예제 #1
def reslice_nii(nii, target_zooms=(1., 1., 1.), key='input'):
    统一 nii 的 spacing
        :param nii: nii 数据
        :param target_zooms: 目标spacing
        :param key: 'input' or 'label' 决定了插值的方法
        :return data: reslice 后的数据
        :return affine:新的affine
    affine = nii.affine
    zooms = nii.header.get_zooms()[:3]

    if key == 'input':
        data, affine = reslice(nii.get_data(), affine, zooms, target_zooms)
    elif key == 'label':

        data, affine = reslice(nii.get_data(),
    return data, affine
예제 #2
def resample_data_resolution(dir_src, dir_out, verbose=False):

    fmask = pjoin(dir_src, 'nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz')
    fdwi = pjoin(dir_out, 'data_' + par_b_tag + '.nii.gz')

    data, affine = load_nifti(fdwi, verbose)
    mask, _ = load_nifti(fmask, verbose)

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, (1.25, ) * 3, (par_dim_vox, ) * 3)
    mask2, _ = reslice(mask,
                       affine, (1.25, ) * 3, (par_dim_vox, ) * 3,

    fname = 'data_' + par_b_tag + '_' + par_dim_tag + '.nii.gz'
    save_nifti(pjoin(dir_out, fname), data2, affine2)
    fname = 'nodif_brain_mask_' + par_dim_tag + '.nii.gz'
    save_nifti(pjoin(dir_out, fname), mask2, affine2)

    fwmparc = pjoin(dir_src, '../wmparc.nii.gz')
    data, affine = load_nifti(fwmparc, verbose)
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data,
                             affine, (0.7, ) * 3, (par_dim_vox, ) * 3,
    fname = 'wmparc_' + par_dim_tag + '.nii.gz'
    save_nifti(pjoin(dir_out, fname), data2, affine2)

    ft1w = pjoin(dir_src, '../T1w_acpc_dc_restore_brain.nii.gz')
    data, affine = load_nifti(ft1w, verbose)
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data,
                             affine, (0.7, ) * 3, (par_dim_vox, ) * 3,
    fname = 't1w_acpc_dc_restore_' + par_dim_tag + '.nii.gz'
    save_nifti(pjoin(dir_out, fname), data2, affine2)
예제 #3
def downsample(subject_folder):
    print('Down-sampling in ', subject_folder)
    # load 4D volume
    data_folder = subject_folder + 'T1w/Diffusion/'
    low_res_folder = subject_folder + 'T1w/Diffusion_low_res/'

    # make a folder to save new data into
        Path(low_res_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    except OSError:
        print('Could not create output dir. Aborting...')

    # load bvals and make binary mask (True for b = 1000)
    with open(data_folder + 'bvals') as f:
        bvals = [int(x) for x in next(f).split()]
    mask_b1000 = [i == 1000 for i in bvals]

    bvals = np.asarray(bvals)[mask_b1000]
    bvals_low_res_file = low_res_folder + 'bvals'
    if Path(bvals_low_res_file).exists():
    with open(bvals_low_res_file, 'x') as f:
        f.write(' '.join(map(str, bvals)))

    # load bvecs
    bvecs_low_res_file = low_res_folder + 'bvecs'
    if Path(bvecs_low_res_file).exists():
    new_file = open(bvecs_low_res_file, 'x')
    with open(data_folder + 'bvecs') as f:
        for line in f:
            # read line and mask it
            new_coords = np.asarray([float(x)
                                     for x in line.split()])[mask_b1000]
            new_file.write(' '.join(map(str, new_coords)) + '\n')

    img = nib.load(data_folder + 'data.nii.gz')
    affine = img.affine
    zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data = np.asarray(img.dataobj)
    data = np.einsum('xyzb->bxyz', data)
    data = data[mask_b1000]
    data = np.einsum('bxyz->xyzb', data)

    new_zooms = (2.5, 2.5, 2.5)
    new_data, new_affine = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
    print('Down-sampled to shape ', new_data.shape)
    save_nifti(low_res_folder + 'data.nii.gz', new_data, new_affine)

    mask_img = nib.load(data_folder + 'nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz')
    mask = np.asarray(mask_img.dataobj)
    mask_zooms = mask_img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    mask_affine = mask_img.affine
    new_mask, new_maks_affine = reslice(mask, mask_affine, mask_zooms,
    save_nifti(low_res_folder + 'nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz', new_mask,
예제 #4
def test_resample():

    fimg, _, _ = get_data("small_25")

    img = nib.load(fimg)

    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    zooms = img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]

    # test that new zooms are correctly from the affine (check with 3D volume)
    new_zooms = (1, 1.2, 2.1)

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data[..., 0], affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=1,

    img2 = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine2)
    new_zooms_confirmed = img2.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]

    assert_almost_equal(new_zooms, new_zooms_confirmed)

    # same with resample
    new_zooms = (1, 1.2, 2.1)

    data2, affine2 = resample(data[..., 0], affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=1,

    img2 = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine2)
    new_zooms_confirmed = img2.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]

    assert_almost_equal(new_zooms, new_zooms_confirmed)

    # test that shape changes correctly for the first 3 dimensions (check 4D)
    new_zooms = (1, 1, 1.)

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=0,

    assert_equal(2 * np.array(data.shape[:3]), data2.shape[:3])
    assert_equal(data2.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])

    # same with different interpolation order
    new_zooms = (1, 1, 1.)

    data3, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=5,

    assert_equal(2 * np.array(data.shape[:3]), data3.shape[:3])
    assert_equal(data3.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])

    # test that the sigma will be reduced with interpolation
    sigmas = estimate_sigma(data)
    sigmas2 = estimate_sigma(data2)
    sigmas3 = estimate_sigma(data3)

    assert_(np.all(sigmas > sigmas2))
    assert_(np.all(sigmas2 > sigmas3))
예제 #5
def re_sample(input_path_img, input_path_label, output_path_img, out_path_label, new_voxel_size):

    data, affine, voxel_size = load_nifti(input_path_img, return_voxsize=True)
    label, affine_label, voxel_size1 = load_nifti(input_path_label, return_voxsize=True)
    print('Before', data.shape, voxel_size)
    print('label Before', label.shape, voxel_size1)

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, voxel_size, new_voxel_size)
    print('After resample:', data2.shape, new_voxel_size)

    label2, affine_label2 = reslice(label, affine_label, voxel_size1, new_voxel_size)
    print('label After resample:', label2.shape, new_voxel_size)

    save_nifti(output_path_img, data2, affine2)
    save_nifti(out_path_label, label2, affine_label2)
예제 #6
    def _morph_one_vol(self, stc_one):
        # prepare data to be morphed
        # here we use mri_resolution=True, mri_space=True because
        # we will slice afterward
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
        from nibabel.processing import resample_from_to
        from nibabel.spatialimages import SpatialImage
        assert stc_one.data.shape[1] == 1
        img_to = _interpolate_data(stc_one, self, mri_resolution=True,
                                   mri_space=True, output='nifti1')
        img_to = _get_img_fdata(img_to)
        assert img_to.ndim == 4 and img_to.shape[-1] == 1
        img_to = img_to[:, :, :, 0]

        # reslice to match morph
        img_to, img_to_affine = reslice(
            img_to, self.affine, _get_zooms_orig(self), self.zooms)

        # morph data
        img_to = self.sdr_morph.transform(self.pre_affine.transform(img_to))

        # subselect the correct cube if src_to is provided
        if self.src_data['to_vox_map'] is not None:
            # order=0 (nearest) should be fine since it's just subselecting
            img_to = _get_img_fdata(resample_from_to(
                SpatialImage(img_to, self.affine),
                self.src_data['to_vox_map'], order=0))

