def visualize_pdf(pdf, gtab=None): signal = pdf s = signal.shape grid_s = math.ceil((signal.shape[-1])**(1 / 3)) signal = signal.reshape(*s[:-1], grid_s, grid_s, grid_s) sphere = get_sphere('repulsion724') if gtab: dsmodel = DiffusionSpectrumModel(gtab) signal_xq = np.fft.fftn(signal, axes=[-3, -2, -1]) dsfit =*s[:2], -1)) odfs = dsfit.odf(sphere) else: signal = signal.reshape(-1, grid_s, grid_s, grid_s) odfs = np.stack([ get_odf(signal[vid], sphere) for vid in range(signal.shape[0]) ]).reshape(*s[:-1], -1) if len(odfs.shape) == 3: odfs = odfs[:, :, np.newaxis] # visualize r = window.Scene() sfu = actor.odf_slicer(odfs, sphere=sphere, colormap='plasma', scale=0.5) sfu.display(z=0) r.add(sfu)
def visualize(evals,evecs,viz_scale=0.5, fname='tensor_ellipsoids.png', size=(1000,1000)): # Do vizualisation interactive = True ren = window.Scene() from import get_sphere #sphere = get_sphere('symmetric362') #sphere = get_sphere('repulsion724') sphere = get_sphere('symmetric642') # Calculate the colors. See dipy documentation. from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy, color_fa FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals) #print(FA) FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0 FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1) RGB = color_fa(FA, evecs) k=0 cfa = RGB[:, :, k:k+1] # Normalizing like this increases the contrast, but this will make the contrast different across plots #cfa /= cfa.max() # imgplot = plt.imshow(FA, cmap='gray') # ren.add(actor.tensor_slicer(evals, evecs, sphere=sphere, scalar_colors=cfa, scale=viz_scale, norm=False)) if interactive: window.record(ren, n_frames=1, out_path=fname, size=(1000, 1000))
def plot_directions(peak_dirs, peak_values, x_angle, y_angle, size=(300, 300)): """ Opens a 3-d fury window of the maximum peaks visualized To show a slice, provide a sliced volume of the peak_dirs and peak_values and adjust the x_angle and y_angle See Tractography Directional Field QA Tutorial for examples Parameters ----------- peak_dirs: np array peak directional vector (x,y,z) peak_values: np array peak values/magnitude x_angle: int angle to rotate image along x axis y_angle: int angle to rotate image along y axis size: tuple size of fury window """ centers, directions, directions_colors, heights = generate_3_d_directions( peak_dirs, peak_values ) scene = window.Scene() arrow_actor = actor.arrow(centers, directions, directions_colors, heights) scene.add(arrow_actor) scene.roll(x_angle) scene.pitch(y_angle), size=size)
def show_weighted_tractography(folder_name, vec_vols, s_list, bundle_short, direction, downsamp=1): s_img = rf'{folder_name}\streamlines\ax_fa_corr_{bundle_short}_{direction}.png' if downsamp != 1: vec_vols = vec_vols[::downsamp] s_list = s_list[::downsamp] vec_vols.append(1) vec_vols.append(-1) cmap = create_colormap(np.asarray(vec_vols), name='seismic') vec_vols = vec_vols[:-2] cmap = cmap[:-2] print(min(vec_vols), max(vec_vols)) #w_actor = actor.line(s_list, vec_vols, linewidth=1.2, lookup_colormap=cmap) w_actor = actor.line(s_list, cmap, linewidth=1.2) r = window.Scene() #r.SetBackground(*window.colors.white) r.add(w_actor) #r.add(bar) r.set_camera(r.camera_info()) window.record(r, out_path=s_img, size=(800, 800))
def calculate_fodf(gtab, images, name, sphere=default_sphere, radius=10, fa_threshold=0.7): response, ratio = auto_response(gtab, images, roi_radius=radius, fa_thr=fa_threshold) csd_model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response) csd_fit = csd_odf = csd_fit.odf(sphere) fodf_spheres = actor.odf_slicer(csd_odf, sphere=sphere, scale=0.9, norm=False, colormap='plasma') ren = window.Scene() ren.add(fodf_spheres) print('Saving illustration as csd_odfs_{}.png'.format(name)) window.record(ren, out_path='results/csd_odfs_{}.png'.format(name), size=(600, 600)) return csd_fit
def visualize_roi(roi, affine_or_mapping=None, static_img=None, roi_affine=None, static_affine=None, reg_template=None, scene=None, color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), opacity=1.0, inline=False, interact=False): """ Render a region of interest into a VTK viz as a volume """ if not isinstance(roi, np.ndarray): if isinstance(roi, str): roi = nib.load(roi).get_fdata() else: roi = roi.get_fdata() if affine_or_mapping is not None: if isinstance(affine_or_mapping, np.ndarray): # This is an affine: if (static_img is None or roi_affine is None or static_affine is None): raise ValueError( "If using an affine to transform an ROI, " "need to also specify all of the following", "inputs: `static_img`, `roi_affine`, ", "`static_affine`") roi = reg.resample(roi, static_img, roi_affine, static_affine) else: # Assume it is a mapping: if (isinstance(affine_or_mapping, str) or isinstance(affine_or_mapping, nib.Nifti1Image)): if reg_template is None or static_img is None: raise ValueError( "If using a mapping to transform an ROI, need to ", "also specify all of the following inputs: ", "`reg_template`, `static_img`") affine_or_mapping = reg.read_mapping(affine_or_mapping, static_img, reg_template) roi = auv.patch_up_roi( affine_or_mapping.transform_inverse( roi, interpolation='nearest')).astype(bool) if scene is None: scene = window.Scene() roi_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(roi, color=color, opacity=opacity) scene.add(roi_actor) if inline: tdir = tempfile.gettempdir() fname = op.join(tdir, "fig.png") window.snapshot(scene, fname=fname) display.display_png(display.Image(fname)) return _inline_interact(scene, inline, interact)
def build_scene(self): self.mem = GlobalHorizon() scene = window.Scene() self.add_cluster_actors(scene, self.tractograms, self.cluster_thr, enable_callbacks=False) return scene
def test_scene(self): xyz = 10 * np.random.rand(100, 3) colors = np.random.rand(100, 4) radii = np.random.rand(100) + 0.5 sphere_actor = actor.sphere(centers=xyz, colors=colors, radii=radii) scene = window.Scene() scene.add(sphere_actor) self.assertEqual((0, 0), scene.GetSize())
def plotTract(tractIn): import numpy as np from dipy.viz import window, actor renderer = window.Scene() stream_actor = actor.line(tractIn) #renderer.set_camera(position=(-176.42, 118.52, 128.20), # focal_point=(113.30, 128.31, 76.56), # view_up=(0.18, 0.00, 0.98)) get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') renderer.add(stream_actor), size=(600, 600), reset_camera=True)
def plot_streamlines(streamlines): if has_fury: # Prepare the display objects. color = colormap.line_colors(streamlines) streamlines_actor = actor.line(streamlines, colormap.line_colors(streamlines)) # Create the 3D display. scene = window.Scene() scene.add(streamlines_actor) # Save still images for this static example. Or for interactivity use
