예제 #1
def tens_mod_fa_est(gtab_file, dwi_file, B0_mask):
    Estimate a tensor FA image to use for registrations.

    gtab_file : str
        File path to pickled DiPy gradient table object.
    dwi_file : str
        File path to diffusion weighted image.
    B0_mask : str
        File path to B0 brain mask.

    fa_path : str
        File path to FA Nifti1Image.
    B0_mask : str
        File path to B0 brain mask Nifti1Image.
    gtab_file : str
        File path to pickled DiPy gradient table object.
    dwi_file : str
        File path to diffusion weighted Nifti1Image.
    fa_md_path : str
        File path to FA/MD mask Nifti1Image.
    import os
    from dipy.io import load_pickle
    from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy, mean_diffusivity

    gtab = load_pickle(gtab_file)

    data = nib.load(dwi_file).get_fdata()

    print("Generating tensor FA image to use for registrations...")
    nodif_B0_img = nib.load(B0_mask)
    nodif_B0_mask_data = np.nan_to_num(np.asarray(
    model = TensorModel(gtab)
    mod = model.fit(data, nodif_B0_mask_data)
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(mod.evals)
    MD = mean_diffusivity(mod.evals)
    FA_MD = np.logical_or(FA >= 0.2,
                          (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.08, MD >= 0.0011)))
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    FA_MD[np.isnan(FA_MD)] = 0

    fa_path = f"{os.path.dirname(B0_mask)}{'/tensor_fa.nii.gz'}"
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), nodif_B0_img.affine),

    fa_md_path = f"{os.path.dirname(B0_mask)}{'/tensor_fa_md.nii.gz'}"
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(FA_MD.astype(np.float32), nodif_B0_img.affine),

    del FA, FA_MD

    return fa_path, B0_mask, gtab_file, dwi_file
예제 #2
def get_FA_MD():
    time0 = time.time()

    data, affine = load_nifti('normalized_pDWI.nii.gz')
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs('DWI.bval', 'DWI.bvec')
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    #head_mask = load_nifti_data(data_path + '/' + brain_mask)

    print('begin modeling!, time:', time.time() - time0)

    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    print('begin calculating FA!, time:', time.time() - time0)

    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)

    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    #FA = FA * head_mask
    save_nifti('FA.nii.gz', FA.astype(np.float32), affine)

    # print('begin calculating MD!, time:', time.time() - time0)
    MD1 = dti.mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    #MD1 = MD1*head_mask
    save_nifti('MD.nii.gz', MD1.astype(np.float32), affine)

    print('Over!, time:', time.time() - time0)

    return FA, MD1
예제 #3
파일: test_dti.py 프로젝트: MarcCote/dipy
def test_diffusivities():
    psphere = get_sphere('symmetric362')
    bvecs = np.concatenate(([[0, 0, 0]], psphere.vertices))
    bvals = np.zeros(len(bvecs)) + 1000
    bvals[0] = 0
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    mevals = np.array(([0.0015, 0.0003, 0.0001], [0.0015, 0.0003, 0.0003]))
    mevecs = [np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),
              np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])]
    S = single_tensor(gtab, 100, mevals[0], mevecs[0], snr=None)

    dm = dti.TensorModel(gtab, 'LS')
    dmfit = dm.fit(S)

    md = mean_diffusivity(dmfit.evals)
    Trace = trace(dmfit.evals)
    rd = radial_diffusivity(dmfit.evals)
    ad = axial_diffusivity(dmfit.evals)
    lin = linearity(dmfit.evals)
    plan = planarity(dmfit.evals)
    spher = sphericity(dmfit.evals)

    assert_almost_equal(md, (0.0015 + 0.0003 + 0.0001) / 3)
    assert_almost_equal(Trace, (0.0015 + 0.0003 + 0.0001))
    assert_almost_equal(ad, 0.0015)
    assert_almost_equal(rd, (0.0003 + 0.0001) / 2)
    assert_almost_equal(lin, (0.0015 - 0.0003)/Trace)
    assert_almost_equal(plan, 2 * (0.0003 - 0.0001)/Trace)
    assert_almost_equal(spher, (3 * 0.0001)/Trace)
예제 #4
def test_diffusivities():
    psphere = get_sphere('symmetric362')
    bvecs = np.concatenate(([[0, 0, 0]], psphere.vertices))
    bvals = np.zeros(len(bvecs)) + 1000
    bvals[0] = 0
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    mevals = np.array(([0.0015, 0.0003, 0.0001], [0.0015, 0.0003, 0.0003]))
    mevecs = [np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),
              np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])]
    S = single_tensor(gtab, 100, mevals[0], mevecs[0], snr=None)

    dm = dti.TensorModel(gtab, 'LS')
    dmfit = dm.fit(S)

    md = mean_diffusivity(dmfit.evals)
    Trace = trace(dmfit.evals)
    rd = radial_diffusivity(dmfit.evals)
    ad = axial_diffusivity(dmfit.evals)
    lin = linearity(dmfit.evals)
    plan = planarity(dmfit.evals)
    spher = sphericity(dmfit.evals)

    assert_almost_equal(md, (0.0015 + 0.0003 + 0.0001) / 3)
    assert_almost_equal(Trace, (0.0015 + 0.0003 + 0.0001))
    assert_almost_equal(ad, 0.0015)
    assert_almost_equal(rd, (0.0003 + 0.0001) / 2)
    assert_almost_equal(lin, (0.0015 - 0.0003)/Trace)
    assert_almost_equal(plan, 2 * (0.0003 - 0.0001)/Trace)
    assert_almost_equal(spher, (3 * 0.0001)/Trace)
def compute_dti(fname_in, fname_bvals, fname_bvecs, prefix):
    Compute DTI.
    :param fname_in: input 4d file.
    :param bvals: bvals txt file
    :param bvecs: bvecs txt file
    :param prefix: output prefix. Example: "dti_"
    :return: True/False
    # Open file.
    from msct_image import Image
    nii = Image(fname_in)
    data = nii.data
    print('data.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % data.shape)

    # open bvecs/bvals
    from dipy.io import read_bvals_bvecs
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fname_bvals, fname_bvecs)
    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    # # mask and crop the data. This is a quick way to avoid calculating Tensors on the background of the image.
    # from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
    # maskdata, mask = median_otsu(data, 3, 1, True, vol_idx=range(10, 50), dilate=2)
    # print('maskdata.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % maskdata.shape)

    # fit tensor model
    import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data)

    # Compute metrics
    printv('Computing metrics...', param.verbose)
    # FA
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    nii.data = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    # MD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import mean_diffusivity
    nii.data = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    # RD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import radial_diffusivity
    nii.data = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    # AD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import axial_diffusivity
    nii.data = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)

    return True
def compute_dti(fname_in, fname_bvals, fname_bvecs, prefix):
    Compute DTI.
    :param fname_in: input 4d file.
    :param bvals: bvals txt file
    :param bvecs: bvecs txt file
    :param prefix: output prefix. Example: "dti_"
    :return: True/False
    # Open file.
    from msct_image import Image
    nii = Image(fname_in)
    data = nii.data
    print('data.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % data.shape)

    # open bvecs/bvals
    from dipy.io import read_bvals_bvecs
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fname_bvals, fname_bvecs)
    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    # # mask and crop the data. This is a quick way to avoid calculating Tensors on the background of the image.
    # from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
    # maskdata, mask = median_otsu(data, 3, 1, True, vol_idx=range(10, 50), dilate=2)
    # print('maskdata.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % maskdata.shape)

    # fit tensor model
    import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data)

    # Compute metrics
    printv('Computing metrics...', param.verbose)
    # FA
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    nii.data = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'FA.nii.gz')
    # MD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import mean_diffusivity
    nii.data = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'MD.nii.gz')
    # RD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import radial_diffusivity
    nii.data = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'RD.nii.gz')
    # AD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import axial_diffusivity
    nii.data = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'AD.nii.gz')

    return True
예제 #7
 def compute_anisotropy(self, tenfit: dti.TensorFit):
     print("Computing anisotropy measures (FA, MD, RGB)")
     mother_dir = os.path.dirname(self.denoised)
     FA = dti.fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
     FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
     fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), self.img.affine)
     nib.save(fa_img, f"{mother_dir}/tensor_fa.nii.gz")
     evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), self.img.affine)
     nib.save(evecs_img, f"{mother_dir}/tensor_evecs.nii.gz")
     MD1 = dti.mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
     MD1_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD1.astype(np.float32), self.img.affine)
     nib.save(MD1_img, f"{mother_dir}/tensors_md.nii.gz")
     FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
     RGB = dti.color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
     RGB_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, "uint8"), self.img.affine)
     nib.save(RGB_img, f"{mother_dir}/tensor_rgb.nii.gz")
예제 #8
def DTImaps(ImgPath, Bvalpath, Bvecpath, tracto=True):
    data, affine = resli(ImgPath)
    data = Nonlocal(data, affine)
    b0_mask, mask = otsu(data, affine)  #maask binary
    evals, evecs = DTImodel(b0_mask, affine, mask, gtab(Bvalpath, Bvecpath))
    print('--> Calculando el mapa de anisotropia fraccional')
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine),
    print('--> Calculando el mapa de anisotropia fraccional RGB')
    FA2 = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
    RGB = color_fa(FA2, evecs)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine),
             "Mapa_anisotropia_fraccional RGB")
    print('--> Calculando el mapa de difusividad media')
    MD1 = dti.mean_diffusivity(evals)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(MD1.astype(np.float32), affine),
    if tracto:
        sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
        peak_indices = quantize_evecs(evecs, sphere.vertices)

        eu = EuDX(FA.astype('f8'),
        tensor_streamlines = [streamline for streamline in eu]
        new_vox_sz = (2., 2., 2.)
        hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
        hdr['voxel_size'] = new_vox_sz
        hdr['voxel_order'] = 'LAS'
        hdr['dim'] = FA.shape

        tensor_streamlines_trk = ((sl, None, None)
                                  for sl in tensor_streamlines)
        ten_sl_fname = "Tracto.trk"
    return FA
예제 #9
파일: gen.py 프로젝트: heejong-kim/Q-ball
def csd_response(gtab, data):
    """ Estimate response function for given HARDI data.
    Unfortunately, does not work for 2d (synthetic) data (why?).
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask=data[..., 0] > 200)
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4,
                             (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011))))
    response = recursive_response(gtab,
    return response
예제 #10
def calculate_scalars(tensor_data, mask):
    Calculate the scalar images from the tensor
    returns: FA, MD, TR, AX, RAD
    mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.bool)
    shape = mask.shape
    data = dti.from_lower_triangular(tensor_data[mask])
    w, v = dti.decompose_tensor(data)
    w = np.squeeze(w)
    v = np.squeeze(v)
    md = np.zeros(shape)
    md[mask] = dti.mean_diffusivity(w, axis=-1)
    fa = np.zeros(shape)
    fa[mask] = dti.fractional_anisotropy(w, axis=-1)
    tr = np.zeros(shape)
    tr[mask] = dti.trace(w, axis=-1)
    ax = np.zeros(shape)
    ax[mask] = dti.axial_diffusivity(w, axis=-1)
    rad = np.zeros(shape)
    rad[mask] = dti.radial_diffusivity(w, axis=-1)
    return fa, md, tr, ax, rad
예제 #11
def dodata(f_name, data_path):
    dipy_home = pjoin(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'dipy_data')
    folder = pjoin(dipy_home, data_path)
    fraw = pjoin(folder, f_name + '.nii.gz')
    fbval = pjoin(folder, f_name + '.bval')
    fbvec = pjoin(folder, f_name + '.bvec')
    flabels = pjoin(folder, f_name + '.nii-label.nii.gz')

    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    img = nib.load(fraw)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()

    label_img = nib.load(flabels)
    labels = label_img.get_data()
    lap = through_label_sl.label_position(labels, labelValue=1)
    dataslice = data[40:80, 20:80, lap[2][2] / 2]
    #print lap[2][2]/2


    maskdata, mask = median_otsu(data,
                                 vol_idx=range(10, 50),
                                 dilate=2)  #不去背景
    """ get fa and tensor evecs and ODF"""
    from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel, mean_diffusivity
    tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)

    sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')

    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0

    np.save(os.getcwd() + '\zhibiao' + f_name + '_FA.npy', FA)
    fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
    nib.save(fa_img, os.getcwd() + '\zhibiao' + f_name + '_FA.nii.gz')
    print('Saving "DTI_tensor_fa.nii.gz" sucessful.')
    evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)
             os.getcwd() + '\zhibiao' + f_name + '_DTI_tensor_evecs.nii.gz')
    print('Saving "DTI_tensor_evecs.nii.gz" sucessful.')
    MD1 = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(MD1.astype(np.float32), img.get_affine()),
             os.getcwd() + '\zhibiao' + f_name + '_MD.nii.gz')

    #tensor_odfs = tenmodel.fit(data[20:50, 55:85, 38:39]).odf(sphere)
    #from dipy.reconst.odf import gfa

    wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4,
                             (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011))))

    response = recursive_response(gtab,
    from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel
    csd_model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response)

    #csd_fit = csd_model.fit(data)

    from dipy.direction import peaks_from_model

    csd_peaks = peaks_from_model(model=csd_model,

    GFA = csd_peaks.gfa

    nib.save(GFA, os.getcwd() + '\zhibiao' + f_name + '_MSD.nii.gz')
    print('Saving "GFA.nii.gz" sucessful.')

    from dipy.reconst.shore import ShoreModel
    asm = ShoreModel(gtab)
    print('Calculating...SHORE msd')
    asmfit = asm.fit(data, mask)
    msd = asmfit.msd()
    msd[np.isnan(msd)] = 0

    #print GFA[:,:,slice].T
    print('Saving msd_img.png')
    nib.save(msd, os.getcwd() + '\zhibiao' + f_name + '_GFA.nii.gz')
예제 #12
def main():
    parser = buildArgsParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Load data
    img = nib.load(args.input)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()

    # Setting suffix savename
    if args.savename is None:
        filename = ""
        filename = args.savename + "_"

    if os.path.exists(filename + 'fa.nii.gz'):
        if not args.overwrite:
            raise ValueError("File " + filename + "fa.nii.gz" 
                             + " already exists. Use -f option to overwrite.")

        print (filename + "fa.nii.gz", " already exists and will be overwritten.")

    if args.mask is not None:
        mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data()
        print("No mask specified. Computing mask with median_otsu.")
        data, mask = median_otsu(data)
        mask_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(mask_img, filename + 'mask.nii.gz')

    # Get tensors
    print('Tensor estimation...')
    b_vals, b_vecs = read_bvals_bvecs(args.bvals, args.bvecs)
    gtab = gradient_table_from_bvals_bvecs(b_vals, b_vecs)
    tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)