        # reshape to nvoxel x nvol:
        # in the MNE definition of volume source spaces,
        # x varies fastest, then y, then z, so we need order='F' here
        img_to = img_to.reshape(-1, order='F')
        return img_to
예제 #7
        def _morph_one(stc_one):
            # prepare data to be morphed
            # here we use mri_resolution=True, mri_space=True because
            # we will slice afterward
            assert stc_one.data.shape[1] == 1
            img_to = _interpolate_data(stc_one,

            # reslice to match morph
            img_to, img_to_affine = reslice(_get_img_fdata(img_to),

            # morph data
            img_to[:, :, :, 0] = morph.sdr_morph.transform(
                morph.pre_affine.transform(img_to[:, :, :, 0]))

            # reshape to nvoxel x nvol:
            # in the MNE definition of volume source spaces,
            # x varies fastest, then y, then z, so we need order='F' here
            img_to = img_to.reshape(-1, order='F')
            return img_to
    def niiToNp(self, filename, isotrope=True):

        img = nib.load(filename)
        data = img.get_data()
        affine = img.affine
        zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
        new_zooms = (1, 1, 1)
        if isotrope:
            data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
            data = data[::2, ::2, ::2]
            pad = []
            for i in range(3):
                if (data.shape[i] % 8) % 2 == 0:
                    pad.append(((8 - data.shape[i] % 8) / 2,
                                (8 - data.shape[i] % 8) / 2))
                    pad.append(((8 - data.shape[i] % 8) / 2,
                                (8 - data.shape[i] % 8) / 2 + 1))

            padding_array = (pad[0], pad[1], pad[2])

            data = np.pad(data, padding_array, mode='constant')

            data = data[::2, ::2, :]

        data = data[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
        data = data.astype('float16')
        #print data.shape
        return data
def test_large_radius():
    ''' Compare execution time against scikit: single closing case
    Here, our implementation does not take advantage of smaller radius results
    so ours is slower than scikit, but it uses significantly less memory.
    base_dir = '/home/omar/data/DATA_NeoBrainS12/'
    neo_subject = '30wCoronal/example2/'

    # Read subject files
    t2CurrentSubjectName = base_dir + 'trainingDataNeoBrainS12/' + neo_subject + 'T2_1-1.nii.gz'
    t2CurrentSubject_data = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_data()
    affineT2CS = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_affine()
    zoomsT2CS = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    # Step 1.4 - Resampling for isotropic voxels

    n_zooms = (zoomsT2CS[0], zoomsT2CS[0], zoomsT2CS[0])
    t2CurrentSubject_data, affineT2CS = reslice(t2CurrentSubject_data,
                                                affineT2CS, zoomsT2CS, n_zooms)

    S = t2CurrentSubject_data.astype(np.float64)

    ###########compare times#########
    # in-house
    radius = 15
    start = time.time()
    d = isotropic_dilation(S, radius)
    c = isotropic_erosion(d, radius)
    end = time.time()
    print('Elapsed (in-home): %f' % (end - start, ))

    # scikit
    start = time.time()
    expected = closing(S, ball(radius))
    end = time.time()
    print('Elapsed (scikit): %f' % (end - start, ))
def test_accuracy():
    ''' Verify that our implementation returns exactly the same as scikit
    base_dir = '/home/omar/data/DATA_NeoBrainS12/'
    neo_subject = '30wCoronal/example2/'

    # Read subject files
    t2CurrentSubjectName = base_dir + 'trainingDataNeoBrainS12/' + neo_subject + 'T2_1-1.nii.gz'
    t2CurrentSubject_data = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_data()
    affineT2CS = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_affine()
    zoomsT2CS = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_header().get_zooms()[:3]

    n_zooms = (zoomsT2CS[0], zoomsT2CS[0], zoomsT2CS[0])
    t2CurrentSubject_data, affineT2CS = reslice(t2CurrentSubject_data,
                                                affineT2CS, zoomsT2CS, n_zooms)

    S = t2CurrentSubject_data.astype(np.float64)

    max_radius = 4
    D = SequencialSphereDilation(S)
    for r in range(1, 1 + max_radius):
        expected = dilation(S, ball(r))
        actual = D.get_current_dilation()
        assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
        expected = closing(S, ball(r))
        actual = D.get_current_closing()
        assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
예제 #11
def main(args):
    inputfolder = args.inDir  #eg: /tmp/patient0001/ct
    outputfolder = args.out  #eg: /tmp/patient0001/nifti
    logfile = args.logFile
    nameparts = re.findall('RI-(.+?)/',
                           inputfolder)  #should work most of the time...
    out_uninterp = os.path.join(outputfolder, nameparts[0] + "raw.nii.gz")
    outputpath = os.path.join(outputfolder, nameparts[0] + ".nii.gz")

    nib.openers.Opener.default_compresslevel = 9

    # now out_uninterp is in ls /tmp/patient0001/testnifti
    nif_img = nib.load(out_uninterp)

    #print('Original volume dimension:',nif_img.shape)
    data = nif_img.get_data()
    affine = nif_img.affine
    zooms = nif_img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    #print('Original voxel dimension:',zooms)

    voxelsize = nif_img.header.get_zooms()[0]
    new_zooms = (voxelsize, voxelsize, voxelsize)
    # Reslice to get isotropic volume
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
    #print('Volume dimension after reslice:',data2.shape)
    img_new = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine2)
    nib.save(img_new, outputpath)
    f = open(logfile, "a+")
    f.write("%d %d %d\n" % img_new.shape)
예제 #12
def test_large_radius():
    ''' Compare execution time against scikit: single closing case
    Here, our implementation does not take advantage of smaller radius results
    so ours is slower than scikit, but it uses significantly less memory.
    base_dir = '/home/omar/data/DATA_NeoBrainS12/'
    neo_subject = '30wCoronal/example2/'

    # Read subject files
    t2CurrentSubjectName  = base_dir + 'trainingDataNeoBrainS12/'+neo_subject+'T2_1-1.nii.gz'
    t2CurrentSubject_data = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_data()
    affineT2CS            = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_affine()
    zoomsT2CS             = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    # Step 1.4 - Resampling for isotropic voxels

    n_zooms = (zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0])
    t2CurrentSubject_data,affineT2CS = reslice(t2CurrentSubject_data,affineT2CS,zoomsT2CS,n_zooms)

    S = t2CurrentSubject_data.astype(np.float64)

    ###########compare times#########
    # in-house
    radius = 15
    start = time.time()
    d = isotropic_dilation(S, radius)
    c = isotropic_erosion(d, radius)
    end = time.time()
    print('Elapsed (in-home): %f'%(end-start,))

    # scikit
    start = time.time()
    expected = closing(S, ball(radius))
    end = time.time()
    print('Elapsed (scikit): %f'%(end-start,))
예제 #13
def test_accuracy():
    ''' Verify that our implementation returns exactly the same as scikit
    base_dir = '/home/omar/data/DATA_NeoBrainS12/'
    neo_subject = '30wCoronal/example2/'

    # Read subject files
    t2CurrentSubjectName  = base_dir + 'trainingDataNeoBrainS12/'+neo_subject+'T2_1-1.nii.gz'
    t2CurrentSubject_data = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_data()
    affineT2CS            = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_affine()
    zoomsT2CS             = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_header().get_zooms()[:3]

    n_zooms = (zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0])
    t2CurrentSubject_data,affineT2CS = reslice(t2CurrentSubject_data,affineT2CS,zoomsT2CS,n_zooms)

