):
        :param limit:


        # TODO PYLINT figure out what limit was for and why it is unused
        line_counter = 0
        myfile = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files[taxon]['file']))
        logger.info("Processing Chr bands from FILE: %s", myfile)
        geno = Genotype(self.graph)
        monochrom = Monochrom()

        # used to hold band definitions for a chr
        # in order to compute extent of encompasing bands

        mybands = {}
        # build the organism's genome from the taxon
        genome_label = self.files[taxon]['genome_label']
        taxon_id = 'NCBITaxon:'+taxon

        # add the taxon as a class.  adding the class label elsewhere
        self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.graph, taxon_id, None)
        self.gu.addSynonym(self.graph, taxon_id, genome_label)

        self.gu.loadObjectProperties(self.graph, Feature.object_properties)
        self.gu.loadProperties(self.graph, Feature.data_properties,

        geno.addGenome(taxon_id, genome_label)

        # add the build and the taxon it's in
        build_num = self.files[taxon]['build_num']
        build_id = 'UCSC:'+build_num
        geno.addReferenceGenome(build_id, build_num, taxon_id)

        # process the bands
        with gzip.open(myfile, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:
                # skip comments
                line = line.decode().strip()
                if re.match('^#', line):

                # chr13	4500000	10000000	p12	stalk
                (scaffold, start, stop, band_num, rtype) = line.split('\t')
                line_counter += 1

                # NOTE some less-finished genomes have
                # placed and unplaced scaffolds
                # * Placed scaffolds:
                #       the scaffolds have been placed within a chromosome.
                # * Unlocalized scaffolds:
                #       although the chromosome within which the scaffold occurs
                #       is known, the scaffold's position or orientation
                #       is not known.
                # * Unplaced scaffolds:
                #       it is not known which chromosome the scaffold belongs to
                # find out if the thing is a full on chromosome, or a scaffold:
                # ex: unlocalized scaffold: chr10_KL568008v1_random
                # ex: unplaced scaffold: chrUn_AABR07022428v1
                placed_scaffold_pattern = r'(chr(?:\d+|X|Y|Z|W|M))'
                unlocalized_scaffold_pattern = placed_scaffold_pattern+r'_(\w+)_random'
                unplaced_scaffold_pattern = r'chr(Un(?:_\w+)?)'

                m = re.match(placed_scaffold_pattern+r'$', scaffold)
                if m is not None and len(m.groups()) == 1:
                    # the chromosome is the first match of the pattern
                    chrom_num = m.group(1)
                    # skip over anything that isn't a placed_scaffold
                    # at the class level
                    logger.info("Found non-placed chromosome %s", scaffold)
                    chrom_num = None

                m_chr_unloc = re.match(unlocalized_scaffold_pattern, scaffold)
                m_chr_unplaced = re.match(unplaced_scaffold_pattern, scaffold)

                scaffold_num = None
                if m:
                elif m_chr_unloc is not None and len(m_chr_unloc.groups()) == 2:
                    chrom_num = m_chr_unloc.group(1)
                    scaffold_num = chrom_num+'_'+m_chr_unloc.group(2)
                elif m_chr_unplaced is not None and len(m_chr_unplaced.groups()) == 1:
                    scaffold_num = m_chr_unplaced.group(1)
                    logger.error("There's a chr pattern that we aren't matching: %s",

                if chrom_num is not None:
                    # the chrom class (generic) id
                    chrom_class_id = makeChromID(chrom_num, taxon, 'CHR')

                    # first, add the chromosome class (in the taxon)
                                            taxon_id, self.files[taxon]['genome_label'])

                    # then, add the chromosome instance (from the given build)
                    geno.addChromosomeInstance(chrom_num, build_id, build_num,