    # FA
    print('Computing FA...')
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0

    # RGB
    print('Computing RGB...')
    FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
    RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)

    if args.all :
        print('Computing Diffusivities...')
        # diffusivities
        MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)

        print('Computing Mode...')
        MODE = mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)

        print('Saving tensor coefficients and metrics...')
        # Get the Tensor values and format them for visualisation in the Fibernavigator.
        tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
        correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
        tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
        fiber_tensors = nib.Nifti1Image(tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(fiber_tensors, filename + 'tensors.nii.gz')

        # Save - for some reason this is not read properly by the FiberNav
        md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(md_img, filename + 'md.nii.gz')
        ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(ad_img, filename + 'ad.nii.gz')
        rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(rd_img, filename + 'rd.nii.gz')
        mode_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(mode_img, filename + 'mode.nii.gz')

    fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
    nib.save(fa_img, filename + 'fa.nii.gz')
    rgb_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
    nib.save(rgb_img, filename + 'rgb.nii.gz')
예제 #13
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from dipy.core.gradients import GradientTable
        from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy, mean_diffusivity
        from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import recursive_response, auto_response

        img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
        imref = nb.four_to_three(img)[0]
        affine = img.affine

        if isdefined(self.inputs.in_mask):
            msk = nb.load(self.inputs.in_mask).get_data()
            msk[msk > 0] = 1
            msk[msk < 0] = 0
            msk = np.ones(imref.shape)

        data = img.get_data().astype(np.float32)
        gtab = self._get_gradient_table()

        evals = np.nan_to_num(nb.load(self.inputs.in_evals).get_data())
        FA = np.nan_to_num(fractional_anisotropy(evals)) * msk
        indices = np.where(FA > self.inputs.fa_thresh)
        S0s = data[indices][:, np.nonzero(gtab.b0s_mask)[0]]
        S0 = np.mean(S0s)

        if self.inputs.auto:
            response, ratio = auto_response(gtab,
            response = response[0].tolist() + [S0]
        elif self.inputs.recursive:
            MD = np.nan_to_num(mean_diffusivity(evals)) * msk
            indices = np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4,
                                    (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011)))
            data = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file).get_data()
            response = recursive_response(gtab,
            ratio = abs(response[1] / response[0])
            lambdas = evals[indices]
            l01 = np.sort(np.mean(lambdas, axis=0))

            response = np.array([l01[-1], l01[-2], l01[-2], S0])
            ratio = abs(response[1] / response[0])

        if ratio > 0.25:
                'Estimated response is not prolate enough. '
                'Ratio=%0.3f.', ratio)
        elif ratio < 1.e-5 or np.any(np.isnan(response)):
            response = np.array([1.8e-3, 3.6e-4, 3.6e-4, S0])
                'Estimated response is not valid, using a default one')
            IFLOGGER.info('Estimated response: %s', str(response[:3]))

        np.savetxt(op.abspath(self.inputs.response), response)

        wm_mask = np.zeros_like(FA)
        wm_mask[indices] = 1
        nb.Nifti1Image(wm_mask.astype(np.uint8), affine,
        return runtime
예제 #14
def run_to_estimate_dti_maps(path_input,
    folder = os.path.dirname(path_input)
    if fbval == "" or fbvec == "":
        folder_sujeto = path_output
        for l in os.listdir(folder_sujeto):
            if "TENSOR" in l and "bval" in l:
                fbval = os.path.join(folder_sujeto, l)
            if "TENSOR" in l and "bvec" in l:
                fbvec = os.path.join(folder_sujeto, l)

    if file_tensor_fitevals == "" or file_tensor_fitevecs == "":

        for i in os.listdir(folder):
            if "DTIEvals" in i:
                file_tensor_fitevals = os.path.join(folder, i)

        for i in os.listdir(folder):
            if "DTIEvecs" in i:
                file_tensor_fitevecs = os.path.join(folder, i)

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "list_maps.txt")):

        # def to_estimate_dti_maps(path_dwi_input, path_output, file_tensor_fitevecs, file_tensor_fitevals):
        ref_name_only = utils.to_extract_filename(file_tensor_fitevecs)
        ref_name_only = ref_name_only[:-9]

        list_maps = []

        img_tensorFitevecs = nib.load(file_tensor_fitevecs)
        img_tensorFitevals = nib.load(file_tensor_fitevals)

        evecs = img_tensorFitevecs.get_data()
        evals = img_tensorFitevals.get_data()

        affine = img_tensorFitevecs.affine

        print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of FA map')
        FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals)
        FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine),
            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_FA' + d.extension))

            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_FA' + d.extension))

        print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of Color FA map')
        FA2 = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
        RGB = color_fa(FA2, evecs)
            nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine),
            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_FA_RGB' + d.extension))

        print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of MD map')
        MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(evals)
            nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine),
            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_MD' + d.extension))

            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_MD' + d.extension))

        print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of AD map')
        AD = dti.axial_diffusivity(evals)
            nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine),
            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_AD' + d.extension))

            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_AD' + d.extension))

        print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of RD map')
        RD = dti.radial_diffusivity(evals)
            nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine),
            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_RD' + d.extension))

            os.path.join(path_output, ref_name_only + '_RD' + d.extension))

        sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
        peak_indices = quantize_evecs(evecs, sphere.vertices)

        eu = EuDX(FA.astype('f8'),
        tensor_streamlines = [streamline for streamline in eu]

        hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
        hdr['voxel_size'] = nib.load(path_input).header.get_zooms()[:3]
        hdr['voxel_order'] = 'LAS'
        hdr['dim'] = FA.shape

        tensor_streamlines_trk = ((sl, None, None)
                                  for sl in tensor_streamlines)

            path_output, ref_name_only + '_tractography_EuDx.trk'),

        with open(os.path.join(path_output, "list_maps.txt"), "w") as f:
            for s in list_maps:
                f.write(str(s) + "\n")

    return path_input
예제 #15
def nonlinfit_fn(dwi, bvecs, bvals, base_name):
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os.path as op
    import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
    from dipy.core.gradients import GradientTable

    dwi_img = nb.load(dwi)
    dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data()
    dwi_affine = dwi_img.get_affine()
    from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
    b0_mask, mask = median_otsu(dwi_data, 2, 4)
    # Mask the data so that tensors are not fit for
    # unnecessary voxels
    mask_img = nb.Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    b0_imgs = nb.Nifti1Image(b0_mask.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    b0_img = nb.four_to_three(b0_imgs)[0]

    out_mask_name = op.abspath(base_name + '_binary_mask.nii.gz')
    out_b0_name = op.abspath(base_name + '_b0_mask.nii.gz')
    nb.save(mask_img, out_mask_name)
    nb.save(b0_img, out_b0_name)

    # Load the gradient strengths and directions
    bvals = np.loadtxt(bvals)
    gradients = np.loadtxt(bvecs)

    # Dipy wants Nx3 arrays
    if gradients.shape[0] == 3:
        gradients = gradients.T
        assert(gradients.shape[1] == 3)

    # Place in Dipy's preferred format
    gtab = GradientTable(gradients)
    gtab.bvals = bvals

    # Fit the tensors to the data
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab, fit_method="NLLS")
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(dwi_data, mask)

    # Calculate the fit, fa, and md of each voxel's tensor
    tensor_data = tenfit.lower_triangular()
    print('Computing anisotropy measures (FA, MD, RGB)')
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy, color_fa

    evals = tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32)
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(np.abs(evals))
    FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

    MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(np.abs(evals))
    norm = dti.norm(tenfit.quadratic_form)

    RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)

    evecs = tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32)
    mode = tenfit.mode.astype(np.float32)
    mode = np.nan_to_num(mode)

    # Write tensor as a 4D Nifti image with the original affine
    tensor_fit_img = nb.Nifti1Image(tensor_data.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    mode_img = nb.Nifti1Image(mode.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    norm_img = nb.Nifti1Image(norm.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    FA_img = nb.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    evecs_img = nb.Nifti1Image(evecs, dwi_affine)
    evals_img = nb.Nifti1Image(evals, dwi_affine)
    rgb_img = nb.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), dwi_affine)
    MD_img = nb.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)

    out_tensor_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_tensor.nii.gz")
    out_mode_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_mode.nii.gz")
    out_fa_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_fa.nii.gz")
    out_norm_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_norm.nii.gz")
    out_evals_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_evals.nii.gz")
    out_evecs_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_evecs.nii.gz")
    out_rgb_fa_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_rgb_fa.nii.gz")
    out_md_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_md.nii.gz")

    nb.save(rgb_img, out_rgb_fa_file)
    nb.save(norm_img, out_norm_file)
    nb.save(mode_img, out_mode_file)
    nb.save(tensor_fit_img, out_tensor_file)
    nb.save(evecs_img, out_evecs_file)
    nb.save(evals_img, out_evals_file)
    nb.save(FA_img, out_fa_file)
    nb.save(MD_img, out_md_file)
    print('Tensor fit image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_tensor_file))
    print('FA image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_fa_file))
    print('MD image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_md_file))
    return out_tensor_file, out_fa_file, out_md_file, \
        out_evecs_file, out_evals_file, out_rgb_fa_file, out_norm_file, \
        out_mode_file, out_mask_name, out_b0_name
예제 #16
def compute_dti(fname_in, fname_bvals, fname_bvecs, prefix, method, file_mask):
    Compute DTI.
    :param fname_in: input 4d file.
    :param bvals: bvals txt file
    :param bvecs: bvecs txt file
    :param prefix: output prefix. Example: "dti_"
    :param method: algo for computing dti
    :return: True/False
    # Open file.
    from msct_image import Image
    nii = Image(fname_in)
    data = nii.data
    print('data.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % data.shape)

    # open bvecs/bvals
    from dipy.io import read_bvals_bvecs
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fname_bvals, fname_bvecs)
    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    # mask and crop the data. This is a quick way to avoid calculating Tensors on the background of the image.
    if not file_mask == '':
        printv('Open mask file...', param.verbose)
        # open mask file
        nii_mask = Image(file_mask)
        mask = nii_mask.data

    # fit tensor model
    printv('Computing tensor using "'+method+'" method...', param.verbose)
    import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
    if method == 'standard':
        tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
        if file_mask == '':
            tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data)
            tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)
    elif method == 'restore':
        import dipy.denoise.noise_estimate as ne
        sigma = ne.estimate_sigma(data)
        dti_restore = dti.TensorModel(gtab, fit_method='RESTORE', sigma=sigma)
        if file_mask == '':
            tenfit = dti_restore.fit(data)
            tenfit = dti_restore.fit(data, mask)

    # Compute metrics
    printv('Computing metrics...', param.verbose)
    # FA
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    nii.data = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    # MD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import mean_diffusivity
    nii.data = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    # RD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import radial_diffusivity
    nii.data = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    # AD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import axial_diffusivity
    nii.data = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)

    return True
예제 #17
def diffusion_components(dki_params,
    """ Extracts the restricted and hindered diffusion tensors of well aligned
    fibers from diffusion kurtosis imaging parameters [1]_.

    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
        Parameters are ordered as follows:
            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
    sphere : Sphere class instance, optional
        The sphere providing sample directions to sample the restricted and
        hindered cellular diffusion tensors. For more details see Fieremans
        et al., 2011.
    awf : ndarray (optional)
        Array containing values of the axonal water fraction that has the shape
        dki_params.shape[:-1]. If not given this will be automatically computed
        using :func:`axonal_water_fraction`" with function's default precision.
    mask : ndarray (optional)
        A boolean array used to mark the coordinates in the data that should be
        analyzed that has the shape dki_params.shape[:-1]

    edt : ndarray (x, y, z, 6) or (n, 6)
        Parameters of the hindered diffusion tensor.
    idt : ndarray (x, y, z, 6) or (n, 6)
        Parameters of the restricted diffusion tensor.

    In the original article of DKI microstructural model [1]_, the hindered and
    restricted tensors were definde as the intra-cellular and extra-cellular
    diffusion compartments respectively.

    .. [1] Fieremans E, Jensen JH, Helpern JA, 2011. White matter
           characterization with diffusional kurtosis imaging.
           Neuroimage 58(1):177-88. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.06.006
    shape = dki_params.shape[:-1]

    # load gradient directions
    if not isinstance(sphere, dps.Sphere):
        sphere = get_sphere(sphere)

    # select voxels where to apply the single fiber model
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(shape, dtype='bool')
        if mask.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError("Mask is not the same shape as dki_params.")
            mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool, copy=False)

    # check or compute awf values
    if awf is None:
        awf = axonal_water_fraction(dki_params, sphere=sphere, mask=mask)
        if awf.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError("awf array is not the same shape as dki_params.")

    # Initialize hindered and restricted diffusion tensors
    edt_all = np.zeros(shape + (6, ))
    idt_all = np.zeros(shape + (6, ))

    # Generate matrix that converts apparent diffusion coefficients to tensors
    B = np.zeros((sphere.x.size, 6))
    B[:, 0] = sphere.x * sphere.x  # Bxx
    B[:, 1] = sphere.x * sphere.y * 2.  # Bxy
    B[:, 2] = sphere.y * sphere.y  # Byy
    B[:, 3] = sphere.x * sphere.z * 2.  # Bxz
    B[:, 4] = sphere.y * sphere.z * 2.  # Byz
    B[:, 5] = sphere.z * sphere.z  # Bzz
    pinvB = np.linalg.pinv(B)

    # Compute hindered and restricted diffusion tensors for all voxels
    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
    dt = lower_triangular(vec_val_vect(evecs, evals))
    md = mean_diffusivity(evals)

    index = ndindex(mask.shape)
    for idx in index:
        if not mask[idx]:
        # sample apparent diffusion and kurtosis values
        di = directional_diffusion(dt[idx], sphere.vertices)
        ki = directional_kurtosis(dt[idx],
        edi = di * (1 + np.sqrt(ki * awf[idx] / (3.0 - 3.0 * awf[idx])))
        edt = np.dot(pinvB, edi)
        edt_all[idx] = edt

        # We only move on if there is an axonal water fraction.
        # Otherwise, remaining params are already zero, so move on
        if awf[idx] == 0:
        # Convert apparent diffusion and kurtosis values to apparent diffusion
        # values of the hindered and restricted diffusion
        idi = di * (1 - np.sqrt(ki * (1.0 - awf[idx]) / (3.0 * awf[idx])))
        # generate hindered and restricted diffusion tensors
        idt = np.dot(pinvB, idi)
        idt_all[idx] = idt

    return edt_all, idt_all
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
print('Fitting the free water DTI model...')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

t0 = time.time()
fw_params = nls_fit_tensor(gtab, data, mask)
dt = time.time() - t0
print("This step took %f seconds to run" % dt)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
print('Compute tensor statistic from the fitted parameters...')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

evals = fw_params[..., :3]
FA = dti.fractional_anisotropy(evals)
MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(evals)
F = fw_params[..., 12]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
print('Compute standard DTI for comparison...')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

dtimodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)

dtifit = dtimodel.fit(data, mask=mask)

dti_FA = dtifit.fa
dti_MD = dtifit.md

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
print('Plot data for a axial slice of the data ...')
예제 #19
파일: reconst.py 프로젝트: emanuele/dipy
    def run(self, input_files, bvalues, bvectors, mask_files, b0_threshold=0.0,
            out_dir='', out_tensor='tensors.nii.gz', out_fa='fa.nii.gz',
            out_ga='ga.nii.gz', out_rgb='rgb.nii.gz', out_md='md.nii.gz',
            out_ad='ad.nii.gz', out_rd='rd.nii.gz', out_mode='mode.nii.gz',
            out_evec='evecs.nii.gz', out_eval='evals.nii.gz'):