    S = t2CurrentSubject_data.astype(np.float64)

    max_radius = 4
    D = SequencialSphereDilation(S)
    for r in range(1, 1+max_radius):
        expected = dilation(S, ball(r))
        actual = D.get_current_dilation()
        assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
        expected = closing(S, ball(r))
        actual = D.get_current_closing()
        assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
예제 #14
def img_reslice(img_data,
                new_zooms=(1., 1., 1.),
    data, affine = reslice(img_data, img_affine, img_zoom, new_zooms)
    return data, affine
예제 #15
def _morphed_stc_as_volume(morph, stc, mri_resolution, mri_space, output):
    """Return volume source space as Nifti1Image and/or save to disk."""
    if isinstance(stc, VolVectorSourceEstimate):
        stc = stc.magnitude()
    if not isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
        raise ValueError('Only volume source estimates can be converted to '
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)

    NiftiImage, NiftiHeader = _triage_output(output)

    # if MRI resolution is set manually as a single value, convert to tuple
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)):
        # use iso voxel size
        new_zooms = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3
    elif isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        new_zooms = mri_resolution
    # if full MRI resolution, compute zooms from shape and MRI zooms
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, bool):
        new_zooms = _get_zooms_orig(morph) if mri_resolution else None

    # create header
    hdr = NiftiHeader()
    hdr.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    hdr['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    # setup empty volume
    if morph.src_data['to_vox_map'] is not None:
        shape = morph.src_data['to_vox_map'][0]
        affine = morph.src_data['to_vox_map'][1]
        shape = morph.shape
        affine = morph.affine
    assert stc.data.ndim == 2
    n_times = stc.data.shape[1]
    img = np.zeros((np.prod(shape), n_times))
    img[stc.vertices, :] = stc.data
    img = img.reshape(shape + (n_times,), order='F')  # match order='F' above
    del shape

    # make nifti from data
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(img, affine, header=hdr)

    # reslice in case of manually defined voxel size
    zooms = morph.zooms[:3]
    if new_zooms is not None:
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
        new_zooms = new_zooms[:3]
        img, affine = reslice(_get_img_fdata(img),
                              img.affine,  # MRI to world registration
                              zooms,  # old voxel size in mm
                              new_zooms)  # new voxel size in mm
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, affine)
        zooms = new_zooms

    #  set zooms in header
    img.header.set_zooms(tuple(zooms) + (1,))
    return img
예제 #16
def preprocess_label(
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_fdata()
    affine = img.affine
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, zooms, 0)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data = np.pad(data, [((256 - len_) // 2, (256 - len_) // 2)
                         for len_ in data.shape], "constant")

    if df is not None:
        tmp = np.zeros_like(data)
        for target, source in zip(df[output_key], df[input_key]):
            tmp[np.where(data == source)] = target
        data = tmp
    data = np.int32(data)
    assert np.max(data) < n_classes
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
    nib.save(img, os.path.join(args.input_directory, "processed",
예제 #17
def resample_proxy(in_file, order=3, new_zooms=None, out_file=None):
    Performs regridding of an image to set isotropic voxel sizes using dipy.
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    if out_file is None:
        fname, fext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
        if fext == '.gz':
            fname, fext2 = op.splitext(fname)
            fext = fext2 + fext
        out_file = op.abspath('./%s_reslice%s' % (fname, fext))

    img = nb.load(in_file, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP)
    hdr = img.header.copy()
    data = img.get_data().astype(np.float32)
    affine = img.affine
    im_zooms = hdr.get_zooms()[:3]

    if new_zooms is None:
        minzoom = np.array(im_zooms).min()
        new_zooms = tuple(np.ones((3, )) * minzoom)

    if np.all(im_zooms == new_zooms):
        return in_file

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, im_zooms, new_zooms, order=order)
    tmp_zooms = np.array(hdr.get_zooms())
    tmp_zooms[:3] = new_zooms[0]
    nb.Nifti1Image(data2.astype(hdr.get_data_dtype()), affine2,
    return out_file, new_zooms
예제 #18
def reslice_fxn():
	import nibabel as nib
	import dipy
	import json
	from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
	from dipy.data import get_data

	with open('config.json') as config_json:
        	config = json.load(config_json)

	if not config['resolution']:
		fimg_orig = nib.load(config['dwi'])
		new_zooms = fimg_orig.header.get_zooms()[:3]
		new_zooms = int(config['resolution'])
	fimg = 'dwi.nii.gz'
	img = nib.load(fimg)
	data = img.get_data()
	affine = img.affine
	zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
	data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
	img2 = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine2)
	nib.save(img2, 'dwi.nii.gz')
	print("Reslice complete")
예제 #19
def preprocess_label(inputfile,
                     zooms=[1, 1, 1],
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.affine
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, zooms, 0)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data = np.pad(data, [(0, 256 - len_) for len_ in data.shape], "constant")

    if df is not None:
        tmp = np.zeros_like(data)
        for target, source in zip(df[output_key], df[input_key]):
            tmp[np.where(data == source)] = target
        data = tmp
    data = np.int32(data)
    assert np.max(data) < n_classes
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
    nib.save(img, output_label)
예제 #20
def resample_proxy(in_file, order=3, new_zooms=None, out_file=None):
    Performs regridding of an image to set isotropic voxel sizes using dipy.
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    if out_file is None:
        fname, fext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
        if fext == '.gz':
            fname, fext2 = op.splitext(fname)
            fext = fext2 + fext
        out_file = op.abspath('./%s_reslice%s' % (fname, fext))

    img = nb.load(in_file)
    hdr = img.header.copy()
    data = img.get_data().astype(np.float32)
    affine = img.affine
    im_zooms = hdr.get_zooms()[:3]

    if new_zooms is None:
        minzoom = np.array(im_zooms).min()
        new_zooms = tuple(np.ones((3,)) * minzoom)

    if np.all(im_zooms == new_zooms):
        return in_file

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, im_zooms, new_zooms, order=order)
    tmp_zooms = np.array(hdr.get_zooms())
    tmp_zooms[:3] = new_zooms[0]
                   affine2, hdr).to_filename(out_file)
    return out_file, new_zooms
예제 #21
def preprocess_img(inputfile, output_preprocessed, zooms, args):
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_fdata()
    affine = img.affine
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, zooms, 1)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data = np.pad(data, [((256 - len_) // 2, (256 - len_) // 2)
                         for len_ in data.shape], "constant")

    data_sub = data - gaussian_filter(data, sigma=1)
    img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.copy(data_sub))
    img = sitk.AdaptiveHistogramEqualization(img)
    data_clahe = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)[:, :, :, None]
    data = np.concatenate((data_clahe, data[:, :, :, None]), 3)
    data = (data - np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))) / np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
    assert data.ndim == 4, data.ndim
    assert np.allclose(np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2)), 0.), np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))
    assert np.allclose(np.std(data, (0, 1, 2)), 1.), np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
    data = np.float32(data)

