예제 #1
 def max_db_connections(self, value):
     """Property setter for max_db_connections."""
     if value < 1 or value > 32:
         msg = 'max_db_connections must be at least 1 and can not be set higher than 32!'
         raise ConfigParseException(msg)
     self._max_db_connections = value
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, **kafka_config):
        """Constructor which parses the kafka config."""
        super(KafkaConfig, self).__init__(**kafka_config)
        self.hostname = self._parse_string('hostname')
        self.port = self._parse_positive_int('port')
        self.topic = self._parse_string('topic')

        # protocol and checks, plain and ssl only
        self.security_protocol = self._parse_string('security_protocol').upper()
        if self.security_protocol not in ['SSL', 'PLAINTEXT']:
            msg = 'Invalid security protocol specified, use one on [PLAIN, SSL] only'
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        # if security protocol is set to SSL then verify the required options
        if self.security_protocol == 'SSL':
            self.client_certificate = self._parse_file_path('client_certificate', ext='.pem')
            self.client_key = self._parse_file_path('client_key', ext='.pem')
            self.caroot_certificate = self._parse_file_path('caroot_certificate', ext='.pem')
            self.skip_tls_verifications = self._parse_bool('skip_tls_verifications')

            if self.skip_tls_verifications is True:
                _logger.warning('TLS verifications should only be turned off in DEV Env, '
                                'not recommended for production environment')
        # if security protocol is set to PLAIN show warning
            _logger.warning('Security protocol in broker config is set to PLAIN, which is not recommended '
                            'in production environment')
예제 #3
 def max_local_cpus(self, value):
     """Property setter for max_local_cpus."""
     max_cpus = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1)
     if value < 1 or value > max_cpus:
         msg = 'max_local_cpus must be at least 1 and can not be set higher than CPUs present in the ' \
               'system minus one!'
         raise ConfigParseException(msg)
     self._max_local_cpus = value
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, **amnesty_config):
     """Constructor which parses the amnesty config."""
     super(AmnestyConfig, self).__init__(**amnesty_config)
     self.amnesty_enabled = self._parse_bool('amnesty_enabled')
     self.evaluation_period_end_date = self._parse_date(
         'evaluation_period_end_date', '%Y%m%d', 'YYYYMMDD')
     self.amnesty_period_end_date = self._parse_date(
         'amnesty_period_end_date', '%Y%m%d', 'YYYYMMDD')
     if self.amnesty_period_end_date <= self.evaluation_period_end_date:
         msg = "The \'amnesty_period_end_date\' must be greater than the \'evaluation_period_end_date\'!"
         raise ConfigParseException(msg)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, **dim_config):
        """Constructor which parses the dimension config."""
        if 'module' not in dim_config:
            msg = 'No module specified!'
            _logger.error('DimensionConfig: {0}'.format(msg))
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
        self.module = dim_config['module']

        super(DimensionConfig, self).__init__(**dim_config)

            module = self.raw_config['module']
            mod = importlib.import_module('dirbs.dimensions.' + module)
        except ImportError as ex:
            msg = '{0}: module {1} can not be imported'.format(self.section_name, module)
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        dim_constructor = mod.__dict__.get('dimension')
            params = self.raw_config['parameters']
            self.params = params

        except Exception as e:
            msg_error = "Could not create dimension \'{0}\' with supplied parameters".format(self.module)
            msg = '{0}: {1}. Cause: {2}'.format(self.section_name, msg_error, str(e))
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        self.invert = self._parse_bool('invert')
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, **catalog_config):
        """Constructor which parses the catalog config."""
        super(CatalogConfig, self).__init__(**catalog_config)
        self.perform_prevalidation = self._parse_bool('perform_prevalidation')
        self.prospectors = [{
            'file_type': str(x['file_type']),
            'paths': list(x['paths']),
            'schema': x['schema_filename']
        } for x in self.raw_config['prospectors']]

        path_list = [path for x in self.prospectors for path in x['paths']]
        if len(path_list) != len(set(path_list)):
            msg = 'The paths specified in the catalog config are not globally unique!'
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, **operator_config):
        """Constructor which parses the operator config."""
        super(BrokerOperatorConfig, self).__init__(**operator_config)
        self.id = self._parse_string('id', max_len=16)

        if self.id != self.id.lower():
            _logger.warning('operator_id: {0} has been changed to '
                            'lower case: {1}'.format(self.id, self.id.lower()))
            self.id = self.id.lower()