        """ Workflow for tensor reconstruction and for computing DTI metrics.
        Performs a tensor reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DTI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b=0 directions (default 0.0)
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
            (default [] (all))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved (default 'tensors.nii.gz')
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'fa.nii.gz')
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'ga.nii.gz')
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved (default 'rgb.nii.gz')
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'md.nii.gz')
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'ad.nii.gz')
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'rd.nii.gz')
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved (default 'mode.nii.gz')
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved
            (default 'evecs.nii.gz')
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved (default 'evals.nii.gz')
        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad, \
            omode, oevecs, oevals in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DTI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))

            img = nib.load(dwi)
            data = img.get_data()
            affine = img.get_affine()

            if mask is None:
                mask = None
                mask = nib.load(mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

            tenfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = ['fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb', 'mode',
                                'evec', 'eval', 'tensor']

            FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
                fiber_tensors = nib.Nifti1Image(tensor_vals_reordered.astype(
                    np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(fiber_tensors, otensor)

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(fa_img, ofa)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
                ga_img = nib.Nifti1Image(GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(ga_img, oga)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
                rgb_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
                nib.save(rgb_img, orgb)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(md_img, omd)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(ad_img, oad)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(rd_img, orad)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                mode_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(mode_img, omode)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(evecs_img, oevecs)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                evals_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(evals_img, oevals)

            logging.info('DTI metrics saved in {0}'.
예제 #20
def main():
    #Argparse Stuff
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='subject_id')
    parser.add_argument('--subject_id', type=str, default='135124')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Method Saving Paths
    base_save_path = r'/root/hcp_results'
    base_save_path = os.path.normpath(base_save_path)
    if os.path.exists(base_save_path) == False:

    # Create base saving path for Method
    # TODO The Method name can be made an argument later on
    method_name = 'DTI'

    # Base HCP Data Path
    # TODO KARTHIK This is where we hard set HCP's Data Path
    base_data_path = r'/root/local_mount/data'
    base_data_path = os.path.normpath(base_data_path)

    # Subject ID's list
    #subj_ID_List = ['115017', '114823', '116726', '118225', '115825', '125525']
    #subj_ID_List = ['100610', '102311', '102816', '104416', '105923', '108323', '109123', '111312', '111514']

    # Subject ID
    subj_ID = args.subject_id

    # Subject Save Path

    print('Working on subject ID: {}'.format(subj_ID))
    subj_save_path = os.path.join(base_save_path, subj_ID)
    if os.path.exists(subj_save_path) == False:

    # TODO For later the subject data, bval and bvec reading part can be put inside a function
    subj_data_path = os.path.join(base_data_path, subj_ID, 'T1w', 'Diffusion')

    # Read the Nifti file, bvals and bvecs
    subj_bvals = os.path.join(subj_data_path, 'bvals')
    subj_bvecs = os.path.join(subj_data_path, 'bvecs')

    subj_babel_object = nib.load(os.path.join(subj_data_path, 'data.nii.gz'))
    subj_data = subj_babel_object.get_fdata()

    # Load the mask
    mask_babel_object = nib.load(
        os.path.join(subj_data_path, 'nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz'))
    mask_data = mask_babel_object.get_data()

    # Prepping Bvals, Bvecs and forming the gradient table using dipy
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(subj_bvals, subj_bvecs)
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    print('Gradient Table formed ...')

    #maskdata, mask = median_otsu(subj_data, vol_idx=range(10, 50), median_radius=3,
    #                            numpass=1, autocrop=True, dilate=2)
    #print('maskdata.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % maskdata.shape)

    # Form the tensor model
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)

    ## Loop over the data and mask
    data_dims = subj_data.shape

    fa_vol = np.zeros((data_dims[0], data_dims[1], data_dims[2]))
    md_vol = np.zeros((data_dims[0], data_dims[1], data_dims[2]))

    for x in range(0, data_dims[0]):
        for y in range(0, data_dims[1]):
            for z in range(0, data_dims[2]):

                if mask_data[x, y, z] == 1:
                    # Fit the tensor and calculate FA and MD
                    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(subj_data[x, y, z, :])

                    # Eval FA and MD and assign to empty vols
                    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
                    MD1 = dti.mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)

                    fa_vol[x, y, z] = FA
                    md_vol[x, y, z] = MD1

    ### Nifti Saving Part
    # Create a directory per subject
    subj_method_save_path = os.path.join(subj_save_path, method_name)
    if os.path.exists(subj_method_save_path) == False:

    # Retrieve the affine from already Read Nifti file to form the header
    affine = subj_babel_object.affine

    # Form the file path
    fa_file_path = os.path.join(subj_method_save_path, 'tensor_fa.nii.gz')
    md_file_path = os.path.join(subj_method_save_path, 'tensor_md.nii.gz')

    print('Computing anisotropy measures (FA, MD, RGB)')

    save_nifti(fa_file_path, fa_vol.astype(np.float32), affine)

    save_nifti(md_file_path, md_vol.astype(np.float32), affine)

    return None
예제 #21
def nls_fit_fwdki(design_matrix, design_matrix_dki, data, S0, params=None, Diso=3e-3,
                    f_transform=True, mdreg=2.7e-3):
    Fit the water elimination DKI model using the non-linear least-squares.

    design_matrix : array (g, 22)
        Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the regression
    data : ndarray ([X, Y, Z, ...], g)
        Data or response variables holding the data. Note that the last
        dimension should contain the data. It makes no copies of data.
    S0 : ndarray ([X, Y, Z])
        A first guess of the non-diffusion signal S0. 
    params : ndarray ([X, Y, Z, ...], 28), optional
        A first model parameters guess (3 eigenvalues, 3 coordinates
        of 3 eigenvalues, 15 elements of the kurtosis tensor and the volume
        fraction of the free water compartment). If the initial params are
        not given, for the diffusion and kurtosis tensor parameters, its 
        initial guess is obtain from the standard DKI model, while for the
        free water fraction its value is estimated using the fwDTI model.
        Default: None
    Diso : float, optional
        Value of the free water isotropic diffusion. Default is set to 3e-3
        $mm^{2}.s^{-1}$. Please ajust this value if you are assuming different
        units of diffusion.
    f_transform : bool, optional
        If true, the water volume fractions is converted during the convergence
        procedure to ft = arcsin(2*f - 1) + pi/2, insuring f estimates between
        0 and 1.
        Default: True
    mdreg : float, optimal
        DTI's mean diffusivity regularization threshold. If standard DTI
        diffusion tensor's mean diffusivity is almost near the free water
        diffusion value, the diffusion signal is assumed to be only free water
        diffusion (i.e. volume fraction will be set to 1 and tissue's diffusion
        parameters are set to zero). Default md_reg is 2.7e-3 $mm^{2}.s^{-1}$
        (corresponding to 90% of the free water diffusion value).

    fw_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 28)
        Matrix containing in the dimention the free water model parameters in
        the following order:
            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the
               first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
            4) The volume fraction of the free water compartment
    S0 : ndarray (x, y, z)
        The models estimate of the non diffusion-weighted signal S0.
    # preparing data and initializing parameters
    data = np.asarray(data)
    data_flat = np.reshape(data, (-1, data.shape[-1]))
    S0out = S0.copy()
    S0out = S0out.ravel()

    # Computing WLS DTI solution for MD regularization
    dtiparams = dti.wls_fit_tensor(design_matrix, data_flat)
    md = dti.mean_diffusivity(dtiparams[..., :3])
    cond = md > mdreg  # removal condition
    data_cond = data_flat[~cond, :]

    # Initializing fw_params according to selected initial guess
    if np.any(params) is None:
        params_out = np.zeros((len(data_flat), 28))
        dkiparams = dki.wls_fit_dki(design_matrix_dki, data_flat)
        fweparams, sd = fwdti.wls_fit_tensor(design_matrix, data_flat,
                                             S0=S0, Diso=Diso,
        params_out[:, 0:27] = dkiparams
        params_out[:, 27] = fweparams[:, 12]
        params_out = params.copy()
        params_out = np.reshape(params_out, (-1, params_out.shape[-1]))

    params_cond = params_out[~cond, :]
    S0_cond = S0out[~cond]

    for vox in range(data_cond.shape[0]):
        if np.all(data_cond[vox] == 0):
            raise ValueError("The data in this voxel contains only zeros")

        params = params_cond[vox]

        # converting evals and evecs to diffusion tensor elements
        evals = params[:3]
        evecs = params[3:12].reshape((3, 3))
        dt = lower_triangular(vec_val_vect(evecs, evals))
        kt = params[..., 12:27]
        s0 = S0_cond[vox]
        MD = evals.mean()

        # f transformation if requested
        if f_transform:
            f = np.arcsin(2*params[27] - 1) + np.pi/2
            f = params[27]

        # Use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm wrapped in opt.leastsq
        start_params = np.concatenate((dt, kt*MD*MD, [np.log(s0), f]), axis=0)
        this_tensor, status = opt.leastsq(_nls_err_func, start_params,
                                                Diso, f_transform))

        # Invert f transformation if this was requested
        if f_transform:
            this_tensor[22] = 0.5 * (1 + np.sin(this_tensor[22] - np.pi/2))

        # The parameters are the evals and the evecs:
        evals, evecs = decompose_tensor(from_lower_triangular(this_tensor[:6]))
        MD = evals.mean()
        params_cond[vox, :3] = evals
        params_cond[vox, 3:12] = evecs.ravel()
        params_cond[vox, 12:27] = this_tensor[6:21] / (MD ** 2)
        params_cond[vox, 27] = this_tensor[22]
        S0_cond[vox] = np.exp(-this_tensor[21])

    params_out[~cond, :] = params_cond
    params_out[cond, 27] = 1  # Only free water
    params_out = np.reshape(params_out, (data.shape[:-1]) + (28,))
    S0out[~cond] = S0_cond
    S0out[cond] = \
        np.mean(data_flat[cond, :] / \
                np.exp(np.dot(design_matrix[..., :6],
                              np.array([Diso, 0, Diso, 0, 0, Diso]))),
                -1)  # Only free water
    S0out = S0out.reshape(data.shape[:-1])
    return params_out, S0out
예제 #22
파일: dki.py 프로젝트: oesteban/dipy
def apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params,
    r""" Calculate the apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) in each direction
    of a sphere.

    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
        Parameters are ordered as follow:
            1) Three diffusion tensor's eingenvalues
            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
               second and third coordinates of the eigenvectors respectively
            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
    sphere : a Sphere class instance
        The AKC will be calculated for each of the vertices in the sphere
    min_diffusivity : float (optional)
        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues
        cause quite a lot of noise in diffusion based metrics, diffusivity
        values smaller than `min_diffusivity` are replaced with
        `min_diffusivity`. defaut = 0
    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
        Because high amplitude negative values of kurtosis are not physicaly
        and biologicaly pluasible, and these causes huge artefacts in kurtosis
        based measures, directional kurtosis values than `min_kurtosis` are
        replaced with `min_kurtosis`. defaut = -1

    AKC : ndarray (x, y, z, g) or (n, g)
        Apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) for all g directions of a sphere.

    For each sphere direction with coordinates $(n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3})$, the
    calculation of AKC is done using formula:

    .. math ::

    where $W_{ijkl}$ are the elements of the kurtosis tensor, MD the mean
    diffusivity and ADC the apparent diffusion coefficent computed as:

    .. math ::

    where $D_{ij}$ are the elements of the diffusion tensor.

    # Flat parameters
    outshape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((-1, dki_params.shape[-1]))

    # Split data
    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)

    # Compute MD
    MD = mean_diffusivity(evals)

    # Initialize AKC matrix
    V = sphere.vertices
    AKC = np.zeros((len(kt), len(V)))

    # loop over all voxels
    for vox in range(len(kt)):
        R = evecs[vox]
        dt = lower_triangular(np.dot(np.dot(R, np.diag(evals[vox])), R.T))
        AKC[vox] = _directional_kurtosis(dt,