    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
        os.path.join(args.input_directory, "processed", output_preprocessed))
예제 #22
def get_CZ4(path, T2W4):
    # call sct_get_centerline
    call(['sct_get_centerline', '-i', T2W4, '-c', 't2', '-ofolder', path])
    centerline = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*centerline_optic.nii.gz'))
    centerline = centerline[0]
    # locate cord center point (x, y, 0) of the bottom slice for crop
    centerline_data, centerline_affine = load_nifti(centerline)
    center_point = np.nonzero(centerline_data[:, :, 0])
    x_center = np.array(center_point[0])
    x_left = x_center[0] - 20
    x_right = x_center[0] + 20
    y_center = np.array(center_point[1])
    y_left = y_center[0] - 20
    y_right = y_center[0] + 20
    # crop T2W4 image from (x, y, 0)
    img = nib.load(T2W4)
    imgdata = img.get_data()
    imgaff = img.affine
    img_crop = imgdata[x_left:x_right, y_left:y_right, 0:16]
    # reslice T2W4_crop image to 0.5 mm3
    zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    new_zooms = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
    newdata, newaff = reslice(img_crop, imgaff, zooms, new_zooms)
    new_img_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(newdata, newaff)
    CZ = T2W4[:-7] + '_CZ.nii.gz'
    nib.save(new_img_nii, CZ)
    # call N4BiasFieldCorrection for CZ to get CZ4
    CZ4 = T2W4[:-7] + '_CZ4.nii.gz'
    call(['N4BiasFieldCorrection', '-i', CZ, '-o', CZ4])
    call(['rm', CZ])
    return CZ4
예제 #23
def img_reslice(img_data, img_affine, img_spacing, new_spacing=(1., 1., 1.)):
    data, affine = reslice(img_data,
    return data, affine
예제 #24
def preprocess(inputfile, outputfile, order=0, df=None):
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.affine
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, (1., 1., 1.), order)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data = np.pad(data, [(0, 256 - len_) for len_ in data.shape], "constant")
    if order == 0:
        if df is not None:
            for target, raw in zip(df["preprocessed"], df["raw"]):
                data[np.where(data == raw)] = target
        data = np.int32(data)
        assert data.ndim == 3, data.ndim
        data_sub = data - gaussian_filter(data, sigma=1)
        img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.copy(data_sub))
        img = sitk.AdaptiveHistogramEqualization(img)
        data_clahe = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)[:, :, :, None]
        data = np.concatenate((data_clahe, data[:, :, :, None]), 3)
        data = (data - np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))) / np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
        assert data.ndim == 4, data.ndim
        assert np.allclose(np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2)),
                           0.), np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))
        assert np.allclose(np.std(data, (0, 1, 2)),
                           1.), np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
        data = np.float32(data)
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
    nib.save(img, outputfile)
예제 #25
def preprocess_label(inputfile,
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.affine
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, (1., 1., 1.), 0)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data = np.pad(data, [(0, 256 - len_) for len_ in data.shape], "constant")

    if df is not None:
        tmp = np.zeros_like(data)
        for target, source in zip(df[output_key], df[input_key]):
            tmp[np.where(data == source)] = target
        data = tmp
    data = np.int32(data)
    assert np.max(data) < n_classes
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
    nib.save(img, output_label)

    data = np.eye(n_classes)[data]
    assert data.shape == img.shape + (n_classes, )
    data_list = np.gradient(data, axis=(0, 1, 2))
    data = np.sqrt(data_list[0]**2 + data_list[1]**2 + data_list[2]**2)
    data = np.sum(data, axis=-1)
    data = np.float32(data)
    assert data.shape == img.shape
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine), output_boundary)
예제 #26
def preprocess_img(inputfile, output_preprocessed, zooms=[1, 1, 1]):
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.affine
    #The last value of header.get_zooms() is the time between scans in milliseconds; this is the equivalent of voxel size on the time axis.
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, zooms, 1)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data[data < 0] = 0
    data = np.pad(data, [(0, 218 - len_) for len_ in data.shape], "constant")

    data_sub = data - gaussian_filter(data, sigma=1)
    img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.copy(data_sub))
    img = sitk.AdaptiveHistogramEqualization(img)
    data_clahe = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)[:, :, :, None]
    data = np.concatenate((data_clahe, data[:, :, :, None]), 3)
    data = (data - np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))) / np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
    assert data.ndim == 4, data.ndim
    #assert np.allclose(np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2)), 0.), np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))
    #assert np.allclose(np.std(data, (0, 1, 2)), 1.), np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
    data = np.float32(data)

    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
    nib.save(img, output_preprocessed)
예제 #27
def crop_zoom_file(image):
    centerline = glob.glob(os.path.join(PMD, 'PSIR_centerline_optic.nii.gz'))
    centerline = centerline[0]
    # locate cord center point (x, y, 0) of the bottom slice for crop
    centerline_data, centerline_affine = load_nifti(centerline)
    center_point = np.nonzero(centerline_data[:, :, 0])
    x_center = np.array(center_point[0])
    x_left = x_center[0] - 25
    x_right = x_center[0] + 25
    y_center = np.array(center_point[1])
    y_left = y_center[0] - 25
    y_right = y_center[0] + 25
    print(x_left, y_left)
    # reslice crop image to 0.78/4 mm3
    img = nib.load(image)
    imgdata = img.get_data()
    imgaff = img.affine
    img_crop = imgdata[x_left:x_right, y_left:y_right, :]
    zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    new_zooms = [zooms[0] / 4, zooms[1] / 4, zooms[2]]
    newdata, newaff = reslice(img_crop, imgaff, zooms, new_zooms)
    new_img_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(newdata, newaff)
    CZ = image[:-7] + '_CZ.nii.gz'
    nib.save(new_img_nii, CZ)
    return CZ
예제 #28
def reslice_img(img, new_zooms=None, order=3):
    """ Performs regridding of an image to set isotropic voxel sizes using dipy.
    If the file has already isotropic voxels, will return a copy of the same image.

    img: nibabel.Nifti1Image
        The diffusion image.

    new_zooms : tuple, shape (3,)
        new voxel size for (i,j,k) after resampling

    order : int, from 0 to 5
       order of interpolation for resampling/reslicing, 0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc..
       if you don’t want any smoothing 0 is the option you need.

    nu_img: nibabel.Nifti1Image
        A isotropic voxel version from `img`.
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nib
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    # read the data
    data = img.get_data()
    img_zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]

    # check if already isotropic voxels
    all_equal = len(np.unique(img_zooms)) == 1
    if all_equal:
        return nib.Nifti1Image(img.get_data(),

    # set new_zooms parameter
    if new_zooms is None:
        minzoom = np.array(img_zooms).min()
        new_zooms = tuple(np.ones((3, )) * minzoom)

    # reslice it
    nu_data, nu_affine = reslice(data=data,

    # create the new image object
    header = img.header.copy()
    tmp_zooms = np.array(header.get_zooms())
    tmp_zooms[:3] = new_zooms[0]
    nu_img = nib.Nifti1Image(nu_data.astype(header.get_data_dtype()),
                             nu_affine, header)

    return nu_img
예제 #29
def match_target_vox_res(img_file, vox_size, out_dir, sens):
    A function to resample an image to a given isotropic voxel resolution.

    img_file : str
        File path to a Nifti1Image.
    vox_size : str
        Voxel size in mm. (e.g. 2mm).
    out_dir : str
        Path to output directory.
    sens : str
        Modality of Nifti1Image input (e.g. 'dwi').

    img_file : str
        File path to resampled Nifti1Image.
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
    # Check dimensions
    img = nib.load(img_file)
    data = img.get_fdata()
    affine = img.affine
    hdr = img.header
    zooms = hdr.get_zooms()[:3]
    if vox_size == '1mm':
        new_zooms = (1., 1., 1.)
    elif vox_size == '2mm':
        new_zooms = (2., 2., 2.)

