예제 #1
def qb_metrics_features(streamlines,
    Enhancing QuickBundles with different metrics and features
    metric: 'IF', 'RF', 'CoMF', 'MF', 'AF', 'VBEF', None
    if metric == 'IF':
        feature = IdentityFeature()
        metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric(feature=feature)
    elif metric == 'RF':
        feature = ResampleFeature(nb_point=24)
        metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric(feature=feature)
    elif metric == 'CoMF':
        feature = CenterOfMassFeature()
        metric = EuclideanMetric(feature)
    elif metric == 'MF':
        feature = MidpointFeature()
        metric = EuclideanMetric(feature)
    elif metric == 'AF':
        feature = ArcLengthFeature()
        metric = EuclideanMetric(feature)
    elif metric == 'VBEF':
        feature = VectorOfEndpointsFeature()
        metric = CosineMetric(feature)
        metric = "MDF_12points"

    qb = QuickBundles(threshold=threshold,
    clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines)

    labels = np.array(len(streamlines) * [None])
    N_list = []
    for i in range(len(clusters)):
    data_clusters = []
    for i in range(len(clusters)):
        labels[clusters[i]['indices']] = i + 1

    return labels, data_clusters, N_list
예제 #2

import numpy as np
from dipy.viz import window, actor, colormap
from dipy.segment.clustering import QuickBundles
from dipy.segment.metric import CenterOfMassFeature
from dipy.segment.metric import EuclideanMetric

# Enables/disables interactive visualization
interactive = False

# Get some streamlines.
streamlines = get_streamlines()  # Previously defined.

feature = CenterOfMassFeature()
metric = EuclideanMetric(feature)

qb = QuickBundles(threshold=5., metric=metric)
clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines)

# Extract feature of every streamline.
centers = np.asarray(list(map(feature.extract, streamlines)))

# Color each center of mass according to the cluster they belong to.
colormap = colormap.create_colormap(np.arange(len(clusters)))
colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines), 3))
for cluster, color in zip(clusters, colormap):
    colormap_full[cluster.indices] = color

# Visualization
예제 #3
def data_prep(directory, bundle, n, n_center, r_neighbor, datatype):
    Returns a lists of vertices, corresponding labels (1 for bundle of interest, 0 for others),
    and the multi-level laplacians for training or a list of distances of the tracts to the BOI
    for validation or testing
    directory - Folder with the 72 bundles of a subject
    bundle - Which bundle is the BOI
    n - The number of points sampled on each tract
    n_center - Number of centers of mass which determine the neighborhood for training data
    r_neighbor - The maximum ratio you want the neighboorhood tracts to represent during training
    datatype - "training" or "test_or_val", test_or_val returns graphdata and labels for all
                tracts of the subject, whereas training only returns the bundle of interest,
                neighbouring tracts (depending on r_neighbor), and randomly sampled tracts from
                other bundles to create a balanced training set
    data_all, points, center_list = [], [], []
    FirstIteration1, FirstIteration2 = True, True
    for filename in os.listdir(directory):  # Loop through bundels
        if filename == (bundle + ".trk"):  # Only look at BOI
            trk_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
            streams, _ = trackvis.read(trk_path)
            streamlines = [s[0] for s in streams]  # List of tracts
            for tract in streamlines:
                x_fine, y_fine, z_fine = sample_tracts(tract, n, 2)
                vertices = np.hstack([
                    x_fine.reshape(x_fine.shape[0], 1),
                    y_fine.reshape(y_fine.shape[0], 1),
                    z_fine.reshape(z_fine.shape[0], 1)
                if FirstIteration1:
                    data, L, perm = first_coarsen(vertices, n)
                    FirstIteration1 = False
                    data = coarsen_again(vertices, perm)
                data_all.append((data, 1))
                points_loc = [int(j) for j in np.linspace(0, n - 1, n_center)]
                points.append([vertices[i, :]
                               for i in points_loc])  # Centroid(s) per tract
            feature = CenterOfMassFeature()
            if FirstIteration2:  # First tracts determines orientation for the rest of the bundle
                ref = points[0][int(
                    n_center /
                    4)]  # Look at point between the end and the median
                FirstIteration2 = False
            centroids_flipped = []
            for i in points:
                first_point = i[int(n_center / 4)]
                last_point = i[-int(n_center / 4) - 1]
                if calc_dist_3d(ref, last_point) < calc_dist_3d(
                        ref, first_point):
                    i = list(
                    )  # Flip points if the tract is in the opposite direction
            for j in range(n_center):
                points = [k[j] for k in centroids_flipped]
                center = list(map(feature.extract,
                                  [np.array(points)]))[0][0]  # Center of mass
            if datatype == "training":
                max_distances = []
                for l in range(len(center_list)):
                    if l == 0:
                        dist = calc_dist_3d(center_list[l],
                                            center_list[l + 1])  # One end
                    elif l == n_center - 1:
                        dist = calc_dist_3d(center_list[l],
                                            center_list[l - 1])  # Other end
                        dist = max([
                            calc_dist_3d(center_list[l], center_list[l + 1]),
                            calc_dist_3d(center_list[l], center_list[l - 1])
                        ])  # In between