    # reshape data according to input data
    AKC = AKC.reshape((outshape + (len(V), )))

    return AKC
def dodata(f_name,data_path):
    dipy_home = pjoin(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'dipy_data')
    folder = pjoin(dipy_home, data_path)
    fraw = pjoin(folder, f_name+'.nii.gz')
    fbval = pjoin(folder, f_name+'.bval')
    fbvec = pjoin(folder, f_name+'.bvec')
    flabels = pjoin(folder, f_name+'.nii-label.nii.gz')
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    img = nib.load(fraw)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    label_img = nib.load(flabels)
    lap=through_label_sl.label_position(labels, labelValue=1)    
    dataslice = data[40:80, 20:80, lap[2][2] / 2]
    #print lap[2][2]/2
    maskdata, mask = median_otsu(data, 2, 1, False, vol_idx=range(10, 50), dilate=2) #不去背景
    """ get fa and tensor evecs and ODF"""
    from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel,mean_diffusivity
    tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)
    sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
    print('Saving "DTI_tensor_fa.nii.gz" sucessful.')
    evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)
    nib.save(evecs_img, os.getcwd()+'\zhibiao'+f_name+'_DTI_tensor_evecs.nii.gz')
    print('Saving "DTI_tensor_evecs.nii.gz" sucessful.')
    MD1 = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(MD1.astype(np.float32), img.get_affine()), os.getcwd()+'\zhibiao'+f_name+'_MD.nii.gz')
    #tensor_odfs = tenmodel.fit(data[20:50, 55:85, 38:39]).odf(sphere)
    #from dipy.reconst.odf import gfa
    wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4, (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011))))

    response = recursive_response(gtab, data, mask=wm_mask, sh_order=8,
                                  peak_thr=0.01, init_fa=0.08,
                                  init_trace=0.0021, iter=8, convergence=0.001,
    from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel
    csd_model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response)
    #csd_fit = csd_model.fit(data)

    from dipy.direction import peaks_from_model

    csd_peaks = peaks_from_model(model=csd_model,
    GFA = csd_peaks.gfa
    nib.save(GFA, os.getcwd()+'\zhibiao'+f_name+'_MSD.nii.gz')
    print('Saving "GFA.nii.gz" sucessful.')
    from dipy.reconst.shore import ShoreModel
    asm = ShoreModel(gtab)
    print('Calculating...SHORE msd')
    asmfit = asm.fit(data,mask)
    msd = asmfit.msd()
    msd[np.isnan(msd)] = 0
    #print GFA[:,:,slice].T
    print('Saving msd_img.png')
    nib.save(msd, os.getcwd()+'\zhibiao'+f_name+'_GFA.nii.gz')
 tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)
 sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
 FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
 FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
 fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
 print FA.shape
 print('Saving "DTI_tensor_fa.nii.gz" sucessful.')
 evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)
 nib.save(evecs_img, os.getcwd()+'/zhibiao/'+f_name+'_DTI_tensor_evecs.nii.gz')
 print('Saving "DTI_tensor_evecs.nii.gz" sucessful.')
 MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
 print MD.shape
 print('Saving "MD.nii.gz" sucessful.')
 nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), img.get_affine()), os.getcwd()+'/zhibiao/'+f_name+'_MD.nii.gz')
 tensor_odfs = tenmodel.fit(data[20:50, 55:85, 38:39]).odf(sphere)
 from dipy.reconst.odf import gfa
 wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4, (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011))))
 response = recursive_response(gtab, data, mask=wm_mask, sh_order=8,
                               peak_thr=0.01, init_fa=0.08,
                               init_trace=0.0021, iter=8, convergence=0.001,
예제 #25
파일: reconst.py 프로젝트: emanuele/dipy
    def run(self,
        """ Workflow for tensor reconstruction and for computing DTI metrics.
        Performs a tensor reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DTI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b=0 directions (default 0.0)
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
            (default [] (all))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved (default 'tensors.nii.gz')
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'fa.nii.gz')
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'ga.nii.gz')
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved (default 'rgb.nii.gz')
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'md.nii.gz')
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'ad.nii.gz')
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'rd.nii.gz')
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved (default 'mode.nii.gz')
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved
            (default 'evecs.nii.gz')
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved (default 'evals.nii.gz')
        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad, \
            omode, oevecs, oevals in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DTI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))

            img = nib.load(dwi)
            data = img.get_data()
            affine = img.get_affine()

            if mask is None:
                mask = None
                mask = nib.load(mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

            tenfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = [
                    'fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb', 'mode', 'evec',
                    'eval', 'tensor'

            FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
                fiber_tensors = nib.Nifti1Image(
                    tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(fiber_tensors, otensor)

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(fa_img, ofa)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
                ga_img = nib.Nifti1Image(GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(ga_img, oga)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
                rgb_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
                nib.save(rgb_img, orgb)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(md_img, omd)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(ad_img, oad)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(rd_img, orad)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                mode_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(mode_img, omode)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32),
                nib.save(evecs_img, oevecs)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                evals_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32),
                nib.save(evals_img, oevals)

            logging.info('DTI metrics saved in {0}'.format(
예제 #26
def to_estimate_dti_maps(path_dwi_input, path_output, file_tensor_fitevecs,
    ref_name_only = utils.to_extract_filename(file_tensor_fitevecs)
    ref_name_only = ref_name_only[:-9]

    list_maps = []

    img_tensorFitevecs = nib.load(file_tensor_fitevecs)
    img_tensorFitevals = nib.load(file_tensor_fitevals)

    evecs = img_tensorFitevecs.get_data()
    evals = img_tensorFitevals.get_data()

    affine = img_tensorFitevecs.affine

    print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of FA map')
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine),
             path_output + ref_name_only + '_FA' + d.extension)

    list_maps.append(path_output + ref_name_only + '_FA' + d.extension)

    print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of Color FA map')
    FA2 = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
    RGB = color_fa(FA2, evecs)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine),
             path_output + ref_name_only + '_FA_RGB' + d.extension)

    print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of MD map')
    MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(evals)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine),
             path_output + ref_name_only + '_MD' + d.extension)

    list_maps.append(path_output + ref_name_only + '_MD' + d.extension)

    print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of AD map')
    AD = dti.axial_diffusivity(evals)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine),
             path_output + ref_name_only + '_AD' + d.extension)

    list_maps.append(path_output + ref_name_only + '_AD' + d.extension)

    print(d.separador + d.separador + 'computing of RD map')
    RD = dti.radial_diffusivity(evals)
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine),
             path_output + ref_name_only + '_RD' + d.extension)

    list_maps.append(path_output + ref_name_only + '_RD' + d.extension)

    sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    peak_indices = quantize_evecs(evecs, sphere.vertices)

    eu = EuDX(FA.astype('f8'),
    tensor_streamlines = [streamline for streamline in eu]

    hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
    hdr['voxel_size'] = nib.load(path_dwi_input).get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    hdr['voxel_order'] = 'LAS'
    hdr['dim'] = FA.shape

    tensor_streamlines_trk = ((sl, None, None) for sl in tensor_streamlines)

    nib.trackvis.write(path_output + ref_name_only + '_tractography_EuDx.trk',

    return list_maps
예제 #27
파일: reconst.py 프로젝트: swati-malik/dipy
    def run(self,
        """ Workflow for tensor reconstruction and for computing DTI metrics.
        using Weighted Least-Squares.
        Performs a tensor reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DTI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors_files : string
            Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvectors files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b=0 directions (default 0.0)
        bvecs_tol : float, optional
            Threshold used to check that norm(bvec) = 1 +/- bvecs_tol
            b-vectors are unit vectors (default 0.01)
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
            (default [] (all))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved (default 'tensors.nii.gz')
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'fa.nii.gz')
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'ga.nii.gz')
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved (default 'rgb.nii.gz')
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'md.nii.gz')
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'ad.nii.gz')
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'rd.nii.gz')
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved (default 'mode.nii.gz')
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved
            (default 'evecs.nii.gz')
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved (default 'evals.nii.gz')

        .. [1] Basser, P.J., Mattiello, J., LeBihan, D., 1994. Estimation of
           the effective self-diffusion tensor from the NMR spin echo. J Magn
           Reson B 103, 247-254.

        .. [2] Basser, P., Pierpaoli, C., 1996. Microstructural and
           physiological features of tissues elucidated by quantitative
           diffusion-tensor MRI.  Journal of Magnetic Resonance 111, 209-219.

        .. [3] Lin-Ching C., Jones D.K., Pierpaoli, C. 2005. RESTORE: Robust
           estimation of tensors by outlier rejection. MRM 53: 1088-1095

        .. [4] hung, SW., Lu, Y., Henry, R.G., 2006. Comparison of bootstrap
           approaches for estimation of uncertainties of DTI parameters.
           NeuroImage 33, 531-541.

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad, \
                omode, oevecs, oevals in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DTI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
            img = nib.load(dwi)
            data = img.get_data()
            affine = img.affine

            if mask is not None:
                mask = nib.load(mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

            tenfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,
                                               b0_threshold, bvecs_tol)

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = [
                    'fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb', 'mode', 'evec',
                    'eval', 'tensor'

            FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
                fiber_tensors = nib.Nifti1Image(
                    tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(fiber_tensors, otensor)

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(fa_img, ofa)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
                ga_img = nib.Nifti1Image(GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(ga_img, oga)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
                rgb_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
                nib.save(rgb_img, orgb)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(md_img, omd)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(ad_img, oad)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(rd_img, orad)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                mode_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)
                nib.save(mode_img, omode)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32),
                nib.save(evecs_img, oevecs)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                evals_img = nib.Nifti1Image(tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32),
                nib.save(evals_img, oevals)

            dname_ = os.path.dirname(oevals)
            if dname_ == '':
                logging.info('DTI metrics saved in current directory')
                logging.info('DTI metrics saved in {0}'.format(dname_))
예제 #28
def compute_dti(fname_in, fname_bvals, fname_bvecs, prefix, method, file_mask):
    Compute DTI.
    :param fname_in: input 4d file.
    :param bvals: bvals txt file
    :param bvecs: bvecs txt file
    :param prefix: output prefix. Example: "dti_"
    :param method: algo for computing dti
    :return: True/False
    # Open file.
    from msct_image import Image
    nii = Image(fname_in)
    data = nii.data
    sct.printv('data.shape (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % data.shape)

    # open bvecs/bvals
    from dipy.io import read_bvals_bvecs
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fname_bvals, fname_bvecs)
    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    # mask and crop the data. This is a quick way to avoid calculating Tensors on the background of the image.
    if not file_mask == '':
        sct.printv('Open mask file...', param.verbose)
        # open mask file
        nii_mask = Image(file_mask)
        mask = nii_mask.data

    # fit tensor model
    sct.printv('Computing tensor using "' + method + '" method...',
    import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
    if method == 'standard':
        tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
        if file_mask == '':
            tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data)
            tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)
    elif method == 'restore':
        import dipy.denoise.noise_estimate as ne
        sigma = ne.estimate_sigma(data)
        dti_restore = dti.TensorModel(gtab, fit_method='RESTORE', sigma=sigma)
        if file_mask == '':
            tenfit = dti_restore.fit(data)
            tenfit = dti_restore.fit(data, mask)

    # Compute metrics
    sct.printv('Computing metrics...', param.verbose)
    # FA
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    nii.data = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'FA.nii.gz')
    # MD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import mean_diffusivity
    nii.data = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'MD.nii.gz')
    # RD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import radial_diffusivity
    nii.data = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'RD.nii.gz')
    # AD
    from dipy.reconst.dti import axial_diffusivity
    nii.data = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    nii.setFileName(prefix + 'AD.nii.gz')

    return True
예제 #29
파일: dki.py 프로젝트: hassemlal/dipy
def apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params, sphere, min_diffusivity=0,
    r""" Calculate the apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) in each direction
    of a sphere.

    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
        Parameters are ordered as follow:
            1) Three diffusion tensor's eingenvalues
            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
               second and third coordinates of the eigenvectors respectively
            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
    sphere : a Sphere class instance
        The AKC will be calculated for each of the vertices in the sphere
    min_diffusivity : float (optional)
        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues
        cause quite a lot of noise in diffusion based metrics, diffusivity
        values smaller than `min_diffusivity` are replaced with
        `min_diffusivity`. defaut = 0
    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
        Because high amplitude negative values of kurtosis are not physicaly
        and biologicaly pluasible, and these causes huge artefacts in kurtosis
        based measures, directional kurtosis values than `min_kurtosis` are
        replaced with `min_kurtosis`. defaut = -1

    AKC : ndarray (x, y, z, g) or (n, g)
        Apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) for all g directions of a sphere.

    For each sphere direction with coordinates $(n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3})$, the
    calculation of AKC is done using formula:

    .. math ::

    where $W_{ijkl}$ are the elements of the kurtosis tensor, MD the mean
    diffusivity and ADC the apparent diffusion coefficent computed as:

    .. math ::

    where $D_{ij}$ are the elements of the diffusion tensor.

    # Flat parameters
    outshape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((-1, dki_params.shape[-1]))

    # Split data
    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)

    # Compute MD
    MD = mean_diffusivity(evals)

    # Initialize AKC matrix
    V = sphere.vertices
    AKC = np.zeros((len(kt), len(V)))

    # loop over all voxels
    for vox in range(len(kt)):
        R = evecs[vox]
        dt = lower_triangular(np.dot(np.dot(R, np.diag(evals[vox])), R.T))
        AKC[vox] = _directional_kurtosis(dt, MD[vox], kt[vox], V,

    # reshape data according to input data
    AKC = AKC.reshape((outshape + (len(V),)))

    return AKC
예제 #30
    def run(self,
        """ Workflow for tensor reconstruction and for computing DTI metrics.
        using Weighted Least-Squares.
        Performs a tensor reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DTI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors_files : string
            Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvectors files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once.
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
        bvecs_tol : float, optional
            Threshold used to check that norm(bvec) = 1 +/- bvecs_tol
            b-vectors are unit vectors.
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory. (default current directory)
        out_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved.
            Per default, this will be saved following the nifti standard:
            with the tensor elements as Dxx, Dxy, Dyy, Dxz, Dyz, Dzz on the
            last (5th) dimension of the volume (shape: (i, j, k, 1, 6)). If
            `nifti_tensor` is False, this will be saved in an alternate format
            that is used by other software (e.g., FSL): a
            4-dimensional volume (shape (i, j, k, 6)) with Dxx, Dxy, Dxz, Dyy,
            Dyz, Dzz on the last dimension.
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved.
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved.
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved.
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved.
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved.
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved.
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved.
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved.
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved.
        nifti_tensor : bool, optional
            Whether the tensor is saved in the standard Nifti format or in an
            alternate format
            that is used by other software (e.g., FSL): a
            4-dimensional volume (shape (i, j, k, 6)) with
            Dxx, Dxy, Dxz, Dyy, Dyz, Dzz on the last dimension.

        .. [1] Basser, P.J., Mattiello, J., LeBihan, D., 1994. Estimation of
           the effective self-diffusion tensor from the NMR spin echo. J Magn
           Reson B 103, 247-254.

        .. [2] Basser, P., Pierpaoli, C., 1996. Microstructural and
           physiological features of tissues elucidated by quantitative
           diffusion-tensor MRI.  Journal of Magnetic Resonance 111, 209-219.

        .. [3] Lin-Ching C., Jones D.K., Pierpaoli, C. 2005. RESTORE: Robust
           estimation of tensors by outlier rejection. MRM 53: 1088-1095

        .. [4] hung, SW., Lu, Y., Henry, R.G., 2006. Comparison of bootstrap
           approaches for estimation of uncertainties of DTI parameters.
           NeuroImage 33, 531-541.