                    # add the chr to the hashmap of coordinates for this build
                    # the chromosome coordinate space is itself
                    if chrom_num not in mybands.keys():
                        mybands[chrom_num] = {'min': 0,
                                              'max': int(stop),
                                              'chr': chrom_num,
                                              'ref': build_id,
                                              'parent': None,
                                              'stain': None,
                                              'type': Feature.types['chromosome']}

                if scaffold_num is not None:
                    # this will put the coordinates of the scaffold
                    # in the scaffold-space and make sure that the scaffold
                    # is part of the correct parent.
                    # if chrom_num is None,
                    # then it will attach it to the genome,
                    # just like a reg chrom
                    mybands[scaffold_num] = {'min': start,
                                             'max': stop,
                                             'chr': scaffold_num,
                                             'ref': build_id,
                                             'parent': chrom_num,
                                             'stain': None,
                                             'type': Feature.types['assembly_component'],
                                             'synonym': scaffold}

                if band_num is not None and band_num.strip() != '':
                    # add the specific band
                    mybands[chrom_num+band_num] = {'min': start,
                                                   'max': stop,
                                                   'chr': chrom_num,
                                                   'ref': build_id,
                                                   'parent': None,
                                                   'stain': None,
                                                   'type': None}

                    # add the staining intensity of the band
                    if re.match(r'g(neg|pos|var)', rtype):
                        mybands[chrom_num+band_num]['stain'] = Feature.types.get(rtype)

                    # get the parent bands, and make them unique
                    parents = list(monochrom.make_parent_bands(band_num, set()))
                    # alphabetical sort will put them in smallest to biggest,
                    # so we reverse
                    # print('parents of',chrom,band,':',parents)

                    if len(parents) > 0:
                        mybands[chrom_num+band_num]['parent'] = chrom_num+parents[0]
                    # TODO PYLINT why is 'parent'
                    # a list() a couple of lines up and a set() here?
                    parents = set()

                # loop through the parents and add them to the hash
                # add the parents to the graph, in hierarchical order
                # TODO PYLINT Consider using enumerate
                # instead of iterating with range and len
                for i in range(len(parents)):
                    rti = getChrPartTypeByNotation(parents[i])

                    pnum = chrom_num+parents[i]
                    sta = int(start)
                    sto = int(stop)
                    if pnum not in mybands.keys():
                        # add the parental band to the hash
                        b = {'min': min(sta, sto),
                             'max': max(sta, sto),
                             'chr': chrom_num,
                             'ref': build_id,
                             'parent': None,
                             'stain': None,
                             'type': rti}
                        mybands[pnum] = b
                        # band already in the hash means it's a grouping band
                        # need to update the min/max coords
                        b = mybands.get(pnum)
                        b['min'] = min(sta, sto, b['min'])
                        b['max'] = max(sta, sto, b['max'])
                        mybands[pnum] = b

                        # also, set the max for the chrom
                        c = mybands.get(chrom_num)
                        c['max'] = max(sta, sto, c['max'])
                        mybands[chrom_num] = c

                    # add the parent relationships to each
                    if i < len(parents) - 1:
                        mybands[pnum]['parent'] = chrom_num+parents[i+1]
                        # add the last one (p or q usually)
                        # as attached to the chromosome
                        mybands[pnum]['parent'] = chrom_num

        f.close()  # end looping through file

        # loop through the hash and add the bands to the graph
        for b in mybands.keys():
            myband = mybands.get(b)
            band_class_id = makeChromID(b, taxon, 'CHR')
            band_class_label = makeChromLabel(b, genome_label)
            band_build_id = makeChromID(b, build_num, 'MONARCH')
            band_build_label = makeChromLabel(b, build_num)
            # the build-specific chrom
            chrom_in_build_id = makeChromID(myband['chr'], build_num, 'MONARCH')
            # if it's != part, then add the class
            if myband['type'] != Feature.types['assembly_component']:
                self.gu.addClassToGraph(self.graph, band_class_id,
                                        band_class_label, myband['type'])
                bfeature = Feature(band_build_id, band_build_label,
                bfeature = Feature(band_build_id, band_build_label,
                if 'synonym' in myband:
                    self.gu.addSynonym(self.graph, band_build_id,

            if myband['parent'] is None:
                if myband['type'] == Feature.types['assembly_component']:
                    # since we likely don't know the chr,
                    # add it as a part of the build
                    geno.addParts(band_build_id, build_id)
            elif myband['type'] == Feature.types['assembly_component']:
                # geno.addParts(band_build_id, chrom_in_build_id)
                parent_chrom_in_build = makeChromID(myband['parent'],
                                                    build_num, 'MONARCH')