def show_template_bundles(bundles, static, show=True, fname=None): scene = window.Scene() template_actor = actor.slicer(static) scene.add(template_actor) lines_actor = actor.streamtube(bundles,, linewidth=0.3) scene.add(lines_actor) if show: if fname is not None: window.record(scene, n_frames=1, out_path=fname, size=(900, 900))
def show_both_bundles(bundles, colors=None, show=True, fname=None): scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1., 1, 1) for (i, bundle) in enumerate(bundles): color = colors[i] streamtube_actor = actor.streamtube(bundle, color, linewidth=0.3) streamtube_actor.RotateX(-90) streamtube_actor.RotateZ(90) scene.add(streamtube_actor) if show: elif fname is not None: window.record(scene, out_path=fname, size=(900, 900))
def viewclusters(clusters,streamlines, outpath=None, interactive=False): #Linked to viewing clusters. If outpath given, will save info to right location, if interactive, will show window colormap = actor.create_colormap(np.ravel(clusters.centroids)) colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines), 3)) for cluster, color in zip(clusters, colormap): colormap_full[cluster.indices] = color scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath, size=(600, 600)) # Enables/disables interactive visualization if interactive:
def visualize_streamline(darray, score, save_able=False, save_name='default.png', control_par=1, hue=[0.5, 1]): data_evl = darray streamlines_evl = Streamlines() for i in range(np.shape(data_evl)[0]): tmp = data_evl[i] tmp = zero_remove(tmp) #tmp = tmp[~np.all(tmp == 0, axis=-1)] #tmp = np.around(tmp, decimals=0) streamlines_evl.append(tmp) mse_nor = score # Visualize the streamlines, colored by cci ren = window.Scene() saturation = [0.0, 1.0] lut_cmap = actor.colormap_lookup_table( scale_range=(min(mse_nor), max(mse_nor) / control_par), hue_range=hue, saturation_range=saturation) bar3 = actor.scalar_bar(lut_cmap) ren.add(bar3) stream_actor = actor.line(streamlines_evl, mse_nor, linewidth=0.1, lookup_colormap=lut_cmap) ren.add(stream_actor) if not save_able: interactive = True if interactive: if save_able: window.record(ren, n_frames=1, out_path=save_name, size=(800, 800))
def show_tracts(hue, saturation, scale, streamlines, mean_vol_per_tract, folder_name, fig_type): from dipy.viz import window, actor lut_cmap = actor.colormap_lookup_table(hue_range=hue, saturation_range=saturation, scale_range=scale) streamlines_actor = actor.streamtube(streamlines, mean_vol_per_tract, linewidth=0.5, lookup_colormap=lut_cmap) bar = actor.scalar_bar(lut_cmap) r = window.Scene() r.add(streamlines_actor) r.add(bar) mean_pasi_weighted_img = f'{folder_name}{os.sep}streamlines{os.sep}mean_pasi_weighted{fig_type}.png' r.set_camera(r.camera_info()) window.record(r, out_path=mean_pasi_weighted_img, size=(800, 800))
def calculate_odf(gtab, data, sh_order=4): csamodel = CsaOdfModel(gtab, sh_order) data_small = data[30:65, 40:75, 39:40] csa_odf = csa_odf = np.clip(csa_odf, 0, np.max(csa_odf, -1)[..., None]) odf_spheres = actor.odf_slicer(csa_odf, sphere=default_sphere, scale=0.9, norm=False, colormap='plasma') ren = window.Scene() ren.add(odf_spheres) print('Saving illustration as csa_odfs_{}.png'.format(data.shape[-1] - 1)) window.record(ren, out_path='results/csa_odfs_{}.png'.format(data.shape[-1] - 1), size=(600, 600)) return csa_odf
def qball(gtab, data, name, sh_order=4): qballmodel = QballModel(gtab, sh_order) data_small = data[:, :, 39:40] qball_fit = qball_odf = qball_fit.odf(default_sphere) odf_spheres = actor.odf_slicer(qball_odf, sphere=default_sphere, scale=0.9, norm=False, colormap='plasma') ren = window.Scene() ren.add(odf_spheres) print('Saving illustration as qball_odfs_{}.png'.format( name)) #data.shape[-1] - 1)) window.record(ren, out_path='results/qball_odfs_{}.png'.format(name), size=(600, 600)) return qball_odf, qball_fit.shm_coeff
def visualize(self, out_path='out/', outer_box=True, axes=True, clip_neg=False, azimuth=0, elevation=0, n_frames=1, mag=1, video=False, viz_type='ODF', mask=None, mask_roi=None, skip_n=1, skip_n_roi=1, scale=1, roi_scale=1, zoom_start=1.0, zoom_end=1.0, top_zoom=1, interact=False, save_parallels=False, my_cam=None, compress=True, roi=None, corner_text='', scalemap=None, titles_on=True, scalebar_on=True, invert=False, flat=False, colormap='bwr', global_cm=True, camtilt=False, axes_on=False, colors=None, arrows=None, arrow_color=np.array([0, 0, 0]), linewidth=0.1, mark_slices=None, z_shift=0, profiles=[], markers=[], marker_colors=[], marker_scale=1, normalize_glyphs=True, gamma=1, density_max=1):'Preparing to render ' + out_path) # Handle scalemap if scalemap is None: scalemap = util.ScaleMap(min=np.min(self.f[..., 0]), max=np.max(self.f[..., 0])) # Prepare output util.mkdir(out_path) # Setup vtk renderers renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() if not interact: renWin.SetOffScreenRendering(1) if isinstance(viz_type, str): viz_type = [viz_type] # Rows and columns cols = len(viz_type) if roi is None: rows = 1 else: rows = 2 renWin.SetSize( * mag * cols), * mag * rows)) # Select background color if save_parallels: bg_color = [1, 1, 1] line_color = np.array([0, 0, 0]) line_bcolor = np.array([1, 1, 1]) else: if not invert: bg_color = [0, 0, 0] line_color = np.array([1, 1, 1]) line_bcolor = np.array([0, 0, 0]) else: bg_color = [1, 1, 1] line_color = np.array([0, 0, 0]) line_bcolor = np.array([1, 1, 1]) # For each viz_type rens = [] zoom_start = [] zoom_end = [] for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): # Render ren = window.Scene() rens.append(ren) if viz_type[col] is 'Density': ren.background([0, 0, 0]) line_color = np.array([1, 1, 1]) else: ren.background(bg_color) ren.SetViewport(col / cols, (rows - row - 1) / rows, (col + 1) / cols, (rows - row) / rows) renWin.AddRenderer(ren) iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) # Mask if mask is None: mask = np.ones((self.X, self.Y, self.Z), dtype=np.bool) if mask_roi is None: mask_roi = mask # Main vs roi if row == 0: data = self.f skip_mask = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.bool) skip_mask[::skip_n, ::skip_n, ::skip_n] = 1 my_mask = np.logical_and(mask, skip_mask) scale = scale scalemap = scalemap if np.sum(my_mask) == 0: my_mask[0, 0, 0] = True else: data = self.f[roi[0][0]:roi[1][0], roi[0][1]:roi[1][1], roi[0][2]:roi[1][2], :] roi_mask = mask_roi[roi[0][0]:roi[1][0], roi[0][1]:roi[1][1], roi[0][2]:roi[1][2]] skip_mask = np.zeros(roi_mask.shape, dtype=np.bool) skip_mask[::skip_n_roi, ::skip_n_roi, ::skip_n_roi] = 1 my_mask = np.logical_and(roi_mask, skip_mask) scale = roi_scale scalemap = scalemap # Add visuals to