        # Check that operator_ids contains only letters, underscores and digits(0-9)
        bad_symbol_error_message = 'Operator_id {0} must contain only letters, underscores or digits(0-9)!'
        parse_alphanum(self.id, bad_symbol_error_message)

        self.name = self._parse_string('name')
        if self.id == self.COUNTRY_OPERATOR_NAME:
            msg = "Invalid use of reserved operator name \'__all__\' in config!"
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
        self.topic = self._parse_string('topic')
예제 #8
    def _parse_int_or_neg_one(self, propname):
        """Helper function to parse an integer value or special value neg one and bound-check it."""
            parsed_val = int(self.raw_config[propname])
            # -1 is a special value for _import_size_variation_absolute variable.
            # If _import_size_variation_absolute is a positive integer (zero allowed), it will
            # check that specified absolute rows are bigger than the existing row count.
            # By setting this variable to neg one, this check will be disabled.
            if parsed_val == -1:
                return parsed_val
                # _parse_positive_int allows zero values for propname by default
                return self._parse_positive_int(propname)

        except ValueError:
            msg = '{0}: {1} value must be a positive integer or special ' \
                  'value -1'.format(self.section_name, propname)
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, *, ignore_env, **cond_config):
        """Constructor which parses the condition config."""
        super(ConditionConfig, self).__init__(ignore_env=ignore_env, **cond_config)
        self.label = self._parse_string('label', max_len=64)

        # Check that condition name contains only letters, underscores and digits(0-9)
        bad_symbol_error_message = 'Condition label {0} must contain only letters, underscores or digits(0-9)!'
        parse_alphanum(self.label.lower(), bad_symbol_error_message)

        self.grace_period = self._parse_positive_int('grace_period_days')
        self.blocking = self._parse_bool('blocking')
        self.sticky = self._parse_bool('sticky')
        self.reason = self._parse_string('reason')
        self.max_allowed_matching_ratio = self._parse_float_ratio('max_allowed_matching_ratio')
        self.amnesty_eligible = self._parse_bool('amnesty_eligible')
        if self.reason.find('|') != -1:
            msg = 'Illegal pipe character in reason string for condition: {0}'.format(self.label)
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        dimensions = self.raw_config['dimensions']
        if not isinstance(dimensions, list):
            msg = 'Dimensions not a list type!'
            _logger.error('{0}: {1}'.format(self.section_name, msg))
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
        self.dimensions = [DimensionConfig(ignore_env=ignore_env, **d) for d in dimensions]

        if self.amnesty_eligible and not self.blocking:
            msg = 'Informational conditions cannot have amnesty_eligible flag set to True.'
            _logger.error('{0}: {1}'.format(self.section_name, msg))
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, **operator_config):
        """Constructor which parses the operator config."""
        super(OperatorConfig, self).__init__(**operator_config)
        self.id = self._parse_string('id', max_len=16)

        if self.id != self.id.lower():
            _logger.warning('operator_id: {0} has been changed to '
                            'lower case: {1}'.format(self.id, self.id.lower()))
            self.id = self.id.lower()