    if (abs(zooms[0]), abs(zooms[1]), abs(zooms[2])) != new_zooms:
        print('Reslicing image ' + img_file + ' to ' + vox_size + '...')
        img_file_pre = "%s%s%s%s" % (out_dir, '/', os.path.basename(
            img_file).split('.nii.gz')[0], '_pre_res.nii.gz')
        shutil.copyfile(img_file, img_file_pre)
        data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
        if sens == 'dwi':
            affine2[0:3, 3] = np.zeros(3)
            affine2[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3) * np.array(new_zooms) * np.sign(
                affine2[0:3, 0:3])
        img2 = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine=affine2, header=hdr)
        nib.save(img2, img_file)
        print('Resliced affine: ')
        if sens == 'dwi':
            affine[0:3, 3] = np.zeros(3)
        img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine=affine, header=hdr)
        nib.save(img, img_file)

    return img_file
예제 #30
def reslice_img(img, new_zooms):
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    zooms = img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
    new_img = nib.Nifti1Image(data2.astype('int16'), affine2)
    print('reslice_img;', 'old_zooms:', zooms, 'new_zooms:', new_zooms)
    return new_img
def resample_nii(nifti: nib.Nifti1Image, new_pix_dims: Tuple[float, ...],
                 num_workers: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]:
    "Resamples nifti pixels to new_pix_dims and returns the new array and new affine using num_workers threads."
    return reslice(nifti.get_data(),
예제 #32
파일: reg_utils.py 프로젝트: sungoku/PyNets
def match_target_vox_res(img_file, vox_size, out_dir, overwrite=True):
    A function to resample an image to a given isotropic voxel resolution.

    img_file : str
        File path to a Nifti1Image.
    vox_size : str
        Voxel size in mm. (e.g. 2mm).
    out_dir : str
        Path to output directory.

    img_file : str
        File path to resampled Nifti1Image.
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    # Check dimensions
    img = nib.load(img_file)
    hdr = img.header
    zooms = hdr.get_zooms()[:3]
    if vox_size == '1mm':
        new_zooms = (1., 1., 1.)
    elif vox_size == '2mm':
        new_zooms = (2., 2., 2.)

    if (abs(zooms[0]), abs(zooms[1]), abs(zooms[2])) != new_zooms:
        img_file_res = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (
            out_dir, '/', os.path.basename(img_file).split('.nii')[0], '_res-',
            vox_size, '.nii', os.path.basename(img_file).split('.nii')[1])
        if overwrite is False and os.path.isfile(img_file_res):
            img_file = img_file_res
            print('Reslicing image ' + img_file + ' to ' + vox_size + '...')
            data2, affine2 = reslice(np.asarray(img.dataobj), img.affine,
                                     zooms, new_zooms)
            nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine=affine2), img_file_res)
            img_file = img_file_res
            del data2
        img_file_nores = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (
            out_dir, '/', os.path.basename(img_file).split('.nii')[0],
            '_nores-', vox_size, '.nii',
        if overwrite is False and os.path.isfile(img_file_nores):
            img_file = img_file_nores
            nib.save(img, img_file_nores)
            img_file = img_file_nores

    del img
    return img_file
예제 #33
    def run(self,
        """Reslice data with new voxel resolution defined by ``new_vox_sz``

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        new_vox_size : variable float
            new voxel size
        order : int, optional
            order of interpolation, from 0 to 5, for resampling/reslicing,
            0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc.. if you don't want any
            smoothing 0 is the option you need (default 1)
        mode : string, optional
            Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according
            to the given mode 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap'
            (default 'constant')
        cval : float, optional
            Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if
            mode='constant' (default 0)
        num_processes : int, optional
            Split the calculation to a pool of children processes. This only
            applies to 4D `data` arrays. If a positive integer then it defines
            the size of the multiprocessing pool that will be used. If 0, then
            the size of the pool will equal the number of cores available.
            (default 1)
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_resliced : string, optional
            Name of the resliced dataset to be saved
            (default 'resliced.nii.gz')

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for inputfile, outpfile in io_it:

            data, affine, vox_sz = load_nifti(inputfile, return_voxsize=True)
            logging.info('Processing {0}'.format(inputfile))
            new_data, new_affine = reslice(data,
            save_nifti(outpfile, new_data, new_affine)
            logging.info('Resliced file save in {0}'.format(outpfile))
예제 #34
def resample(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0):
    """Reslice data with new voxel resolution defined by ``new_zooms``

    data : array, shape (I,J,K) or (I,J,K,N)
        3d volume or 4d volume with datasets
    affine : array, shape (4,4)
        mapping from voxel coordinates to world coordinates
    zooms : tuple, shape (3,)
        voxel size for (i,j,k) dimensions
    new_zooms : tuple, shape (3,)
        new voxel size for (i,j,k) after resampling
    order : int, from 0 to 5
        order of interpolation for resampling/reslicing,
        0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc..
        if you don't want any smoothing 0 is the option you need.
    mode : string ('constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap')
        Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according
        to the given mode.
    cval : float
        Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if

    data2 : array, shape (I,J,K) or (I,J,K,N)
        datasets resampled into isotropic voxel size
    affine2 : array, shape (4,4)
        new affine for the resampled image

    >>> import nibabel as nib
    >>> from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
    >>> from dipy.data import get_data
    >>> fimg = get_data('aniso_vox')
    >>> img = nib.load(fimg)
    >>> data = img.get_data()
    >>> data.shape
    (58, 58, 24)
    >>> affine = img.get_affine()
    >>> zooms = img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    >>> zooms
    (4.0, 4.0, 5.0)
    >>> new_zooms = (3.,3.,3.)
    >>> new_zooms
    (3.0, 3.0, 3.0)
    >>> data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
    >>> data2.shape
    (77, 77, 40)

    msg = "This function is deprecated please use dipy.align.reslice.reslice"
    msg += " instead."
    return reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, order, mode, cval)
예제 #35
파일: denoise.py 프로젝트: Neurita/pypes
def reslice_img(img, new_zooms=None, order=3):
    """ Performs regridding of an image to set isotropic voxel sizes using dipy.
    If the file has already isotropic voxels, will return a copy of the same image.

    img: nibabel.Nifti1Image
        The diffusion image.

    new_zooms : tuple, shape (3,)
        new voxel size for (i,j,k) after resampling

    order : int, from 0 to 5
       order of interpolation for resampling/reslicing, 0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc..
       if you don’t want any smoothing 0 is the option you need.

    nu_img: nibabel.Nifti1Image
        A isotropic voxel version from `img`.
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nib
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    # read the data
    data = img.get_data()
    img_zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]

    # check if already isotropic voxels
    all_equal = len(np.unique(img_zooms)) == 1
    if all_equal:
        return nib.Nifti1Image(img.get_data(), affine=img.affine, header=img.header)

    # set new_zooms parameter
    if new_zooms is None:
        minzoom = np.array(img_zooms).min()
        new_zooms = tuple(np.ones((3,)) * minzoom)

    # reslice it
    nu_data, nu_affine = reslice(data=data, affine=img.affine,

    # create the new image object
    header = img.header.copy()
    tmp_zooms = np.array(header.get_zooms())
    tmp_zooms[:3] = new_zooms[0]
    nu_img = nib.Nifti1Image(nu_data.astype(header.get_data_dtype()), nu_affine, header)

    return nu_img
예제 #36
파일: test_reslice.py 프로젝트: MPDean/dipy
def test_resample():
    fimg, _, _ = get_data("small_25")
    img = nib.load(fimg)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    zooms = img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]

    # test that new zooms are correctly from the affine (check with 3D volume)
    new_zooms = (1, 1.2, 2.1)
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data[..., 0], affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=1,
    img2 = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine2)
    new_zooms_confirmed = img2.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    assert_almost_equal(new_zooms, new_zooms_confirmed)