renderer if viz_type[col] == "ODF": renWin.SetMultiSamples(4)'Rendering ' + str(np.sum(my_mask)) + ' ODFs') fodf_spheres = viz.odf_sparse(data, self.Binv, sphere=self.sphere, scale=skip_n * scale * 0.5, norm=False, colormap=colormap, mask=my_mask, global_cm=global_cm, scalemap=scalemap, odf_sphere=False, flat=flat, normalize=normalize_glyphs) ren.add(fodf_spheres) elif viz_type[col] == "ODF Sphere": renWin.SetMultiSamples(4)'Rendering ' + str(np.sum(my_mask)) + ' ODFs') fodf_spheres = viz.odf_sparse(data, self.Binv, sphere=self.sphere, scale=skip_n * scale * 0.5, norm=False, colormap=colormap, mask=my_mask, global_cm=global_cm, scalemap=scalemap, odf_sphere=True, flat=flat) ren.add(fodf_spheres) elif viz_type[col] == "Ellipsoid": renWin.SetMultiSamples(4) 'Warning: scaling is not implemented for ellipsoids')'Rendering ' + str(np.sum(my_mask)) + ' ellipsoids') fodf_peaks = viz.tensor_slicer_sparse(data, sphere=self.sphere, scale=skip_n * scale * 0.5, mask=my_mask) ren.add(fodf_peaks) elif viz_type[col] == "Peak": renWin.SetMultiSamples(4)'Rendering ' + str(np.sum(my_mask)) + ' peaks') fodf_peaks = viz.peak_slicer_sparse( data, self.Binv, self.sphere.vertices, linewidth=linewidth, scale=skip_n * scale * 0.5, colors=colors, mask=my_mask, scalemap=scalemap, normalize=normalize_glyphs) fodf_peaks.GetProperty().LightingOn() fodf_peaks.GetProperty().SetDiffuse( 0.4) # Doesn't work (VTK bug I think) fodf_peaks.GetProperty().SetAmbient(0.15) fodf_peaks.GetProperty().SetSpecular(0) fodf_peaks.GetProperty().SetSpecularPower(0) ren.add(fodf_peaks) elif viz_type[col] == "Principal": 'Warning: scaling is not implemented for principals')'Rendering ' + str(np.sum(my_mask)) + ' principals') fodf_peaks = viz.principal_slicer_sparse( data, self.Binv, self.sphere.vertices, scale=skip_n * scale * 0.5, mask=my_mask) ren.add(fodf_peaks) elif viz_type[col] == "Density": renWin.SetMultiSamples(0) # Must be zero for smooth # renWin.SetAAFrames(4) # Slow antialiasing for volume renders'Rendering density') gamma_corr = np.where(data[..., 0] > 0, data[..., 0]**gamma, data[..., 0]) scalemap.max = density_max * scalemap.max**gamma volume = viz.density_slicer(gamma_corr, scalemap) ren.add(volume) X = np.float(data.shape[0]) Y = np.float(data.shape[1]) Z = np.float(data.shape[2]) - z_shift # Titles if row == 0 and titles_on: viz.add_text(ren, viz_type[col], 0.5, 0.96, mag) # Scale bar if col == cols - 1 and not save_parallels and scalebar_on: yscale = 1e-3 * self.vox_dim[1] * data.shape[1] yscale_label = '{:.2g}'.format(yscale) + ' um' viz.add_text(ren, yscale_label, 0.5, 0.03, mag) viz.draw_scale_bar(ren, X, Y, Z, [1, 1, 1]) # Corner text if row == rows - 1 and col == 0 and titles_on: viz.add_text(ren, corner_text, 0.03, 0.03, mag, ha='left') # Draw boxes Nmax = np.max([X, Y, Z]) if outer_box: if row == 0: viz.draw_outer_box( ren, np.array([[0, 0, 0], [X, Y, Z]]) - 0.5, line_color) if row == 1: viz.draw_outer_box( ren, np.array([[0, 0, 0], [X, Y, Z]]) - 0.5, [0, 1, 1]) # Add colored axes if axes: viz.draw_axes(ren, np.array([[0, 0, 0], [X, Y, Z]]) - 0.5) # Add custom arrows if arrows is not None: for i in range(arrows.shape[0]): viz.draw_single_arrow(ren, arrows[i, 0, :], arrows[i, 1, :], color=arrow_color) viz.draw_unlit_line(ren, [ np.array([arrows[i, 0, :], [X / 2, Y / 2, Z / 2]]) ], [arrow_color], lw=0.3, scale=1.0) # Draw roi box if row == 0 and roi is not None: maxROI = np.max([ roi[1][0] - roi[0][0], roi[1][1] - roi[0][1], roi[1][2] - roi[0][2] ]) maxXYZ = np.max([self.X, self.Y, self.Z]) viz.draw_outer_box(ren, roi, [0, 1, 1], lw=0.3 * maxXYZ / maxROI) viz.draw_axes(ren, roi, lw=0.3 * maxXYZ / maxROI) # Draw marked slices if mark_slices is not None: for slicen in mark_slices: md = np.max((X, Z)) frac = slicen / data.shape[1] rr = 0.83 * md t1 = 0 t2 = np.pi / 2 t3 = np.pi t4 = 3 * np.pi / 2 points = [ np.array([[ X / 2 + rr * np.cos(t1), frac * Y, Z / 2 + rr * np.sin(t1) ], [ X / 2 + rr * np.cos(t2), frac * Y, Z / 2 + rr * np.sin(t2) ], [ X / 2 + rr * np.cos(t3), frac * Y, Z / 2 + rr * np.sin(t3) ], [ X / 2 + rr * np.cos(t4), frac * Y, Z / 2 + rr * np.sin(t4) ], [ X / 2 + rr * np.cos(t1), frac * Y, Z / 2 + rr * np.sin(t1) ], [ X / 2 + rr * np.cos(t2), frac * Y, Z / 2 + rr * np.sin(t2) ]]) ] viz.draw_unlit_line(ren, points, 6 * [line_color + 0.6], lw=0.3, scale=1.0) # Draw markers for i, marker in enumerate(markers): # Draw sphere source = vtk.vtkSphereSource() source.SetCenter(marker) source.SetRadius(marker_scale) source.SetThetaResolution(30) source.SetPhiResolution(30) # mapper mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(source.GetOutputPort()) # actor actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(marker_colors[i, :]) actor.GetProperty().SetLighting(0) ren.AddActor(actor) # Draw profile lines colors = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) for i, profile in enumerate(profiles): import pdb pdb.set_trace() n_seg = profile.shape[0] viz.draw_unlit_line(ren, [profile], n_seg * [colors[i, :]], lw=0.5, scale=1.0) # Draw sphere source = vtk.vtkSphereSource() source.SetCenter(profile[0]) source.SetRadius(1) source.SetThetaResolution(30) source.SetPhiResolution(30) # mapper mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(source.GetOutputPort()) # actor actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) # actor.GetProperty().SetColor(colors[i,:]) actor.GetProperty().SetLighting(0) # assign actor to the renderer ren.AddActor(actor) # Setup cameras Rmax = np.linalg.norm([Z / 2, X / 2, Y / 2]) Rcam_rad = Rmax / np.tan(np.pi / 12) Ntmax = np.max([X, Y]) ZZ = Z if ZZ > Ntmax: Rcam_edge = np.max([X / 2, Y / 2]) else: Rcam_edge = np.min([X / 2, Y / 2]) Rcam = Rcam_edge + Rcam_rad if my_cam is None: cam = ren.GetActiveCamera() if camtilt: cam.SetPosition( ((X - 1) / 2, (Y - 1) / 2, (Z - 1) / 2 + Rcam)) cam.SetViewUp((-1, 0, 1)) if axes_on: max_dim = np.max((X, Z)) viz.draw_unlit_line(ren, [ np.array([[(X - max_dim) / 2, Y / 2, Z / 2], [X / 2, Y / 2, +Z / 2], [X / 2, Y / 2, (Z + max_dim) / 2]]) ], 3 * [line_color], lw=max_dim / 250, scale=1.0) else: cam.SetPosition( ((X - 1) / 2 + Rcam, (Y - 1) / 2, (Z - 1) / 2)) cam.SetViewUp((0, 0, 1)) cam.SetFocalPoint(((X - 1) / 2, (Y - 1) / 2, (Z - 1) / 2)) #ren.reset_camera() else: ren.set_camera(*my_cam) ren.azimuth(azimuth) ren.elevation(elevation) # Set zooming if save_parallels: zoom_start.append(1.7) zoom_end.append(1.7) else: if row == 0: zoom_start.append(1.3 * top_zoom) zoom_end.append(1.3 * top_zoom) else: zoom_start.append(1.3) zoom_end.append(1.3) # Setup writer writer = vtk.vtkTIFFWriter() if not compress: writer.SetCompressionToNoCompression() # Execute renders az = 90 naz = np.ceil(360 / n_frames)'Rendering ' + out_path) if save_parallels: # Parallel rendering for summaries filenames = ['yz', 'xy', 'xz'] zooms = [zoom_start[0], 1.0, 1.0] azs = [90, -90, 0] els = [0, 0, 90] ren.projection(proj_type='parallel') ren.reset_camera() for i in tqdm(range(3)): ren.zoom(zooms[i]) ren.azimuth(azs[i]) ren.elevation(els[i]) ren.reset_clipping_range() renderLarge = vtk.vtkRenderLargeImage() renderLarge.SetMagnification(1) renderLarge.SetInput(ren) renderLarge.Update() writer.SetInputConnection(renderLarge.GetOutputPort()) writer.SetFileName(out_path + filenames[i] + '.tif') writer.Write() else: # Rendering for movies for j, ren in enumerate(rens): ren.zoom(zoom_start[j]) for i in tqdm(range(n_frames)): for j, ren in enumerate(rens): ren.zoom(1 + ((zoom_end[j] - zoom_start[j]) / n_frames)) ren.azimuth(az) ren.reset_clipping_range() renderLarge = vtk.vtkRenderLargeImage() renderLarge.SetMagnification(1) renderLarge.SetInput(ren) renderLarge.Update() writer.SetInputConnection(renderLarge.GetOutputPort()) if n_frames != 1: writer.SetFileName(out_path + str(i).zfill(3) + '.tif') else: writer.SetFileName(out_path + '.tif') writer.Write() az = naz # Interactive if interact: # Generate video (requires ffmpeg) if video:'Generating video from frames') fps = np.ceil(n_frames / 12)[ 'ffmpeg', '-nostdin', '-y', '-framerate', str(fps), '-loglevel', 'panic', '-i', out_path + '%03d' + '.png', '-pix_fmt', 'yuvj420p', '-vcodec', 'mjpeg', out_path[:-1] + '.avi' ]) #['rm', '-r', out_path]) return my_cam
def visualize_roi(roi, affine_or_mapping=None, static_img=None, roi_affine=None, static_affine=None, reg_template=None, name='ROI', figure=None, color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), flip_axes=None, opacity=1.0, inline=False, interact=False): """ Render a region of interest into a VTK viz as a volume Parameters ---------- roi : str or Nifti1Image The ROI information affine_or_mapping : ndarray, Nifti1Image, or str, optional An affine transformation or mapping to apply to the ROIs before visualization. Default: no transform. static_img: str or Nifti1Image, optional Template to resample roi to. Default: None roi_affine: ndarray, optional Default: None static_affine: ndarray, optional Default: None reg_template: str or Nifti1Image, optional Template to use for registration. Default: None name: str, optional Name of ROI for the legend. Default: 'ROI' color : ndarray, optional RGB color for ROI. Default: np.array([1, 0, 0]) flip_axes : None This parameter is to conform fury and plotly APIs. opacity : float, optional Opacity of ROI. Default: 1.0 figure : fury Scene object, optional If provided, the visualization will be added to this Scene. Default: Initialize a new Scene. interact : bool Whether to provide an interactive VTK window for interaction. Default: False inline : bool Whether to embed the visualization inline in a notebook. Only works in the notebook context. Default: False. Returns ------- Fury Scene object """ roi = vut.prepare_roi(roi, affine_or_mapping, static_img, roi_affine, static_affine, reg_template) if figure is None: figure = window.Scene() roi_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(roi, color=color, opacity=opacity) figure.add(roi_actor) return _inline_interact(figure, inline, interact)
def viewstreamlines_anat(streamlines_full, anat_path, affine, ratio=1, threshold=10., verbose=False): scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) #colors = ['white', 'cadmium_red_deep', 'misty_rose', 'slate_grey_dark', 'ivory_black', 'chartreuse'] colors = [ window.colors.white, window.colors.cadmium_red_deep, window.colors.misty_rose, window.colors.slate_grey_dark, window.colors.ivory_black, window.colors.chartreuse ] streamline_cut = [] i = 0 if ratio != 1: for streamline in streamlines_full: if i % ratio == 0: streamline_cut.append(streamline) i += 1 else: streamline_cut = streamlines_full qb = QuickBundles(threshold=threshold) clusters = qb.cluster(streamline_cut) if verbose: print("Nb. clusters:", len(clusters)) print("Cluster sizes:", map(len, clusters)) print("Small clusters:", clusters < 10) print("Streamlines indices of the first cluster:\n", clusters[0].indices) print("Centroid of the last clustker:\n", clusters[-1].centroid) j = 0 scene = window.Scene() scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamline_cut, colors[j])) slicer_opacity = 0.6 j += 1 if isinstance(anat_path, str) and os.path.exists(anat_path): anat_nifti = load_nifti(anat_path) try: data = except AttributeError: data = anat_nifti[0] if affine is None: try: affine = anat_nifti.affine except AttributeError: affine = anat_nifti[1] else: data = anat_path shape = np.shape(data) if np.size(shape) == 4: data = data[:, :, :, 0] image_actor_z = actor.slicer(data, affine) image_actor_z.opacity(slicer_opacity) image_actor_x = image_actor_z.copy() x_midpoint = int(np.round(shape[0] / 2)) image_actor_x.display_extent(x_midpoint, x_midpoint, 0, shape[1] - 1, 0, shape[2] - 1) image_actor_y = image_actor_z.copy() y_midpoint = int(np.round(shape[1] / 2)) image_actor_y.display_extent(0, shape[0] - 1, y_midpoint, y_midpoint, 0, shape[2] - 1) scene.add(image_actor_z) scene.add(image_actor_x) scene.add(image_actor_y) global size size = scene.GetSize() show_m = window.ShowManager(scene, size=(1200, 900)) show_m.initialize() interactive = True interactive = False if interactive: show_m.add_window_callback(win_callback) show_m.render() show_m.start() else: window.record(scene, out_path='bundles_and_3_slices.png', size=(1200, 900), reset_camera=False)
def connective_streamlines_figuremaker(allstreamlines, ROI_streamlines, ROI_names, anat_path, threshold=10., verbose=False): #streamlines = Streamlines(res['af.left']) #streamlines.extend(res['cst.right']) #streamlines.extend(res['cc_1']) world_coords = True # Cluster sizes: [64, 191, 47, 1] # Small clusters: array([False, False, False, True], dtype=bool) scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) colors = [ 'white', 'cadmium_red_deep', 'misty_rose', 'slate_grey_dark', 'ivory_black', 'chartreuse' ] colors = [ window.colors.white, window.colors.cadmium_red_deep, window.colors.misty_rose, window.colors.slate_grey_dark, window.colors.ivory_black, window.colors.chartreuse ] i = 0 for ROI in ROI_streamlines: ROI_streamline = allstreamlines[ROI] qb = QuickBundles(threshold=threshold) clusters = qb.cluster(ROI_streamline) if verbose: print("Nb. clusters:", len(clusters)) print("Cluster sizes:", map(len, clusters)) print("Small clusters:", clusters < 10) print("Streamlines indices of the first cluster:\n", clusters[0].indices) print("Centroid of the last cluster:\n", clusters[-1].centroid) #if not world_coords: # from