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad, \
                omode, oevecs, oevals in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DTI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)

            if mask is not None:
                mask = load_nifti_data(mask).astype(bool)

            tenfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,
                                               b0_threshold, bvecs_tol)

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = [
                    'fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb', 'mode', 'evec',
                    'eval', 'tensor'

            FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)

                if nifti_tensor:
                    ten_img = nifti1_symmat(tensor_vals, affine=affine)
                    alt_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                    ten_img = nib.Nifti1Image(
                        tensor_vals[..., alt_order].astype(np.float32), affine)

                nib.save(ten_img, otensor)

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(ofa, FA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oga, GA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
                save_nifti(orgb, np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(omd, MD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oad, AD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(orad, RD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                save_nifti(omode, MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevecs, tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevals, tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)

            dname_ = os.path.dirname(oevals)
            if dname_ == '':
                logging.info('DTI metrics saved in current directory')
                logging.info('DTI metrics saved in {0}'.format(dname_))
예제 #31
def main():
    parser = _build_args_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not args.not_all:
        args.fa = args.fa or 'fa.nii.gz'
        args.ga = args.ga or 'ga.nii.gz'
        args.rgb = args.rgb or 'rgb.nii.gz'
        args.md = args.md or 'md.nii.gz'
        args.ad = args.ad or 'ad.nii.gz'
        args.rd = args.rd or 'rd.nii.gz'
        args.mode = args.mode or 'mode.nii.gz'
        args.norm = args.norm or 'tensor_norm.nii.gz'
        args.tensor = args.tensor or 'tensor.nii.gz'
        args.evecs = args.evecs or 'tensor_evecs.nii.gz'
        args.evals = args.evals or 'tensor_evals.nii.gz'
        args.residual = args.residual or 'dti_residual.nii.gz'
        args.p_i_signal =\
            args.p_i_signal or 'physically_implausible_signals_mask.nii.gz'
        args.pulsation = args.pulsation or 'pulsation_and_misalignment.nii.gz'

    outputs = [args.fa, args.ga, args.rgb, args.md, args.ad, args.rd,
               args.mode, args.norm, args.tensor, args.evecs, args.evals,
               args.residual, args.p_i_signal, args.pulsation]
    if args.not_all and not any(outputs):
        parser.error('When using --not_all, you need to specify at least ' +
                     'one metric to output.')

        parser, [args.input, args.bvals, args.bvecs], [args.mask])
    assert_outputs_exists(parser, args, outputs)

    img = nib.load(args.input)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    if args.mask is None:
        mask = None
        mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

    # Validate bvals and bvecs
    logging.info('Tensor estimation with the %s method...', args.method)
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(args.bvals, args.bvecs)

    if not is_normalized_bvecs(bvecs):
        logging.warning('Your b-vectors do not seem normalized...')
        bvecs = normalize_bvecs(bvecs)

    check_b0_threshold(args, bvals.min())
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=bvals.min())

    # Get tensors
    if args.method == 'restore':
        sigma = ne.estimate_sigma(data)
        tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab, fit_method=args.method, sigma=sigma,
        tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab, fit_method=args.method,

    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)

    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

    if args.tensor:
        # Get the Tensor values and format them for visualisation
        # in the Fibernavigator.
        tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
        correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
        tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
        fiber_tensors = nib.Nifti1Image(
            tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(fiber_tensors, args.tensor)

    if args.fa:
        fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(fa_img, args.fa)

    if args.ga:
        GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
        GA[np.isnan(GA)] = 0

        ga_img = nib.Nifti1Image(GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(ga_img, args.ga)

    if args.rgb:
        RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
        rgb_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
        nib.save(rgb_img, args.rgb)

    if args.md:
        MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(md_img, args.md)

    if args.ad:
        AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(ad_img, args.ad)

    if args.rd:
        RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(rd_img, args.rd)

    if args.mode:
        # Compute tensor mode
        inter_mode = dipy_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)

        # Since the mode computation can generate NANs when not masked,
        # we need to remove them.
        non_nan_indices = np.isfinite(inter_mode)
        mode = np.zeros(inter_mode.shape)
        mode[non_nan_indices] = inter_mode[non_nan_indices]

        mode_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mode.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(mode_img, args.mode)

    if args.norm:
        NORM = norm(tenfit.quadratic_form)
        norm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(NORM.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(norm_img, args.norm)

    if args.evecs:
        evecs = tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32)
        evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs, affine)
        nib.save(evecs_img, args.evecs)

        # save individual e-vectors also
        e1_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs[..., 0], affine)
        e2_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs[..., 1], affine)
        e3_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs[..., 2], affine)

        nib.save(e1_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evecs, '_v1'))
        nib.save(e2_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evecs, '_v2'))
        nib.save(e3_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evecs, '_v3'))

    if args.evals:
        evals = tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32)
        evals_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals, affine)
        nib.save(evals_img, args.evals)

        # save individual e-values also
        e1_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals[..., 0], affine)
        e2_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals[..., 1], affine)
        e3_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals[..., 2], affine)

        nib.save(e1_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evals, '_e1'))
        nib.save(e2_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evals, '_e2'))
        nib.save(e3_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evals, '_e3'))

    if args.p_i_signal:
        S0 = np.mean(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        DWI = data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]
        pis_mask = np.max(S0 < DWI, axis=-1)

        if args.mask is not None:
            pis_mask *= mask

        pis_img = nib.Nifti1Image(pis_mask.astype(np.int16), affine)
        nib.save(pis_img, args.p_i_signal)

    if args.pulsation:
        STD = np.std(data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1)

        if args.mask is not None:
            STD *= mask

        std_img = nib.Nifti1Image(STD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(std_img, add_filename_suffix(args.pulsation, '_std_dwi'))

        if np.sum(gtab.b0s_mask) <= 1:
            logger.info('Not enough b=0 images to output standard '
                        'deviation map')
            if len(np.where(gtab.b0s_mask)) == 2:
                logger.info('Only two b=0 images. Be careful with the '
                            'interpretation of this std map')

            STD = np.std(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1)

            if args.mask is not None:
                STD *= mask

            std_img = nib.Nifti1Image(STD.astype(np.float32), affine)
            nib.save(std_img, add_filename_suffix(args.pulsation, '_std_b0'))

    if args.residual:
        if args.mask is None:
            logger.info("Outlier detection will not be performed, since no "
                        "mask was provided.")
        S0 = np.mean(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1)
        data_p = tenfit.predict(gtab, S0)
        R = np.mean(np.abs(data_p[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] -
                           data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]), axis=-1)

        if args.mask is not None:
            R *= mask

        R_img = nib.Nifti1Image(R.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(R_img, args.residual)

        R_k = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])  # mean residual per DWI
        std = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])  # std residual per DWI
        q1 = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])   # first quartile
        q3 = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])   # third quartile
        iqr = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])  # interquartile
        for i in range(data.shape[-1]):
            x = np.abs(data_p[..., i] - data[..., i])[mask]
            R_k[i] = np.mean(x)
            std[i] = np.std(x)
            q3[i], q1[i] = np.percentile(x, [75, 25])
            iqr[i] = q3[i] - q1[i]

            # Outliers are observations that fall below Q1 - 1.5(IQR) or
            # above Q3 + 1.5(IQR) We check if a volume is an outlier only if
            # we have a mask, else we are biased.
            if args.mask is not None and R_k[i] < (q1[i] - 1.5 * iqr[i]) \
                    or R_k[i] > (q3[i] + 1.5 * iqr[i]):
                logger.warning('WARNING: Diffusion-Weighted Image i=%s is an '
                               'outlier', i)

        residual_basename, _ = split_name_with_nii(args.residual)
        res_stats_basename = residual_basename + ".npy"
            res_stats_basename, "_mean_residuals"), R_k)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_q1_residuals"), q1)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_q3_residuals"), q3)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_iqr_residuals"), iqr)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_std_residuals"), std)

        # To do: I would like to have an error bar with q1 and q3.
        # Now, q1 acts as a std
        dwi = np.arange(R_k[~gtab.b0s_mask].shape[0])
        plt.bar(dwi, R_k[~gtab.b0s_mask], 0.75,
                color='y', yerr=q1[~gtab.b0s_mask])
        plt.xlabel('DW image')
        plt.ylabel('Mean residuals +- q1')
        plt.savefig(residual_basename + '_residuals_stats.png')
def nonlinfit_fn(dwi, bvecs, bvals, base_name):
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os.path as op
    import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
    from dipy.core.gradients import GradientTable

    dwi_img = nb.load(dwi)
    dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data()
    dwi_affine = dwi_img.get_affine()
    from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
    b0_mask, mask = median_otsu(dwi_data, 2, 4)
    # Mask the data so that tensors are not fit for
    # unnecessary voxels
    mask_img = nb.Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    b0_imgs = nb.Nifti1Image(b0_mask.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    b0_img = nb.four_to_three(b0_imgs)[0]

    out_mask_name = op.abspath(base_name + '_binary_mask.nii.gz')
    out_b0_name = op.abspath(base_name + '_b0_mask.nii.gz')
    nb.save(mask_img, out_mask_name)
    nb.save(b0_img, out_b0_name)

    # Load the gradient strengths and directions
    bvals = np.loadtxt(bvals)
    gradients = np.loadtxt(bvecs).T

    # Place in Dipy's preferred format
    gtab = GradientTable(gradients)
    gtab.bvals = bvals

    # Fit the tensors to the data
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab, fit_method="NLLS")
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(dwi_data, mask)

    # Calculate the fit, fa, and md of each voxel's tensor
    tensor_data = tenfit.lower_triangular()
    print('Computing anisotropy measures (FA, MD, RGB)')
    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy, color_fa

    evals = tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32)
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(np.abs(evals))
    FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

    MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(np.abs(evals))
    norm = dti.norm(tenfit.quadratic_form)

    RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)

    evecs = tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32)
    mode = tenfit.mode.astype(np.float32)

    # Write tensor as a 4D Nifti image with the original affine
    tensor_fit_img = nb.Nifti1Image(tensor_data.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    mode_img = nb.Nifti1Image(mode.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    norm_img = nb.Nifti1Image(norm.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    FA_img = nb.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)
    evecs_img = nb.Nifti1Image(evecs, dwi_affine)
    evals_img = nb.Nifti1Image(evals, dwi_affine)
    rgb_img = nb.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), dwi_affine)
    MD_img = nb.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), dwi_affine)

    out_tensor_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_tensor.nii.gz")
    out_mode_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_mode.nii.gz")
    out_fa_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_fa.nii.gz")
    out_norm_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_norm.nii.gz")
    out_evals_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_evals.nii.gz")
    out_evecs_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_evecs.nii.gz")
    out_rgb_fa_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_rgb_fa.nii.gz")
    out_md_file = op.abspath(base_name + "_md.nii.gz")

    nb.save(rgb_img, out_rgb_fa_file)
    nb.save(norm_img, out_norm_file)
    nb.save(mode_img, out_mode_file)
    nb.save(tensor_fit_img, out_tensor_file)
    nb.save(evecs_img, out_evecs_file)
    nb.save(evals_img, out_evals_file)
    nb.save(FA_img, out_fa_file)
    nb.save(MD_img, out_md_file)
    print('Tensor fit image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_tensor_file))
    print('FA image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_fa_file))
    print('MD image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_md_file))
    return out_tensor_file, out_fa_file, out_md_file, \
        out_evecs_file, out_evals_file, out_rgb_fa_file, out_norm_file, \
        out_mode_file, out_mask_name, out_b0_name
sh_basis = sh_model.sampling_matrix(hsph_initial)

print('Debug the Spherical Harmonic Basis Set')

# Lets try the SF to SH method
fake_data = np.ones((1, 100))
fake_sh_model, fake_sh_basis = sf_to_sh(fake_data,

print('Debug Fake SH Model')

print('Recreate Fake SH Data')

pred_fake_data = np.dot(fake_sh_basis, fake_sh_model.T)
pred_fake_data = pred_fake_data.T
print('Predictions of Signal Made')

# Fit Tensor and Calculate FA and MD of the data
tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab_b3000)
tenfit = tenmodel.fit(pred_fake_data)

FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)

print('Fractional Anisotropy \n')

print('Mean Diffusivity \n')
예제 #34

from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import recursive_response

A WM mask can shorten computation time for the whole dataset. Here it is created
based on the DTI fit.

import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask=data[..., 0] > 200)

from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4, (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011))))

response = recursive_response(gtab, data, mask=wm_mask, sh_order=8,
                              peak_thr=0.01, init_fa=0.08,
                              init_trace=0.0021, iter=8, convergence=0.001,

We can check the shape of the signal of the response function, which should be
like  a pancake:

response_signal = response.on_sphere(sphere)
response_actor = fvtk.sphere_funcs(response_signal, sphere)
예제 #35
def main():
    parser = _build_args_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not args.not_all:
        args.fa = args.fa or 'fa.nii.gz'
        args.ga = args.ga or 'ga.nii.gz'
        args.rgb = args.rgb or 'rgb.nii.gz'
        args.md = args.md or 'md.nii.gz'
        args.ad = args.ad or 'ad.nii.gz'
        args.rd = args.rd or 'rd.nii.gz'
        args.mode = args.mode or 'mode.nii.gz'
        args.norm = args.norm or 'tensor_norm.nii.gz'
        args.tensor = args.tensor or 'tensor.nii.gz'
        args.evecs = args.evecs or 'tensor_evecs.nii.gz'
        args.evals = args.evals or 'tensor_evals.nii.gz'
        args.residual = args.residual or 'dti_residual.nii.gz'
        args.p_i_signal =\
            args.p_i_signal or 'physically_implausible_signals_mask.nii.gz'
        args.pulsation = args.pulsation or 'pulsation_and_misalignment.nii.gz'

    outputs = [args.fa, args.ga, args.rgb, args.md, args.ad, args.rd,
               args.mode, args.norm, args.tensor, args.evecs, args.evals,
               args.residual, args.p_i_signal, args.pulsation]
    if args.not_all and not any(outputs):
        parser.error('When using --not_all, you need to specify at least ' +
                     'one metric to output.')

        parser, [args.input, args.bvals, args.bvecs], args.mask)
    assert_outputs_exist(parser, args, outputs)

    img = nib.load(args.input)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    if args.mask is None:
        mask = None
        mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

    # Validate bvals and bvecs
    logging.info('Tensor estimation with the %s method...', args.method)
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(args.bvals, args.bvecs)

    if not is_normalized_bvecs(bvecs):
        logging.warning('Your b-vectors do not seem normalized...')
        bvecs = normalize_bvecs(bvecs)

    check_b0_threshold(args, bvals.min())
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=bvals.min())

    # Get tensors
    if args.method == 'restore':
        sigma = ne.estimate_sigma(data)
        tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab, fit_method=args.method, sigma=sigma,
        tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab, fit_method=args.method,

    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)

    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

    if args.tensor:
        # Get the Tensor values and format them for visualisation
        # in the Fibernavigator.
        tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
        correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
        tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
        fiber_tensors = nib.Nifti1Image(
            tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(fiber_tensors, args.tensor)

    if args.fa:
        fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(fa_img, args.fa)

    if args.ga:
        GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
        GA[np.isnan(GA)] = 0

        ga_img = nib.Nifti1Image(GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(ga_img, args.ga)

    if args.rgb:
        RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
        rgb_img = nib.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
        nib.save(rgb_img, args.rgb)

    if args.md:
        MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(md_img, args.md)

    if args.ad:
        AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(ad_img, args.ad)

    if args.rd:
        RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(rd_img, args.rd)

    if args.mode:
        # Compute tensor mode
        inter_mode = dipy_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)

        # Since the mode computation can generate NANs when not masked,
        # we need to remove them.
        non_nan_indices = np.isfinite(inter_mode)
        mode = np.zeros(inter_mode.shape)
        mode[non_nan_indices] = inter_mode[non_nan_indices]

        mode_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mode.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(mode_img, args.mode)

    if args.norm:
        NORM = norm(tenfit.quadratic_form)
        norm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(NORM.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(norm_img, args.norm)

    if args.evecs:
        evecs = tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32)
        evecs_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs, affine)
        nib.save(evecs_img, args.evecs)