            # add the band as a feature
            # (which also instantiates the owl:Individual)
            bfeature.addFeatureStartLocation(myband['min'], chrom_in_build_id)
            bfeature.addFeatureEndLocation(myband['max'], chrom_in_build_id)
            if 'stain' in myband and myband['stain'] is not None:
                # TODO TEC I recall 'has_staining_intensity' being dropped by MB

            # type the band as a faldo:Region directly (add_region=False)
            # bfeature.setNoBNodes(self.nobnodes)
            # to come when we merge in ZFIN.py
            bfeature.addFeatureToGraph(self.graph, False)


    def _create_genome_builds(self):
        Various resources will map variations to either UCSC (hg*)
        or to NCBI assemblies. Here we create the equivalences between them.
        Data taken from:



        # TODO add more species
        ucsc_assembly_id_map = {
            "9606": {
                "UCSC:hg38": "NCBIGenome:GRCh38",
                "UCSC:hg19": "NCBIGenome:GRCh37",
                "UCSC:hg18": "NCBIGenome:36.1",
                "UCSC:hg17": "NCBIGenome:35",
                "UCSC:hg16": "NCBIGenome:34",
                "UCSC:hg15": "NCBIGenome:33",
            "7955": {
                "UCSC:danRer10": "NCBIGenome:GRCz10",
                "UCSC:danRer7":	"NCBIGenome:Zv9",
                "UCSC:danRer6": "NCBIGenome:Zv8",
            "10090": {
                "UCSC:mm10": "NCBIGenome:GRCm38",
                "UCSC:mm9":	"NCBIGenome:37"
            "9031": {
                "UCSC:galGal4": "NCBIAssembly:317958",
            "9913": {
                "UCSC:bosTau7": "NCBIAssembly:GCF_000003205.5",
            "9823": {
                "UCSC:susScr3": "NCBIAssembly:304498",
            "9940": {
                "UCSC:oviAri3": "NCBIAssembly:GCF_000298735.1",
            "9796": {
                "UCSC:equCab2": "NCBIAssembly:GCF_000002305.2",
        g = self.graph
        geno = Genotype(g)
        logger.info("Adding equivalent assembly identifiers")
        for sp in ucsc_assembly_id_map:
            tax_num = sp
            tax_id = 'NCBITaxon:'+tax_num
            mappings = ucsc_assembly_id_map[sp]
            for i in mappings:
                ucsc_id = i
                ucsc_label = re.split(':', i)[1]
                mapped_id = mappings[i]
                mapped_label = re.split(':', mapped_id)[1]
                mapped_label = 'NCBI build '+str(mapped_label)
                geno.addReferenceGenome(ucsc_id, ucsc_label, tax_id)
                geno.addReferenceGenome(mapped_id, mapped_label, tax_id)
                self.gu.addSameIndividual(g, ucsc_id, mapped_id)


    def _check_tax_ids(self):
        for taxon in self.tax_ids:
            if str(taxon) not in self.files:
                raise Exception("Taxon " + str(taxon) + " not supported"
                                " by source UCSCBands")

    def getTestSuite(self):
        import unittest
        from tests.test_ucscbands import UCSCBandsTestCase

        test_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(UCSCBandsTestCase)

        return test_suite
예제 #18
    def _process_genes(self, limit=None):
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        geno = Genotype(g)

        raw = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['genes']['file']))
        line_counter = 0
        logger.info("Processing HGNC genes")