dipy.tracking.streamline import transform_streamlines # streamlines = transform_streamlines(ROI_streamline, np.linalg.inv(affine)) scene = window.Scene() #stream_actor = actor.line(ROI_streamline) #scene.add(actor.streamtube(ROI_streamline, window.colors.misty_rose)) scene.add(actor.streamtube(ROI_streamline, colors[i])) #if not world_coords: # image_actor_z = actor.slicer(data, affine=np.eye(4)) #else: # image_actor_z = actor.slicer(data, affine) slicer_opacity = 0.6 i = i + 1 anat_nifti = load_nifti(anat_path) try: data = except AttributeError: data = anat_nifti[0] try: affine = anat_nifti.affine except AttributeError: affine = anat_nifti[1] shape = np.shape(data) image_actor_z = actor.slicer(data[:, :, :, 0], affine) image_actor_z.opacity(slicer_opacity) image_actor_x = image_actor_z.copy() x_midpoint = int(np.round(shape[0] / 2)) image_actor_x.display_extent(x_midpoint, x_midpoint, 0, shape[1] - 1, 0, shape[2] - 1) image_actor_y = image_actor_z.copy() y_midpoint = int(np.round(shape[1] / 2)) image_actor_y.display_extent(0, shape[0] - 1, y_midpoint, y_midpoint, 0, shape[2] - 1) scene.add(image_actor_z) scene.add(image_actor_x) scene.add(image_actor_y) global size size = scene.GetSize() show_m = window.ShowManager(scene, size=(1200, 900)) show_m.initialize() interactive = True interactive = False if interactive: show_m.add_window_callback(win_callback) show_m.render() show_m.start() else: window.record(scene, out_path='bundles_and_3_slices.png', size=(1200, 900), reset_camera=False)
def plot_bundles_with_metric(bundle_path, endings_path, brain_mask_path, bundle, metrics, output_path, tracking_format="trk_legacy", show_color_bar=True): import seaborn as sns # import in function to avoid error if not installed (this is only needed in this function) from dipy.viz import actor, window from tractseg.libs import vtk_utils def _add_extra_point_to_last_streamline(sl): # Coloring broken as soon as all streamlines have same number of points -> why??? # Add one number to last streamline to make it have a different number sl[-1] = np.append(sl[-1], [sl[-1][-1]], axis=0) return sl # Settings NR_SEGMENTS = 100 ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT = 1 # increase number of points to avoid interpolation to blur the colors algorithm = "distance_map" # equal_dist | distance_map | cutting_plane # colors = np.array(sns.color_palette("coolwarm", NR_SEGMENTS)) # colormap blue to red (does not fit to colorbar) colors = np.array(sns.light_palette( "red", NR_SEGMENTS)) # colormap only red, which fits to color_bar img_size = (1000, 1000) # Tractometry skips first and last element. Therefore we only have 98 instead of 100 elements. # Here we duplicate the first and last element to get back to 100 elements metrics = list(metrics) metrics = np.array([metrics[0]] + metrics + [metrics[-1]]) metrics_max = metrics.max() metrics_min = metrics.min() if metrics_max == metrics_min: metrics = np.zeros(len(metrics)) else: metrics = img_utils.scale_to_range( metrics, range=(0, 99)) # range needs to be same as segments in colormap orientation = dataset_specific_utils.get_optimal_orientation_for_bundle( bundle) # Load mask beginnings_img = nib.load(endings_path) beginnings = beginnings_img.get_fdata().astype(np.uint8) for i in range(1): beginnings = binary_dilation(beginnings) # Load trackings if tracking_format == "trk_legacy": streams, hdr = streamlines = [s[0] for s in streams] else: sl_file = nib.streamlines.load(bundle_path) streamlines = sl_file.streamlines # Reduce streamline count streamlines = streamlines[::2] # Reorder to make all streamlines have same start region streamlines = fiber_utils.add_to_each_streamline(streamlines, 0.5) streamlines_new = [] for idx, sl in enumerate(streamlines): startpoint = sl[0] # Flip streamline if not in right order if beginnings[int(startpoint[0]), int(startpoint[1]), int(startpoint[2])] == 0: sl = sl[::-1, :] streamlines_new.append(sl) streamlines = fiber_utils.add_to_each_streamline(streamlines_new, -0.5) if algorithm == "distance_map" or algorithm == "equal_dist": streamlines = fiber_utils.resample_fibers( streamlines, NR_SEGMENTS * ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT) elif algorithm == "cutting_plane": streamlines = fiber_utils.resample_to_same_distance( streamlines, max_nr_points=NR_SEGMENTS, ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT=ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT) # Cut start and end by percentage # streamlines = FiberUtils.resample_fibers(streamlines, NR_SEGMENTS * ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT) # remove = int((NR_SEGMENTS * ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT) * 0.15) # remove X% in beginning and end # streamlines = np.array(streamlines)[:, remove:-remove, :] # streamlines = list(streamlines) if algorithm == "equal_dist": segment_idxs = [] for i in range(len(streamlines)): segment_idxs.append(list(range(NR_SEGMENTS * ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT))) segment_idxs = np.array(segment_idxs) elif algorithm == "distance_map": metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric() qb = QuickBundles(threshold=100., metric=metric) clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines) centroids = Streamlines(clusters.centroids) _, segment_idxs = cKDTree(, 1, copy_data=True).query(streamlines, k=1) elif algorithm == "cutting_plane": streamlines_resamp = fiber_utils.resample_fibers( streamlines, NR_SEGMENTS * ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT) metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric() qb = QuickBundles(threshold=100., metric=metric) clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines_resamp) centroid = Streamlines(clusters.centroids)[0] # index of the middle cluster middle_idx = int(NR_SEGMENTS / 2) * ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT middle_point = centroid[middle_idx] segment_idxs = fiber_utils.get_idxs_of_closest_points( streamlines, middle_point) # Align along the middle and assign indices segment_idxs_eqlen = [] for idx, sl in enumerate(streamlines): sl_middle_pos = segment_idxs[idx] before_elems = sl_middle_pos after_elems = len(sl) - sl_middle_pos base_idx = 1000 # use higher index to avoid negative numbers for area below middle r = range((base_idx - before_elems), (base_idx + after_elems)) segment_idxs_eqlen.append(r) segment_idxs = segment_idxs_eqlen # Add extra point otherwise coloring BUG streamlines = _add_extra_point_to_last_streamline(streamlines) renderer = window.Scene() colors_all = [] # final shape will be [nr_streamlines, nr_points, 3] for jdx, sl in enumerate(streamlines): colors_sl = [] for idx, p in enumerate(sl): if