        # save individual e-vectors also
        e1_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs[..., 0], affine)
        e2_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs[..., 1], affine)
        e3_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs[..., 2], affine)

        nib.save(e1_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evecs, '_v1'))
        nib.save(e2_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evecs, '_v2'))
        nib.save(e3_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evecs, '_v3'))

    if args.evals:
        evals = tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32)
        evals_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals, affine)
        nib.save(evals_img, args.evals)

        # save individual e-values also
        e1_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals[..., 0], affine)
        e2_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals[..., 1], affine)
        e3_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evals[..., 2], affine)

        nib.save(e1_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evals, '_e1'))
        nib.save(e2_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evals, '_e2'))
        nib.save(e3_img, add_filename_suffix(args.evals, '_e3'))

    if args.p_i_signal:
        S0 = np.mean(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        DWI = data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]
        pis_mask = np.max(S0 < DWI, axis=-1)

        if args.mask is not None:
            pis_mask *= mask

        pis_img = nib.Nifti1Image(pis_mask.astype(np.int16), affine)
        nib.save(pis_img, args.p_i_signal)

    if args.pulsation:
        STD = np.std(data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1)

        if args.mask is not None:
            STD *= mask

        std_img = nib.Nifti1Image(STD.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(std_img, add_filename_suffix(args.pulsation, '_std_dwi'))

        if np.sum(gtab.b0s_mask) <= 1:
            logger.info('Not enough b=0 images to output standard '
                        'deviation map')
            if len(np.where(gtab.b0s_mask)) == 2:
                logger.info('Only two b=0 images. Be careful with the '
                            'interpretation of this std map')

            STD = np.std(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1)

            if args.mask is not None:
                STD *= mask

            std_img = nib.Nifti1Image(STD.astype(np.float32), affine)
            nib.save(std_img, add_filename_suffix(args.pulsation, '_std_b0'))

    if args.residual:
        # Mean residual image
        S0 = np.mean(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], axis=-1)
        data_p = tenfit.predict(gtab, S0)
        R = np.mean(np.abs(data_p[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] -
                           data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]), axis=-1)

        if args.mask is not None:
            R *= mask

        R_img = nib.Nifti1Image(R.astype(np.float32), affine)
        nib.save(R_img, args.residual)

        # Each volume's residual statistics
        if args.mask is None:
            logger.info("Outlier detection will not be performed, since no "
                        "mask was provided.")
        stats = [dict.fromkeys(['label', 'mean', 'iqr', 'cilo', 'cihi', 'whishi',
                                'whislo', 'fliers', 'q1', 'med', 'q3'], [])
                 for i in range(data.shape[-1])]  # stats with format for boxplots
        # Note that stats will be computed manually and plotted using bxp
        # but could be computed using stats = cbook.boxplot_stats
        # or pyplot.boxplot(x)
        R_k = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])    # mean residual per DWI
        std = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])  # std residual per DWI
        q1 = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])   # first quartile per DWI
        q3 = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])   # third quartile per DWI
        iqr = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])  # interquartile per DWI
        percent_outliers = np.zeros(data.shape[-1])
        nb_voxels = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        for k in range(data.shape[-1]):
            x = np.abs(data_p[..., k] - data[..., k])[mask]
            R_k[k] = np.mean(x)
            std[k] = np.std(x)
            q3[k], q1[k] = np.percentile(x, [75, 25])
            iqr[k] = q3[k] - q1[k]
            stats[k]['med'] = (q1[k] + q3[k]) / 2
            stats[k]['mean'] = R_k[k]
            stats[k]['q1'] = q1[k]
            stats[k]['q3'] = q3[k]
            stats[k]['whislo'] = q1[k] - 1.5 * iqr[k]
            stats[k]['whishi'] = q3[k] + 1.5 * iqr[k]
            stats[k]['label'] = k

            # Outliers are observations that fall below Q1 - 1.5(IQR) or
            # above Q3 + 1.5(IQR) We check if a voxel is an outlier only if
            # we have a mask, else we are biased.
            if args.mask is not None:
                outliers = (x < stats[k]['whislo']) | (x > stats[k]['whishi'])
                percent_outliers[k] = np.sum(outliers)/nb_voxels*100
                # What would be our definition of too many outliers?
                # Maybe mean(all_means)+-3SD?
                # Or we let people choose based on the figure.
                # if percent_outliers[k] > ???? :
                #    logger.warning('   Careful! Diffusion-Weighted Image'
                #                   ' i=%s has %s %% outlier voxels',
                #                   k, percent_outliers[k])

        # Saving all statistics as npy values
        residual_basename, _ = split_name_with_nii(args.residual)
        res_stats_basename = residual_basename + ".npy"
            res_stats_basename, "_mean_residuals"), R_k)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_q1_residuals"), q1)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_q3_residuals"), q3)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_iqr_residuals"), iqr)
        np.save(add_filename_suffix(res_stats_basename, "_std_residuals"), std)

        # Showing results in graph
        if args.mask is None:
            fig, axe = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, squeeze=False)
            fig, axe = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, squeeze=False,
                                    figsize=[10, 4.8])
            # Default is [6.4, 4.8]. Increasing width to see better.

        medianprops = dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=2.5, color='firebrick')
        meanprops = dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=2.5, color='green')
        axe[0, 0].bxp(stats, showmeans=True, meanline=True, showfliers=False,
                      medianprops=medianprops, meanprops=meanprops)
        axe[0, 0].set_xlabel('DW image')
        axe[0, 0].set_ylabel('Residuals per DWI volume. Red is median,\n'
                             'green is mean. Whiskers are 1.5*interquartile')
        axe[0, 0].set_title('Residuals')
        axe[0, 0].set_xticks(range(0, q1.shape[0], 5))
        axe[0, 0].set_xticklabels(range(0, q1.shape[0], 5))

        if args.mask is not None:
            axe[0, 1].plot(range(data.shape[-1]), percent_outliers)
            axe[0, 1].set_xticks(range(0, q1.shape[0], 5))
            axe[0, 1].set_xticklabels(range(0, q1.shape[0], 5))
            axe[0, 1].set_xlabel('DW image')
            axe[0, 1].set_ylabel('Percentage of outlier voxels')
            axe[0, 1].set_title('Outliers')
        plt.savefig(residual_basename + '_residuals_stats.png')
예제 #36
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
print('Fitting the free water DTI model...')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

t0 = time.time()
fw_params = nls_fit_tensor(gtab, data, mask)
dt = time.time() - t0
print("This step took %f seconds to run" % dt)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
print('Compute tensor statistic from the fitted parameters...')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

evals = fw_params[..., :3]
FA = dti.fractional_anisotropy(evals)
MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(evals)
F = fw_params[..., 12]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
print('Compute standard DTI for comparison...')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

dtimodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)

dtifit = dtimodel.fit(data, mask=mask)

dti_FA = dtifit.fa
dti_MD = dtifit.md

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
print('Plot data for a axial slice of the data ...')
예제 #37
    def run(self,
        """ Workflow for Diffusion Kurtosis reconstruction and for computing
        DKI metrics. Performs a DKI reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DKI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory. (default current directory)
        out_dt_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved.
        out_dk_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved.
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved.
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved.
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved.
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved.
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved.
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved.
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved.
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved.
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved.
        out_mk : string, optional
            Name of the mean kurtosis to be saved.
        out_ak : string, optional
            Name of the axial kurtosis to be saved.
        out_rk : string, optional
            Name of the radial kurtosis to be saved.


        .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836

        .. [2] Jensen, Jens H., Joseph A. Helpern, Anita Ramani, Hanzhang Lu,
           and Kyle Kaczynski. 2005. Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging: The
           Quantification of Non-Gaussian Water Diffusion by Means of Magnetic
           Resonance Imaging. MRM 53 (6):1432-40.
        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for (dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad,
             omode, oevecs, oevals, odk_tensor, omk, oak, ork) in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DKI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)

            if mask is not None:
                mask = load_nifti_data(mask).astype(bool)

            dkfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = [
                    'mk', 'rk', 'ak', 'fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb',
                    'mode', 'evec', 'eval', 'dt_tensor', 'dk_tensor'

            evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dkfit.model_params)
            FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'dt_tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(dkfit.quadratic_form)
                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
                save_nifti(otensor, tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32),

            if 'dk_tensor' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(odk_tensor, dkfit.kt.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(ofa, FA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oga, GA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, dkfit.evecs)
                save_nifti(orgb, np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(omd, MD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oad, AD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(orad, RD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(dkfit.quadratic_form)
                save_nifti(omode, MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevecs, dkfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevals, dkfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'mk' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(omk, dkfit.mk().astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ak' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oak, dkfit.ak().astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rk' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(ork, dkfit.rk().astype(np.float32), affine)

            logging.info('DKI metrics saved in {0}'.format(
예제 #38
파일: dipy_csd.py 프로젝트: sitek/exvivo
def dmri_recon(sid, data_dir, out_dir, resolution, recon='csd', num_threads=2):
    import tempfile
    #tempfile.tempdir = '/om/scratch/Fri/ksitek/'

    import os
    oldval = None
    if 'MKL_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
        oldval = os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']
    os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = '%d' % num_threads
    ompoldval = None
    if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
        ompoldval = os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']
    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '%d' % num_threads
    import nibabel as nib
    import numpy as np
    from glob import glob

    if resolution == '0.2mm':
        filename = 'Reg_S64550_nii4d.nii'
        fimg = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, filename))[0])
        filename = 'Reg_S64550_nii4d_resamp-%s.nii.gz'%(resolution)
        fimg = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'resample', filename))[0])
    print("dwi file = %s"%fimg)
    fbvec = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'bvecs',
    print("bvec file = %s"%fbvec)
    fbval = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'bvecs',
    print("bval file = %s"%fbval)
    img = nib.load(fimg)
    data = img.get_data()

    affine = img.get_affine()

    prefix = sid

    from dipy.io import read_bvals_bvecs
    from dipy.core.gradients import vector_norm
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)

    b0idx = []
    for idx, val in enumerate(bvals):
        if val < 1:
            #bvecs[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
            #print "b0idx=%d"%idx
    #print "input bvecs:"
    #print bvecs
    bvecs[b0idx, :] = bvecs[b0idx, :]/vector_norm(bvecs[b0idx])[:, None]
    #print "bvecs after normalization:"
    #print bvecs

    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    gtab.bvecs.shape == bvecs.shape
    gtab.bvals.shape == bvals.shape

    from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import auto_response
    response, ratio = auto_response(gtab, data, roi_radius=10, fa_thr=0.1) # 0.7

    #from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
    #b0_mask, mask = median_otsu(data[:, :, :, b0idx].mean(axis=3).squeeze(), 4, 4)

    if resolution == '0.2mm':
        mask_name = 'Reg_S64550_nii_b0-slice_mask.nii.gz'
        fmask1 = os.path.join(data_dir, mask_name)
        mask_name = 'Reg_S64550_nii_b0-slice_mask_resamp-%s.nii.gz'%(resolution)
        fmask1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'resample', mask_name)
    print("fmask file = %s"%fmask1)
    mask = nib.load(fmask1).get_data()

    useFA = True
    print("creating model")
    if recon == 'csd':
        from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel
        model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response)
        useFA = True
    elif recon == 'csa':
        from dipy.reconst.shm import CsaOdfModel, normalize_data
        model = CsaOdfModel(gtab, 4)
        useFA = False
        raise ValueError('only csd, csa supported currently')
        from dipy.reconst.dsi import (DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel,
        model = DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel(gtab)
    fit = model.fit(data)

    from dipy.data import get_sphere
    sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    #odfs = fit.odf(sphere)

    from dipy.reconst.peaks import peaks_from_model
    print("running peaks_from_model")
    peaks = peaks_from_model(model=model,
                             parallel=num_threads > 1,

    from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel
    print("running tensor model")
    tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    print("running FA")
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA, img.get_affine())
    tensor_fa_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_fa.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(fa_img, tensor_fa_file)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import axial_diffusivity
    print("running AD")
    AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    AD[np.isnan(AD)] = 0
    ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD, img.get_affine())
    tensor_ad_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_ad.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(ad_img, tensor_ad_file)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import radial_diffusivity
    print("running RD")
    RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    RD[np.isnan(RD)] = 0
    rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD, img.get_affine())
    tensor_rd_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_rd.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(rd_img, tensor_rd_file)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import mean_diffusivity
    print("running MD")
    MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    MD[np.isnan(MD)] = 0
    md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD, img.get_affine())
    tensor_md_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_md.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(md_img, tensor_md_file)

    evecs = tenfit.evecs
    evec_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs, img.get_affine())
    tensor_evec_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_evec.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(evec_img, tensor_evec_file)

    shm_coeff = fit.shm_coeff
    shm_coeff_file = os.path.abspath('%s_shm_coeff.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(shm_coeff, img.get_affine()), shm_coeff_file)

    #from dipy.reconst.dti import quantize_evecs
    #peak_indices = quantize_evecs(tenfit.evecs, sphere.vertices)
    #eu = EuDX(FA, peak_indices, odf_vertices = sphere.vertices,
               #a_low=0.2, seeds=10**6, ang_thr=35)

    fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(peaks.gfa, img.get_affine())
    model_gfa_file = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_gfa.nii.gz' % (prefix, recon))
    nib.save(fa_img, model_gfa_file)

    from dipy.tracking.eudx import EuDX
    print("reconstructing with EuDX")
    if useFA:
        eu = EuDX(FA, peaks.peak_indices[..., 0],
                  odf_vertices = sphere.vertices,
        eu = EuDX(peaks.gfa, peaks.peak_indices[..., 0],
                  odf_vertices = sphere.vertices,

    sl_fname = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_streamline.trk' % (prefix, recon))
    #import dipy.tracking.metrics as dmetrics
    streamlines = ((sl, None, None) for sl in eu) # if dmetrics.length(sl) > 15)

    hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
    hdr['voxel_size'] = fa_img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    hdr['voxel_order'] = 'RAS' #LAS
    hdr['dim'] = FA.shape[:3]

    nib.trackvis.write(sl_fname, streamlines, hdr, points_space='voxel')
    # trying new dipy.io.streamline module, per email to neuroimaging list
    # 2018.04.05
    from nibabel.streamlines import Field
    from nibabel.orientations import aff2axcodes
    affine = img.get_affine()

    if vox_size is not None and fov_shape is not None:
        hdr = {}
        hdr[Field.VOXEL_TO_RASMM] = affine.copy()
        hdr[Field.VOXEL_SIZES] = vox_size
        hdr[Field.DIMENSIONS] = fov_shape
        hdr[Field.VOXEL_ORDER] = "".join(aff2axcodes(affine))

    tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram(eu)
    tractogram.affine_to_rasmm = affine
    trk_file = nib.streamlines.TrkFile(tractogram, header=hdr)
    nib.streamlines.save(trk_file, sl_fname)

    if oldval:
        os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = oldval
        del os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']
    if ompoldval:
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = ompoldval
        del os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']

    assert tensor_fa_file
    assert tensor_evec_file
    assert model_gfa_file
    assert tensor_ad_file
    assert tensor_rd_file
    assert tensor_md_file
    assert shm_coeff_file
    print('all output files created')

    return tensor_fa_file, tensor_evec_file, model_gfa_file, sl_fname, affine, tensor_ad_file, tensor_rd_file, tensor_md_file, shm_coeff_file
예제 #39
def mask_for_response_msmt(gtab,
    """ Computation of masks for multi-shell multi-tissue (msmt) response
        function using FA and MD.

    gtab : GradientTable
    data : ndarray
        diffusion data (4D)
    roi_center : array-like, (3,)
        Center of ROI in data. If center is None, it is assumed that it is
        the center of the volume with shape `data.shape[:3]`.
    roi_radii : int or array-like, (3,)
        radii of cuboid ROI
    wm_fa_thr : float
        FA threshold for WM.
    gm_fa_thr : float
        FA threshold for GM.
    csf_fa_thr : float
        FA threshold for CSF.
    gm_md_thr : float
        MD threshold for GM.
    csf_md_thr : float
        MD threshold for CSF.

    mask_wm : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA above the FA threshold
        for WM.
    mask_gm : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA below the FA threshold
        for GM and with MD below the MD threshold for GM.
    mask_csf : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA below the FA threshold
        for CSF and with MD below the MD threshold for CSF.