        with open(raw, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
            filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='\"')
            for row in filereader:
                (hgnc_id, symbol, name, locus_group, locus_type, status,
                 location, location_sortable, alias_symbol, alias_name,
                 prev_symbol, prev_name, gene_family, gene_family_id,
                 date_approved_reserved, date_symbol_changed,
                 date_name_changed, date_modified, entrez_id, ensembl_gene_id,
                 vega_id, ucsc_id, ena, refseq_accession, ccds_id, uniprot_ids,
                 pubmed_id, mgd_id, rgd_id, lsdb, cosmic, omim_id, mirbase,
                 homeodb, snornabase, bioparadigms_slc, orphanet,
                 pseudogene_org, horde_id, merops, imgt, iuphar,
                 kznf_gene_catalog, mamit_trnadb, cd, lncrnadb, enzyme_id,
                 intermediate_filament_db) = row

                line_counter += 1

                # skip header
                if line_counter <= 1:

                if self.testMode and entrez_id != '' \
                        and int(entrez_id) not in self.gene_ids:

                if name == '':
                    name = None
                gene_type_id = self._get_gene_type(locus_type)
                gu.addClassToGraph(g, hgnc_id, symbol, gene_type_id, name)
                if locus_type == 'withdrawn':
                    gu.addDeprecatedClass(g, hgnc_id)
                if entrez_id != '':
                        g, hgnc_id, 'NCBIGene:' + entrez_id)
                if ensembl_gene_id != '':
                        g, hgnc_id, 'ENSEMBL:' + ensembl_gene_id)
                geno.addTaxon('NCBITaxon:9606', hgnc_id)

                # add pubs as "is about"
                if pubmed_id != '':
                    for p in re.split(r'\|', pubmed_id.strip()):
                        if str(p) != '':
                                g, 'PMID:' + str(p.strip()),
                                gu.object_properties['is_about'], hgnc_id)

                # add chr location
                # sometimes two are listed, like: 10p11.2 or 17q25
                # -- there are only 2 of these FRA10A and MPFD
                # sometimes listed like "1 not on reference assembly"
                # sometimes listed like 10q24.1-q24.3
                # sometimes like 11q11 alternate reference locus
                band = chrom = None
                chr_pattern = r'(\d+|X|Y|Z|W|MT)[pq$]'
                chr_match = re.match(chr_pattern, location)
                if chr_match is not None and len(chr_match.groups()) > 0:
                    chrom = chr_match.group(1)
                    chrom_id = makeChromID(chrom, 'NCBITaxon:9606', 'CHR')
                    band_pattern = r'([pq][A-H\d]?\d?(?:\.\d+)?)'
                    band_match = re.search(band_pattern, location)
                    f = Feature(hgnc_id, None, None)
                    if band_match is not None and len(band_match.groups()) > 0:
                        band = band_match.group(1)
                        band = chrom + band
                        # add the chr band as the parent to this gene
                        # as a feature but assume that the band is created
                        # as a class with properties elsewhere in Monochrom
                        # TEC Monoch? Monarchdom??
                        band_id = makeChromID(band, 'NCBITaxon:9606', 'CHR')
                        gu.addClassToGraph(g, band_id, None)
                        f.addSubsequenceOfFeature(g, band_id)
                        gu.addClassToGraph(g, chrom_id, None)
                        f.addSubsequenceOfFeature(g, chrom_id)

                if not self.testMode \
                        and limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

            # end loop through file

        gu.loadProperties(g, Feature.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, Feature.data_properties, gu.DATAPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, Genotype.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)

예제 #19
파일: ClinVar.py 프로젝트: d3borah/dipper
    def _get_variants(self, limit):
        Currently loops through the variant_summary file.