idx >= len(segment_idxs[jdx]): seg_idx = segment_idxs[jdx][idx - 1] else: seg_idx = segment_idxs[jdx][idx] m = metrics[int(seg_idx / ANTI_INTERPOL_MULT)] color = colors[int(m)] colors_sl.append(color) colors_all.append( colors_sl ) # this can not be converted to numpy array because last element has one more elem sl_actor = actor.streamtube(streamlines, colors=colors_all, linewidth=0.2, opacity=1) renderer.add(sl_actor) # plot brain mask mask = nib.load(brain_mask_path).get_fdata().astype(np.uint8) cont_actor = vtk_utils.contour_from_roi_smooth( mask, affine=beginnings_img.affine, color=[.9, .9, .9], opacity=.2, smoothing=50) renderer.add(cont_actor) if show_color_bar: lut_cmap = actor.colormap_lookup_table(scale_range=(metrics_min, metrics_max), hue_range=(0.0, 0.0), saturation_range=(0.0, 1.0)) renderer.add(actor.scalar_bar(lut_cmap)) if orientation == "sagittal": renderer.set_camera(position=(-412.95, -34.38, 80.15), focal_point=(102.46, -16.96, -11.71), view_up=(0.1806, 0.0, 0.9835)) elif orientation == "coronal": renderer.set_camera(position=(-48.63, 360.31, 98.37), focal_point=(-20.16, 92.89, 36.02), view_up=(-0.0047, -0.2275, 0.9737)) elif orientation == "axial": pass else: raise ValueError("Invalid orientation provided") # Use this to interatively get new camera angle #, size=img_size, reset_camera=False) # print(renderer.get_camera()) window.record(renderer, out_path=output_path, size=img_size)
def launch_quickbundles(streamlines, outpath, ROIname="all", threshold=10., labelmask=None, affine=np.eye(4), interactive=False): #qb = QuickBundles(threshold=10.) qb = QuickBundles(threshold=threshold) clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines) print("Nb. clusters:", len(clusters)) print("Cluster sizes:", map(len, clusters)) print("Small clusters:", clusters < 10) print("Streamlines indices of the first cluster:\n", clusters[0].indices) print("Centroid of the last cluster:\n", clusters[-1].centroid) # Cluster sizes: [64, 191, 47, 1] # Small clusters: array([False, False, False, True], dtype=bool) scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.misty_rose)) if labelmask is not None: shape = labelmask.shape image_actor_z = actor.slicer(labelmask, affine) slicer_opacity = 0.6 image_actor_z.opacity(slicer_opacity) image_actor_x = image_actor_z.copy() x_midpoint = int(np.round(shape[0] / 2)) image_actor_x.display_extent(x_midpoint, x_midpoint, 0, shape[1] - 1, 0, shape[2] - 1) image_actor_y = image_actor_z.copy() y_midpoint = int(np.round(shape[1] / 2)) image_actor_y.display_extent(0, shape[0] - 1, y_midpoint, y_midpoint, 0, shape[2] - 1) scene.add(image_actor_z) scene.add(image_actor_x) scene.add(image_actor_y) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath + ROIname + '_initial.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: colormap = actor.create_colormap(np.arange(len(clusters))) scene.clear() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.white, opacity=0.05)) scene.add(actor.streamtube(clusters.centroids, colormap, linewidth=0.4)) if labelmask is not None: image_actor_z = actor.slicer(labelmask, affine) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath + ROIname + '_centroids.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines), 3)) for cluster, color in zip(clusters, colormap): colormap_full[cluster.indices] = color scene.clear() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath + ROIname + '_clusters.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive:
#mean_vol_per_tract.append(np.nanmedian(s)) hue = [0.25, -0.05] saturation = [0, 1] scale = [3, 12] if downsamp != 1: mean_vol_per_tract = mean_vol_per_tract[::downsamp] str1 = str1[::downsamp] mean_pasi_weighted_img = f'{folder_name}{os.sep}streamlines{os.sep}CC_3-12_Exp_DTI_PreReg_1_ds2_tube0p3.png' lut_cmap = actor.colormap_lookup_table(hue_range=hue, saturation_range=saturation, scale_range=scale) #str2 = transform_streamlines(str1, np.linalg.inv(affine2)) streamlines_actor = actor.streamtube(str1, mean_vol_per_tract, linewidth=0.3, lookup_colormap=lut_cmap) bar = actor.scalar_bar(lut_cmap) r = window.Scene() r.add(streamlines_actor) r.add(bar) #r.SetBackground(*window.colors.white) r.set_camera(r.camera_info()) window.record(r, out_path=mean_pasi_weighted_img, size=(800, 800))
def visualize_bundles(sft, affine=None, n_points=None, bundle_dict=None, bundle=None, colors=None, color_by_volume=None, cbv_lims=[None, None], figure=None, background=(1, 1, 1), interact=False, inline=False, flip_axes=None): """ Visualize bundles in 3D using VTK Parameters ---------- sft : Stateful Tractogram, str A Stateful Tractogram containing streamline information or a path to a trk file In order to visualize individual bundles, the Stateful Tractogram must contain a bundle key in it's data_per_streamline which is a list of bundle `'uid'`. affine : ndarray, optional An affine transformation to apply to the streamlines before visualization. Default: no transform. n_points : int or None n_points to resample streamlines to before plotting. If None, no resampling is done. bundle_dict : dict, optional Keys are names of bundles and values are dicts that should include a key `'uid'` with values as integers for selection from the sft metadata. Default: bundles are either not identified, or identified only as unique integers in the metadata. bundle : str or int, optional The name of a bundle to select from among the keys in `bundle_dict` or an integer for selection from the sft metadata. colors : dict or list If this is a dict, keys are bundle names and values are RGB tuples. If this is a list, each item is an RGB tuple. Defaults to a list with Tableau 20 RGB values if bundle_dict is None, or dict from bundles to Tableau 20 RGB values if bundle_dict is not None. color_by_volume : ndarray or str, optional 3d volume use to shade the bundles. If None, no shading is performed. Only works when using the plotly backend. Default: None cbv_lims : ndarray Of the form (lower bound, upper bound). Shading based on color_by_volume will only differentiate values within these bounds. If lower bound is None, will default to 0. If upper bound is None, will default to the maximum value in color_by_volume. Default: [None, None] background : tuple, optional RGB values for the background. Default: (1, 1, 1), which is white background. figure : fury Scene object, optional If provided, the visualization will be added to this Scene. Default: Initialize a new Scene. interact : bool Whether to provide an interactive VTK window for interaction. Default: False inline : bool Whether to embed the visualization inline in a notebook. Only works in the notebook context. Default: False. flip_axes : None This parameter is to conform fury and plotly APIs. Returns ------- Fury Scene object """ if figure is None: figure = window.Scene() figure.SetBackground(background[0], background[1], background[2]) for (sls, color, name, _) in vut.tract_generator(sft, affine, bundle, bundle_dict, colors, n_points): sls = list(sls) if name == "all_bundles": color = line_colors(sls) sl_actor = actor.line(sls, color) figure.add(sl_actor) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(6) return _inline_interact(figure, inline, interact)