    # test that shape changes correctly for the first 3 dimensions (check 4D)
    new_zooms = (1, 1, 1.)
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=0,
    assert_equal(2 * np.array(data.shape[:3]), data2.shape[:3])
    assert_equal(data2.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])

    # same with different interpolation order
    new_zooms = (1, 1, 1.)
    data3, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, order=5,
    assert_equal(2 * np.array(data.shape[:3]), data3.shape[:3])
    assert_equal(data3.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])

    # test that the sigma will be reduced with interpolation
    sigmas = estimate_sigma(data)
    sigmas2 = estimate_sigma(data2)
    sigmas3 = estimate_sigma(data3)

    assert_(np.all(sigmas > sigmas2))
    assert_(np.all(sigmas2 > sigmas3))

    # check that 4D resampling matches 3D resampling
    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)
    for i in range(data.shape[-1]):
        _data, _affine = reslice(data[..., i], affine, zooms, new_zooms)
        assert_almost_equal(data2[..., i], _data)
        assert_almost_equal(affine2, _affine)

    # check use of multiprocessing pool of specified size
    data3, affine3 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, num_processes=4)
    assert_almost_equal(data2, data3)
    assert_almost_equal(affine2, affine3)

    # check use of multiprocessing pool of autoconfigured size
    data3, affine3 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, num_processes=0)
    assert_almost_equal(data2, data3)
    assert_almost_equal(affine2, affine3)
예제 #37
파일: align.py 프로젝트: MarcCote/dipy
    def run(self, input_files, new_vox_size, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0,
            num_processes=1, out_dir='', out_resliced='resliced.nii.gz'):
        """Reslice data with new voxel resolution defined by ``new_vox_sz``
        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        new_vox_size : variable float
            new voxel size
        order : int, optional
            order of interpolation, from 0 to 5, for resampling/reslicing,
            0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc.. if you don't want any 
            smoothing 0 is the option you need (default 1)
        mode : string, optional
            Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according
            to the given mode 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap'
            (default 'constant')
        cval : float, optional
            Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if
            mode='constant' (default 0)
        num_processes : int, optional
            Split the calculation to a pool of children processes. This only
            applies to 4D `data` arrays. If a positive integer then it defines
            the size of the multiprocessing pool that will be used. If 0, then
            the size of the pool will equal the number of cores available.
            (default 1)
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_resliced : string, optional
            Name of the resliced dataset to be saved
            (default 'resliced.nii.gz')
        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for inputfile, outpfile in io_it:
            data, affine, vox_sz = load_nifti(inputfile, return_voxsize=True)
            logging.info('Processing {0}'.format(inputfile))
            new_data, new_affine = reslice(data, affine, vox_sz, new_vox_size,
                                           order, mode=mode, cval=cval,
            save_nifti(outpfile, new_data, new_affine)
            logging.info('Resliced file save in {0}'.format(outpfile))
예제 #38
        def _morph_one(stc_one):
            # prepare data to be morphed
            img_to = _interpolate_data(stc_one, morph, mri_resolution=True,

            # reslice to match morph
            img_to, img_to_affine = reslice(
                img_to.get_data(), morph.affine, _get_zooms_orig(morph),

            # morph data
            for vol in range(img_to.shape[3]):
                img_to[:, :, :, vol] = morph.sdr_morph.transform(
                    morph.pre_affine.transform(img_to[:, :, :, vol]))

            # reshape to nvoxel x nvol
            img_to = img_to.reshape(-1, img_to.shape[3])
            return img_to
예제 #39
def test_performance():
    ''' Compare execution time against scikit, sequencial closing case
    base_dir = '/home/omar/data/DATA_NeoBrainS12/'
    neo_subject = '30wCoronal/example2/'

    # Read subject files
    t2CurrentSubjectName  = base_dir + 'trainingDataNeoBrainS12/'+neo_subject+'T2_1-1.nii.gz'
    t2CurrentSubject_data = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_data()
    affineT2CS            = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_affine()
    zoomsT2CS             = nib.load(t2CurrentSubjectName).get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    # Step 1.4 - Resampling for isotropic voxels

    n_zooms = (zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0])
    t2CurrentSubject_data,affineT2CS = reslice(t2CurrentSubject_data,affineT2CS,zoomsT2CS,n_zooms)

    S = t2CurrentSubject_data.astype(np.float64)
    S = S[:S.shape[0]//4, :S.shape[1]//4, :S.shape[2]//4]

    ###########compare times#########
    # in-house
    start = time.time()
    max_radius = 11
    D = SequencialSphereDilation(S)
    for r in range(max_radius):
        print('Computing radius %d...'%(r+1,))
        actual = D.get_current_closing()
        del actual
    del D
    end = time.time()
    print('Elapsed (in-home): %f'%(end-start,))
    # scikit
    start = time.time()
    for r in range(max_radius):
        print('Computing radius %d...'%(1+r,))
        expected = closing(S, ball(1+r))
        del expected
    end = time.time()
    print('Elapsed (scikit): %f'%(end-start,))
예제 #40
def run(rawargs):
    arguments = docopt(doc, argv=rawargs, version='Orientation Check v{0}'.format(Version))
    inputs = [{"Value":"image file", "Flag": "--image"}, {"Value":"bvec file", "Flag": "--bvecs"}, {"Value":"bvec file", "Flag": "--bvecs"}]
    for inputinfo in inputs:
        if not exists(arguments[inputinfo["Flag"]]):
            print("The {0} specified does not exist!".format(inputinfo["Value"]))

    rawimage = nib.load(arguments["--image"])
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(arguments['--bvals'], arguments['--bvecs'])
    print("Generating gradient table.")
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    #Define the tensor model
    print("Generating the tensor model.")
    dti_wls = dti.TensorModel(gtab, fit_method="NLLS")

    image_data = rawimage.get_data()

    print("Masking the brain.")
    image_masked, mask = median_otsu(image_data, 3, 1, autocrop=True, dilate=2)
    #image_masked_data = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(image_masked.astype(np.float32), image_data.get_affine())
    #print("Saving masked brain image")
    #nib.nifti1.save(image_masked_data, "./imagemasked.nii.gz")
    print("Resampling the brain to a standard resolution.")
    image, affine1 = reslice(image_masked, rawimage.get_affine(), rawimage.get_header().get_zooms()[:3], (3.0,3.0,3.0))
    mask, maskaffine1 = reslice(mask.astype(numpy.int), rawimage.get_affine(), rawimage.get_header().get_zooms()[:3], (3.0,3.0,3.0))
    #print(len([type(mask) for i in range(0,image.shape[3])]))
    #mask = numpy.expand_dims(mask,3)

    print("Checking the image dimensions")
    Xsize, Ysize, Zsize, directions = image.shape
    print("X: {0}\nY: {1}\nZ: {2}".format(Xsize, Ysize, Zsize))

    #Define Image Scopes
    print("Defining the image scopes.")
    imagedict = {"axial": {"dropdim": [0,1], "scope": (slice(0,Xsize), slice(0,Ysize), slice(math.floor(Zsize/2),math.floor(Zsize/2)+1))},
                 "coronal": {"dropdim": [0,2], "scope": (slice(0,Xsize), slice(math.floor(Ysize/2),math.floor(Ysize/2)+1), slice(0, Zsize))},
                 "sagittal": {"dropdim": [1,2], "scope": (slice(math.floor(Xsize/2),math.floor(Xsize/2)+1), slice(0,Ysize), slice(0, Zsize))}}

