예제 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # start Panda3d
        base = ShowBase()
        # CollisionTraverser instance must be attached to base,
        # and must be called cTrav
        base.cTrav = CollisionTraverser()
        self.cHand = CollisionHandlerEvent()
        # load smiley, which we will control
        # notice this is a little trickery. If we parent everything except smiley
        # to the camera, and the player is controlling the camera, then everything 
        # stays fixed in the same place relative to the camera, and when the camera
        # moves, the player is given the illusion that he is moving smiley, rather than 
        # the camera and the rest of the scene.
        self.smiley = base.loader.loadModel('smiley')
        # Setup a collision solid for this model. Our initCollisionSphere method returns
        # the cNodepath and the string representing it. We will use the cNodepath for 
        # adding to the traverser, and the string to accept it for event handling.
        #sColl = self.initCollisionSphere(self.smiley)
        sColl = self.initCollisionSphere(self.smiley, True)
        print 'smiley', sColl[0]
        print 'smiley', sColl[1]

        # Add this object to the traverser.
        base.cTrav.addCollider(sColl[0], self.cHand)

        # load frowney
        self.frowney = base.loader.loadModel('frowney')
        # Setup a collision solid for this model.
        fColl = self.initCollisionSphere(self.frowney, True)
        #print 'frowney', fColl[0]
        #print 'frowney', fColl[1]
        # Add this object to the traverser.
        base.cTrav.addCollider(fColl[0], self.cHand)

        # Accept the events sent by the collisions.
        # smiley is the object we are 'moving', so by convention
        # it is the from object.
        # If we instead put smiley as the into object here,
        # it would work fine, but then smiley would disappear
        # when we collided them.
        self.accept('into-' + fColl[1], self.collide)        

        # set the initial positions of smiley and frowney
예제 #2
snipstuff.info.append("Simple Mouse Picking")
snipstuff.info.append("a minimal sample to show a simple collision setup for picking an object with the mouse pointer")
snipstuff.info.append("move the mouse pointer over the smiley to see it change color and click LMB to see a reaction.\n")


# Main
To biefly sum up what happen below, we create 2 interacting objects: a FROM object, an invisible collision ray, and a INTO object, smiley. The FROM will generate collision events as soon as touch the INTO object moving the mouse pointer over it.

#** we settle the collision events as ususal
collisionHandler = CollisionHandlerEvent()

#** Differently from the previous steps, we change here a little bit our main FROM collider,
#  using now a strange kind of geometry: a ray - you may see it as a laser ray the constantly
#  shoot from the camera lenses toward the infinite. The following lines will settle up all of this.

base.cTrav.addCollider(pickerNP, collisionHandler)

#** Here we make our same old smiley as we saw many times so far
smileyModel = loader.loadModel('smiley')