def visualize_volume(volume, x=None, y=None, z=None, figure=None, flip_axes=None, opacity=0.6, inline=True, interact=False): """ Visualize a volume Parameters ---------- volume : ndarray or str 3d volume to visualize. figure : fury Scene object, optional If provided, the visualization will be added to this Scene. Default: Initialize a new Scene. flip_axes : None This parameter is to conform fury and plotly APIs. opacity : float, optional Initial opacity of slices. Default: 0.6 interact : bool Whether to provide an interactive VTK window for interaction. Default: False inline : bool Whether to embed the visualization inline in a notebook. Only works in the notebook context. Default: False. Returns ------- Fury Scene object """ volume = vut.load_volume(volume) if figure is None: figure = window.Scene() shape = volume.shape image_actor_z = actor.slicer(volume) slicer_opacity = opacity image_actor_z.opacity(slicer_opacity) image_actor_x = image_actor_z.copy() if x is None: x = int(np.round(shape[0] / 2)) image_actor_x.display_extent(x, x, 0, shape[1] - 1, 0, shape[2] - 1) image_actor_y = image_actor_z.copy() if y is None: y = int(np.round(shape[1] / 2)) image_actor_y.display_extent(0, shape[0] - 1, y, y, 0, shape[2] - 1) figure.add(image_actor_z) figure.add(image_actor_x) figure.add(image_actor_y) show_m = window.ShowManager(figure, size=(1200, 900)) show_m.initialize() if interact: line_slider_z = ui.LineSlider2D(min_value=0, max_value=shape[2] - 1, initial_value=shape[2] / 2, text_template="{value:.0f}", length=140) line_slider_x = ui.LineSlider2D(min_value=0, max_value=shape[0] - 1, initial_value=shape[0] / 2, text_template="{value:.0f}", length=140) line_slider_y = ui.LineSlider2D(min_value=0, max_value=shape[1] - 1, initial_value=shape[1] / 2, text_template="{value:.0f}", length=140) opacity_slider = ui.LineSlider2D(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, initial_value=slicer_opacity, length=140) def change_slice_z(slider): z = int(np.round(slider.value)) image_actor_z.display_extent(0, shape[0] - 1, 0, shape[1] - 1, z, z) def change_slice_x(slider): x = int(np.round(slider.value)) image_actor_x.display_extent(x, x, 0, shape[1] - 1, 0, shape[2] - 1) def change_slice_y(slider): y = int(np.round(slider.value)) image_actor_y.display_extent(0, shape[0] - 1, y, y, 0, shape[2] - 1) def change_opacity(slider): slicer_opacity = slider.value image_actor_z.opacity(slicer_opacity) image_actor_x.opacity(slicer_opacity) image_actor_y.opacity(slicer_opacity) line_slider_z.on_change = change_slice_z line_slider_x.on_change = change_slice_x line_slider_y.on_change = change_slice_y opacity_slider.on_change = change_opacity def build_label(text): label = ui.TextBlock2D() label.message = text label.font_size = 18 label.font_family = 'Arial' label.justification = 'left' label.bold = False label.italic = False label.shadow = False label.background = (0, 0, 0) label.color = (1, 1, 1) return label line_slider_label_z = build_label(text="Z Slice") line_slider_label_x = build_label(text="X Slice") line_slider_label_y = build_label(text="Y Slice") opacity_slider_label = build_label(text="Opacity") panel = ui.Panel2D(size=(300, 200), color=(1, 1, 1), opacity=0.1, align="right") = (1030, 120) panel.add_element(line_slider_label_x, (0.1, 0.75)) panel.add_element(line_slider_x, (0.38, 0.75)) panel.add_element(line_slider_label_y, (0.1, 0.55)) panel.add_element(line_slider_y, (0.38, 0.55)) panel.add_element(line_slider_label_z, (0.1, 0.35)) panel.add_element(line_slider_z, (0.38, 0.35)) panel.add_element(opacity_slider_label, (0.1, 0.15)) panel.add_element(opacity_slider, (0.38, 0.15)) show_m.scene.add(panel) global size size = figure.GetSize() def win_callback(obj, event): global size if size != obj.GetSize(): size_old = size size = obj.GetSize() size_change = [size[0] - size_old[0], 0] panel.re_align(size_change) show_m.initialize() figure.zoom(1.5) figure.reset_clipping_range() if interact: show_m.add_window_callback(win_callback) show_m.render() show_m.start() return _inline_interact(figure, inline, interact)
def plot_tracts(classes, bundle_segmentations, affine, out_dir, brain_mask=None): """ By default this does not work on a remote server connection (ssh -X) because -X does not support OpenGL. On the remote Server you can do 'export DISPLAY=":0"' . (you should set the value you get if you do 'echo $DISPLAY' if you login locally on the remote server). Then all graphics will get rendered locally and not via -X. (important: graphical session needs to be running on remote server (e.g. via login locally)) (important: login needed, not just stay at login screen) If running on a headless server without Display using Xvfb might help: """ from dipy.viz import window from tractseg.libs import vtk_utils SMOOTHING = 10 WINDOW_SIZE = (800, 800) bundles = ["CST_right", "CA", "IFO_right"] renderer = window.Scene() renderer.projection('parallel') rows = len(bundles) X, Y, Z = bundle_segmentations.shape[:3] for j, bundle in enumerate(bundles): i = 0 #only one method bundle_idx = dataset_specific_utils.get_bundle_names( classes)[1:].index(bundle) mask_data = bundle_segmentations[:, :, :, bundle_idx] if bundle == "CST_right": orientation = "axial" elif bundle == "CA": orientation = "axial" elif bundle == "IFO_right": orientation = "sagittal" else: orientation = "axial" #bigger: more border if orientation == "axial": border_y = -100 else: border_y = -100 x_current = X * i # column (width) y_current = rows * (Y * 2 + border_y) - ( Y * 2 + border_y) * j # row (height) (starts from bottom) plot_mask(renderer, mask_data, affine, x_current, y_current, orientation=orientation, smoothing=SMOOTHING, brain_mask=brain_mask) #Bundle label text_offset_top = -50 text_offset_side = -100 position = (0 - int(X) + text_offset_side, y_current + text_offset_top, 50) text_actor = vtk_utils.label(text=bundle, pos=position, scale=(6, 6, 6), color=(1, 1, 1)) renderer.add(text_actor) renderer.reset_camera() window.record(renderer, out_path=join(out_dir, "preview.png"), size=(WINDOW_SIZE[0], WINDOW_SIZE[1]), reset_camera=False, magnification=2)