    # No need for more negative data than positive, so limit number of negative labels
    n_tracts_neg = 0
    if datatype == "training":
        for filename in os.listdir(directory):
            if filename != (bundle + ".trk"):  # Every bundle but the BOI
                trk_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
                streams, _ = trackvis.read(trk_path)
                n_tracts_neg += len(streams)
        neg_id_list = random.sample(
            range(n_tracts_neg), 2 * len(data_all)
        )  # Times 2 to be sure tracts in the neighboorhood will not be repeated and still have a balanced training set

    neg_id = 0
    data_near, data_rest, min_dist_l = [], [], []
    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
        trk_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
        streams, _ = trackvis.read(trk_path)
        streamlines = [s[0] for s in streams]
        if filename != (bundle + ".trk"):  # Every bundle but the BOI
            tract_id = 0  # Initialize counting
            tract_id_list = []
            for tract in streamlines:
                x_fine, y_fine, z_fine = sample_tracts(tract, n, 2)
                vertices = np.hstack([
                    x_fine.reshape(x_fine.shape[0], 1),
                    y_fine.reshape(y_fine.shape[0], 1),
                    z_fine.reshape(z_fine.shape[0], 1)
                if datatype == "training":  # Add neighbouring tracts
                    nrpoints = 0  # Initialize counting of number of points in the neighborhood
                    for point in vertices:
                        list_dist = []
                        for p in center_list:
                            list_dist.append(calc_dist_3d(point, p))
                        FirstIteration3 = True
                        for i in range(len(center_list)):
                            if list_dist[i] < max_distances[
                                    i] and FirstIteration3:  # In neighborhood
                                FirstIteration3 = False  # Do not count the same point twice
                                nrpoints += 1
                        if nrpoints == n / 2:  # If half of the points lay in the neighborhood
                            data = coarsen_again(vertices, perm)
                            data_near.append((data, 0))
                            if r_neighbor != 0:

                elif datatype == "test_or_val":  # Add every tract for testing or validation dataset
                    min_dist = float("inf")  # Initialize minimum distance
                    data = coarsen_again(vertices, perm)
                    data_all.append((data, 0))
                    feature = CenterOfMassFeature()
                    c = list(map(feature.extract,
                                 [vertices]))[0][0]  # Center of mass of tract
                    for p in center_list:
                        d = calc_dist_3d(
                            c, p
                        )  # Distance to one of the centers of mass of the BOI
                        if d < min_dist:
                            min_dist = d
                        "Please enter a valid datatype ('training' or 'test_or_val')"
                tract_id += 1

            if datatype == "training":  # Add additional random tracts
                tract_id2 = 0  # Initialize a second counting
                extra_tracts = [
                    x for x in range(len(streamlines))
                    if x not in tract_id_list
                ]  # Do not consider tracts that are already in the neighbourhood
                for tract in streamlines:
                    if tract_id2 in extra_tracts and neg_id in neg_id_list:
                        x_fine, y_fine, z_fine = sample_tracts(tract, n, 2)
                        vertices = np.hstack([
                            x_fine.reshape(x_fine.shape[0], 1),
                            y_fine.reshape(y_fine.shape[0], 1),
                            z_fine.reshape(z_fine.shape[0], 1)
                        data = coarsen_again(vertices, perm)
                        data_rest.append((data, 0))
                    tract_id2 += 1  # Count extra tracts
                    neg_id += 1  # Count tracts (all bundles)

    if datatype == "training":  # Sample for a balanced training set
        if len(data_near) > int(r_neighbor * len(data_all)):
            data_neg = random.sample(data_near, int(r_neighbor*len(data_all))) + \
            random.sample(data_rest, int((1-r_neighbor)*len(data_all)))
            data_neg = data_near + random.sample(
                len(data_all) - len(data_near)
            )  # Fill the rest with random tracts if necassary

    X, y = zip(*data_all)  # Seperate vertices and labels
    if datatype == "training":
        return list(X), list(y), L
    return list(X), list(y), min_dist_l