    In msmt-CSD there is an important pre-processing step: the estimation of
    every tissue's response function. In order to do this, we look for voxels
    corresponding to WM, GM and CSF. This function aims to accomplish that by
    returning a mask of voxels within a ROI and who respect some threshold
    constraints, for each tissue. More precisely, the WM mask must have a FA
    value above a given threshold. The GM mask and CSF mask must have a FA
    below given thresholds and a MD below other thresholds. To get the FA and
    MD, we need to fit a Tensor model to the datasets.

    if len(data.shape) < 4:
        msg = """Data must be 4D (3D image + directions). To use a 2D image,
        please reshape it into a (N, N, 1, ndirs) array."""
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if isinstance(roi_radii, numbers.Number):
        roi_radii = (roi_radii, roi_radii, roi_radii)

    if roi_center is None:
        roi_center = np.array(data.shape[:3]) // 2

    roi_radii = _roi_in_volume(data.shape, np.asarray(roi_center),

    roi_mask = _mask_from_roi(data.shape[:3], roi_center, roi_radii)

    list_bvals = unique_bvals_tolerance(gtab.bvals)
    if not np.all(list_bvals <= 1200):
        msg_bvals = """Some b-values are higher than 1200.
        The DTI fit might be affected."""
        warnings.warn(msg_bvals, UserWarning)

    ten = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = ten.fit(data, mask=roi_mask)
    fa = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    fa[np.isnan(fa)] = 0
    md = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    md[np.isnan(md)] = 0

    mask_wm = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    mask_wm[fa > wm_fa_thr] = 1
    mask_wm *= roi_mask

    md_mask_gm = np.zeros(md.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    md_mask_gm[(md < gm_md_thr)] = 1

    fa_mask_gm = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    fa_mask_gm[(fa < gm_fa_thr) & (fa > 0)] = 1

    mask_gm = md_mask_gm * fa_mask_gm
    mask_gm *= roi_mask

    md_mask_csf = np.zeros(md.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    md_mask_csf[(md < csf_md_thr) & (md > 0)] = 1

    fa_mask_csf = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    fa_mask_csf[(fa < csf_fa_thr) & (fa > 0)] = 1

    mask_csf = md_mask_csf * fa_mask_csf
    mask_csf *= roi_mask

    msg = """No voxel with a {0} than {1} were found.
    Try a larger roi or a {2} threshold for {3}."""

    if np.sum(mask_wm) == 0:
        msg_fa = msg.format('FA higher', str(wm_fa_thr), 'lower FA', 'WM')
        warnings.warn(msg_fa, UserWarning)

    if np.sum(mask_gm) == 0:
        msg_fa = msg.format('FA lower', str(gm_fa_thr), 'higher FA', 'GM')
        msg_md = msg.format('MD lower', str(gm_md_thr), 'higher MD', 'GM')
        warnings.warn(msg_fa, UserWarning)
        warnings.warn(msg_md, UserWarning)

    if np.sum(mask_csf) == 0:
        msg_fa = msg.format('FA lower', str(csf_fa_thr), 'higher FA', 'CSF')
        msg_md = msg.format('MD lower', str(csf_md_thr), 'higher MD', 'CSF')
        warnings.warn(msg_fa, UserWarning)
        warnings.warn(msg_md, UserWarning)

    return mask_wm, mask_gm, mask_csf
예제 #40
def dti_processing(base_dir,
                   indexes=["FA", "MD"],
    """Function to derive dti indexes from dwi data using dipy functions        
        base_dir : absolute path pointing at the root directory of the bids repository
        subject_id: string, the tag subject (i.e. sub-sublabel) of the subject to treat
        visit_id: the VALUE of the session tag to be treated (i.e. for ses-02, only "02" need to be entered)
        output_dir: absolute path of the directories were the indexes will be written
        denoised_data: boolean, should the denoised (True) or only the eddy current correct and realigned data (False) be used for fitting ?
        indexes : list, a list of the indexes that will be written, accepted values are ["FA", "MD", "RD", "AD"]
        ... : other parameters related to the dipy functions used
    if output_type == "NIFTI":
        ext = ".nii"
    elif output_type == "NIFTI_GZ":
        ext = ".nii.gz"
        raise ValueError(
            "Output file type {} not recognized".format(output_type))
    diff_dir = "{}/{}/ses-{}/dwi".format(base_dir, subject_id, visit_id)
    fbval = glob("{}/*bval".format(diff_dir))[0]
    fbvec = glob("{}/*bvec".format(diff_dir))[0]
    dti_preroc_dir = "{}/derivatives/fsl-dipy_dti-preproc/{}/ses-{}".format(
        base_dir, subject_id, visit_id)
    if denoised_data:
        fdwi = glob("{}/*_denoised*".format(dti_preroc_dir))[0]
        fdwi = glob("{}/*_masked.nii*".format(dti_preroc_dir))[0]
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    img = nb.load(fdwi)
    mask = nb.load(glob("{}/*_mask.nii*".format(dti_preroc_dir))[0])
    x_ix, y_ix, z_ix, mask_crop, maskdata_crop = crop_and_indexes(mask, img)
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(maskdata_crop)
    output_base_name = get_base_name_all_type(fbval)
    if "FA" in indexes:
        print("Computing FA")
        FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
        FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
        opt = np.zeros(mask.shape)
        opt[x_ix, y_ix, z_ix] = FA * mask_crop
        fa_img = nb.Nifti1Image(opt.astype(np.float32), img.affine)
        nb.save(fa_img, "{}/{}_FA{}".format(output_dir, output_base_name, ext))
    if "MD" in indexes:
        print("Computing MD")
        MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        MD[np.isnan(MD)] = 0
        opt = np.zeros(mask.shape)
        opt[x_ix, y_ix, z_ix] = MD * mask_crop
        md_img = nb.Nifti1Image(opt.astype(np.float32), img.affine)
        nb.save(md_img, "{}/{}_MD{}".format(output_dir, output_base_name, ext))
    if "RD" in indexes:
        print("Computing RD")
        RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        RD[np.isnan(RD)] = 0
        opt = np.zeros(mask.shape)
        opt[x_ix, y_ix, z_ix] = RD * mask_crop
        rd_img = nb.Nifti1Image(opt.astype(np.float32), img.affine)
        nb.save(rd_img, "{}/{}_RD{}".format(output_dir, output_base_name, ext))
    if "AD" in indexes:
        print("Computing AD")
        AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
        AD[np.isnan(AD)] = 0
        opt = np.zeros(mask.shape)
        opt[x_ix, y_ix, z_ix] = AD * mask_crop
        ad_img = nb.Nifti1Image(opt.astype(np.float32), img.affine)
        nb.save(ad_img, "{}/{}_AD{}".format(output_dir, output_base_name, ext))
예제 #41
reached. Here we calibrate the response function on a small part of the data.

from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import recursive_response
A WM mask can shorten computation time for the whole dataset. Here it is
created based on the DTI fit.

import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask=data[..., 0] > 200)

from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
MD = dti.mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4,
                         (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011))))

response = recursive_response(gtab,
We can check the shape of the signal of the response function, which should be
예제 #42
def dmri_recon(sid,
    import tempfile
    #tempfile.tempdir = '/om/scratch/Fri/ksitek/'

    import os
    oldval = None
    if 'MKL_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
        oldval = os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']
    os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = '%d' % num_threads
    ompoldval = None
    if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
        ompoldval = os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']
    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '%d' % num_threads
    import nibabel as nib
    import numpy as np
    from glob import glob

    if resolution == '0.2mm':
        filename = 'Reg_S64550_nii4d.nii'
        #filename = 'angular_resample/dwi_%s.nii.gz'%dirs
        fimg = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, filename))[0])
        filename = 'Reg_S64550_nii4d_resamp-%s.nii.gz' % (resolution)
        fimg = os.path.abspath(
            glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'resample', filename))[0])
    print("dwi file = %s" % fimg)
    fbval = os.path.abspath(
        glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'bvecs', 'camino_120_RAS.bvals'))[0])
    print("bval file = %s" % fbval)
    fbvec = os.path.abspath(
        glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'bvecs',
    #                                          'angular_resample',
    #                                          'dwi_%s.bvecs'%dirs))[0])
    print("bvec file = %s" % fbvec)
    img = nib.load(fimg)
    data = img.get_fdata()

    affine = img.get_affine()

    prefix = sid

    from dipy.io import read_bvals_bvecs
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)
    from dipy.core.gradients import vector_norm
    b0idx = []
    for idx, val in enumerate(bvals):
        if val < 1:
            #bvecs[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
            #print "b0idx=%d"%idx
    #print "input bvecs:"
    #print bvecs
    bvecs[b0idx, :] = bvecs[b0idx, :]/vector_norm(bvecs[b0idx])[:, None]
    #print "bvecs after normalization:"
    #print bvecs

    from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
    gtab.bvecs.shape == bvecs.shape
    gtab.bvals.shape == bvals.shape

    #from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
    #b0_mask, mask = median_otsu(data[:, :, :, b0idx].mean(axis=3).squeeze(), 4, 4)

    if resolution == '0.2mm':
        mask_name = 'Reg_S64550_nii_b0-slice_mask.nii.gz'
        fmask1 = os.path.join(data_dir, mask_name)
        mask_name = 'Reg_S64550_nii_b0-slice_mask_resamp-%s.nii.gz' % (
        fmask1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'resample', mask_name)
    print("fmask file = %s" % fmask1)
    mask = nib.load(fmask1).get_fdata()
    ''' DTI model & save metrics '''
    from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel
    print("running tensor model")
    tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
    print("running FA")
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
    fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA, img.get_affine())
    tensor_fa_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_fa.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(fa_img, tensor_fa_file)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import axial_diffusivity
    print("running AD")
    AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    AD[np.isnan(AD)] = 0
    ad_img = nib.Nifti1Image(AD, img.get_affine())
    tensor_ad_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_ad.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(ad_img, tensor_ad_file)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import radial_diffusivity
    print("running RD")
    RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    RD[np.isnan(RD)] = 0
    rd_img = nib.Nifti1Image(RD, img.get_affine())
    tensor_rd_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_rd.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(rd_img, tensor_rd_file)

    from dipy.reconst.dti import mean_diffusivity
    print("running MD")
    MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    MD[np.isnan(MD)] = 0
    md_img = nib.Nifti1Image(MD, img.get_affine())
    tensor_md_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_md.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(md_img, tensor_md_file)

    evecs = tenfit.evecs
    evec_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs, img.get_affine())
    tensor_evec_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_evec.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    nib.save(evec_img, tensor_evec_file)
    ''' ODF model '''
    useFA = True
    print("creating %s model" % recon)
    if recon == 'csd':
        from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel
        from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import auto_response
        response, ratio = auto_response(gtab, data, roi_radius=10,
                                        fa_thr=0.5)  # 0.7

        model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response)
        useFA = True
        return_sh = True
    elif recon == 'csa':
        from dipy.reconst.shm import CsaOdfModel, normalize_data
        model = CsaOdfModel(gtab, sh_order=8)
        useFA = True
        return_sh = True
    elif recon == 'gqi':
        from dipy.reconst.gqi import GeneralizedQSamplingModel
        model = GeneralizedQSamplingModel(gtab)
        return_sh = False
        raise ValueError('only csd, csa supported currently')
        from dipy.reconst.dsi import (DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel,
        model = DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel(gtab)
    '''reconstruct ODFs'''
    from dipy.data import get_sphere
    sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    #odfs = fit.odf(sphere)

    # with CSD/GQI, uses > 50GB per core; don't get greedy with cores!
    from dipy.reconst.peaks import peaks_from_model
    print("running peaks_from_model")
    peaks = peaks_from_model(
        min_separation_angle=10,  #25,
        parallel=num_threads > 1,

    # save the peaks
    from dipy.io.peaks import save_peaks
    peaks_file = os.path.abspath('%s_peaks.pam5' % (prefix))
    save_peaks(peaks_file, peaks)

    # save the spherical harmonics
    shm_coeff_file = os.path.abspath('%s_shm_coeff.nii.gz' % (prefix))
    if return_sh:
        shm_coeff = peaks.shm_coeff
        nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(shm_coeff, img.get_affine()), shm_coeff_file)
        # if it's not a spherical model, output it as an essentially null file
        np.savetxt(shm_coeff_file, [0])

    # save the generalized fractional anisotropy image
    gfa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(peaks.gfa, img.get_affine())
    model_gfa_file = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_gfa.nii.gz' % (prefix, recon))
    nib.save(gfa_img, model_gfa_file)

    #from dipy.reconst.dti import quantize_evecs
    #peak_indices = quantize_evecs(tenfit.evecs, sphere.vertices)
    #eu = EuDX(FA, peak_indices, odf_vertices = sphere.vertices,
    #a_low=0.2, seeds=10**6, ang_thr=35)
    ''' probabilistic tracking '''
    from dipy.direction import ProbabilisticDirectionGetter
    from dipy.tracking.local import LocalTracking
    from dipy.tracking.streamline import Streamlines
    from dipy.io.streamline import save_trk

    prob_dg = ProbabilisticDirectionGetter.from_shcoeff(shm_coeff,
    streamlines_generator = LocalTracking(prob_dg,