        :param limit:
        gu = GraphUtils(curie_map.get())

        if self.testMode:
            g = self.testgraph
            g = self.graph

        geno = Genotype(g)
        f = Feature(None, None, None)


        # add the taxon and the genome
        tax_num = '9606'  # HARDCODE
        tax_id = 'NCBITaxon:'+tax_num
        tax_label = 'Human'
        gu.addClassToGraph(g, tax_id, None)
        geno.addGenome(tax_id, None)  # label gets added elsewhere

        # not unzipping the file
        logger.info("Processing Variant records")
        line_counter = 0
        myfile = '/'.join((self.rawdir, self.files['variant_summary']['file']))
        with gzip.open(myfile, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:
                # skip comments
                line = line.decode().strip()
                if re.match('^#', line):

                # AlleleID               integer value as stored in the AlleleID field in ClinVar  (//Measure/@ID in the XML)
                # Type                   character, the type of variation
                # Name                   character, the preferred name for the variation
                # GeneID                 integer, GeneID in NCBI's Gene database
                # GeneSymbol             character, comma-separated list of GeneIDs overlapping the variation
                # ClinicalSignificance   character, comma-separated list of values of clinical significance reported for this variation
                #                          for the mapping between the terms listed here and the integers in the .VCF files, see
                #                          http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
                # RS# (dbSNP)            integer, rs# in dbSNP
                # nsv (dbVar)            character, the NSV identifier for the region in dbVar
                # RCVaccession           character, list of RCV accessions that report this variant
                # TestedInGTR            character, Y/N for Yes/No if there is a test registered as specific to this variation in the NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR)
                # PhenotypeIDs           character, list of db names and identifiers for phenotype(s) reported for this variant
                # Origin                 character, list of all allelic origins for this variation
                # Assembly               character, name of the assembly on which locations are based
                # Chromosome             character, chromosomal location
                # Start                  integer, starting location, in pter->qter orientation
                # Stop                   integer, end location, in pter->qter orientation
                # Cytogenetic            character, ISCN band
                # ReviewStatus           character, highest review status for reporting this measure. For the key to the terms,
                #                            and their relationship to the star graphics ClinVar displays on its web pages,
                #                            see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/variation_report/#interpretation
                # HGVS(c.)               character, RefSeq cDNA-based HGVS expression
                # HGVS(p.)               character, RefSeq protein-based HGVS expression
                # NumberSubmitters       integer, number of submissions with this variant
                # LastEvaluated          datetime, the latest time any submitter reported clinical significance
                # Guidelines             character, ACMG only right now, for the reporting of incidental variation in a Gene
                #                                (NOTE: if ACMG, not a specific to the allele but to the Gene)
                # OtherIDs               character, list of other identifiers or sources of information about this variant
                # VariantID              integer, the value used to build the URL for the current default report,
                #                            e.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/1756/

                # a crude check that there's an expected number of cols.  if not, error out because something changed.
                num_cols = len(line.split('\t'))
                expected_numcols = 28
                if num_cols != expected_numcols:
                    logger.error("Unexpected number of columns in raw file (%d actual vs %d expected)",
                                 num_cols, expected_numcols)

                (allele_num, allele_type, allele_name, gene_num, gene_symbol, clinical_significance,
                 dbsnp_num, dbvar_num, rcv_nums, tested_in_gtr, phenotype_ids, origin,
                 assembly, chr, start, stop, cytogenetic_loc,
                 review_status, hgvs_c, hgvs_p, number_of_submitters, last_eval,
                 guidelines, other_ids, variant_num, reference_allele, alternate_allele, categories) = line.split('\t')

                # #### set filter=None in init if you don't want to have a filter
                # if self.filter is not None:
                #    if ((self.filter == 'taxids' and (int(tax_num) not in self.tax_ids))
                #            or (self.filter == 'geneids' and (int(gene_num) not in self.gene_ids))):
                #        continue
                # #### end filter

                line_counter += 1

                pheno_list = []
                if phenotype_ids != '-':
                    # trim any leading/trailing semicolons/commas
                    phenotype_ids = re.sub('^[;,]', '', phenotype_ids)
                    phenotype_ids = re.sub('[;,]$', '', phenotype_ids)
                    pheno_list = re.split('[,;]', phenotype_ids)

                if self.testMode:
                    # get intersection of test disease ids and these phenotype_ids
                    intersect = list(set([str(i) for i in self.disease_ids]) & set(pheno_list))
                    if int(gene_num) not in self.gene_ids and int(variant_num) not in self.variant_ids \
                            and len(intersect) < 1:

                # TODO may need to switch on assembly to create correct assembly/build identifiers
                build_id = ':'.join(('NCBIGenome', assembly))

                # make the reference genome build
                geno.addReferenceGenome(build_id, assembly, tax_id)

                allele_type_id = self._map_type_of_allele(allele_type)
                bandinbuild_id = None
                if str(chr) == '':
                    # check cytogenic location
                    if str(cytogenetic_loc).strip() != '':
                        # use cytogenic location to get the approximate location
                        # strangely, they still put an assembly number even when there's no numeric location
                        if not re.search('-',str(cytogenetic_loc)):
                            band_id = makeChromID(re.split('-',str(cytogenetic_loc)), tax_num, 'CHR')
                            geno.addChromosomeInstance(cytogenetic_loc, build_id, assembly, band_id)
                            bandinbuild_id = makeChromID(re.split('-',str(cytogenetic_loc)), assembly, 'MONARCH')
                            # can't deal with ranges yet
                    # add the human chromosome class to the graph, and add the build-specific version of it
                    chr_id = makeChromID(str(chr), tax_num, 'CHR')
                    geno.addChromosomeClass(str(chr), tax_id, tax_label)
                    geno.addChromosomeInstance(str(chr), build_id, assembly, chr_id)
                    chrinbuild_id = makeChromID(str(chr), assembly, 'MONARCH')

                seqalt_id = ':'.join(('ClinVarVariant', variant_num))
                gene_id = None
                if str(gene_num) != '-1' and str(gene_num) != 'more than 10':  # they use -1 to indicate unknown gene
                    gene_id = ':'.join(('NCBIGene', str(gene_num)))

                # FIXME there are some "variants" that are actually haplotypes
                # probably will get taken care of when we switch to processing the xml
                # for example, variant_num = 38562
                # but there's no way to tell if it's a haplotype in the csv data
                # so the dbsnp or dbvar should probably be primary, and the variant num be the vslc,
                # with each of the dbsnps being added to it

                # todo clinical significance needs to be mapped to a list of terms
                # first, make the variant:
                f = Feature(seqalt_id, allele_name, allele_type_id)

                if start != '-' and start.strip() != '':
                    f.addFeatureStartLocation(start, chrinbuild_id)
                if stop != '-' and stop.strip() != '':
                    f.addFeatureEndLocation(stop, chrinbuild_id)


                if bandinbuild_id is not None:
                    f.addSubsequenceOfFeature(g, bandinbuild_id)

                # CHECK - this makes the assumption that there is only one affected chromosome per variant
                # what happens with chromosomal rearrangement variants?  shouldn't both chromosomes be here?

                # add the hgvs as synonyms
                if hgvs_c != '-' and hgvs_c.strip() != '':
                    gu.addSynonym(g, seqalt_id, hgvs_c)
                if hgvs_p != '-' and hgvs_p.strip() != '':
                    gu.addSynonym(g, seqalt_id, hgvs_p)

                # add the dbsnp and dbvar ids as equivalent
                if dbsnp_num != '-' and int(dbsnp_num) != -1:
                    dbsnp_id = 'dbSNP:rs'+str(dbsnp_num)
                    gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, dbsnp_id, None)
                    gu.addSameIndividual(g, seqalt_id, dbsnp_id)
                if dbvar_num != '-':
                    dbvar_id = 'dbVar:'+dbvar_num
                    gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, dbvar_id, None)
                    gu.addSameIndividual(g, seqalt_id, dbvar_id)