        # Check that operator_ids contains only letters, underscores and digits(0-9)
        bad_symbol_error_message = 'Operator_id {0} must contain only letters, underscores or digits(0-9)!'
        parse_alphanum(self.id, bad_symbol_error_message)

        self.name = self._parse_string('name')
        if self.id == self.COUNTRY_OPERATOR_NAME:
            msg = "Invalid use of reserved operator name \'__all__\' in config!"
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        # Make sure mcc_mnc key is there and is a list
        if 'mcc_mnc_pairs' not in operator_config or type(
                operator_config['mcc_mnc_pairs']) is not list:
            msg = 'Missing (or non-list) {0} in config for operator ID {1}!'.format(
                'mcc_mnc_pairs', self.id)
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        # Validate each MCC/MNC pair
        for mcc_mnc in self.raw_config['mcc_mnc_pairs']:
            for key in ['mcc', 'mnc']:
                except (ValueError, KeyError):
                    msg = 'Non-existent or non integer {0} in config for operator ID {1}!'.format(
                        key, self.id)
                    raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        # Make sure we stringify mcc and mnc values in case they were interpreted as ints by YAML parser
        self.mcc_mnc_pairs = \
            [{'mcc': str(x['mcc']), 'mnc': str(x['mnc'])} for x in self.raw_config['mcc_mnc_pairs']]

        if self.mcc_mnc_pairs is None or len(self.mcc_mnc_pairs) <= 0:
            msg = 'At least one valid MCC-MNC pair must be provided for operator ID {0}.'.format(
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, *, ignore_env, **region_config):
        """Constructor which parses the region config."""
        super(RegionConfig, self).__init__(ignore_env=ignore_env, **region_config)
        self.name = self._parse_string('name')
        self.import_msisdn_data = self._parse_bool('import_msisdn_data')
        self.import_rat_data = self._parse_bool('import_rat_data')

        # Check that country codes are strings that can be converted to ints
            [int(x) for x in self.raw_config['country_codes']]
        except ValueError:
            msg = '{0}: non-numeric value for country code!'.format(self.section_name)
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        # Make sure we store country codes as strings
        self.country_codes = [str(x) for x in self.raw_config['country_codes']]

        if self.country_codes is None or len(self.country_codes) <= 0:
            msg = 'Country Code must be provided for "region" section in config'
            raise ConfigParseException(msg)

        # Populate operators array
        self.operators = [OperatorConfig(ignore_env=ignore_env, **o) for o in region_config.get('operators', [])]

        # Check that operator_ids are unique and case-insensitive
        dupl_op_id_found_error_message = 'Duplicate operator_ids {0} found in config. ' \
                                         'Operator_ids are case insensitive!'
        operator_id_list = [o.id for o in self.operators]
        check_for_duplicates(operator_id_list, dupl_op_id_found_error_message)

        # Parse exempted device types if present
        self.exempted_device_types = [str(x) for x in self.raw_config.get('exempted_device_types', [])]

        # Check the mcc_mnc pairs are unique and that no mcc-mnc can begin with another mcc-mnc
        dupl_mcc_mnc_found_error_message = 'Duplicate MCC-MNC pairs {0} found in config. ' \
                                           'MCC-MNC pairs must be unique across all operators!'
        all_mncs = [p['mcc'] + p['mnc'] for o in self.operators for p in o.mcc_mnc_pairs]
        check_for_duplicates(all_mncs, dupl_mcc_mnc_found_error_message)
        all_mncs_set = set(all_mncs)
        substring_mcc_mnc_error_message = 'MCC-MNC pair {0} found which starts with another configured MCC-MNC pair ' \
                                          '{1}. MCC-MNC pairs must be disjoint from each other (not be prefixed by ' \
                                          'another MCC-MNC)!'
        for mcc_mnc in all_mncs_set:
            mcc_mncs_to_check = all_mncs_set.copy()
            for other_mcc_mnc in mcc_mncs_to_check:
                if mcc_mnc.startswith(other_mcc_mnc):
                    err_msg = substring_mcc_mnc_error_message.format(mcc_mnc, other_mcc_mnc)
                    raise ConfigParseException(err_msg)