    # Generate streamlines object
    streamlines = Streamlines(streamlines_generator)

    affine = img.get_affine()

    fname = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_prob_streamline.trk' % (prefix, recon))
    save_trk(fname, streamlines, affine, vox_size=vox_size)
    ''' deterministic tracking with EuDX method'''
    from dipy.tracking.eudx import EuDX
    print("reconstructing with EuDX")
    if useFA:
        eu = EuDX(
            peaks.peak_indices[..., 0],
            a_low=0.001,  # default is 0.0239
        eu = EuDX(
            peaks.peak_indices[..., 0],

    sl_fname = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_det_streamline.trk' % (prefix, recon))

    # trying new dipy.io.streamline module, per email to neuroimaging list
    # 2018.04.05
    from nibabel.streamlines import Field
    from nibabel.orientations import aff2axcodes
    affine = img.get_affine()
    vox_size = fa_img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
    fov_shape = FA.shape[:3]

    if vox_size is not None and fov_shape is not None:
        hdr = {}
        hdr[Field.VOXEL_TO_RASMM] = affine.copy()
        hdr[Field.VOXEL_SIZES] = vox_size
        hdr[Field.DIMENSIONS] = fov_shape
        hdr[Field.VOXEL_ORDER] = "".join(aff2axcodes(affine))

    tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram(eu)
    tractogram.affine_to_rasmm = affine
    trk_file = nib.streamlines.TrkFile(tractogram, header=hdr)
    nib.streamlines.save(trk_file, sl_fname)

    if oldval:
        os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = oldval
        del os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']
    if ompoldval:
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = ompoldval
        del os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']

    print('all output files created')

    return (tensor_fa_file, tensor_evec_file, model_gfa_file, sl_fname, affine,
            tensor_ad_file, tensor_rd_file, tensor_md_file, shm_coeff_file,
예제 #43
파일: reconst.py 프로젝트: arokem/dipy
    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
            b0_threshold=50, bvecs_tol=0.01, save_metrics=[],
            out_dir='', out_tensor='tensors.nii.gz', out_fa='fa.nii.gz',
            out_ga='ga.nii.gz', out_rgb='rgb.nii.gz', out_md='md.nii.gz',
            out_ad='ad.nii.gz', out_rd='rd.nii.gz', out_mode='mode.nii.gz',
            out_evec='evecs.nii.gz', out_eval='evals.nii.gz'):
        """ Workflow for tensor reconstruction and for computing DTI metrics.
        using Weighted Least-Squares.
        Performs a tensor reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DTI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors_files : string
            Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvectors files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b=0 directions (default 0.0)
        bvecs_tol : float, optional
            Threshold used to check that norm(bvec) = 1 +/- bvecs_tol
            b-vectors are unit vectors (default 0.01)
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
            (default [] (all))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved (default 'tensors.nii.gz')
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'fa.nii.gz')
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'ga.nii.gz')
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved (default 'rgb.nii.gz')
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'md.nii.gz')
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'ad.nii.gz')
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'rd.nii.gz')
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved (default 'mode.nii.gz')
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved
            (default 'evecs.nii.gz')
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved (default 'evals.nii.gz')

        .. [1] Basser, P.J., Mattiello, J., LeBihan, D., 1994. Estimation of
           the effective self-diffusion tensor from the NMR spin echo. J Magn
           Reson B 103, 247-254.

        .. [2] Basser, P., Pierpaoli, C., 1996. Microstructural and
           physiological features of tissues elucidated by quantitative
           diffusion-tensor MRI.  Journal of Magnetic Resonance 111, 209-219.

        .. [3] Lin-Ching C., Jones D.K., Pierpaoli, C. 2005. RESTORE: Robust
           estimation of tensors by outlier rejection. MRM 53: 1088-1095

        .. [4] hung, SW., Lu, Y., Henry, R.G., 2006. Comparison of bootstrap
           approaches for estimation of uncertainties of DTI parameters.
           NeuroImage 33, 531-541.

        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad, \
                omode, oevecs, oevals in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DTI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)

            if mask is not None:
                mask = nib.load(mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

            tenfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,
                                               b0_threshold, bvecs_tol)

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = ['fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb', 'mode',
                                'evec', 'eval', 'tensor']

            FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]

                save_nifti(otensor, tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32),

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(ofa, FA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oga, GA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
                save_nifti(orgb, np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(omd, MD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oad, AD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
                save_nifti(orad, RD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)
                save_nifti(omode, MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevecs, tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevals, tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)

            dname_ = os.path.dirname(oevals)
            if dname_ == '':
                logging.info('DTI metrics saved in current directory')
                        'DTI metrics saved in {0}'.format(dname_))
예제 #44
파일: reconst.py 프로젝트: arokem/dipy
    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
            b0_threshold=50.0, save_metrics=[],
            out_dir='', out_dt_tensor='dti_tensors.nii.gz', out_fa='fa.nii.gz',
            out_ga='ga.nii.gz', out_rgb='rgb.nii.gz', out_md='md.nii.gz',
            out_ad='ad.nii.gz', out_rd='rd.nii.gz', out_mode='mode.nii.gz',
            out_evec='evecs.nii.gz', out_eval='evals.nii.gz',
            out_mk="mk.nii.gz", out_ak="ak.nii.gz", out_rk="rk.nii.gz"):
        """ Workflow for Diffusion Kurtosis reconstruction and for computing
        DKI metrics. Performs a DKI reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
        ``input_files`` and saves the DKI metrics in a directory specified by

        input_files : string
            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
            process multiple inputs at once.
        bvalues_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        bvectors_files : string
            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple bvalues files at once.
        mask_files : string
            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
        b0_threshold : float, optional
            Threshold used to find b=0 directions (default 0.0)
        save_metrics : variable string, optional
            List of metrics to save.
            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
            (default [] (all))
        out_dir : string, optional
            Output directory (default input file directory)
        out_dt_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved
            (default: 'dti_tensors.nii.gz')
        out_dk_tensor : string, optional
            Name of the tensors volume to be saved
            (default 'dki_tensors.nii.gz')
        out_fa : string, optional
            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'fa.nii.gz')
        out_ga : string, optional
            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved
            (default 'ga.nii.gz')
        out_rgb : string, optional
            Name of the color fa volume to be saved (default 'rgb.nii.gz')
        out_md : string, optional
            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'md.nii.gz')
        out_ad : string, optional
            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'ad.nii.gz')
        out_rd : string, optional
            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved
            (default 'rd.nii.gz')
        out_mode : string, optional
            Name of the mode volume to be saved (default 'mode.nii.gz')
        out_evec : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved
            (default 'evecs.nii.gz')
        out_eval : string, optional
            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved (default 'evals.nii.gz')
        out_mk : string, optional
            Name of the mean kurtosis to be saved (default: 'mk.nii.gz')
        out_ak : string, optional
            Name of the axial kurtosis to be saved (default: 'ak.nii.gz')
        out_rk : string, optional
            Name of the radial kurtosis to be saved (default: 'rk.nii.gz')


        .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836

        .. [2] Jensen, Jens H., Joseph A. Helpern, Anita Ramani, Hanzhang Lu,
           and Kyle Kaczynski. 2005. Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging: The
           Quantification of Non-Gaussian Water Diffusion by Means of Magnetic
           Resonance Imaging. MRM 53 (6):1432-40.
        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()

        for (dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad,
             omode, oevecs, oevals, odk_tensor, omk, oak, ork) in io_it:

            logging.info('Computing DKI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)

            if mask is not None:
                mask = nib.load(mask).get_data().astype(np.bool)

            dkfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,

            if not save_metrics:
                save_metrics = ['mk', 'rk', 'ak', 'fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga',
                                'rgb', 'mode', 'evec', 'eval', 'dt_tensor',

            evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dkfit.model_params)
            FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals)
            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)

            if 'dt_tensor' in save_metrics:
                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(dkfit.quadratic_form)
                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
                save_nifti(otensor, tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32),

            if 'dk_tensor' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(odk_tensor, dkfit.kt.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(ofa, FA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oga, GA.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
                RGB = color_fa(FA, dkfit.evecs)
                save_nifti(orgb, np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)

            if 'md' in save_metrics:
                MD = mean_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(omd, MD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
                AD = axial_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(oad, AD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
                RD = radial_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
                save_nifti(orad, RD.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
                MODE = get_mode(dkfit.quadratic_form)
                save_nifti(omode, MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevecs, dkfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oevals, dkfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'mk' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(omk, dkfit.mk().astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'ak' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(oak, dkfit.ak().astype(np.float32), affine)

            if 'rk' in save_metrics:
                save_nifti(ork, dkfit.rk().astype(np.float32), affine)

            logging.info('DKI metrics saved in {0}'.
예제 #45
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from dipy.core.gradients import GradientTable
        from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy, mean_diffusivity
        from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import recursive_response, auto_response

        img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
        affine = img.get_affine()

        if isdefined(self.inputs.in_mask):
            msk = nb.load(self.inputs.in_mask).get_data()
            msk[msk > 0] = 1
            msk[msk < 0] = 0
            msk = np.ones(imref.get_shape())

        data = img.get_data().astype(np.float32)
        gtab = self._get_gradient_table()

        evals = np.nan_to_num(nb.load(self.inputs.in_evals).get_data())
        FA = np.nan_to_num(fractional_anisotropy(evals)) * msk
        indices = np.where(FA > self.inputs.fa_thresh)
        S0s = data[indices][:, np.nonzero(gtab.b0s_mask)[0]]
        S0 = np.mean(S0s)

        if self.inputs.auto:
            response, ratio = auto_response(gtab, data,
            response = response[0].tolist() + [S0]
        elif self.inputs.recursive:
            MD = np.nan_to_num(mean_diffusivity(evals)) * msk
            indices = np.logical_or(
                FA >= 0.4, (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011)))
            data = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file).get_data()
            response = recursive_response(gtab, data, mask=indices, sh_order=8,
                                          peak_thr=0.01, init_fa=0.08,
                                          init_trace=0.0021, iter=8,
            ratio = abs(response[1] / response[0])
            lambdas = evals[indices]
            l01 = np.sort(np.mean(lambdas, axis=0))

            response = np.array([l01[-1], l01[-2], l01[-2], S0])
            ratio = abs(response[1] / response[0])

        if ratio > 0.25:
            IFLOGGER.warn(('Estimated response is not prolate enough. '
                           'Ratio=%0.3f.') % ratio)
        elif ratio < 1.e-5 or np.any(np.isnan(response)):
            response = np.array([1.8e-3, 3.6e-4, 3.6e-4, S0])
                ('Estimated response is not valid, using a default one'))
            IFLOGGER.info(('Estimated response: %s') % str(response[:3]))

        np.savetxt(op.abspath(self.inputs.response), response)

        wm_mask = np.zeros_like(FA)
        wm_mask[indices] = 1
            wm_mask.astype(np.uint8), affine,
        return runtime
예제 #46
파일: dki_micro.py 프로젝트: MarcCote/dipy
def diffusion_components(dki_params, sphere='repulsion100', awf=None,
    """ Extracts the restricted and hindered diffusion tensors of well aligned
    fibers from diffusion kurtosis imaging parameters [1]_.

    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
        Parameters are ordered as follows:
            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
    sphere : Sphere class instance, optional
        The sphere providing sample directions to sample the restricted and
        hindered cellular diffusion tensors. For more details see Fieremans
        et al., 2011.
    awf : ndarray (optional)
        Array containing values of the axonal water fraction that has the shape
        dki_params.shape[:-1]. If not given this will be automatically computed
        using :func:`axonal_water_fraction`" with function's default precision.
    mask : ndarray (optional)
        A boolean array used to mark the coordinates in the data that should be
        analyzed that has the shape dki_params.shape[:-1]

    edt : ndarray (x, y, z, 6) or (n, 6)
        Parameters of the hindered diffusion tensor.
    idt : ndarray (x, y, z, 6) or (n, 6)
        Parameters of the restricted diffusion tensor.

    In the original article of DKI microstructural model [1]_, the hindered and
    restricted tensors were definde as the intra-cellular and extra-cellular
    diffusion compartments respectively.

    .. [1] Fieremans E, Jensen JH, Helpern JA, 2011. White matter
           characterization with diffusional kurtosis imaging.
           Neuroimage 58(1):177-88. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.06.006
    shape = dki_params.shape[:-1]

    # load gradient directions
    if not isinstance(sphere, dps.Sphere):
        sphere = get_sphere(sphere)

    # select voxels where to apply the single fiber model
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(shape, dtype='bool')
        if mask.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError("Mask is not the same shape as dki_params.")
            mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool, copy=False)

    # check or compute awf values
    if awf is None:
        awf = axonal_water_fraction(dki_params, sphere=sphere, mask=mask)
        if awf.shape != shape:
            raise ValueError("awf array is not the same shape as dki_params.")

    # Initialize hindered and restricted diffusion tensors
    edt_all = np.zeros(shape + (6,))
    idt_all = np.zeros(shape + (6,))

    # Generate matrix that converts apparant diffusion coefficients to tensors
    B = np.zeros((sphere.x.size, 6))
    B[:, 0] = sphere.x * sphere.x  # Bxx
    B[:, 1] = sphere.x * sphere.y * 2.  # Bxy
    B[:, 2] = sphere.y * sphere.y   # Byy
    B[:, 3] = sphere.x * sphere.z * 2.  # Bxz
    B[:, 4] = sphere.y * sphere.z * 2.  # Byz
    B[:, 5] = sphere.z * sphere.z  # Bzz
    pinvB = np.linalg.pinv(B)

    # Compute hindered and restricted diffusion tensors for all voxels
    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
    dt = lower_triangular(vec_val_vect(evecs, evals))
    md = mean_diffusivity(evals)

    index = ndindex(mask.shape)
    for idx in index:
        if not mask[idx]:
        # sample apparent diffusion and kurtosis values
        di = directional_diffusion(dt[idx], sphere.vertices)
        ki = directional_kurtosis(dt[idx], md[idx], kt[idx], sphere.vertices,
                                  adc=di, min_kurtosis=0)
        edi = di * (1 + np.sqrt(ki * awf[idx] / (3.0 - 3.0 * awf[idx])))
        edt = np.dot(pinvB, edi)
        edt_all[idx] = edt

        # We only move on if there is an axonal water fraction.
        # Otherwise, remaining params are already zero, so move on
        if awf[idx] == 0:
        # Convert apparent diffusion and kurtosis values to apparent diffusion
        # values of the hindered and restricted diffusion
        idi = di * (1 - np.sqrt(ki * (1.0 - awf[idx]) / (3.0 * awf[idx])))
        # generate hindered and restricted diffusion tensors
        idt = np.dot(pinvB, idi)
        idt_all[idx] = idt

    return edt_all, idt_all