                # TODO - not sure if this is right... add as xref?
                # the rcv is like the combo of the phenotype with the variant
                if rcv_nums != '-':
                    for rcv_num in re.split(';',rcv_nums):
                        rcv_id = 'ClinVar:'+rcv_num
                        gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, rcv_id, None)
                        gu.addXref(g, seqalt_id, rcv_id)

                if gene_id is not None:
                    # add the gene
                    gu.addClassToGraph(g, gene_id, gene_symbol)
                    # make a variant locus
                    vl_id = '_'+gene_num+'-'+variant_num
                    if self.nobnodes:
                        vl_id = ':'+vl_id
                    vl_label = allele_name
                    gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, vl_id, vl_label, geno.genoparts['variant_locus'])
                    geno.addSequenceAlterationToVariantLocus(seqalt_id, vl_id)
                    geno.addAlleleOfGene(vl_id, gene_id)
                    # some basic reporting
                    gmatch = re.search('\(\w+\)', allele_name)
                    if gmatch is not None and len(gmatch.groups()) > 0:
                        logger.info("Gene found in allele label, but no id provided: %s", gmatch.group(1))
                    elif re.match('more than 10', gene_symbol):
                        logger.info("More than 10 genes found; need to process XML to fetch (variant=%d)", int(variant_num))
                        logger.info("No gene listed for variant %d", int(variant_num))

                # parse the list of "phenotypes" which are diseases.  add them as an association
                # ;GeneReviews:NBK1440,MedGen:C0392514,OMIM:235200,SNOMED CT:35400008;MedGen:C3280096,OMIM:614193;MedGen:CN034317,OMIM:612635;MedGen:CN169374
                # the list is both semicolon delimited and comma delimited, but i don't know why!
                # some are bad, like: Orphanet:ORPHA ORPHA319705,SNOMED CT:49049000
                if phenotype_ids != '-':
                    for p in pheno_list:
                        m = re.match("(Orphanet:ORPHA(?:\s*ORPHA)?)", p)
                        if m is not None and len(m.groups()) > 0:
                            p = re.sub(m.group(1), 'Orphanet:', p.strip())
                        elif re.match('SNOMED CT', p):
                            p = re.sub('SNOMED CT', 'SNOMED', p.strip())

                        assoc = G2PAssoc(self.name, seqalt_id, p.strip())

                if other_ids != '-':
                    id_list = other_ids.split(',')
                    # process the "other ids"
                    # ex: CFTR2:F508del,HGMD:CD890142,OMIM Allelic Variant:602421.0001
                    # TODO make more xrefs
                    for xrefid in id_list:
                        prefix = xrefid.split(':')[0].strip()
                        if prefix == 'OMIM Allelic Variant':
                            xrefid = 'OMIM:'+xrefid.split(':')[1]
                            gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, xrefid, None)
                            gu.addSameIndividual(g, seqalt_id, xrefid)
                        elif prefix == 'HGMD':
                            gu.addIndividualToGraph(g, xrefid, None)
                            gu.addSameIndividual(g, seqalt_id, xrefid)
                        elif prefix == 'dbVar' and dbvar_num == xrefid.split(':')[1].strip():
                            pass  # skip over this one
                        elif re.search('\s', prefix):
                            # logger.debug('xref prefix has a space: %s', xrefid)
                            # should be a good clean prefix
                            # note that HGMD variants are in here as Xrefs because we can't resolve URIs for them
                            # logger.info("Adding xref: %s", xrefid)
                            # gu.addXref(g, seqalt_id, xrefid)
                            # logger.info("xref prefix to add: %s", xrefid)

                if not self.testMode and limit is not None and line_counter > limit:

        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.object_properties, gu.OBJPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.annotation_properties, gu.ANNOTPROP)
        gu.loadProperties(g, G2PAssoc.datatype_properties, gu.DATAPROP)

        logger.info("Finished parsing variants")