def visualize_bundles(trk, affine=None, bundle_dict=None, bundle=None, colors=None, scene=None, background=(1, 1, 1), interact=False, inline=False): """ Visualize bundles in 3D using VTK Parameters ---------- trk : str, list, or Streamlines The streamline information affine : ndarray, optional An affine transformation to apply to the streamlines before visualization. Default: no transform. bundle_dict : dict, optional Keys are names of bundles and values are dicts that should include a key `'uid'` with values as integers for selection from the trk metadata. Default: bundles are either not identified, or identified only as unique integers in the metadata. bundle : str or int, optional The name of a bundle to select from among the keys in `bundle_dict` or an integer for selection from the trk metadata. colors : dict or list If this is a dict, keys are bundle names and values are RGB tuples. If this is a list, each item is an RGB tuple. Defaults to a list with Tableau 20 RGB values background : tuple, optional RGB values for the background. Default: (1, 1, 1), which is white background. scene : fury Scene object, optional If provided, the visualization will be added to this Scene. Default: Initialize a new Scene. interact : bool Whether to provide an interactive VTK window for interaction. Default: False inline : bool Whether to embed the visualization inline in a notebook. Only works in the notebook context. Default: False. Returns ------- Fury Scene object """ if isinstance(trk, str): trk = nib.streamlines.load(trk) tg = trk.tractogram else: # Assume these are streamlines (as list or Streamlines object): tg = nib.streamlines.Tractogram(trk) if affine is not None: tg = tg.apply_affine(np.linalg.inv(affine)) streamlines = tg.streamlines if scene is None: scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(background[0], background[1], background[2]) if colors is None: # Use the color dict provided colors = color_dict def _color_selector(bundle_dict, colors, b): """Helper function """ if bundle_dict is None: # We'll choose a color from a rotating list: if isinstance(colors, list): color = colors[np.mod(len(colors), int(b))] else: color_list = colors.values() color = color_list[np.mod(len(colors), int(b))] else: # We have a mapping from UIDs to bundle names: for b_name_iter, b_iter in bundle_dict.items(): if b_iter['uid'] == b: b_name = b_name_iter break color = colors[b_name] return color if list(tg.data_per_streamline.keys()) == []: # There are no bundles in here: streamlines = list(streamlines) # Visualize all the streamlines with directionally assigned RGB: sl_actor = actor.line(streamlines, line_colors(streamlines)) scene.add(sl_actor) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(6) else: # There are bundles: if bundle is None: # No selection: visualize all of them: for b in np.unique(tg.data_per_streamline['bundle']): idx = np.where(tg.data_per_streamline['bundle'] == b)[0] this_sl = list(streamlines[idx]) color = _color_selector(bundle_dict, colors, b) sl_actor = actor.line(this_sl, color) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(6) scene.add(sl_actor) else: # Select just one to visualize: if isinstance(bundle, str): # We need to find the UID: uid = bundle_dict[bundle]['uid'] else: # It's already a UID: uid = bundle idx = np.where(tg.data_per_streamline['bundle'] == uid)[0] this_sl = list(streamlines[idx]) color = _color_selector(bundle_dict, colors, uid) sl_actor = actor.line(this_sl, color) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1) sl_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(6) scene.add(sl_actor) return _inline_interact(scene, inline, interact)
fod = csd_fit.odf(small_sphere) pmf = fod.clip(min=0) prob_dg = ProbabilisticDirectionGetter.from_pmf(pmf, max_angle=30., sphere=small_sphere) streamline_generator = LocalTracking(prob_dg, stopping_criterion, seeds, affine, step_size=.5) streamlines = Streamlines(streamline_generator) sft = StatefulTractogram(streamlines, hardi_img, Space.RASMM) save_trk(sft, "tractogram_probabilistic_dg_pmf.trk") if has_fury: scene = window.Scene() scene.add(actor.line(streamlines, colormap.line_colors(streamlines))) window.record(scene, out_path='tractogram_probabilistic_dg_pmf.png', size=(800, 800)) if interactive: """ .. figure:: tractogram_probabilistic_dg_pmf.png :align: center **Corpus Callosum using probabilistic direction getter from PMF** """ """ One disadvantage of using a discrete PMF to represent possible tracking directions is that it tends to take up a lot of memory (RAM). The size of the
def dMRI2ODF_DTI(PATH): ''' Input the dMRI data return the ODF ''' dMRI_path = PATH + 'data.nii.gz' mask_path = PATH + 'nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz' dMRI_img = nib.load(dMRI_path) dMRI_data = dMRI_img.get_fdata() mask_img = nib.load(mask_path) mask = mask_img.get_fdata() ########## subsample ########## # dMRI_data = dMRI_data[45:-48,50:-65,51:-54,...] # mask = mask[45:-48,50:-65,51:-54] # breakpoint() dMRI_data = dMRI_data[:, 87, ...] mask = mask[:, 87, ...] for cnt in range(10): fig = plt.imshow(dMRI_data[:, :, cnt].transpose(1, 0), cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('off') # plt.imshow(dMRI_data[:,15,:,cnt].transpose(1,0),cmap='Greys') plt.savefig(str(cnt) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300, transparent=True, pad_inches=0) # breakpoint() bval = PATH + "bvals" bvec = PATH + "bvecs" radial_order = 6 zeta = 700 lambdaN = 1e-8 lambdaL = 1e-8 gtab = gradient_table(bvals=bval, bvecs=bvec) asm = ShoreModel(gtab, radial_order=radial_order, zeta=zeta, lambdaN=lambdaN, lambdaL=lambdaL) asmfit =, mask=mask) sphere = get_sphere('symmetric362') dMRI_odf = asmfit.odf(sphere) dMRI_odf[dMRI_odf <= 0] = 0 tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab) tenfit =, mask) dMRI_dti = tenfit.quadratic_form FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals) FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0 FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1) RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs) evals = tenfit.evals + 1e-20 evecs = tenfit.evecs cfa = RGB + 1e-20 cfa /= cfa.max() evals = np.expand_dims(evals, 2) evecs = np.expand_dims(evecs, 2) cfa = np.expand_dims(cfa, 2) ren = window.Scene() sphere = get_sphere('symmetric362') ren.add( actor.tensor_slicer(evals, evecs, scalar_colors=cfa, sphere=sphere, scale=0.5)) window.record(ren, n_frames=1, out_path='../data/tensor.png', size=(5000, 5000)) odf_ = dMRI_odf ren = window.Scene() sfu = actor.odf_slicer(np.expand_dims(odf_, 2), sphere=sphere, colormap="plasma", scale=0.5) ren.add(sfu) window.record(ren, n_frames=1, out_path='../data/odfs.png', size=(5000, 5000)) return None