    #roi_idx = (slice(0,image.shape[0]), slice(0,image.shape[1]), slice(middleslice,middleslice+1))#(slice(0,image.shape[0]), slice(0,image.shape[1]), slice(int(image.shape[2]/2),int(image.shape[2]/2)+1))
    print("Defining sphere.")
    sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    #sphere = dpd.get_sphere('symmetric362')

    #Slice the whole dataset by the scope
    print("Slicing the dataset with the scopes.")
    for view in ["sagittal", "coronal", "axial"]:
        imagedict[view]["image"] = image[imagedict[view]["scope"]]
        imagedict[view]["mask"] = mask[imagedict[view]["scope"]]
        print("Fitting {0} data.".format(view))
        fit_wls = dti_wls.fit(imagedict[view]["image"])
        print("Extracting {0} FA.".format(view))
        fa1 = fit_wls.fa * imagedict[view]["mask"]
        print("Extracting {0} EVALS.".format(view))
        evals1 = fit_wls.evals
        print("Extracting {0} EVECS.".format(view))
        evecs1 = fit_wls.evecs
        print("Extracting {0} Color FA.".format(view))
        cfa1 = dti.color_fa(fa1, evecs1)
        cfa1 = cfa1/cfa1.max()
        print("Defining {0} renderer.".format(view))
        render = fvtk.ren()
        print("Generating {0} image.".format(view))
        x =cfa1.shape[imagedict[view]["dropdim"][0]]
        y =cfa1.shape[imagedict[view]["dropdim"][1]]

        #print(x, y, 1, 3)
        cfa2 = cfa1.reshape(x, y, 1, 3)
        evals2 = evals1.reshape(x, y, 1, 3)*1.25
        evecs2 = evecs1.reshape(x, y, 1, 3, 3)*1.25
        print("Adding render.")
        fvtk.add(render, fvtk.tensor(evals2, evecs2, cfa2, sphere))
        print("Recording render.")
        with Xvfb() as xvfb:
            fvtk.record(render, out_path=arguments["--out"+view], size=(800,800), magnification=2)
        print("Image Saved")

예제 #41
def _compute_morph_sdr(mri_from, mri_to, niter_affine=(100, 100, 10),
                       niter_sdr=(5, 5, 3), zooms=(5., 5., 5.)):
    """Get a matrix that morphs data from one subject to another."""
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy='0.10.1')
    import nibabel as nib
    with np.testing.suppress_warnings():
        from dipy.align import imaffine, imwarp, metrics, transforms
    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    logger.info('Computing nonlinear Symmetric Diffeomorphic Registration...')

    # use voxel size of mri_from
    if zooms is None:
        zooms = mri_from.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    zooms = np.atleast_1d(zooms).astype(float)
    if zooms.shape == (1,):
        zooms = np.repeat(zooms, 3)
    if zooms.shape != (3,):
        raise ValueError('zooms must be None, a singleton, or have shape (3,),'
                         ' got shape %s' % (zooms.shape,))

    # reslice mri_from
    mri_from_res, mri_from_res_affine = reslice(
        mri_from.get_data(), mri_from.affine, mri_from.header.get_zooms()[:3],

    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        mri_from = nib.Nifti1Image(mri_from_res, mri_from_res_affine)

    # reslice mri_to
    mri_to_res, mri_to_res_affine = reslice(
        mri_to.get_data(), mri_to.affine, mri_to.header.get_zooms()[:3],

    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        mri_to = nib.Nifti1Image(mri_to_res, mri_to_res_affine)

    affine = mri_to.affine
    mri_to = np.array(mri_to.dataobj, float)  # to ndarray
    mri_to /= mri_to.max()
    mri_from_affine = mri_from.affine  # get mri_from to world transform
    mri_from = np.array(mri_from.dataobj, float)  # to ndarray
    mri_from /= mri_from.max()  # normalize

    # compute center of mass
    c_of_mass = imaffine.transform_centers_of_mass(
        mri_to, affine, mri_from, affine)

    # set up Affine Registration
    affreg = imaffine.AffineRegistration(
        sigmas=[3.0, 1.0, 0.0],
        factors=[4, 2, 1])

    # translation
    translation = affreg.optimize(
        mri_to, mri_from, transforms.TranslationTransform3D(), None, affine,
        mri_from_affine, starting_affine=c_of_mass.affine)

    # rigid body transform (translation + rotation)
    rigid = affreg.optimize(
        mri_to, mri_from, transforms.RigidTransform3D(), None,
        affine, mri_from_affine, starting_affine=translation.affine)

    # affine transform (translation + rotation + scaling)
    pre_affine = affreg.optimize(
        mri_to, mri_from, transforms.AffineTransform3D(), None,
        affine, mri_from_affine, starting_affine=rigid.affine)

    # compute mapping
    sdr = imwarp.SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration(
        metrics.CCMetric(3), list(niter_sdr))
    sdr_morph = sdr.optimize(mri_to, pre_affine.transform(mri_from))
    shape = tuple(sdr_morph.domain_shape)  # should be tuple of int
    return shape, zooms, affine, pre_affine, sdr_morph
예제 #42
def _interpolate_data(stc, morph, mri_resolution=True, mri_space=True,
    """Interpolate source estimate data to MRI."""
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)
    if output not in ('nifti', 'nifti1', 'nifti2'):
        raise ValueError("invalid output specifier %s. Must be 'nifti1' or"
                         " 'nifti2'" % output)
    if output in ('nifti', 'nifti1'):
        from nibabel import (Nifti1Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti1Header as NiftiHeader)
        assert output == 'nifti2'
        from nibabel import (Nifti2Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti2Header as NiftiHeader)
    assert morph.kind == 'volume'

    voxel_size_defined = False

    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)) and not isinstance(
            mri_resolution, bool):
        # use iso voxel size
        mri_resolution = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3

    if isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        _check_dep(nibabel=False, dipy='0.10.1')  # nibabel was already checked
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

        voxel_size = mri_resolution
        voxel_size_defined = True
        mri_resolution = True

    # if data wasn't morphed yet - necessary for call of
    # stc_unmorphed.as_volume. Since only the shape of src is known, it cannot
    # be resliced to a given voxel size without knowing the original.
    if isinstance(morph, SourceSpaces):
        assert morph.kind == 'volume'
        if voxel_size_defined:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot infer original voxel size for reslicing... "
                "set mri_resolution to boolean value or apply morph first.")
        from mne.io.constants import BunchConst
        morph = BunchConst(src_data=_get_src_data(morph)[0])

    # setup volume parameters
    n_times = stc.data.shape[1]
    shape3d = morph.src_data['src_shape']
    shape = (n_times,) + shape3d
    vols = np.zeros(shape)

    mask3d = morph.src_data['inuse'].reshape(shape3d).astype(np.bool)
    n_vertices = np.sum(mask3d)

    n_vertices_seen = 0
    for k, vol in enumerate(vols):  # loop over time instants
        stc_slice = slice(n_vertices_seen, n_vertices_seen + n_vertices)
        vol[mask3d] = stc.data[stc_slice, k]

    n_vertices_seen += n_vertices

    # use mri resolution as represented in src
    if mri_resolution:
        mri_shape3d = morph.src_data['src_shape_full']
        mri_shape = (n_times,) + mri_shape3d
        mri_vol = np.zeros(mri_shape)

        interpolator = morph.src_data['interpolator']

        for k, vol in enumerate(vols):
            mri_vol[k] = (interpolator * vol.ravel()).reshape(mri_shape3d)
        vols = mri_vol

    vols = vols.T

    # set correct space
    affine = morph.src_data['src_affine_vox']

    if not mri_resolution:
        affine = morph.src_data['src_affine_src']

    if mri_space:
        affine = np.dot(morph.src_data['src_affine_ras'], affine)

    affine[:3] *= 1e3

    # pre-define header
    header = NiftiHeader()
    header.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    header['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(vols, affine, header=header)

    # if a specific voxel size was targeted (only possible after morphing)
    if voxel_size_defined:
        # reslice mri
        img, img_affine = reslice(
            img.get_data(), img.affine, _get_zooms_orig(morph), voxel_size)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, img_affine, header=header)

    return img
예제 #43
def _morphed_stc_as_volume(morph, stc, mri_resolution=False, mri_space=True,
    """Return volume source space as Nifti1Image and/or save to disk."""
    if not isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
        raise ValueError('Only volume source estimates can be converted to '
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)

    known_types = ('nifti', 'nifti1', 'nifti2')
    if output not in known_types:
        raise ValueError('output must be one of %s, got %s'
                         % (known_types, output))
    if output in ('nifti', 'nifti1'):
        from nibabel import (Nifti1Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti1Header as NiftiHeader)
        assert output == 'nifti2'
        from nibabel import (Nifti2Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti2Header as NiftiHeader)

    new_zooms = None

    # if full MRI resolution, compute zooms from shape and MRI zooms
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, bool) and mri_resolution:
        new_zooms = _get_zooms_orig(morph)

    # if MRI resolution is set manually as a single value, convert to tuple
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)) and not isinstance(
            mri_resolution, bool):
        # use iso voxel size
        new_zooms = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3

    # if MRI resolution is set manually as a tuple, use it
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        new_zooms = mri_resolution

    # create header
    hdr = NiftiHeader()
    hdr.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    hdr['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    # setup empty volume
    img = np.zeros(morph.shape + (stc.shape[1],)).reshape(-1, stc.shape[1])
    img[stc.vertices, :] = stc.data

    img = img.reshape(morph.shape + (-1,))

    # make nifti from data
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(img, morph.affine, header=hdr)

    # reslice in case of manually defined voxel size
    zooms = morph.zooms[:3]
    if new_zooms is not None:
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
        new_zooms = new_zooms[:3]
        img, affine = reslice(img.get_data(),
                              img.affine,  # MRI to world registration
                              zooms,  # old voxel size in mm
                              new_zooms)  # new voxel size in mm
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, affine)
        zooms = new_zooms

    #  set zooms in header
    img.header.set_zooms(tuple(zooms) + (1,))
    return img
   trainingSegm_data2  = rigidTransform.transform(np.asarray(trainingSegm_data,dtype=np.float),'nearest')
   rt.overlay_slices(t2CurrentSubject_data, t2TrainingSubject_data2, slice_type=2, slice_index=25, ltitle='T2 Subject', rtitle='T2 Training', fname= results_dir + 'PREP_Training_T2_to_neo_rigid1_reg_coronal_slice25.png')

   del t2TrainingSubject_data2

   #    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   start_time = time.time()

   #    1.3 - Resampling for isotropic voxels
   #    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   n_zooms = (zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0],zoomsT2CS[0])
   t2CurrentSubject_data,t2CSAffine   = reslice(t2CurrentSubject_data,t2CSAffine,zoomsT2CS,n_zooms)
   #t2TrainingSubject_data,t2TrSAffine = reslice(t2TrainingSubject_data,t2TrSAffine,zoomsT2TrS,n_zooms)
   t1CurrentSubject_data,_            = reslice(t1CurrentSubject_data,t2CSAffine,zoomsT2CS,n_zooms)
   trainingSegm_data2,_               = reslice(trainingSegm_data2,t2TrSAffine,zoomsT2TrS,n_zooms,order=0)

   #    1.4 - Anisotropic diffusion filter
   #    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   scaleValue = 1.0

   t2CurrentSubject_data  = denoise_bilateral(preprocessing.NormalizeIntensity(t2CurrentSubject_data,scaleValue),win_size=5)
   t2TrainingSubject_data = denoise_bilateral(preprocessing.NormalizeIntensity(t2TrainingSubject_data,scaleValue),win_size=5)
   t1CurrentSubject_data  = denoise_bilateral(preprocessing.NormalizeIntensity(t1CurrentSubject_data,scaleValue),win_size=5)
   t1TrainingSubject_data = denoise_bilateral(preprocessing.NormalizeIntensity(t1TrainingSubject_data,scaleValue),win_size=5)
예제 #45
def test_slicer():
    renderer = window.renderer()
    data = (255 * np.random.rand(50, 50, 50))
    affine = np.eye(4)
    slicer = actor.slicer(data, affine)
    slicer.display(None, None, 25)

    # window.show(renderer)

    # copy pixels in numpy array directly
    arr = window.snapshot(renderer, 'test_slicer.png', offscreen=False)
    import scipy

    print(np.sum(arr == 0))
    print(np.sum(arr > 0))

    report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, find_objects=True)


    npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)
    # print(arr[..., 0])

    # The slicer can cut directly a smaller part of the image
    slicer.display_extent(10, 30, 10, 30, 35, 35)


    # save pixels in png file not a numpy array
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'slice.png')
        # window.show(renderer)
        arr = window.snapshot(renderer, fname, offscreen=False)
        report = window.analyze_snapshot(fname, find_objects=True)
        npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)

    npt.assert_raises(ValueError, actor.slicer, np.ones(10))


    rgb = np.zeros((30, 30, 30, 3))
    rgb[..., 0] = 1.
    rgb_actor = actor.slicer(rgb)



    arr = window.snapshot(renderer, offscreen=False)
    report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, colors=[(255, 0, 0)])
    npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)
    npt.assert_equal(report.colors_found, [True])

    lut = actor.colormap_lookup_table(scale_range=(0, 255),
                                      hue_range=(0.4, 1.),
                                      saturation_range=(1, 1.),
                                      value_range=(0., 1.))
    slicer_lut = actor.slicer(data, lookup_colormap=lut)

    slicer_lut.display(10, None, None)
    slicer_lut.display(None, 10, None)
    slicer_lut.display(None, None, 10)

    slicer_lut2 = slicer_lut.copy()
    slicer_lut2.display(None, None, 10)


    arr = window.snapshot(renderer, offscreen=False)
    report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, find_objects=True)
    npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)


    data = (255 * np.random.rand(50, 50, 50))
    affine = np.diag([1, 3, 2, 1])
    slicer = actor.slicer(data, affine, interpolation='nearest')
    slicer.display(None, None, 25)


    arr = window.snapshot(renderer, offscreen=False)
    report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, find_objects=True)
    npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)
    npt.assert_equal(data.shape, slicer.shape)


    data = (255 * np.random.rand(50, 50, 50))
    affine = np.diag([1, 3, 2, 1])

    from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

    data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms=(1, 3, 2),
                             new_zooms=(1, 1, 1))

    slicer = actor.slicer(data2, affine2, interpolation='linear')
    slicer.display(None, None, 25)


    # window.show(renderer, reset_camera=False)
    arr = window.snapshot(renderer, offscreen=False)
    report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, find_objects=True)
    npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)
    npt.assert_array_equal([1, 3, 2] * np.array(data.shape),
예제 #46
``(4.0, 4.0, 5.0)``

Set the required new voxel size.

new_zooms = (3., 3., 3.)

``(3.0, 3.0, 3.0)``

Start resampling (reslicing). Trilinear interpolation is used by default.

data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms)

``(77, 77, 40)``

Save the result as a new Nifti file.

img2 = nib.Nifti1Image(data2, affine2)
nib.save(img2, 'iso_vox.nii.gz')

Or as analyze format or any other supported format.